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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 04, 2012 11:34PM

BTW, CE needs all the support he can get. This is toughest on the innocents. Gordon doesn't understand: that's why I CAN NOT STOP.

Yeah, this is reckless, but I've made the case that I've tried everything else.

Anyone who knows Gordon might want to check on him.

To know what's going on, and not....

I mean, that would be irresponsible, right?

Gordon.... do you have Daddy issues?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 04, 2012 11:47PM

And you dipshits that can't read: YES, THIS IS "HACKING".

I haven't make up one goddamn word of this whole thing.

I wasn't lying when I said I could rip this site wide open. I was willing to teach someone. That might've crossed the line. Truth is, I didn't want to pay by the hour for someone to find out something that I felt dirty about considering, anyway.

See, that's a "conscience", Gordon. I've been in IT so long that, like I said, I could be dying to read your mail, and I wouldn't. Not unless I let the whole world see it at the same time. I mean, as you've pointed out: if I threaten, and I don't do it, that's extortion or slander or blackmail or libel, or some crap.

Yes... I that's going to give the County lawyers a tough time.

They're already scanning every word going "I don't know... fucker's crazy enough to think Anonymous is gonna get pissed off. It must be a Messiah Complex."

No... it's not. I've said it 100 times. Sometimes there IS only one person that will do the right thing when it's unpopular. Maybe I'll get lynched for it -- and fuck you all! That's not a racist term, so stop trying to add offense to a language that already has enough.

Anyway, Gordon... it's very clear that you understand free speech.

You just don't understand Gordon, when information becomes free, it needs to be FREE.

Otherwise, it's a threat or a weapon, or whateverthefuck you wanna call it. Be scared if you want, I'm tired of the "this is not a threat" bullshit when the context of all of this has been so goddamn clear from the start, Gordon:

I just want to help people.

And, you weren't my first mission, or my second. Hell, I've seen some things that I hope to never mention here, or in court. And no, I'm not developing products now. That was my plan. I got distracted.

And now it looks like I'm going to spend the rest of my life in court.

I'm an opportunist. I look for coincidences, just in case. And time and time again, I find that I am in the right place, at the right time, and that I can make a difference. Fuck voting. Our current populist bullshit will never make a tough choice. We need leaders. Not the pink slime we're cranking out with those stupid #2 pencil tests.


Oh, back to why this is "hacking":

My computer was never intended to be a psychological weapon, or at least I hope not.

But, I think Gordon's brain is tickling.

He can feel my fingers, just as if his brain was my keyboard. It was faint at first, but he's feeling some old shit welling up. And I don't think he's going to sleep well, tonight.

Meantime, I have another machine, humming along, pattern matching.

Gordon's going to deteriorate badly this week folks.

When EC called me this morning, that was info. I mean, I needed to know when he gets up, so that I know when Gordon is "allowed" to start. I mean, if I'm right, this guy's got some shit installed on EC's computer. He's mimicking him.

This means he'll have to keep his mouth shut all night.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/04/2012 11:52PM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 12:00AM

Sleep tight, Gordon.

Just as I've done, I'll keep you up to date.

You can catch up in the morning.

This is not a threat, Gordon, but:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2012 12:00AM by 2concerned.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 12:18AM

So hey... I'm thinking about it: the logic in his whole counter-offensive has been so asinine from the start that it was silly to not talk openly in front of him.

My hypothesis: this guy really is tracking EC. And it's going to be hard to figure out, because everyone who knows EC might be tuning in. I hope not. And I hope we can get this over quickly. You don't know what it's like when friends and family and coworkers (and alleged accomplices) begin looking at you sideways. It really can make a sane man paranoid. Or so I've heard. I'll let you know if anyone ever figures out whether I was sane in the first place.

I'm digressing. It's gonna drive Gordon nuts. Does me too. You've got to make this little mental bookmark, hoping the conversation eventually finds it's way back to the friggin' topic it started on in the first place.

Gordon's such a dumbass I can explain what I'm doing and it's still going to infuriate him. hell get even twitchier if i drop all attempts.

Gordon's a tool. And not just a tool. He's a tool that doesn't know he's a tool, even if you tell him. Like Ron Paul. I'll cover that later, I'm digressing again.

Anyway, if CE is relaxed tomorrow, or has an "IT Guy" he trusts, I'd like him to run a script. It'll just "ping" me, give me his IP address. Obviously, that's not protected information, so I could look that up, anyway. Hell, the MPAA just says "pretty please", and it's the basis of your kid's incitement. Ask that Jamie woman.... what, like 20 bajillion dollars for a Wilco tune that should've been free in the first place.

Damn... let me take a break, smoke a cig, and relax a bit. The sentry urge is bugging me again. And YES, GORDON, that's CLASSIC OCD. I never had it before that friggin Thursday. I used to feel safe in my own home, and from the Police. I kid you not, I'm gonna be dealing with this shit for life, and I really suggest someone get that Rookie some help. Ask her what it must've been like for me... it had barely gotten started when she bolted. I wish they all would've.

But, PFC Horton, please: KEEP THE FUCK OFF MY LAWN.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 12:35AM

And another thing he'll NEVER get? Honesty, and Integrity.

I showed him my resume. I described my "tools". I explained them to him.

There's not a single detail I need to "remember the right way". I don't have to remember ANYTHING. I've told the truth the whole time.

Yeah, I had issues as a kid. But I never hurt anyone. They say that's like being a perv... it's a sign of potential serial-killer, mass-murderer stuff, and it can't be fixed.

I don't know.

What I am pretty sure of, though, is that when Columbine happened, or some other tragedy, everyone who knew Gordon stopped for a second, then was ashamed of themselves for having thought of him in the first place.

Yeah, Gordon, you're going down.

Shit... already used the "Bear Cavalry". That would've been perfect.

Anyway, Gordon:

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:02AM

I said it earlier, too, Gordon: if you're a responsible adult, ESPECIALLY a parent, and you feel your stuff slipping out of control, you'll call someone right away.

Whatever "conditions" I have, they've been unmedicated for decades. I plan to keep it that way.

Seroquel scares the shit out of me. I told you about the nighmares, and these jackasses are encouraging it. But, I didn't mention the daytime effects. OMG, there's NO WAY I could've functioned. I would've had to be hid away from the world, "gone for a while".

