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high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BigNipples05 ()
Date: April 10, 2005 09:08AM

I am a former student of Westfield highschool and i am now homeschooled. This is due, partially, to the behavior and bullying i was suspect to at westfield highschool. They use high amounts of illegal drugs (often times even in school) and im not talking about just smoking a little pot every now and then. Im talkin the big stuff like cocain, special K, and one time, me and my friend Furgison and I saw two kids in the bathroom durring lunch shooting up heoroine. But the main reason I left is because of the massive ammounts of white students who have devoted their lives to attempt to make us believe that they are in fact black. GO BULLDOGS!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: jessica ()
Date: April 10, 2005 09:16AM

it's crazy the shit little rich kids get into now a days...i've heard of kids snorting lines in the bathroom at liberty middle.

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High drug activity at Every HS in the US
Posted by: ben ()
Date: April 10, 2005 10:07AM

C'mon, people have been doing drugs in high school since there have been high schools.

I don't doubt it's worse in some than others though.. especially when you have a bunch of idle rich kids. But most of them end up making their way to Mountainview anyway.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: April 10, 2005 04:22PM

why would you drop your friends name?
and lol is that really his name haha

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 10, 2005 04:58PM

Well with all this news, I'm formally inviting the Westfields senior class for a, um, pre, um, prom or SAT or something party at my house. I just hope they live up to this reputation.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: MrDoctor ()
Date: April 10, 2005 06:48PM

whre is westfield anyway

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 10, 2005 09:36PM

stonecroft blvd over in chantilly

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 10, 2005 09:42PM

yeah, it's pretty new. opened in 2000 or 2001 to take stress off of chantilly/centreville hs, and it's ALREADY overcrowded.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BigNipples05 ()
Date: April 10, 2005 10:01PM

the main point here is how everyone at westfield high school thinks theyre black...if theres one thing i hate, its wiggers and that is what makes up 96% of the student population of that damn school

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Fresh ()
Date: April 10, 2005 10:08PM

agreed. graduated as class of 03' at westfield. all the kids think theyre on some gangsta shit cause they smoke weed or cause they grew up in london towne.. ha ha ha

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: April 10, 2005 10:14PM

If you mean kids imitating rap stars, then I depart.. what's wrong with kids imitating rich, successful people? I WISH I was DMX or Dr Dre, and I can't even recall the last time I willingly listened to rap. Those guys are loaded and they're always banging hot bitches.

Not the high school kids' fault if that has been held up as the ideal. We need to provide a better example, but we don't want to, because those people are boring and the things they do are boring. Or they're like Stephen Hawking - the guy is interesting as hell but he can't fucking move or talk, so who the fuck would want to be him? He can't even smack his bitches around. Make him into MC Hawking - and holy shit, he's someone you want to be.

BTW drinking is dangerous - do drugs.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: erik ()
Date: April 11, 2005 07:54AM

Fresh Wrote:
...or cause they grew up in london towne.. ha ha ha

This...is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. The London Towne ghetto.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Shiteferbrainz ()
Date: April 11, 2005 04:36PM

Is your friend's 1st name Turd?

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Chicho ()
Date: April 11, 2005 06:41PM

Ha, you have big nipples.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: April 26, 2005 09:36PM

Yes, the one thing that I can't stand about Westfield is the fact that everyone there is so fucking white. I myself go there, and I am quite brown. But yeah, drugs are pretty common here...some kid offered me a blunt on the bus...said some kid just gave it to him. Wow.

I love my school, yet I hate it so much.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: April 26, 2005 09:51PM

j3rown -
A teacher got arrested at your school today for possession of a loaded gun on school property (in his car). Details in the Western Fairfax General forum, or just click:

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: April 27, 2005 03:41PM

haha yeah his name was Mr. Fudd...he wasn't a teacher, he was an SRO...this is really creepy.

So this is what allegedly happened. Apparently he somehow got a few chicks' cell numbers, and started calling them. They, or someone else notified the school, and the school searched his car. Intriguing.

Yeah, that's apparently what happened.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: DZK ()
Date: April 27, 2005 07:01PM

When you say "I hate white people who try to act black" - aren't you kinda saying "I hate how black people act?"


Maybe, more accurately, you just hate "superficial idiots."

