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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Seriously???? ()
Date: December 05, 2010 06:37PM

Exactly it's America So the donahues can act anyway they want. I knew you wouldn't answer anything because you don't have an answer as to why u care so much, ur just a lonely pathetic excuse for a person that's why u are posting on this site for no good reason at all. It's amusing how pathetic u truly are. No life, daddy issues, self esteem problems and a pea for a brain yup that pretty much sums up who u are. Smarter than me hardly, you have proven to everyone how miserable and stupid u are. People like you have no life and find little things like chat rooms and blogs to feel better. Hahahah I feel sorry for you. Biiiiiiotttchhhhhhh!!!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 06:45PM

Boo hoo hoo, you hurt my feelings so! Clearly, the Donahues are not in jail so they were permitted to show their true colors by showing up to Timmy's hearing. That would not have been the first infraction on their behalf. There the trailer park comes out with you having to express yourself through curse words. Why is that? Did your parents rear you to behave this way? Maybe that's why you fit in so well with the Donahues. As far as smarter than you, I have you mad and all torn up continuously responding while I'm sitting back laughing. Who's smarter?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 05, 2010 07:04PM

The sad part of this whole thing is that I had to actually come out and tell you this before you got it.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Seriously???? ()
Date: December 05, 2010 07:06PM

I am far from the trailer park sweetie. I guess you can't argue with an idiot. So I'm going to leave you to laughing all by yourself. Have fun with that...Why don't you own up to who you are and tell me your name? I would be happy to discuss this friendly debate over coffee..

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: The Truth ()
Date: December 05, 2010 10:22PM

If the people posting on this forum are from Nokesville, I wouldn't be surprised if Shane didn't actually go "missing". I would have ran away from you crack heads too.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 06, 2010 07:34AM

I'll consider that your best attempt at a white flag.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: hot chick is an idiot ()
Date: December 06, 2010 07:18PM

anyone who gets on this website at 730am has no life.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Ryan Knight Your Stupid ()
Date: December 06, 2010 07:50PM

I`ve gotta say from what i`ve seen i don`t know him but Ryan Knight is bar none the stupidest "human being" (i use that term extramly loosely) in the world. ryan your comebacks are pathectic and unintellegable i mean honestly trying to insult someone by saying "who posts at that time of day" really thats the best you got i`d tell you to be smart and shut your mouth but smart is obviously not in your incredably limited vocabulary. is the knight family motto "if it ain`t a FOR letter word it ain`t FOUR us"

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Life`s Hard Get A Helmet ()
Date: December 06, 2010 08:28PM

I'm with you Dawn-UH-Hew. If they can't narrow down Shanes ENORMOUS list of enemies to figure out who really dun it your entitled to blame a random innocent person thats the American way innocent till the donahues say otherwise. This message brought to you from the FRIENDS FIGHTING TO FREE TIMMY TODAY!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 06, 2010 08:39PM

I'm on that band wagon, FRIENDS FIGHTING TO FREE TIMMY TODAY (FFTFTT)! Ryan Knight is a moron. Go buy yourself a brain with your drug money.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: December 06, 2010 10:27PM

Second time I am Not RYAN KNIGHT. This person does not even live in my world. But if anyone knows anything about Shane they should tell. Timmy will never be free as long as he wakes up everyday.He got in trouble in the real world, what crimes will he committ in prison.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Silent Knight ()
Date: December 07, 2010 12:07AM

OK, my guilty conscience got the best of me, I really am Ryan Knight, I'm sorry for being a social parasite, I promise to throw myself off a cliff for real this time.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 01:26AM

To All - excuse my ignorance and stupidity. I attack the Donahue's about making accusations and going to court hearings that I didn't realize that I'm doing exactly what I say I hate. This isn't a taste of their own medicine - this is the ramblings of someone who likes to believe that they are smart, when in reality I have nothing better to do with my life but to defend someone who has already been sentenced.

Look - little girl, I really don't know or care who you are but you do post hatred. You wanna defend Timmy and have your little FFTFTT clan fine.

Answer these questions then:
Was Timmy the last person seen with Shane?

Did Timmy and Shane have a disagreement in reference to someone breaking into Shane's house?

Is Timmy a drug user, Felon, and have the opportunity to have anything to do with the disappearance of Shane?

Were you with him on March 22?

You say that your not on trial - you don't have to testify - your right!! Opinions are an American right - we can agree to disagree. But thinking that this banter back and forth makes you in any way look like the bigger person, your wrong. All your doing with the defending of this man is making others wonder just how many of you truly were involved w/ the disappearance of Shane. I can only ASSUME - that you are not a mother and have no idea what its like to have a child ripped away from you and worse not know what has happened to them.

It's been posted time and time again from people that both Shane and Timmy made some bad choices - you don't see that? Or are you that miserable of a person that you have to focus on the negative side of everything that's said? You say you've known Timmy since grade school? How would you feel, and how many "accusations", and just how long would you look for him if he were in Shane's shoes? Now your attacking Ryan / Silent Knight the same way that you say the Donahue's have attacked Timmy. Hmm - kind of contradicting ourselves are we? You said it in your earlier post - "I'm gonna jump on that band wagon" - that shows us all the kind of person you are - a follower who will do anything that they are told because it makes them feel so much better about themselves to be in a "group".

I think by me posting this should show you that on here - anyone can take a name - or be who they want. You obviously know that you didn't write this - I'm sure that you will take the time to check my grammar. All of you seem to know so much about what type of drugs the other are doing, and what you do for a living... You are the company that you keep. Timmy's put away on whatever charges he had to face - you want to support him and be there for him send him some money for commissary and write to him.

