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Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gail ()
Date: July 24, 2012 11:03PM

Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police. available now on Amazon.com ebook or paperback

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gail ()
Date: July 24, 2012 11:04PM

Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police. available now on Amazon in ebook or paper back

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: maybe.. ()
Date: July 24, 2012 11:12PM

...maybe you need to get out more. Like travel.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: master of mental ()
Date: July 24, 2012 11:19PM

How about you focus on the rent is too damn high! and why AMF year harleys do not want to start.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: former deputy ()
Date: July 25, 2012 03:51AM

Amazon lets you read the first couple pages for free. It reads like something a grade school kid wrote. Too funny!
out of.jpg

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Incredible. ()
Date: July 25, 2012 04:16AM

What a joke. He makes wild statements but doesn't bother to elaborate on anything or cite sources. Capitalism is an amazing thing, any joker can be published.

God bless our men and women of law enforcement!!

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 25, 2012 06:34AM

oh you guys are so mean - how can you say the book doesnt have factual basis - LOOK AT THE COVER!! IT'S DONE VERY PROFESSIONAL!!

So then all the info in the book must be true, right? :)


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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Grassy Knoll ()
Date: July 25, 2012 06:38AM

Well Gordon according you to on other threads, Everything written in the Newspaper, and statements people make on here are ALL True! So why a book be any different?

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Random Dude ()
Date: July 25, 2012 08:25AM

Wow. The free sample page is like reading an obnoxiously long FFXU post. Sounds to me like the author has an ax to grind.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: just getting there ()
Date: July 25, 2012 08:34AM

master of mental Wrote:
> How about you focus on the rent is too damn high!
> and why AMF year harleys do not want to start.

How about out of control The Mike O'Meara Show thread?

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Know nothing ()
Date: July 25, 2012 08:48AM

The author is well known; "gun her dead" what a load of horse hockey.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:16AM

It's only 72 pages long? More of a novella

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Date: July 25, 2012 09:45AM


I'd say this sums it up perfectly.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: FCPD luv ()
Date: July 25, 2012 03:10PM

I read a sample of Amazon's copy.. I do believe the FCPD's conduct sometimes lacks professionalism. A friend of mine was assaulted by his child's mother.

He left the area where it happened, then he was arrested and charged with domestic assault.. He was pulled over within 5 minutes of leaving the assault..

When you matched his injuries to hers; it's very obvious her injuries was caused by her assaulting him. FCPD is a joke..

If you are consuming alcohol in your house, and say somehow the police were called (for any reason), the officer will ask you to step out to talk, then arrest you for DIP..

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Date: July 25, 2012 06:11PM

Well since you were there to witness it and clearly have NO reason to doubt your friend's version, you must be right of course.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: omg wow ()
Date: July 25, 2012 06:44PM

omg i think i lost brain cells reading that. i wonder who willingly attached their name as "editor" to that mess

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: FCPD LUV ()
Date: July 25, 2012 07:15PM

I was there... The police was not interested in my statement - and I was shipped to Ft Bragg and could not make it to his hearing :)

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Kardinal ()
Date: July 25, 2012 08:02PM

Incredible. Wrote:
> What a joke. He makes wild statements but doesn't
> bother to elaborate on anything or cite sources.
> Capitalism is an amazing thing, any joker can be
> published.
> God bless our men and women of law enforcement!!

Sounds about right.

The FCPD have issues. The shooting of the gambling ringleader a couple years back is right up near the top. But on the whole, I think they do a fine job.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: GetReal ()
Date: July 25, 2012 08:51PM

I was a really bad teen with a lot of problems back in the day as a juvenile - Attitude. Drinking. Smoking. Toking. Hard Stuff. Fighting. Crime. Etc.

Arrested 13 times in less than 12 months towards the end for petty shit up to felony shit. That was just at the age of 15.

Got arrested and convicted one time for shit I didn't do - but the FCPD cop testified that I did do it - case closed. Guilty.

Got arrested another time for an assault that I had no hand in but my probation officer sold me out as the probable and my key witness got searched in court and got busted carrying a controlled substance and a pipe. Found Guilty.

This is back in the early '80's.

Anyway, I got in a fight with a Pagan biker one night at the 7-11 at Prosperity and 236 after he threw me through the glass doors and put my head through my buddy's windshield. I was drunk as a skunk - but we rallied and beat that Pagan Pussy to a pulp and kicked his head in with our hiking boots.

Left lickety split after the 7-11 clerk called the cops.

Waited around the corner for 30 minutes in the Abortion Clinic parking lot behind the 7-11. Got stupid. Came back for more.

No cops to be seen - so we pounced. Found that Pagan piece of crap getting 7-11 clerk medical aid and it was game on. Fucked him up even more and got the blood flowing good out of his sorry Pagan head.

Cop pulled into the parking lot and my buddy split. I was drunk and slow - so I got nabbed.

Arresting Officer was FCPD Cop from West Springfield District. Took me to the station. I was drunk and ugly vocal.

He took be back to the cell area. He put his weapon in the safe before leading me into the inmate detention area. He lead me to to my cell. Shoved my face into the bars real hard and it hurt. Par for the course. I'm 15 and so tough. No bigee.

I put my hands up behind my back with my face between the bars so he could remove the cuffs. I know the routine at this point. But, my hand brushed his hip.

He screamed that I went for his weapon. CHAOS.

Bunch of cops rushed in. They beat the crap out of me and threw me around for a few minutes. Really?!

They called my parents to pick me up because I a juvenile.

Dad came in. I mouthed off at the cops for beating my ass. Dad said "Keep him" along with a "Fuck You" to me.

I spent the next 2 weeks in the Adult Detention Center with a bunch of retarded goons.

Got gangrene from the fight wounds so bad that people gagged when I walked by in jail.

Got the crap beat out of me again and again too.

Saw things that I never ever want to see again in my life. It scared the living crap out of me. I prayed to God for a miracle.

Miracle came. Judge said I was a dead man for beating up a Pagan and told my parents there was nothing he could do to me because I was a dead man. The Pagans would find me and kill me. Best thing they could do was to get me out of town or I was dead.

They did. I learned from that. Made a life for myself.

Hats off to the FCPD for saving my life and teaching me how bad it is on the dark side. I wouldn't want to deal with what they have to deal with on a daily basis.