So you can include the goths who dye their hair black so they can feel as tortured as Maynard. And those chicks who shop at the same high-priced stores as Paris Hilton. And just about every other person in high-school.


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: rtcpenguin ()
Date: April 29, 2005 05:03PM


Good luck!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: May 01, 2005 11:48AM

oh...haha I just remembered this.

I went to Rachel Carson Middle School, off of McLaren...it's a fairly new school. It's also a feeder school to Westfield HS.

The year after I left, there was this one 8th grade girl who started fucking kids and gave them herpes. She slept with so many kids that they had to send letters home to parents...haha that's so messed up.

We refer to it now as the "Carson Herpes Ring".

So I wouldn't be surprised if there is high drug activity at westfield. Some fucked up shit goes on.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Tina ()
Date: May 01, 2005 06:58PM

LOL....reminds me of this guy that got AIDS..he fucked a shitload of women and gave it to them because he felt that the reason he got AIDS was b/c god wanted to punish sluts.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Pbech ()
Date: May 01, 2005 10:38PM

Um.. yeah, weird.

Kinda reminds me of some girl who used to walk around Rocky Run and flash 8th grade boys.. And that was only about four years ago. My my how those young'ns have upped the ante.

to me, westfield kids are a bunch of shaggy haired skater E-heads who all look/dress/act the same...BUT to add on to Ben's statement.. all highschools are like that, i've heard such things at c-ville and witnessed such at tilly. oh this world we live in today ..

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look what I found
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 02, 2005 05:38PM

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: dan ()
Date: May 03, 2005 04:14PM

there's definately some serious problems...a friend of mine does shit in the middle of class all the fuckin time. he did a line of oxy while the teacher was showing a movie. he also dropped acid at one point in one of his classes. how he's not arrested/expelled/dead, i have no idea...and j3rown, that carson shit is fucked up...2 years after i'm out of there and god damn...turned the whole school into a shit box...not that it wasn't but...

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: May 03, 2005 09:17PM

I had a friend at Oakton who got expelled for sticking his scrotum around the rim of a teachers coffee cup.

I also had a a friend at Carson who sat in the back of science and masturbated.

...And I...I came into school this year dressed as Charmander.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: ben ()
Date: May 03, 2005 10:58PM

j3rown Wrote:
> I had a friend at Oakton who got expelled for
> sticking his scrotum around the rim of a teachers
> coffee cup.
> I also had a a friend at Carson who sat in the
> back of science and masturbated.
> ...And I...I came into school this year dressed as
> Charmander.


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: May 04, 2005 09:39PM

well I don't have any pictures, but many people have it on their cell phones, and I do believe some organization at the school has it on tape.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: unlucky ()
Date: May 05, 2005 07:50PM

j3rown, who the hell are you?

I want to punch you in your face and watch you cry for advocating the use of drugs. Yeah, you... Because of people like you, my friends got caught smokin.

One day, I'll get your drug-lord ass and teach you a lesson or two.

Like how to make Maggi Noodles and/or how to not do drugs.

Man, I got this bottle of mango juice here. I feel... FOBish...

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: May 05, 2005 08:47PM


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: May 05, 2005 09:07PM

not a clue man.
unlucky, who the hell are you?

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: unlucky ()
Date: May 05, 2005 10:36PM

I am who I am.

I am Unlucky.

I am Arun.

I am UnluckyArun... and now I will register here.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: UnluckyArun ()
Date: May 05, 2005 10:37PM

And now I am registered.

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unlucky and uneducated
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: May 06, 2005 10:32AM

I do not want to be offensive so I will say this: you are a fucking moron. You have said you are angry because he is "advocating the use of drugs," and that "... Because of people like you, my friends got caught smokin." I would like to point out that everyday I am bombarded by advertisements and spam yet I have the ability to do what I choose. I am not forced to buy every "natual male enhancement" product in order to impale women even though they say I should. So I think it's clear that your friend who was "caught smokin," is responsible for his own actions. I'm glad we could be civil. Now go fuck yourself.

unfairfax [at] adaptivetime [dot] com

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: j3rown ()
Date: May 09, 2005 09:18PM

hahaha I completely agree. Well put Gravis.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Mateo ()
Date: May 14, 2005 02:24PM

So when I'm not documenting Northern Virginia folklore I'm forced to do schoolwork....

