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Results 15811 - 15820 of 15820
16 years ago
My main gripe with this on both sides of the camp is dishonesty. Politicians, as representatives of the people and the public trust, should be held to a higher standard for honesty, not for lifestyle choices. I would sooner vote for an openly-gay black woman that admitted to smoking a lot of weed in her college days than a straight white guy who tells me he's the epitome of virtue and decency.
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Bible that is....I don't have my glasses on. No. I heard that he will put his hand on the Koran while the American flag burns, then take all of our guns and impose Sharia Law.
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
My friend from Spain broadened my horizons a bit by giving me what are called "Fruits of Aragon". The fruit is somehow given a jelly-like consistency (think of those "orange slices" you get at the grocery store), and coated in a semi-sweet chocolate. They're considered a delicacy, and are only available from the Aragon region in Spain. Of course, I lack refinement and class, so I ate a couple
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Why, just about any kind of candy you can think of. Chocolate, nougat, peanut butter-filled things, taffy, fruit flavored, jelly beans... Candy knows no race, gender, genus, species, or political view. It exists only to be tasty, in whate'er form it takes. Don't make me go all Willy Wonka about this. It's a simple concept.
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
There's a lot of back and forth on here about the presidential candidates, political views, etc. Sometimes, it seems like people will go to great lengths to make sure people know how much they disagree. There's been name calling, insults, epithets, and all sorts of delicious vitriol. However, I present a simple statement that, if we keep it in mind, will help us remember that we all have at le
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Games (especially "real life" games) have started doing this, and like YouTube, text messaging, podcasts, MySpace, and Facebook, this is (was) just another untapped medium for the presidential candidates (and other big businesses). As someone that plays video games, my opinion is "so what?" It's not like seeing Obama's name in Madden '09 is going to sway my political views, just like seeing all
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
If Obama wins the election, he will take the guns from white people and give them to terrorists. He will throw all the white people in concentration camps, and then bomb the houses of all the blue-eyed-blonde-haired farmer's daughters in the midwest with commercial airliners. There is also a super-secret initiative in his camp to change the name of the presidential mansion from "The White House
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
sinfulgirl Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Hmmmmm....ask me a question only a girl could > answer. Well, with the invention of the Google, those types of questions don't exist. I did send you a PM and you haven't responded, which drifts you towards the "suspect" category.
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
Shouldn't they stop putting out drivel like this and focus on finding Bat Boy or Bigfoot?
Forum: Off-Topic
16 years ago
Firrat Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > $20 says sinful is a man! You're on.
Forum: Fairfax County General
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