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Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 05, 2013 07:57AM

Obama wants tax loop holes closed, Republicans say that's a non starter. They want spending cuts or we sequester and ruin the Economy. So what spending cuts do they want?

If you want to cut Medicare, come out and say it. Propose your legislation cutting Medicare. Take away access to medicine for the poor and let the fucking die off already so we can get on with it.

These cowards hold the country hostage for something they want Democrats to do for them.

What do you want to do to Medicare? Right? Spending, no balanced approach? Tell us what is it you want?

Cowards. All you do is talk and hold up government and solutions. You want Democrats to cut the life spans of our seniors for you.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republicans, Cowards? ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:06AM

Yea, right. Hard to prove. They have never been in any situation to prove they have balls.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: liberals are whiny pussies ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:14AM

Republitards Wrote:
> Obama wants tax loop holes closed, Republicans say
> that's a non starter. They want spending cuts or
> we sequester and ruin the Economy. So what
> spending cuts do they want?
> If you want to cut Medicare, come out and say it.
> Propose your legislation cutting Medicare. Take
> away access to medicine for the poor and let the
> fucking die off already so we can get on with it.
> These cowards hold the country hostage for
> something they want Democrats to do for them.
> What do you want to do to Medicare? Right?
> Spending, no balanced approach? Tell us what is
> it you want?
> Cowards. All you do is talk and hold up
> government and solutions. You want Democrats to
> cut the life spans of our seniors for you.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Confused ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:15AM

Obama wants to RAISE taxes (which will affect more than the rich).

Republicans say NO to more taxes but want big spending cuts.

Are the spending cuts not a slightly better idea?

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Obutthurt ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:15AM

Right on brother. How dare anyone challenge the dear leader. We don't need two parties, one will do. Shit, why even vote. Let's just let the great one stay in office until one of his daughters is old enough and then give the presidency to her.

You're a dangerous, uninformed fool. In other words, the perfect Oblamer voter.


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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: blake steele ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:15AM

How dare you call me a coward when my taxes pay for your monthly welfare check, food stamps, WIC, section 8 voucher, obamaphone and free medical.

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really? REALLY? o_0
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:18AM

republicans are cowards?


you SERIOUSLY taking it there?

pic unrelated

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:04AM

If you're not cowards then tell us what it is you want to cut. If you want to go forward with imposing across the board sequester cuts that will harm the economy to drive spending cuts. Then tell us what for?

I think Americans are entitled to know what it is you want.

If you want others to do the dirty work for you. Then of course you're nothing more than cowards not willing to stand by any principles or solutions to our fiscal problems.

It's funny, you want the Democrats to cut Medicare for you but you don't want corporate tax loops holes and offshore safe havens are off the table? You are too big of cowards to even let Democrats do the dirty work for you.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Date: March 05, 2013 09:10AM

Libby let me give you a free piece of advice.
Start your day with the 3S's shit, shave and a shower, go out and get a real job, stop living in mommy and daddy's basement contribute to society stop expecting things for free.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:15AM

Shut down government, hold up legislation, endless filibuster, but they can't tell you what they want.

"Cut spending" is as far as they're willing to go.

Says a lot about their understanding and ability to address our nations problems.

All you get in return when you ask them what it is they want from our country is personal attacks.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:21AM

@Repub - notice you ask what they want and the answer is "FUCK YOU"

just like Taliban, eh?

before the election, I asked GOP ppl on this site why I should vote repub - got the same exact response prettymuch - stfu. Which is kinda why they lost the election and looks like they'll lose the next one too - cause ppl like me that might vote GOP wont when they act like they are acting now in all this shit - more interested in attacking what they see as "the other side" instead of trying to get "the other side" onto theirs..........

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: jVGtK ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:28AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @Repub - notice you ask what they want and the
> answer is "FUCK YOU"
> just like Taliban, eh?
> before the election, I asked GOP ppl on this site
> why I should vote repub - got the same exact
> response prettymuch - stfu. Which is kinda why
> they lost the election and looks like they'll lose
> the next one too - cause ppl like me that might
> vote GOP wont when they act like they are acting
> now in all this shit - more interested in
> attacking what they see as "the other side"
> instead of trying to get "the other side" onto
> theirs..........

A frothing post attacking the GOP while complaining about the GOP for supposedly attacking "the other side". Ironic is a retarded kind of way. LoLzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: ex-Lester ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:33AM

Too bad Obama is not really in favor of ending the profit deferral tax break. He only wants to end the writeoff of intererest. There's over 1 trillion dollars in untaxed profits.


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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Back to Basics ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:49AM

Federal outlays have just about doubled under Bush and Obama. To say that one cannot find reductions of 2.5% given the magnitude of the increase is ludicrous.

Across the board cuts are the worst approach but it is better than doing nothing. What should be done is to give agency heads the discretion to cut expenditures in their areas of responsibility by a prescribed amount. The Republicans have advocated this instead of across the board cuts but Obama will not agree to this because he wants a political advantage by portraying the Republicans as causing inconvenience to the average American.

Corporations and businesses have to freeze or reduce expenses all the time when the economic circumstances call for it. Government should not be exempt from this either.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Lou Lieu ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:54AM

Tax increases should be in addition to spending cuts, not in lieu of.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:18AM

The Sequestor is not a solution and meant to be a means to a compromise. Now the Republicans instead want to use it entirely as a means to a political fiscal objective. My simple question was, what is that objective. Lets get on with it instead of damaging our economy for political purposes. What do you want to cut? And if so without changes to revenue?

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:24AM

jVGtK Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > @Repub - notice you ask what they want and the
> > answer is "FUCK YOU"
> >
> > just like Taliban, eh?
> >
> > before the election, I asked GOP ppl on this
> site
> > why I should vote repub - got the same exact
> > response prettymuch - stfu. Which is kinda why
> > they lost the election and looks like they'll
> lose
> > the next one too - cause ppl like me that might
> > vote GOP wont when they act like they are
> acting
> > now in all this shit - more interested in
> > attacking what they see as "the other side"
> > instead of trying to get "the other side" onto
> > theirs..........
> A frothing post attacking the GOP while
> complaining about the GOP for supposedly attacking
> "the other side". Ironic is a retarded kind of
> way. LoLzzzzzzzzzzzzz
> .

I know I'm stupid - I keep thinking about maybe voting GOP someday.

thanks for pointing out how STUPID it is of me to ask the GOP why I should vote for them

@repub - check it - EXACTLY the sorta thing that happened to me on this site BEFORE the election............and now they are still wondering how they lost.

and they still aint thinking about getting my vote for 2016 - still telling me "FUCK YOU AND YOUR VOTE, GORDO"
um, ok.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: ex-Lester ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:37AM

The problem is the discretionary budget only takes in about 40% of the taxes it requires to meet its expenditures. Either raise income taxes, which are its primary source of income, or do a sequester across all its departments and agencies. Any attempt to continue accomodating the imbalance by cutting Social Security or Medicare merely allows programs like defense and welfare to keep growing unchecked.

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Democrats aren't paying attention
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:45AM

Let's recap the facts that are not in dispute:

Obama invents and proposes the sequester to Congress.

Obama advocates for the sequester.

Obama gets his sequester.

The entire Obama administration fails to prepare properly for impending cuts that were propsed by and signed into law by Obama.

Obama gets his tax hikes two months ago.

Obama is more than a month late submitting his budget to Congress.

As for what spending cuts the GOP has proposed? They proposed them more than two years ago. They must not have told you about them on MSNBC.

Here they are:

FY 2011 CR Amendment: Replace the spending levels in the FY 2011 continuing resolution (CR) with non-defense, non-homeland security, non-veterans spending at FY 2008 levels. The legislation will further prohibit any FY 2011 funding from being used to carry out any provision of the Democrat government takeover of health care, or to defend the health care law against any lawsuit challenging any provision of the act. $80 billion savings.

Discretionary Spending Limit, FY 2012-2021: Eliminate automatic increases for inflation from CBO baseline projections for future discretionary appropriations. Further, impose discretionary spending limits through 2021 at 2006 levels on the non-defense portion of the discretionary budget. $2.29 trillion savings over ten years.

Federal Workforce Reforms: Eliminate automatic pay increases for civilian federal workers for five years. Additionally, cut the civilian workforce by a total of 15 percent through attrition. Allow the hiring of only one new worker for every two workers who leave federal employment until the reduction target has been met. (Savings included in above discretionary savings figure).

