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Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: what happened? ()
Date: April 05, 2010 11:55PM

does anyone know what happened to him?

from the fb page -

Friends and family and all of northern virginia this group has been created to spread the word for the search of Shane Donahue last seen on Monday March 22, 2010.

Age: 23
Height: 6'3
Eyes: Brown

He was last seen Monday March 22, 2010. Supposably he was dropped off at his house

For any tips or leads please contact 866-411-8477

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: harold carr ()
Date: April 07, 2010 09:48AM

please come home to us. your family misssing you more than anybody can know. please if anyone can help find shane please help

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Amn Lear ()
Date: April 07, 2010 11:11AM

Please help look for Shane Donahue, we all miss him very much. Shane Donadue is like a brother to me and were praying for his safe return home. If you have any information on where he may be please call 1 866 411 8477.

Thank you Love always, concerned family friend.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: any leads? ()
Date: April 07, 2010 03:01PM

do you think he would run away? do you think foul play? why hasn't this gotten media coverage?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Sasha Sullivan ()
Date: April 08, 2010 09:03PM

why hasn't there been media coverage?? i just found out. please spread the word, i'll do my best as well!!! praying for you shane :(

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Amn Jackie Lear ()
Date: April 15, 2010 09:10AM

Hey Sasha, I'm not quite sure there are any more new leads.. Unfortunely, but thank you for your prayers I'm sure Shyanne and her family appriciate it. Were praying for you Shane. Love you, come home please. Love always, Jackie.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Jodeci Fearnley ()
Date: April 29, 2010 02:50PM

Hello, I am a close friend od Shane Donahue. We do not think he would runnaway especially since it was close to easter and the holidays are very special to our family. We just hope he comes home soon. We love Him and miss Him!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Dave Watson ()
Date: May 10, 2010 12:48AM

The private investigation firm of D. C. Watson Investigations, LLC, has been retained to investigate the disappearance of Shane Donahue. Anyone with helpful information pertaining to this case is asked to contact the firm at 703-670-6777.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: scruples ()
Date: May 11, 2010 12:09PM

Dave Watson Wrote:
> The private investigation firm of D. C. Watson
> Investigations, LLC, has been retained to
> investigate the disappearance of Shane Donahue.
> Anyone with helpful information pertaining to this
> case is asked to contact the firm at 703-670-6777.

I hope you aren't billing the family for posting this message. Get out there, pound the pavement. Find Shane!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: wdtmw ()
Date: June 01, 2010 10:49AM

I found Shane Donahue and told crimestoppers how to find him but they seem like slow idiots.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: truthat ()
Date: June 09, 2010 10:27PM

wdtmw info no good, Shane still missing

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: McNabb ()
Date: June 20, 2010 12:39AM

"Three people can keep a secret, as long as two of them are dead...Ben Franklin. Lets bring this boy home.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: J.M ()
Date: July 26, 2010 03:53AM


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: angie. marie ()
Date: August 22, 2010 07:45PM

why isnt there any media coverage????

i dont get it.....

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: TEST2222 ()
Date: August 28, 2010 05:44PM


Milford Sound in New Zealand

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hung ()
Date: September 16, 2010 06:42AM

Hickerson - Federal Court Eastern Dis 9-16-10 2:30pm 401 Courthouse Sq Alex Va 9th floor

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: what happened? ()
Date: September 20, 2010 10:23PM

what is the deal with hickerson? was he in court for the gun store or shane?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ml46y ()
Date: September 30, 2010 09:20PM

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Shane's DonaPoo ()
Date: October 01, 2010 07:09PM

I killed the piece of shit and buried him in a shallow grave just outside of Sterling. Look for that faggot Shanes decomposing body next to a STOP Sign off of Route 23 I skull fucked him before digging the grave.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Susan ()
Date: October 01, 2010 10:28PM

Above poster:


A) You did this or know something about it and want to take another jab, which makes you a disgusting piece of crap


B) You're a pathetic troll without a life so you need to anonymously inject pain into other people's tragic circumstances so that you can feel in control of something...which makes you a disgusting piece of crap

Just sayin'

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: F finda ()
Date: October 02, 2010 12:14PM

Who is the faggot when you are the one skull fucking people???

