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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: TheRealWord ()
Date: October 11, 2013 10:07PM

mad money Wrote:
> The average car maintenance I believe is on the
> order of $1500/yr.

> Yeah maybe if you have Land Rover or BMW
> I will base this off 10k - 12k miles per year
> Oil changes, yes 2 times per year - $40 per change
> (Valvoline Synpower Synthetic 5 qt + Fram extra
> Guard $32.99 or $36.99 with K&N filter)
> Brake pads - $55 every 3 - 4 years
> Tires - $300 Every 3 - 4 years
> Fluid Flushes (coolant, brakes, tranny, etc) -
> Most of these you don't even need to change till
> about 60k+/5 years. - $50 annual average
> Ok we will say about $20 per month.
> -------
> Same goes for medical, apparently you think
> that having insurance means there are no other
> costs. I have very good insurance and I still
> spend a lot for copays for my family each
> each.

> Really, I don't pay much, but again I don't have
> kids.
> ---------
> Finally, $600/yr in house maintenance is
> unlikely to keep you up to speed over the live of
> your house.

> Depending on how old your windows, roof, ac,
> heater, etc are it probably will not. If you have
> a newer or updated home $50 a month will cover
> most essential maintenance costs for a couple
> years.
> The thrifty has spoken

Not that this is really on topic, but...
Even if someone does their own work, and that means changing their own pads, tires, fluids, etc... you're spending a heck of a more than that. 4 tires for $300....really....

As for the house, if you're smart, you're putting money away every year for those big ticket items roof/AC/etc... items, so yeah, you are 'paying' for those each month.

Pretty much sounds like your numbers are kinda pulled out of the air. Look at what you've spent on your car/house for the last 10 years, divide by 120 and there you go.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Fed ()
Date: October 11, 2013 10:15PM

To KeepOnTruckin...here's the problem though...and this has already been pointed out numerous times before...most of the simpletons on this forum don't realize this. They think that this ONLY affects federal employees. If they had any brains, they'd realize this is bad for millions of Americans. Instead, they're happy that Feds aren't paid even though it means contractors aren't being paid, local businesses are losing money, valuable services are not being provided to those in need, and revenue is not being generated for the federal govt. These simpletons think that this shutdown only hurts federal employees...but what would you expect from FFXU? Most of the posters here live in their mom's basement in PW County.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Give Me A Break ()
Date: October 11, 2013 10:30PM

Pityfull we got in the position we "need" all this Fed Welfare..

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Budget ()
Date: October 11, 2013 10:55PM

Reading this forum a while, I guess I'm on the lower end of the Fairfax pay scale at 65-75K a year. Most of my income is commissions, and it can rise or fall no matter what is happening in the economy. So my family and I budget for the lowest possible and live within those means. Then if I have a better year we have extra income for savings or a vacation.

This goes to the original article: people (not just N Virginians but all over the country) feel that as soon as they get a better income they HAVE to buy a bigger house or better car, and are in the same situation as they were in their last income bracket.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: sanford & son ()
Date: October 11, 2013 11:21PM

It's called being "Nigger Rich."

I worked construction when I was younger, Friday was payday, one person on the crew bought everyone rounds at the bar, ate expensive food and burned through his paycheck, come Tuesday morning he was bumming money for lunch, and Wednesday asking to borrow money until Payday.

Not much has changed. As soon as that dumb ass and his wife get another handout, Er, "Gov't paycheck," It's back to being "Nigger Rich."

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 11, 2013 11:57PM

Budget Wrote:
> This goes to the original article: people (not
> just N Virginians but all over the country) feel
> that as soon as they get a better income they HAVE
> to buy a bigger house or better car, and are in
> the same situation as they were in their last
> income bracket.

Just a silly stereotype. As income rises people begin to invest. They save and stretch to buy a starter-home. They decide to have a family. They start investing for college. They move to a better school district for the kids, maybe to a place with a yard where they can run and play and be safe while doing it. They invest in the kids' activities. They add the extra bathroom they now need. They get serious about saving for retirement so as not to be a burden to the kids later on. These are the things that people actually do as their income rises. The McMansion and BMW people are one small slice of the very few who have already accomplished all of the above and still have plenty of left-over cash to play with. But most of those still don't go the fancy house and car route, but rather get themselves and their money involved in charity work. There are more than a thousand registered 501-c-3 charities in Fairfax County alone. Nobody ever tells their stories. Why not?

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 12, 2013 10:44AM

Here's another twist to what has happened to average wages in FFX county. In 1968, my dad as a GS made an annual salary of around 10K. Mom did not have a wage-earning job. In that same year my parents bought an old house on a 1-acre plot in Oakton for.....$17K.

You plainly see the ratio here, doesn't exist anymore, not by a long shot. Families spend far more on housing now as a percentage of income, that it is no surprise at all that a furlough would cause a great deal of pain.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Shut it ALL Down ()
Date: October 12, 2013 10:50AM

I hope this shit stays like this. Watch the yuppies suffer.. boo hoo

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: kljf;kajg ()
Date: October 12, 2013 11:31AM

Gas to drive all night to softball before reading specialist ?????

Fuckin Faggots (I mean Faggot in a non-judgmental, non-homophobic way).

priorities? Wrote:
> puh-lease Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > They’ve cut out restaurants and expensive
> > groceries. Gone are the motel stays at their
> kids
> > travel softball tournaments; instead, they
> drive
> > all night. But the most painful cut has been a
> > furlough of their own, laying off their
> autistic
> > son’s longtime reading specialist."
> >
> I think I'd be living on ramen before I stopped
> paying for a reading specialist. 'Sorry kid, got
> rid of your tutor, but we can still spend the gas
> on softball. Take it up with Obama.'

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 11:57AM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Here's another twist to what has happened to
> average wages in FFX county. In 1968, my dad as a
> GS made an annual salary of around 10K. Mom did
> not have a wage-earning job. In that same year my
> parents bought an old house on a 1-acre plot in
> Oakton for.....$17K. You plainly see the ratio
> here, doesn't exist anymore, not by a long shot.
> Families spend far more on housing now as a
> percentage of income, that it is no surprise at
> all that a furlough would cause a great deal of pain.

Must have been quite a commute into DC given the number of roads that simply didn't exist yet in 1968. 123 to the GW Parkway and Blake Lane to either 29 or 50 would have been about the only choices on the menu. Outside-the-Beltway was a rough equivalent to unexplored wilderness at that time.

And of course a single data point is hardly sufficient. If your dad had typified what was happening in 1968, he would have paid more like $23,000 for a home. But it would have had small rooms, small windows, small closets, bad insulation, no central air, and quite possibly no city water or sewer connection. Even though standards for home facilities and equipment have improved signficantly over the past fifty years, the ratio between median existing home price and median annual family income remained between 2,1 and 2.7, except during the administrations of Ronald Reagan (peaked at about 3.0) and George W Bush (peaked at about 5.0). In the wake of the latter, We have recovered into the 3.2/3.4 range today, the salient point being that the rate is actually declining against the recent past, not increasing against the distant past.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 12:01PM

Shut it ALL Down Wrote:
> I hope this shit stays like this. Watch the
> yuppies suffer.. boo hoo

I'm sure the yuppies hope your roof is leaking today as well. No wait...they aren't.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 12:11PM

Fed Wrote:
> To KeepOnTruckin...here's the problem though...and
> this has already been pointed out numerous times
> before...most of the simpletons on this forum
> don't realize this. They think that this ONLY
> affects federal employees. If they had any
> brains, they'd realize this is bad for millions of
> Americans. Instead, they're happy that Feds
> aren't paid even though it means contractors
> aren't being paid, local businesses are losing
> money, valuable services are not being provided to
> those in need, and revenue is not being generated
> for the federal govt. These simpletons think that
> this shutdown only hurts federal employees...but
> what would you expect from FFXU? Most of the
> posters here live in their mom's basement in PW
> County.

Actually you are the simpleton (FED). The hurt is the size of the government and it's impact on private industry. I will admit is a philosophical premise, but if you believe in Socialism and that government should/will take care of you. That is one area of thought, but others believe that a large government/overregulation prevents growth of private industry, which is limitless.

Remember the government is spending YOUR money. Would you run your household like our government? Would a CEO run his/her corporation like our government? It's broken. I blame POTUS! You can bush bash as much as you want, but this guy had 2 terms and did nothing.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 12:23PM

kljf;kajg Wrote:
> Gas to drive all night to softball before reading specialist ?????

Beats beer to drink yourself into oblivion before hiring a personal tutor to teach you that different people make different choices and are not at all obligated to live up to any of your personal standards or preferences. Low-information meddlers don't really have a role to play here.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 12:55PM

regular guy Wrote:

> Actually you are the simpleton (FED). The hurt is
> the size of the government and it's impact on
> private industry. I will admit is a philosophical
> premise, but if you believe in Socialism and that
> government should/will take care of you. That is
> one area of thought, but others believe that a
> large government/overregulation prevents growth of
> private industry, which is limitless.

Babble and nonsense about some pseudo-philosophy aside, growth in private industry is hardly limitless and such growth as does occur comes directly through many different forms of government effort and assistance.

> Remember the government is spending YOUR money.

No, it isn't. Once you pay your taxes, the money belongs to the government. You no longer have any say or control over it at all. You can write your Congressperson or make a sign and go march in the streets (with a proper permit, of course), but that's the extent of it.

> Would you run your household like our government?
> Would a CEO run his/her corporation like our
> government?

Of course not. As even a basic economics course would have taught you, the household, corporate, and public sectors are very different economic actors and play according to very different rules. You for instance do not have taxing or currency-issuing authority. Do you think you would behave any differently if you did? You as a person need to confront mortality. Americans as a people do not. The government acts for the people.

> It's broken. I blame POTUS! You can bush bash as much
> as you want, but this guy had 2 terms and did nothing.