One paper I wrote recently covered this topic of white urbanite bull crap. Excerpt here:


The effect of urban masculinity on suburban America is not a racial issue, but one of toughness. Many people wonder how it is that a white, middle-class high school student learns to identify with a rap artist, speaking and dressing in the same manner. The visual factor in play is race; however, it is not the driving force. What the young white male appreciates is the overt masculine traits he sees. Rap artists such as Crime Mob create lyrics about Italian gangsters while Wu-Tang Clan draws inspiration from imported Asian films. These artists recognize the roughness and professionalism (sophistication) of the Italian mafia as well as the comparable traits in Kung-Fu movies. This is not a question of race (the races are intertwined in these examples); it is an issue of behavior and personality traits that are not limited to a certain people. Advertisers are fully aware of this effect in minority culture. One need only consider the Sprite advertisements over the past several years to recognize this. Certainly these ads are not meant to appeal to an urban audience alone, but rather a male audience that respects masculinity. "Image is nothing, thirst is everything." Nothing could be further from the Coca-Cola company's philosphy. In fact, these images and representations influence many white males to identify an admirable standard in the minority norm, in contrast to Bordo’s argument of female normalization.


Isn't it odd that there is so much mafia imagery in rap nowadays? There are some interesting Asian influences as well. It's all about a deeper image....race gets dragged along.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: gotta story ()
Date: May 29, 2008 01:54AM

When I was in 8th grade, I copped some head from a 7th grader in the upstairs science bathroom at franklin middle. Good times good times

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: May 29, 2008 09:15AM

ha I used to be in a class right across the hall from that bathroom. I can totally picture it happening - they never patrolled the bathrooms when I went to franklin, and some crazy shit went on in there.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: monkeyman ()
Date: May 29, 2008 02:21PM

BigNipples05 Wrote:
> I am a former student of Westfield highschool and
> i am now homeschooled. This is due, partially, to
> the behavior and bullying i was suspect to at
> westfield highschool. They use high amounts of
> illegal drugs (often times even in school) and im
> not talking about just smoking a little pot every
> now and then. Im talkin the big stuff like
> cocain, special K, and one time, me and my friend
> Furgison and I saw two kids in the bathroom
> durring lunch shooting up heoroine. But the main
> reason I left is because of the massive ammounts
> of white students who have devoted their lives to
> attempt to make us believe that they are in fact
> black. GO BULLDOGS!


This is disturbing. You should definitely contact the police with this information on drug use at the school. They will maintain your confidentiality, so you don't have to worry about being ratted out as a squealer.

When confronted by police, users can point out the dealers. These are the ones who need to be put away for a long, long time, as they are the ones who are supplying people with those horrible poisons. Good luck with the home-schooling!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: paddy ()
Date: May 30, 2008 02:54AM

If you think the police dont already know about the drugs at Westfield you need to get out more. and do you honestly think users are gonna narc on the dealers? they'd rather take a possession charge and continue to use rather than get off free but have to search out another dealer.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: May 30, 2008 02:41PM

you'd be suprised. A lot of kids will bring down everyone they need to in order to get themselves off.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: juliant ()
Date: May 30, 2008 02:45PM


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: dw334 ()
Date: May 30, 2008 04:06PM

fcps has a drug problem!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: paddy ()
Date: May 30, 2008 06:09PM

not the people i know

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: theLEGEND ()
Date: May 30, 2008 09:48PM

I think the only drug a majority of the kids use is alcohol, weed, and adderall. Westfield, now that is a different story...

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: wimpyz ()
Date: March 12, 2009 06:33PM


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: ijijo ()
Date: March 22, 2009 01:00PM

the other day i witnessed someone BUY in class and USE in class too. and the teacher didn't notice. the kid next to him was drunk.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: old westfieldian ()
Date: March 22, 2009 01:34PM

when i went to westfield one time in english class i crushed up some perkaset and snorted half of that shit up then parashouted the rest during a movie. best english class ever!

and another time - my friend was crushing a perk or vicodin on his desk and a girl turned and looked at him and he quoted " look away and dont say anything" and the girl complied and didnt say a word!!

i love westfield keep up the drug use! marijuana should be legal! If Brett Farve used pain killers so can we, Drink as much as u can! SAY NO TO HEROINE, AND EXTOCY thats all that goes on at whs