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: James Buster Douglas ()
Date: October 02, 2010 08:14PM

Is this the kid who was found dead in California?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: A Family Friend ()
Date: October 03, 2010 10:39AM

To Whomever wrote the profanity with the name "Shane's DonaPoo" - if you did indeed do these harsh words and actions, and you claim to be such a stone cold killer - then at least give the people, friends, and family still looking for Shane the closure and indeed tell us where his body is. You are claiming to be so "hard" but you are not giving any details. Route 23?? Where is that? Nowhere - you are a coward. And one day karma is going to come knocking at your door.

What's done is done - at least allows Shane's family to honor his name and life in a respectible manor.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Need more Info. ()
Date: October 05, 2010 07:48PM

Can't find the FB page. Is their a link with pic. or more info? This sounds familiar. I'm in Fairfax Co. Alexandria area.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: info ()
Date: October 06, 2010 06:14AM

Facebook : Help find Shane Donahue

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Need more Info. ()
Date: October 06, 2010 06:05PM

Sorry, not same person. But, will be on look out.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: insidenova ed ()
Date: October 24, 2010 12:29PM

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Rampart 2 ()
Date: October 24, 2010 07:11PM

You had a story on the last person that was seen with him too, Timmy Hickerson

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: insidenova ed ()
Date: October 24, 2010 10:18PM

Hmm. I know the private detective the family hired. Will call him.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: X- Brentsville Football ()
Date: October 25, 2010 12:49AM

Shane o mack paid Hickerson $1000 for Colgan air job week before he went missing, Hickerson knew Shane had rest of cash from job,' Brian Mittong was seen beating up Shane at Crane's party Sat 3-20-10. Shane said Hickerson and Craig Mittong broke into his house that night looking for cash, took his meds and his girls pantie's. when Brian had him in a head lock. Shane keeps his money in his pocket, Said He was going to get even, I told him to leave it go, Hickerson said he would make it right, had some service work Mon 3/22/10 picked Shane Up , never seen Donahue again. missin you bro

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Aomega19 ()
Date: November 04, 2010 06:20PM

Shane was Hickerson's only drug supplier. It would self-defeating for Hickerson to do anything to him,other than keeping him happy (fixing his quad, giving him firewood and being at his beckoned call) all you idiots on here know nothing about nothing. You keep throwing accusations in all directions,all your doing is making it harder for the police and worthless P.I. to do their jobs. Charles a Feldbush and DC Watson are just taking the Donhue's money to do a quarter of what the police did for free.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: b4reel ()
Date: November 04, 2010 09:29PM

Hickerson 30 years old Donhue 23 years old, nice try, anyone feeling heat?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: AOmega19 ()
Date: November 05, 2010 04:32AM

Ask justin martin who the biggest drug dealer in nokesville was last year no heat to be felt short bus

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: info ()
Date: November 05, 2010 06:17AM

You seem to know everything, if you or anyone else bought or sold drugs to shane please call 703-792-6500

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: hung ()
Date: November 05, 2010 08:58AM

poor you, after 20yrs your pet monkey(on your back) timmy don't give you wood anymore? he gives me wood, pack his lipstick fatboy

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: AOmega19 ()
Date: November 05, 2010 01:10PM

I bet it took you all day to come up with that, quite possibly the gayest thing I've seen on here yet, all that work just to look like a homo

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Very sad ()
Date: November 05, 2010 09:09PM

Please people, stop all the hatred. Someone’s loved one is gone. Think about if someone you love and care about was missing. You might not have liked Shane, but it’s over. Try to be part of the healing for this family and community, if you know anything please come forward.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: -_- ()
Date: November 06, 2010 10:12AM