The quite simple facts are that Bush showed us the shining path directly from one of the nation's economic pinnacles to the worst global economic collapse since the Great Depressison in eight short years. That mess and a bushel basket of other total screw-ups and failures were then dumped on Obama who has had to do all the fixing -- since 2011, with a bunch of desperate right-wing extremists in a position to block or seriously hinder his every effort at it. Great progress was made in 2009-10. Much less progress has been made since 2011. Kick the Tea Party out of the House, and great progress will again be made in 2015-16.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 12:58PM

The Realist Wrote:
> regular guy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Actually you are the simpleton (FED). The hurt
> is
> > the size of the government and it's impact on
> > private industry. I will admit is a
> philosophical
> > premise, but if you believe in Socialism and
> that
> > government should/will take care of you. That
> is
> > one area of thought, but others believe that a
> > large government/overregulation prevents growth
> of
> > private industry, which is limitless.
> Babble and nonsense about some pseudo-philosophy
> aside, growth in private industry is hardly
> limitless and such growth as does occur comes
> directly through many different forms of
> government effort and assistance.
> > Remember the government is spending YOUR money.
> No, it isn't. Once you pay your taxes, the money
> belongs to the government. You no longer have any
> say or control over it at all. You can write your
> Congressperson or make a sign and go march in the
> streets (with a proper permit, of course), but
> that's the extent of it.
> > Would you run your household like our
> government?
> > Would a CEO run his/her corporation like our
> > government?
> Of course not. As even a basic economics course
> would have taught you, the household, corporate,
> and public sectors are very different economic
> actors and play according to very different rules.
> You for instance do not have taxing or
> currency-issuing authority. Do you think you
> would behave any differently if you did? You as a
> person need to confront mortality. Americans as a
> people do not. The government acts for the
> people.
> > It's broken. I blame POTUS! You can bush bash
> as much
> > as you want, but this guy had 2 terms and did
> nothing.
> The quite simple facts are that Bush showed us the
> shining path directly from one of the nation's
> economic pinnacles to the worst global economic
> collapse since the Great Depressison in eight
> short years. That mess and a bushel basket of
> other total screw-ups and failures were then
> dumped on Obama who has had to do all the fixing
> -- since 2011, with a bunch of desperate
> right-wing extremists in a position to block or
> seriously hinder his every effort at it. Great
> progress was made in 2009-10. Much less progress
> has been made since 2011. Kick the Tea Party out
> of the House, and great progress will again be
> made in 2015-16.

Sounds like you prefer some sort of dictatorship.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:01PM

regular guy Wrote:
> Actually you are the simpleton (FED). The hurt is
> the size of the government and it's impact on
> private industry.

Does it make any difference to you if the government echelon were federal, or state, or local?

> I will admit is a philosophical
> premise, but if you believe in Socialism and that
> government should/will take care of you.

Would you clarify that phrase, please?

> That is one area of thought, but others believe that a
> large government/overregulation prevents growth of
> private industry, which is limitless.

Why should any educated person believe that the growth of private industry is ambiguously limitless? History abundantly debunks this idea, and not solely through government interference, or in extreme cases, oppression.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:12PM

> Does it make any difference to you if the
> government echelon were federal, or state, or
> local?

Federal government

> Would you clarify that phrase, please?

No. To much, you may try your local library.

> Why should any educated person believe that the
> growth of private industry is ambiguously
> limitless? History abundantly debunks this idea,
> and not solely through government interference, or
> in extreme cases, oppression.

Because we live in a global economy and history is the past. You added ambiguously limited, I meant "limitless" as compared to government controlled economy.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:12PM

regular guy Wrote:
> Sounds like you prefer some sort of dictatorship.

I'd prefer a government that excludes extremists bent on damaging the country and its interests out of some misguided yet set-in-stone loyalty to corrupt partisan principles.

I note you made no argument against any of the facts presented. I assume therefore that you have none.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:15PM

> I'd prefer a government that excludes extremists
> bent on damaging the country and its interests out
> of some misguided yet set-in-stone loyalty to
> corrupt partisan principles.

Me too.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:16PM

The Realist Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Here's another twist to what has happened to
> > average wages in FFX county. In 1968, my dad as
> a
> > GS made an annual salary of around 10K. Mom did
> > not have a wage-earning job. In that same year
> my
> > parents bought an old house on a 1-acre plot in
> > Oakton for.....$17K. You plainly see the ratio
> > here, doesn't exist anymore, not by a long shot.
> > Families spend far more on housing now as a
> > percentage of income, that it is no surprise at
> > all that a furlough would cause a great deal of
> pain.
> Must have been quite a commute into DC given the
> number of roads that simply didn't exist yet in
> 1968. 123 to the GW Parkway and Blake Lane to
> either 29 or 50 would have been about the only
> choices on the menu. Outside-the-Beltway was a
> rough equivalent to unexplored wilderness at that
> time.

Try Arlington on Route 50, via 66 and 495, no problemo. In 1968, not all US government facilities were restricted to DC.

> And of course a single data point is hardly
> sufficient.

True, but the salary was modestly middle class.

> If your dad had typified what was
> happening in 1968, he would have paid more like
> $23,000 for a home.

$17,000 was a frugal purchase, despite the acreage.

> But it would have had small
> rooms, small windows, small closets, bad
> insulation, no central air, and quite possibly no
> city water or sewer connection.

That's a Bingo!

> Even though
> standards for home facilities and equipment have
> improved signficantly over the past fifty years,
> the ratio between median existing home price and
> median annual family income remained between 2,1
> and 2.7, except during the administrations of
> Ronald Reagan (peaked at about 3.0) and George W
> Bush (peaked at about 5.0). In the wake of the
> latter, We have recovered into the 3.2/3.4 range
> today, the salient point being that the rate is
> actually declining against the recent past, not
> increasing against the distant past.

Nonetheless, grossly excessive compared to 1968.

Tango Yankee, mein freunde.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:20PM

The Realist Wrote:

> No, it isn't. Once you pay your taxes, the money
> belongs to the government. You no longer have any
> say or control over it at all. You can write your
> Congressperson or make a sign and go march in the
> streets (with a proper permit, of course), but
> that's the extent of it.

It is YOUR money, the moment that we as a society acquiesces to that fact, then you have no control in your government. Think beyond just the check you submit with you 1040 form every April.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:26PM

regular guy Wrote:
< Because we live in a global economy and history is the past.

Your comments amount to fanciful rubbish. We have always lived in a global economy. The colonists grew tobacco and sugar to ship to England in exchange for tea. The colonies were in fact specifically intended to become trade partners (on one-sided terms) with the Mother Country, and we eventually fought our War of Independence not over lofty philosophical notions, but over a desire to lock up the vast ecomomic potential of the continent for the benefit of the privileged who lived here instead of the privileged who lived there.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:29PM

The Realist Wrote:
> regular guy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> < Because we live in a global economy and history
> is the past.
> Your comments amount to fanciful rubbish. We have
> always lived in a global economy. The colonists
> grew tobacco and sugar to ship to England in
> exchange for tea. The colonies were in fact
> specifically intended to become trade partners (on
> one-sided terms) with the Mother Country, and we
> eventually fought our War of Independence not over
> lofty philosophical notions, but over a desire to
> lock up the vast ecomomic potential of the
> continent for the benefit of the privileged who
> lived here instead of the privileged who lived
> there.

You are correct. We've known for a while that the world is NOT flat.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:42PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Try Arlington on Route 50, via 66 and 495, no
> problemo. In 1968, not all US government
> facilities were restricted to DC.

Still no picnic, but at least he didn't have to do a bridge. I found Lee Highway (and selected side roads) to be a better bet into Arlington from McLean in the morning back then. Followed by Spout Run to the TR Bridge to get downtown. Not a picnic either.

> Nonetheless, grossly excessive compared to 1968.

Well, it isn't 1968 anymore, and there was nothing special or magical about that year from which to conclude that the relationships that existed then should still exist now. Especially since no economic catastrophe was still in the rearview mirror at that time.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:55PM

regular guy Wrote:
> It is YOUR money, the moment that we as a society
> acquiesces to that fact, then you have no control
> in your government. Think beyond just the check
> you submit with you 1040 form every April.

Oh stow it, please. Taxes are your share of the tab for public goods and services provided on your behalf upon the instruction of your elected representatives. They are no different from the check that the waiter leaves on your table at the end of dinner. They are no different from the amount the cashier says you owe at the end of the grocery store checkout line. You owe the money. Once you pay it, it belongs to the government, to the restaurant, or to the grocery store. You are taken out of the picture entirely. Space-cadet notions to the contrary simply do not apply.

By the way, I file my taxes in October. I am working on this year's 6251 as I type. Submitting a check is not a part of the process.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 01:57PM

regular guy Wrote:
> You are correct. We've known for a while that the
> world is NOT flat.

Well, some of us have. Others somehow remain unconvinced of this and many other well-proven things.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 12, 2013 02:19PM

The Realist Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> > Nonetheless, grossly excessive compared to
> 1968.
> Well, it isn't 1968 anymore, and there was nothing
> special or magical about that year from which to
> conclude that the relationships that existed then
> should still exist now. Especially since no
> economic catastrophe was still in the rearview
> mirror at that time.

Are you suggesting that we should not be asking why the increase in housing cost has significantly outpaced the increase in median household income over the past 45 years? This is an important topic for families, and directly relates to the level of anxiety during a furlough or a layoff.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: down the line ()
Date: October 12, 2013 02:31PM

All of this is no excuse for being "nigger Rich." The people whining in the article spend money as soon as they get it.
Does the kid really need to be on a travel team and stay in a hotel? Sure, If you can put money in some sort of savings.
The guy is bummed out because he won't be able to a take a fucking vacation!!
Don't feel too bad, people like this always get bailed out and rewarded for being ignorant.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Over your head ()
Date: October 12, 2013 02:32PM

The Realist Wrote:
> regular guy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is YOUR money, the moment that we as a
> society
> > acquiesces to that fact, then you have no
> control
> > in your government. Think beyond just the
> check
> > you submit with you 1040 form every April.
> Oh stow it, please. Taxes are your share of the
> tab for public goods and services provided on your
> behalf upon the instruction of your elected
> representatives. They are no different from the
> check that the waiter leaves on your table at the
> end of dinner. They are no different from the
> amount the cashier says you owe at the end of the
> grocery store checkout line. You owe the money.
> Once you pay it, it belongs to the government, to
> the restaurant, or to the grocery store. You are
> taken out of the picture entirely. Space-cadet
> notions to the contrary simply do not apply.

Not at all the same.

That's the problem with simple-minded reliance on analogy.

> By the way, I file my taxes in October. I am
> working on this year's 6251 as I type. Submitting
> a check is not a part of the process.

And again you missed the point.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Crash of the Helicopters ()
Date: October 12, 2013 02:46PM

down the line Wrote:
> All of this is no excuse for being "nigger Rich."
> The people whining in the article spend money as
> soon as they get it.
> Does the kid really need to be on a travel team
> and stay in a hotel? Sure, If you can put money in
> some sort of savings.
> The guy is bummed out because he won't be able to
> a take a fucking vacation!!
> Don't feel too bad, people like this always get
> bailed out and rewarded for being ignorant.

These people are helicopter parents of the worst kind, they'd rather have artificial turf than books in the libraries and God help them if they ever had to get a real job.