"Stimulus" Repeal: Eliminate all remaining "stimulus" funding. $45 billion total savings.

Eliminate federal control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. $30 billion total savings.

Repeal the Medicaid FMAP increase in the "State Bailout" (Senate amendments to S. 1586). $16.1 billion total savings.

More than 100 specific program eliminations and spending reductions listed below: $330 billion savings over ten years (included in above discretionary savings figure).

Here is the full list of cuts:

Additional Program Eliminations/Spending Reforms

Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy. $445 million annual savings.

Save America's Treasures Program. $25 million annual savings.

International Fund for Ireland. $17 million annual savings.

Legal Services Corporation. $420 million annual savings.

National Endowment for the Arts. $167.5 million annual savings.

National Endowment for the Humanities. $167.5 million annual savings.

Hope VI Program. $250 million annual savings.

Amtrak Subsidies. $1.565 billion annual savings.

Eliminate duplicative education programs. H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon, eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually.

U.S. Trade Development Agency. $55 million annual savings.

Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy. $20 million annual savings.

Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding. $47 million annual savings.

John C. Stennis Center Subsidy. $430,000 annual savings.

Community Development Fund. $4.5 billion annual savings.

Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid. $24 million annual savings.

Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half. $7.5 billion annual savings.

Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20%. $600 million annual savings.

Essential Air Service. $150 million annual savings.

Technology Innovation Program. $70 million annual savings.

Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program. $125 million annual savings.

Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization. $530 million annual savings.

Beach Replenishment. $95 million annual savings.

New Starts Transit. $2 billion annual savings.

Exchange Programs for Alaska, Natives Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts. $9 million annual savings.

Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants. $2.5 billion annual savings.

Title X Family Planning. $318 million annual savings.

Appalachian Regional Commission. $76 million annual savings.

Economic Development Administration. $293 million annual savings.

Programs under the National and Community Services Act. $1.15 billion annual savings.

Applied Research at Department of Energy. $1.27 billion annual savings.

FreedomCAR and Fuel Partnership. $200 million annual savings.

Energy Star Program. $52 million annual savings.

Economic Assistance to Egypt. $250 million annually.

U.S. Agency for International Development. $1.39 billion annual savings.

General Assistance to District of Columbia. $210 million annual savings.

Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. $150 million annual savings.

Presidential Campaign Fund. $775 million savings over ten years.

No funding for federal office space acquisition. $864 million annual savings.

End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services.

Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act. More than $1 billion annually.

IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget. $1.8 billion savings over ten years.

Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees. $1 billion total savings.

Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees. $1.2 billion savings over ten years.

Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of. $15 billion total savings.

Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress.

Eliminate Mohair Subsidies. $1 million annual savings.

Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. $12.5 million annual savings.

Eliminate Market Access Program. $200 million annual savings.

USDA Sugar Program. $14 million annual savings.

Subsidy to Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). $93 million annual savings.

Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program. $56.2 million annual savings.

Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs. $900 million savings.

Ready to Learn TV Program. $27 million savings.

HUD Ph.D. Program.

Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act.

TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years

And then there was this:


The information is there. Whose fault is it that you don't know about them?

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:49AM

first paragraph in that link- Washington (CNN) –After months of being vague on exactly what federal programs they would slash in their quest to cut spending, House Republicans Wednesday released a list of some 70 specific cuts.

So basically, instead of letting the Nation prepare, they dumped it all on us at the last minute....................and that's the Pres fault how? o_0

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 05, 2013 10:56AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> first paragraph in that link- Washington (CNN)
> –After months of being vague on exactly what
> federal programs they would slash
in their
> quest to cut spending, House Republicans
> Wednesday released a list of some 70 specific
> cuts.
> So basically, instead of letting the Nation
> prepare, they dumped it all on us at the last
> minute....................and that's the Pres
> fault how? o_0

The article is two years old. We have had time to digest them.

The President had more than a year to prepare for sequestration. The Supercommittee never reached an agreement. Sequestration, which he proposed and supported, was the law of the land. What steps did he take in all that time to prepare for Sequestration?

He is like the hurricane victim that was warned days in advance of impending disaster yet did nothing to prepare his property for the impending impact. After doing nothing and his property is destroyed, he turns around and blames the government for his loss.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: ex-Lester ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:41AM

The cuts apply predominantly to programs Dems want and Pubs don't. The Sequester is still the fairest way to do it since Defense and related programs comprise nearly half of the discretionary budget.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: 3X699 ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:47AM

faw Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > first paragraph in that link- Washington (CNN)
> > –After months of being vague on exactly
> what
> > federal programs they would slash
in their
> > quest to cut spending, House Republicans
> > Wednesday released a list of some 70 specific
> > cuts.
> >
> > So basically, instead of letting the Nation
> > prepare, they dumped it all on us at the last
> > minute....................and that's the Pres
> > fault how? o_0
> The article is two years old. We have had time to
> digest them.
> The President had more than a year to prepare for
> sequestration. The Supercommittee never reached
> an agreement. Sequestration, which he proposed
> and supported, was the law of the land. What
> steps did he take in all that time to prepare for
> Sequestration?
> He is like the hurricane victim that was warned
> days in advance of impending disaster yet did
> nothing to prepare his property for the impending
> impact. After doing nothing and his property is
> destroyed, he turns around and blames the
> government for his loss.

Facts are to libtards like Gordon as stakes are to vampires - brain death. Luckily for Gordon, his brain operates on two cells - one for his girlish emotions and one for his 1st grade "humor" so most facts sail light years above his blocked head. Thus, he'll never address the facts and deflect, usually with lame butthurt memes or non-sequitor discussions about emotions (thus trying to use both his brain cells at the same time, almost always ending in pathetic failure).

Pity the Gordon. Yes, of course continue to hate him, as all normal people do. But pity him as well. For we see his future every day before we flush the toilet after our morning constitutional.

Nothing personal Gordon. Just stating the obvious. LoLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

gordon and charlie.jpg

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 05, 2013 11:50AM

ex-Lester Wrote:
> The cuts apply predominantly to programs Dems want
> and Pubs don't. The Sequester is still the
> fairest way to do it since Defense and related
> programs comprise nearly half of the discretionary
> budget.

True enough. But, this Administration could have done a hell of a lot better preparing for the Sequestration. They act like it crept up on them and then manufactured a crisis due to their unwillingness/incapability to deal with the impending cuts. Had they spent as much time preparing for the cuts as they do blaming everyone under the sun for thier failures, the pinch would have been as painful.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Hey Gordy ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:11PM



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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:28PM

ROFLMAO @myself for not being able to read dates
@faw - so ok I still dont why yr saying Pres is to blame for what CONGRESS at the time wanted - which is the same exact budget cuts which are now in place? You dont remember exactly WHY that deal went down? The Great American Teabagging of '10? In 11 when Obama and normal GOP tried dealing with them and this was the result? This was the "deal" they made at the end of 2011 - we just didnt have a word for it back then LoLz.
@3X - you sound so like a hurt ex-girlfriend o_0

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: 7pWbp ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:36PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> ROFLMAO @myself for not being able to read dates
> @faw - so ok I still dont why yr saying Pres is to
> blame for what CONGRESS at the time wanted - which
> is the same exact budget cuts which are now in
> place? You dont remember exactly WHY that deal
> went down? The Great American Teabagging of '10?
> In 11 when Obama and normal GOP tried dealing with
> them and this was the result? This was the "deal"
> they made at the end of 2011 - we just didnt have
> a word for it back then LoLz.
> @3X - you sound so like a hurt ex-girlfriend o_0

Silly smelly Gordon, the number of times you're wrong in all these threads is pathetic. Your game is dropping like a rock. It's almost no fun kicking your sorry ass on here anymore........almost. Admit you're a retard with no clue about things like facts, logical reasoning and testosterone and we'll blame your recent even-more-lame-than-your-usual-lameness on gay menopause.

gordon retarded pussy.jpg

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Them the people ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:37PM

You are all a fucking bunch of babies. Everyone shares the blame. This is the goverment of the United States and we the people voted them in office.
Suck it up and hold yourselves accountable.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:38PM

@them - TRUTH. +1

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: This is how libs actually think ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:40PM


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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Knower of Things ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:42PM

This is how libs actually think Wrote:
> '

Not really, but since when does the truth matter to right-wing nutjobs like you?