But in the middle of all that - a few Cops and several Fairfax County Sherrif's Deputies decided to teach me a lesson, throw me some advice, and push me back onto the path of living inside the box.

A good ass beating and a hand up in a bad situation means a lot.

I am forever grateful to Fairfax County Law Enforcement and you should be too.

They get paid shit to do an awful job dealing with awful people - like me, back then.

But they are mostly good people. They do make a difference in people's lives and they save lives.

I am a 1%'r now and am forever thankful for FCPD turning me and my life around.

If you need to take a shit on someone - look in the mirror.

It is probably you and yours that are the problem.

It sure as hell isn't the Fairfax County Police.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gun her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:35PM

In April of 1977…..that was 1977……the Fairfax County police actually warned people that if they danced on Sundays they would be arrested.
A blue law from 1954 forbids dancing in Fairfax County on Sundays. That month two cops actually walked into a bar at Tysons Corner's Ramada Inn and ordered about 100 people to stop dancing and issued a court summons to the motel.
A police captain actually sent cops around to different establishments in his district to inform bar managers of the ordinance.
This actually happened. The cops really did this.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gun her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:36PM

In December of 2003, the Fairfax County Police went undercover in 20 local bars to arrest people whom they felt were drinking too much. They raided bars in Herndon and Reston on five nights and arrested nine people for public drunkenness. Seven of the nine challenged their arrests.

Daniel Crowley was arrested in a bar in Reston on karaoke night just before Christmas. His crime was drinking six beers. A female undercover cop actually sat near him and counted the drinks.
"I didn't know what was going on," Crowley testified in Fairfax County General District Court. “I'd paid my tab, and I was ready to go home.”
Crowley was convicted of being publicly intoxicated and ordered him to perform 25 hours of community service.
Then he was arrested.
"I'm not happy with the way they can walk into a restaurant and do as they please," Crowley said of police. "I don't want to go to places in an atmosphere where you don't know who is who."
Patrons and bar owners alike said that those who were arrested were drinking responsibly and causing no commotion. Crowley and his drinking companions disputed police testimony that the cops saw Crowley, though the darkened bar, spilling beer in his lap, slurring his speech and having trouble staying upright on his seat.
Under cross-examination from Crowley's attorney, police acknowledged that neither they nor bar patrons had complained that Crowley was acting unruly or meddlesome. They also testified that he did not disobey their orders, even though he declined to submit to a breathalyzer test.
Pat Habib, the designated driver in her dinner party drank one alcoholic drink and then had two sodas. After she finished the second soda, undercover police yanked her outside for a sobriety test. The cops said that they had received a complaint about an unruly blonde woman matching her description. Then she watched as police tested other women looking nothing like her.
Instead of explaining why they were acting like Nazis, the cops actually defended their actions by saying the people they arrested deserved to be arrested. "They drew attention to themselves by their actions,” said their spokesperson.
"It does smack of a pending police state if law enforcement is going into establishments to monitor behavior,” said Lynne Breaux, executive director of the Metropolitan Washington Restaurant Association.
At Champs, a bar in Reston, general manager Kevin O'Hare described police as "antagonistic”. He said they "pulled" people from their chairs who were making no commotion. "They're always welcome to come in anytime," he said of police. "It's not an issue when they talk to our guests. But when they actually pull people out of their seats, it is an issue. When it's borderline harassment, it's an issue."
The Board of Supervisors actually took a stand on this one, on the side of the cops.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: BawlmerPD ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:37PM

Wow.. Im grateful for you that you took this and turned your life around... But as your name implies... "GetReal"?

They are well compensated for their job. Now take your experience, and just say you were not a horrible teen. That one time you were found guilty of doing something you didn't do ; what would have happened if you were a good teen.. and just was caught up in the wrong place, wrong time, and was accused of something and even though u didnt do it, you were found guilty of said accusation..

That's fair, huh?

Compare Fairfax's finest with the DC police or worst yet, the Baltimore City Police, and you will see who get's paid shit to do an awful job.

I have more respect for Baltimore and DC police than I do Fairfax. What's an officer from Fairfax's worst call for the year... fucking truancy or domestic assault.. or better yet - Worse ever would be Drunk in Public..

I do agree there has to be some good Fairfax officers who actually do their job.. But for the most part.. I lost respect for the majority of them. I have not met a decent one yet, and most of my run ins with the law is on the positive side.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gun her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:39PM


“A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation.” Howard Scott

In June of 1997, a 23-year veteran of the Fairfax County police was charged with armed (shotgun) robbery of a bank and stealing more than $70,000. The cop had three years to go before retirement. After he was arrested, the cop was relieved of duty and placed on administrative leave with pay.
Let me repeat that. After he was arrested, the cop was relieved of duty and placed on administrative leave with pay.
The cop was eventually sent to prison on the charge.
On March 24, 1998, the cop was indicted on similar charges in Stafford County. Police said the former Fairfax County Cop robbed the National Bank of Fredericksburg on Nov. 21, 1995, and Sept. 17, 1996.

On April 18, 1979, Adrienne Kent Lamb was charged with shooting her husband to death during an argument. The husband was a retired Fairfax County cop.

In March of 2012 a 16-year veteran of the Fairfax County Police who resigned from the force in June 2010, took a pistol and shot his 13-year-old through the head and then killed himself. The Fairfax County Police refused to provide information on the murder suicide.

On June 20, 2012, a Fairfax County cop was charged with domestic assault and battery by Prince William County Police. The 44-year old cop allegedly attacked a 21-year-old man causing him injury.

In 2006, a Fairfax cop was arrested for drunk driving. The cop smashed his Hummer H3 sport-utility vehicle into the back of a delivery truck and refused to take a breath test. He was placed on administrative leave with pay pending an internal investigation. The case was dismissed. The arresting cop didn’t show up in court. Pretty good deal, huh? Think you’d get the same from the police? And what was the outcome of the internal investigation? You’re joking right?

In 2011, a Fairfax County cop was arrested for DWI after he crashed his car into a utility pole.

In August of 1974, acting Fairfax County Executive Doug Harman ordered an investigation into police misconduct after the state’s attorney started its own investigation into widespread criminal wrongdoing in the department. Two county cops were suspended….not fired but suspended…. after refusing to answer questions about graft and corruption inside the force.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gun her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:39PM


Filing a Complaint against a Fairfax County cop. Not really a very good idea at all.