They probably support Boosterthon and derive no end of vicarious sexual satisfaction from the public humiliation of children.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 03:21PM

The Realist Wrote:
> regular guy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It is YOUR money, the moment that we as a
> society
> > acquiesces to that fact, then you have no
> control
> > in your government. Think beyond just the
> check
> > you submit with you 1040 form every April.
> Oh stow it, please. Taxes are your share of the
> tab for public goods and services provided on your
> behalf upon the instruction of your elected
> representatives. They are no different from the
> check that the waiter leaves on your table at the
> end of dinner. They are no different from the
> amount the cashier says you owe at the end of the
> grocery store checkout line. You owe the money.
> Once you pay it, it belongs to the government, to
> the restaurant, or to the grocery store. You are
> taken out of the picture entirely. Space-cadet
> notions to the contrary simply do not apply.
> By the way, I file my taxes in October. I am
> working on this year's 6251 as I type. Submitting
> a check is not a part of the process.

Form 6251 is still attached to form 1040 due in April without extension.

You sound young. Trying reading a book once and a while.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: TWc4D ()
Date: October 12, 2013 03:52PM

Fed Wrote:
> To KeepOnTruckin...here's the problem though...and
> this has already been pointed out numerous times
> before...most of the simpletons on this forum
> don't realize this. They think that this ONLY
> affects federal employees. If they had any
> brains, they'd realize this is bad for millions of
> Americans. Instead, they're happy that Feds
> aren't paid even though it means contractors
> aren't being paid, local businesses are losing
> money, valuable services are not being provided to
> those in need, and revenue is not being generated
> for the federal govt. These simpletons think that
> this shutdown only hurts federal employees...but
> what would you expect from FFXU? Most of the
> posters here live in their mom's basement in PW
> County.

Federal employees are paid with a printing press. This diminishes my purchasing power as a non-government, non-contractor-working citizen. Sure, the closing of the federal government is going to hurt a lot of ppl in the DC area who provide services to government workers. I'm not one of them. I work for a technology company that has zero to do with the government or contractors. We are only here because the company was started in the 1950s... well before people came to DC to get rich.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 12, 2013 03:59PM

TWc4D Wrote:

> Federal employees are paid with a printing press.

And in return, some pay back with their lives, and millions offer to, so that you can enjoy your freedom.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: regular guy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 04:15PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> TWc4D Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Federal employees are paid with a printing
> press.
> And in return, some pay back with their lives, and
> millions offer to, so that you can enjoy your
> freedom.

A little dramatic, eh? We all know the sacrifice our military makes. I believe military is paid on a different scale, not the GS scale, he is referring to.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: No freedom ()
Date: October 12, 2013 04:31PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> TWc4D Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Federal employees are paid with a printing
> press.
> And in return, some pay back with their lives, and
> millions offer to, so that you can enjoy your
> freedom.

There ain't no Draft cup cake. people chose that profession, and NOBODY is free in this fucking country, Far from it.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 04:40PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Are you suggesting that we should not be asking
> why the increase in housing cost has significantly
> outpaced the increase in median household income
> over the past 45 years?

I'm wondering why anyone would consider some arbitrary year 45-50 years ago as a some sort of single standard for valid comparison since that is quite plainly not the case. The ratio of median home prices to median family incomes spiked in the 1980's after Reagan led us into the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, and having returned to 1960's levels thereafter, it spiked again when George W Bush led us into the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression, the latter being an impact that we are still recovering from. The lesson to be learned here is not to have economic collapses that are the greatest since the Gret Depression, which probably should have been obvious from the outset.

> This is an important topic for families, and directly relates to the level of
> anxiety during a furlough or a layoff.

It's barf ginned up from phony theory applied to data that are not relevant. During layoffs or furloughs, cashflow suddenly drops and people become concerned as to whether they will be able to meet their mortgage and other payment obligations from the portions that remain. Whether from today or from 1968, ratios of median home prices to median incomes are of absolutley no interest or material relevance to them.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 04:50PM

Over your head Wrote:
> Not at all the same. That's the problem with simple-minded reliance on
> analogy.

To the aware, it is exactly the same thing -- settlement of a debt incurred. This is why you will offer exactly nothing beyond such limp and pointless whining as the above in contradiction.

> And again you missed the point.

It was a simple statement of fact. You in fact made no point that could have been missed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:02PM

The Realist Wrote:

> It's barf ginned up from phony theory applied to
> data that are not relevant. During layoffs or
> furloughs, cashflow suddenly drops and people
> become concerned as to whether they will be able
> to meet their mortgage and other payment
> obligations from the portions that remain.

Do you realize that you are agreeing with me?

> Whether from today or from 1968, ratios of median
> home prices to median incomes are of absolutley no
> interest or material relevance to them.

Now you contradict yourself. These ratios directly bear to how many months a family has until they are no longer able to make a mortgage or rent payment.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:04PM

regular guy Wrote:
> Form 6251 is still attached to form 1040 due in
> April without extension.

And when is it due WITH an extension? How about for a fiscal year filer whose tax year ends on June 30? Since you won't want to answer, I will. The whole package would be due on October 15 instead. That's this coming Tuesday.

> You sound young. Trying reading a book once and a while.

I'm likely to be at least twice your age and have read quite a number of books over all those years, apparently including quite a few more about taxes than you.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:04PM

No freedom Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > TWc4D Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> >
> > > Federal employees are paid with a printing
> > press.
> >
> > And in return, some pay back with their lives,
> and
> > millions offer to, so that you can enjoy your
> > freedom.
> There ain't no Draft cup cake. people chose that
> profession, and NOBODY is free in this fucking
> country, Far from it.

Stow the cupcake, Twinkie, where would we be without the volunteer?

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:21PM

TWc4D Wrote:
> Federal employees are paid with a printing press.

Everyone is paid with the same printing press. You have plainly fallen by the wayside on this topic.

> This diminishes my purchasing power as a
> non-government, non-contractor-working citizen.

No, it doesn't. A dollar is a dollar is a dollar. Dollars don't know who is holding them and vendors just want the money. Your purchasing power (and everyone else's) varies with the output of real goods and services in the economy. That's all a dollar can be exchanged for, after all.

> Sure, the closing of the federal government is
> going to hurt a lot of ppl in the DC area who
> provide services to government workers. I'm not
> one of them.

Hard to believe perhaps, but it isn't all about you.

> I work for a technology company that has zero
> to do with the government or contractors.
> We are only here because the company was started
> in the 1950s... well before people came to DC to
> get rich.

Read a little history. The serious influx of federal workers into the area began during the Depression and spiked during and after WWII. It spiked again in the 60's, and with economic diversification over more recent decades, the influx of people in general has never really let up since.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:26PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> And in return, some pay back with their lives, and
> millions offer to, so that you can enjoy your
> freedom.

Overdone. I've known at least hundreds of these supposed heroes, and they include a representative number of worthless bozos. The fife and drum can be put away. That said, the only real difference between military and civilian federal employees is the look of the uniforms.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: THe Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:40PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Do you realize that you are agreeing with me?

No, and in fact I am pointedly disagreeing with your notion that the ratio of median home prices to median family incomes plays any role in anything at all. Actual people have set individual circumstances. Those are what is relevant to them.

> Now you contradict yourself. These ratios directly
> bear to how many months a family has until they
> are no longer able to make a mortgage or rent
> payment.

These ratios have no connection whatsoever. A mortgage is set and fixed at settlement. Nothing that may previously or subsequently have happened with regard to broad price/income ratios has any effect on one's mortgage obligations at all.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: good times ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:54PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> TWc4D Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------

> And in return, some pay back with their lives, and
> millions offer to, so that you can enjoy your
> freedom.

You really think the wars of today are fought in the name of freedom? Freedom? more like getting Raped.
This country is now a corporation, It does not give one fuck about you and your "freedom."

Too the sob stories who bitch about missing a paycheck, yet live in a McMansion, Maybe now you will not order the $80 bottle of wine with dinner.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Over your head ()
Date: October 12, 2013 06:03PM

The Realist Wrote:
> Over your head Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Not at all the same. That's the problem with
> simple-minded reliance on
> > analogy.
> To the aware, it is exactly the same thing --
> settlement of a debt incurred. This is why you
> will offer exactly nothing beyond such limp and
> pointless whining as the above in contradiction.
> > And again you missed the point.
> It was a simple statement of fact. You in fact
> made no point that could have been missed.

"Once you pay it, it belongs to the government, to the restaurant, or to the grocery store. You are taken out of the picture entirely."

You have an odd and mistaken view of our government and taxes. Although it may appear to be the case at times, under our system the government does not exist as some separate entity which operates independent of the people. This isn't a monarchy or other similar system where taxes are rendered to Caesar for use as seen fit. The people through their representatives retain control over how their taxes are spent, how money is appropriated, and even how and at what levels they are taxed. They certainly are not 'taken out of the picture entirely.'

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 07:40PM

Over your head Wrote:
> You have an odd and mistaken view of our
> government and taxes. Although it may appear to
> be the case at times, under our system the
> government does not exist as some separate entity
> which operates independent of the people.

You are off by 180 degrees. In actuality, the founders went to considerable lengths to insulate the actors in their new government from the vicissitudes of popular whim and passion. The last thing they wanted was any form of direct democracy, understanding only too well how easily the masses could be influenced and manipulated by silver-tongued charlatans and demagogues. They wanted no part of that at all. Keep in mind that the election of George Washington was accomplished with a total popular vote of 38,818. That was fewer than 2% of the free adult population. That's what the people who wrote the phrase "We, the People" meant by the phrase "We, the People".