Now let those of us - who just want to find Shane, and find out what really happened to him (which by the way let me just add that again with all the defensiveness and fighting that you and your clan are doing - does kinda make it look like there was a possibility that Timmy played a part - one minute he was Shane's friend - the next from the way you all tell it they were enemies and Shane apparently has a huge list of them - that all of you who defend Timmy refuse to talk about), let those of us who just want the family of Shane to find some peace of mind reach out here. You posted words from Donna Donahue earlier on one of your other ramblings - she was reaching out - she wants what any MOTHER would want for her child, for whoever that did hurt them to be put away. Those were mostly messages of a person who is sending out her love to someone that she can't see on a day to day basis.

Go to your Hickerson Supporters page - free Timmy that way.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: StrengthInTheCurrent ()
Date: December 07, 2010 02:23AM

To this above post:

You have completely and utterly said and covered everything I've ever wanted to say in just that one post. Granted I have taken different and more blunt ways to express my love and concern for Shane and the Donahues against this "Hot Chick" character, but I have a a short fuse for people who can't have COMMON RESPECT for (once again) a son, a brother, a nephew, a cousin, a grandson, and a TRUE FRIEND FOR OVER 10 YEARS that has been MISSING SINCE MARCH on a forum that is solely to help, raise hopes and bring out the truth to this young man's whereabouts and family. AMEN, and god bless you. You negative folks seriously need to back off, and spare this family any more hurt than they're already experiencing. You're all SICK.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 09:38AM

Blah, Blah, Blah, I did not say anything one way or the other about Timmy. I said his family was unnecessarily and brutally attacked by the Donahues...you want me to answer some questions...why don't you answer some questions...why did the trailer park Donahues show up at Timmy's hearing? What is that all about? What kind of piece of gutter rat shows up to put another son, grandson, brother, nephew away in prison longer because the gutter rats want him punished for a crime A. He did not commit and B. He is not being charged with. WTF???? Answer that one and then I'll start answering some of your questions, you are not going to like my answers. You have a BS story fed to you by the Donahues, I guess it's time you know some of the truths in this case. They have run their mouths about Timmy being the last person who saw Shane, I say that's bullshit, her I'll say it again. Go ask the detective who the last person who spoke to Timmy on the phone, go ask the detective who the last person was Shane was on his way to see....More drug dealing details...Looks bad Donahues.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 09:39AM

I'm sorry, the last person to speak to Shane on the phone.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Don't respond to hot chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 02:37PM

This person is just out to cause problems. Everyone please ignore.

Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 12:19AM

Ok, who's next? Come on, be my huckleberry, I'm looking for a good fight. You will make my day and Knight. This is loads

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Seriously???? ()
Date: December 07, 2010 02:40PM

Looks like hot chick needs a lesson in grammar school... Lmao

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 03:37PM

Knight was intentional moron, Ryan Knight, get it? I Know You are slow but try to keep up.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Lucky Duck ()
Date: December 07, 2010 03:44PM

I would like to know the answers. Why did the Donahue's go to Timmy's hearing? What do they have to do with his hearing? Who was the last person Shane spoke with? I want to know.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 03:57PM

Maybe you should go ask the Donahues. Actually, call the detectives working the case, should not be too hard to locate them. They will have the details. Then you can ask the Donahues why they have done what they have done when you are informed. It's hard to lie when the records say one thing and the Donahues say another... more renegade Donahue law?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Lucky Duck ()
Date: December 07, 2010 05:21PM

Is Donna a police officer? I googled her and saw she was affiliated with PWC police.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 05:45PM

A police officer? An official of the PWC legal system? Really? Nice. How appropriate. How sad is that, she is supposed to serve justice and this is how it all plays out?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: MLDW ()
Date: December 07, 2010 06:49PM

Hot Chick - I agree you are only here to fight back and forth and attempt poorly at making it clear just who you are defending. You bash the Donahue's but are surprised that Donna may or may not be affiliated with PWCPD? Hmm - just how much do you know of the Donahue's?

The Donahue's are hurt and looking for answers, do they want to see justice absolutely. Why did they show up at Timmy's case, probably to see if they would get some type of a reaction to what they have been feeling since March. You defend the Hickersons and Timmy, but again - if the Hickersons were in the Donahue's shoes and it was Timmy that was missing and Shane going to court - you don't think they would have shown up? Your a bs liar if you answer no, that they wouldn't. Anyone involved with Shane and what could have happened to him is most likely a HUGE interest in what the Donahue's are looking at.

You seem to know SO MUCH about what the detectives finding out, and who the last person Shane talked to was, or what dealings he had that night. Anyone who is involved in law enforcement knows that A. You know who may have last been in contact with Shane, or B. your pulling things out of your own A@@ Hole to make a point.

And you truly need not throw stones when you live in a glass house. The Donahue's could never be classified as - as you call them "White Trash". In fact - truth be told - the Donahue's (if again you knew anything about a losing someone) have been nothing but taking the high road. If you have read ONE word about what people are requesting then you truly are the white trash and epiphany of ignorant. Just keep your comments to yourself - or stop losing what little of a mind that you have left when people post their opinions.

To the Donahue's, I never met Shane - however everytime I have met you all, you have been NOTHING but kind and welcoming. Our hearts go out to you, and we do hope that this nightmare soon comes to an end.

To Hot Chick - I was the one who posted the comment last night under your name - hoping that some part of you would just wake up and realize that honestly there is nothing more that you can say or do to hurt the Donahue's or their family. They stand as one, and in the end will get the answers that they are looking for. As far as your postings go, they truly make no difference - you can't expose Shane for anything less than what his family knows. I pitty you and your family for being so self righteous and down right ignorant. It truly does show your white trash coming out of the words that you type. IN THE MEANTIME - I will respond with EXACTLY what this forum was first created as.


