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10 years ago
Star Wars: Commander is like Clash of Clans, but with lasers. It is clearly the superior game.
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10 years ago
Remember the "Doom Comic?" Fantastically bad. http://www.doomworld.com/10years/doomcomic/comic.php?page=1
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10 years ago
This website rules. http://www.wolfandiron.com
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
As an alternative to the usual stuff, here is this thread: The Rules: 1. If you post something, it has to contribute to the thread; a picture, a joke, a nifty fact, etc. Something fun. 2. People will try to break these rules immediately. Just ignore them, and make your contribution. 3. If you'd rather shit on this thread than make it fun, you must examine the life choices you've made that le
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10 years ago
bumpz Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > what is this? Boring.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
See? Like that.
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10 years ago
Oh, and multiple screen names: what 01010101 said.
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10 years ago
The point of "outing" is two-fold: 1. Associate a person's "real life" with their posting history. This way, you can confront the person saying mean things about you or try to rig it so anyone googling you sees what you write on here. 2. Expose personal, hopefully embarrassing, details about their life to increase the cruelty of your attacks. It's a shitty thing to do, regardless of who is d
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
question, Mr. Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Mr.Mephisto, question for you: why do you stand up > for eesh? Honest question, what made you decide > this guy was 'alright' after all....and if you > still believe he's 'alright', how can you? I met him a couple times after our internet cat fights, we got along fine, and that was that. We don't exactly
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Thay Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > In accordance with section 8 [2] c. of the Shadow > Proclamation this thread shall be placed under > investigation by the intergalactic order of the > Judoon. > > > > > mo to ro go fo so NO BO HO SHO KO RO TO SO. BOKATOSAFOPAPAPAJO.
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10 years ago
Nice try.
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10 years ago
My tweet engine must not be working. :C
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10 years ago
Ebola, SARS, bird flu. Yawn. From the WHO... "The incubation period, that is, the time interval from infection with the virus to onset of symptoms is 2 to 21 days. Humans are not infectious until they develop symptoms. First symptoms are the sudden onset of fever fatigue, muscle pain, headache and sore throat. This is followed by vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, symptoms of impaired kidney and liver
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10 years ago
Average Fox News Viewer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > MrMephisto Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Sounds like they were both just messing around. > > Unless we can add "homewrecker" to Obama's list > of > > impeachable offenses. > > > I'm starting to wonder if Obama was the one >
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Nothing to see Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Most of these people are just eesh, nothing new at > all "Everyone is eesh" is still a thing. That hasn't changed. I don't know, guys. Without you, who is going to make sad attempts to metaphorically shank me in the feels with the sharpened toothbrush of Self-Loathing? Nobody. I miss you sometimes.
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10 years ago
1. The new message count is so high, it disappears completely. 2. It's even more boring than you remember. 3. You have no idea who these people are or what they're talking about.
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10 years ago
Sounds like they were both just messing around. Unless we can add "homewrecker" to Obama's list of impeachable offenses.
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10 years ago
I've picked up screws like that before. It can be patched, I've been told, but I don't know how much I trust patches.
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10 years ago
So I can do this now. HADOKEN!
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10 years ago
I still check in every now and then to make sure there are still a bunch of stupid political and personal attack threads. It's nice how some things never change.
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10 years ago
Who wants to see the final product in action?
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10 years ago
Me. Wait, what?
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10 years ago
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10 years ago
Ah, yes. The "Bane" strategy. It will never work.
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10 years ago
http://mobile.rawstory.com/all/2014-08-14-mall-cop-ignores-racist-harassing-seattle-protesters-and-pepper-sprays-black-bystander-instead The gist: -White asshole yelling racist stuff at protesters -Random black guy walking by draws aggro from white asshole -They square up, but don't actually fight. -White mall cop walks up, walks past the white guy, and maces the black guy when he asks why th
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
I'm sure McDonalds is relieved that it hasn't lost a loyal customer.
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
Annandale Hardware Store Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The hardware store in Annandale that does propane > refills, they have lots of propane stuff. Right > next to that gas station, and convenience store, > its off Backlick rd. http://aitcheson-dc.com Found it! J&H Aitcheson.
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10 years ago
Thanks for turning what could have been an awesome thread about flamethrowers into a gay-a-thon.
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