Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by:
Date: October 13, 2013 05:28PM
LOL! Wrote:
> oopsies Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sure, but there are very few areas where homes
> > back right to the trail. If you actually lived
> on
> > it, you'd know that.
> Obviously, you know little to nothing about the
> W&OD Trail. Maybe ask Mommmy to push the stroller
> a little further next time out, dumbfuck.
A personal attack without substance or evidence to support your idiotic claim. I am beginning to see a pattern to your stupidity. Go ahead and run a Redfin map. There are limited neighborhoods that meet your criteria, ie. show me more than a couple of neighborhoods that have seven figure homes that have been around prior to 1968 and homes have access to the trail? I await your fumbling response.
> > There are even fewer homes along the trail that
> > existed when it was an operating railway. But
> > again, if you actually lived on it, you'd know
> that.
> Imbecile. Trains ran on the W&OD until 1968, and
> west of your pathetic little playpen, the line ran
> directly through the residential heart of burbs
> such as Idylwood, Dunn Loring, Vienna, Hunter
> Valley, Reston, Herndon, and Sterling before
> heading off for Ashburn, Leesburg, Purcellvile,
> and beyond.
And how many of those hoods are now seven figure neighborhoods? Exactly. Thanks for proving my point.
> > Factor in your seven figure price tag, and the
> options
> > become even smaller as to which neighborhood you
> claim
> > to live in.
> Well it would certainly rule out your little neck
> of the woods, wouldn't it.
First, that is a question and it should end in a question mark. It looks like this "?".
Second, no it would not rule it out. The house down the street from me sold for $1.4M this past summer. Hey, chin up. You might be able to swing the .4 part one day!
>Obvious to anyone
> actually familiar with area real estate, many of
> NOVA's more upscale neighborhoods adjoin or enjoy
> easy access to the W&OD trail. Perhaps especially
> west of Vienna, where the trail is groomed for
> horses. Do you see horses often where you are?
No, but something tells me that I a responding to a real horse's ass right now.
> > Newsflash! You don't need to be a psychiatrist
> to
> > see what a butthurt bitch you are.
> Poor baby is lashing out over having been slammed
> to the fucking mat so many times. Maybe Mommy can
> kiss it better before nappy-time.
Just looked back and couldn't find a single post where your sorry ass didn't get made to play the fool. So, it appears you've been eating mat the whole time.
> > Not having enough liquid cash to cover at least
> 6
> > months living costs is only a legitimate
> problem
> > for idiots not intelligent enough to have a
> rainy
> > day fund. Believe me, I am not envious of the
> > inability to pay bills on time without
> borrowing
> > against my retirement.
> Oh great, now it's Suze Fucking Orman. Do you know
> anything at all about the Ferris's portfolio?
> Keep in mind that they earn much more than you do
> -- a reported $293K per year in salary alone.
Nope, you whiffed on that one. My household salary income surpasses that.
> And
> what would fucking Suze say about a choice between
> liquidating appreciating assets and paying
> interest to yourself on a short-term TSP loan?
> Come on, dumbfuck, that can't be so hard to
> answer.
Unlike you, I don't rely on a call in show for financial advice. Given your intelligence level, itis no surprise though.
> > This isn't the only thread where your bullshit
> has
> > been exposed.
> Yes indeed there are a number of other threads in
> which other lying right-wing dumbfucks and
> worthless ignorant scumsuckers have been savagely
> shredded by simple fact and reason. You do at
> least have additional ignorant douchebags and
> lying contemptible assholes to keep you company.
While you are just a lonely bum in mom's basement releasing your aggression and living out a financial fantasy on FFXU.
> > No, but I also don't need to borrow against my
> > retirement to pay my mortgage. I could not get
> > another paycheck until 2015, and I wouldn't
> need
> > to touch my retirement accounts.
> Pauper. No wonder you don't live in my
> neighborhood.
Yeah, I am dying to live in some shitshack. You couldn't even afford the lemonade in my neighborhood.
> > Your right about me not being a psychiatrist or
> a urologist. You
> > are also correct about me not being your
> neighbor
> > as you don't live where you claim to.
> Here. let me put that pacifier back in your mouth
> you imperceptive little fucktard. I have not said
> where I live. I noted only the fact that I live
> in a seven-figure home in a seven figure
> neighborhood that actually is along the W&OD
> Trail.
Of which I correctly pointed out that there are very few. You, on the other hand, have provided no real evidence to back your claim. Wonder why that is, liar?
>You are so mind-numbingly stupid as to
> believe that no such neighborhoods exist along the
> former W&OD right-of-way. That makes you one
> colossal dumbfuck.
Prove me wrong. Name the neighborhoods.
> > As for lying, we'll let your record of lies
> stand on their own.
> My record will hold up just fine. Meanwhile, you
> are yet to established a single goddamned relevant
> point here. You've merely lied and obscured. Too
> much of a fucking coward and low-life loser
> fuckwad to face up to and admit the truth. A
> worthless, pointless asshat is all you have
> managed to be here.
This is rich coming from a proven liar.