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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
I retired in 2013. Sold every stock I owned (except the 401k) and made out quite well after 20 years of investing. I never would have survived the ride until now. I'm much happier with a million $ house and strictly cash investments.
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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
2. Gone
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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
You one of those guys in the back rows in the raincoat?
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
Al Ameriki
Shocked Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > Yes. Come now everyone; let's deflect now and > divert your attention away from the huge failure > of Eesh that we just read and talk about something > else. Never mind Eesh and him lying in court and > having someone falsely arrested. Let's talk about > this pressing matter. Why should we believe yo
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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
hitandrun Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > > Air Force for one: Massive military transport > plane that usually carries 100 troops picks up US > Secretary of State John Kerry to bring him home > after he breaks his leg cycling. A US military > C-17 transport aircraft that usually carries at > least 100 troops flew to Geneva Airport
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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
He's dating the same girl as you?
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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
SAM I am Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > > You have to get pretty close, ISIS has Russian > MANPADS and other AA weapons it's easier to just > bomb them from higher up. That won't happen. Might kill some of Obozo's Muslim brothers and other relatives.
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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
No. They may release a transcript of what's on the recording but not the audio. At least they dont in the US, over there who knows.
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9 years ago
Al Ameriki
Date Country City Killed Injured Description 2015.03.25 Afghanistan Nangarhar 4 6 Three children, a farmer and a cow are all sent to Allah by Taliban bombers. 2015.03.25 Libya Sirte 5 0 Five people near a power station are lit up by a suicide bomber. 2015.03.24 Yemen Taiz 6 33 Shiite militia open fire on a group of unarmed demonstrators, killing six. 2015.03.24 Afghanistan Wardak 13 0 Thirteen bu
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
law is a racket Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Rest in Pieces Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > What I don't understand is how does a fucking > punk > > ass immigrant without a pot to pee in get 5 or > 6 > > high powered lawyers to defend him? > > In a high profile and challenging case
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
Nationwide (invisible girl): STUPID and INANE Budweiser: Dumb Coke: Ridiculous and Stupid Nissan: MAJOR stupid McDonalds: Sickening and stupid Fiat: Disturbing. Do we really need ads with a hard dick theme? And I have no idea what the ad was for with Kim Kanye West, other than for her to show off her fat ass. ***The only amusing ad I saw was the Doritos ad*** And would someone please
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
Sharpton sure was quick with a press release and condolences. Guilty conscience?
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
Being that this happened in Chicago, the murder capitol of the US, you can rest assured it was negroes who attacked the Mayor's son.
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
NOVA.Dad Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I'd like to buy my son a 360 for Xmas. Sorry, I > can't afford the Xbox1... > > Which bundle or non-bundle should I get? Or how do > I go about determining which version of the > console is best? Maybe you should give the gift of being a father instead of buying something to park your kid in front of so
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Al Ameriki
The mere fact that the race baiting poverty pimp Al Sharpton was so quick to issue a press release condemning the murders and offering condolences from the Brown and Garner families tells me he knows he's very much responsible for the murder of these 2 police officers. He has been subliminally stirring the pot for weeks now to his sheeple to fight the police and he got what he wanted.....2 dead c
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Al Ameriki
KABUL, Afghanistan — Afghan police said they are investigating how a wild bird came to bear an antenna, electronic devices and explosives. Police came across the strange sight around 8 a.m. in the northern Faryab province, a volatile region ravaged by Taliban violence. When police spotted the white bird — which isn't native to the area and appeared larger than an eagle — walking along a highway,
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
The problem is Ferguson, and probably most cities, is that the AA population is (A) too stupid to pass the tests required to be a cop and/or (B) most of the available candidates have criminal records which excludes them being a cop. Blacks policing blacks? That would be comparable to having the fox guard the hen house wouldn't it?
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
I went to college a long time ago (William & Mary) and I have yet to determine what the exact purpose of frats and sororities is? All I saw was drunkenness, flag football teams, drunkenness, huge out of control parties, and drunkenness. Since I had zero interest in the Greek life while in college, I dont know what went on in the deep dark dungeons of the frat houses but I'm sure some raping
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Al Ameriki
Gerrymanderer2 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > African Americans in America should begin > appealing to the United Nations to sanction the > United States for Human Rights violations. Why dont you go to Ferguson and join them Mark? If we're lucky, few of them will fuck you up the ass before they crush your skull with a brick and set you on fire.
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
h6nFX Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most men giving blow jobs love doing it. Most > women giving blow jobs see it as a chore, or a > favor, and aren't as enthusiastic. There is probably some truth to to this theory but I'm not ready to test it yet. I have found maybe one or two women in my life that actually enjoyed and cherished sucking cock. One tol
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
I would say 15 mentally is being generous. He's probably like most ghetto step daddys. Never had a job besides drug dealer or pimpin and found a woman with a job and a home and moved right in. He'll stick around until any money she makes off her son's death is gone.
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
Oh brother that video tells me a lot. His mother is a foul mouthed uneducated chimp and his step dad is a pants on the ground violent savage. There are other ways to express your anger without inciting an arson rampage. Yes, he should be prosecuted for inciting a riot. But that will just start another riot and it will never end.
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
It's truly amazing. Ferguson was already a dump but now it's a burned out dump and it will be years before it ever recovers.
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
This my hope for RG3. I hope he is traded to the St Louis Rams, who in case you have forgotten, is the team that received the 4 draft picks (3 number ones) in exchange for our chance to draft RG3. They used those draft picks to build a solid offensive line who can protect a QB. I hope RG3 becomes a star QB with the Rams while the Redskins continue to suck for the next decade. Take that shit Sny
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Al Ameriki
eFm3M Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > > > Unbelievable how so many people can ignore the > truth and facts. In the world of black race baiters and poverty pimps, there is no place for truth and facts. Their entire agenda is based on muddying the water with lies and racial hate.
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
I like how they have a free concert then lock down the city at 5am so no one can get there. If you aren't already there, you aint going.
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
Smoot is more entertaining but extremely hard to understand unless you've taken Ebonis 101. Arrington talks like a white guy. Cornball brother.
Forum: Fairfax County General
10 years ago
Al Ameriki
http://www.tmz.com/2014/11/11/rihanna-barack-obama-white-house-video-president-black/ Rihanna "When It Comes to Obama All I See Is Color!" Wonder if she snuck Chris Brown in?
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10 years ago
Al Ameriki
Great. Eric Holder with a menstrual cycle.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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