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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 02, 2010 09:25PM

Where you talking to me?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 02, 2010 09:27PM

were you talking to me?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: therealslimshady ()
Date: December 02, 2010 10:24PM

So Santa about that elephant. I would also like peace on earth. And 4 money 2 fall out of the sky but only 2 fall 2 me or people that care of animals. Like organic farmers and the pitbill and parole woman. And 4 people 2 stop abusing animals. And 4 people 2 stop imitating crazy peep on this blog cuz I had 2 change my name. And to the card person I was talking 2 the person that is now posting under crazy peep. Can u say pseudo intellectual? Do us all a favor and move 2 California

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 03, 2010 12:24AM

therealslimshady Wrote:
> So Santa about that elephant. I would also like
> peace on earth. And 4 money 2 fall out of the sky
> but only 2 fall 2 me or people that care of
> animals. Like organic farmers and the pitbill and
> parole woman. And 4 people 2 stop abusing animals.
> And 4 people 2 stop imitating crazy peep on this
> blog cuz I had 2 change my name. And to the card
> person I was talking 2 the person that is now
> posting under crazy peep. Can u say pseudo
> intellectual? Do us all a favor and move 2
> California

and Timmy is still alive and doing just fine as I understand, I guess that`s what gripes you the most!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 03, 2010 07:53AM

I think a knock off coach bag is a compliment. They are not even a close imitation to anything decent.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 03, 2010 07:55AM

I have not spoken with the family in some time, glad to hear Timmy is doing well...I bet that is a stick in the eye. I would be a little worried if I were associated with Shane, MS 13 may be on your doorstep next.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Member of the community ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:50AM

I am completely outraged! This is Help Find Shane Donahue and if you are not doing just that, don't write on this forum. You claim slanderous statements made about the Hickerson's on here, yet you continuously vitimize the Donahue family. If the Hickerson boy is innocent, then why do you continue victimizing this forum? What do you have to worry about? You are a cowardly bully! I am niether for or againest the Hickerson's or Donahue's, but EVERYONE deserves to know where there child is. I feel as if Shane is being slandered. It's one thing to give a tip, but to continue talk about MS 13? CALL THE TIP LINE and maybe it will help or continue to be a faceless accustion.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 03, 2010 09:09AM

You are outraged? I think there are a lot of people here outraged. Slander is only false accusations...and he is not a child. He is an accountable adult. The poster's here say how wonderful he is and how horrible the Hickerson's are, I think folks are entitled to know the truth. It's a free forum, I can and post when and where ever I like. There not a darn thing you can do about it.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: LV One ()
Date: December 03, 2010 11:05AM

All speculation and alot of bullshit doesn't help. What HAPPENED TO OUR SHANE. Where is he??? Someone Knows

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: whatever123123123 ()
Date: December 03, 2010 11:32AM

Everyone in Nokesville should just go fuck themselves.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: locopeeps ()
Date: December 03, 2010 11:35AM

Has anybody considered the fact that maybe sarties hane is under the government protection? People have stated on this blog that share sold drugs and hlosted for high school children as well as middle school children and that he was narc. Perhaps he will b a witness @ a trial later on down the line. maybe it is just conjecture. I really don't know. The truth of the matter is timmy was cleared of a person of interest in shane' s disappearance yet people on this blog continue to throw accusations his way. however these people do not have be guts 2 openly ask timmy. they prefer to talk trash and it is easy 2 talk trash when u can hide behind a screen name or in many cases behind another persons screen name. while imitation is a form.of flattery..offso

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: facts ()
Date: December 03, 2010 12:01PM

Timothy Sean Hickerson is in prison

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: December 03, 2010 12:14PM

Timmy received FOURS YEARS, Mental Counciling, Drug Rehab. and restitution for the silencers. He was already in jail before his 12/3/10 court date. Hell of a son, grandson. Only Just BEGUN, MAN UP Timmy Monkey Boy.


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 03, 2010 02:30PM

He is still alive and he has a chance to change his life.....ouch. He is STILL alive. Sucks for the haters, huh? HE IS STILL ALIVE, get over it. His family stands beside him through good or bad decisions. You guys are so jealous of the Hickersons...what is it? The money? They are smart? All of them are tall and attractive? The family overall has been highly successful? I know its hard to appreciate these things from the bottom rung of the ladder...only people who behave this way are the jealous ones. Shut up, you look like an idiot. Silent Knight, I am sure your relatives have all been perfect, no skeletons? I'm gonna pull your BS card quick, fast and in a hurry.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: December 03, 2010 02:32PM

I'm sorry I'm so stupid and rediculous, I'll consider doing the rest of the world a favor and throw myself from a cliff.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: thefacts ()
Date: December 03, 2010 03:08PM

So timmy is in jail. Big whoop. It said in paper he robbed a gun store. And now he is in jail. He did the crime so he is doing the time. He still didn't kill shane. Period. Amen.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 03, 2010 03:14PM

Dually noted and agreed.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: therealslimshady ()
Date: December 03, 2010 03:26PM