The role of the Fairfax County Internal Affairs office is to protect the image of the police department and gather enough evidence to protect the police department against possible lawsuits by citizens who have been abused by the police.

There is a reason the Fairfax County Police Department never, ever, make public, any disciplinary action on its own. It’s because disciplinary action by the department is extremely rare and on those few occasions when it is meted out, it is notoriously lenient. Nor is the reprimand kept in the cop’s file permanently.


Because the Internal Affairs office has no interest in solving your problem or bringing corrupt and abusive cops to justice. So filing a complaint on a Fairfax County cop is virtually useless and probably dangerous. Remember, they know where you live and the kind of car you drive and your car’s license plate number.

But if you insist on filing a complaint against a cop, do it in writing. Never ... ever...under any circumstances at all should you walk into a Fairfax County police station by yourself or with others, and try to file a complaint against a Fairfax County cop. It is a dangerous and stupid thing to do. National testing has shown that even in well-managed police departments, civilians who file in-person complaints are harassed or falsely arrested.
Again, if you absolutely feel that you must file a complaint against the police do it by certified mail. Certified mail gives you proof that you filed a complaint against a cop. So in the event you are harassed by the cops later on and need state or federal intervention, you have evidence that the harassment is real.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gun her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:41PM

Did you cry when you wrote this? Tell me the truth...did ja?

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gun her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:45PM

Lawyers suing FCPD...FCPD beingthe gift of dumb that keeps on giving... now have a track record compiled for them. Makes it easier to win a suit....chip by chip, piece by piece, little by little, 3,000 people a month for the past 3 years have read the books blog spots... chip by chip, piece by piece, little by little..basically we;re creating the FCPD into a branch of the Klan, it we'll keep doing it for years an years and years

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: shot her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:49PM

Sources are the Washington Post by Date....and no the FCPD are not doing a an overall fine job, they are a MASSIVE piece of overhead to the people who live here....almost 80% of the cops who take out money live outside the county, reduce the size of that bloated beast, fire that clown chief who looks a lot like one of the Village People...I mean this really really look like someone who hangs out at bus staions bathrooms....not that there is anything wrong with that.....

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: gun her dead ()
Date: July 25, 2012 09:54PM

And priced just right, a give away actually, intended to get it out into the public, let the people see what the police are up to with the fortune they pay them......that's the point of the book....piece by piece, little by little, chip by chip, next time they gun down a citizen, the public will; be better informed and not very forgiving...is this getting through to you....hearts and minds

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: pwpd ()
Date: July 25, 2012 10:07PM

Fairfax police are awesome compared to, let's say, Prince William County Police who are by far the most insulting, unprofessional, and unsquared away people I have ever encountered!

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 25, 2012 10:16PM

Ah....the author/OP of this thread believes in transparency....AWESOME.

Some background on the author of this book, Gunnar David Atkisson.

Gunnar David Atkisson of Front Royal

18 year old graduate of Skyline High

Currently enrolled at Lord Fairfax



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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Derp ()
Date: July 25, 2012 10:27PM

Eesh you tool, the author's name is Gunnar Daid, not Gunnar David Atkinson. Go back to off topic.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 25, 2012 10:36PM

Derp Wrote:
> Eesh you tool, the author's name is Gunnar Daid,

Wrong! The full name of the author is Gunnar David Atkisson.

The Gunnar Daid is a typo on Amazon.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Derp ()
Date: July 25, 2012 10:53PM

eesh Wrote:
> Wrong! The full name of the author is Gunnar David
> Atkisson.
> The Gunnar Daid is a typo on Amazon.

So the publisher made a typo on the cover too? Even though it makes sense since it looks like it was written by a teenager, unless you've got some piece of evidence saying otherwise, I'm gonna stick my stance of you pulling that out of your ass.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 25, 2012 11:00PM

Just because with modern technology anyone can be an author, it doesn't mean that everyone should.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 25, 2012 11:02PM

Derp Wrote:

> So the publisher made a typo on the cover too?

LOL The publisher of this book is Amazon Digital Services, which is acting as a vanity publisher for the author.

And the book cover is a five minute job in Paint....

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2012 11:04PM by eesh.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: July 25, 2012 11:53PM

Agreeing with eesh as I doubt the author would use his real name.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: hostileprophet ()
Date: July 26, 2012 01:08AM

Egomaniacs...with an emphasis on maniacs. Fuck the Fairfax County police. And the board of supervisors too. All fucking jokes.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:14AM

@eesh - yes, such a nice cover, too LoLz
@Fatty - yes, sums it up perfectly, doesnt it?
@Grassy - if you cant recognize the difference between a book and a newspaper, then yr pretty sad

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: unreals ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:59AM

So many of you who post here are absolute lapdogs. You just love the police state, don't you? The police are not your friend. Repeat- the police are not your friend. Ever. Unless, of course, you're a drunk Redskin or Wizard behind the wheel, or some other well known public figure. Then they do work wonders for you.

Just who do you think would publish a book blasting a police department? Simon & Schuster? And if it was written by an 18 year old, it's all the more impressive. Classic disinfo technique; attack the messenger. I don't suspect that FCPD is any different from all other police forces; largely corrupt and incompetent.

I love the formerly bad teen who shared the story of his egregious abuse at the hands of the police, then thanked them for it! Yeah, intense physical abuse of a minor is the cure for all of society's ills. Maybe they should have bent you over and gang raped you, too. That would have really taught you a lesson! Btw, am I the only one bothered by a judge assuring this kid that he was a "dead man" for beating up a precious bike gang member? Do the Pagans have some kind of "deal" with the judicial system, or what? But then that's why violent gangs exist, here and elsewhere; the cowardly cops would never take on truly dangerous criminals.

I sincerely hope all of you who moronically defend the po-leece never have to interact with them. They never, ever make any situation better.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: July 26, 2012 10:22AM

Everyone should know by now...avoid the police. it's easy.

If you do nothing to call attention to yourself, they won't notice you.

But, if you drive with expired tags , suspended license, a cracked windshield, or any other in fraction that the police look for, if you make so much noise somebody calls the cops, or if you beat your wife, well guess what, here come the out of control magistrates.
And you get what you deserve.

I've been living in this awful area for 6 years, never had to talk to a cop. All drinking and partying is done at home. Car is kept up to date in repairs and paper work.

