Slap my Ass and Call Me Nanci Wrote:
> Last throws Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Question now Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > So, did Meade get his name in the movie
> > credits,
> > > or not?
> >
> >
> > He did not. It appears Meade was pretty upset
> about
> > not getting his name in the credits, and IMDB's
> > refusal to give Meade the listing he feels he
> > deserves.
> If he actually read the agreement which he signed
> to be an extra no screen credit was ever
> guaranteed.
> That said, it does seem that the IMDB page went
> hog wild over putting in every other featured
> extra, regular extra and uncredited extra.
> f_=tt_cl_sm#cast
> One has to wonder if the producers of the film
> didn't want the stank of Meade on their product.
I think Meade was one of the first to give himself credit on IMDB while the movie was still in production/post. Such an early submission was most likely flagged by the production team, and removed by IMDB. Others listed themselves much later, after the movie flopped, and nobody cared to take action at that point.