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Stacey ()
Date: December 07, 2010 07:25PM

Thank you for posting that. The Donahues are nothing but kind and heartwarming people. They always make you feel like you are a part of the family. Mrs. Donahue is a wonderful person and I am sad knowing something this tragic has happened to a woman who would give the shirt off her back.

Please continue to pray for Shane and his family. This has been a difficult time for them and I am shocked to see some of the posts on this site. I just hope they find the truth they desperately deserve.

We Miss you Shane and we will continue to pray.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Dead and gone ()
Date: December 07, 2010 07:40PM

Why are you idiots still posting about this kid? He's obviously dead in a field somewhere, probably not even rotting anymore. He's never going to be found. Get over it.

Stop talking shit about each other and move on.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: MLDW ()
Date: December 07, 2010 07:55PM

To above poster - YOUR AN IDIOT - THATS ALL THAT NEEDS TO BE SAID. God help you should your child go missing, and even more for just being a down right clown. If you don't like reading about Shane - stay off his page. Simple, Thank you!

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Tyrone ()
Date: December 07, 2010 08:00PM

MLDW Wrote:
> To above poster - YOUR AN IDIOT - THATS ALL THAT
> NEEDS TO BE SAID. God help you should your child
> go missing, and even more for just being a down
> right clown. If you don't like reading about Shane
> - stay off his page. Simple, Thank you!

"His page" is on the top of the PW forum's page. He's dead. Get over it. Just a pile of bones and sinue...maybe some hair.

Stop talking shit about each other and move on. Get some counseling.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: MLDW ()
Date: December 07, 2010 08:43PM

Tyrone wrote:

"His page" is on the top of the PW forum's page. He's dead. Get over it. Just a pile of bones and sinue...maybe some hair.

Stop talking shit about each other and move on. Get some counseling.


Yea the page that was created for Information and messages to be passed on between those who care for Shane. Counseling should be handed out to those of you who can write the cold hearted messages like the one above. The forum doesn't need to be used for an all out war stage like you and Hot Chick and whoever else has made those types of statements.

Like I said - if you don't want to read what this page was initially created for, then don't. Just don't add into the hatred comments like you have already done. I would hope that your Mother and friends would do the same for you. Have a little respect for the family and people who care about Shane. Enough said - no more back and forth. I've shared my opinion and so have you. Be the bigger man on this one and just step down. I'm sure you will come back w/ a truth hurts, or some kind of little zing to make yourself feel like a big man. Don't bother. The forum will continue to post messages in reference to finding Shane, and asking anyone with information to stop holding back.

I guess those of us who do support finding Shane should be somewhat happy that, so many of you find this particular thread so interesting to read, but to comment on it to. Maybe one of you will finally grow some balls and start telling the truth. But To Tyrone or Hot chick or anyone else, like it or not Shane is a topic, at some point in life you will face what you dish out. Hopefully it's not the extent to what Shane's family and friends feel right now. Hopefully it's not you missing, and people posting comments about death, and bones. We have the reality of facing what may or may not have happened to Shane. We will deal w/ that when the time comes, not when kids want to have a few words pasted on a forum that if they don't like they don't need to read.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 09:14PM

Surprisingly to all you who feel I have judged unfairly ( which I completely disagree, I think the behavior on behalf of the Donahues speaks for itself) I hope more than anything they find this young man and determine what/is the cause of his disappearance. I will be more happy than anything that this community can put this to rest. If the Donahues had posted nothing more than they were looking for their son, I would have no beef. I can't speak for the Hickerson family. I would like to think they have taken their lumps and have remained silent all this time. Apparently you don't trust your local law enforcement when they deem someone who has been cleared of a crime, yet they continually pursue this man and his family. What happens when they find out it was not Timmy? Do you think "I'm sorry" is going to be good enough? It's not enough for me, I hope to God its not enough for them.

You can preach to the choir all day long and post your long soliloquies here with your own self-righteousness, but at the end of the day, you and I and everyone else in this community knows what they have done and the way they have handled this situation has been at best inappropriate.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 09:19PM

If you take note, there has been over 3700 views of this blog, how many more until this has reached this entire community? Not so many.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: therealsli ()
Date: December 07, 2010 10:01PM

Oh my goodness. I just don't understand y people can't stop accusing timmy of having something to do.with shane's disappearance. As I read timmy was cleared of a person of interest in shane disappearance. Yes it completely and utterly stinks that a family is missing a loved one. However it isn't timmy's fault. I an not saying.g timmy doesn't have his fault and he is.clearly paying for them. As I recall timmy is in jail. I hope the family finds out where shane is. Maybe he with the federal marshalls being hidden somewhere in Kansas.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 07, 2010 11:08PM

The reason why...interesting actually. The investigators clearly have no leads. They are so desperate to blame someone they will blame anyone who was remotely close in the time period of when Shane went missing. They go so far as to show up at a hearing for another man, which has nothing to do with them, asking for more jail time when the man on trial isn't even on trial for that crime. You say put yourselves in the Donahue's shoes, but put yourselves in any one else's shoes who may have been innocently attacked by this family. Would you stand by and permit this to take place without any accountability? If you would, then you are a fool. You are a lemming and deserve to dive off a cliff to your own demise. The people who stand up for what is right are the ones who will wear jewels in their crowns one day. Not the followers. Do you want to be a follower? One man began the demise of Jesus Christ, an entire community followed in suit because they were lemmings. Do you want to persecute someone because you have no one else to blame or do you want to persecute the individual who is responsible? That is question you will have to answer yourselves. That is a conflict you will have to resolve with your maker one day. I will not have a heavy ladened conscience for ever not standing up for the right choices.

