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Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:27PM

"Food stamp debit cards not working in many states"

EBT down, can the riots be far behind? And if the Redskins loose to Cowboys tomorrow! Perfect storm - EBT out, gov't down, lots of unemployed people and low information types looking for something to do.... this may not end well!


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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:51PM

I hope they start at the White House and Capitol Hill.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 05:52PM

Idiot. These are temporary connectivity issues caused by Xerox. Her is their statement...

"During a routine test of our back-up systems Saturday morning, Xerox’s Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system experienced a temporary shutdown. While the system is now up and running, beneficiaries in the 17 affected states continue to experience connectivity issues to access their benefits. This disruption impacts EBT beneficiaries who rely on the system for SNAP and WIC. Technical staff is addressing the issue and expect the system to be restored soon. Beneficiaries requiring access to their benefits can work with their local retailers who can activate an emergency voucher system where available. We appreciate our clients’ patience while we work through this outage as quickly as possible."

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Locust day ()
Date: October 12, 2013 06:01PM

Why don't we just shut down the freeloading mother fucking system and stop this endless cycle of entitlement.
No more fucking hand outs!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: October 12, 2013 07:30PM

Locust day Wrote:
> Why don't we just shut down the freeloading mother
> fucking system and stop this endless cycle of
> entitlement.
> No more fucking hand outs!

You would see some shit burning down then!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Jim Jones ()
Date: October 12, 2013 07:35PM

The violent savage negro would burn and loot, "in their own neighbor hood." the illegal spics would find another place to rape of resources. once Maryland falls, It's off to the next Liberal state.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: The Realist ()
Date: October 12, 2013 07:47PM

Apparently troglodytes don't much cotton to being corrected. Some sort of spasmodic grunting and slobbering seems to result.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: CollegeBoy ()
Date: October 12, 2013 11:32PM

Weren't we supposed to riot cuz of that retarded trial in FL over the Summer?

Man, the racists on here would just love that as it'd give meaning to their otherwise miserable life.

How cute.

Twilight is best pony....FACT!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Faxio ()
Date: October 12, 2013 11:35PM

Best thing to happen to our country in 4 and a half years.
Wake up Sheeple.
Papa government is broke and you will have to WORK and FEED YOURSELF to survive in the coming Zombie Obamaclypse.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Hard Working Individual ()
Date: October 12, 2013 11:41PM

I don't know how to do anything other than my redundant skill-less tasks that I am appointed to while working for the government. Please take care of me indefinitely.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Even Worse Than Usual ()
Date: October 13, 2013 12:01AM

I feel like I need to take a shower after reading this thread.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Choices, Choices ()
Date: October 13, 2013 01:14AM

I feel like I need to quit my job,Stop paying bills and claim that i'm a minority and feed off the system once the wheels start turning.
Or I could apply for a Gov't Job.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: FOTU ()
Date: October 13, 2013 02:39AM

Join us! Join us! Join us!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Went from slaving away every day being nickled and dimed to relaxing all day, every day. Abusing the system used to have a social stigma attached, but now you'd be stupid not to!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Atom ()
Date: October 13, 2013 08:37AM

At least we don't outsource the ebt payments to some other country like our Australian toll collecting overlords.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: RowdyBurns ()
Date: October 13, 2013 08:46AM

People who are on the front lines (Wal-Mart Cashiers) are at greatest risk. If i worked at Wal-Mart or similar store where a lot of EBT beneficiaries shop, i would call out sick. In no way whatsoever would I want to be in the middle of that mess.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Abe L. ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:21AM

You white sissies better get those machines fixed today so the niggers can get their food and clothes from Daddy Government.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:30AM

Another cesspool of shameful dickheads and stupid fuckwads. Our troops waste their time protecting the freedom of such worthless racist assholes.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: History Minor ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:39AM

I often wonder how Lewis and Clark made it clear to the Pacific Ocean without food stamps.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: TrayvonWho? ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:42AM

Can you trade food stamps for pussy if you only plan on eating it?

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:49AM

History Minor Wrote:
> I often wonder how Lewis and Clark made it clear
> to the Pacific Ocean without food stamps.