But the scary part is if I kept taking it for a while, I'm not sure I ever would've been able to form the words to stop. Someone threw out "Brain Salad". I've seen Gordon do that, at least in writing. That was one of the alerts for me.

At first I thought he was a stupid kid. I mean, who else can say the kind of shit he does, in the wake of tragedy? And no, he's not looking for the "healing kind" of laugh. His laughs are mean, and people KNOW it, dammit.

And not one of them have picked up the phone yet. Yeah, I told you I was an outlier from the start. Call it a Messiah Complex, or a Pimple, if you want. But, if I come this far now, and stop...

I think my Wife might kick my ass.

Here, I'm going to take a break. This one will probably confuse you, Gordon. Which is funny, because you talk anti-racism with the best of them.

You have an anti-bully complex, too.

But I realized, when I thought about it: there's two sides to that.

I'm in it to help. I think you just want revenge.

See if you can work this out... you regurgitate bottled crap with the best of them, but tell me, can you restate the concept in this poster, and prove even a limited understanding?

Think rationally, Gordon. I suspect there won't be as many crazy voices, tonight.

At least, not here.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:25AM

BTW, Gordon, you don't think things through. Never have, can't, can't understand why.

You think you should be a brilliant chess player. But, you can't see two moves ahead.

I mean you forced my hand. That's a poker term. You might be able to count cards. If not, you probably play every hand in a "technically correct" manner.

You're transparent, Gordon. You're not even going to be worth the time to study.

You're textbook. Droll.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:27AM

Damn... publisher says we're too big for a book.

Can you hang in? If we can double this distance, it'll be a thin trilogy, I think.

- pic may or may not be related -

(can't read the damned caption in the thumbnail.)

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Options ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:30AM

Here's the deal: Gordon Blvd's clearly kind of an ass, but I don't think he's the source of your problems. (I've never even been to VA, I came here from Fark.)

As public as this board is, it could have been anybody in the community that saw something you posted, freaked out, and called the school. You'll never know who, so let that go. Accept the things you can't change.

So, if you haven't been charged with a crime, then you basically won already. The idea that the principal, police, or any authority would apologize for their past actions is unrealistic. What would they say? "Turns out we were wrong and the threat was a misunderstanding. In the future, we won't be so quick to react to potential risks of unknown intent."

As a parent, you surely agree that if the school gets 10 threats and all 10 were silly false alarms, you want them to take the 11th one as seriously as the first one! They just did their jobs, and right now you're keeping them from focusing on running a school and investigating real crimes.

All you have to do is stop talking about it. The police will start to drive by less often, your neighbors will start to relax, and new drama will push you off everyone's radar. It WILL simply go away. If you wanted to, six months from now you'd be in a much better position to contact the principal and say "Hey, I realize now that I overreacted and you were acting in the best interests of safety... how about letting me visit my kid(s) at school again." You're NOT saying you were wrong or they were right, you're just taking responsiblity for overreacting. Which you did do.

So, I think you have this backwards: All you really have to do is let it go, and you win. That's your best move right now, friend. It doesn't even cost money.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:38AM

"so let that go"

You have not been reading. I stopped there.

I suffer delusions, everyone who isn't registered is whats-her-face.

Or is the retention around here really that bad?

Geez. I really hope FCPS is listening. The SOL's are filling them up. They can't think anymore.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Options ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:45AM

"You have not been reading. I stopped there.
I suffer delusions, everyone who isn't registered is whats-her-face."

Fair enough. So what next? What do you want to have happen?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:46AM

And what's the deal with my kid spending half a day learning to sing a Chinese song she doesn't understand?

That whole "immersion" thing is a waste. I mean, if they were doing English/Spanish crossover, that would be useful, reinforce itself as the demographics shift....

No... Chinese so someone can get some money from the Chinese government, if I understood it all correctly.

See, Gordon?

For the first time, I have a soapbox.

Sure, everyone hates me, but that didn't stop Limbaugh.

If I'm right Gordon, you were going to smash someone else's careers. A lot of careers. You already have. You tried to destroy my family. Even so, you might've won if you'd known when to stop.

Everyone knows you're dangerous now, and if I were you, I'd be worried about who's secrets I had. These are spineless people, if I'm right. You probably blackmailed some, who knows what the hell.

And everyone knows it's out of control, and you're only going to make it worse.

And anyone who's read a damned word knows: I'm not going to stop.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:51AM

"What do you want to have happen?"'

Easiest would be for Gordon to just pop over to the local precinct, say "I'm Gordon".

The cop can call and tell me what her tits look like. That's all I want.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Options ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:54AM

"Easiest would be for Gordon to just pop over to the local precinct, say "I'm Gordon"."

Then what? Why should they care? Sorry if I've missed that connection - keep it short & simple.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: DontFeed ()
Date: June 05, 2012 01:59AM

Options, please don't.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 02:22AM


"Then what? Why should they care? Sorry if I've missed that connection - keep it short & simple."

So that this whole thing can sort itself out, and I'll be able to sleep at night, maybe.

You have to look at this in the context of what I suspect he/she/it has done to me, my family, and my dogs.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 02:24AM

In fact, I've made open accusations, in a public forum.

I'd like Gorden to help CE straighten his life out, and let me apologize, when I can be sure.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 02:40AM

Okay, curiousity got me... I went back and skimmed:

"you surely agree that if the school gets 10 threats and all 10 were silly false alarms, you want them to take the 11th one as seriously as the first one"

There should not have been a "silly false alarm". There was never a remote threat. I'm accusing Gorden of engineering that, which I think is a terrorist friggin' act.

I still wonder why only the patch has ever heard of it all.

And why Terrence Yarborough wrote a restraining order the day after I was cleared.

There's more, but it gets confusing...

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Kevin Mitnick ()
Date: June 05, 2012 02:47AM

Racist? Referring to an "American Family" is racist? What, exactly then, do you consider to be "American"? Gosh, and all this time, I thought it was a nationality. Yes, those 12 years at the local community college prepared you well.

Alright, I'm tired of poking a sick, wounded animal with a stick. The outlets, bucko, the 110 2 prong outlets quite visible in the picture gives away your nationality. Well, this voltage is used in Canada as well, but you're too stupid to be Canadian (God, I hope so, born in Ottawa ON, married an American, you want some PII, look up EE graduates from McGill U. 1978, cross reference Dalhousie U. for Masters in CS, then U. of Toronto for PhDs in CS).