I listen to the police radio too. The cops are constantly called to mediate domestic problems and traffic complaints. I often hear the cops talking on the radio with some banshee screaming in the background.

Not sure if the cops are as out of control as the people that call the cops and then complain about them!

It's a wonder that more cops don't go crazy and just start shooting dipshits, it must be a temptation.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: July 26, 2012 12:52PM

I love it when fucktards call this area a "police state".

Grow the fuck up and move out of mommy's basement. Take you Che Guevara poster with you.

BEH was spot on....do what you're suppose to do and you'll never deal with them. Fuck around and you'll see them on a regular basis.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Little by little ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:47PM

From OUt of Control, an informal history of the Fairfax County Police


“It's a lot of crooked cops out there. They manipulate the system.” Ludacris

On May 22 1987, 23-year veteran of the Fairfax County Police put a mask over his face and robbed the Central Fidelity Bank in Burke, Virginia. He was also a suspect in at least three other area bank robberies, according to court documents, including one that FBI officials have described as "particularly violent”.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: bit by bit ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:48PM

From Out of Control: An informal History of the Fairfax County Police

“Mentally unstable cops - it’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America.”

In May of 1995 the Fairfax County Department of Family Services accused a long serving member of the Fairfax Police Department of molesting his daughter. In July 1996, the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court of Fairfax County entered an order finding that the children were abused and/or neglected. The cop was eventually found guilty of raping his 11-year old daughter.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: I'm a Fairfax County Cop because Walmart isn't hiring ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:49PM

From Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police

“Mentally unstable cops - it’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America.”

On August 16, 1991, a County cop was sentenced to two months in jail after pleading guilty to a charge of sexual battery although he was indicted on a felony charge of forcible sodomy. After pleading guilty to the reduced charge, he was sentenced to 12 months in jail with 10 suspended. Pretty good deal actually. Think you would get the same deal?

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Cop because Walmart isn't hiring ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:51PM

From Out of Control An informal history of the Fairfax County Police on sale now at amazon

“Mentally unstable cops - it’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America.”

In 2009, a Fairfax County cop was charged with sexually assaulting a former girlfriend. The charge was forcible sodomy.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Some lawyer will use this nformaiton to jail a cop...wait an see ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:52PM

From Out of Control An informal history of the Fairfax County Police on sale now at amazon

In November of 1984, a D.C. police officer tried to tell Fairfax County police for two months that a Springfield man was involved in child prostitution, but his call was never returned. The police denied it of course, but could not explain why the DC cop would accuse them of such a thing.

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prolly not so well, I reckon.............
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:52PM

@highlander - I always wonder how these types of ppl would do in N Korea, y'know? LoLz

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: I wrote a shitty book because I couldn't get a job at walmart or FFPD ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:53PM

plz stop spamming ur shitty book. its really shitty and u are retarded

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: We're closing school but the cops who all live in another county are buying boats with our money ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:53PM

From Out of Control An informal history of the Fairfax County Police on sale now at amazon

“Mentally unstable cops - it’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America.”

In Feburary of 1971, a Fairfax County cop was arrested and dismissed from the force in a connection with a charge that he contributed to the delinquency of a 15-year-old Springfield girl.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: I'm a Fairfax County Cop because walmar isn't hiring blog spot has readers across America, we're take real good care of the cops reputation...little by little, year by year ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:55PM

“Mentally unstable cops - it’s becoming a disturbingly familiar scene in America.”

In Feburary of 1971, a Fairfax County cop was arrested and dismissed from the force in a connection with a charge that he contributed to the delinquency of a 15-year-old Springfield girl.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:55PM

notice all these cops where busted for all this shit. In a REAL police state.................well here's a news story for you.


why dont you do something for them?

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: GetReal ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:57PM

I stand by my story and how FCPD saved my life. I was a lost soul and a bad person. Whatever dirt you haterz need to dig up - so be it.

But I am thankful for the kick in the ass and the dose of reality that woke me up.

Once in a while the carrot needs to be complemented by a stick.

Eternal thanks to FCPD!

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: We'll send a cop to jail soon ()
Date: July 26, 2012 07:58PM

Yeah...write more comments like that, cops shooting people...yeah, that's going on the blog spot, thank you . Post again, we need filler.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: I can't believe this groupie used the word awesom ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:02PM

Awesome? Did you actually use that word? Boy or girl, the cops will "date " you even if you don't call them awesome.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: You need help ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:03PM

Stop it! Stop posting, its making me sick, you made that stuff up, go back to your corner and lay down

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Thank you for helping ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:06PM

"do what you're suppose to do and you'll never deal with them. Fuck around and you'll see them on a regular basis." An Off duty Fairfax County Police officer posting on the Fairfax Underground

Thank you, we'll use that on the Fairfax County Police Blog Watch...post more statement like that, please, we'll put it in the next book about the girls on the force

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: GetReal ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:06PM

All true - according to my memory. The bus ride from the courthouse to ADC for release and eventual freedom was spiritual.

Like all my prayers to God were answered.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Oh I think you made that up ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:10PM

That didn't happen, you're pills wore off and you imagined it.....go away! Go away or I'll call a therapist, I mean it, I'll do it..don't push me...I will send a mental health therapist to your home first thing....now go back and watch TV and leave normal people people

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: GetReal ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:13PM

All a matter of Public Record.
The crimes.
The convictions.
The outcomes.
All on my Security Clearance applications.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: You make a good argument ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:28PM

Unreal, you make a good case....I agree with you. In the matter of these morons leaping on every single critical statement about the FCP with nears threats and so force,all I can say is I don't hate cops, they have a difficult job (SOME TIMES) and enforcing the rules to anything automatically makes you unpopular, but the rules, the law, does have to be enforced by someone. I don't have a problem with that.

I don't hate cops. I have known many brave cops, I've seen cops act with great compassion, humor and courage in their jobs. I work with two fine men who are police chiefs in the midwest.

In the course of my life, more than one cop has let me off the hook when I should have either gone to jail or been given a ticket at the least.

What I hate is punk with a wise mouth who is a John Gotti tough guy in a uniform. I complained, the police about the little weasel and they did nothing. I tried to do the right thing.

So now we'll take it to the court of popular opinion. 1500 cops with an air force and a navy and all sort of guns versus my pen, an endless source of ink and populace that's fed up with the police......lets see what happens over the next twenty or thirty years.