BTW this is America. Here u can write whatever u want as long as it isn't untrue. I'm America u can voice ur.opinion . U don't have 2 agree. For everyone that is so outraged y r u wasting ur time on this blog? Y don't u go volunteer to help find shane? Or go volunteer @ a firehouse. It is the Christmas season go volunteer @ a church. And I c the not so original concerned 2 has disappeared from this blog. Yes that is what happens when u can't handles the heat. Get out of the kitchen. And for anyone that is blogging about timmy being in jail may the first person that has never sinned throw the first stone. Oh my I am taking a sentence from a book that doesn't have pictures. Most of most likely doesn't even know what that statement refers to.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 03, 2010 03:38PM

HAHAHA! That must be the B-I-B-L-E! Yeah, you are right slim, hell will be full of ignorant subhuman POS.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Discusted ()
Date: December 03, 2010 05:17PM

I am in complete disbelief that people are writing such nasty comments on this page. Someones child is missing- bottom line. I am reading this and feeling sick to my stomach. I have seen alot of things in my life but the things said on this page are pure evil. I knew Shane, and he was a kind hearted person. He may have made poor choices in life at times but nobody is perfect. I can't even imagine what his family is going through. Someone painted a very nasty picture of this mans mother, are you KIDDING ME>?? SHE IS MISSING HER SON!!!! Can you be that EVIL? I just hope his family gets closure and finds out what happened to him and I pray your evil words are judged before God.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: December 03, 2010 05:48PM

I have not posted since Dec.03,2010 12:14PM. Get the facts right Shane Donahue was seen last with Timmy Hickerson in the family company box truck,At 3:40PM March 22,2010. Since then Timmy has boosted 2 possible 3 Gun Shops,Had his aunts, car report stolen, and pulled off the streets before 12/3/10. DID THE BURNS HEAL UP WELL!!!!!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned2 ()
Date: December 03, 2010 05:56PM

Research shows mental illnesses are heiritary, i knew something was up with all the crazy posts, now i understand. timmy's recieving mental counsiling, shouldn't it be extended to the rest of the family too?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Jerk Off Knight ()
Date: December 03, 2010 06:05PM

I think its completely rediculios that this entire site is to condemn a man that has been complete exhonerated by the state and the feds in the disappearance of shane. Timmy did his crime and he will do his time.

People like "silent knight" should get a life. It is pathetic that instead of doing anything to help solve this issue you would reather sit behind your bull shit anominity and spew nothing but hatered and lies.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned0 ()
Date: December 03, 2010 06:07PM

you are all scum bag people

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: December 03, 2010 06:49PM

Why wasn't Timmy given a LIE DECTOR TEST concerning Shane Donahue. I have one question for you WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR DO SEE YOURSELF OR SHANE LOOKING BACK AT YOU.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 03, 2010 07:44PM

Hereditary mental illnesses? Where did you get your medical license! HAHAHA! That's why schiozphrenics are all in packs, right? Because its all hereditary. Again, you open your mouth and show off your stupidity. I think being in the low end of the gene pool is familial. You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear. As long as you come after Timmy, this blog will blow up if it doesn't shut down first...we shall see:)

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: yummm ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:05PM

edit by Cary: flood removed

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:31PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: delicious ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:10PM

edit by Cary: flood removed

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:31PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: tasty ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:10PM

edit by Cary: images removed, user banned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:30PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: (; ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:11PM

edit by Cary: User banned, offensive images removed

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:26PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: :o ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:12PM

edit by Cary: flood of offensive images removed, user banned.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:30PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Appalled ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:17PM

Seriously - this is just disgusting. For the supporters of the comment "all drug dealers deserve death". I do not agree with drug usage - never been an addict, never had any issues w/ drugs... But let me ask you this - wouldn't it just be as easy to kill off all the junkies in the world as it would the dealers. And where may I ask are you "THE PARENTS" of the kids these people are selling drugs to or throwing parties for. Oh that's right - handing them the cash to pay for the habit - so then ultimately responsibility for these kids using would fall on you as well, correct?

To the families - in both rings of this battle. Does Timmy seem to have opportunity and reasoning to make Shane disappear - absolutely. This blog started as a page to find a young man who - like any of us "adults" have made some bad choices. He was 23 - in my eyes still a kid himself. Seriously - look back - at 23 years old did you make all the right decisions, did you make mistakes? Timmy and Shane both have done some wrong here - does that mean that any of us have a right to judge. My earlier post did point out some facts that are suspicious w/ Timmy having something to do with Shane's disappearance. I stand by them. But I also believe that the proof needs to be or will be found. My heart goes out to Shane's family because as a parent - as someone who does have a heart I can't imagine the not knowing. Everyone here has a right to their opinion, but to attack one another - enough is enough. This is going NOWHERE!

I understand you want to defend your family. And I understand the hurt that is coming from the family of the missing CHILD (yes I repeat again CHILD).