Maudit, mon ostie. Protect your family. Stop this Now. (ps, I'm not the real Kevin Mitnick, obviously. He's from sunny California, I'm from the great White North. Well, he's an interesting fellow, no? I'm sure he doesn't mind that I borrowed his identity.)

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: DontFeed ()
Date: June 05, 2012 02:54AM

2concerned is a troll. Please stop feeding!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Options ()
Date: June 05, 2012 03:02AM

>> "So that this whole thing can sort itself out, and I'll be able to sleep at night, maybe."

There's nothing to sort out. You might be battling delusions, but it really is over already.

>> "Gorden to help CE straighten his life out"

Gordon didn't bring CE into this; you did.

>> "There was never a remote threat."

Doesn't matter. The administration perceived a threat. And now it's over.

>> "I'm accusing Gorden of engineering that, which I think is a terrorist friggin' act."

It's not. And nobody had to engineer anything. You don't need connections or power, you just need the number for 911. The fact that you got involved at all means something you said/wrote was misunderstood. It didn't require a mastermind... anyone in town can read something and jump to conclusions. Could have been any idiot who just watched CSI, saw your post, and felt like a hero. But, you'll never know.

The fact you weren't charged with a crime means they figured out you were not a threat. You won. I'm guessing you earned the restraining order because you overreacted to the investigation. But even that's not the end of the world. It'll expire if you go back to living your life and just leave the school alone for awhile.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: DontFeed ()
Date: June 05, 2012 03:06AM


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: What ()
Date: June 05, 2012 04:21AM


Have you always SUCKED ASS or is this a recent development?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:13AM

"Racist? Referring to an "American Family" is racist?"

No, you referred to a white family as American. That was the only clue you seemed to notice.

Am I wrong?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:24AM

Racism is more subtle than most people realize.

I mean, I report the guy.

The assumption is that I did it because he was black.

That's racist.

Everyone assumed I was not black.

That's racist.

Then, there's more shit piled on than I care to shovel...

But no, any time you treat someone differently, just because of their color, that's racism.

We're usually ashamed enough not to let that show. Or, at least, the decent ones among us try.

But the rest of you.... I mean, what about the little fucker that does the "Wigger" thing when he's safe in Burke, but knows he'd get his ass destroy for saying the same thing in Anacostia?

Yes, that's racism. But it's so subtle that you don't even notice.

When you're a racist.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:27AM

"God, I hope so, born in Ottawa ON, married an American, you want some PII, look up EE graduates from McGill U. 1978, cross reference Dalhousie U. for Masters in CS, then U. of Toronto for PhDs in CS"

See... I know you're a troll.

Nobody with a decent education could be THAT stupid, right?

How many people have you put away?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:28AM

"you just need the number for 911"

Gordon claims he did not call 911.

I suspect he/she/it (dunno if the weenie is deflated today) did.

Someone did something.

FCPS won't return my calls.

I'll keep the words small.

This help?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:30AM

BTW, it's nearly certain that Gordon has never held a meaningful long-term relationship with a member of the opposite sex.

Whatever "opposite" turns out to mean.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:31AM

In fact, I doubt he's even dating.

It would be hard to pull this shit off in secret, wouldn't it, GORDON?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:41AM

If Gordon has ever had an encounter with a member of the opposite sex, he/she/it is likely to have experienced something shameful.

If I'm right about Gordon, he's spent a lot of time overcompensating in the other direction. Maybe not crass in real life... he's too spineless. I agree with him on the redneck vs. hillbilly thing, though I'd never thought about it. At least those NASCAR fans are self-aware, and they do what they do by choice.

Really, I agree with this guy on almost everything. That's one of the things that made me wonder if I had flipped, and I am this guy.

I still wonder. I just don't think I'm smart enough to pull off anything like this.

I mean, I would've had to hack the patch, right?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: turdinpunchbowl ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:42AM

2con,maybe it's the time travel stuff that's throwing you off?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:43AM

What does FCPS do, besides rolling armed officers, when there's a "Maximum Security Alert"?

See... I've got that question.

It would be nice if I could pick up the phone, and know who to call.

THAT was the petition that Gordon tried to nuke.

My "Goal #2", if I'm enumerating correctly.

Yeah... Gordon has no clue when to stop.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:45AM

"maybe it's the time travel stuff that's throwing you off"

Mine? Or his? I've wondered both.

No... I stopped matching data points a long time ago.

I could go to court with what I have.

It's clear. If I'm wrong, I have damn good reason to make my accusation, anyway.

Especially when Gordon, a rational person, and EC, another one, could make 1% of the effort I have, to save my family's world.

No... it's just us.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:47AM

If I'm right about any of this, Gordon is going to be quieter today.

People are watching, Gordon.

Every post logs your IP address.

Gordon, this pic isn't related.

Well, it is, but you'll never figure it out.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:58AM

And nobody even seems to get the "free speech" thing.

And they think anonymity is a weapon they can use blamelessly.

No, you fuckers have no idea what this country is about.

The dancing dude did.

He chose to come here.

And you're probably scratching your head, Gordon....

Was my comment racist?

You have trouble with context, I know.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:04AM

In the end, even now....

Not one of you has had the balls to pick up the phone.

And you say you care?


You're doing it for the right reasons?


That shit on patch made any sense at all?

No... I half-suspect you're the patch editor, too, Gordon.

Or there's a 20th kid in the E family, that everyone forgot about, or something....

This shit really is weird.

And Gordon, that pretending to be a Mom, stuff:

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: BananaFace ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:04AM

If you go to court I'd recommend leaving the time travel stuff out of your findings, some folks might find that a little odd.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: EnoughAlready ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:07AM

2concerned is a selfish, self-consumed, whining troll.

Please stop feeding.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: thanks ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:12AM


So all of us people who have been impartially reading this thread are now "you fuckers"...

That is not the proper way to try to influence people towards your views.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2confused ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:13AM

2concerned Wrote:
> In the end, even now....
> Not one of you has had the balls to pick up the
> phone.
> And you say you care?
> Yeah.
> You're doing it for the right reasons?
> Yeah.
> That shit on patch made any sense at all?
> No... I half-suspect you're the patch editor, too,
> Gordon.
> Or there's a 20th kid in the E family, that
> everyone forgot about, or something....
> This shit really is weird.
> And Gordon, that pretending to be a Mom, stuff:

and Meanwhile inside 2concerned's head...