I have never laid eyes on the Donahue family. I'm not sure I'd have anything nice to say if I did. If she is a police officer and behaved this way, she should be held accountable for her actions. I don't care what is the excuse. When you are a representative of this county, you had better behave in a manner that is reflective of your position on or off duty, I'd be willing to bet that is somewhere in the contract as a police officer. If these people are so upstanding and decent, provide a good explanation for the horrible behavior. This has been since March, she and her family have had plenty of time to make rational decisions at this point. You can't blame this on someone who is emotionally overwrought and incapable of knowing right from wrong.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: :•/ ()
Date: December 08, 2010 12:24AM

Donna is not a police officer. However I am glad you can recognize some kind of human compassion for a missing loved on. Whatever the circumstances may be please have respect for the Donahue family. I am not responding to your posts in a hostile way. I am not here to argue who's right and who's wrong, just please show some respect. There are two sides to every story and then there is the truth. The point of this forum is not to have name calling. However the Donahues handle this situation is honestly their business and if it's not effecting you directly I'm confused as to why you are so upset how they do in fact handle this difficult time is their business. Thanks and may god bless you.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 08, 2010 07:47AM

I concur with the exception that in general none of this matters, especially to me, except this situation directly affects the rest of the Nokesville and possibly adjoining communities directly. I'm not sure how very few people are capable of recognizing the impact of their actions to the rest of us. If their actions had no bearing on anyone else, I could care less. Just like a drunk who wants to run their own car up a tree, its a good day. When that same drunk crashes his car into an innocent family and kills them, I have a problem with that. I think most people, using this analogy, would agree the drunk driver ruined the life of the other family. The behavior on part of the Donahue family has been as dually reckless. It is unfortunate they are riddled with grief, that is not an excuse to ruin anyone else, another family, or a community. If you can't personally recognize this and identify what has taken place as wrong doing, you really need a check of right and wrong. Here's one better, put yourself in the position of the person or family that is being attacked. Walk yourself through the position they have had to maintain since March when these people have so publicly accused them and viciously sought after them. Would you be so condoning of grief and loss and defending a family that is so kind and warm and caring when they had treated you this way? Flip the coin, you will find it has 2 sides.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: :=) ()
Date: December 08, 2010 08:12AM

You are certainly entitled to your own opinion. Fortunately for the rest of us who dont agree with your analogies will stand behind the Donahues, I think that speaks volumes for who they truley are. No matter how they handle this situation they will still have a broad following. I am sure there is more to the reason you have made it such a mission to 'expose' them, but from the sounds of it you dont know them at all. Your attempt to make them look bad has failed, Those of us who do know the Donahues personally know the truth.

Please take your opinions somewhere else, I think I can speak for everyone else that we are tired of the remarks and false sterotyping. I am not responding to you again and I hope everyone does the same.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 08, 2010 09:18AM

And for the same reasoning and rationale as this, genocide occurred in Germany in the century past, within the past 70 years, the same thought process permitted one man to kill millions of Jewish people. Who were the people who stood up against the wrong doers? I have family members who jumped off those ships on the beaches of Normandy and fought for the lives of innocent victims. I am cut from the same cloth. I am not a follower, I will tell you when you are right or wrong. I will stand up for someone else regardless of who condones the ones making poor choices. Why would you follow this destructive behavior, thats the more important question? I understand perfectly trying to help them find their missing family member but to "stand behind them" in all of their actions? That reflects poorly on you as well. So, do you console them, continue to be their friends, support them in their time of need and then identify with them when they have infringed on the rights of others...that would be the right choice. I am more distraught over the fact that you or anyone would support their malice. That is frankly scary to me. That means there are still groups of people who would support torture of others to meet their own needs, a modern day Adolf Hitler and his Henchmen.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 08, 2010 09:20AM

and I have not failed in making them look bad, you saying it does not make it so. There are plenty of people reading this blog. I think they will make their own choices.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Fact ()
Date: December 08, 2010 09:42AM

What are you talking about??? Hitler? Really? Wow you are more out there than I thought. U comparing them to a man who took thousands of lives is absurd. You are obviously living in some fantasy world by even considering it's the same thing. Unreal. You need help, you are not mentally stable. Shane was last seen with Timmy Hickerson, FACT

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 08, 2010 11:17AM

Let me pull some more stuff out of my ass, who was the last person to speak with Shane on the phone, after Timmy was long gone????

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 08, 2010 11:19AM

And Hitler started his mission with one man, this crew already has a coven.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: fact ()
Date: December 08, 2010 01:03PM

You tell me Brainiac. Who was the last person shane spoke to on the phone? Was it you?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: JustAThought ()
Date: December 08, 2010 07:44PM

No one outside of the Nokesville community really knows about the disappearance of this young man. For the most part I would say this has received limited media coverage outside of his family's local area. Simply for the fact that the rest of Northern Virgina, sees it for what it really is. The news does NOT want to report on known drug dealers that are missing. To the rest of society it would appear that some of the scum of the earth has been rightfully disposed of. I understand that this young man's family has lost a son,nephew,uncle, brother and so forth; I understand how this situation must be devastating to his parents. But you have to face the music, if you're involved with distributing illegal drugs; bad stuff is bound to happen sooner or later, and it seems that this young man's activities finally caught up with him.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot Chick ()
Date: December 08, 2010 08:07PM

The information I provide to you, you wouldn't believe, so do your homework and come back here and tell all of us about it.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: MLDW ()
Date: December 09, 2010 12:55AM

JustAThought and Hot Chick,

As stated before you both are entitled to your opinions. To JustAThought - were you aware that if you are over the age of 21 with no known mental illnesses,no medical problems that although there is a police report taken for "missing persons", unless it is proven that you have met with foul play it makes it so much more difficult to report you missing and entered into a computer system for other jurisdictions to be aware of the situation. Which may be one of the reasons that this case isn't so "highly profiled" outiside of the Nokesville area.