The Donahue's should hold their heads high, and continue looking for their son. Maybe the few of you on here who believe that Shane was that bad of a person, had so many connections to drug dealers, gangs and had so many faults need to take a good look in the mirror. Shane may have made mistakes, but so has Timmy, so have the "KIDS" that have supposedly been to after school parties that Shane threw - and quite frankly so have you. Those who live in glass houses should never throw stones. I can tell you where my kids are right now, what they are doing, and make damn sure that they have no drugs in their system. Because I take responsibility have them tested and let them know the truth about what will and won't tear them apart in this world. Should it have been my kids buying or using with Shane - as much as I disagree w/ the selling of narcotics - MY KIDS would have made that choice as much as Shane made the choice to sell.

Again - this blog is for "Helping to Find Shane Donahue". Leave it at that, because truth be told this could have been ANYONE of OUR kids. I'm sure that if your son or daughter were missing the last thing you would want to read is a load of bull shit back and forth! So back off. Have a little respect for what little hope that family has. To the Donahue's I pray that you find peace - and I pray that you are given the chance to bring him home.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: duckface ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:21PM

edit by Cary: flood removed, user banned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:30PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: PIMPMYRIDE ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:24PM

edit by Cary: flood images removed, user banned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:29PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: >:D ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:27PM

edit by Cary: flood of images removed, user banned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:29PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: silent knight 12344 (; ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:29PM

edit by Cary: images removed, user banned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:29PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: (: ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:31PM

edit by Cary: offensive images removed. User banned.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2010 12:28PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: yepthatsright ()
Date: December 03, 2010 08:39PM

edit by Cary: banned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2010 10:49PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 03, 2010 09:14PM


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 03, 2010 09:19PM

Douche Bag!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 03, 2010 09:23PM

When I think of Shane Donahue I think of ms 13.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 03, 2010 09:25PM

1,000,000,000 flying BUTTHOLES! TEE HEE! >:)

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 03, 2010 09:26PM

Shane donahue is a turd muffin! >:D

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 03, 2010 10:22PM

edit by Cary: profane images

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2010 10:50PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: dirtbike boy ()
Date: December 03, 2010 10:27PM

edit by Cary: user banned

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/03/2010 10:45PM by Cary.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: H8's ignorance ()
Date: December 04, 2010 03:18AM

This is was once a website to Help Find Shane - what this has been turned into is a juvenile all out war between adults who won't grow up and children pretending to be adults. To concerned1 - you are as guilty of posting slander against the Donahue family and Shane as everyone who has accused Timmy of having something to do with this. PUT YOURSELF IN THEIR SITUATION YOU IGNORANT ASS!!

If you don't want to help find Shane - find yourself a hobby you low life losers - the pictures and postings that you post are doing NOTHING but adding more torture onto the Donahue Family. If Hickerson is guilty of any wrong doings - it will be found out. If they don't find proof - or if it turns out that he has nothing to do with the disappearance then so be it. And yes - he is a still a child - I agree with "Appalled". I'm sure that at Timmy's court appearance you would have defended him or paid whatever fine to get him off any charges. These KIDS have made mistakes - leave it at that!

You all want to defend the one's you love - got it. But seriously - to the people who make postings w/ the repulsive pictures there are ways to track you and I honestly hope that someone does.

Shane has no connections to MS13 - anyone making that statement or "accusation" really needs to sit down and talk to someone who is or has been involved w/ these gangs. Shane never sold anyone out. What has happened to Shane is - someone he trusted whom he thought he could trust screwed him over. NOTICE - I'm using no names. Shane did what he did - doesn't give anyone the right to hurt him. And as for you "Parents" out there - take a REALLY hard look at your kids. Truth is, if they had any interactions with Shane or Hickerson - they are doing the same thing that BOTH those boys have done. Back off of Shane's family - give it a rest! Funny how the day of court these postings of slander against the Donahue's pop up. No Mother, no Father deserves this.

To those who say "Hickerson/Timmy is alive". Yup, your right - he has the chance to turn his life around. And that makes this situation better how? Shane is 23 - he deserved that right too! The intent of the initial posting for this was "HELP FIND SHANE DONAHUE" - right now I don't give a shit how many gun stores Timmy has robbed - or what kind of drugs Shane sold, or that MS13 (a hispanic gang who will only accept hispanic gang members) is involved. JUST HELP FIND SHANE. Because those of you who do know what happened and feel the need to drag this out longer and longer - take a real quick glance at what kinda life your headed for. Kinda sad that you would want to take part in hurting not just Shane, not just his close Family - but everyone who knows the Donahue's. And someone earlier said that these accusations were because the Donahue's were jealous of the Hickersons.

The Donahue's stand as a family, and have more people behind them then they even knew. Timmy - is serving his time his family knows he's alive and well. If Timmy doesn't straighten up, if he chooses NOT to change his life around - aren't ANY of you concerned that the same thing that has happened to Shane could happen to Timmy. Absolutely the Donahue's I'm sure have questions about Timmy's part in this - but to the friends and family of the Hickersons - same scenario turned on you. YOU KNOW that the last person you saw Timmy leave with was Shane - now Timmy has vanished into thin air - I'm calling you a BULL SHITTER right here and now if the same questions didn't run through your head.