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 05, 2013 12:43PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> ROFLMAO @myself for not being able to read dates
> @faw - so ok I still dont why yr saying Pres is to
> blame for what CONGRESS at the time wanted - which
> is the same exact budget cuts which are now in
> place?

The President invented the Sequester, he sold it to Congress, lobbied for it and signed it into law. Why do you continue to deny this historical fact? Clearly, you have no interest in admitting what are obvious facts, you are more interested in sticking to your own set of talking points that just happen to be factually inaccurate.

Earlier in this thread, you lamented about how when you asked GOP posters prior to the election why you should support the GOP that they would just attack the President. While I am sure there were plenty of attack posts against the President, I am sure there were plenty of posts that were not.

Like Most supporters/defenders of the President, you see what you want to see and ignore the rest. I have attempted to provide you with factual and historical information surrounding the formation and implementation of the Sequester, but you have chosen to stick to your guns and not take off the blinders. You really aren't interested in seeing any other point of view than yours, so it is no surprise you didn't see it.

> You dont remember exactly WHY that deal
> went down? The Great American Teabagging of '10?
> In 11 when Obama and normal GOP tried dealing with
> them and this was the result? This was the "deal"
> they made at the end of 2011 - we just didnt have
> a word for it back then LoLz.

A deal proposed by and supported by the President.

There is still no excuse for the lack of preparation by the Administration. Much of the pain of these cuts could have been mitigated by competent executive leadership. Acting at the 11th hour is not competent executive leadership when you had more than a year to prepare for the cuts.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Knower of Things ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:10PM

faw Wrote:
> The President invented the Sequester, he sold it
> to Congress, lobbied for it and signed it into
> law. Why do you continue to deny this historical
> fact?

And this changes the discussion... How?

> Earlier in this thread, you lamented about how
> when you asked GOP posters prior to the election
> why you should support the GOP that they would
> just attack the President. While I am sure there
> were plenty of attack posts against the President,
> I am sure there were plenty of posts that were
> not.

You know exactly nothing about it, so STFU (for once, please...).

> Like Most supporters/defenders of the President,
> you see what you want to see and ignore the rest.

Like most supporters of ANYTHING. Critics, too. Idealogues all.

> There is still no excuse for the lack of
> preparation by the Administration. Much of the
> pain of these cuts could have been mitigated by
> competent executive leadership.

Bullshit. It takes two to tango, pal. Talk to the GOP House.


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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Repubtards FTW ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:13PM

faw Wrote:
> True enough. But, this Administration could have
> done a hell of a lot better preparing for the
> Sequestration. They act like it crept up on them
> and then manufactured a crisis due to their
> unwillingness/incapability to deal with the
> impending cuts. Had they spent as much time
> preparing for the cuts as they do blaming everyone
> under the sun for thier failures, the pinch would
> have been as painful.

Obama's boys were too smart by half this time.

They assumed that the Republicans would continue to play his BS game and weren't serious about actually cutting things. They never thought that they'd accept cuts to Defense. Not understanding that, to their credit, they weighed higher the practical need to cut deficit spending over ideology and accepted that even Defense is bloated and will take the cuts if that's the only way that we can get them. As an independent fiscal conservatard, I'm almost proud of those big dummies.

Now Obama is fucked. Woodward blew all to hell their plan to blame it on the Republicans. They had to completely scrap the PR campaign they had planned to push that talking point. lulz

Even worse for them, it will become more apparent that the world isn't going to come to an end because of trivial 'cuts' that aren't really even cuts. He and his agency hacks were made to look silly suggesting such even by the compliant media.

That undercuts the whole foundation and opens the door for more cuts. Worse yet, it takes away the credit card and his ability to start up any more big spending efforts toward ticking off other check-marks on the Progressive agenda.

To the extent that effects do appear to the economy and employment, it's on his watch. And now the narrative has been solidly established that the sequester was his idea. (Thanks again Bob!)

So now he's stuck. He's handed the Republicans bigger cuts than they would have been able to get otherwise though any budget negotiation. That money's not coming back. At best he'll have to give in to the Republican's proposal to give the agencies the ability to reprogram where the cuts are made.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: katiesmith ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:14PM

How is the sequester going to ruin the economy? Think about it, it will actually in the long term help the economy and save money.

Republitards Wrote:
> Obama wants tax loop holes closed, Republicans say
> that's a non starter. They want spending cuts or
> we sequester and ruin the Economy. So what
> spending cuts do they want?
> If you want to cut Medicare, come out and say it.
> Propose your legislation cutting Medicare. Take
> away access to medicine for the poor and let the
> fucking die off already so we can get on with it.
> These cowards hold the country hostage for
> something they want Democrats to do for them.
> What do you want to do to Medicare? Right?
> Spending, no balanced approach? Tell us what is
> it you want?
> Cowards. All you do is talk and hold up
> government and solutions. You want Democrats to
> cut the life spans of our seniors for you.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Progressive regression ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:15PM

Knower of Things Wrote:
> faw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The President invented the Sequester, he sold
> it
> > to Congress, lobbied for it and signed it into
> > law. Why do you continue to deny this
> historical
> > fact?
> And this changes the discussion... How?
> > Earlier in this thread, you lamented about how
> > when you asked GOP posters prior to the
> election
> > why you should support the GOP that they would
> > just attack the President. While I am sure
> there
> > were plenty of attack posts against the
> President,
> > I am sure there were plenty of posts that were
> > not.
> You know exactly nothing about it, so STFU (for
> once, please...).
> > Like Most supporters/defenders of the
> President,
> > you see what you want to see and ignore the
> rest.
> Like most supporters of ANYTHING. Critics, too.
> Idealogues all.
> > There is still no excuse for the lack of
> > preparation by the Administration. Much of the
> > pain of these cuts could have been mitigated by
> > competent executive leadership.
> Bullshit. It takes two to tango, pal. Talk to
> the GOP House.
> >

know of things. brawwwwwwwwwhahahahahahahaha. That's a good one.


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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: strat ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:24PM

I am continually amazed that people think there is some fundamental difference between the issue here and what every productive human being already knows. You can't spend money you don't have... for long.

If one is up against it, you have three choices, don't spend so much, get a better source of income, or borrow. If you're already overextended, then borrowing is off of the table.

The histrionics about sequestration are almost funny, given that the USG borrows that much in a typical week. How anyone can take either party seriously in an economic context is completely beyond me.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:31PM

Knower of Things Wrote:
> faw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The President invented the Sequester, he sold
> it
> > to Congress, lobbied for it and signed it into
> > law. Why do you continue to deny this
> historical
> > fact?
> And this changes the discussion... How?

Please follow along. I realize that if it isn't spoon fed to you by MSDNC, you may not be able to regurgitate it properly.

Gordon Blvd made a statement. He wrote, "so ok I still dont why yr saying Pres is to blame." So, a logical and reasonable reaction to that would be to point out that the President is to blame because the Sequestration originated with him, he proposed it, supported it and signed it into law.

Do you know the meaning of the word "context"? Look it up, you might learn a thing or two.

> > Earlier in this thread, you lamented about how
> > when you asked GOP posters prior to the
> election
> > why you should support the GOP that they would
> > just attack the President. While I am sure
> there
> > were plenty of attack posts against the
> President,
> > I am sure there were plenty of posts that were
> > not.
> You know exactly nothing about it, so STFU (for
> once, please...).

Really? This is your response. It is weak, even for you. It isn't that hard to go back and see what was written.

You know why you are so butthurt? Because you can't dispute piblically available facts. You hate the fact that everyone knows the Sequester started with Obama.

> > Like Most supporters/defenders of the
> President,
> > you see what you want to see and ignore the
> rest.
> Like most supporters of ANYTHING. Critics, too.
> Idealogues all.

You appear to know better than anyone about being willfully blind.

> > There is still no excuse for the lack of
> > preparation by the Administration. Much of the
> > pain of these cuts could have been mitigated by
> > competent executive leadership.
> Bullshit. It takes two to tango, pal. Talk to
> the GOP House.

The GOP House can't go in and tell an agency to not buy this car or that computer. It can't tell them to stop posting jobs or hiring new people. It can't tell them to stop travelling. It is truly amazing how little you know.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:36PM

Republitards Wrote:
> The Sequestor is not a solution and meant to be a
> means to a compromise. Now the Republicans instead
> want to use it entirely as a means to a political
> fiscal objective. My simple question was, what is
> that objective. Lets get on with it instead of
> damaging our economy for political purposes. What
> do you want to cut? And if so without changes to
> revenue?