Ocean waves keep pounding up against a boulder andafter a few years the rock smaller. The police don't it, they don't understand how powerful social media can be. We post about the FCP goof ups on blogs, facebook twitter, and we make damn sure that the elected officials know about them......budgets get cut, cops get laid off, juries aren't so understanding, legal settlementsget larger.....lets see what happens

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Uncalled for ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:31PM

lay off the retarded, its uncalled for, you have a problem with me, leave it with me, those poor people did nothing to harm you or I....I'm also happy to see that the book aggravates you…see how it works? Are you getting this, provoke- response provoke -response

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: murder and rape equals horse hocky ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:33PM

72 pages or rape, child molestation, murder, graft.....you must have very low standard...and also, in the name of dear God, don't ever use the term horse hocky again, I mean good god.....

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Money money money ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:36PM

you MUST be a government worker, only someone hwo has taken public handouts would think about covers and vanity over the cash the book brings in, buy a copy, help the cause, or better yet, issue a threat, you're safe here, go ahead.

and we'll use it on the blog spot under "police supporters speak"

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I cant beleive I didnt realize this before
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 26, 2012 08:47PM

Gunnar Daid is a 2con alias...............or something along those similar lines, right?

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Losing all Hope Was Freedom ()
Date: July 26, 2012 09:53PM

GetReal, While you may think posting your personal experiences from your years as a rebel in high school may shed wisdom on others, posting such sensitive and personal information on the World Wide Web is a bit impetuous.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Clowns on the county payroll ()
Date: July 27, 2012 04:23PM



On August 14, 1979, witnesses watched as a gang of Fairfax County Police clubbed a hand cuffed man they had arrested for drunk driving. The man, who was recently released from the hospital for a gall bladder operation, was bent over a fence and punched in the face by officers and then slammed onto the hood of his car.

A month later…..at public expense….the Fairfax County Police launched a public relations campaign to improve their image. The cops had already killed two unarmed and innocent civilians that year.

Making matters worse, of the 95 complaints filed against the cops by the people of Fairfax County, the cops and the cops alone determined that only 27 of the 95 complaints were worth investigating. Only one cop was suspended…for one day without pay. Another received an oral reprimand.
That same month, outraged citizens formed a group called Fairfax Citizens for Improved Law Enforcement. The group issued a public statement that it opposed the police plan to create a citizen’s advisory group which it called "Window Dressing".

The few people in the county, who support the police version of a powerless advisory committee, were, almost needless to say, the Board of Supervisors….who shared office with the police. To appease the public, in February, fourteen elected representatives from Fairfax County launched an investigation into racism and brutality by the Fairfax County Police department.

The officials promised that they would examine the unusual deaths of three healthy men within six months of being held in the county jail and the men’s accusation of police brutality while they were held. After the first day of publicity photos, the group was never heard from again and the cops went on doing what they wanted.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Walmart isn't hiring ()
Date: July 27, 2012 04:25PM

From, Out of Control.An informal history of the fairfax county police

In 1991, the Fairfax County Police announced that the department does not compile data on police brutality complaints and that it has decided that all matters pertaining to police personnel are protected by the state’s secrecy laws and it does not have to share any information with the general public….so there.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Now I know why Walmart didn't hire you ()
Date: July 27, 2012 04:27PM

Oh my God, are you people actually this dense...KILL HER DEAD.....com'n now, lets all pretend we didn't go to public schools, let's shape up here people...good jesus..I mean...how.....you can't be this dense, it isn't possible

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Walmart didn't hire them for a reason ()
Date: July 27, 2012 04:28PM

from OUT OF CONTROl an informal history of the fairfax county police


“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.” Friedrich Nietzsche

On May 22, 1980, at 11:00 PM, police responded to a call about a man mowing his lawn. An argument broke out and one of the two cops beat the man to the ground with his flash light. A second cop was also accused of holding the man while he was being beaten, but…and despite witness testimony…the second cop denied he was present for the beating. The man’s nose, rib, and hand were fractured in the beating. The man sued in federal court. The taxpayers paid and the mice that make up the Board of Supervisors said and did nothing.

By 2010, the Fairfax County Police have been named as a defendant in over 200 court cases in less than twenty years.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Clobbersaurus ()
Date: July 27, 2012 05:33PM

With the amount of quotes from the 72 page book appearing here, there's not really much left to buy.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Walmart won't hire them ()
Date: July 27, 2012 10:16PM

Naw, quotes are free, and three more books to follow, the point is to get the information out to the people, let them know what their highly paid poloce force is up to.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Oh the corruption... ()
Date: August 01, 2012 01:19AM

gun her dead Wrote:
> In June of 1997, a 23-year veteran of the Fairfax
> County police was charged with armed (shotgun)
> robbery of a bank and stealing more than $70,000.
> The cop had three years to go before retirement.
> After he was arrested, the cop was relieved of
> duty and placed on administrative leave with pay.
> Let me repeat that. After he was arrested, the cop
> was relieved of duty and placed on administrative
> leave with pay.
> The cop was eventually sent to prison on the
> charge.
> On March 24, 1998, the cop was indicted on similar
> charges in Stafford County. Police said the former
> Fairfax County Cop robbed the National Bank of
> Fredericksburg on Nov. 21, 1995, and Sept. 17,
> 1996.

These robberys were investigated by Fairfax County Police and solved by them. Fairfax County PD arrested the officer and sent him to jail where he is still today.

> On April 18, 1979, Adrienne Kent Lamb was charged
> with shooting her husband to death during an
> argument. The husband was a retired Fairfax
> County cop.

Yeah.. this was a total set up by the police. Mrs Lamb really did not kill her husband.

> In March of 2012 a 16-year veteran of the Fairfax
> County Police who resigned from the force in June
> 2010, took a pistol and shot his 13-year-old
> through the head and then killed himself. The
> Fairfax County Police refused to provide
> information on the murder suicide.

What information did they refuse to provide? They provided the same information they do on any murder-suicide. Guy had not been a cop for 2 years before he killed his daughter and them himself over a domestic issue. What inforamtion do you want...why he did it? Maybe the police want to know the same thing.

> On June 20, 2012, a Fairfax County cop was
> charged with domestic assault and battery by
> Prince William County Police. The 44-year old cop
> allegedly attacked a 21-year-old man causing him
> injury.