> This isn't a monarchy or other similar system where
> taxes are rendered to Caesar for use as seen fit.
> The people through their representatives retain
> control over how their taxes are spent,

Your representatives in government are there to represent your interests, not your foolish opinions. As I said earlier, you can write your Congressperson if you disapprove of what the government is doing with ITS OWN MONEY. Your representative of course does not have to and usually will not pay any attention to you at all. Instead, staff will send you a nifty form letter specially prepared for the occasion. You can attend and similarly whine to a representative at any town hall or other public meeting he or she might schedule. You can also paint a sign and go march in the street. But that's the extent of it. Everything else that you imagine exists only within your highly overactive imagination.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Ventura ()
Date: October 12, 2013 07:52PM

We are now a corporation, the constitution was killed many decades ago.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: llooz ()
Date: October 12, 2013 09:05PM

mad money Wrote:
> so you get cable, internet service, gas, trash
> service, electric and water all for $250 per month
> - nonesense
> - Internet (roku for tv) $75
> - Trash is through the county, gets included in
> the taxes with my mortgage.
> - Water is usually around $70 - $100 per QUARTER
> - Gas/Electric, Electricity is always cheap for
> me, up to $100 in the summer since I have a 17
> seer AC and efficient appliances. Gas gets a
> little more expensive, up to $200 in the winter.
> does your car have magic tires and parts that
> never wear out? $120 a year to maintain your car?
> Oh and you forgot about tolls, registration,
> personal property tax - those alone would triple
> your estimate and you would still never ever be
> able to repair your vehicle. What if you get in an
> accident (deductable) or do you ever pay for
> parking
> - See previous post for estimated
> maintenance costs
> - Property tax, I'm way too cheap to pay that. My
> car is registered to my investment property
> address. Tolls maybe $15 per year. Though If I
> lost my job and I would not be going on the toll
> road.
> - If i got into an accident, well I would just
> have to suck it up and pay my $1,000 deductible.
> Don't see how this is a annual expense.
> well since you are such a financial genius you
> may need an explaination. You see your employer
> most likely pays a large portion of your coverage-
> under COBRA the no longer subsidize your coverage.
> BTW not all employers are required to participate
> in COBRA
> - oh cool, thanks for the info
> $600 a year will pay for do it yourself lawn
> maintenance, and an interior paint job once every
> 5 years - nothing else. No broken windows, ac
> units going out, water heaters, plumbing,
> electric, windows, roof, new carpet or floor
> refinishing. You will essentially wear your house
> down and lose a lot of value. You have absolutely
> no capital fund for wear and tear. What about
> light bulbs, smoke detectors? Ever clean or
> replace your furniture - guess not
> - While you are right you cannot do most of those
> things. Spending $600 a year for 2 years in an
> emergency scenario will not wear a house down to
> lose a lot of value. I can take care of my lawn,
> renovate a small bathroom(low end reno), and paint
> my house for $600.
> In conclusion you really have no idea what your
> real costs are. If you are deferring all this
> upkeep you will pay a lot more in the long run and
> if your health, car, and house fail while
> unemployed you will lose a huge amount of your
> reserve. Despite living in a run down house with a
> soon to break down car and teeth on the way out
> you still do not have nearly as much a reserve as
> you think.
> - These are just rough estimates and only from my
> primary savings. I could live probably 4 - 5 years
> if I tapped into my investments. Don't get mad at
> me just because you can't make it 2 weeks.
> - Should of gotten a honda, 2 oil changes a year
> keep them running like new for quite a long time.
> - I don't need to call out Michael and Sons or
> Acclaimed (complete rip offs) every time something
> breaks. You can make $600 go pretty far if you do
> things your self and buy things on sale.

you forgot your condo fee - no one with expenses this low for elec. gas and maintenance lives in a free standing home.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Over your head ()
Date: October 12, 2013 09:31PM

The Realist Wrote:
> Over your head Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > You have an odd and mistaken view of our
> > government and taxes. Although it may appear
> to
> > be the case at times, under our system the
> > government does not exist as some separate
> entity
> > which operates independent of the people.
> You are off by 180 degrees. In actuality, the
> founders went to considerable lengths to insulate
> the actors in their new government from the
> vicissitudes of popular whim and passion. The
> last thing they wanted was any form of direct
> democracy, understanding only too well how easily
> the masses could be influenced and manipulated by
> silver-tongued charlatans and demagogues. They
> wanted no part of that at all. Keep in mind that
> the election of George Washington was accomplished
> with a total popular vote of 38,818. That was
> fewer than 2% of the free adult population. That's
> what the people who wrote the phrase "We, the
> People" meant by the phrase "We, the People".
> > This isn't a monarchy or other similar system
> where
> > taxes are rendered to Caesar for use as seen
> fit.
> > The people through their representatives retain
> > control over how their taxes are spent,
> Your representatives in government are there to
> represent your interests, not your foolish
> opinions. As I said earlier, you can write your
> Congressperson if you disapprove of what the
> government is doing with ITS OWN MONEY. Your
> representative of course does not have to and
> usually will not pay any attention to you at all.
> Instead, staff will send you a nifty form letter
> specially prepared for the occasion. You can
> attend and similarly whine to a representative at
> any town hall or other public meeting he or she
> might schedule. You can also paint a sign and go
> march in the street. But that's the extent of it.
> Everything else that you imagine exists only
> within your highly overactive imagination.

So many words to say so little. lol

What a bunch of bullshit.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: middle aged fed ()
Date: October 13, 2013 12:17AM

Too bad the Post highlighted the story of an upper echelon federal couple. I am more concerned about younger Feds at the 5/7/9 level with student loans to pay. I wouldn't blame them if they get disgusted with this system.

So many of the government positions and roles originated as a result of the various atrocities that private industry was/is willing to foist upon the general public. Everything's fine, we don't need a lifeguard anymore. Just wait.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: LouderthanHell ()
Date: October 13, 2013 12:39AM

I know that the government shutdown has sucked...

but not as much as the Dave Matthews Band sucks....

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:38AM

Over your head Wrote:
> So many words to say so little. lol What a bunch of bullshit.

I already knew you were incapable of any substantive reply. There was no need to confirm the fact.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:42AM

middle aged fed Wrote:
> Too bad the Post highlighted the story of an upper
> echelon federal couple. I am more concerned about
> younger Feds at the 5/7/9 level with student loans
> to pay. I wouldn't blame them if they get
> disgusted with this system.

Agreed. They eventually did talk about lower-income workers, but the story would better have been presented in the reverse order. But what the heck...the Post ain't what it used to be. It used to be pretty good in absolute terms. Now it's only pretty good in relative terms.

> So many of the government positions and roles
> originated as a result of the various atrocities
> that private industry was/is willing to foist upon
> the general public. Everything's fine, we don't
> need a lifeguard anymore. Just wait.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Double Dippers ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:52AM

The Realist Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And in return, some pay back with their lives,
> and
> > millions offer to, so that you can enjoy your
> > freedom.
> Overdone. I've known at least hundreds of these
> supposed heroes, and they include a representative
> number of worthless bozos. The fife and drum can
> be put away. That said, the only real difference
> between military and civilian federal employees is
> the look of the uniforms.

You failed to mention the group of people who figured out how to bleed the system dry - As of March, more than 134,000 military retirees held civilian jobs at DoD, according to the Office of Personnel Management.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: October 13, 2013 10:07AM

I agree, with the amount that most federal government workers make I have no sympathy for them what so ever. It's not my fault nor is it a sob story that they didn't save a penny and wasted their money on overpriced ugly gas guzzlers and mcmansions with lawns they don't even bother to maintain. If you make 50,000 plus a year and can't survive for 2 weeks on your savings your an idiot.

puh-lease Wrote:
> Halved paychecks force the furloughed to slash
> expenses and take loans, second jobs - WaPo
> ...“We have no income coming into the house
> right now, but the bills haven’t stopped,”
> said John Ferris of Falls Church. He is in a
> two-furlough marriage; both he and his wife, Lena,
> are locked out of jobs at the Environmental
> Protection Agency. With both of their paychecks
> dwindling, the family of six has put a scalpel to
> the household budget.
> They’ve cut out restaurants and expensive
> groceries. Gone are the motel stays at their kids
> travel softball tournaments; instead, they drive
> all night. But the most painful cut has been a
> furlough of their own, laying off their autistic
> son’s longtime reading specialist."
> Boohoo, these folks live in a 750K house in Falls
> Church, and are crying about having to cut back on
> their private tutors and weekends away. Are they
> for real? The folks in fly-over country probably
> can only dream about owning a house like that, or
> being able to afford private tutors. This while
> they know they will get back pay when it's all
> over. Talk about disconnected from reality.
> My favorite line in the article is "I’m the kind
> of guy who really would be up every night worried
> about how to pay the mortgage,” John Ferris
> said"
> So you live your life so that one missed paycheck
> is the end of the world? These are the people
> telling citizens how to live THEIR lives?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2013 10:08AM by katiesmith.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: October 13, 2013 10:46AM

Private contractors pay much more than a fed job. The perk of having a federal job was the job security. Seriously, y'all need to read up on facts and not the blather of TV pundits.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: oopsies ()
Date: October 13, 2013 11:48AM

LOL! Wrote:
> emaNuoY Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Oppsies and LOL! are both kind of right, at
> least
> > on the "where do they live" question...
> > Using street names mentioned above in various
> > posts, according to the city of Falls Church
> tax
> > records, there is a property on Railroad Ave.,
> > within the city limits of Falls Church, that is
> > listed as being owned by the "Ferris Family
> > Trust"; interestingly, the owners mailing
> address
> > in the tax records is the Osborn Street address
> > (in the unincorporated portion of Fairfax
> County
> > that has a Falls Church mailing address) that
> is
> > used in several posts above. According to
> Fairfax
> > County tax records, this Osborn Street property
> > has been owned by the same individual (with
> > different first & last names than anyone in the
> > WaPo article) since 2002.
> More interestingly perhaps, the property at 996
> Raiload Street was sold by a realty LLC to the
> current owners for a whopping $360K in July 2012,
> 18 months after it was initially put on the
> market. A disaster sale picked up on the cheap as
> an investment property by some sharp-eyed trustee.
> Hence the legal mailing address being over on
> Osborn Street.

No. Wrong again, shit for brains. That was a land purchase only. A new home was built on the lot.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: oopsies ()
Date: October 13, 2013 12:19PM

LOL! Wrote:
> oopsies Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Really? We must be neighbors.
> No, I doubt that very much. The W&OD is 45 miles
> long, you know. And that's just the paved
> portion.

Sure, but there are very few areas where homes back right to the trail. If you actually lived on it, you'd know that. There are even fewer homes along the trail that existed when it was an operating railway. But again, if you actually lived on it, you'd know that. Factor in your seven figure price tag, and the options become even smaller as to which neighborhood you claim to live in.

> > For a 70 year old sitting so pretty you got a
> > great deal of butt hurt anger pent up in you.
> So, now you want to be my psychiatrist in addition
> to the Ferris's accountant? What a self-absorbed
> dickwad.

Newsflash! You don't need to be a psychiatrist to see what a butthurt bitch you are.

> > What's the matter? Can't get it up anymore,
> grandpa?
> Ah, pea-brained twerpy-boy is now a urologist as
> well. Your asshat credentials are expanding quite
> rapidy here.

So, now a simple question as to what motivates you to be a butthurt bitch indicates I think I am a urologist? Your logical reasoning skills are as subpar as the rest of your intelligence.

> > As for swinging and missing, your CLASS ENVY
> was
> > the biggest whiff of the day.
> Nice argument, Prof. Grown-up Reminds me of the
> stuff I used to hear from classmates when I was in
> the sixth grade What we have seen in this thread
> is the usual low-brows complaining about the
> entirely legitimate problems of people who happen
> to have higher incomes and more wealth. CLASS
> FUCKING ENVY is all that amounts to. THere isn't
> anything else to call it.