So compromise to you must mean the GOP doing everything Obama wants. Obama from day 1 has had 0 interest in compromise. If your looking for what the real problem is start there. They already compromised allowing for higher taxes in the last budget talks and got nothing in return and now are expected to do the same thing. It doesnt work like that and the cuts arent going to do anything to the economy.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:39PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> first paragraph in that link- Washington (CNN)
> –After months of being vague on exactly what
> federal programs they would slash
in their
> quest to cut spending, House Republicans
> Wednesday released a list of some 70 specific
> cuts.
> So basically, instead of letting the Nation
> prepare, they dumped it all on us at the last
> minute....................and that's the Pres
> fault how? o_0

Honestly how stupid are you. That was written 755 days ago as of today. How in the world is that last minute when theyve had it out there for over 2 years. Just when I think you cant get any dumber you continue to amaze us all

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: thinker of things ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:40PM

faw Wrote:
> Knower of Things Wrote:
> It is truly amazing how little you know.

Nah, he's a libtard. The depth of their unknowing is boundless and their stupidity no longer surprises me. However, I am surprised you'd be amazed at this. Par for the course as far as most of us are concerned.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Let's Cut ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:46PM

Here you go smart guy: How about cutting the food stamps, the illegal aliens who live in section 8 housing, the free schooling for the illegal's MS13 gangbaners, $250,000,000 for the Egyptian terrorist, the President's lavish vacations with boy friend Reggie Love...............list goes on douch bag.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: VnJJJ ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:49PM

They should cut section 8; head start and privatize social security -- just for starters. Get rid of military commissaries, especially those here in the DC area and eyerywhere else that local stores exist.

Shut down NASA and start charging admission to all of the Smithsonian facilities just like we do at national parks.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Dirty word ()
Date: March 05, 2013 01:55PM

Liberal Logic 102 Wrote:
> Republitards Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > The Sequestor is not a solution and meant to be
> a
> > means to a compromise. Now the Republicans
> instead
> > want to use it entirely as a means to a
> political
> > fiscal objective. My simple question was, what
> is
> > that objective. Lets get on with it instead of
> > damaging our economy for political purposes.
> What
> > do you want to cut? And if so without changes
> to
> > revenue?
> So compromise to you must mean the GOP doing
> everything Obama wants. Obama from day 1 has had
> 0 interest in compromise. If your looking for
> what the real problem is start there. They
> already compromised allowing for higher taxes in
> the last budget talks and got nothing in return
> and now are expected to do the same thing. It
> doesnt work like that and the cuts arent going to
> do anything to the economy.

Exactly. For Libs "compromise" means just STFU and do what I said. lol

We've raised taxes on the upper income group and on capital income twice already; once, in the healthcare bill and now more recently in the January deal.

On the other hand, we've done nothing to actually cut anything. And Obama and the Dems have avoided any serious discussion about the elephant in the room - entitlement programs. Even though they know that's the biggest problem that we face, they don't want any of that on their hands at all. They want to be able to blame those evil Republicans for cutting grandma's Medicare and SS. Which is going to happen in even worse form if we DON'T do anything.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Below_Me ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:00PM

President Obama will win in the end:.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: pay attention ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:05PM

Below_Me Wrote:
> President Obama will win in the end:.

He got his new taxes last month, dummy. Now, show me the cuts.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Below_Me ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:11PM

pay attention Wrote:
> He got his new taxes last month, dummy. Now, show
> me the cuts.

He'll win more revenue increases.

Already you see the GOP leadership's knees are buckling.

It won't be long now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: pay attention ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:16PM

Below_Me Wrote:
> pay attention Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He got his new taxes last month, dummy. Now,
> show
> > me the cuts.
> He'll win more revenue increases.

Call them what they are. New tax increases

> Already you see the GOP leadership's knees are
> buckling.

Yeah, they trembled at the fist sign of Sequestration and caved. Oh, wait....

> It won't be long now.

Don't hold your breath.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Oh Bouy ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:22PM

Below_Me Wrote:
> pay attention Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > He got his new taxes last month, dummy. Now,
> show
> > me the cuts.
> He'll win more revenue increases.
> Already you see the GOP leadership's knees are
> buckling.
> It won't be long now.

I hope so, but I'm not seeing that at all. Please post links that show that so I can be as hopeful as you. Thanks.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:30PM

Dirty word Wrote:

> Exactly. For Libs "compromise" means just STFU and
> do what I said. lol
> We've raised taxes on the upper income group and
> on capital income twice already; once, in the
> healthcare bill and now more recently in the
> January deal.
> On the other hand, we've done nothing to actually
> cut anything. And Obama and the Dems have avoided
> any serious discussion about the elephant in the
> room - entitlement programs. Even though they
> know that's the biggest problem that we face, they
> don't want any of that on their hands at all.
> They want to be able to blame those evil
> Republicans for cutting grandma's Medicare and SS.
> Which is going to happen in even worse form if we
> DON'T do anything.

That and they had super majorities in the house and senate for 2 years. Either they really dont want to close these loopholes and are just playing politics with everything or they intentionally didnt do it to leave it as an issue to create a fight about later on. Im honestly not sure which is worse.

The GOP and the house have put up countless spending bills and Harry Reid hasnt even had a vote on a budget in almost 4 years. As far whose to blame not named Obama its the Senate not the house.

It only takes the most minimal of intelligence to realize that we cant tax our way to a balanced budget or deficit reduction with our current spending. The government wastes so much money and gives so much money away that no one should be required to give up a single extra penny until the fat is trimmed.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Mlk republican ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:30PM

One of the most liberal states in the country is Maryland. There is an article in the Wash. Compost about how frightened Marylanders are of a gun composed of danish pastry. Result-7yr. old boy suspended from school with gun references on his school record.

They are even offering counseling to the traumatized children that saw it.

In Alexandria police have arrested a ten year old for scaring the shit out of liberals with a toy gun. At least it actually resembled a gun.

It seems this liberal histeria is headed towards Fairfax County.

I still think you are right about republicans because they have repeatedly caved in [to a phenomenom known as political correctness] and compromised due to pressure from the liberal propoganda machine better known as the mainstream media.

Ultimately, slinging mud at eachother [liberals and conservatives] is exactly what the politicians want. They win we lose and it's a shame that we the citizens have fallen prey to such a petty scheme with such a sinister plot.

The plot I speak of started with Woodrow Wilson[like 1914 or so], and has been advanced by Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon,Jimmy carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, in modern times. The New world order is here people and both parties are thick as thieves with this agenda, but not all politicians are involved.

The government has intentionally spent and continues to spend us into oblivion. Eventually we will be weakened so severely by our unpayable debt that we will be ripe for a national government take over.

I'm not paranoidly imagining this. It is real and it will devastate us all reguardless of party or political leanings.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Lush Rimbaugh ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:31PM

More proof that Oblamer is trying to hurt average Americans to make sure they feel the pain of his sequestor. Most unAmerican president E-V-E-R. Geez, how anyone can defend this asshole so explains Nazi Germany.


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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: you suck ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:53PM

Ow wow, it's great to see Gordon Blvd and her fellow libtards get owned so badly.

Sour grapes?

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Mlk republican ()
Date: March 05, 2013 02:56PM

There are many great posts on this thread. Please read them for the greater good. Thankyou.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: No, YOU suck ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:01PM

Lush Rimbaugh Wrote:
> More proof that Oblamer is trying to hurt average
> Americans to make sure they feel the pain of his
> sequestor. Most unAmerican president E-V-E-R.
> Geez, how anyone can defend this asshole so
> explains Nazi Germany.
> http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/5/ema
> il-tells-feds-make-sequester-painful-promised/

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the reply Mr. Brown received from his superiors:

“We have gone on record with a notification to Congress and whoever else that ‘APHIS would eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states in managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture industry, unless they provide funding to cover the costs.’ So it is our opinion that however you manage that reduction, you need to make sure you are not contradicting what we said the impact would be,.”