Shane was 23 - looking back to when I was 23, mistakes were made. Were you perfect? Did you grow up with no issues - or were you a typical young person who may have made a few decisions that probably weren't the best. Regardless - those were mistakes that because Hot Chick has now pulled the Hitler records and bible out - will ultimately be judged by God. Maybe if Shane robbed a few gun stores prior to going missing he would have had much more news time.

To Hot Chick - who defends the Hickersons so proudly. Once again you have contradicted yourself. You pride your self is freeing Timmy, and claiming that you are defending the family. Yet - you said that to stand behind the Donahue's because they defend their son (who again, nobody has argued the fact that he was no angel and made no mistakes in life) how we should search as to why we would condone Shane's actions? Well, then quite frankly take a good look at the posts that you have made in reference to Timmy. No one has stated that Shane's actions were that of an angel. In fact SEVERAL posts include Shane and Timmy BOTH making bad choices.

Although I'm sure the Hickersons are feeling greif, and feeling resentment that some questions about Timmy and his honesty have come up - they know where their son is. They go to sleep knowing that Timmy has food in his stomach, a bed to lay on, and a way to tell him everyday that he is loved.

Torture??? Torture of others?? Would you like to sit down and compare notes on not knowing if your son is living or dead is like, or go over every twisted comment that is made out of pure hatred. Your DAMN right my support will go to the Donahue's. And there isn't a day or night that I feel that I have made the wrong choice. I live my life honestly, I support my family, and I feel horrible for the Donahue's. Accusations, questions, statements to you are torture??

The Donahue's and family and friends have faced the facts. It is realized that some of Shane's choices lead to his disappearance. Does that make it right? No. Facts are the statements made about Shane and his actions come from people who imbelish on the truth. We know Shane made mistakes, but his chance of changing his ways hasn't been given to him. Hot Chick - you said Timmy has that right, he was right there with Shane, doing the same thing Shane was doing. If Timmy has the chance to change, why wouldn't Shane have the same?

Genocide - look it up. Then talk to someone who has been tortured. Let's see how their response may differ from yours. Someone knows what happened to Shane, someone can help. That's the main function of this site. Hot Chick you say you have SO much information on the life that Shane lived that the family doesn't know. Again, either your a walking, typing contradiction or you are going by what you have "heard" - which is the SAME thing the Donahue's have done. The SAME thing that you yourself pronounce to hate because of the way the Hickersons have been BRUTALLY attacked. You truly do need some type of counseling.

OH!!! And the bigger question is, if you know who Shane last talked to when "Timmy had been long gone". How would you know, if you weren't with Timmy when he left Shane? Or for that matter with Shane himself, when Timmy left? Or is this another he say/she say??

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: wow ()
Date: December 09, 2010 07:50PM

why dont everyone show up at nokesville squar and all of you can stop this crap and leave timmy and the hickersons out of this and use this site for whats it is intended for and it is to submit info to find shane .I have read all of these entries and really feel dumber for spending the time to do so! I hope they find shane in good health. I also hope that the police are reading this as well.Everyone can be tracked threw thier IP address to find out who you are its not that hard to do .(THINK ABOUT THAT) while you are writing all these nasty things about both of these men.I wish the Donahue family success in there quest of finding their son.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Track wow ()
Date: December 10, 2010 09:34PM

I believe what `wow` is suggesting is called vigilante justice! A traceable offence i believe. By the way, really.... are you serious? your saying the police can track my computer on a police affilitated website SHOCKING i`m literally SHOCKED as i`m sure the rest of us are at that breaking news. If the NSA can activate my cell phone so they can hear whats going on around me turning my cell phone into thier 24/7 listening bug, the police being able to track you down by your IP more than likely only scratches the surface of thier capibilities. Plus we`re obviously on a website the police established. So yeah i`m sure insted of the silly handles people use on here to hide their true identity the polices screen they get in the least our IP addy and probably with the click of a mouse our SSN, name, home #, cell #, work #, e-mail addy, snail mail addy, D.O.B, sex, race, criminal\driving\school record, ect. ect. so on and so fourth. So basically `wow` is captian obvious\possible vigilante. COME HOME SHANE MISS U BRO

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: @ the wow twins ()
Date: December 10, 2010 10:26PM

Your all whack!!!! *~_+^`\,.-=<{FFTFTT}>=-.,/`^+_~*

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: vigil ()
Date: March 22, 2011 09:16AM

Candlelight Vigil

MVP Bar and Grill (behind vdot building)
Today from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: KDSP ()
Date: May 09, 2011 02:58PM

Whether you choose to believe this or not..... Shane is passed, he haunts the house at 13898 Aden Road, across from Aden Grocery. If the family wants to find out what happened to him they need to get someone in there that has the ability to speak with the after-life at least the family could get answers to his death and who did it. At least they will have closure. His soul lingers there and he is angry. I never knew him or anyone else you all speak of and I am not trying to be cruel or cold-hearted, people want answers and leads... here is the lead to get you those answers. I plea if any of you want closure take my advice.
I apologize to everyone for making this brief and abrupt statement, but it is the truth.
Check it out you will see.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: May 10, 2011 12:12PM