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: MHS ()
Date: March 22, 2009 02:18PM

All high schools have drugs and sex, its the only reason me and my friends ever went!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: patricia ()
Date: March 25, 2009 06:39AM

Unfortunate about the drugs at Westfield. I think once the kids mature and realize how they are missing out on all that is good there, they would be alot better off. I knew some of the kids you are referring to and know they are great kids in their heart, They had been blinded by their gifts because they thought doing drugs would make life better, in fact it has made their lives worse. Bravo to you guys that have made better choices. I too am being home schooled next year because I don't want to go to Westfield, and I am an A student, I won't end up at Mountainview!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: whs student ()
Date: March 25, 2009 05:32PM


You don't want to go to WF'S because of the drugs? Not everyone does drugs. Do you know how to say NO, or will you learn that next year being home schooled. If you really are a A student, are you not smart enough to be able to attend a private school and make choices?????

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: whs student ()
Date: March 25, 2009 05:36PM


WF is a public school not private like I typed. Just thought I would correct this before everyone else does. But honeslty just say no you don't have to miss out and stay home

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: DICK ()
Date: March 25, 2009 07:59PM

hopefully nobody that doesnt go to westfield doesnt comment on this anymore cause they dont know shit. They mostly 40 year old men who have nothing better to do then yank their meat and comment on fairfax underground

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 25, 2009 08:35PM

DICK Wrote:
> hopefully nobody that doesnt go to westfield
> doesnt comment on this anymore cause they dont
> know shit. They mostly 40 year old men who have
> nothing better to do then yank their meat and
> comment on fairfax underground

"nobody that doesnt go to whs...."


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: F ()
Date: March 25, 2009 10:16PM

I'd be careful about pissing off Westfield folks. They tend to shoot to kill.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: citizen ()
Date: March 27, 2009 04:10PM


U are so full of shit. You act like Westfields is such a bad place. Everyone can mention all of the bad stuff that has happened but never the good stuff. Yeah there is been some screwed up kids but that could happen any where. The population is so large at WF's the chances are quite higher than a smaller school.
Have you ever seen anything postive mentioned about Westfield? How about the great Drama department, the athlete's the honor roll students? I could go on and on but nobody listens to postive things always the bad.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: F ()
Date: March 27, 2009 04:18PM


Anything you say. Please, just don't shoot up the place.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: SEW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 01:58AM


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: All HS are the same ()
Date: March 28, 2009 06:33AM

citizen Wrote:
> F-
> U are so full of shit. You act like Westfields is
> such a bad place. Everyone can mention all of the
> bad stuff that has happened but never the good
> stuff. Yeah there is been some screwed up kids but
> that could happen any where. The population is so
> large at WF's the chances are quite higher than a
> smaller school.
> Have you ever seen anything postive mentioned
> about Westfield? How about the great Drama
> department, the athlete's the honor roll students?
> I could go on and on but nobody listens to postive
> things always the bad.

WF is no different then any other HS in FCPS. They all have drugs, gangs and students who are having sex on school property.

The real problem is that FCPS staff looks the other way so that their numbers look good. If they do not report, thing look good.

Ask any student and they will tell you that all of the above is true.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Oh Really ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:01PM

Except most High Schools don't produce mass murders and heorin dealers with the frequency that Westfield does. It's a shitty school characterized by a culture of cruelty.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:09PM

Oh Really Wrote:
> Except most High Schools don't produce mass
> murders and heorin dealers with the frequency that
> Westfield does. It's a shitty school characterized
> by a culture of cruelty.

Where is the culture of cruelty?

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Oh Really ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:13PM

Embodied in Cho. Indeed, Westfield alum openly confessed to relentlessly bullying, mocking, tauting, and ridiculing Cho. Same with Kennedy. It's what drove them to become the Westyfield mass murdering duo. That school is a cesspool.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:22PM

Kennedy was Schizophrenia and had a family of mental problems.. dude was happy at WHS actually. When he left is when the problems arose. So that debunks 50% of your argument.
Cho was just one crazy ass mother fucking Asian dude. You said he was mocked.. i doubt that, he was a reserved quiet kid... did WHS alum mock him by sitting silent? Ask how many westfield kids think about Cho on a daily basis since it is embodied in their culture. I would say 0%.

stop with your antics

BTW its Westfield - but im sure that was a typo

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Oh Really ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:25PM

Sorry BobW, you must have not the read the newspapers at the time. It is an openly acknowleded that Cho was belittled ruthlessly by the heroin dealing thugs at Westfield. So you're phony posturing is utterly vitiated (look it up there Bobby boy.).