Timmy was a taker, taker of drugs, stolen money,guns, and most of all lives. Nothing short of a monkey, wild animal that can not be trusted. He is a murderer, and just like an animal needs to be in a cage for the rest of his life. The only wood from timmy is the wood he is taking up his ass. You can say he wouldn't turn his back on his "only" (very very questionable) drug dealer, but a DRUGGIE will do ANYTHING for money. You are his friend one minute, and his dead money source the next. Rot is hell you little bitch hickerson and hope your family will keep you company in hell -_-

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Watt? ()
Date: November 06, 2010 11:34PM

Hickerson Brothers Electric Chairs?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: November 07, 2010 11:00AM

To the person or people that have caused Shane to go missing the sun goes down earlier now. You have more dark very dark hours wondering when someone or something will come for you and you know who you are And if anyone else knows what happen How long will they sit in the dark wondering if they should do the right thing. And tell what happened.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ShaneDonaWho ()
Date: November 16, 2010 01:30AM

Thou shall be skull fucked by thou greatest knight the world has ever seen.
RIP Dennis Hopper

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Posted by: JS ()
Date: November 18, 2010 09:51AM

First off I just want to say that all of those who feed off of someones grief are very sick and need some serious help. Too the family, I live in the area, but did not know shane. I took interest when I saw missing pictures go up and heard in the paper that they were searching for him. I know how hard this must be. I have lived the darker side of life and was fortunate to escape with my life and find a home here in NOVA. Life for me today is reaching out and trying to be of selfless service to others and for anyone who is in the grip of active addiction, you can free yourself. Ask for help. I just pray for all of you and for Shane that he can make it home and that if he is not with us anymore that he is in a higher and better place. I pray for your family to find closure and serenity. I pray that if someone is hiding something that God reveals it to the world and that Just punishment is carried out.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: appalled ()
Date: November 18, 2010 10:27PM

Let me start by saying my thoughts and prayers are with the family of Shane. One can only imagine the pain of what they are dealing with. As I read most of the comments I felt that most are pulling together in an attempt to help figure this mystery out. As I read some of your comments, I truly felt sickened - and appalled that there are human beings in this world that have that much hatred in them - to those like "Shane'sDonaPoo" or "ShaneDonaWho" - do you honestly believe that the words you speak make people fear you, because it does just the opposite you pitiful excuse of a man and what makes it worse is that you make up these childish names to hide under. Which either means you are only a child and need your parents to whip you little tail back into shape - or your a grown man who has the brain capacity of a pea. Either way - shut up - either come up with honest words and help resolve this - or keep what very little you have to say to yourself because the people / person responsible will be found - will be convicted - and will hopefully one day feel the pain that they have caused a good family.
And to Aomega19 - it's obvious to me that you don't know much about how people talk and how solving this sort of crime is done. You complain about the accusations made - well can you deny that Hickerson isn't and always has been a trouble maker - can you deny that he had the ample opportunity and time? Let's see what can you deny, if you were smart you would deny knowing a low life pos that is to stupid to cover up his own tracks - oh but that's right it's because of the drugs. Could he have been so desperate for that next fix to steal - well look at his criminal record I think it speaks for itself. I'm not here to bash or to be hurtful - but anyone of us could be going through what Shane's family is. Ask yourself - what if this was your son or daughter. And to those of you running in the click - this could have been you! Wake up, people hurt people for no reasons. So as the holidays are coming - my thoughts will be with Shane's family - not because I knew him, not because I dislike anyone else. But because it's the right thing. I only hope that those of you out there who do know what has happened grow a backbone and stop living for the wrong reasons - but realize what is important.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 01, 2010 01:15AM

