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How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: some splaining ()
Date: May 21, 2021 02:47PM

There is allegedly some accomplice of pedo moreno named MamaheleniasRVA that claims eesh is stalking her. Alls she says is that he sent her some explicit images she didnt like, which she says is stalking. She says she never met him or saw him in person before. How is that stalking?

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Courts disagree with you ()
Date: May 21, 2021 02:49PM

Obviously more than that happened for her to get the protective order. But why does it matter? Have eesh come on here and tell what did or didn't happen. She doesn't have to explain anything to any of you. You're just going to say it's not true. But the courts know it is; which is why the two year protective order is in place.

When you're a well known criminal stalker it's easy for people to do things to you legally. Something Basl doesn't seem to grasp yet; but he will soon enough.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: follow up or shut up ()
Date: May 21, 2021 02:55PM

She is the one who came here. She says eesh is stalking her now. But the only example she can give is him sending her explicit images to her phone.

Courts don't run this site and whatever happened or not in court don't count here. If she is gonna come here and talk shit she needs to back it up.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Nahhh ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:00PM

She doesn't have to do shit and the fact that you're so curious and angry about it is only more reason for you to be left in the dark. Plenty of other people know. And it's no one's place to say but hers or of course, Michael Basl. So deal with it or STFU she owes you nothing

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: We know it's you eesh Basl ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:02PM

follow up or shut up Wrote:
> Courts don't run this site and whatever happened
> or not in court don't count here.

LOL! Clearly it does otherwise eesh wouldn't be on here hiding out anon and would post about it from one of his many known registered names instead of trying to defend himself and lie about everything like he's some other people.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Fuck you and eesh ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:06PM

YOu fuckwad always are saying eesh cant post here but then he does and blows your story up.

Eesh dont need to explain shit because theres nothing to explain. So he sent her a dick pic, so sad her eyeballs got burned out by that I bet she never saw one before. She's trying to blow it up and talk shit so fuck her if she cant back up her claims.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Two year protective order ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:09PM

Dumbass. It was posted that he can't post on here so he would come out from hiding. When he did and was asked about this he evaded it. He cannot post about this because he'll go back to jail. Watch how he continues to hide and ignore this. He had no problem mocking anyone else who said they had legal shit against him before.

This chick controls Michael Basl and his pathetic little life and it's so much fun

Call Chesterfield court or sheriff's office yourself.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: did eesh send his dick pic again ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:13PM

good lord!

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: protect your eyes from cocks ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:14PM

I'm not calling shit but I'm calling bullshit on the stalking. She made the claim here not in court. She can back it up here. Or is eesh or the court stopping her, no I think not. She already said it was just a image dick pick or something. That's not stalking. She's full of it.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Try using your brain ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:16PM

Again, plenty of people here know what's happened. If she doesn't want to tell you she doesn't have to.

Clearly she got the protective order before she made the stalking claim.

She didn't just randomly decide to post nearly two months after the protective order that she's being stalked.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Are you dumb or just stupid? ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:19PM

protect your eyes from cocks Wrote:
She made the claim here not in
> court.

Huh. Gee. I wonder why that could be....

Then again you don't know what was said. So as I told you just now. Try to think for a moment. I know that is extremely hard for you but try.

What would prompt a person with a two year protective order to suddenly make such a claim?

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: plenty of bullshit ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:20PM

Again I don't give a shit about any protective order or if there is one or not.

All I wanna know is if some rando comes here talking shit what shes on about. If it happen in the past 2 months what the fuck set her off?

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: You can't be this fucking stupid ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:24PM

Holy shit you're retarded. You literally got everything backwards. No point trying to explain anything to idiots. My God lol WOW

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Need some eesh pills now ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:25PM

plenty of bullshit Wrote:
> If it happen in
> the past 2 months


> what the fuck set her off?


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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Lord Jesus ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:27PM

She got the protective order two months ago

She made the stalking claim THIS MORNING


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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Lord the stupidness ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:33PM

Yeah why is that? What does she think eesh is hiding in her bush? Why don't she just call the po-po instead of coming to some random website and complaing about a dick pick he sent some time months ago?

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Ask Michael eesh Basl ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:37PM

Ask eesh

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: I'm asking mamaheleniasrva ()
Date: May 21, 2021 03:50PM

Fuck eesh, and fuck Miz too. MamaHeleniasRVA is the one that made the claim. She is who I'm asking.

Any rando that shows up and says crazy shit needs to back it up.

Why are you running your piehole about it here instead of going to the police if he is stalking you?