I guarantee this - the Donahue's won't give up, their friends and family won't give up. I pray that Hickerson didn't have something to do w/ this, mainly because how sick of a person would you have to be to hurt someone like this that you once called a friend. Both families have suffered enough. If anyone has REAL information or statements post them, stop being cowards and hiding behind hurtful comments and pictures. There will come a day when the person or persons who took Shane will face some sort of judgement. It takes a bigger person to speak the truth then to make up a lie or deny the truth. But just stop the bashing on here - or keep it up. BEcause like I said before - NOBODY IS GIVING UP ON SHANE - BASH THIS SITE AND FOR EVERY HURTFUL WORD A NEW SITE TO HELP FIND HIM SHOULD BE PUT UP.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: TO HOT CHICK ()
Date: December 04, 2010 03:30AM

You seem to know a lot about mental illness - does it run in your family? Chances are your not so hot. Threatening to take down a site that well quite frankly you and your Timmy followers don't need to be on - seems to me like what you wanted to get out of this site was support for your beloved Timmy. I think maybe hears what ya need to do - lay down the crack pipe,take the $20 that was left on the bed side table for you, and start a website to support the dumb ass who gets caught red handed attempting to rob a gun store. Take the group of followers that you have, and they can post their trash where it belongs - with Trash.

Shane will be found, and just because you are so down right rude - I hope the first place they realize to find some clues is with you. Jail ain't the place to be going through withdrawls there honey - but of course you can always fall back on those meds for mental illness - because from every posting you have made it's very clear that you don't know whats up or down. And your right - there will be ignorant POS burning in hell - right along with you!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Rage ()
Date: December 04, 2010 04:18AM

To those Hickerson supporters who have so much time on their hands to post such horrible and mean comments I've done you a favor and set you up with another forum "HICKERSON SUPPORTERS PLEASE POST HERE". For every nasty picture that is posted - new forums may spring up. (thank you for the idea H8's ignorance).


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 08:59AM

I did not start this war, the Donahue's started it, the rest of us are just sick of their bullying. A little taste of their own is just desserts.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 09:08AM

Now, this is conjecture because I heard this 3rd party, if you Donahue family is so upstanding and honest, why would they show up to Timmy's hearing and pursue the prosecuting attorney to press more time and charges against Timmy because he murdered their son? Interesting for such a defenseless group of people to be so outright over zealous. Can you imagine what type of people show up to a court hearing to ask for someone to be prosecuted for a crime they did not commit??....I'm sorry, WHO IS CRAZY???? and BTW, I am hot, I just asked everyone here and they say so too:)

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: DStewart ()
Date: December 04, 2010 10:13AM

You asked your other screennames and they agreed? AWESOME! You're so smart! Now smarty can you tell me what happens when someone has a guilty conscience? They post on a victims blog and continue trying to victimize an innocent family, but I understand why. No one would read the forum if it was about Timmy, didn't you hear? No friends wrote Timmy in prison, because Timmy hurt the only real friend he had, Shane. I personally was friends with both Shane and Timmy, but Timmy has changed. All of Shane's friends got together when we found out Shane was missing. Do you want to guess who was the only "friend" that was missing? Timmy! Just incase everyone doesn't know, Timmy and Shane hung out everyday, including the last day Shane was seen. Why wouldn't Timmy help out? This was before he was even concidered a suspect! It's also unfortunate about this blog. This blog is about finding Shane, but once again the Hickerson's are terrorizing it and making it about themselves. You claim the Donahue's started it, but they haven't even posted one blog on here. Surprised? I wasn't. They were told not to because the police are fimilar with the Hickerson's and they predicted this would happen. These posts that are supporting the cause of finding Shane are from his fellow friends, but I guesss Timmy and his family wouldn't understand what that is. These posts that are for finding Shane is what this blogs about. Shane's supporters will not step down! No matter how much Hot Chick and her other screennames try to justify Shane's disappearance with false accusations! May God let justice prevail over evil! Keep up your faith Donahue's, I know all of you are in all of Shane's friends prayers.

In God We Trust,
Dan Stewart

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 04, 2010 10:28AM

No joke! The inbred Donahue's showed up at court? Now, that is really Klassy...I must say, a top act! I thought they had had enough, apparently not. Let me guess...."Please Mr. Prosecutin' Attorney (with my best spin of poorly spoken English), Please sir, put Mr. Timmy away in jail for a long, long time as he murdered our (pronounced hour) baby boy." If I had known the Shanahue's were going to be the entertainment of the hour, I would have certainly also attended just to get an upclose and personal account of them. It would have been nice to recite it here detail for detail, I guess I truely missed out (pronounced oot). The one thing you can bank on for that entire crew, their son did not fall far from the tree. Piece of trash begats piece of trash.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 04, 2010 10:34AM