APHIS is responding to the sequester exactly as it said it would. What's wrong w/that?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Oh Gordo, I smell you're anon ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:19PM

No, YOU suck Wrote:
> Lush Rimbaugh Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > More proof that Oblamer is trying to hurt
> average
> > Americans to make sure they feel the pain of
> his
> > sequestor. Most unAmerican president E-V-E-R.
> > Geez, how anyone can defend this asshole so
> > explains Nazi Germany.
> >
> >
> http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/5/ema
> > il-tells-feds-make-sequester-painful-promised/
> There was absolutely nothing wrong with the reply
> Mr. Brown received from his superiors:
> “We have gone on record with a notification to
> Congress and whoever else that ‘APHIS would
> eliminate assistance to producers in 24 states in
> managing wildlife damage to the aquaculture
> industry, unless they provide funding to cover the
> costs.’ So it is our opinion that however you
> manage that reduction, you need to make sure you
> are not contradicting what we said the impact
> would be,
> APHIS is responding to the sequester exactly as it
> said it would. What's wrong w/that?

APHIS just spent $250K for racial sensativity training (http://dailycaller.com/2013/02/14/confidential-expensive-usda-sensitivity-training-the-pilgrims-were-illegal-aliens-videos/). Brown wanted flexibility to mitigate cutting where it would hurt the most and was told by HQ that he will not change anything and cut where it hurts, not where it makes little impact. That's what's wrong w/that.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:48PM

faw Wrote:

> The President invented the Sequester, he sold it
> to Congress, lobbied for it and signed it into
> law. Why do you continue to deny this historical
> fact? Clearly, you have no interest in admitting
> what are obvious facts, you are more interested in
> sticking to your own set of talking points that
> just happen to be factually inaccurate.

So yr saying Obama MADE Congress do something? Just kinda forced them? Mind Control? You DO understand laws that get signed by the Pres ONLY get to his desk for signature after A WHOLE BUNCH OF OTHER PEOPLE approve of this? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-eYBZFEzf8 -
Why do you continue to deny this historical fact? Clearly, you have no interest in admitting what are obvious facts, you are more interested in sticking to your own set of talking points that just happen to be factually inaccurate. :)

> Earlier in this thread, you lamented about how
> when you asked GOP posters prior to the election
> why you should support the GOP that they would
> just attack the President. While I am sure there
> were plenty of attack posts against the President,
> I am sure there were plenty of posts that were
> not.

Actually, that's not what I said at all o_0 It's still right up there you can go ahead and try again if you like..................... I'll give you a hint - yr gonna do the same thing............right about.................now ;)

> Like Most supporters/defenders of the President,
> you see what you want to see and ignore the rest.
> I have attempted to provide you with factual and
> historical information surrounding the formation
> and implementation of the Sequester, but you have
> chosen to stick to your guns and not take off the
> blinders. You really aren't interested in seeing
> any other point of view than yours, so it is no
> surprise you didn't see it.
Not really supporting/defending Pres - just dont get why it's Pres's fault when it's Congress makes the $$$$$$ law same as it's been my entire life.
> A deal proposed by and supported by the
> President.
> There is still no excuse for the lack of
> preparation by the Administration. Much of the
> pain of these cuts could have been mitigated by
> competent executive leadership. Acting at the
> 11th hour is not competent executive leadership
> when you had more than a year to prepare for the
> cuts.

I dont think it's Pres fault cause I remember that it was teabaggers who were pushing for all these BS cuts in the first place and how reg GOP was getting slammed for not making EVEN BIGGER CUTS than the ones that are taking place now.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:49PM

you suck Wrote:
> Ow wow, it's great to see Gordon Blvd and her
> fellow libtards get owned so badly.
> Sour grapes?

ROFLMAO@U on the fact this is the highlight of yr day

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Mother BLVD ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:54PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @Repub - notice you ask what they want and the
> answer is "FUCK YOU"
> just like Taliban, eh?
> before the election, I asked GOP ppl on this site
> why I should vote repub - got the same exact
> response prettymuch - stfu. Which is kinda why
> they lost the election and looks like they'll lose
> the next one too - cause ppl like me that might
> vote GOP wont when they act like they are acting
> now in all this shit - more interested in
> attacking what they see as "the other side"
> instead of trying to get "the other side" onto
> theirs..........

Another lie GB. Wingnut was completely reasonable but you and that other troll ferfux/MHK trolled so badly that he left the site. Every sensible post was met with your lame-ass memes and ferfux's lamer Romney shit-pie image. It got so bad most threads were just you and ferfux licking each other's balls over the interwebz while everyone else just ignored you. You are a troll. A regis-turd troll, but a troll none-the-less. And we hate you for it, just like ferfux. Notice how no one ever reponds to him anymore. He was a thread killer, which you are quickly becoming. Now go butthurt some more in the corner and stop lying.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:56PM

does anybody in the world know what that dude up there is talking about? Wingnut, do you?

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: v7Jmc ()
Date: March 05, 2013 03:58PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:

> I dont think it's Pres fault cause I remember that
> it was teabaggers who were pushing for all these
> BS cuts in the first place and how reg GOP was
> getting slammed for not making EVEN BIGGER CUTS
> than the ones that are taking place now.

You mean the cuts in the 8% rate of growth? Libtard Gordon, you silly, stupid moron. Fear the facts, they are not your friend. LoLzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: vmjku ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:03PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> does anybody in the world know what that dude up
> there is talking about? Wingnut, do you?

He's talking about you being a world class asshole. It's nothing the rest of us don't already know. Get with the program Gordo. 100 posters a day calling you a retarded troll must sink in, even to someone with a head as thick is yours. LoLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

gordon winged faggot.jpg

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Obutthurt ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:09PM

^^^^^^ now that's funny 'cause GB always post that other winged faggot meme. LOL

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:15PM

yep. I can certainly see how, by reading this thread, GOP will get my vote

pic unrelated
gordon and sam.jpg

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: nLwk4 ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:34PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> yep. I can certainly see how, by reading this
> thread, GOP will get my vote
> pic unrelated

He he. Gordon re-posting memes about how lame he is. Even Gordon hate Gordon. LoLzzzzzzzzz

Hey Gordo, this is my new favorite so use this one, okay?

gordon retarded pussy.jpg

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:41PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:

> So yr saying Obama MADE Congress do something?

I said that? Where?

> Just kinda forced them?

Again, where did I say that?

> Mind Control?

No, not mind control, he made promises that he later broke.

> You DO understand laws that get signed by the Pres ONLY
> get to his desk for signature after A WHOLE BUNCH
> OF OTHER PEOPLE approve of this? -

Sure do. Last I checked, you were the one in need of some remedial civics courses. Ya know, kinda like when you thought the POTUS signed a budget resolution? Remember that one, bone head?

> Why do you continue to deny this historical fact?

Are you talking about the historical fact that the President proposed the Sequestration, lobbied for it, made promises that he later broke about it, and then signed? I don't deny that at all.

> Clearly, you have no interest in admitting what
> are obvious facts, you are more interested in
> sticking to your own set of talking points that
> just happen to be factually inaccurate. :)

Point to one single innaccuracy.

> Actually, that's not what I said at all o_0 It's
> still right up there you can go ahead and try
> again if you like..................... I'll give
> you a hint - yr gonna do the same
> thing............right about.................now
> ;)

"before the election, I asked GOP ppl on this site why I should vote repub - got the same exact response prettymuch - stfu."

Now, let's see if you are as good at twisting your own words as you are at twisting the words of others. I think it goes back to that weak grasp you have on the English language.

> Not really supporting/defending Pres - just dont
> get why it's Pres's fault when it's Congress makes
> the $$$$$$ law same as it's been my entire life.

Asked and answered numerous times. But, per your usual MO, you ignore it.

> I dont think it's Pres fault cause I remember that
> it was teabaggers who were pushing for all these
> BS cuts in the first place.

Again, it was the President who concocted the Sequester.

Also, regardless of who pushed harder for the Sequester, it is the law of the land and has been so for more than a year. POTUS and his Administration did a piss poor job preparing for it. See, you kinda didn't address that above. It is either more of that selective comprehension thing or your overall trouble with the English language messin with ya.

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: tough talk ()
Date: March 05, 2013 04:50PM

you are a self righteous loser, just like the shie colored monkey occupying the white house.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Grand Dragon ()
Date: March 05, 2013 06:18PM

tough talk Wrote:
> you are a self righteous loser, just like the shie
> colored monkey occupying the white house.