What exactly is eesh doing to stalk you?
What did he do to you besides send a expicity pick?
Is eesh big down there and can u describe his dick tats?

(last question is extra credit)

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Basl is a loser to the 9th power ()
Date: May 21, 2021 04:00PM

Saying eesh is stalking you isn't crazy at all since he's made it a point to let everyone know that he's gone by plenty of posters houses. He even drove all the way to Ohio to go stalk Megan. ..too bad eesh will never have anyone in his life so interested in him to do all the simp shit he does for people here who don't like him.

Yet the bitch doesn't like it when it's done to him. Imagine that.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Did you know? ()
Date: May 21, 2021 04:05PM

Meade loves Biden

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: You lost your credibility there ()
Date: May 21, 2021 04:39PM

Basl is a loser to the 9th power Wrote:
> Saying eesh is stalking you isn't crazy at all
> since he's made it a point to let everyone know
> that he's gone by plenty of posters houses. He
> even drove all the way to Ohio to go stalk Megan.
> ..too bad eesh will never have anyone in his life
> so interested in him to do all the simp shit he
> does for people here who don't like him.
> Yet the bitch doesn't like it when it's done to
> him. Imagine that.

First off, I'd posit that eesh is incapable of stalking anyone because he does not present a credible threat of causing death, criminal sexual assault, or bodily injury to anyone. As you are so eager to point out, eesh notoriously avoids physical altercations, even when chased by the obese crippled garden gnome William Moreno. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that Eesh has ever laid hands on anyone in anger, or that he would do so. Eesh is a pussy, as you are fond of saying.

That aside, driving past a house is not stalking by a long shot. But you totally jumped the shark at eesh "going to Ohio to stalk Megan". The facts are that eesh created a thread titled "A Member of Team Eesh Went Scouting This Week..." wherein he posted a photo of a post-it note with "Team Eesh" written on it front of a municipal building in Ohio, in the same county Megan was reported to live in. There was no threat or intimidation. There is no indication as to the purpose of the trip, nor any evidence he came within 10 miles of Megan's place of abode, nor any indication he intended to go anywhere closer or have any contact with Megan in Ohio. There was not even any mention of Megan until later in the thread when someone else mentioned her in the context of a movie. For what it's worth eesh also claimed he did not personally drive or take the photos.

Botttom line: Eesh's Ohio post does not come close to any definition of stalking in any way, shape, or form.


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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: A stalker ass pussy ()
Date: May 21, 2021 04:47PM

You lost your credibility there Wrote:
---------------------------------------------- Eesh is a pussy

You got that right!

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: quod erat demonstrandum ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:03PM

A stalker ass pussy Wrote:
> You lost your credibility there Wrote:
> ----------------------------------------------
> Eesh is a pussy
> You got that right!

Since you agree with that, then you must also agree that eesh would not be perceived to present a threat of causing death, criminal sexual assault, or bodily injury to anyone-------------and hence is not a stalker.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Michael Basl is a stalker ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:04PM

Anyone is capable of anything so no. I don't agree and he is still a stalker.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: end of the line ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:10PM

Michael Basl is a stalker Wrote:
> Anyone is capable of anything so no. I don't agree
> and he is still a stalker.

So who did he stalk, and when? You're out of gas there champ.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Mizery Me ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:10PM

Mommy, I hear a noise outside. It sounds like an Eesh noise.

Mommy, I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. I woke up at three and knew Eesh was hiding under my bed. He is so crafty. He knew I was going to check and hid somewhere else.

Mommy, don't send me to the market again. I saw a woman buying pickles who was the same size and shape as Eesh. I know it was him in disguise.

Mommy, why does Eesh do this to me?

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Michael Josef Basl is a pussy ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:13PM

end of the line Wrote:
> So who did he stalk, and when? You're out of gas
> there champ.

He stalked quite a few people on this website and you saying he didn't doesn't change that. Just like no amount of posting about Moreno is going to change the fact that michael basl has a two year protective order against him and nobody else. But him because he is a stalker.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: MamaHeleniasRVA ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:25PM

You’re clearly just another mindless troll or you’re Basl. If you want information, you have to share your identity with me privately.

If you actually paid as much attention as you’re pretending that you don’t, you would know that he’s done more than just send me the messages. The entire front page of this website has me in its spotlight and I’m not even a poster here.

I stated numerous times that this began in 2019.

After ignoring Basl for 3 years he then, and only then, decided to text my phone. He found my number on my business Instagram.

What Basl has done is none of your business, at the end of the day and what I do share is entirely up to me. I would never show all of my cards and I don’t play the game of posting my life for display.