I am not a Hickerson, so why do I come and post here? Maybe it's because I'm going to stand up for what is right. If the Shanahue's had taken the high road, they would not be in a situation where an entire community is coming down on them. If I were in their position...I would not show my face in town. I would hang my head for the way they have behaved. I would sell my house and move away changing my name. That's how ashamed they should be.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 10:49AM

I was Timmy's girlfriend in grade school, I guess I am jaded by the Hickerson wealth and status too? Hardly not. But, of course, anyone who does not agree with the Donahue's is just plain wrong and mean, boo hoo. Calling a spade a spade is unheard of, THE EMPEROR IS NOT WEARING A GOWN!!! WAKE UP. I know, you think I am really busy with my crack pipe, but on the contrary, I was NOT one of Shane's customers, thank you very much. These people are out of control. There is nothing said here that is any worse than them showing up at Timmy's hearing. I think that speaks volumes about how victimizing that entire family has behaved.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: therealslimshady ()
Date: December 04, 2010 11:02AM

I am not a family member either. I don't even speak to the Hickerson's maybe a few times per year and the encounters may be random at that. I still think what the Donahue's have done is trailer park trash behavior. One step above ghetto.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: DStewart ()
Date: December 04, 2010 11:09AM

Shane wasn't associated with crack as everyone knows. Isn't it nice to know that you and the Hickerson's have to continuously write lies? Slander! You need God in your life, I shall put you in my prayers. Remember God can deliever us from evil and no one can lie to Him.
In God We Trust.
Dan Stewart

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 12:00PM

The deepest apologies from the bottom of my heart, I failed to identify the correct illegal substances the good upstanding Shane Donahue was distributing in our community. I stand corrected.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 12:09PM

I guess you worship the same god as O'Leary, huh? Looking for another reality? Much LSD? Think men who sell drugs to children are going to be in heaven? The God in which I believe would strike you dead as sure as you type for such destructive actions. I think bottom feeders was a great description, I'll borrow it.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: DStewart ()
Date: December 04, 2010 12:35PM

Shane never sold drugs to children, including high school or middle school kids. Now you commit blastphemy? Please let him strike me dead if trying to find a missing man is wrong. The God in which I believe will lead us to rightousness, which will be to find Shane. I do not have to hide behind screennames to declare my love for God or for what is right.
In God We Trust,
Dan Stewart

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Finisher ()
Date: December 04, 2010 12:53PM

So, do you think the people posting here "for Shane" are not Shane's family. suuurrreee. Who else cares? I think God is in one of the 12 steps, that applied to NA's as well as AA's, I guess you would know Dan, is that where you found God?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 01:00PM

ok, so, as long as you don't sell drugs to kids and you obey the Blue Laws and you refrain from saying curse words, it's ok to just sell drugs period. I mean, who cares, really? What's a few drugs, mind altering, personality changing, career ruining, overdosing, illegally distributed products, but calling someone out on their behavior is a problem??? This is ridiculous!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: veritas ()
Date: December 04, 2010 01:11PM

May you all find Shane and the truth with it. May the Donahue's find their answers and the Hickerson's the respect they deserve.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: DStewart ()
Date: December 04, 2010 01:36PM

I was brought up with God in my household. Shane's friends care, like myself. Why don't you write your friend that you admittedly care so much about? He hasn't recieved any letters from friends, because he has ruined every relationship he has ever had. I do not condone selling drugs. I also do not condone the multiple accounts of stealing on Timmy's side either. Timmy choose to get and do drugs (way before he even met Shane). I was Timmy's friend at one point (lost our friendship over his drug use) and I have even been to his parents house where he has lived his whole life. Timmy had many guns and plenty of money, he didn't need to steal those guns from the gunstore, but he did. Why? Was it because he was on drugs? Shane was already missing before he robbed the gunstore, so he couldn't of got drugs from him. You may try to put everyone down (even God) to make Timmy look good, but it's not working. You accuse Shane of many false accucations because he is not here to defend himself, Timmy however is (but won't write on this blog...interesting). I will state again that this forum is for Helping Find Shane Donahue and if Timmy is all of the talk here then maybe the police should look at him again. Even when Timmy isn't the focus of conversation his defensive party (putting down a family that is just trying to find their son) makes me suspicious of his guilt. May God help lead us to Shane and deliever us from this evil!
In God We Trust,
Dan Stewart

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 01:46PM

Donna Donahue Hey Bubba It is now 162 days but you know that already. Noone has come forth so I realized they rather spend their life in prison which they will do!!!! and never ever get out as long as I am alive.
See More
September 1 at 6:42am

Donna Donahue HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUBBA! Dinner is at 4 and cake at 5. Ask Timmy if he can bring you home for your birthday party. We have presents for you too. I miss you so much that I am having a hard time going on without you. See you tonight. I LOVE You and miss you so much that words cannot describe. Love ya see ya tonight!!!
August 22 at 6:50am

These are family members that have been "forbidden" by law to post on the internet, I guess not so much.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Kneeslapper ()
Date: December 04, 2010 04:54PM

I find it so funny that ur calling the donahues white trash when Timmy is the drug addict with a duhhh retarded look on his face that's sitting in prison right now. Whose trashy? Pretty sure that dumbass! And as for ppl being jealous of the hickerson family ROTFL! It isn't even about their family, it's about their lowlife retard they call a human being. STOP POSTING ON THIS SITE! You people are proving everyone one right!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ☺☻♥♦♣♠ ()
Date: December 04, 2010 04:55PM

flying buttholes

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Kneeslapper ()
Date: December 04, 2010 05:00PM

Hot chick your just reporting words of a mother searching for her son, are you proud of being a heartless bitch????