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: stuppie ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:32AM

thanks Wrote:
> 2c,
> So all of us people who have been impartially
> reading this thread are now "you fuckers"...
> That is not the proper way to try to influence
> people towards your views.

More like not the proper way to try to endear himself toward the jury pool members.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: stuppie ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:35AM

I laughed at his note about complaining about anon posters... he could have kept the playing field level by not giving his name or identifying info. kind of like a mugger handing a would-be victim his knife and then crying "no fair" when he gets cut. but because he's the only person under 78 on the planet who thinks putting your real info on a public forum is not a problem, it's an injustice

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:59AM

"So all of us people who have been impartially reading this thread are now "you fuckers"...

You're right. The people it applies to should know.

My apologies to those that it doesn't.

I'm not arguing with anyone who's on my side.

I assume that all unregistered accounts are trolls.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:00AM

"he could have kept the playing field level by not giving his name or identifying info"

I should fight like a coward, too?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Also Not Gordon ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:03AM

2concerned Wrote:
> "So all of us people who have been impartially
> reading this thread are now "you fuckers"...
> You're right. The people it applies to should
> know.
> My apologies to those that it doesn't.
> I'm not arguing with anyone who's on my side.
> I assume that all unregistered accounts are
> trolls.

I guess all that meth doesn't help much with your grammar.

pic unrelated

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: stuppie ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:03AM

call me a coward that is fine, but after whatever complaints I have posted online no one knows where I live and I have a job and stuff and no legal fees and obsessions over people I dont know.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:12AM

"but after whatever complaints I have posted online no one knows where I live and I have a job and stuff"

Yeah... put your head down, be glad you kept your wife and kids, don't worry that someone else might not have been as lucky.

And you have to hide to sleep at night.

Well... you think you're hidden.

And that's been part of it. I'm telling you: you're not.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:13AM

Gordon hasn't leaked much County planning information today.

Has he?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:31AM

"You think you should be a brilliant chess player. But, you can't see two moves ahead."

I got thinking about this Gordon. I think a lot. No, no voices. I think.

You might have memorized a LOT of brilliant endgames.

You can detail them.

But you probably can't explain them.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:32AM

And again, Gordon, you're textbook.

I'm looking you up on "Criminal Minds" now... I really needed an excuse to catch back up, anyway.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2obsessed ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:41AM

Ooooookay...Did you call Woodburn yesterday or today? I'm sure they can help you.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:03AM

To Whomever It May Concern,

At a SACC event on Carl Sandburg Middle School, in Fairfax County, an event occurred. This event led me – a concerned and responsible parent – to begin asking very simple questions about the safety of our children in FCPS.

During the past week, I’ve tried every method I can think of to get answers.

I tried phone calls, I tried email, I tried unproductive “shouting.” I still don’t have a single answer from Mr. Yarborough. I’ve spoken to his office, but Mr. Yarborough refuses to speak with me.

On the morning of 5/24, I started anew. I typed out a clear “redirect”, recognizing that my methods were getting me nowhere.

Three hours later, I was looking down the barrel of a gun.

Now, Mr. Yarborough claims to have been threatened. I believe that’s slander. I would ask Mr. Yarborough to detail the allegation, or clear this “restraining order”, and issue a formal written apology, IMMEDIATELY.

Mr. Yarborough read what I wrote – sometimes disjointed but always clear and rational – and, entrusted with the safety of several hundred students, he decided to raise a maximum security alert. Yes, he’d finally picked up the phone, but not to call me and ask me to stop.

If this sounds like a rational decision, I would certainly enjoy an explanation. It’s documented, it’s there. He didn’t even read it before I called the Police, I assume.

The threat? As far as my lawyer can tell, either the picture of the kitty (in the CLEAR context of “career suicide”) or the “photoshop threat” frightened him.

This is a man who’s office told me that there was never any danger that Saturday. He will not tell me how he determined this. He also will not explain how he has the authority to determine that when he has no responsibility for SACC functions. It truly baffles the mind.

I expect figures of authority to act with integrity, and I fear that I have a much different interpretation of Mr. Yarborough’s motives.

As a result of his entirely disproportionate reaction, I looked down the barrel of a gun, almost watched my dog be shot, was “grilled” for hours by Police that had, seemingly, been told by Mr. Yarborough that I was unemployed and estranged from Wife and family. Both are false, and led to the Police Officers expecting an armed, crazed individual when they arrived. Many of the parents in the system would have been shot before it was over, I’m certain.

Finally, I was coerced into two days of solitude, threatened with criminal charges (I’ve committed no crime) while being denied counsel, had my personal and professional reputation sullied, and have been branded a racist, simply because the parent involved was not native to the US.

All of this was in addition to the apparent excitement at the school, so I’m assuming there was at least some student/parent panic inflicted.

And throughout all of this, I’ve remained in the line of fire, just to save another parent embarrassment. Ask Mr. Yarborough what was wrong with the guy that day. Or if he WAS a parent, or why he was lurking backstage for who knows how long, unknown to any performers or staff? Are all parents allowed to take the stage at will? If so, why have I wasted so much time in the seat rows?

And, why couldn’t Terrence have stopped all of this, by manning-up, investigating, and actually making an appropriate determination?

I would truly like to know. He’s the guy who said my Daughter was safe.

If Terrence reported to me, I’d be curious to examine why he failed so many opportunities to resolve this in a reasonable manner. I do believe that he has demonstrated incompetence and/or abuse of his authority.

Again, please remove the “restraining” order immediately. If you do, you have my word that I will conduct myself with more dignity in court than I did in an open forum that’s frequented by scum.

Read what I wrote… please. Explain what happened to me, and why.

Best Regards,
Father of Two

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:03AM

Damn... wrong one. Just a sec.

Sorry, Terry.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:05AM

My last post here, if you guys leave it alone...

I've got nothing else to do though -- I'll keep up the tug-of-war, if you really want.


I hope you’ll forgive me, and perhaps allow me to "start over". I’m hoping that any misguided actions on my part might make a bit more sense if you’ll allow me to explain what I now believe.