I attended the Candlelight Vigil, and took my top off.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: dh ()
Date: May 25, 2011 11:34PM

i find it REALLY sketchy that the people who are being accused of having something to do with shanes disappearance were walking around nokesville day ripping down help find shane posters?

if you DIDNT have anything to do with this situation wouldn't you want to keep the posters up and have them find evidence to prove you're not guilty? just sayin

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: AOmega19 ()
Date: May 26, 2011 12:45PM

Slander and defamation are still punishable by civil law if Timmys fathers work truck wasn't on the poster nobody would have ripped them down that's not the van timmy was driving, everyone knows his father is the only one that drives that truck insinuating his father had something to do with shanes disappearance either way the donahues will be getting some papers in the mail

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: it's not right ()
Date: May 26, 2011 11:27PM

i do not support either side. i dont know either party. i am not from pw/nokesville.


it's not right to throw out people's names and businesses when you dont really know what happened. if anyone REALLY knew what happened, there wouldn't be this message board.

why are all of the Shane supporters so blind to the fact that when one chooses to hang with a rough crowd or involve themselves in illegal activities, there are consequences???... he was probably involved much deeper than you all realize.

i am not saying whatever happened to Shane was justified, but i am sure that the police are competent and have done their job. if they have not arrested anyone, than there is no evidence.

the community's pain by his loss is quite obvious by the messages posted. there is much frustration and anger. take that energy and create something positive. create a memorial fund. create a drug awareness program. do something to brighten your community and your lives. fill your hearts with shane's smile through giving (and forgiving).

shane is gone. he isn't coming back. start the grieving process. move on.

two wrongs do not make a right.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Carr Family ()
Date: May 29, 2011 12:03AM

To answer your questions yes Donna was a PWC officer for a period of time. The hateful things that have been said on this webpage are devastating to me. Shane is my cousin and although it has been years since I've spoken to him it's hard to believe the things that people are saying about him. He was the most loving and kind-hearted boy and my favorite out of all of the boys. If you can't say anything productive than perhaps nothing should be said and if you have no firsthand knowledge of this family than please mind your own business and move on - no one deserves to wonder where their child is when they go to bed at night.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ABCDEFG ()
Date: May 31, 2011 02:17PM

If you want to go to bed guilt free, then you are asking more than what is reality. The issues are:
1. spend your time finding your son.
2. if you can't control your anger, go get some help.
3. realize (if they are or have been part of the legal system) when
you or your family is breaking the law.
4. the family who has been attacked has NOTHING to do with Shane's
5. the crazy poster posting family member has no idea how much
trouble she is in. is it good for her mother/family to have
one child gone and another in jail?

At some point, this family needs to do the right thing. Address your issues. You have been a victim, BE the victim, don't be the assailant. It does not matter how lovable Shane is/was, when all these crazy things take place, it makes the whole group look crazy.

You may speak your mind, when it becomes intrusive to another family or their businesses, there are laws to protect people against these things. There has been plenty of chances provided to let Shane's family be angry and blow off smoke, now it has just become evil and intolerable. Take the high road, grieve your losses, keep looking for Shane but find a way to address your issues without turning everyone against you.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Look up the law ()
Date: June 12, 2011 04:48AM

In response to ABCDEFG and to AOmega19:

AOmega19 - 1) the poster in question does have a Hickerson Electrical Truck on it - a picture of a truck that (although may not have been the exact one) Shane WAS IN FACT last seen in was used... Was this slander, absolutely not!. A picture of a vehicle of the similiar make and model may be used in posters to show a likeness. Now, if you are speaking of something else maybe you should let us know. And for the record, the only RELIABLE person last saw Shane leaving with Timmy Hickerson. Again - not against the law to state the facts.

1) the family has not stopped attempting to locate Shane, or the people responsible for his disappearance

2) The Donahue's have not acted out in anger, and I don't believe they would until they were absolutely forced to

3) Again, if you seem to be a bit confused as to what the LAW says in actuality and what you would like to twist it into to fit your best interest

4) The FAMILY that has been ATTACKED (as you call it) is the Donahue family since last March, when not only did the disappearance of Shane take place, but also when nothing but lies, finger pointing, and outrageous speculations began taking place.

5) There are no crazy people in the Donahue family. They are a family attempting to survive a mystery that nobody would wish on their worst enemies.

As much as I would truly like to believe your words came from a place of good, explaining to anyone on a forum how you believe a family of a missing person should act, then advising a family "take the high road, grieve your losses, keep looking for Shane and find a way to address their issues w/o turning everyone against you", says that there are no good intentions in your post. Here's what you should be saying "I have no idea what this family must be going through, or how the loss of a child may feel, but my heart goes out to them. I can't offer any advise because, I would never in a million years know how to act, what to think or what to do if I were in their shoes."

Now I realize that this may be something so hard for you or anyone that has said an ill word against the Donahue's, so I will attempt to explain it as best as I can. There are always different variations of a story, there is the truth that you say, the truth of another, and then there is the reality of what really has happened. The Donahue poster stated the "FACTS" as they have been told, know from their own eyes, and yes what they have pieced together.
As I am sure that the Hickerson family has their side of the story. I am sure that when Timmy's picture was posted in the newspapers the Hickersons screamed Slander... But the truth was that Timmy didn't follow the law, he made a mistake and is now paying for it, true or false?? A Hickerson truck did have Shane in it last March, true or false?? My point being is, Timmy is where he is alive and in prison. So, if the Donahue's post a photo of the facts that they know, why would that be so horrible?