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 04, 2010 09:02PM

To all of you sick and twisted f*cks who are downing the Donahue family and Shane himself:

You should all be ashamed of yourselves. A son, a brother, a nephew, a grandson, a friend, A HUMAN BEING has been missing since April 22nd 2010. How dare you leave such disgusting, negative comments in a forum which is here ONLY TO LEND SUPPORT TO SHANE'S FAMILY AND THOSE WHO LOVE HIM TO LOCATE HIS WHEREABOUTS. Have some f*cking compassion. I personally have been a close and dear friend of Shane's for almost 11 years. EVERYONE makes mistakes, this is a FACT. This whole area of Nokesville has been over-ridden with this pill sh*t and drugs for a long time now, do you really think Shane was the only one involved in it? Wake the f*ck up. Shane has made his share of mistakes and maybe wasn't going down the right path in this life, but is he dangerous? NO. Has he purposely harmed anyone physically? NO. Does he still have family and friends who love him? YES. The SAME as you sick pricks probably do. We are talking about a human being here folks, just put yourself in his family's shoes for a second and stop being close-minded, ignorant sons of bitches.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 09:40PM

Why be so oblivious? The postings are not a cry for her son, if they were, that is what they would say, instead they are angry and threatening. This is not someone who is in pain, this is someone who is vengeful and mean herself. Read between the lines. Use your brain for more than just an ornament.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Kneeslapper ()
Date: December 04, 2010 10:26PM

Clearly your the one who isnt using their brain, you admittingly stated you dated a man who is sitting in Prison that broke into a Gun store and ripped off numerous guns. Not only that, you are on here defending a man who was seen with Shane last. To me that is just pathetic. Are you proud of dating a criminal? Put a little more thought into your words because you look like a nieve pathetic low selfesteem loser out to make yourself feel better ranting on and on about someone who prob doesnt think twice about you while hes getting raped in the shower as he drops the soap. I wish I knew who you were and were face to face so I can see what STUPID really looks like.

Do yourself a favor and get a real hobby and some friends. Maybe mommy and daddy didnt pay enough attention to you? Or you dont have a daddy at all that would explain the issues you clearly have. You have gone through so much effort to justify this man but tell me something WHY? Nobody is out to get you? WE JUST WANT SHANE BACK!! If you had a friend who went missing I am sure you would be scratching your head at the last person he was with. Maybe you should ask Timmy who his Mental health specialist is you may need them as well.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: nora ()
Date: December 04, 2010 10:38PM

Dear Mrs. Donahue~My heart is with you every day. Shane was close to our family (called us mama and daddy "......") and visited us on a regular basis. He was a friend of this family for 9 years. We have his picture on our fridge, not because he is missing, but because he was a true friend to my son and both my husband and I. My husband loved him and gave him many German advices. I would only sell my "cherished" 1991 Honda Accord to someone special. It was Shane. Because we felt him family. I was so sad to actually see such a vehicle in pristine condition go, but he was such a good kid, just like my own son's. He alway's meant well and had such a good heart. God is looking over him I am sure of that. Those that say otherwise are low life. They need to take a look at they're own lives. We'll find him. It breaks my heart for you.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 04, 2010 10:53PM

Yeah it was grade school when he was by BF, we were practically married! I have not said much about Timmy period, the information provided here are things this family has done. Those are his mother's words verbatim. It is very evident these people are very vindictive mean people, it trickles all the way down. I don't think Shane deserves being a Saint when he was a common dirty sinner.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Kneeslapper ()
Date: December 04, 2010 11:41PM

How is it so evident they are mean vindictive people? They are trying to figure out why their son has disapeared. They are searching for answers, where is he? Nobody painted Shane as a saint. We have all said he had his issues. Its a family desperate to find their loved one and grieving in the process. Its hard enough they have no idea where he is but they have people like you and CONCERNED1 bad mouthing them.

I wouldnt want to say I knew someone like him, so you might as well say you were married either way you look like a fool. I didnt know it was considered dating in grade school, but I guess when you never grow up you live in those moments???? WEIRD. ha


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 12:08AM

Dear "Hot Chick":

1st. On a non-serious note, you probably look like a woolly mammoth's asshole, so no point in calling yourself a "hot chick".

2nd. Get a life buddy, obviously you're so wrapped up in your own stubborn self that YOU think HICKERSON is the saint, HA, who's in jail dude? WHO?? WHO RIPPED OFF GUNS AND AMMUNITON STORES?? Who was the last person seen with my friend??