They were funded by the federal government to begin with. I often wonder how people managed to graduate from grade school.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Ricky Rack ()
Date: October 13, 2013 09:53AM

I think the comment was more directed at the sense of dependency that has been created in this country.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: October 13, 2013 10:11AM

Maybe now the welfare queens and kings will have to get rid of their smart phones, cable and gas guzzlers.

imbiker Wrote:
> "Food stamp debit cards not working in many
> states"
> EBT down, can the riots be far behind? And if the
> Redskins loose to Cowboys tomorrow! Perfect storm
> - EBT out, gov't down, lots of unemployed people
> and low information types looking for something to
> do.... this may not end well!
> http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_FOOD_STA
> TIME=2013-10-12-16-21-17

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Stabitha ()
Date: October 13, 2013 10:31AM

CollegeBoy Wrote:
> Weren't we supposed to riot cuz of that retarded
> trial in FL over the Summer?
> Man, the racists on here would just love that as
> it'd give meaning to their otherwise miserable
> life.
> How cute.

Negroes dont need a valid reason to riot. It all comes down to whether they need beer, cigs, and a new flat screen. I guess you werent alive for the Rodney King mess?

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 11:08AM

Ricky Rack Wrote:
> I think the comment was more directed at the sense
> of dependency that has been created in this
> country.

Sense of dependency, my fucking tookus. How much more than 100% dependency do you think there is? The Lewis and Clark Expedition was Jefferson's idea and was a federally funded undertaking. Everybody on that trip was "feeding at the public trough" as the babbling asshats like to say.

As for public charity in this country, it exists simply because even while heavily subsidized through across-the-board tax deductions, private charity is nowhere near well enough supported to accomplish the range of tasks at hand. Go look at the books of some major supposedly-private charities today. See how many of them do not receive direct federal funding in addition to their juicy tax subsidies. Go out and talk to the field directors of these supposedly-private charities and ask them whether they feel the federal government should play more or less of a role in their areas. Or just open your eyes and realize that you've been easily fucked over by a bunch of sleazebag right-wing propagandists who are still laughing at you to this very day.

Meanwhile, those who actually receive public assistance would like nothing better than to be able to get off. The notion of people laying back and enjoying the sweet life while living on welfare is yet another load of total right-wing bullshit bought into only by the very lowest of low-grade intellects. Beyond that, being able to depend on government for the common defense and general welfare is a good thing, but right-wing asshats have their tiny little brains all tied up in knots and so don't realize it. Absent the cornucopia of public sector goods, services, and assurances that you take for granted every day, your life would flat-out suck a great deal more than it flat-out sucks at the present time.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: CollegeBoy ()
Date: October 13, 2013 11:37AM

To be fair a segment of our,population does game the system and that is a huge problem, hence why we need welfare reform again.

People need to be reminded that welfare is the,only thing that keeps you from sleeping in a cardboard box at night; it's not a personal credit card and everything should be done to get off of it ASAP.

Personally, I think we should go back to actual food stamps. The stigma of it will really shock sebody I'm sure. What I dont understand is why a few of you think we should just leave everyone out to dry. Most pple dont cheat, yet you want to punish them for the assholes that do?

My God, think with your brain and not your heart. That's what liberals and teabaggers do, hence there erratic behavior.

Twilight is best pony....FACT!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 11:59AM

Other recent posters have merely provided more examples of the utterly worthless ignorant asswipes and downscale yahoo dumbfucks who make up the right-wing. Trained-seal rejects who sop up and spit back the worst sorts of cesspool propaganda at any opportunity. These types aren't worth pissing on.

People need to remember that Ronald Regan was an actor, and that while playing the kindly grandfather character on TV,..

"He specialized in the exaggerated, outrageous tale that was almost always unsubstantiated, usually false, yet so sensational that it merited repeated recounting… And because his ‘examples’ of welfare queens drew on existing stereotypes of welfare cheats and resonated with news stories about welfare fraud, they did indeed gain real traction."
[Susan Douglas, Professor of Communications, University of Michigan]

Traction among the stupid ignorant downscale dumbfucks that the right-wing has always depended on.