If you know the Hickersons, then just ask them this: if the table's were turned, if Timmy was missing, and Shane had been the last person THEY saw him with - what accusations would be thrown? ESPECIALLY, when not to much later Shane got arrested for breaking into a gun store?

The Donahue's are doing the "right" thing, and NOT GIVING UP on looking for their son!! Who are you to say when the healing should begin? Or when they should grieve their loss? Shane has been missing for over a year, and regardless of how old my children are, until I found the truth, until I bring my child home, and until I knew that the people responsible were punished for whatever wrong doing they caused, I wouldn't give up. I wouldn't grieve my loss. And an assailant the Donahue's aren't. Again, maybe a little honesty should come to play on the ripping down of the posters incident.

So with that said, maybe if those of you who attack the Donahue's and post comments about how the Donahue's need to give up hope, maybe if you would assist the Donahue's in finding out the truth, rather than attacking a family who is dealing with Shane's disappearance on a daily basis. If you don't want the posters out, you obviously know your sons friends who have constantly made posts on this page - reach out to them. Find the truth, not just for Shane - but for all the people involved! Put an end to a parents nightmare. The full truth will come out about everything. But until they can bring home their son, the search will never end.

And what chances have the Donahue's had to "be angry, and blow off smoke?" This isn't a family dog that got hit by your vehicle, or a ring that was stolen. We are talking about a life of a human being. The anger doesn't stop, there is no smoke to blow off - because they can't put their son to rest! Maybe you would give up on your child, but don't assume that others are that willing to do so - regardless of how other people may view the missing or their families. Hickersons son is a felon w/ a drug record, but I seriously doubt that they would just write of him.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: ProVallone ()
Date: June 13, 2011 07:41AM

Ho Hum

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: seems like ()
Date: August 16, 2011 08:37AM


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: jdub ()
Date: August 18, 2011 06:29PM

Did the donahues do the derby this year?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Loved One ()
Date: September 05, 2011 07:27PM

Yes and they Won one of the Derbys. We are still looking everyday for Shane Donahue and will never give up. Have you seen the Banner on Aden Rd. WE LOVE YOU SHANE AND WILL FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED ON THE DAY YOU WENT MISSING MARCH 22,2010.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Noobie ()
Date: September 07, 2011 01:58PM

Very, very sad.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Suggestion ()
Date: October 19, 2011 03:25PM

The family may want to post information about Shane on the Help Find The Missing Website http://www.helpfindthemissing.org/missing_database.
It may help to get the story out to the public.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: LOVED ONE ()
Date: October 20, 2011 09:10PM

To All The People That Know Shane Donahue, All The Missing Website Could

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: One that Loves ()
Date: October 31, 2011 04:57PM

Happy Halloween Shane, We Miss You and Love You.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Moved Back Home ()
Date: November 15, 2011 01:57PM

I knew Shane in High School, He was a great friend.I just moved back to Va. Saw the banner for the first time can't get over what has happened. My prays are with his family and friends.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: BRING SHANE HOME ()
Date: December 21, 2011 10:27PM

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: malcolm-john ()
Date: December 28, 2011 04:58AM

SunChips, KBBK: Kombucha Brooklyn, We Love Alexandria Marie Compo, Liz Lee, ELBOW-TOE, The Dude Company Official, Gothic Lolita Wigs, Red Bull, Brooklyn Street Art, Gaia, IDC ART House, All City Art, Seeko The Kid, Wolfbat Studio, AAP Booking & Management, Andy Milonakis, Facecrooksen nog 2 meer

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Unknown ()
Date: July 20, 2012 04:43PM

Any family members of Shane, please contact me at (571) 383-9887. Information relating to Shane's disappearance.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 23, 2012 02:59PM

Unknown Wrote:
> Any family members of Shane, please contact me at
> (571) 383-9887. Information relating to Shane's
> disappearance.

Sure you do. If you know something, call the police, idiot.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Mila ()
Date: December 12, 2012 09:16AM

I read they found a human skull off joplin rd. a couple of days ago. Wonder if there is any relation to this missing boy? I hope his family finds some answers and closure soon enough.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Malcum ()
Date: December 22, 2012 12:18PM

He called said he does not want to go home.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Jodecifearnlyisashithole ()
Date: May 14, 2013 12:49AM

Wow. What a pathetic drugassendup motherfucker. Jodici, you have once again performed massive douchebaggory all around this site.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Jodecifearnlyisashithole ()
Date: May 14, 2013 12:50AM

Jodici, you have once again performed massive douchebaggory all over this site.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Jodeicifearnlyisadick ()
Date: May 14, 2013 12:53AM

Jodici, you have once again performed massive douchebaggory all over this site.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Hot-prick ()
Date: May 14, 2013 12:59AM


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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Smartypants ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:35PM

Ok, I'll ask...exactly what did Jodeci do?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: May 17, 2013 07:35AM

If Boyz II Men are portrayed as a clean-cut, wholesome R&B vocal group, then Jodeci's wild, sexual, bad-boy image represents the other side of the coin.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Smartypants ()
Date: May 17, 2013 09:49PM

Well that doesn't clear it up for me at all. Besides, Jodeci is a girl.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: May 20, 2013 10:16AM

A girl?

YOU tell THEM that.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Smartypants ()
Date: May 20, 2013 08:46PM

Well, either them or a local girl named Jodeci are being accused of 'performing massive douchebaggory all over this site'. I think it's the girl though that they're talking about. I'm kinda doubting that either she or the band for that matter did anything, but if so then I wanted to know what it was and how any of it pertained to Shanes disappearance, but the original poster doesn't seem to want to clear that up for me.