No, there was never a threat against Sandburg, at least not by me. I never wrote anything online that was threatening. Offensive to a few, yes, but threatening? Never. I’m a loving Father of two great kids, I run the local Cub Scout website, I run several charity websites… I truly try to be a productive member of the community, and I generally succeed.

What I now believe is that the entire situation might have been mischaracterized when it was reported to Mr. Yarborough. A woman online, under the handle “Gordon Blvd” took to slandering me not only on FairfaxUnderground.com, but on the “Fort Hunt Patch” as well, calling undue attention to me and my family, and generally seeming to enjoy making me “look crazy” at every turn. Her behavior clearly isn’t that of a responsible adult, and last night, she even seemingly confessed to a DWI. I believe she’s called the Police to investigate me at least twice, which left me more stressed – I was already over-tired, and missing my family badly. (My Son was in Iowa, competing in the OotM World Finals, representing VA. My Family was with him.)

At any rate, if I’m correct, it would explain so much. Why people stopped responding, and why two apparently competent professionals (Mr. Yarborough, and Mr. Ricker) completely misunderstood the context of my writings. There was a kitten with a gun, pointed at itself. I wrote about “career suicide” in that post. And no, I’m not proud of my “threat” to photoshop Mr. Yarborough. I didn’t do it. I won’t. By the time Police arrived, they thought I was estranged from family, unemployed, dangerous, and threatening children. There’s nothing in all the pages that I wrote which I believe would support such claims.

Could I please ask someone to respond, or give me a call? I’ve begun to suspect that many apologies are in order, but that I might be the one who should be giving them. If I’m correct, then it’s quite possible that everyone did act reasonably, given the information at hand. And, should that be the case, I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know, but that would also mean that I need to address the “anonymous” woman who seems to be obsessed with my Family – I think I’m allowed to be obsessed.

Regardless, please accept my apologies for what was at least rude and unsettling behavior and words. I have not even travelled in the direction of Sandburg since 5/19. I haven’t threatened to go there. Beyond extra-cirricular events, I never have, and probably never will be on those schoolgrounds. Should my suspicions be confirmed, I assure you that my apology will be as public as my offense. On the morning that Police arrived for an "investigation" that became the most frightening hours of my life, I’d posted at 4:00AM that I was too tired to leave the house that day. By 5:30, I’d posted that my methods were a dead end, I was getting nowhere, and I was going to begin a more subtle campaign to just find parents that might’ve seen part of what I did, that day at Sandburg.

Again, please contact me. If things are as I fear, then this woman essentially triggered a panic, and fed misinformation to people that – I swear to you – nearly cost me and my dog our lives.

And, Mr. Yarborough: if you’ve spoken with anyone on the phone claiming to be me, I assure you, that was not the case. I did speak with your office on one occasion, but not you.

Thanks in Advance for Your Understanding.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2obsessed ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:28AM

Here we go again...! Stop the madness...Stop!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: FBO ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:47AM

OK. That should be the end then. Can we all go back to our regularly scheduled programming?


I say "fuck" a lot...

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the fact ppl actually cared what gender I was........just CLASSIC
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:50AM

@everyone :)

you know something...........I'm glad I now have a textbook example I'll be able to refer back to when I tell some of y'all that you think about me wwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyy too much.......................

Try not to concern yourself about who "ppl" are on the interweb. Cause yr r/l is what should be yr main FOCUS at all times. Not a sermon, just a thought ;)

pic unrelated
get me pictures of spider man.jpg

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: ASN1668 ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:50AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Hello,
> I hope you’ll forgive me, and perhaps allow me
> to "start over".

ROFL ! ! ! !! ! ! Yeeeeeeah, good luck with that.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Options ()
Date: June 05, 2012 10:56AM

That second letter is significantly better.

Cut out the parts about Gordon - nobody cares and Yarborough will stop reading right there. This letter shouldn't be about anybody but you. And make it half as long. It still sounds like you're playing a victim a little too much (which won't work in an apology) but the tone is much more reasonable.

Good work.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Nemesis0 ()
Date: June 05, 2012 02:20PM

Nope. You're not going anywhere, buddy.

Even CERt is on it!

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Re: the fact ppl actually cared what gender I was........just CLASSIC
Date: June 05, 2012 02:36PM

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> @everyone :)
> you know something...........I'm glad I now have a
> textbook example I'll be able to refer back to
> when I tell some of y'all that you think about me
> wwwwaaaaaaaaaaayyyy too
> much.......................

When did Adolf Hitler decide to become a journalist?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Not Cary ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:09PM

From the Accused Pedophile thread moved to Off-Topic:

Re: Have You Seen This Man (Accused Pedophile)
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: June 05, 2012 04:47PM


In the two weeks since registering your account you have been a prolific poster, generating 901 posts at the time of this writing, but many of these posts (this entire thread included) break the most basic rules against flooding, spamming, and posting complete garbage.

I have not yet read the entirety of your posts, but at this point it's clear that while your initial intentions were genuine you have now regressed to defensiveness, personal attacks, and harassment.

This is your official warning to STOP FLOODING. If you have something constructive to add to an argument please collect your thoughts and generate a single post on the topic. Failure to comply with this warning will result in a ban against posting in the Fairfax General forum.

If you have comments for me (the administrator) please air them in this thread only.

- Cary (the admin)

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Not Gordon ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:12PM

I feel sorry for Cary having to read all this crap.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:15PM

I cant imagine the honest to God LoLz he is going to get out of all of it, though :)

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Not Gordon ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:17PM

I got a headache reading it.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:22PM

Cary: could you PM me from your registered account?

If it's you, I'll stop in a heartbeat.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:23PM

Or delete that off-topic thread... that would probably convince me.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2crazy ()
Date: June 05, 2012 05:25PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Or delete that off-topic thread... that would
> probably convince me.
> Thanks!

He moved the thread to off-topic and posted there. That should be enough to convince you.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 06:06PM

My last post here, if you guys leave it alone...

I've got nothing else to do though -- I'll keep up the tug-of-war, if you really want.


I hope you’ll forgive me, and perhaps allow me to "start over". I’m hoping that any misguided actions on my part might make a bit more sense if you’ll allow me to explain what I now believe.