Wow. This sounds really really bad. A cop got into a fight with his step son. Would it matter if the cop had caught his step son smoking some meth and tried to kick him out of the house. The injury occurred when the cop threw the step son down on the driveway skinning his hands and knees. (not claiming this is what occurred but there is nothing to say what the injury was or why the cop attacked his step son)

> In 2006, a Fairfax cop was arrested for drunk
> driving. The cop smashed his Hummer H3
> sport-utility vehicle into the back of a delivery
> truck and refused to take a breath test. He was
> placed on administrative leave with pay pending an
> internal investigation. The case was dismissed.
> The arresting cop didn’t show up in court.
> Pretty good deal, huh? Think you’d get the same
> from the police? And what was the outcome of the
> internal investigation? You’re joking right?

Well lets see here. This officer was arrested, by the Fairfax County Police (huge cover up here). Case was dismissed in court because the arresting officer, a supervisor, screwed up according to the judge. The supervisor ordered the officer as an employee to take tests and make statements. If this officer had been any other citizen then this would have been the end of it but sorry, he was a cop. The police department then investigated him for beaking department rules. He was suspended without pay for a DWI charge that was dismissed in court. Between the suspension and what he paid his lawyer, he paid more then he would have if he had been a regular citizen and been found guilty. And for the H3, he bought after returning from military service in Iraq. Oh the corruption here.

> In 2011, a Fairfax County cop was arrested for
> DWI after he crashed his car into a utility
> pole.

This officer had a single car accident. He called the police himself to report the accident knowing he had to much to drink and stayed there waiting for the police to show up. He was arrested, again by FCPD, and charged with DWI. He was convicted in court but is appelling the conviction. Dam..they really did a piss poor job covering this up.

> In August of 1974, acting Fairfax County Executive
> Doug Harman ordered an investigation into police
> misconduct after the state’s attorney started
> its own investigation into widespread criminal
> wrongdoing in the department. Two county cops
> were suspended….not fired but suspended….
> after refusing to answer questions about graft and
> corruption inside the force.

1974??????????? Wow really....1974???

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Oh the corruption... ()
Date: August 01, 2012 01:25AM

bit by bit Wrote:
> From Out of Control: An informal History of the
> Fairfax County Police
> INCEST……………….
> “Mentally unstable cops - it’s becoming a
> disturbingly familiar scene in America.”
> In May of 1995 the Fairfax County Department of
> Family Services accused a long serving member of
> the Fairfax Police Department of molesting his
> daughter. In July 1996, the Juvenile and Domestic
> Relations District Court of Fairfax County entered
> an order finding that the children were abused
> and/or neglected. The cop was eventually found
> guilty of raping his 11-year old daughter.

Lets see here...again..case was investigated by fairfax county police and the guy was sent tp jail. Most likely still there. Yet another cover up I guess.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Oh the corruption... ()
Date: August 01, 2012 01:36AM

> By 2010, the Fairfax County Police have been named
> as a defendant in over 200 court cases in less
> than twenty years.

200 in 20 years. Dam I thought there would be more. How many did DC or PG County have in the same time frame? And of this 200 you claim, how many were settled(very few) and how many were won in court? (again very few).Most of these 200 cases were either thrown out before court or police won them in court.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Oh the corruption... ()
Date: August 01, 2012 01:42AM

Holly crap. I hope Green Peace sues the company printing these books for killing trees. What a waste of paper.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Oh the corruption... ()
Date: August 01, 2012 01:56AM

gun her dead Wrote:
> http://thisweekschildmolestationbypolic.blogspot.c
> om/
> Little by little, inch by inch, its a PR game,
> hearts and minds
> http://policemisconductusa.blogspot.com/
> http://fairfaxcountypolicegreatesthits.blogspot.co
> m/
> http://photographthepolice.blogspot.com/
> http://todayssexualassaulthargesagainst.blogspot.c
> om/
> http://fairfaxcopbecausewalmartisnthir.blogspot.co
> m/
> http://theworldaccordingtochiefrhorerer.blogspot.c
> om/
> http://fairfaxcountypolicemuseum.blogspot.com/

These are all really great links. Very little of it has anything to do with the Fairfax COunty Police. Well besides the stuff you made up. You are doing a great job. Thanks for keeping us all informed.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: what ()
Date: August 01, 2012 10:32PM

If this hasn't already been cleared up, Gunnar David Atkisson has never written a book. Just saying. I'm just a little creeped out about how you got all his information.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: the real Gunnar David ()
Date: August 01, 2012 10:44PM

eesh Wrote:okay fairfax must be full of dipshits. i am Gunnar David Atkisson. i have never written a book, and all of you dipshits for some unknown reason thought that the authors name on the book was spelled wrong. i have never heard of this other Gunnar nor do i really give a shit about him i just care that all you creepy as motherfuckers stalked me because you were to stupid to understand no one is stupid enough to print the wrong name of the author on his book.
> Ah....the author/OP of this thread believes in
> transparency....AWESOME.
> Some background on the author of this book, Gunnar
> David Atkisson.
> Gunnar David Atkisson of Front Royal
> 18 year old graduate of Skyline High
> Currently enrolled at Lord Fairfax
> https://www.facebook.com/gunnar.atkisson
> http://www.linkedin.com/pub/gunnar-atkisson/49/b13
> /71?_mSplash=1

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Wiggro ()
Date: August 02, 2012 07:07AM

Will Amazon be sending out a news alert when they sell their first copy?

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: pissed off citizen ()
Date: November 30, 2012 07:06PM

I havent read the book yet but I could probably write my own book on how currupt the Fairfax P.D. is! Those pigs have NEVER done anything to help me when Ive needed them, in fact on more then one occasion theyve tried to put me in jail for shit I DIDNT DO!! Notice I said tried...thankfully I have a family friend who is a very well known attorney in Fairfax (who by the way says that the Fairfax Judical system is without a doubt THE MOST CURROPT COUNTY IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY!!) and he has helped me alot! So yes, innocent people go to jail EVERYDAY in this country and FAIRFAX is one of the worst systems when it comes to that! For instance, recently, 4 different Fairfax judges have bought into a privately owned prison!! Conflict or intrest?? Hmmm...sure sounds like it to me. The truth is that the problem is ALOT bigger than Fairfax county. Fairfax and all the curroption that runs rampid throughout the system is just a symptom of a MUCH bigger problem! People like to say this is a capitalist society but in reality it has become a Fascist or "soft" communist state! When you let banking cartells control our money supply through the Federal Reserve and manipulate government you have problems like what we have in fairfax. WHEN YOU LET THE JUDICAL SYSTEM BECOME A FOR PROFIT INTSTITUTION THE WAY THIS ONE HAS THERES NO JUSTICE FOR ANYONE!!