Interesting blog, for those of you really interested in finding this missing man, maybe you should quit throwing around loose accusations and look to some of this man's more serious involvements such as with the MS13. Do you think they will fool around with you? I think not. Timmy was completely cleared of being a person of interest. Timmy is no more a trouble maker than Shane, so if you want what is fair for the gander, Shane and his family need to roast in hell too? Because Shane is/was a drug dealer, the rest of his family must be social parasites too? Sounds a little rediculous. However, I have a hard time having any sympathy for this family after their atrocious behavior. They are so desperate to find the "murderer" they fail to realize their son is/was one of the biggest drug dealers in the area, that leaves him open to many options of being a target. Frankly, one less drug dealer in my community is a good day. Anyone want to come forward and say your real names? Of course not, because you are cowards hiding behind your screen name running your mouth like a ducks ass. Please don't forget libel and understand what that means.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Duck Ass ()
Date: December 01, 2010 09:18AM

Seems you hidin 2

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 01, 2010 11:55AM

I am not throwing around loose conjecture either or slandering other families by saying they should all roast in hell or saying Timmy is guilty, etc, etc. I am trying to be understanding for his mother's loss and maybe the grief is so much that she has to lash out somewhere but she should consider how horiible this makes her look. When they do find out what happened to this man she will be humiliated that she has boasted about these things in public forums all over the internet. It's just so unfortunate people are so mean. I would like to think if this was my child, I would not behave this way. Clearly I would be interested in what happened but not to the point where I would make myself look crazy to the rest of the community.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: -_- ()
Date: December 01, 2010 12:17PM

timmy admittedly said he broke in shanes house and stole his medication two days before he went missing and also shane said he was going to confront timmy when saw him which HAPPENED TO BE THE DAY HE WENT MISSING AND SHANE WAS LAST SEEN IN A HICKERSON ELECTRIC TRUCK....suspicious? i think so. and if what is good for the goose is good for the gander send the whole hickerson family to prison on december 3rd. and as a memeber of this community i am going to be glad when there is one less heroin addict and theif in nokesville

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: EL LOCO ()
Date: December 01, 2010 09:43PM

drug dealer story kinda thin 2 months b4 38 people arrested for dealing drugs shane o mack wasnt picked up did timmy forget to narc on him to?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: December 01, 2010 09:53PM

Timmy MONKEY Boy is going to PRISON on 12/3/10. And the sounds you will hear at night will be the sound coming from his ass. And you are VERY EVIL. You know what you have done And maybe someone else knowns to.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Moose ()
Date: December 02, 2010 12:20AM

To “Concerned 1†I know who you are, why don’t you say your name since you don’t believe in hiding behind screen names. ïŠ Plus, why would we use our names when there is a murder living in Nokesville, stupid. You are the one who, “runs your mouth like a duck’s ass†to quote your disgusting remark. You have no idea what you’re talking about, I have known Shane almost my whole life and didn’t associate with him towards the time of him going missing, so my comments are impartial. I know 100% Shane was NOT associated with MS13! That is so ridiculous your comment about it made me laugh. As for not having sympathy for his family, that is just inhuman. How did you get so far in your practice with your lack of empathy for others? Shane being, “one of the biggest drug dealers†that’s not true (so who’s throwing accusations now?) he may have sold drugs, but guess what the people or person you’re associated with buys them! To define Libel for your dumbass; slander, saying Shane’s in MS13, tarnish, slamming Shane’s families name, defame, saying Shane is one of the biggest drug dealers. Timmy Hickerson was cleared of a person of interest, so why doesn’t he help find his friend? We all know they were friends, or did that end when Timmy stole money from Shane? That is not an accusation, Timmy admitted to breaking into Shane’s house. As I said before I’ve known Shane for a long time, to put him and Timmy on the same level of “trouble-making†as you call it, is just plain ignorant. Oh WOW! Shane was arrested for marijuana possession as a teen-ager/young adult! Timmy on the other hand and I quote from Inside NOVA by News & Messenger, “Timothy Sean Hickerson, 28, of 12514 Aden Road in Nokesville is charged with attempted burglary in the Manassas gun store incident, and with grand larceny, three counts of destruction of property and three counts of statutory burglary in connection to the Prince William County gun store heist.†To farther acknowledge your obvious stupidity, what parent wouldn’t go crazy over a missing child? Dumbass.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 07:47AM