Not having enough liquid cash to cover at least 6 months living costs is only a legitimate problem for idiots not intelligent enough to have a rainy day fund. Believe me, I am not envious of the inability to pay bills on time without borrowing against my retirement.

> > PS - Nobody is buying your 70 y/o bullshit lie.
> And now you have knowledge of my bio and access to
> the thoughts of others? You really are quite the
> clueless little douchebag, aren't you.

Nag, not so much, but I would feel bad if you we're 70 and so stupid. Maybe you have some sort of dimentia or Alzheimer's?

> > Plus, your lies have been exposed here 10 times
> > over. Tell us again how they live on Osborn,
> cum
> > burper.
> Not my post, you feckless ignorant asswipe. I
> merely confirmed that the photo posted was indeed
> of the house at the address reported by another.
> Too complicated for you to have followed along
> with?

This isn't the only thread where your bullshit has been exposed.

> > Yet, they ain't so comfortable now, are they?
> Yes, they are, though a great many other federal
> workers are not in that same cozy boat. The
> Ferris's have available resources to draw on and
> are in fact already fat-and-sassy on their
> mortgage for the the next two months should the
> shutdown go on that long, which it very well
> might. Your twisted imaginations of how poorly
> they must be doing these days are simply a product
> your own monstrously ignorant speculation. You
> are NOT the Ferris's accountant any more than you
> are my neighbor, psychiatrist, or urologist. What
> you are is a worthless lying internet dumbfuck who
> is a total stranger to their situation but wants
> to talk about it anyway.

No, but I also don't need to borrow against my retirement to pay my mortgage. I could not get another paycheck until 2015, and I wouldn't need to touch my retirement accounts. Your right about me not being a psychiatrist or a urologist. You are also correct about me not being your neighbor as you don't live where you claim to.

As for lying, we'll let your record of lies stand on their own.

> > Now you want to piss on me? I guess you really
> > can't get it up. Like I said, troll for cock
> > somewhere else.
> He said, glossing swiftly over the long list of
> other facts and conditions related to the
> shutdown. Ignorant fucking pinhead.

Hey, at least you didn't troll for cock on this post! That has to be some sort of record for you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Really? Really? ()
Date: October 13, 2013 01:34PM

Really? Wrote:
> Private contractors pay much more than a fed job.
> The perk of having a federal job was the job
> security. Seriously, y'all need to read up on
> facts and not the blather of TV pundits.

Wow!! I worked as a contractor at OSD for 30 years. Not one government worker went to the contractor side. Hundreds if not a thousand contractors switched to the government side during that time. The reason was better benefits, better pay, and security (job for life).

P.S. The same work done now by GS-14/15's was done by GS-12's 30 years ago.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: m7jly ()
Date: October 13, 2013 02:05PM

The Realist Wrote:
> Over your head Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So many words to say so little. lol What a
> bunch of bullshit.
> I already knew you were incapable of any
> substantive reply. There was no need to confirm
> the fact.

There was nothing substantive in your post to respond to. You like some others seem to believe that BS stated with bluster somehow makes it more authoritative. Sorry... lol

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: really! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 02:30PM

Really? Really? Wrote:
> Really? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Private contractors pay much more than a fed
> job.
> > The perk of having a federal job was the job
> > security. Seriously, y'all need to read up on
> > facts and not the blather of TV pundits.
> Wow!! I worked as a contractor at OSD for 30
> years. Not one government worker went to the
> contractor side. Hundreds if not a thousand
> contractors switched to the government side during
> that time. The reason was better benefits, better
> pay, and security (job for life).
> P.S. The same work done now by GS-14/15's was
> done by GS-12's 30 years ago.

If so, then your experience would be unusual. Just based on the numbers and dynamics the system tends to favor the other direction and much more so in more recent years. For one, there just aren't enough Federal positions open to support that. And the numbers reflect that. Last I looked, I believe the ratio was on the order of 2:10 for Feds to contractors. Then you throw in how the retirement system works, ex-military at lower levels, etc.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Bill Batts ()
Date: October 13, 2013 03:19PM

Govt workers are lazier than the monkeys on welfare. At least the monkeys dont pretend to work.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Henry Hill ()
Date: October 13, 2013 03:30PM

Bill Batts Wrote:
> Govt workers are lazier than the monkeys on
> welfare. At least the monkeys dont pretend to
> work.

That's a Fact.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 04:00PM

oopsies Wrote:
> Sure, but there are very few areas where homes
> back right to the trail. If you actually lived on
> it, you'd know that.

Obviously, you know little to nothing about the W&OD Trail. Maybe ask Mommmy to push the stroller a little further next time out, dumbfuck.

> There are even fewer homes along the trail that
> existed when it was an operating railway. But
> again, if you actually lived on it, you'd know that.

Imbecile. Trains ran on the W&OD until 1968, and west of your pathetic little playpen, the line ran directly through the residential heart of burbs such as Idylwood, Dunn Loring, Vienna, Hunter Valley, Reston, Herndon, and Sterling before heading off for Ashburn, Leesburg, Purcellvile, and beyond.

> Factor in your seven figure price tag, and the options
> become even smaller as to which neighborhood you claim
> to live in.

Well it would certainly rule out your little neck of the woods, wouldn't it. Obvious to anyone actually familiar with area real estate, many of NOVA's more upscale neighborhoods adjoin or enjoy easy access to the W&OD trail. Perhaps especially west of Vienna, where the trail is groomed for horses. Do you see horses often where you are?

> Newsflash! You don't need to be a psychiatrist to
> see what a butthurt bitch you are.

Poor baby is lashing out over having been slammed to the fucking mat so many times. Maybe Mommy can kiss it better before nappy-time.

> Not having enough liquid cash to cover at least 6
> months living costs is only a legitimate problem
> for idiots not intelligent enough to have a rainy
> day fund. Believe me, I am not envious of the
> inability to pay bills on time without borrowing
> against my retirement.

Oh great, now it's Suze Fucking Orman. Do you know anything at all about the Ferris's portfolio? Keep in mind that they earn much more than you do -- a reported $293K per year in salary alone. And what would fucking Suze say about a choice between liquidating appreciating assets and paying interest to yourself on a short-term TSP loan? Come on, dumbfuck, that can't be so hard to answer.

> This isn't the only thread where your bullshit has
> been exposed.

Yes indeed there are a number of other threads in which other lying right-wing dumbfucks and worthless ignorant scumsuckers have been savagely shredded by simple fact and reason. You do at least have additional ignorant douchebags and lying contemptible assholes to keep you company.

> No, but I also don't need to borrow against my
> retirement to pay my mortgage. I could not get
> another paycheck until 2015, and I wouldn't need
> to touch my retirement accounts.

Pauper. No wonder you don't live in my neighborhood.

> Your right about me not being a psychiatrist or a urologist. You
> are also correct about me not being your neighbor
> as you don't live where you claim to.

Here. let me put that pacifier back in your mouth you imperceptive little fucktard. I have not said where I live. I noted only the fact that I live in a seven-figure home in a seven figure neighborhood that actually is along the W&OD Trail. You are so mind-numbingly stupid as to believe that no such neighborhoods exist along the former W&OD right-of-way. That makes you one colossal dumbfuck.

> As for lying, we'll let your record of lies stand on their own.

My record will hold up just fine. Meanwhile, you are yet to established a single goddamned relevant point here. You've merely lied and obscured. Too much of a fucking coward and low-life loser fuckwad to face up to and admit the truth. A worthless, pointless asshat is all you have managed to be here.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: puh-lease ()
Date: October 13, 2013 04:10PM

middle aged fed Wrote:
> I am more concerned about
> younger Feds at the 5/7/9 level with student loans
> to pay. I wouldn't blame them if they get
> disgusted with this system.

Here come the crocodile tears for the 'young feds with student loans'. Pity them - they are taking advantage student loan forgiveness - which after 10 years wipes away the balance of their student loans, no matter how large. The Feds even encourage the borrowers to take the longest possible amortization on the loan to 'maximize their forgiveness' after 10 years.

High student loan debt is a result of poor planning by parents and poor decision making by students (community college, anyone?). Government then endorses that by forgiving the loans and encouraging more government employment.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Really? Really? ()
Date: October 13, 2013 04:27PM

really! Wrote:
> Really? Really? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Really? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Private contractors pay much more than a fed
> > job.
> > > The perk of having a federal job was the job
> > > security. Seriously, y'all need to read up on
> > > facts and not the blather of TV pundits.
> >
> > Wow!! I worked as a contractor at OSD for 30
> > years. Not one government worker went to the
> > contractor side. Hundreds if not a thousand
> > contractors switched to the government side
> during
> > that time. The reason was better benefits,
> better
> > pay, and security (job for life).
> >
> > P.S. The same work done now by GS-14/15's was
> > done by GS-12's 30 years ago.
> If so, then your experience would be unusual.
> Just based on the numbers and dynamics the system
> tends to favor the other direction and much more
> so in more recent years. For one, there just
> aren't enough Federal positions open to support
> that. And the numbers reflect that. Last I
> looked, I believe the ratio was on the order of
> 2:10 for Feds to contractors. Then you throw in
> how the retirement system works, ex-military at
> lower levels, etc.

Last I looked OSD has 20% more workers since the end of the IRAQ war! Have you been living under a rock since you state "Then you throw in how the retirement system works, ex-military at lower levels, etc.? Many years ago a retired O4 or above had to forgo his military pension to take a Federal Job. That ended a long time ago. This is how it works now:
(1) Military time counts toward Federal leave benefits
(2) Can double dip and get your military pension (already getting that) and receive a Federal pension when you retire from your government job for life.
(3) Can give up your military pension if combining military years with federal years will yield a larger Federal pension than the 2 separate pensions combined. Win Win!!

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:10PM

Really? Really? Wrote:
> Hundreds if not a thousand contractors switched to
> the government side during that time. The reason was
> better benefits, better pay, and security (job for life).

The customer typically does make attractive offers to highly rated contractors who might appear to have a future in the organization. But they are not jobs for life unless one continues to justify a presence for life. Virtually all federal employees can be fired -- it just has to be for cause. One of the causes is persistent unsatisfactory performnce.

> P.S. The same work done now by GS-14/15's was
> done by GS-12's 30 years ago.