Another chicken internet racist. You boys are real tough.
What's your name? Do you jerk off while wearing your sheets?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:18PM

@faw - do you have a link that shows where the Pres lobbied for the sequester? Cant seem to find one. thanx

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Young Curmudgeon ()
Date: March 05, 2013 08:36PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @faw - do you have a link that shows where the
> Pres lobbied for the sequester? Cant seem to find
> one. thanx

He set up the Simpson-Bowles supercommittee, which devised the whole sequester thing.

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what funny is that the first post I did on this thread was actually in SUPPORT of GOP and they still told me to fuck off LoLz
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:15PM

but what's REALLY funny - that in the old articles I find on this, THEY ARE TEARING OBAMA UP EVEN BACK THEN - even though GOP is saying they dont like S/B either LoLz



back then, he was bad for ignoring it (even though other side was ignoring it too) - Now he's bad for devising it? It's funny cause Forbes did an article on y'alls bullshit, how Obama fucked up 2nd guessing teabaggers on y'all's bullshit, and how it's fucking us ALL over now - http://www.forbes.com/sites/joshbarro/2012/02/27/the-real-reason-obama-wouldnt-embrace-simpson-bowles/

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Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 05, 2013 09:35PM

I just watch Hannity and he was complaining about the lack of journalistic ethics to provide an appropriate check on executive power.

Sean Hannity, the crusader of bad right wing bush crony media. Is lecturing about unbiased media from his fox news outfit.

To me, having a basic memory that goes back more than four years, it's unbearable. Are Republicans really that stupid when they see such hypocrisy to just be entertained by it and blinded by partisanship?

Thank God I can live an honest existence.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 06, 2013 10:53AM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @faw - do you have a link that shows where the
> Pres lobbied for the sequester? Cant seem to find
> one. thanx

LOL. Sure.

"The president and [White House chief of staff William] Daley were on the patio outside Daley’s office with [adviser David] Plouffe, [Treasury Secretary Timothy] Geithner, Lew and Sperling when they got word that Biden was making progress with [Senate Minority Leader Mitch] McConnell. It looked as if Republicans were ready to agree to a Defense/non-Defense sequester in the trigger."

The Price of Politics, Bob Woodward, page 344.

Now, how about you start addressing the questions posed to you instead of ducking them like a coward?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: puzzler ()
Date: March 06, 2013 10:55AM

Republitards Wrote:
> I just watch Hannity and he was complaining about
> the lack of journalistic ethics to provide an
> appropriate check on executive power.
> Sean Hannity, the crusader of bad right wing bush
> crony media. Is lecturing about unbiased media
> from his fox news outfit.
> To me, having a basic memory that goes back more
> than four years, it's unbearable. Are Republicans
> really that stupid when they see such hypocrisy to
> just be entertained by it and blinded by
> partisanship?
> Thank God I can live an honest existence.

why do you watch it if you hate the guy?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: in depth review ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:00AM

Republicans are more stupid, selfish and hateful than anything else.
Thankfully they are dying off at a rate of about 160 per day.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: punchy jones ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:03AM

If not for Repbublicans who would fund your welfare and food stamps?

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Truthinator ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:11AM

in depth review Wrote:
> Republicans are more stupid, selfish and hateful
> than anything else.
> Thankfully they are dying off at a rate of about
> 160 per day.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:55AM

@faw - that's not a link - that's a sentence from a book. A sentence discribing a guy hanging out on his patio with a buncha other dudes does NOT really convey the image of heavy lobbying you are trying to tell me occured.

Just trying to figure out the message of the GOP - if can get confusing sometimes LoLz

pic unrelated

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 06, 2013 12:41PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @faw - that's not a link - that's a sentence from
> a book. A sentence discribing a guy hanging out
> on his patio with a buncha other dudes does NOT
> really convey the image of heavy lobbying you are
> trying to tell me occured.

LOL. Here's your link:


Yeah, sending the frigging Vice President to sell Congress on your idea is the "light touch" method of lobbying. Who are you kidding? Do you believe your own BS? And, where exactly did I use the term "heavy lobbying"? Is that like heavy petting?

> Just trying to figure out the message of the GOP -
> if can get confusing sometimes LoLz

Nah, dude, you're just trollin.

PS - you're still ducking questions.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: March 06, 2013 12:57PM

Republitards Wrote:
> Obama wants tax loop holes closed, Republicans say
> that's a non starter. They want spending cuts or
> we sequester and ruin the Economy. So what
> spending cuts do they want?
> If you want to cut Medicare, come out and say it.
> Propose your legislation cutting Medicare. Take
> away access to medicine for the poor and let the
> fucking die off already so we can get on with it.
> These cowards hold the country hostage for
> something they want Democrats to do for them.
> What do you want to do to Medicare? Right?
> Spending, no balanced approach? Tell us what is
> it you want?
> Cowards. All you do is talk and hold up
> government and solutions. You want Democrats to
> cut the life spans of our seniors for you.

Republicans don't want to go on the record for proposing any cuts to defense, so they're quietly satisfied to pretend to let it happen accidentally through the sequester. "Wasn't us, not our fault!" Everyone sees it, no one is fooled. As the economy improves and the initial pain of the cuts wears off, every politician will be claiming responsibility for the sequester's success - all too predictable.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics ()
Date: March 06, 2013 01:16PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Republicans don't want to go on the record for
> proposing any cuts to defense, so they're quietly
> satisfied to pretend to let it happen accidentally
> through the sequester. "Wasn't us, not our fault!"
> Everyone sees it, no one is fooled. As the economy
> improves and the initial pain of the cuts wears
> off, every politician will be claiming
> responsibility for the sequester's success - all
> too predictable.

You mean like how Obama and the Dems have avoided any serious discussion of Medicare and SS other than using it as a boogeyman and that Republicans are going to cut grandma off? lol

You're wrong about the not being fooled part. Unfortunately most on both sides do seem to be by the bullshit that comes from their respective parties and favored media.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: March 06, 2013 01:39PM

Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics Wrote:
> Berdhuis Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Republicans don't want to go on the record for
> > proposing any cuts to defense, so they're
> quietly
> > satisfied to pretend to let it happen
> accidentally
> > through the sequester. "Wasn't us, not our
> fault!"
> > Everyone sees it, no one is fooled. As the
> economy
> > improves and the initial pain of the cuts wears
> > off, every politician will be claiming
> > responsibility for the sequester's success -
> all
> > too predictable.
> You mean like how Obama and the Dems have avoided
> any serious discussion of Medicare and SS other
> than using it as a boogeyman and that Republicans
> are going to cut grandma off? lol
> You're wrong about the not being fooled part.
> Unfortunately most on both sides do seem to be by
> the bullshit that comes from their respective
> parties and favored media.

Don't know if I can agree with you about the Medicare and SS discussion. Seems like it would be tougher to ascribe SS and Medicare as wasteful spending, compared to ascribing uber-modern weapons programs as wasteful spending, particularly as the number of our aging population increases annually. But I totally agree with you on your last observation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/06/2013 01:43PM by Berdhuis.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics ()
Date: March 06, 2013 01:59PM

Berdhuis Wrote:
> Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Berdhuis Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > > Republicans don't want to go on the record
> for
> > > proposing any cuts to defense, so they're
> > quietly
> > > satisfied to pretend to let it happen
> > accidentally
> > > through the sequester. "Wasn't us, not our
> > fault!"
> > > Everyone sees it, no one is fooled. As the
> > economy
> > > improves and the initial pain of the cuts
> wears
> > > off, every politician will be claiming
> > > responsibility for the sequester's success -
> > all
> > > too predictable.
> >
> > You mean like how Obama and the Dems have
> avoided
> > any serious discussion of Medicare and SS other
> > than using it as a boogeyman and that
> Republicans
> > are going to cut grandma off? lol
> >
> > You're wrong about the not being fooled part.
> > Unfortunately most on both sides do seem to be
> by
> > the bullshit that comes from their respective
> > parties and favored media.
> Don't know if I can agree with you about the
> Medicare and SS discussion. Seems like it would be
> tougher to ascribe SS and Medicare as wasteful
> spending, compared to ascribing uber-modern
> weapons programs as wasteful spending,
> particularly as the number of our aging population
> increases annually. But I totally agree with you
> on your last observation.

Nobody suggested that it was wasteful spending. Although there is a lot of waste involved, that's a separate discussion.