No, there was never a threat against Sandburg, at least not by me. I never wrote anything online that was threatening. Offensive to a few, yes, but threatening? Never. I’m a loving Father of two great kids, I run the local Cub Scout website, I run several charity websites… I truly try to be a productive member of the community, and I generally succeed.

What I now believe is that the entire situation might have been mischaracterized when it was reported to Mr. Yarborough. A woman online, under the handle “Gordon Blvd” took to slandering me not only on FairfaxUnderground.com, but on the “Fort Hunt Patch” as well, calling undue attention to me and my family, and generally seeming to enjoy making me “look crazy” at every turn. Her behavior clearly isn’t that of a responsible adult, and last night, she even seemingly confessed to a DWI. I believe she’s called the Police to investigate me at least twice, which left me more stressed – I was already over-tired, and missing my family badly. (My Son was in Iowa, competing in the OotM World Finals, representing VA. My Family was with him.)

At any rate, if I’m correct, it would explain so much. Why people stopped responding, and why two apparently competent professionals (Mr. Yarborough, and Mr. Ricker) completely misunderstood the context of my writings. There was a kitten with a gun, pointed at itself. I wrote about “career suicide” in that post. And no, I’m not proud of my “threat” to photoshop Mr. Yarborough. I didn’t do it. I won’t. By the time Police arrived, they thought I was estranged from family, unemployed, dangerous, and threatening children. There’s nothing in all the pages that I wrote which I believe would support such claims.

Could I please ask someone to respond, or give me a call? I’ve begun to suspect that many apologies are in order, but that I might be the one who should be giving them. If I’m correct, then it’s quite possible that everyone did act reasonably, given the information at hand. And, should that be the case, I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know, but that would also mean that I need to address the “anonymous” woman who seems to be obsessed with my Family – I think I’m allowed to be obsessed.

Regardless, please accept my apologies for what was at least rude and unsettling behavior and words. I have not even travelled in the direction of Sandburg since 5/19. I haven’t threatened to go there. Beyond extra-cirricular events, I never have, and probably never will be on those schoolgrounds. Should my suspicions be confirmed, I assure you that my apology will be as public as my offense. On the morning that Police arrived for an "investigation" that became the most frightening hours of my life, I’d posted at 4:00AM that I was too tired to leave the house that day. By 5:30, I’d posted that my methods were a dead end, I was getting nowhere, and I was going to begin a more subtle campaign to just find parents that might’ve seen part of what I did, that day at Sandburg.

Again, please contact me. If things are as I fear, then this woman essentially triggered a panic, and fed misinformation to people that – I swear to you – nearly cost me and my dog our lives.

And, Mr. Yarborough: if you’ve spoken with anyone on the phone claiming to be me, I assure you, that was not the case. I did speak with your office on one occasion, but not you.

Thanks in Advance for Your Understanding.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: JenK ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:00PM

You jackass

You triggered all of that, and I hope to God you were scared, although not nearly enough to stop you!

How can you threaten and try to damage so many people and then try to pin it all on someone who originally agreed with you?!

I'm still praying to God someone comes to pick you up and lock you away before you hurt someone.

NO ONE in their right mind will EVER see "your" side cause it's fucking nuts!

And again, you say no one will talk to you, and ifsomeone will check in w/Gordon you're fine....those were your EXACT words.......prove it..

PM me, or email me, I'm not giving you my number to call at all hours of the night, sorry, but I can def say I've talked with Gordon :) and hey, like I just said, I'll talk to you! I'm not calling some random number you put up on FFXU either, that's bs, I'm not bugging poor 'ol Caleb or God knows who else, but hey, you sure like talking online, my email is right there, buddy.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:06PM

I did not trigger that.

Someone called it in, and mischaracterized it.

If it was Gordon, he knew better.

And frankly, I still do not know what the actual response at the school was.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:08PM

And if everyone is innocent, what's the interest in not letting this thread die?

Why not help prove his innocence?

Why not ask him to take his comments off Patch?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: JenK ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:16PM


Just that?

Why should he take his posts off there? YOU SIR, posted an entire thread about him/her, changing your mind constantly about his/her sex, posted some random guys pic and info claiming it was "Gordon".......

...YOU updated a photograph of your "wife and kids" although after the Caleb pix, who knows who's innocent family that is, hopefully no one in Fairfax county! And you claim ANYONE ELSE BUT YOU put them in danger???

....your words caused a lockdown, how can you blame that on someone else? They were YOUR WORDS!

Prove "his" innocence? YOU SIR, have yet to prove your own!!!

And the interest, frankly, is she/he asked me to leave it be, but I'm much bitchier than gordon, or Gordong(is that your new one?), so I'm here to see how much deeper a hole you can dig yourself into :) cheers

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:22PM

I understand.

I'll be back with my reasons for thinking this.

If he's not Gordon, then someone has access to his computer. I'm certain.

I've never had the desire to do anyone harm.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:24PM

And I do realize: it's unfair to ask anything of him.

I know that Gordon has done his best to convince the world I'm nuts.

The photos are my family.

The information is all easily verified.

I do understand your distrust. I'm truly trying to be respectful, but I have no choice.

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oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:29PM

well.............I guess I know how this is gonna end up.....

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Re: oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: JenK ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:32PM

Hahaha, yeah, I guess I'd be the one to go all Walking Dead, wouldn't I? :P

and btw, "Gordon" I blame you for me :P and call me back!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2012 07:36PM by JenK.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:35PM

How many times have I tried to seal this thread?

How many new threads has Gordon started in the General Forum today?

Who is motivated by what?

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Re: oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:39PM

You didn't have an account before this began, JenK?

No, I'm afraid you can't vouch for anyone.

If CE would work with me, or anyone....

Or, if you have another solution, other than "stop and worry for the rest of my life", then please, suggest it.

I've been trying to be rational. I don't think the same can be said for Gordon.

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Re: oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:44PM

I hope you’ll forgive me, and perhaps allow me to "start over". I’m hoping that any misguided actions on my part might make a bit more sense if you’ll allow me to explain what I now believe.

No, there was never a threat against Sandburg, at least not by me. I never wrote anything online that was threatening. Offensive to a few, yes, but threatening? Never. I’m a loving Father of two great kids, I run the local Cub Scout website, I run several charity websites… I truly try to be a productive member of the community, and I generally succeed.