No, not at all. Even 50 years ago, GS-12 was the top of the career ladder in a typical technical or professional series. That was and still is the level of a fully independent professional. GS-13 through GS-15 are competitive levels that have always required more, typically some managerial responsibility, but more often lately lots of independent, high-order research or technical work of the sort expected from national or world-level subject matter experts. GS-12's have never done this work.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: SES ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:12PM


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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: oopsies ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:28PM

LOL! Wrote:
> oopsies Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sure, but there are very few areas where homes
> > back right to the trail. If you actually lived
> on
> > it, you'd know that.
> Obviously, you know little to nothing about the
> W&OD Trail. Maybe ask Mommmy to push the stroller
> a little further next time out, dumbfuck.

A personal attack without substance or evidence to support your idiotic claim. I am beginning to see a pattern to your stupidity. Go ahead and run a Redfin map. There are limited neighborhoods that meet your criteria, ie. show me more than a couple of neighborhoods that have seven figure homes that have been around prior to 1968 and homes have access to the trail? I await your fumbling response.

> > There are even fewer homes along the trail that
> > existed when it was an operating railway. But
> > again, if you actually lived on it, you'd know
> that.
> Imbecile. Trains ran on the W&OD until 1968, and
> west of your pathetic little playpen, the line ran
> directly through the residential heart of burbs
> such as Idylwood, Dunn Loring, Vienna, Hunter
> Valley, Reston, Herndon, and Sterling before
> heading off for Ashburn, Leesburg, Purcellvile,
> and beyond.

And how many of those hoods are now seven figure neighborhoods? Exactly. Thanks for proving my point.

> > Factor in your seven figure price tag, and the
> options
> > become even smaller as to which neighborhood you
> claim
> > to live in.
> Well it would certainly rule out your little neck
> of the woods, wouldn't it.

First, that is a question and it should end in a question mark. It looks like this "?".

Second, no it would not rule it out. The house down the street from me sold for $1.4M this past summer. Hey, chin up. You might be able to swing the .4 part one day!

>Obvious to anyone
> actually familiar with area real estate, many of
> NOVA's more upscale neighborhoods adjoin or enjoy
> easy access to the W&OD trail. Perhaps especially
> west of Vienna, where the trail is groomed for
> horses. Do you see horses often where you are?

No, but something tells me that I a responding to a real horse's ass right now.

> > Newsflash! You don't need to be a psychiatrist
> to
> > see what a butthurt bitch you are.
> Poor baby is lashing out over having been slammed
> to the fucking mat so many times. Maybe Mommy can
> kiss it better before nappy-time.

Just looked back and couldn't find a single post where your sorry ass didn't get made to play the fool. So, it appears you've been eating mat the whole time.

> > Not having enough liquid cash to cover at least
> 6
> > months living costs is only a legitimate
> problem
> > for idiots not intelligent enough to have a
> rainy
> > day fund. Believe me, I am not envious of the
> > inability to pay bills on time without
> borrowing
> > against my retirement.
> Oh great, now it's Suze Fucking Orman. Do you know
> anything at all about the Ferris's portfolio?
> Keep in mind that they earn much more than you do
> -- a reported $293K per year in salary alone.

Nope, you whiffed on that one. My household salary income surpasses that.

> And
> what would fucking Suze say about a choice between
> liquidating appreciating assets and paying
> interest to yourself on a short-term TSP loan?
> Come on, dumbfuck, that can't be so hard to
> answer.

Unlike you, I don't rely on a call in show for financial advice. Given your intelligence level, itis no surprise though.

> > This isn't the only thread where your bullshit
> has
> > been exposed.
> Yes indeed there are a number of other threads in
> which other lying right-wing dumbfucks and
> worthless ignorant scumsuckers have been savagely
> shredded by simple fact and reason. You do at
> least have additional ignorant douchebags and
> lying contemptible assholes to keep you company.

While you are just a lonely bum in mom's basement releasing your aggression and living out a financial fantasy on FFXU.

> > No, but I also don't need to borrow against my
> > retirement to pay my mortgage. I could not get
> > another paycheck until 2015, and I wouldn't
> need
> > to touch my retirement accounts.
> Pauper. No wonder you don't live in my
> neighborhood.

Yeah, I am dying to live in some shitshack. You couldn't even afford the lemonade in my neighborhood.

> > Your right about me not being a psychiatrist or
> a urologist. You
> > are also correct about me not being your
> neighbor
> > as you don't live where you claim to.
> Here. let me put that pacifier back in your mouth
> you imperceptive little fucktard. I have not said
> where I live. I noted only the fact that I live
> in a seven-figure home in a seven figure
> neighborhood that actually is along the W&OD
> Trail.

Of which I correctly pointed out that there are very few. You, on the other hand, have provided no real evidence to back your claim. Wonder why that is, liar?

>You are so mind-numbingly stupid as to
> believe that no such neighborhoods exist along the
> former W&OD right-of-way. That makes you one
> colossal dumbfuck.

Prove me wrong. Name the neighborhoods.

> > As for lying, we'll let your record of lies
> stand on their own.
> My record will hold up just fine. Meanwhile, you
> are yet to established a single goddamned relevant
> point here. You've merely lied and obscured. Too
> much of a fucking coward and low-life loser
> fuckwad to face up to and admit the truth. A
> worthless, pointless asshat is all you have
> managed to be here.

This is rich coming from a proven liar.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: really! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:37PM

Really? Really? Wrote:
> really! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Really? Really? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Really? Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Private contractors pay much more than a
> fed
> > > job.
> > > > The perk of having a federal job was the
> job
> > > > security. Seriously, y'all need to read up
> on
> > > > facts and not the blather of TV pundits.
> > >
> > > Wow!! I worked as a contractor at OSD for 30
> > > years. Not one government worker went to the
> > > contractor side. Hundreds if not a thousand
> > > contractors switched to the government side
> > during
> > > that time. The reason was better benefits,
> > better
> > > pay, and security (job for life).
> > >
> > > P.S. The same work done now by GS-14/15's
> was
> > > done by GS-12's 30 years ago.
> >
> > If so, then your experience would be unusual.
> > Just based on the numbers and dynamics the
> system
> > tends to favor the other direction and much
> more
> > so in more recent years. For one, there just
> > aren't enough Federal positions open to support
> > that. And the numbers reflect that. Last I
> > looked, I believe the ratio was on the order of
> > 2:10 for Feds to contractors. Then you throw in
> > how the retirement system works, ex-military at
> > lower levels, etc.
> Last I looked OSD has 20% more workers since the
> end of the IRAQ war! Have you been living under a
> rock since you state "Then you throw in how the
> retirement system works, ex-military at lower
> levels, etc.? Many years ago a retired O4 or
> above had to forgo his military pension to take a
> Federal Job. That ended a long time ago. This is
> how it works now:
> (1) Military time counts toward Federal leave
> benefits
> (2) Can double dip and get your military pension
> (already getting that) and receive a Federal
> pension when you retire from your government job
> for life.
> (3) Can give up your military pension if
> combining military years with federal years will
> yield a larger Federal pension than the 2 separate
> pensions combined. Win Win!!

And the number of contracted personnel still is much larger and has increased at an even greater rate. Depending on what you want to count and whose numbers you want to use, at about 44% over the last 10 years in direct service contract positions versus your 20%. That's not counting other associated and supporting positions at contractor organizations, those at material goods vendors, etc.

Your explanation of the retirement system isn't what I was speaking to. There are simply many more opportunities and more open positions which become available at any given time outside versus inside. e.g., For enlisted with some technical quals and clearance, they'll find a ready market in the contractor sector. Not nearly as easy to walk into a Federal position. Likewise, at higher levels there's no loss for someone who has met retirement requirements and chooses to leave to pursue opportunities outside. More anecdotally, I can tell you absolutely that if you look at the larger contractors like Lockheed, Booz, etc., you'll find very large percentages of former-Federal workers, that experience and clearance ability being a primary hiring qual.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: EBT down makes losers cry ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:43PM

Don't mind LOL! He is just salty because he can't use his food stamps this weekend.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:45PM

BTW, my definition of 'shredding an argument' is to present no facts and just use bad language. I am just a kid, after all.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:50PM

m7jly Wrote:
> There was nothing substantive in your post to
> respond to.

Correction: There was nothing that you WERE ABLE to respond to. Like many others of these parts, US history in general is an area of inadequacy for you -- something that you have very little knowledge, understanding, or appreciation of, particularly when it comes to events of the second half of the 18th century.

> You like some others seem to believe that BS stated
> with bluster somehow makes it more authoritative.
> Sorry... lol

Well, here again are a few of the pertinent facts that were raised --

In actuality, the founders went to considerable lengths to insulate the actors in their new government from the vicissitudes of popular whim and passion. The last thing they wanted was any form of direct democracy, understanding only too well how easily the masses could be influenced and manipulated by silver-tongued charlatans and demagogues. They wanted no part of that at all. Keep in mind that the election of George Washington was accomplished with a total popular vote of 38,818. That was fewer than 2% of the free adult population. That's what the people who wrote the phrase "We, the People" meant by the phrase "We, the People".

Your representatives in government are there to represent your interests, not your foolish opinions. As I said earlier, you can write your Congressperson if you disapprove of what the government is doing with ITS OWN MONEY. Your representative of course does not have to and usually will not pay any attention to you at all. Instead, staff will send you a nifty form letter specially prepared for the occasion. You can attend and similarly whine to a representative at any town hall or other public meeting he or she might schedule. You can also paint a sign and go march in the street. But that's the extent of it. Everything else that you imagine exists only within your highly overactive imagination.

There are quite a few salient points included there. Which if any do you find yourself able to dispute in any remotely credible sort of manner at all?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:57PM

> There are quite a few salient points included there.
>Which if any do you find yourself able to dispute in
>any remotely credible sort of manner at all?

Another idiot republidiot. Why don't you cry to your mommy, asshat?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 13, 2013 05:59PM

Double Dippers Wrote:
> You failed to mention the group of people who
> figured out how to bleed the system dry - As of
> March, more than 134,000 military retirees held
> civilian jobs at DoD, according to the Office of
> Personnel Management.