I also wanted to let them knopw that the proper spelling is 'douchebaggery'. Don't they teach spelling in school anymore?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Smartypants ()
Date: May 20, 2013 08:47PM

Ha ha I meant 'know'

They didn't teach typing when I was in school

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: localboob ()
Date: May 21, 2013 02:57PM

i now wat you men

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Smartypants ()
Date: May 21, 2013 10:33PM

like button photo: Like Button LIKE_zps7615c21d.jpg

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Commonsensepeople ()
Date: July 08, 2013 01:36PM

Ok understanding I that SEVERAL people know where Shane was going that night... to confront the brothers who screwed him over. So my question is..... knowing that one of those brothers have recently been convicted of murder, is there any doubt that they were involved?
Also, what about the girl who lied to police about her whereabouts that night and refuses to take a polygraph? I think the police need to stop BSing around and do their jobs.

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Posted by: SHYANNE ()
Date: July 21, 2013 07:41PM

the donahoes are disgusting low class people. they let anyone and everyone into there family. ask there little girl with the loose pussy with the wife beating boyfriend who cheats on her non stop. I bet they had something to do with his death. they fucking disgust me. every single one of them. especially dirty fat shyanne. shes just pale brunette and straight up gross. you all smell GO AWAY NO ONE CARES ABOUT SHANE Lol

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Re: Help Kill Shane Donahue
Posted by: agreed lol ()
Date: July 31, 2013 11:39AM

every single one of the donahues are liars. every one of them. especially shyanne like the person said before. she is so pathetic its disgusting. anyways people don't care about sean anymore. his mother acts like a pathetic media whore. she probably fucks her own son. look at who the donahues surrounds themselves with. look who they 'trust' to date there daughter. they don't give a fuck. they don't care. they should all just give up on life and move away. the only person who seems to care a is the father. and if I was him I would be embarresssed to have such a disgusting whore liar as a daughter. the only thing shyanne ever could do was throw a ball and not even good. YOU DISGUST ALL OF US. nobody fucking cares about you shyanne. and we all sure as FUCK wish DONNA would go the fuck away. SHANE WAS BEATEN AND FUCKIN SHOT IN THE FUCKIN FACE. fact. get over your damn self. and fuck you.

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already done
Posted by: lets party girls! ()
Date: July 31, 2013 11:43AM

listen DONNA.

:) bye bye now.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Mi mo ()
Date: August 22, 2013 05:59PM

Hahahaha Shane took his sisters virginity and that is a fact

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Re: Help Find timmy Donahue
Posted by: Mmm sexy ()
Date: August 22, 2013 06:10PM

Hot chick is such a hottie

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: SoGlad ()
Date: November 04, 2013 12:39PM

To live in a community where all come to gather in times of emergency, such as a missing person really would be a wonderful thought.
I am so HAPPY I moved from the Bristow area.
I went by "Crosby's "Yesterday and saw the missing person flyer for the first time. Here it is 11/4/2013 and people are fussing Still! I am ashamed to say that I lived any where close to y'all. I am so thankful that while living in the area that nothing serious happened to my family. I sure wouldn't want any help from what little I've seen here.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: H ()
Date: February 28, 2014 05:32PM

The only thing I know about the situation which I found out today. That Shane purchase drugs from a friend of mine from time to time The day that he went missing he came home and found that his stash of been stolen and grabbed a gun stating he knew who stole his drugs and was going after that person. So my guess if the information is true whoever he went after that day is the one that killed him

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: K**D ()
Date: March 04, 2014 10:20AM

If you know this info go forth and call the anonymous tip line and let the PWCPD know what you know I am sure it would be greatly appreciated by Shane's family.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: "H" how/if you really know... ()
Date: March 06, 2014 05:27PM

"H" Who the fuck asked you? How the fuck do you know that Shane even came home that day? Since you know so much who did he leave with asshole? wih his gun? They already know that fucking Hickerson and Mittong broke into his house that weekend before. Are you the one that killed Shane? It sure sounds like that or you fucking know something and want start shit. Which is it?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: H ()
Date: April 17, 2014 06:25AM

I wish I had more information for the family and I asked the guy again what he heard and he said he came home and found that his stash was stolen and called his father telling him that he knew who it was and grab a gun and said he was going after him. He told me that he was real close to his father. The guy also said that he met him in Warrenton Virginia from time to time to purchase drugs from him. The guy also said that Shane was involved in more than just marijuana, that he was into a little bit of everything. Believe me if I knew where the boy was I would be more than be happy to have him return to his family so that they could be at peace with themselves. You know if it's not today or tomorrow maybe years from now the boy will be found and the person will be brought to justice. I pray for that every day. For some reason I feel like this boy will probably be found in the local area. Regardless of what this boy may have been into he did not deserve death in the result.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: To whom it may concern ()
Date: April 21, 2014 08:32AM

Lynn Sadler and her son Thomas James Sadler have been posting slanderous remarks about everybody under the usernames hot chick, seriously?,woop, that's dirty, mr. pretzel, spammer and many other names. Everyone needs to try to get together and have the usernames and post removed under personal attacks.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Jamie ()
Date: January 30, 2015 02:02AM

The Hickersons are all pieces of crap, I remember Ben was the big dealer in my day. Martins and Roberts are trash too. Nokesville can do without families like them. Sad the family put so much effort into revenge and so little into raising their boy right. Still, hope they get revenge.

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: Jamiesuckadick ()
Date: January 31, 2015 09:47AM

awww whatsamatta jamie? getting your feelings hurt with my 9 inch cock in your asshole?

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Re: Help Find Shane Donahue
Posted by: asshole #1 ()
Date: January 31, 2015 09:49AM

He will be missed...

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