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:39PM

Yep the newspaper said it so it MUST be true. your SO right!!

... So one person out of Thousands, 10,000's since the years he's graduated equates to a whole culture of cruelty for a high school? answer that... i think not.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Oh Really ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:45PM

No, the newspaper quoted the students so it must be SO wrong!!! (no to mention they were also interviewed on Television as well, you ignorant grobian-look that up too puppy).

So one and only one High School in all the country has produced two mass murderers in the last three years (Westfield alum have slaughtered students, professors, policeman, janitors, etc. etc.). A culture of cruelty? I think so.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: sigmund freud ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:53PM

Oh Really Wrote:
> No, the newspaper quoted the students so it must
> be SO wrong!!! (no to mention they were also
> interviewed on Television as well, you ignorant
> grobian-look that up too puppy).
> So one and only one High School in all the country
> has produced two mass murderers in the last three
> years (Westfield alum have slaughtered students,
> professors, policeman, janitors, etc. etc.). A
> culture of cruelty? I think so.

Actually the torturing of students and public demeaning has stopped there as of '07. Most if not all the students are now volunteering their time for charity and regularly attending the church or their choice. No future serial killers are expected to emerge, only chantilly students driving drunk are to be feared at this time...

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 04:56PM

OK so let me get this straight. The newspaper(no name just the newspaper) quoted heroin drug dealing thugs??! Geez how did they get the heroin dealing thugs quoted, how did they know they were selling dope?! What Television show were they interviewed on? Did you take the time to watch all these interviews?

haha acting like i don't understand these "big intelligent" words... haha for real kitty-kat lighten up. you are wrong.

There was one mass murderer. He was at Vtech when it happened so that must mean Vtech students are going to become murderers also!
Michael Kennedy was not a "mass murderer." He was sick, and crazy, and killed two people. Stop speaking ignorance.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2009 04:58PM by BobW.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Special ops ()
Date: March 28, 2009 05:19PM

BobW Wrote:
> OK so let me get this straight. The newspaper(no
> name just the newspaper) quoted heroin drug
> dealing thugs??! Geez how did they get the heroin
> dealing thugs quoted, how did they know they were
> selling dope?! What Television show were they
> interviewed on? Did you take the time to watch all
> these interviews?
> haha acting like i don't understand these "big
> intelligent" words... haha for real kitty-kat
> lighten up. you are wrong.
> There was one mass murderer. He was at Vtech when
> it happened so that must mean Vtech students are
> going to become murderers also!
> Michael Kennedy was not a "mass murderer." He was
> sick, and crazy, and killed two people. Stop
> speaking ignorance.

Kennedy was going to keep killing until he was killed, Fortunately some cops with some balls helped him meet the devil before he had the opportunity to complete his plan, hopefully his piece of shit father is getting raped in jail every day,,

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 05:27PM

Hey im not trying to argue a case that what Kennedy did was OK, He killed a policemen and woman he deserved to be shot and killed. I heard stories that he thought they were aliens, and other crazy stuff to that effect. He really needed to be hospitalized in a mental institution. It was a tragic then and still is, Thank God other police members stepped up and shot him down.

His father was at fault for letting his son get ahold of deadly weapons, and also had them illegally. IDK how long his jail sentence is but it is where he belongs

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Oh Really ()
Date: March 28, 2009 05:38PM

"Actually the torturing of students and public demeaning has stopped there as of '07. Most if not all the students are now volunteering their time for charity and regularly attending the church or their choice. No future serial killers are expected to emerge, only chantilly students driving drunk are to be feared at this time..."

That's a very funny post.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Well ()
Date: March 28, 2009 08:26PM

Westfield is a school of mass-murderers, drugdealers, and hackers.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 08:29PM

Well Wrote:
> Westfield is a school of mass-murderers,
> drugdealers, and hackers.

hahaha hackers

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Student ()
Date: March 28, 2009 10:13PM

I go to Westfield and I am not a murderer, drug-user/dealer or a hacker. I will go on to a top notch school next year.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 10:23PM

Student Wrote:
> I go to Westfield and I am not a murderer,
> drug-user/dealer or a hacker. I will go on to a
> top notch school next year.