First of all, the information about Shane being a big time drug dealer and his involvement in MS 13 came right from your fine, upstanding, dedicated and diligent detective Mr. Wing. If you have problems with that, take it up with him. In so many words, Mr. Wing said he would have to spend a lot of time confronting all of his contacts in his drug book, not conjecture, not libel, that's the facts my friend. So, who is worse? Those who are selling drugs to the school kids or someone who is using them for personal consumption?? That's real tough. It's not possible to rationalize with trailer park trash and that is evident in your post by cursing on blogs on the internet, very classy. I guess that is the only way your parents reared you to communicate in such a fashion as this. I can't speak as to Timmy's friendship with Shane. I know the family that has been slammed here does not deserve what has been said. You have behaved erradically and irresponsibly and now you can't say you are sorry for the things you have done. If you knew who I am assuredly, over the internet or to my face, you would be far more judicial in your commentary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 07:52AM

It's a fact that this kid was dealing drugs to the highschool kids, good thing it was not my kid. You would not have a missing person, you would have found him already. Bottom line, drug dealers who don't pay their bills, there is no missing person, he is dead. They don't play, good luck in your search for his remains.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 07:59AM

OOOhhhh, someone else who finds this behavior unacceptable, interesting.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:02AM

he is in a better place than to have friend like you

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Dirtbike Boy ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:05AM

Attacking a family so viciously like you have attacked the Hickerson's is outrageous. They have lived in this community for a long time, one person's problems are not a reflection of the entire family. This is not how this community behaves. I have always been a supportive neighbor, customer of their business's and will stand beside them in this time of strife. If you are not careful, people will find out who you people are and you will not be able to show your faces in this town.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:12AM

sounds like the he got what he deserves anyone that sell drugs to our youth in my town should get the same .everyone get what they have coming to them one way or another maybe all of you that are bashing tim and his family will find that bad carma coming your way .

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:17AM

whats up Moose your dick sucker broke or just full

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:21AM

in responce to the narc statement it looks like shane was the narc he is the one gone .

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:22AM

These people have no clue. They think they are big time with their big and mighty claims. Some of us are getting tired of the rhetoric. Suck it up, Shane made bad choices, at least Timmy will have a chance to turn his life around...not so much for Shane so ot appears.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:44AM

That's nice that Shanes friends (allegedly) are disclosing his criminal history here...Kudo's Moose.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: hschic ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:46AM

timmys in highschool?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:48AM

She is a class act, CLASSY! Good question about who is missing, good point, usually the narc is the one who is pays the ultimate price.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:51AM

Timmy is not in highschool, Shane lived down the street from the highschool and was selling drugs to the students on the street, not to mention all the after school parties Shane threw getting our kids addicted to drugs. Even kids in the middle school knew who Shane was and he was dealing drugs on the street. He was seen standing on the street with a backpack of drugs he was pushing.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:54AM

I could post some other names, maybe some of those who are posting here, whose names were in his drug book....even more interesting! Be careful who you defend here, your name could end up being posted next. That's all records that have been exposed to the community, it's a long list. It's nice to know who has been dealing dirty in our quiet little town. Maybe everyone should know who they are...

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Shocker ()
Date: December 02, 2010 09:10AM

if the truth be know MS13 is a very stronge crime gang in our area if you tell on them you get killed they do not care what your age is or your color of your skin is they need to be hunted down and if you are a member of that gang you should have no rights i am in favor of public hanging of these poeple.I feel that they are responceable for the missing of shane

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned2 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 09:17AM

why did timmy rob the gunstore?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 10:22AM

why do you think he did? but it nothing to do with shane now does it this is not about tim it about the slanderous statements about tim and the hickerson family and trying to connect tim to shanes disapearance which he has been clear of by all the investagaters and the pri dick