Again, you’re just another troll and if you wanted actual answers you would be speaking with me directly right now.

Oh... and I never said I wasn’t in contact with the police and court system. :)

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Hello there Troll ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:48PM

MamaHeleniasRVA Wrote:
> You’re clearly just another mindless troll or
> you’re Basl. If you want information, you have
> to share your identity with me privately.
Sure, I'm Basl -- of course.

> If you actually paid as much attention as you’re
> pretending that you don’t, you would know that
> he’s done more than just send me the messages.
> The entire front page of this website has me in
> its spotlight and I’m not even a poster here.

But you are a poster here. You are clearly posting and you have come here to create an entire thread simply to make baseless allegations that someone is "stalking" you without any further details or evidence. Someone you claim to have only seen in court. How exactly is he stalking you if you haven't seen him?

You claim he send you naughty photos, but you haven't suggested or accused him of doing anything else recently. What does having threads made about you have to do with anything? Have you not seen the hundreds of threads bashing Basl and Katie? And Megan? Or Miz, peep, the Leisers, Trinnes, etc. What did you expect? This is a backwater website no one cares about. What are you doing here anyway? What compelled you to start posting here?

> I stated numerous times that this began in 2019.
> After ignoring Basl for 3 years he then, and only
> then, decided to text my phone. He found my number
> on my business Instagram.
> What Basl has done is none of your business, at
> the end of the day and what I do share is entirely
> up to me. I would never show all of my cards and I
> don’t play the game of posting my life for
> display.

You brought your business here and aired it out in public. You claim someone is stalking you and you won't say how -- and you admit you've only seen him once. If you are going to make outrageous claims you need to back them up. Otherwise you are nothing but a troll making baseless accusations.

> Again, you’re just another troll and if you
> wanted actual answers you would be speaking with
> me directly right now.

Of course. I'm Basl, remember? Moreover, I am speaking directly with you via this message.

> Oh... and I never said I wasn’t in contact with
> the police and court system. :)

So explain then why are you here on this backwater website spreading your unsubstantiated accusations about Basl?

By the way, if you don't know anyone here, how do you explain these anonymous posts from people who you allegedly don't know and have never seen yet claim to have been present at your court hearings?

Obviously you are a troll and an accomplice of the Moreno Crime Family.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Not a stalker. ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:55PM

Michael Josef Basl is a pussy Wrote:
> end of the line Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > So who did he stalk, and when? You're out of
> gas
> > there champ.
> He stalked quite a few people on this website and
> you saying he didn't doesn't change that. Just
> like no amount of posting about Moreno is going to
> change the fact that michael basl has a two year
> protective order against him and nobody else. But
> him because he is a stalker.

Basl did not stalk anyone, from this website or otherwise. A non-threatening photo of a town square in a city in Ohio, 10 miles away from someone is not stalking in any way shape or form. Nor is driving past someone's house. For example many people drive down Warwick Avenue where Lizzie lives.

The only one who was stalked was Basl himself. The Moreno Crime Family made numerous stalking expeditions to Richmond, creeped around, trespassed on his property, took selfies, and posted them here. Can you show me any posts from eesh about anyone other than the Moreno Crime Family/Leisers that are even remotely similar? No.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Basl is a well known stalker ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:57PM

Basl wasn't stalked. And if he was and there were people trespassing and taking pictures they'd have been arrested. No one was because it never happened. You're a liar and Basl is a stalker which is why he has a two year protective order against him from yet another stranger from the internet.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Michael Basl is a stalker ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:59PM

Not a stalker. Wrote:
> The Moreno Crime Family made numerous stalking
> expeditions to Richmond, creeped around,
> trespassed on his property, took selfies

Even if any of that were actually factual none of that rises to a threat of causing death, criminal sexual assault, or bodily injury by anyone.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: MamaHeleniasRVA ()
Date: May 21, 2021 05:59PM

I didn’t air my business. Basl aired my business. I came to clarify he’s a liar and a stalker. I’m not going to tell you anything here. The people who have had contact with me are strangers from this website that had the balls to contact me via phone, privately, and ask their questions after proving they’re not Basl. Again, I haven’t seen anyone requesting that Basl back up his ridiculous claims of me being a human trafficker or child molester.

Exactly. Goodbye.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Exactly ()
Date: May 21, 2021 06:00PM

MamaHeleniasRVA Wrote:
> I haven’t seen anyone requesting that Basl back
> up his ridiculous claims of me being a human
> trafficker or child molester.
> Exactly. Goodbye.