It is the same political avoidance of real problems that should have been dealt with long ago in favor of trying to gain political advantage. Particularly now, as you note, because we're at the point where we have to actually come up with real money to pay the obligations we've made under these programs. Dems don't want to have anything to do with any changes and cuts which everyone knows must happen, so they pretend that there is no problem and hope to push off addressing it to Republicans so that they can come back later and say "Wasn't us, not our fault!"

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Berdhuis ()
Date: March 06, 2013 02:21PM

Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics Wrote:

> Nobody suggested that it was wasteful spending.
> Although there is a lot of waste involved, that's
> a separate discussion.

Understood, I was the one who linked a rationale for cuts with wasteful spending.

> It is the same political avoidance of real
> problems that should have been dealt with long ago
> in favor of trying to gain political advantage.
> Particularly now, as you note, because we're at
> the point where we have to actually come up with
> real money to pay the obligations we've made under
> these programs.

But can't we just print more money in collusion with the Europeans and hope no one will notice? Ha ha, I get your point, though. This could easily boil down to guns and butter, and we have to decide which one we get to keep.

> Dems don't want to have anything
> to do with any changes and cuts which everyone
> knows must happen, so they pretend that there is
> no problem and hope to push off addressing it to
> Republicans so that they can come back later and
> say "Wasn't us, not our fault!"

We'll see what happens. But Repubs in the house must make a good faith obligation to present cuts in all departments - and I just haven't seen that effort.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 06, 2013 03:04PM

Two Republican Senators are actually making me proud by verbally filibustering Brennan and defining our God given enumerated rights as Americans and the importance of the preservation of our constitution. Yet the media is talking about some whore that killed her boyfriend which they want to make an celebrity. Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee on cspan.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 06, 2013 03:11PM

Rand Paul is principled patriot. Don't agree with his economics though. Ted Cyrus trying to ride his coat tails now. That slithering snake oil salesman.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Do as I do ()
Date: March 06, 2013 03:15PM

Republitards Wrote:
> Two Republican Senators are actually making me
> proud by verbally filibustering Brennan and
> defining our God given enumerated rights as
> Americans and the importance of the preservation
> of our constitution. Yet the media is talking
> about some whore that killed her boyfriend which
> they want to make an celebrity. Senators Rand Paul
> and Mike Lee on cspan.

You gotta give the Pauls some credit. They may be completely nutty in some ways but they do at least stay pretty true to the cause. I can at least respect that even though I disagree with them on specific issues.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 06, 2013 03:20PM

Rand Paul is the only Republican that's not a coward.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: fuckconservatives ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:13PM

WOOOOO Fucking bring it you conservative retards.

1. The US government is not run like your household or corporate ledger. Please let me know when you as an individual have your own currency, and that currency is the de facto currency for the _WORLD_.

2. The notion of who started the sequester is fucking idiotic, and misses the point entirely. Republican leadership in the house signed it. Why don't you constitutional scholars look up something called the power of the purse. PRO-TIP: That power does not reside in the executive branch.

3. Taxes do not come into play when hiring people. Any rich person who sells you that line of bullshit is looking to line their pockets. Before you mouthe breathers jizz all over yourself trying to tell me how RICH you are, and how wrong I am. Check out the tax and unemployment rates of the 50s and compare them to that of today.

4. Rand Paul is milking all of you libertarian retards for your money. Him and his "fleet footed" father, will never amount to shit in this world. Rand most certainly is not anti establishment, just look at his fucking voting record.

Bottom line is that you myopic fucks are only angry that a black man is in the white house. And are scared shitless of the implications for white america, and your place at the top of the food chain.

If any of you people really had half a brain, you would realize that Obama is at his most Marxist, a center-right president.

He has passed the Heritage foundation's healthcare plan. Moved to the right of George W Bush on civil liberties, all while enacting toothless regulations on an industry that has brought the world economy to its knees.

In short, fuck you retards, stay the fuck out of my government, and the voting booth. I can't fucking wait until you all lose power for good.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: YouIdiot ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:21PM

fuckconservatives Wrote:
> > 2. The notion of who started the sequester is
> fucking idiotic, and misses the point entirely.

No, you fucking idiot, that is the point. That dumbass in the White House wanted this bad and he got it bad.

And, oh by the way you fucking idiot, there's no such thing as the "power of the purse" in the constitution.

Dumb son of a bitch.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: fuckconservatives ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:29PM

YouIdiot Wrote:
> fuckconservatives Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > > 2. The notion of who started the sequester
> is
> > fucking idiotic, and misses the point entirely.
> >
> No, you fucking idiot, that is the point. That
> dumbass in the White House wanted this bad and he
> got it bad.
> And, oh by the way you fucking idiot, there's no
> such thing as the "power of the purse" in the
> constitution.
> Dumb son of a bitch.

Article 1 Section 8.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Liberal Logic 102 ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:37PM

fuckconservatives Wrote:

> Bottom line is that you myopic fucks are only
> angry that a black man is in the white house. And
> are scared shitless of the implications for white
> america, and your place at the top of the food
> chain.

Why are you such a racist that you insist on spitting on the grave of the civil rights movement? I know Dr King wasnt a good man but he was right when it came to civil rights, why do you disagree with him?

> If any of you people really had half a brain, you
> would realize that Obama is at his most Marxist, a
> center-right president.

You are so far in left field you cant even see the fence line anymore if you think hes center right.

> He has passed the Heritage foundation's healthcare
> plan. Moved to the right of George W Bush on
> civil liberties, all while enacting toothless
> regulations on an industry that has brought the
> world economy to its knees.

Dems have never stood for civil liberties, theyre all about big government and big brother gives them more state control.

> In short, fuck you retards, stay the fuck out of
> my government, and the voting booth. I can't
> fucking wait until you all lose power for good.

Such a well spoken articulate individual. I know your mastery of the english language showing a highly educated individual has convinced me.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: YouIdiot ()
Date: March 06, 2013 11:38PM

Ah, don’t bother! You’re busted you stupid fuck!

You actually thought the constitution said “power of the purse”!!

You fucking idiot



Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: power of the putz ()
Date: March 07, 2013 12:14AM

fuckconservatives Wrote:
> WOOOOO Fucking bring it you conservative retards.
> 1. The US government is not run like your
> household or corporate ledger. Please let me know
> when you as an individual have your own currency,
> and that currency is the de facto currency for the
> _WORLD_.
> 2. The notion of who started the sequester is
> fucking idiotic, and misses the point entirely.
> Republican leadership in the house signed it. Why
> don't you constitutional scholars look up
> something called the power of the purse. PRO-TIP:
> That power does not reside in the executive
> branch.
> 3. Taxes do not come into play when hiring
> people. Any rich person who sells you that line
> of bullshit is looking to line their pockets.
> Before you mouthe breathers jizz all over yourself
> trying to tell me how RICH you are, and how wrong
> I am. Check out the tax and unemployment rates of
> the 50s and compare them to that of today.
> 4. Rand Paul is milking all of you libertarian
> retards for your money. Him and his "fleet
> footed" father, will never amount to shit in this
> world. Rand most certainly is not anti
> establishment, just look at his fucking voting
> record.
> Bottom line is that you myopic fucks are only
> angry that a black man is in the white house. And
> are scared shitless of the implications for white
> america, and your place at the top of the food
> chain.
> If any of you people really had half a brain, you
> would realize that Obama is at his most Marxist, a
> center-right president.
> He has passed the Heritage foundation's healthcare
> plan. Moved to the right of George W Bush on
> civil liberties, all while enacting toothless
> regulations on an industry that has brought the
> world economy to its knees.
> In short, fuck you retards, stay the fuck out of
> my government, and the voting booth. I can't
> fucking wait until you all lose power for good.

Dude, like everything you wrote here is complete bullshit.

The sad part is that you actually think that you have some deep insights. lulz

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Young Curmudgeon ()
Date: March 07, 2013 12:28AM

fuckconservatives Wrote:
> WOOOOO Fucking bring it you conservative retards.
> 1. The US government is not run like your
> household or corporate ledger. Please let me know
> when you as an individual have your own currency,
> and that currency is the de facto currency for the
> _WORLD_.
> 2. The notion of who started the sequester is
> fucking idiotic, and misses the point entirely.
> Republican leadership in the house signed it. Why
> don't you constitutional scholars look up
> something called the power of the purse. PRO-TIP:
> That power does not reside in the executive
> branch.
> 3. Taxes do not come into play when hiring
> people. Any rich person who sells you that line
> of bullshit is looking to line their pockets.
> Before you mouthe breathers jizz all over yourself
> trying to tell me how RICH you are, and how wrong
> I am. Check out the tax and unemployment rates of
> the 50s and compare them to that of today.
> 4. Rand Paul is milking all of you libertarian
> retards for your money. Him and his "fleet
> footed" father, will never amount to shit in this
> world. Rand most certainly is not anti
> establishment, just look at his fucking voting
> record.