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:03AM

Who cares? Why do you speed when you are in a hurry? Why are you rude to people you don't know? Why would you stuff a $20 bill in your pocket instead of giving it back to the person who lost it? If you want to know why, get some guts about you and go ask him why. If you were a man, you wouldn't be asking here. If I wanted to know the answers, I would go ask. I am a head on kind of guy. Just like here, you may not like what you hear and you go home crying to momma that someone was mean to you when you were not prepared to engage. I totally agree w/ Finisher...you are supposed to be "Shane" supporters, doesn't sound much like you really care about Shane at all.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:04AM

and get your own name concerned2 - idiot.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:12AM

Shocker: I feel very strongly about this theory as well...I think the local law enforcement feels this way too. I encounter this gang regularly and they are VERY dangerous people. Keep a wide birth. Your odds would be better to sleep in a bed full of King Cobra's and see if you survive. What a poor choice to become involved with a group such as MS 13. Shane had to know what he was getting into, this is pretty common knowledge.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned2 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:22AM

why did timmy shoot the family dog?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:25AM

This whole scenario unravels because 1 group of people suffered a tragedy. No one offered this family a way of dealing with their grief and this is how it looks 8 months down the road. Angry, nasty, desperate, mean people who don't care who they hurt because they are hurting themselves. I think all here should take a step back and put yourself in someone elses position before you blog any more stupid ranting about nothing that will only cause lost friendships and a community full of hard feelings. I don't have a dog in this fight, it neither hinders nor helps me to post here. But I do hate to see people making mistakes that will stay with them for the rest of their lives and potentially haunt you for decades to come.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:27AM

I heard he shot a rabbid fox, may have looked like a dog from a far but it was rabbid fox and was destroyed. And likely so it should have been. You must have been misinformed.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:28AM


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:30AM

Here we go again...why do you have so many questions for Timmy....go ask him wimpy. You can run back here and tell us all about it!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned2 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 11:48AM

no it was a family dog. do the people at ur work know how unstable you really are? they do now because they look at this blog. ur worlds about to crumble, enjoy the ride

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Shocker ()
Date: December 02, 2010 01:04PM

do you think that any person gives a flying fuck about this bullshit. really a drug dealing punk is missing and their work does not care for any drug dealers so concerned2 defending a peace of shit drug dealer is just a person that i would listen to.... the donahue family are nothing more then a bunch of trash fuck them all and hope that they get ran out of town and go broke doing this fucking shit they have nothing to be prod of and should be hanging their haed in shame for the things that there son has done .and as for you concered2 A XXXXXXlarge FUCK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 02, 2010 01:13PM

I agree with Shocker .I do know it was a animal that was shot and it was tested for rabies as well so know what you are writing is true before you write it .

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: crazypeeps ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:12PM

Seriously would someone b so stupid as 2 call the number above to admit they do drugs. I mean really get on the lil yellow bus u window licker. FOR HEAVENS SAKE I BET IF U LOOK U REAL HARD U CAN FIND SOME YELLOW.SNOW TO EAT. MORON

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: crazypeeps ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:23PM

Now listen here Santa Claus I would like an elephant for Christmas. And I am.sick and tired of saying happy holidays for less than 1% of the population. I would also like everyone that has ever watched a dog gift or had anything to do with dog fighting to shoot themsleves

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: EL LOCO ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:26PM

Tu eres loco no gringo es en MS13. Seguir hablando mierda que encontrará usted.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned2 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:33PM

that fox was wearing a collar

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:41PM

Concerned2: Are you threatening me?? Being self employed, good luck touching my place of employment but nice try. What else do you have?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:45PM

People making threats about jailing the Hickersons, threatening people's employment, who is the crazy one here?? That's not so hard to figure out...Concerned 2 - go away, no one likes you. You are an idiot at best. Before you get your feelings hurt, find somewhere else to heckle people.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:46PM

I will take an elephant for Christmas....