Wow! That's even more than at FOX News! But why do you find this unusual or disturbing? Are these all full-time DOD employees, or do the numbers include Beltway Bandit staff plugged into some ongoing project or other?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: DUhc4 ()
Date: October 13, 2013 06:52PM

The Realist Wrote:
> m7jly Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There was nothing substantive in your post to
> > respond to.
> Correction: There was nothing that you WERE ABLE
> to respond to. Like many others of these parts,
> US history in general is an area of inadequacy for
> you -- something that you have very little
> knowledge, understanding, or appreciation of,
> particularly when it comes to events of the second
> half of the 18th century.
> > You like some others seem to believe that BS
> stated
> > with bluster somehow makes it more
> authoritative.
> > Sorry... lol
> Well, here again are a few of the pertinent facts
> that were raised --
> --------
> In actuality, the founders went to considerable
> lengths to insulate the actors in their new
> government from the vicissitudes of popular whim
> and passion. The last thing they wanted was any
> form of direct democracy, understanding only too
> well how easily the masses could be influenced and
> manipulated by silver-tongued charlatans and
> demagogues. They wanted no part of that at all.
> Keep in mind that the election of George
> Washington was accomplished with a total popular
> vote of 38,818. That was fewer than 2% of the free
> adult population. That's what the people who wrote
> the phrase "We, the People" meant by the phrase
> "We, the People".
> Your representatives in government are there to
> represent your interests, not your foolish
> opinions. As I said earlier, you can write your
> Congressperson if you disapprove of what the
> government is doing with ITS OWN MONEY. Your
> representative of course does not have to and
> usually will not pay any attention to you at all.
> Instead, staff will send you a nifty form letter
> specially prepared for the occasion. You can
> attend and similarly whine to a representative at
> any town hall or other public meeting he or she
> might schedule. You can also paint a sign and go
> march in the street. But that's the extent of it.
> Everything else that you imagine exists only
> within your highly overactive imagination.
> --------
> There are quite a few salient points included
> there. Which if any do you find yourself able to
> dispute in any remotely credible sort of manner at
> all?

Nope, there aren't really. From my original reference to representatives it's clear that I understand the nature of representative government versus direct democracy, so your little history lesson was a waste of space. And not like anything has changed since then right? lol

But without going into the many various ways that your post and hypothesis fails, I can simply shoot it down with practical, tangible examples including direct citizen participation in determining tax spending through tax and bond referenda, as well as indirectly through voting regarding various specific issues and more general directions within government, as well as by direct lobbying on the part of various specific interests for funding, preferences, etc. Choosing one in particular just to offend your own hyper-partisan nature, can abortion services be funded with Federal money? Any number of other specific examples can be cited.

Your premise that we have and, worse yet should have, no more right or expectations in determining how tax money is spent than that of paying a restaurant is simply idiotic.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: trixie ()
Date: October 14, 2013 02:25AM

Really people! Your ignorant comments about this family is hurtful to those who know them. They are very prepared in ways not mentioned in the article. So please, go do something constructive. Like ask the Lord's forgiveness for your stupidity.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Where aren't thou? ()
Date: October 14, 2013 08:23AM

trixie Wrote:
> Really people! Your ignorant comments about this
> family is hurtful to those who know them. They are
> very prepared in ways not mentioned in the
> article. So please, go do something constructive.
> Like ask the Lord's forgiveness for your
> stupidity.

"oh lord,please don't let me fuck up".
I've asked for the lord's forgiveness many times.
He never replies.
What's a man to do?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: puh-lease ()
Date: October 14, 2013 08:49AM

trixie Wrote:
> Really people! Your ignorant comments about this
> family is hurtful to those who know them. They are
> very prepared in ways not mentioned in the
> article. So please, go do something constructive.
> Like ask the Lord's forgiveness for your
> stupidity.

So they were distorting the impact of the shutdown on them, since they are 'very prepared'? Were they lying in the article, or are you lying now, Trixie? Can't be both.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: exffx ()
Date: October 14, 2013 09:35AM

From the article.

"The Ferrises, who lived through the shutdowns of the mid-1990s as young EPA staffers, moved fast to get cash, taking out a loan from their federal retirement program to cover the mortgage for two months. If the standoff goes longer, they will consider a second note on their house to keep bill-paying money on hand"

So these days getting a loan to pay bills is considered being prepared? WTF? I mean...it's good I guess they can still take care of themselves, but how about "rainy day" money?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2013 09:38AM by exffx.

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Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: government collapse ()
Date: October 14, 2013 09:39AM

Aside from some monuments that are closed. Seems like the government is operating.

BTW, why did they fences off the monuments? Seems they had the manpower to set up barriers, make nice signs and staff the police around the monuments. Very strange. Trying to send a message, but WHAT?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Really? ()
Date: October 14, 2013 01:06PM

In my experience, I know that many contractors pay 10 to 20 percent above federal pay. This doesnt include the stock options. It really is a huge difference between pay. I dont how many examples you have witnessed but I know that every single contractor that I have ever met makes more than a fed. in the same position with the same amount of work experience. Of course this is in IT and computer science.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Money Bags ()
Date: October 14, 2013 01:17PM

Yes, many contractors pay more than the government. They do this so they can make more money on the bottom line. If I am paying a person X amount of money, I can charge Y amount of money, which is in some cases as much as %26 of the total G&A. Just a way for the fat cats to get fatter.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: not reality ()
Date: October 14, 2013 01:24PM

Really? Wrote:
> In my experience, I know that many contractors pay
> 10 to 20 percent above federal pay. This doesnt
> include the stock options. It really is a huge
> difference between pay. I dont how many examples
> you have witnessed but I know that every single
> contractor that I have ever met makes more than a
> fed. in the same position with the same amount of
> work experience. Of course this is in IT and
> computer science.

Stock options really do not exist anymore, not in the way you are implying. Only the very highest levels get that - the day to day person that shows up on a project is not getting options. Accepting your 10-20% premium, that's the cost of having employees who are held to account and can be fired if they do not perform, unlike government employees.

I worked with someone from BAH to had spent time as a GSer in the State Department. He was running a small group and had a long time govt employee who was drunk by noon every day. Being young and idealistic, he took it upon himself to have the guy fired. My friend left the job 2 years later - the drunk was still employed by the government. That sort of thing does not happen in the private sector, or if it does, it is at much lower numbers.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Surreality ()
Date: October 14, 2013 01:59PM

not reality Wrote:
> Really? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > In my experience, I know that many contractors
> pay
> > 10 to 20 percent above federal pay. This doesnt
> > include the stock options. It really is a huge
> > difference between pay. I dont how many
> examples
> > you have witnessed but I know that every single
> > contractor that I have ever met makes more than
> a
> > fed. in the same position with the same amount
> of
> > work experience. Of course this is in IT and
> > computer science.
> Stock options really do not exist anymore, not in
> the way you are implying. Only the very highest
> levels get that - the day to day person that shows
> up on a project is not getting options. Accepting
> your 10-20% premium, that's the cost of having
> employees who are held to account and can be fired
> if they do not perform, unlike government
> employees.
> I worked with someone from BAH to had spent time
> as a GSer in the State Department. He was running
> a small group and had a long time govt employee
> who was drunk by noon every day. Being young and
> idealistic, he took it upon himself to have the
> guy fired. My friend left the job 2 years later -
> the drunk was still employed by the government.
> That sort of thing does not happen in the private
> sector, or if it does, it is at much lower
> numbers.

You are full of shit. Had him fired but still employed?
Are you the drunk?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: trixie ()
Date: October 14, 2013 02:09PM

puh-lease Wrote:
> trixie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Really people! Your ignorant comments about
> this
> > family is hurtful to those who know them. They
> are
> > very prepared in ways not mentioned in the
> > article. So please, go do something
> constructive.
> > Like ask the Lord's forgiveness for your
> > stupidity.
> So they were distorting the impact of the shutdown
> on them, since they are 'very prepared'? Were
> they lying in the article, or are you lying now,
> Trixie? Can't be both.

Actually it can. When your income stops you tap into your savings to meet the needs of the family. You have created a multifaceted financial portfolio ahead of time just for this purpose. Of course you cut expenses, as you have no idea how long you will be without an income. Your financial portfolio includes steps that you would not want to take, but may need to. Your preparation has made you aware of the regulations regarding accessing your retirement account and other funds.
Do you really expect this family to not be worried about their future? Really? How long would you go without an income before you would worry? Not starve, worry. Very prepared does not mean one has cash to throw around. It means you have a plan in place if savings runs out.
The one thing you NEVER, EVER, do is give an interview to a newspaper when a friend asks. These few sentences will become the sum of who you are and everyone will feel free to judge you without knowing who you are or what you may have been through in your life.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: NwumW ()
Date: October 14, 2013 02:17PM

Surreality Wrote:
> not reality Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Really? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > In my experience, I know that many
> contractors
> > pay
> > > 10 to 20 percent above federal pay. This
> doesnt
> > > include the stock options. It really is a
> huge
> > > difference between pay. I dont how many
> > examples
> > > you have witnessed but I know that every
> single
> > > contractor that I have ever met makes more
> than
> > a
> > > fed. in the same position with the same
> amount
> > of
> > > work experience. Of course this is in IT and
> > > computer science.
> >
> > Stock options really do not exist anymore, not
> in
> > the way you are implying. Only the very
> highest
> > levels get that - the day to day person that
> shows
> > up on a project is not getting options.
> Accepting
> > your 10-20% premium, that's the cost of having
> > employees who are held to account and can be
> fired
> > if they do not perform, unlike government
> > employees.
> >
> > I worked with someone from BAH to had spent
> time
> > as a GSer in the State Department. He was
> running
> > a small group and had a long time govt employee
> > who was drunk by noon every day. Being young
> and
> > idealistic, he took it upon himself to have the
> > guy fired. My friend left the job 2 years later
> -
> > the drunk was still employed by the government.
> > That sort of thing does not happen in the
> private
> > sector, or if it does, it is at much lower
> > numbers.
> You are full of shit. Had him fired but still
> employed?
> Are you the drunk?

You clearly are bad at inference. I understand it is a higher level intellectual skill. He took it upon himself to have the drunk fired, and after two years, was unable to successfully do that. Sorry, should have left the breadcrumbs for you.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: puh-lease ()
Date: October 14, 2013 02:24PM

trixie Wrote:
> puh-lease Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > trixie Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Really people! Your ignorant comments about
> > this
> > > family is hurtful to those who know them.
> They
> > are
> > > very prepared in ways not mentioned in the
> > > article. So please, go do something
> > constructive.
> > > Like ask the Lord's forgiveness for your
> > > stupidity.
> >
> >
> > So they were distorting the impact of the
> shutdown
> > on them, since they are 'very prepared'? Were
> > they lying in the article, or are you lying
> now,
> > Trixie? Can't be both.
> Actually it can. When your income stops you tap
> into your savings to meet the needs of the family.
> You have created a multifaceted financial
> portfolio ahead of time just for this purpose. Of
> course you cut expenses, as you have no idea how
> long you will be without an income. Your financial
> portfolio includes steps that you would not want
> to take, but may need to. Your preparation has
> made you aware of the regulations regarding
> accessing your retirement account and other
> funds.
> Do you really expect this family to not be worried
> about their future? Really? How long would you go
> without an income before you would worry? Not
> starve, worry. Very prepared does not mean one has
> cash to throw around. It means you have a plan in
> place if savings runs out.
> The one thing you NEVER, EVER, do is give an
> interview to a newspaper when a friend asks.
> These few sentences will become the sum of who you
> are and everyone will feel free to judge you
> without knowing who you are or what you may have
> been through in your life.