3rd. You have no leeway here, get the f*ck off this website unless you have something positive to say about our friend whom we care deeply about. You've ran your shit, now f*ck off.


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Seriously????? ()
Date: December 05, 2010 12:22AM

Yeah they are the mean ones when ur the one bashing parents who don't know where their youngest son is. Classy chic. Get a life c*nt!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: nb ()
Date: December 05, 2010 12:44AM

These posts make me sick. Go home to you're parents and grab a life that they graciously gave to you. You don't know how really good you had it. Life is short and you are stressing you're tie's. Take note..Shane is a son ... MAYBE you're a woman. Take light of you're life. I can't imagine losing my own son or son (s). Shane is not my own son, but like a Godson...to us, as a family. He will prevail and be with us regardless of this outcome. He is here somewhere I know it. There is someone who is hiding secrets and it will prevail. Prayers to his family to get through this......Merry CHRISTmas to you. Open up...

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: nb ()
Date: December 05, 2010 01:00AM

Stop all this banging and look for this young man. Either .. Or...

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 03:42AM

You must have comprehension difficulties. I did not call Timmy a Saint. I think the Donahue's have attacked Timmy and his family. I said that's not right. I said it's not right for the Donahue's to show up at a court hearing they have nothing to do with. God help them if Shane is alive and found and has a court hearing, I will be there pickiting with posters and bring all the media that will come to hear how horrible these people are. I will be at your hearings, let me make that real clear. I can't imagine anyone any more low class. You can call me names and make threats, bottom line, I have called out people on their behavior and you don't like it and I don't care.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 03:43AM

You wanna find him? You go look for him.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 08:53AM

No "Hot Chick" (who probably looks like my dog's anus behind that computer), I am comprehending your hateful rants just fine. Haha, it's just so hilarious that YOU'RE boy is the one looking at 4 years in the clink right now!! Oh my my, how much more "tall, well respected and attractive" can you possibly get"?? Haha, you're pathetic. Timothy was the LAST person seen with Shane, of course the Donahues are going to label him as suspect. You would do the SAME F*CKING THING if these roles were reversed, buddy. Low class?? YOU are the inconsiderate asshole who hopped onto this forum to badmouth Shane and his family. THAT'S low f*cking class. This is called "HELP FIND SHANE DONAHUE", you brainless short-bus superstar. Wanna defend Hickerson? That's fine, everyone's entitled to their own opinion and beliefs. But you need to see your ass off of this website and leave the postings to those who actually care and love a one Shane Donahue. After all, that is what this forum is based on, not negativity stemming from a c*nt such as yourself.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 08:59AM

There you go again opening your mouth and showing everyone what you are all about. Read my posts. They are WHAT the Donahues have done. They are all about guessing and speculating. There are no slanderous or correctly put libel comments here on my behalf. I'm not going to shut my mouth. What are you going to do about it?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 09:20AM

For one, I did not open my mouth, I typed on a keyboard ya tool. Clearly YOU are the individual who is incomprehensive while failing to realize the blatant disrespect you are putting forth towards all those who love Shane and his family. THIS IS CALLED HELP FIND SHANE DONAHUE. If you feel the need to trash him and anyone associated with him, do it somewhere else and have some f*cking leniency and respect. You make me sick.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 09:24AM

I don't have an leniency for stupid people. Your behavior is what you are held accountable for...don't want to be called on it? Behave better. Know your boundaries, respect other's boundaries. If you don't like what I have said about what the Donahue's have done, ask them to change their behavior. I don't have any respect for a family that shows up at a man's trial to convince them to give that person more jail time because he murdered their son. Who does things like this??? I guess you are in the same sinking ship with the Donahue's, if you can't acknowledge their behavior as inappropriate, I guess you go along with Shane's drug selling too.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 09:38AM

HAHAHAHA, a sinking ship?? JESUS you really are a moron aren't you? And no leniency for "stupid" people? Muahahahaha, who's the one who attempted to rob gun stores, got caught red handed, is methed out, and facing 4 years? Hmmmm? They have both made some dumbass mistakes in life, but you really have no argument here you hypocritical douche. Apparently YOU'RE the only seaward rat going down with the ship. Have a party with that ;)

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 10:12AM

I have no criminal history, I did not defend Timmy on his actions, you just can't stand it that the Donahue's have humiliated themselves in front of the entire community. Everyone knows what they are. Why don't you apologize for your behavior? You want to find Shane? How come you are spending your time here blogging instead of looking for him? He means so much to you, maybe you can get him back to reopen his drug ring here in Nokesville.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 12:11PM

You can take whatever apology it is that you're looking for and shove it straight where the sun don't shine. Why would I apologize for defending my friend who has been missing for 9 months on a forum that is strictly about spreading the word to the masses about his disappearance in hopes that something or someone comes forward? Drugs or not you ignorant HYPOCRITICAL cocksucker, Shane Donahue is a human being and deserves justice. You are truly a piece of rotten garbage, and why you're still on this forum continuously badmouthing Shane and his whole family shows you have nothing else to do with your worthless life. Go suck off the grim reaper.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 12:16PM

