Aaron Russo Wrote:
> Alex Jones is quite amusing to listen to. His
> podcasts are hilarious.
> Sadly, poorly educated people and unstable folks
> don't realize this should be viewed as pure
> entertainment. They take this shit seriously.
> But they probably believe Fox News Channel is
> news, also.
Dude, what the fuck are you doing useing Aaron Russo's name?? What do you watch, NBC?? LOL...
I will agree that Alex Jones has SOME ideas that are a little bit far fetched but if you take the time to research most of what he is saying on your own, you will find that he really is on point with ALOT of what he says!!
Watch the "Historical interview with Aaron Russo" on youtube given by ALEX JONES and see if you still think hes a joke.
Watch Aaron Russo's movies as well as some of Alex Jones's movies and you will realize they are both saying THE SAME THING dumb ass!!
There really are some cynical people controlling the financial markets all over the world trying to implament a totalitarian government and its obvious that things are moving towards that even at the local levels.