And of course the Rodney King incident occurred in March 1991. Riots began in late April 1992, only after four LAPD officers videotaped in a prolonged and savage beating of the defenseless King as he lay on the ground were somehow acquitted on all charges. Two of the officers were later convicted on federal civil rights charges and King was later awarded $3.8 million in a civil damages case against the City of Los Angeles.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: CollegeBoy ()
Date: October 13, 2013 12:38PM

So do you deny welfare fraud? Even if the idiots on the far right use it as a scare tactic, they still make a valid point that needs to be addressed. Alot of these entitlements suffer from fraud and waste. Im sure if they're reformed we could substantially reduce both of those things.

Twilight is best pony....FACT!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 12:48PM

CollegeBoy Wrote:
> To be fair a segment of our,population does game
> the system and that is a huge problem, hence why
> we need welfare reform again.

Fraud rates are very low. About 2% with regard to food stamps and most of the fraud that does go on is perpetrated by participating merchants, not by beneficiaries. But dishonest and unsavory sorts will ever engage in arguments from the outliers. When 98% of something is one way, they will take one example after another from the 2% that is the other way and hammer on those over and over and over again as if those were typical of the entire situation. Here in Sensible Land, We call the people who do that "fucking liars".

> People need to be reminded that welfare is
> the,only thing that keeps you from sleeping in a
> cardboard box at night; it's not a personal credit
> card and everything should be done to get off of
> it ASAP.

There are many people who receive welfare who also sleep in cardboard boxes at night. When they can find a decent cardboard box. People in general do not need to be reminded of the obvious. It's demeaning and counter-productive.

> Personally, I think we should go back to actual
> food stamps.

That's one of the worst ideas I've heard in months. Digital systems made possible by EBT cards provide much greater security and greatly expanded capacities to track spending and detect fraud.

> What I dont understand is why a few of you
> think we should just leave everyone out to
> dry. Most pple dont cheat, yet you want to
> punish them for the assholes that do?

It's primitive, reptilian fear and hatred. These few of yours don't really care who cheats and who doesn't cheat. They need someone to hate in order to make their own sorry ass lives seem worthwhile. The "fucking liars" referred to above turn welfare recipients into a convenient target for that. Meanwhile, the few fear anyone getting assistance as that kind of help might make it possible for the hated to leapfrog ahead of the haters. What a calamity that would be!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Blue Moon ()
Date: October 13, 2013 01:19PM

Well this is interesting...we have a liberal old white guy arguing with a conservative young black guy. You don't see that much around here.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 01:32PM

CollegeBoy Wrote:
> So do you deny welfare fraud?

Obviously not. Nor do I deny mail fraud, bank fraud, credit card fraud, securities fraud, or any of the other many and assorted flavors of fraud that exist. The question is not over the existence of welfare fraud, but over the extents and implications of it.

> Even if the idiots on the far right use it as a
> scare tactic, they still make a valid point that
> needs to be addressed.

If their point were actually valid, they could use valid arguments in making it. Instead they have top lie, distort, misrepresent and omit. Those are pretty telling shortcomings, wouldn't you say?

> A lot of these entitlements suffer from fraud and
> waste. Im sure if they're reformed we could
> substantially reduce both of those things.

You do not appear to know nearly enough about any of these programs even to begin guessing at how they could or should be reformed. The right-wing assholes hammer on waste, fraud, and abuse...waste, fraud, and abuse...waste, fraud, and abuse. The obtuse believe it outright while the merely gullible think that where's there's so much smoke, there must be some little bit of fire. Both groups are on the wrong side of the fence.

What is it for instance that makes you believe that this "fraud and waste" is so significant that "substantial" reductions would be possible to begin with? I'll tell you what: a bunch of propaganda lies that you've uncritically accepted. Out of entirely misguided intentions to be "fair", you are turning yourself into a fellow-traveller of the outright liars. Try to remember that there is no "fair" compromise to be had between truth and falsehood. Liars are to be excoriated, not mollified.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: LOL! ()
Date: October 13, 2013 01:36PM

Blue Moon Wrote:
> Well this is interesting...we have a liberal old
> white guy arguing with a conservative young black
> guy. You don't see that much around here.