Ok, I am going to post something that is not ludicrous and vile just so you yourself can be vindicated. I am sorry for attacking proven innocent people like the Hickerson family. I am sorry for cursing on this blog. I'm even sorrier that I exist, I know it's a waste of oxygen consumption for the rest of the deserving people on the planet. I promise not to procreate to generate more of my shallow gene pool.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: concerned1 ()
Date: December 05, 2010 12:20PM

You say Shane is a human, well so is Timmy and his family. They deserve the same justice, in this country you are innocent until proven guilty but not according to the Donahue renegade law, you just lash out at random people because you need someone to blame. Karma is a mug.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 12:53PM

I never once said Timmy was not a human being, yes he does deserve the benefit of the doubt, and if he's innocent of this whole debacle then that's just peachy with me. My whole point is this "Hot Chick" broad painting a picture of Shane as a horrid monster and Hickerson as a do-good angel ON A FORUM THAT IS CALLED "HELP FIND SHANE DONAHUE". Doesn't seem quite right to me. If I'm not correct, someone has created a thread dubbed "HICKERSON SUPPORTERS". Go post there and leave this forum to people who actually have love for Shane, which is why it was created in the first place. BTW, cute post Ugly Chick, too bad you weren't anything more than a semen stain on your daddy's jeans.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 01:10PM

There you go again, diarrhea of the mouth. I said nothing good or bad about Timmy. You are doing all the talking about him. I just pointed out the flip side of this equation and you no-likey. Holey Smoley, it must make you insane that I'm so HOT! Maybe I'm a dude, maybe I'm a fat chick who has had 10 babies like you. Maybe I laid on my back to get a place to squat and a meal to eat like you. It's tough these day, a ho gotta do what a ho gotta do.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 01:53PM

Well, well, I must have hit a nerve, nothing else to say?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 02:15PM

I have a life and better things to do with my time than dick around with you all day over a computer. Keep up your hatred and disrespect for The Donahue family, I do hope the Karma police are watching you. You're an obvious waste of space and I am through exhanging words with someone as pitiful and pathetic as yourself.


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Seriously???? ()
Date: December 05, 2010 03:31PM

Concerned1 maybe the only thing you should be concerned about is your piss poor morals. Why do you people care so much about Timmy Hickerson? Yes Hot chic maybe if you read what you wrote in the earlier posts you would realize you mentioned Timmy quiet a bit. Although you claim the only reason you are on here is because it bothers you how the Donahues are actiing, what is it to you? Why do you have your panties in such a bunch over that family? Same goes for you Concerned1, why does it bother you so much that they are looking for the truth? Are you the ones who know where Shane is? Do you know what happened to him? It sounds to me that you think the blaim needs to be pointed elswhere so why dont you tell the fine people of the internet who that blame should be pointed to.

You are obviously smarter than the rest of us because you seem to know more than anyone. So tell us oh smart ones WHERE IS SHANE? Spend your sunday afternoon on a forum arguing over someone who can give two shits about you. HA you need a life and yes we are looking for Shane, clearly we are making efforts you imbusal. You are the worst kind of human and I hope you rot in hell.
Karma is a MUG and you better believe when the truth finally comes out you will be the one qith nothing left to say. Nobody is Jealous over the Hickersons it sounds to me your the ones that are jealous since the Donahues BOTHER you oh so much.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 04:25PM

I'm sorry, did you mean imbecile? Grammar is a tough one, it really makes you look stupid when you can't convey words correctly. I have read my posts, clearly, I wrote them. Not once have I defended Timmy in his wrong doing. You are a liar. I don't like the attacks made against someone who has been cleared of the crime, it really makes me mad that this family appeared at his court hearing. I don't know what they are thinking. Even if they feel Timmy had something to do with Shane's disappearance, let the police do their jobs. I also read they hired a PI, let him do his job. Not to steal quotes but this is not "renegade Donahue law". Thats exactly what it seems like. They have taken the law into their own hands and I don't appreciate that. What if they decided to go attack another family because they can't pursue Timmy any longer? Do you think that would change my posting? Absolutely not. I would step up to the plate for anyone I felt like was being judged unfairly.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 04:30PM

Oh, and Blame is misspelled too. It's not Blaim. I know it rhymes with claim, but because of the "e" at the end of the word, it gives the "a" the "a" sound instead of the "ah" sound.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Seriously?????? ()
Date: December 05, 2010 04:59PM

Wow you haven't answered a single question I have asked you. Perhaps the spelling is incorrect but you got the point didn't you? Still you avoid every question asked. WHY DO U CARE SO MUCH??????

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Seriously???? ()
Date: December 05, 2010 06:03PM

That's what I thought, you can't answer 1 single question!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 06:18PM

I'm not on the stand, I don't have to answer any questions. I think we have established this is America, I can post whatever I want. If criticizing your mental capabilities makes me happy, then I shall pursue my happiness!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 06:19PM

And if it makes you feel better, you are right, I'm probably smarter.

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