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Probably not. ()
Date: November 30, 2012 07:23PM

pissed off citizen Wrote:
> I havent read the book yet but I could probably
> write my own book on how currupt the Fairfax P.D.

I'm going to go ahead and say that you probably couldn't write your own book.

At least not without getting distracted half way through one of your rambling, run-on sentences what a wonderful day its a friday wow shiny object over there.

> is! Those pigs have NEVER done anything to help me
> when Ive needed them, in fact on more then one
> occasion theyve tried to put me in jail for shit I
> DIDNT DO!! Notice I said tried...thankfully I have
> a family friend who is a very well known attorney
> in Fairfax (who by the way says that the Fairfax
> Judical system is without a doubt THE MOST CURROPT
> COUNTY IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY!!) and he has helped
> me alot! So yes, innocent people go to jail
> EVERYDAY in this country and FAIRFAX is one of the
> worst systems when it comes to that! For instance,
> recently, 4 different Fairfax judges have bought
> into a privately owned prison!! Conflict or
> intrest?? Hmmm...sure sounds like it to me. The
> truth is that the problem is ALOT bigger than
> Fairfax county. Fairfax and all the curroption
> that runs rampid throughout the system is just a
> symptom of a MUCH bigger problem! People like to
> say this is a capitalist society but in reality it
> has become a Fascist or "soft" communist state!
> When you let banking cartells control our money
> supply through the Federal Reserve and manipulate
> government you have problems like what we have in

conflict or interest? I'll choose interest.

cartells? That explains the rampid curroption.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: November 30, 2012 08:41PM

oh God, that crazy guy posts on this thread too?

Corruption, conspiracy, injustice, all aimed at him.

From the Lamb Center, to the courts, the cops and the crosswalks, this guy can't catch a break.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: wenbsyiwll ()
Date: December 01, 2012 05:31PM


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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Pissed off citizen ()
Date: December 10, 2012 07:41PM

Ya there ya go, just make fun of me, ignore what I said and try to attack my sentence structure and call me crazy in a rediculus attempt to make me look stupid because thats all you got! Both of you are pathetic "Probably Not" and "Beh"!! If you think Im wrong why dont you prove it you fucking jerk offs!! I bet you work for the prosecuters office or your cops arent you?

For the record, I never said that its all been aimed at me and only me. In fact, I said theres no justice for anyone! If you people think that NBC or FOX news is reality than you really are a bunch of fuckin idiots! Everything I said in my first post was based on facts. Unfortanatly, the mojority of the public has theyre heads up theyre ass and arent capable of thinking for themselves. Just like you two idiots.

If you look at all the stuff that was goin on in ROME leading up to its collapse its real easy to see how ALOT of the same shit is goin on in this country today. We lost our Constitutional Republic 100 years ago to a small group of banking tyrants and tyrants ALWAYS fall. The question is wether or not we the people will wake up in time to keep them from dragging us down with them.

So in the future, instead of just attacking me because you dont like what Im saying, why dont you take an objective look at history over the past 100 years and ask yourself questions like, why is the dollar worth less than a nickle was before private bankers took over the money supply with the federal reserve act of 1913.

Try askin yourself why roughly 10% of the worlds population lives in the U.S. yet we house 25% of the worlds prison population.

Ask yourself why the government is building FEMA camps all over the country and Homeland security has been buyin Billions of rounds of ammunition.


The Builderburg group

The Beohemian club

JFKs secret society speech

Prescott Bush and the Union Bankin corp

Controlled demolition Inc.
(the company that removed the steel from ground zero, owned by Marvin Bush)

Look up the history of the Federal income tax and read the 16th ammendment of the constitution which states that the federal government may NOT impose any unaportioned tax on the public.(in otherwords, the federal income tax is unconstitutional)

Ask yourself where that money actualy goes. The answer is, to pay the intrest the federal reserve charges the government for printing OUR money!!

The 1933 gold seizure

Listen to what people like Alex Jones of Infowars.com, Dr. Alan Sabroskey(former professor of the Army war college) and the late Aaron Russo(movie producer: Mad as Hell, Freedom to Fascism) have to say.

The list goes on and on. Our financial system is nothing but a global ponzi scheme that a select few use to control and inslave the public!

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Bilderberg ()
Date: December 10, 2012 08:32PM

Pissed off citizen Wrote:
> Research:
> The Builderburg group
> The Beohemian club
> JFKs secret society speech
> Prescott Bush and the Union Bankin corp
> Controlled demolition Inc.
> (the company that removed the steel from ground
> zero, owned by Marvin Bush)
> Look up the history of the Federal income tax and
> read the 16th ammendment of the constitution which
> states that the federal government may NOT impose
> any unaportioned tax on the public.(in otherwords,
> the federal income tax is unconstitutional)
> Ask yourself where that money actualy goes. The
> answer is, to pay the intrest the federal reserve
> charges the government for printing OUR money!!
> The 1933 gold seizure
> Listen to what people like Alex Jones of
> Infowars.com, Dr. Alan Sabroskey(former professor
> of the Army war college) and the late Aaron
> Russo(movie producer: Mad as Hell, Freedom to
> Fascism) have to say.
> The list goes on and on. Our financial system is
> nothing but a global ponzi scheme that a select
> few use to control and inslave the public!

David Icke has a lot to say about this, too. You know the illuminati and New World Order is all run by shape-shifting reptilian aliens!

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: GFR ()
Date: December 11, 2012 11:02PM

You are so right. Did you know the Fairfax County Police are behind it all. Be careful...they will come for you.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: December 12, 2012 01:12PM

So thats why you collect food stamps, live in section 8 housing, beg for food at The Lamb Center and use the PC at the library? Because of the banks?

And here, all along, I thought it was because you were a overly medicated parasitic bum.