> Bottom line is that you myopic fucks are only
> angry that a black man is in the white house. And
> are scared shitless of the implications for white
> america, and your place at the top of the food
> chain.
> If any of you people really had half a brain, you
> would realize that Obama is at his most Marxist, a
> center-right president.
> He has passed the Heritage foundation's healthcare
> plan. Moved to the right of George W Bush on
> civil liberties, all while enacting toothless
> regulations on an industry that has brought the
> world economy to its knees.

You want to know what the problem is? People like you. You've driven Southern Democrats like me out of the party, and now you're working on eliminating all but those aspects who won't raise a question about anything you're doing.

Obama was the wrong choice. End of story. If one of you guys had said "hey, he's unqualified!" rather than look at his race and say "He's a smiley black man with a Harvard Law degree," we wouldn't be in this mess. The economy is stagnant. You can look at the Dow and say "It's at record levels!" but you totally miss the point. Employment growth is almost 0, and GDP growth is minimal.

The GOP has some overly vocal extremists, no arguments there. Many of them (Boehner and other centrists) actually want to get things done. The issue is the Tea Party is still somewhat important. Boehner NEEDS those votes, regardless of if he wants to or not.

The notion of who started the sequester is not idiotic; it assigns blame where blame is due. To be fully honest, it falls on both parties. Obama set up Simpson-Bowles and refused to compromise with spending cuts. The GOP refused to agree with Simpson-Bowles' proposals and set the road to the sequester.

The healthcare plan was well intended and has some excellent parts to it. However, the IPAB is not a good idea, and the expansion of Medicaid without coming up with a way to pay for it is also not a good idea. According to the GAO (non-partisan entity here), the bill will add 6.2 trillion to the deficit.

As for Obama's social positions, don't get me started. The President should not be filing amicus curiae briefs with the Supreme Court, regardless of what the issue is. Gay marriage is something that should be left up to the states, and I hope the Supreme Court says so. I don't see Prop. 8 being struck down, as it's really not much of an issue beyond nomenclature. I think DOMA may be struck down, but that's a different issue.

I think you'd best educate yourself some more before coming on here and saying all conservatives are idiots. By and large, I would be considered a Conservative Democrat. And guess what? Almost every Democratic President since Wilson has been like me.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 11:23AM

faw Wrote:
> Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > @faw - that's not a link - that's a sentence
> from
> > a book. A sentence discribing a guy hanging
> out
> > on his patio with a buncha other dudes does NOT
> > really convey the image of heavy lobbying you
> are
> > trying to tell me occured.
> LOL. Here's your link:
> http://www.amazon.com/The-Price-Politics-Bob-Woodw
> ard/dp/1451651104
> Yeah, sending the frigging Vice President to sell
> Congress on your idea is the "light touch" method
> of lobbying. Who are you kidding? Do you believe
> your own BS? And, where exactly did I use the
> term "heavy lobbying"? Is that like heavy
> petting?
> > Just trying to figure out the message of the GOP
> -
> > if can get confusing sometimes LoLz
> Nah, dude, you're just trollin.
> PS - you're still ducking questions.

A link to a book I have to buy just to hear some guy sell his story.................well, yr not really convincing us of yr theory here, son. But whateves. Play yr game. In reality, we both get it that BOTH sides are to blame, and the WE THE PEOPLE have to take responsibilty for putting ALL THESE FOOLS in office in the first place LoLz

p.s. just cause somebody doesnt have the same opinion you have DOESNT make them a troll, kiddo.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: Republitards ()
Date: March 07, 2013 11:37AM

They just lost their ass's doing the same things they're continuing to do against a second term president they cant pretend is a fluke anymore. Let em keep digging their own hole. They think the American people are stupid and they're the only dumb asses.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: blake lane 73 ()
Date: March 07, 2013 01:30PM

That 51% of Americans are stupid has been proven by the last two elections. Someone who has not managed a state ,a county ,a city ,a fire dept. , a cub scout troop ,a hot dog stand .. essentially nothing was elected to run the biggest economy in the world. So called "leadership " is represented by a career of talking not doing. The reason foreign leaders support O-Bana is they would rather negotiate with a welfare baby than a person with a true record of leadership. Putin,the Russian president or power behind Medvedev made his way to the top of the KGB, one of the most ruthless organizations in the world. Im sure hes delighted to face off with a guy who gained popularity expanding Americas welfare rolls. They are both working towards the same goal...the weakening of America. O-bots gleefully celebrate the rise of their guy while Americas decline in the world continues. Whether the Repubs lose or win makes not a bit of difference. Americas fundamental problems go unaddressed regardless of who wins the presidency, Big money bought O-bama because they could sell him to the ignorant masses. They bough Bush for the same reason. Wall Street just hit an all time record while 49 % of American require some form of public assistance. This is progress? Retards on both sides cheer their respective heroes while the rest of the world laughs under their breath.

Options: ReplyQuote
yep, America really sucks these days o_0
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: March 07, 2013 01:35PM

blake lane 73 Wrote:
> That 51% of Americans are stupid has been proven
> by the last two elections. Someone who has not
> managed a state ,a county ,a city ,a fire dept. ,
> a cub scout troop ,a hot dog stand .. essentially
> nothing was elected to run the biggest economy in
> the world. So called "leadership " is represented
> by a career of talking not doing. The reason
> foreign leaders support O-Bana is they would
> rather negotiate with a welfare baby than a person
> with a true record of leadership. Putin,the
> Russian president or power behind Medvedev made
> his way to the top of the KGB, one of the most
> ruthless organizations in the world. Im sure hes
> delighted to face off with a guy who gained
> popularity expanding Americas welfare rolls. They
> are both working towards the same goal...the
> weakening of America. O-bots gleefully celebrate
> the rise of their guy while Americas decline in
> the world continues. Whether the Repubs lose or
> win makes not a bit of difference. Americas
> fundamental problems go unaddressed regardless of
> who wins the presidency, Big money bought O-bama
> because they could sell him to the ignorant
> masses. They bough Bush for the same reason. Wall
> Street just hit an all time record while 49 % of
> American require some form of public assistance.
> This is progress? Retards on both sides cheer
> their respective heroes while the rest of the
> world laughs under their breath.

MEANWHILE, IN EUROPE...............

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Republicans are Cowards
Posted by: faw ()
Date: March 07, 2013 01:46PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> faw Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > @faw - that's not a link - that's a sentence
> > from
> > > a book. A sentence discribing a guy hanging
> > out
> > > on his patio with a buncha other dudes does
> > > really convey the image of heavy lobbying you
> > are
> > > trying to tell me occured.
> >
> > LOL. Here's your link:
> >
> >
> http://www.amazon.com/The-Price-Politics-Bob-Woodw
> > ard/dp/1451651104
> >
> > Yeah, sending the frigging Vice President to
> sell
> > Congress on your idea is the "light touch"
> method
> > of lobbying. Who are you kidding? Do you
> believe
> > your own BS? And, where exactly did I use the
> > term "heavy lobbying"? Is that like heavy
> > petting?
> >
> > > Just trying to figure out the message of the
> > -
> > > if can get confusing sometimes LoLz
> >
> > Nah, dude, you're just trollin.
> >
> > PS - you're still ducking questions.
> A link to a book I have to buy just to hear some
> guy sell his story.................well, yr not
> really convincing us of yr theory here, son.

You can lead a horse to water (or in your case a jackass), but you can't make him drink.....

It isn't a theory, it is a fact, no matter how long and how hard you attempt to ignore it.

> But whateves. Play yr game.

Facts aren't a game. Perhaps you should not treat them as such.

> p.s. just cause somebody doesnt have the same
> opinion you have DOESNT make them a troll, kiddo.

Opinions aren't facts. You have opinions unsubstantiated by facts and I have facts. Your willful ignorance and obstinance is what makes you a troll, bucko.

PS - you're still ducking questions like a coward.

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