How about not crying poverty and hardship when you make 300K/yr sucking off the government tit and miss half a paycheck? Actually, not miss, it's just being delayed a bit. The Ferris' chose to tell to what they thought was their sad story - when in fact it was a story of distorted values and entitlement. You seem to think the public should be their amen chorus - no critical thinking or opposing views allowed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: trixie ()
Date: October 14, 2013 03:14PM

puh-lease Wrote:
> trixie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > puh-lease Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > trixie Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Really people! Your ignorant comments about
> > > this
> > > > family is hurtful to those who know them.
> > They
> > > are
> > > > very prepared in ways not mentioned in the
> > > > article. So please, go do something
> > > constructive.
> > > > Like ask the Lord's forgiveness for your
> > > > stupidity.
> > >
> > >
> > > So they were distorting the impact of the
> > shutdown
> > > on them, since they are 'very prepared'?
> Were
> > > they lying in the article, or are you lying
> > now,
> > > Trixie? Can't be both.
> >
> >
> > Actually it can. When your income stops you
> tap
> > into your savings to meet the needs of the
> family.
> > You have created a multifaceted financial
> > portfolio ahead of time just for this purpose.
> Of
> > course you cut expenses, as you have no idea
> how
> > long you will be without an income. Your
> financial
> > portfolio includes steps that you would not
> want
> > to take, but may need to. Your preparation has
> > made you aware of the regulations regarding
> > accessing your retirement account and other
> > funds.
> > Do you really expect this family to not be
> worried
> > about their future? Really? How long would you
> go
> > without an income before you would worry? Not
> > starve, worry. Very prepared does not mean one
> has
> > cash to throw around. It means you have a plan
> in
> > place if savings runs out.
> > The one thing you NEVER, EVER, do is give an
> > interview to a newspaper when a friend asks.
> > These few sentences will become the sum of who
> you
> > are and everyone will feel free to judge you
> > without knowing who you are or what you may
> have
> > been through in your life.
> How about not crying poverty and hardship when you
> make 300K/yr sucking off the government tit and
> miss half a paycheck? Actually, not miss, it's
> just being delayed a bit. The Ferris' chose to
> tell to what they thought was their sad story -
> when in fact it was a story of distorted values
> and entitlement. You seem to think the public
> should be their amen chorus - no critical thinking
> or opposing views allowed.

Such anger. Chill

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: October 14, 2013 03:20PM

Oh please, if this is your idea of a sob story you need to spend a few weeks in Africa, preferably in Somalia.

Oh, it's so sad, some overpaid overspending government workers are whining about how they can't afford to live because they didn't save a dime. It might make you cry, but it makes me laugh LOL!

LOL! Wrote:
> yes the real word has spoken Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The point is that these sob stories are BULL.
> They aren't bull, and they multiplying and
> worsening by the day. And not just for federal
> workers, as has been pointed out. Thanks to the
> Moron-in-Chief from 2001 to 2009, this isn't
> exactly the cushiest economy ever anymore. A lot
> of lower-level feds and the small businesses that
> depend on them as customers are getting hurt. And
> the snowball has still just started.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Financial Group ()
Date: October 14, 2013 03:22PM

Who is in bad shape from missing just one paycheck? Federal employees are just one rung above people on welfare, spending it as soon as they get it. I worked with a girl whose parents were both high up feds. They could barely make it between paydays because they had to have the biggest and best equipped Escalade, latest electronics and best clothes. That and they made weekly trips to Charlestown to blow any extra on gambling.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: October 14, 2013 03:24PM

Sounds like a good plan to me. I think they need to send the Ferris's to Somalia for a week, than another week in Afghanistan, and follow that up with Syria. Now that will be a good story. Am I really supposed to feel bad for people who collectively make 300,000 a year and yet have no take home work and don't ever work evenings or weekends, but yet never bothered to save a dime.

puh-lease Wrote:
> trixie Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > puh-lease Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > trixie Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > Really people! Your ignorant comments about
> > > this
> > > > family is hurtful to those who know them.
> > They
> > > are
> > > > very prepared in ways not mentioned in the
> > > > article. So please, go do something
> > > constructive.
> > > > Like ask the Lord's forgiveness for your
> > > > stupidity.
> > >
> > >
> > > So they were distorting the impact of the
> > shutdown
> > > on them, since they are 'very prepared'?
> Were
> > > they lying in the article, or are you lying
> > now,
> > > Trixie? Can't be both.
> >
> >
> > Actually it can. When your income stops you
> tap
> > into your savings to meet the needs of the
> family.
> > You have created a multifaceted financial
> > portfolio ahead of time just for this purpose.
> Of
> > course you cut expenses, as you have no idea
> how
> > long you will be without an income. Your
> financial
> > portfolio includes steps that you would not
> want
> > to take, but may need to. Your preparation has
> > made you aware of the regulations regarding
> > accessing your retirement account and other
> > funds.
> > Do you really expect this family to not be
> worried
> > about their future? Really? How long would you
> go
> > without an income before you would worry? Not
> > starve, worry. Very prepared does not mean one
> has
> > cash to throw around. It means you have a plan
> in
> > place if savings runs out.
> > The one thing you NEVER, EVER, do is give an
> > interview to a newspaper when a friend asks.
> > These few sentences will become the sum of who
> you
> > are and everyone will feel free to judge you
> > without knowing who you are or what you may
> have
> > been through in your life.
> How about not crying poverty and hardship when you
> make 300K/yr sucking off the government tit and
> miss half a paycheck? Actually, not miss, it's
> just being delayed a bit. The Ferris' chose to
> tell to what they thought was their sad story -
> when in fact it was a story of distorted values
> and entitlement. You seem to think the public
> should be their amen chorus - no critical thinking
> or opposing views allowed.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: October 14, 2013 03:29PM

Typical escalade drivers. Broke in debt losers, with meaningless jobs who hate their life and are total wanna-be's when they are nothing. I hope that results of this shut down are that at least a few of those ugly gas guzzler's get repo'd.

That being said not all government workers blow money. But then again they also don't have the same need to go cry to the post with their bs sob stories. So what are my furloughed friends doing? Well, I would ask them, but I don't want to interrupt their beach trip...while ironically they will still probably get paid for the time they spent at the beach.

Financial Group Wrote:
> Who is in bad shape from missing just one
> paycheck? Federal employees are just one rung
> above people on welfare, spending it as soon as
> they get it. I worked with a girl whose parents
> were both high up feds. They could barely make it
> between paydays because they had to have the
> biggest and best equipped Escalade, latest
> electronics and best clothes. That and they made
> weekly trips to Charlestown to blow any extra on
> gambling.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2013 03:30PM by katiesmith.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: jtJtw ()
Date: October 14, 2013 04:14PM

NwumW Wrote:
> Surreality Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > not reality Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Really? Wrote:
> > >
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> >
> > > -----
> > > > In my experience, I know that many
> > contractors
> > > pay
> > > > 10 to 20 percent above federal pay. This
> > doesnt
> > > > include the stock options. It really is a
> > huge
> > > > difference between pay. I dont how many
> > > examples
> > > > you have witnessed but I know that every
> > single
> > > > contractor that I have ever met makes more
> > than
> > > a
> > > > fed. in the same position with the same
> > amount
> > > of
> > > > work experience. Of course this is in IT
> and
> > > > computer science.
> > >
> > > Stock options really do not exist anymore,
> not
> > in
> > > the way you are implying. Only the very
> > highest
> > > levels get that - the day to day person that
> > shows
> > > up on a project is not getting options.
> > Accepting
> > > your 10-20% premium, that's the cost of
> having
> > > employees who are held to account and can be
> > fired
> > > if they do not perform, unlike government
> > > employees.
> > >
> > > I worked with someone from BAH to had spent
> > time
> > > as a GSer in the State Department. He was
> > running
> > > a small group and had a long time govt
> employee
> > > who was drunk by noon every day. Being young
> > and
> > > idealistic, he took it upon himself to have
> the
> > > guy fired. My friend left the job 2 years
> later
> > -
> > > the drunk was still employed by the
> government.
> >
> > > That sort of thing does not happen in the
> > private
> > > sector, or if it does, it is at much lower
> > > numbers.
> >
> > You are full of shit. Had him fired but still
> > employed?
> > Are you the drunk?
> You clearly are bad at inference. I understand it
> is a higher level intellectual skill. He took it
> upon himself to have the drunk fired, and after
> two years, was unable to successfully do that.
> Sorry, should have left the breadcrumbs for you.

Attempted is the word you missed. And why are you retorting?
Now take your breadcrumbs and shove them up your ass.
Have a nice life.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Commuter ()
Date: October 14, 2013 08:24PM

Boo hoo, There is nobody tending Mrs. Obama's garden and the tomatoes are rotting and the squirrels are eating everything.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: October 15, 2013 12:31PM

Awesome! She's is such a phony pretending to be an environmentalist when she isn't at all. She isn't a good person either.

Commuter Wrote:
> Boo hoo, There is nobody tending Mrs. Obama's
> garden and the tomatoes are rotting and the
> squirrels are eating everything.
> http://nypost.com/2013/10/14/squirrels-nuts-for-fi
> rst-ladys-garden-during-shutdown/

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: love ()
Date: October 16, 2013 07:46AM

i have been out of work for two weeks and cant pay my rent this month...somethign needs to happen soon about this government shutdown

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: October 16, 2013 06:22PM

Not surprised they have an stupid useless SUV parked in the driveway. Wonder how much they paid for that Junk Each and Every Part?

Fat~Bottom~Girl Wrote:
> Stabitha Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Theyre probably like most people in McMansions
> in
> > NOVA. Spent every dime and then some to get
> their
> > giant house and now live like beggars on maxed
> out
> > credit cards.
> I don't think so...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: Eric the midget ()
Date: October 16, 2013 06:31PM

love Wrote:
> i have been out of work for two weeks and cant pay
> my rent this month...somethign needs to happen
> soon about this government shutdown

Fucking slacker. Pay your damn bills and stop being "nigger Rich."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Gov't Shutdown Sob Stories - Give me a break
Posted by: 6NHet ()
Date: October 17, 2013 08:41AM

Back to 'work' you slackers. Maybe back to 'attendance' would be a better way to say it. Unless of course you choose to tele-loaf today.

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