Because it's only Basl posting shit to/about you. Everyone else knows what a creep weirdo ass lonely stalker he is.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: don't waste your time ()
Date: May 21, 2021 06:01PM

MamaHeleniasRVA Wrote:
> I didn’t air my business. Basl aired my
> business. I came to clarify he’s a liar and a
> stalker.

we know

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: You are the epitome of a TROLL ()
Date: May 21, 2021 06:14PM

MamaHeleniasRVA Wrote:
> I didn’t air my business. Basl aired my
> business. I came to clarify he’s a liar and a
> stalker. I’m not going to tell you anything
> here.

You are just making ridiculous unfounded claims. You keep repeating that Basl is a stalker yet refuse to give any examples or say how he is stalking you. That sounds more like you are the liar.

The people who have had contact with me are
> strangers from this website that had the balls to
> contact me via phone, privately, and ask their
> questions after proving they’re not Basl.

And what were their names? Sharon, William,.. maybe TJ? So now you admit you are colluding with members of the Moreno Crime family. Thought so.

> I haven’t seen anyone requesting that Basl back
> up his ridiculous claims of me being a human
> trafficker or child molester.

What makes you think Basl had anything to do with those troll posts? Haven't you noticed all the blatantly false posts about Basl, Katie, Megan, and many others? There are countless dead relative and "grave shitting" threads for at many posters. Why wouldn't you expect to receive the same treatment?

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Says the retarded stalker bitch ()
Date: May 21, 2021 06:17PM

lol eesh just post from your username already you angry little FAGGOT

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: just call me eesh ()
Date: May 21, 2021 06:25PM

Says the retarded stalker bitch Wrote:
> lol eesh just post from your username already you
> angry little FAGGOT

Why do I need to do that? Everyone is eesh. I think I've been Miz once or twice which is quite embarrassing.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Gonna have to correct ya ()
Date: May 21, 2021 06:34PM

Nothing is more embarrassing than being eesh

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: I'd be embarrased too ()
Date: May 21, 2021 06:39PM

Gonna have to correct ya Wrote:
> Nothing is more embarrassing than being eesh

If I fucked that ugly-ass cow and then she flipped out and accused me of stalking her. What the fuck was he thinking when he stuck his dick in that thing. Eesh is not a bad looking guy he could surely do better. This is a rare occasion when I can feel some sympathy for eesh.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Wtf? Lmfao ()
Date: May 21, 2021 08:01PM

Only michelle basl would claim "eesh is not a bad looking guy" God how fucking stupid are you dude? The rest of the world thinks you look like the average middle aged white woman that we see acting self entitled in meme karen videos. Get a fucking clue, at this point even meade has become more self aware than you.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Imagine it though ()
Date: May 21, 2021 08:06PM

If you lived Michael's life you would be doing all this same shit too. It literally hurts to be him. He has to do something to distract from what an ugly as fat fucking disgusting failure he is.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: My post, not eesh's ()
Date: May 21, 2021 08:12PM

None of them are bad looking guys: eesh, miz, aaron, tj, even josh. Hell lizzie wasn't a bad looking negress either. I am the rest of the world, BTW.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: I'm not talking about looks ()
Date: May 21, 2021 08:17PM

Michael is so socially retarded and awkward he can't get or keep friends. He's so damn needy and desperate for friends he gets obsessed with anyone and anything that communicates with him. Even if it's to bash him and put him down. He's just like Miz. They're sad and pathetic and their self esteem is so low they don't know how to function in society without being creeps.

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: There's millions of ugly people ()
Date: May 21, 2021 08:18PM

But they don't all act like Michelle basl, which is precisely why she lives that shitty existence while they go on to have normal lives and families. It's not the gross fat body, bitch tits, little dick, goofy haircut, or ugly face, it's the shit personality that seals her sorry ass fate. People would be willing to overlook all of his physical flaws and form genuine connections with him if he weren't such a reprehensible human being

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: Cray Cray Cray ()
Date: May 21, 2021 08:21PM

(Sung to the old Toys r Us jingle)

I don't want to grow up
I'm a Cabbage Patch kid
My momma smoked crack
Look what it did

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Re: How is sending a naughty photo to a cellphone considered stalking?
Posted by: You reiterated my point though ()
Date: May 21, 2021 08:23PM

There's millions of ugly people Wrote:
> it's the
> shit personality that seals her sorry ass fate.
> People would be willing to overlook all of his
> physical flaws and form genuine connections with
> him if he weren't such a reprehensible human being

Well, yes. This is exactly what I was trying to say lol.

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