It's claims and arguments supporting them that have a place on the table. The personal characteristics of anyone involved are completely irrleevant.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: alias too drunk to sign in ()
Date: October 13, 2013 01:50PM

My EBT debit card wasn't working either. Can't we just go back to the old paper voucher system? I used to sell mine for fifty cents on the dollar, so I could buy my alcohol and crack hits.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Denominator ()
Date: October 13, 2013 01:58PM

LOL! Wrote:
> CollegeBoy Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > To be fair a segment of our,population does
> game
> > the system and that is a huge problem, hence
> why
> > we need welfare reform again.
> Fraud rates are very low. About 2% with regard to
> food stamps and most of the fraud that does go on
> is perpetrated by participating merchants, not by
> beneficiaries. But dishonest and unsavory sorts
> will ever engage in arguments from the outliers.
> When 98% of something is one way, they will take
> one example after another from the 2% that is the
> other way and hammer on those over and over and
> over again as if those were typical of the entire
> situation. Here in Sensible Land, We call the
> people who do that "fucking liars".

When a percentage is cited a basis is required.

2% of what number exactly and by what specific measure?

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: eyes wide closed ()
Date: October 13, 2013 02:41PM

LOL! Wrote:
> Another cesspool of shameful dickheads and stupid
> fuckwads. Our troops waste their time protecting
> the freedom of such worthless racist assholes.

What freedom? you stupid fuck, no war is fought for freedom, It's fought for profit. It's a corporation, "Freedom" is a way to brainwash the ignorant who buy into that shit.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Sharonista ()
Date: October 13, 2013 03:14PM

A federal grand jury indicted 10 Baltimore business owners or operators on charges of stealing nearly $7 million from food assistance programs by agreeing to debit cash for beneficiaries without selling food — then keeping a cut of the proceeds.

The owner of a corner grocery in West Baltimore called "Second Obama Express" is accused of obtaining more than $2 million in payments for food sales that never occurred, a practice that authorities call "food stamp trafficking." Eight others are accused of taking between $348,000 and $1.4 million.


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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: What more can be said? ()
Date: October 13, 2013 03:31PM

Sharonista Wrote:
> A federal grand jury indicted 10 Baltimore
> business owners or operators on charges of
> stealing nearly $7 million from food assistance
> programs by agreeing to debit cash for
> beneficiaries without selling food — then
> keeping a cut of the proceeds.
> The owner of a corner grocery in West Baltimore
> called "Second Obama Express" is accused of
> obtaining more than $2 million in payments for
> food sales that never occurred, a practice that
> authorities call "food stamp trafficking." Eight
> others are accused of taking between $348,000 and
> $1.4 million.
> http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2013-09-17/news/b
> s-md-ci-food-stamp-fraud-20130917_1_food-stamp-fra
> ud-food-assistance-programs-food-sales


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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Barry 16 ()
Date: October 13, 2013 03:37PM

Think about it millions in fraud and that is only one city in a few weeks time. Imagine what goes on in NYC or LA.

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Reg Denny ()
Date: October 14, 2013 10:51AM

Rodney King got his ass whipped because he was drunk and wouldn't listen to the police commands.that was proven in court.....the driver of his vehicle got out and listened and nothing happened to him, his arrest notwithstanding.
It was another excuse for the niggers to riot, you fucking retard liberal!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: October 14, 2013 11:17AM

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: CollegeBoy ()
Date: October 14, 2013 05:56PM

Whites never riot.


Twilight is best pony....FACT!

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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: October 14, 2013 08:48PM

Locust day Wrote:
> Why don't we just shut down the freeloading mother
> fucking system and stop this endless cycle of
> entitlement.
> No more fucking hand outs!


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Re: Riots in MD, VA and WDC?
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: October 15, 2013 02:59PM

CollegeBoy Wrote:
> Weren't we supposed to riot cuz of that retarded
> trial in FL over the Summer?
> Man, the racists on here would just love that as
> it'd give meaning to their otherwise miserable
> life.
> How cute.

What do you mean "we" , white boy?

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