What I now believe is that the entire situation might have been mischaracterized when it was reported to Mr. Yarborough. A woman online, under the handle “Gordon Blvd” took to slandering me not only on FairfaxUnderground.com, but on the “Fort Hunt Patch” as well, calling undue attention to me and my family, and generally seeming to enjoy making me “look crazy” at every turn. Her behavior clearly isn’t that of a responsible adult, and last night, she even seemingly confessed to a DWI. I believe she’s called the Police to investigate me at least twice, which left me more stressed – I was already over-tired, and missing my family badly. (My Son was in Iowa, competing in the OotM World Finals, representing VA. My Family was with him.)

At any rate, if I’m correct, it would explain so much. Why people stopped responding, and why two apparently competent professionals (Mr. Yarborough, and Mr. Ricker) completely misunderstood the context of my writings. There was a kitten with a gun, pointed at itself. I wrote about “career suicide” in that post. And no, I’m not proud of my “threat” to photoshop Mr. Yarborough. I didn’t do it. I won’t. By the time Police arrived, they thought I was estranged from family, unemployed, dangerous, and threatening children. There’s nothing in all the pages that I wrote which I believe would support such claims.

Could I please ask someone to respond, or give me a call? I’ve begun to suspect that many apologies are in order, but that I might be the one who should be giving them. If I’m correct, then it’s quite possible that everyone did act reasonably, given the information at hand. And, should that be the case, I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know, but that would also mean that I need to address the “anonymous” woman who seems to be obsessed with my Family – I think I’m allowed to be obsessed.

Regardless, please accept my apologies for what was at least rude and unsettling behavior and words. I have not even travelled in the direction of Sandburg since 5/19. I haven’t threatened to go there. Beyond extra-cirricular events, I never have, and probably never will be on those schoolgrounds. Should my suspicions be confirmed, I assure you that my apology will be as public as my offense. On the morning that Police arrived for an "investigation" that became the most frightening hours of my life, I’d posted at 4:00AM that I was too tired to leave the house that day. By 5:30, I’d posted that my methods were a dead end, I was getting nowhere, and I was going to begin a more subtle campaign to just find parents that might’ve seen part of what I did, that day at Sandburg.

Again, please contact me. If things are as I fear, then this woman essentially triggered a panic, and fed misinformation to people that – I swear to you – nearly cost me and my dog our lives.

And, Mr. Yarborough: if you’ve spoken with anyone on the phone claiming to be me, I assure you, that was not the case. I did speak with your office on one occasion, but not you.

Thanks in Advance for Your Understanding.

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Re: oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: JenK ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:50PM

Nope, I never had an account. Honestly I thought the majority of the shit Gordon showed me on here was bullshit and never bothered, but since you insist that no one is registered so I did, JUST FOR YOU, buddy....and still, no trust.

And you're still on this CE shit? LOL, poor guy.

So, what you're saying is that unless someone comes to meet you, a psychopath who has had a school put on lockdown and the mobile crisis unit to your house, you will continue to attack innocent people by putting their names and photos on the internet as your suspect "Gordon"?

I just want to understand your rationale......

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Re: oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:55PM

No... if you have a rational suggestion, I'm all ears.

I've just asked that Gordon to identify himself to the police.

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Re: oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 07:58PM

Maybe I'll get to the bottom of this tonight.

I'm sincerely seeking the fastest and least invasive answer that I can come up with.

Again, I'm open to suggestions. If you have any ideas that address these concerns, please, let me know.

I've never been hidden. I don't understand the distrust, except that "I'm not trustworthy because Sandburg and Gordon say so". Again, I believe Gordon told Sandburg so. I'm still not sure if Sandburg really took the incident seriously. Were students evacuated?

Was it anything akin to me nearly being killed for protected free speech, when everyone knew my phone number?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Kevin Mitnick ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:00PM

2concerned Wrote:
> "Racist? Referring to an "American Family" is
> racist?"
> No, you referred to a white family as American.
> That was the only clue you seemed to notice.
> Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong, on many levels. But I've got a few minutes to play...

America is a land of many hues and races (I think the motto is "E Pluribus Unum", out of many, one), so if they are not all holding up their passports, it is difficult to ascertain their nationality. I do, however, notice several informative characteristics -- clues as you would have it.

First, in the backgroud is a christmas tree, and the family is dressed in winter clothing, though the clothing is not particulary heavy, suggesting a mild climate (if they were in ON or the prarie provinces, where temperatures hover in the -8C range, they'd be dressed more warmly). They are in the northern hemisphere, because Austrialians and Kiwis would be dressed in bathing suites for Christmas.

Another characteristic provides a strong locatization clue. The electrical receptacles on the wall are clearly of the U.S./Canadian style: 120V 50hz 3 phase with flat blade plugs. This type of power and wall jack is used in North America, some Carribean countries, Japan, and Liberia. The rest of the world, Europe, the Republics of the former Soviet Union, Asia, etc. all use 220V 60hz with round receptacles that accept plugs with two round prongs. Nothing like that is present here.

So that reduces our "problem domain" to North American (the others are eliminated primarily for acclimitized apparel and in the case of Japan, no Christmas celebration). Two likely areas remain, given the lightness of the clothing they where: the temperate southeast U.S., and the city of Vancouver and evirons. Now, given that the adult male in the family portrait bears a striking resembluence to the picture you have posted in your LinkedIn resume. It's possible but very unlikely you would keep a Canadian family 6000 kilometers away. Q.E.D. they are an American Familty. Skin color is not relevant.

Your reasoning seems rather puerile.

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Re: oh Jesus.............Jen has arrived.............
Posted by: JenK ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:04PM

Why the hell would he/she do that????

Gordon has done NOTHING....even IF and that's a huge streched out IF, now even IF Gordon pointed out the crap you posted to "Terry" you still posted it and you have admitted to it! Your posts got the police called to your home, if this forum had given "Gordon" that power, than you coulda gotten the police sent to "Gordon"'s home, but that's impossible with nothing but internet bs!

You put out your name, address, family photos,etc...you loosely threatened everyone who disagreed with you online and most likely off.


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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:22PM

Okay, Mrs. D.

Point made. Distorted, but made.

One more time?