Heyo! you see that world!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Student ()
Date: March 28, 2009 10:27PM


I plan on helping the world, and proud to be a Bull Dog

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 28, 2009 11:08PM

hahah.. hellll ya!

thats some OG shit right there
rep yo hood young! 703!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: barf ()
Date: March 29, 2009 01:44PM

oh really, who are you?

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: yes really ()
Date: March 29, 2009 04:58PM

Oh Really Wrote:
> Sorry BobW, you must have not the read the
> newspapers at the time. It is an openly
> acknowleded that Cho was belittled ruthlessly by
> the heroin dealing thugs at Westfield. So you're
> phony posturing is utterly vitiated (look it up
> there Bobby boy.).

hahaha you do realize that cho had already graduated from westfield before any of the kids in trouble for heroin had even started going there yet. and no cho was not bullied. he was the quietest kid and there was almost no interaction with other students.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: no really ()
Date: March 29, 2009 06:23PM

hahaha you do realize that cho had not graduated from westfield before any of the kids in trouble for heroin had even started going there yet. and yes cho was bullied. he was the quietest kid and there was pyschologically tortured by the other westfield students.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: whs student 06 ()
Date: March 30, 2009 06:01PM

Oh Really shut the fuck up please stop speaking nonsense about things you have no connection with. you've never been to westfield in your life and you don't know shit about how things are there. the dude who shot up vtech didnt even talk to anybody there, i graduated in 06 and i have walked the same halls with this kid, nobody ever bullied him. what makes you think that a quiet, high academically-achieving asian kid would be the target of bullies? and on top of this i knew several of the kids who are now in trouble for heroin, none of whom i ever witnessed bully anyone. get your fucking facts stragiht before you try to come in and talk about shit you know nothing about. bitch ass

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: BobW ()
Date: March 30, 2009 06:03PM

amen brotha

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Oh Really ()
Date: March 30, 2009 08:25PM

Oh Really shut the fuck up please stop speaking nonsense about things you have no connection with asshole. you've never been to westfield in your life and you don't know shit about how things are there. the dude who shot up vtech was emtionally tortured by the murderous thugs at westfield. there, i graduated in 06 and i have walked the same halls with this kid, everybody always bullied him. what makes you think that a quiet, high academically-achieving asian kid would not be the target of bullies? and on top of this i knew several of the westfield darlings who are now in trouble for heroin, all of whom i always witnessed bully anyone. get your fucking facts stragiht before you try to come in and talk about shit you know nothing about. bitch ass punk.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Really ()
Date: March 30, 2009 08:26PM

WHS studen, shut the fuck up please stop speaking nonsense about things you have no connection with asshole. you've never been to westfield in your life and you don't know shit about how things are there. the dude who shot up vtech was emtionally tortured by the murderous thugs at westfield. there, i graduated in 06 and i have walked the same halls with this kid, everybody always bullied him. what makes you think that a quiet, high academically-achieving asian kid would not be the target of bullies? and on top of this i knew several of the westfield darlings who are now in trouble for heroin, all of whom i always witnessed bully anyone. get your fucking facts stragiht before you try to come in and talk about shit you know nothing about. bitch ass punk.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Card ()
Date: March 30, 2009 08:27PM

Amen brutha

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Jut ()
Date: March 30, 2009 08:29PM

Good call Oh Really. But be careful. Westfield kids are notoriously violent and murderoous.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: wondering ()
Date: March 30, 2009 09:57PM

I wonder what's become of BigNipples05 and his buddy Furgison in the nearly four years that has passed since he started this thread?