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 03:55PM

Concerned2: My fox always wear collars, I am sure everyone elses do too, where have you been? Concerned 2, are you sure you didn't change your screeen name from Moose? I think someone asked a little earlier about what you were chewing on...maybe you should answer for all of us or spit it out so you can come up with something intelligent here.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: crazypeeps ()
Date: December 02, 2010 04:24PM

Concerned1. I do in fact think concerned 2 is threatening u. It certainly sounded ominous 2 me. I doubt u have much 2 worry about though becuz that person is obviously a COWARD and a moron without one original thought in their head using the same screen name what r they like 3? I'm rubber u r glue. go read a book. do u no what a book is? Yeah magazines don't count or books with pictures. I don't like green eggs and ham

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 04:35PM

Not in a boat, not with a goat, I do not like Green Eggs and Ham! I am so unconcerned about blathering idiots. I think shocker made a good point, anyone defending a known drug addict speaks volumes. Maybe Concerned 2 lost their drug supply, I heard kicking that meth habbit is a hard long road, maybe you can prostitute it out a little for some drugs on the flip side.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 02, 2010 04:41PM

What is your drug of choice concerned 2? I guess it threw a crimp in your plans with your pimp being "unavailable" to hook you up with your drug supply, is this why you are so defensive? Your biggest problem is you have nothing worth prostiting for your drugs. You are probably a filthy gutter rat. Half of them are missing their teeth, that's super attractive! Concerned 2, how many teeth do you have left?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 04:47PM

ROTFLMAO!!!! I have to say it again....ROTFLMAO!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: crazypeeps ()
Date: December 02, 2010 04:52PM

hey meth mouth do u need a fix?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Dirtbike Boy ()
Date: December 02, 2010 05:36PM

Fart Fart fart fart! Everybody who is shane donahue's friend is a TURD MUFFIN. actually TURD NUGGET!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 02, 2010 05:45PM

What does your criminal history look like concerned 2? I hope there are no skeletons in your closet, tsk, tsk. Got to wonder about someone who is so defensive of such a shady character.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 02, 2010 06:17PM


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Shocker ()
Date: December 02, 2010 07:17PM

there are no whites in MS13 but they sell their drugs to all colors and use them as dealers as well .all MS13 should be hunted down and dismantel that gang.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: crazypeeps ()
Date: December 02, 2010 07:27PM

Is it a winter wonderland meth mouth? Research has shown that people that r addicted 2 drugs act irrational. I have also wondered where the meth mouth people go during the day. I guess it must b the library where there is free internet. Pseudo intellectual people r usually found in California. I guess the meth is better here

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: crazypeeps ()
Date: December 02, 2010 07:52PM

See perfect example:

At 11:44 p.m. Saturday, a man broke inside Guns and Ammo Warehouse at 10981 Nokesville Road near Bristow and stole two handguns and three silencers, said Prince William police spokeswoman Erika Hernandez.

All of the items, valued at $4,667, were taken from a display case.

Investigators said the damage to the store was estimate to be $1,000.

In April, someone drilled a hole in wall that separated the Guns and Ammo Warehouse from an adjacent nail salon, causing $600 damage to the store.

Police say the man first broke into the nail salon, drilled the hole, then banged on the wall from inside the nail salon, knocking a gun that was hanging on the wall onto the floor. He was able to steal that gun and a silencer, Hernandez said.

Timothy Sean Hickerson, 28, of 12514 Aden Road in Nokesville is charged with attempted burglary in the Manassas gun store incident, and with grand larceny, three counts of destruction of property and three counts of statutory burglary in connection to the Prince William County gun store heist, said Hernandez.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Dirtbike boy ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:23PM

concerned2 get your own name! Wow!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:32PM

Wow Shane Donahue was in ms 13? My god

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: crazypeeps ()
Date: December 02, 2010 08:55PM

Will the real slim shady please stand up? Now u r using my name crazy peeps.? U r so childish. U really should grow up. That is what this blog is for huh? So u don't have 2 take responsibility 4 what is said. I am the real crazy peeps. Unfortunately 4 u I am an original. U r like a cheap coach bag

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