I hope you’ll forgive me, and perhaps allow me to "start over". I’m hoping that any misguided actions on my part might make a bit more sense if you’ll allow me to explain what I now believe.

No, there was never a threat against Sandburg, at least not by me. I never wrote anything online that was threatening. Offensive to a few, yes, but threatening? Never. I’m a loving Father of two great kids, I run the local Cub Scout website, I run several charity websites… I truly try to be a productive member of the community, and I generally succeed.

What I now believe is that the entire situation might have been mischaracterized when it was reported to Mr. Yarborough. A woman online, under the handle “Gordon Blvd” took to slandering me not only on FairfaxUnderground.com, but on the “Fort Hunt Patch” as well, calling undue attention to me and my family, and generally seeming to enjoy making me “look crazy” at every turn. Her behavior clearly isn’t that of a responsible adult, and last night, she even seemingly confessed to a DWI. I believe she’s called the Police to investigate me at least twice, which left me more stressed – I was already over-tired, and missing my family badly. (My Son was in Iowa, competing in the OotM World Finals, representing VA. My Family was with him.)

At any rate, if I’m correct, it would explain so much. Why people stopped responding, and why two apparently competent professionals (Mr. Yarborough, and Mr. Ricker) completely misunderstood the context of my writings. There was a kitten with a gun, pointed at itself. I wrote about “career suicide” in that post. And no, I’m not proud of my “threat” to photoshop Mr. Yarborough. I didn’t do it. I won’t. By the time Police arrived, they thought I was estranged from family, unemployed, dangerous, and threatening children. There’s nothing in all the pages that I wrote which I believe would support such claims.

Could I please ask someone to respond, or give me a call? I’ve begun to suspect that many apologies are in order, but that I might be the one who should be giving them. If I’m correct, then it’s quite possible that everyone did act reasonably, given the information at hand. And, should that be the case, I’m more sorry than you’ll ever know, but that would also mean that I need to address the “anonymous” woman who seems to be obsessed with my Family – I think I’m allowed to be obsessed.

Regardless, please accept my apologies for what was at least rude and unsettling behavior and words. I have not even travelled in the direction of Sandburg since 5/19. I haven’t threatened to go there. Beyond extra-cirricular events, I never have, and probably never will be on those schoolgrounds. Should my suspicions be confirmed, I assure you that my apology will be as public as my offense. On the morning that Police arrived for an "investigation" that became the most frightening hours of my life, I’d posted at 4:00AM that I was too tired to leave the house that day. By 5:30, I’d posted that my methods were a dead end, I was getting nowhere, and I was going to begin a more subtle campaign to just find parents that might’ve seen part of what I did, that day at Sandburg.

Again, please contact me. If things are as I fear, then this woman essentially triggered a panic, and fed misinformation to people that – I swear to you – nearly cost me and my dog our lives.

And, Mr. Yarborough: if you’ve spoken with anyone on the phone claiming to be me, I assure you, that was not the case. I did speak with your office on one occasion, but not you.

Thanks in Advance for Your Understanding.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Cary, Please Help!!! ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:31PM

For the love of all things good & righteous, please disable this thread and put an end to the madness!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2confused ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:32PM

You're not fooling me 2concerned. Everyone knows that YOU are really Gordonblvd!
atheist, atheist, kramer, seinfeld, morals, ethics, morality, American Humanist Association, aha.jpg

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Joe Friday ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:39PM

2concerned Wrote:
> How many times have I tried to seal this thread?
> How many new threads has Gordon started in the
> General Forum today?
> Who is motivated by what?

Hi 2concerned. How are you?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Bill Gannon ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:41PM

Aw sheesh, you had to ask, didn't you, Sarge!

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:45PM

I'm 43, I think.

Don't spend much time thinking about it, actually.

Did you know that CE has a "cyber-security" guy in the family?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2confused ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:50PM

Joe Friday Wrote:
> Hi 2concerned. How are you?

He's still mad as a hatter I'm afraid.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Joe Friday ()
Date: June 05, 2012 08:51PM

2concerned Wrote:
> I'm 43, I think.
> Don't spend much time thinking about it,
> actually.
> Did you know that CE has a "cyber-security" guy in
> the family?

No, I did not know that.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Marge Gunderson ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:01PM

Oh geeze, someone's been lurking around St. Olaf's campus. Got the boys choir down at the Lutheran church all spooked too, ya know.

Say, Sgt. Friday, could you check on that 2concerned fella for us. His therapist tells me he needs to get back on his Seroquel.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Joe Friday ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:04PM

2concerned Wrote:
> I'm 43, I think.
> Don't spend much time thinking about it,
> actually.
> Did you know that CE has a "cyber-security" guy in
> the family?

43. Hmm. I just don't want you to be a 45A. That would hurt. You should go for a 53. Simple...no big deal.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Joe Friday ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:08PM

2concerned Wrote:
> I'm 43, I think.
> Don't spend much time thinking about it,
> actually.
> Did you know that CE has a "cyber-security" guy in
> the family?

Are you the point of a 43, or are you currently engaged in a 43 on your own?

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:10PM

@2confused - I couldnt be 2con if I tried................it's pathetic to realize that someone actually has less than a life than I do LoLz

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Interrogation ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:14PM

I have gained an interesting observation from all of this.

A few years back during the Bush administration there was all of this concern about extraordinary renditions and "enhanced interrogation techniques".

You see, these terrorist guys were so clever and so well trained that, even under duress they wouldn't reveal anything they knew -- so the CIA decided they had to torture them.

Now our friend 2concerned here... He's not so clever or well trained. Over the course of two weeks and nearly 1000 posts on FU, he's confessed to pretty much every action, thought and personal detail.

We know his name, address, how many children he has, where they go to school, his criminal history. We know he's unemployed, hasn't been sleeping at night -- in fact, we can see what hours he has been sleeping by looking at the voids in the posting logs here on this web site.

Now, Gordon Blvd, a.k.a. Caleb, on the other hand. She/He is more like the al Qaeda type. Much more clever. I'm thinking only "enhanced interrogation techniques" will reveal more about him/her.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:17PM

Heheh... Yeah, asshole. Pull his name back in.

And nobody sees that I'm the only one working for the right things.

No problem. I think I've got it now.

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Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: June 05, 2012 09:19PM

@Interrogation - not true - yr wife knows a LOT about me ;)

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