Excuse my mistake.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: bobafeet ()
Date: December 12, 2012 04:19PM

Pissed off citizen why dont you stop listening to that clown/doomsday dj alex jones

Your rant about banksters et al is getting old. And yah the same alex jones who goes on art bell and george norri (shows I love as a joke) and talks his bankster rant only to be followed by bigfoot, and shawdow people and the weekly the house of windsor is all made up of reptillians segments. He is right up there with bigfoot and reptillian imposters

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Aaron Russo ()
Date: December 12, 2012 04:31PM

Alex Jones is quite amusing to listen to. His podcasts are hilarious.


Sadly, poorly educated people and unstable folks don't realize this should be viewed as pure entertainment. They take this shit seriously. But they probably believe Fox News Channel is news, also.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: pissed off citizen ()
Date: December 12, 2012 04:54PM

Aaron Russo Wrote:
> Alex Jones is quite amusing to listen to. His
> podcasts are hilarious.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVBeY6pMFe4
> Sadly, poorly educated people and unstable folks
> don't realize this should be viewed as pure
> entertainment. They take this shit seriously.
> But they probably believe Fox News Channel is
> news, also.

Dude, what the fuck are you doing useing Aaron Russo's name?? What do you watch, NBC?? LOL...

I will agree that Alex Jones has SOME ideas that are a little bit far fetched but if you take the time to research most of what he is saying on your own, you will find that he really is on point with ALOT of what he says!!

Watch the "Historical interview with Aaron Russo" on youtube given by ALEX JONES and see if you still think hes a joke.

Watch Aaron Russo's movies as well as some of Alex Jones's movies and you will realize they are both saying THE SAME THING dumb ass!!

There really are some cynical people controlling the financial markets all over the world trying to implament a totalitarian government and its obvious that things are moving towards that even at the local levels.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: December 20, 2012 11:12PM

For people that don't know, you lose everything in there man, it aint no rite of passage as a man yo, its just slavery, plain and simple.
And it aint like oh I came out of prison im an OG i got respect, because you aint have no respect from the white CO when the guard up and called you a nigger, not like yo my nigga but my nigger. "get in the fucking cage, nigger and shut the fuck up."
and you did it. you did it like it was 1822 and he cracked a fuckin whip at you.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Driving while not brown ()
Date: December 21, 2012 12:25AM

Can speak about a few first hand accounts about the fairfax county police who decide to work traffic enforcement on the highways. Been driving back and forth through fairfax county to work for over 10 years. They should leave it to the state patrol. period.

While I drove a stereotypically 'immigrant' vehicle I got pulled over at least once a year. Only one ticket, and I got increasingly annoyed when everytime the fairfax officer looked through my window they always had a look of surprise to find a white person. The officers clearly target those they think will not stand up to their lies in court, the illegal immigrants.

Insult to injury, the one time I did get a ticket was for something physically impossible given the motor on my truck. Was coming uphill on a highway onramp with that thrashed 4 banger (over 200k miles). I was lucky to get it to 50mph on that hill to keep someone from running me down when I got on the highway lanes. Somehow that truck was 'magical' that day and made 70mph according to the righteous (lying) officer. Kept my cool, wrote down all details, then pointed it all out to the judge...and I do have a math degree, so did a formal write up showing that the truck in question couldn't have reached 70mph on that ramp even when the engine was brand new. Showed the impossibility of officer pants-on-fire's (*name rhymed with 'arse-right'* but began with a 'C') statements. That officers rather unprofessional muttering and glares were the only reward for that work. Judge took officer's word over science. Justice? Feh.

Interestingly, 3 years after I started driving a faster stereotypically white man's german car...not a single time pulled over in fairfax.

Fairfax county police - and courts - the last stand in northern virginia of the racist olde boys.

Along the same lines. Northern fairfax county is a very bad place to be a korean teenager. Court officials can kill you and the court will conspire to keep that official out of jail. Hope she was related to some triad folks who could get her parents some off brand justice.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Awesome ()
Date: December 21, 2012 01:51AM

I think I speak for all of us here in Honkeytown when I say, no one knows, or gives a shit, about whatever the hell it is you just said.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: 50 Equal Opportunity Liars ()
Date: December 21, 2012 09:18AM

FCPD officers, in my experience, will lie in court about you regardless of your race. If their egos are not massaged thoroughly enough, or you stand up to them for the most egregious offenses against your person, you will be put through the ringer and no one will stop them. The prosecutors and judges don't have the time or inclination to listen to reason. Your only saving grace is a good attorney and the jury pool.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: SWweeman ()
Date: December 21, 2012 09:40AM

You're all idiots. Stop breaking the law and making up excuses that you never did this or that. You did it. Own up to it and move on.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: 50 Perjury ()
Date: December 21, 2012 10:19AM

SWweeman Wrote:
> You're all idiots. Stop breaking the law and
> making up excuses that you never did this or that.
> You did it. Own up to it and move on.

The jury saw them lie on the stand and decided I never "did it."
Part of moving on is being responsible enough to help prevent this from happening to other innocent people.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Ive been throught he same thing ()
Date: December 21, 2012 10:44AM

_Eyedea_ Wrote:
> For people that don't know, you lose everything in
> there man, it aint no rite of passage as a man yo,
> its just slavery, plain and simple.
> And it aint like oh I came out of prison im an OG
> i got respect, because you aint have no respect
> from the white CO when the guard up and called you
> a nigger, not like yo my nigga but my nigger. "get
> in the fucking cage, nigger and shut the fuck up."
> and you did it. you did it like it was 1822 and he
> cracked a fuckin whip at you.

I feel for you man but it doesnt only happen to minoritys anymore. Im white and Ive been through the same shit! The judicial system in this county doesnt discriminate because of race anymore. I you got money, you gotta chance of getting off, if you dont your fucked weather your guilty or not! The cops and the prosecuters dont care if your innocent or guilty, all they care about is how many cases they win so they get promotions. The whole system is fucked!

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Awesome ()
Date: December 21, 2012 11:38AM

I don't know about prosecutors, but I've never heard of a cop getting promoted because he won a stupid case. Detectives in a big homicide or rape case maybe, but you really think a cop gets pushed up the ladder because he wins a meaningless possession case? That's just horseshit.

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Re: Out of Control. An Informal History of the Fairfax County Police.
Posted by: Gene ()
Date: May 22, 2013 02:20AM

i've actually had better experiences with PW cops than FFX...

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