postpoppunk Wrote:
> I am not one of the internet ninjas' that inhabit
> FFXU - but isn't there a way to use their email
> --- --- and sign them up for
> like a zillion web sites?
> Of course all the gay and off-beat sexual fetish
> sites would be best, but maybe the ones that
> constantly send emails begging for business, with
> surveys or just are relentless in their spamming'
> of registered emails.
> The phone number is a great idea, but who wants to
> call over and over? With ONE registration to a
> site of questionable taste (Think KKK and NAMBLA)
> by each FFXU user that reads this thread would
> surely make them not advertise here any longer.
> Shit, if you think about it...if we did this to
> ALL businesses that dare to enter here, we would
> quickly become a place to avoid in the business
> world.
That's a great idea.. I hate spam threads. And this stacy parker seems to be a retard. They keep starting threads. Whyyy????