As far as bullying at WHS goes, you've gotta take his testimony with a grain of salt. If you really do have big nipples your bound to be a titty-twister target no matter what school you go to.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Cunt McGunt ()
Date: March 31, 2009 01:43PM

I remember my days in Westfield. We used to show off our pistols to eachother at the locker bay then whenever some nerdy white kid would try to get to his locker, wed grab his neck n put the pistols up to his face, make him shit his pants a lil, but not too much so that it wouldnt stink up the whole hallway. I remember when this one persian kid knocked out this one fag sean kashani and the punch was so strong it knocked down a locker row (true story). We used to take bong rips in the bathroom n take geebs out the stalls, using the water there. There were always black people fucking in the bathrooms, i couldnt take a piss without hearing some bitch scream. Wed take lines of coke off the doorknobs and desks n parachute then with exams. It was a good time.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: poke ()
Date: March 31, 2009 03:33PM

okay, now,....someone likes to make up stories now don't they. what a loser you are. why make up stuff about what happens at westfied. were you that much of a nobody that you have to act like you saw all that stuff in the bathrooms, showed a pistol off (like you would really have one), do lines of coke.....wtf.....quit making stuff up. you are such a loser and a nobody. get a life, get a job, do something with yourself besides play on the computer. you are wasting people time by writing stuff that you only wish could happen. big baby!

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Yo ()
Date: March 31, 2009 03:49PM

i remember once in A-hallway, some kid was carrying an MP5.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Cunty Mcgunty ()
Date: March 31, 2009 10:36PM

poke Wrote:
> okay, now,....someone likes to make up stories now
> don't they. what a loser you are. why make up
> stuff about what happens at westfied. were you
> that much of a nobody that you have to act like
> you saw all that stuff in the bathrooms, showed a
> pistol off (like you would really have one), do
> lines of coke.....wtf.....quit making stuff up.
> you are such a loser and a nobody. get a life,
> get a job, do something with yourself besides play
> on the computer. you are wasting people time by
> writing stuff that you only wish could happen.
> big baby!

If you were one of those people i put the gun up to or denied geeb hits out the toilet bowls, i apoligze. I was probably really methed out.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Cunty Mcgunty ()
Date: March 31, 2009 10:37PM

Yo Wrote:
> i remember once in A-hallway, some kid was
> carrying an MP5.

yah man i forgot my glock that day..

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Cunty Mcgunty ()
Date: March 31, 2009 10:41PM

I also remember how the druggies at every locker bay would offer an H&H on fridays. Now basically what this was, was a handjob and a heroine shootup to the cock while there were jackin you off. Now i gave myself my own H&Hs, but people told me how sometimes the druggies coke nail would scrape their cock and cause sever blood and thus boner loss. Really bad. However, the cock on that nail would numb the pain. We also had random locker that were empty and had nothing but guns n nades stahed in them just in case we had to shoot it out with the dons of the cartels, aka the administration. If you ever lowballed them on a drug deal, theyd take you to the batting cages n drill balls at your nuts. Real columbian shit went down.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Mhm ()
Date: April 01, 2009 01:25PM

HAHAHAHA this is most has made me laugh in quite a few ways....
And in others, think of old friends of mine at HF that used to do perc and shit right in class and they'd be all triple c's and the teacher wouldn't care. i can't believe this thread is still going, it's been 4 years.....ahahaha i really do wonder what happened to big nipples and his friend furgison.....wonder if homeschooling worked for big nips.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: KoreanThinkTank ()
Date: April 01, 2009 01:30PM

Children should be allowed to carry guns into their classrooms. That way if anyone (especially the teacher) says something retarded, the kid can blow the teacher's brains out. Plus, if a kid didn't like someone, the kid could just blow their head off as well. The kid would then be stationed to a juvenile detention center and that would be about it. No one would ever act up in front of children, or the kid's going to blow your freaking head off.


I carry a very,very heavy cross with a White Jesus nailed to it.

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Bulldog ()
Date: February 17, 2017 02:57PM

whazzzzzup kids.
I'm still in school.
Came back as your teacher. Still dealing...Go Bulldogs

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Blam ()
Date: February 17, 2017 03:03PM

Bulldog Wrote:
> whazzzzzup kids.
> I'm still in school.
> Came back as your teacher. Still dealing...Go
> Bulldogs

Thanks for reviving an 8 year old thread with a hilarious premise.

If this is shockingly true, then whatever. Fairfaxunderground feasts upon the souls of Overdosed Westfield Kids


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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Ashy Larry ()
Date: February 17, 2017 03:09PM

Bulldog Wrote:
> whazzzzzup kids.
> I'm still in school.
> Came back as your teacher. Still dealing...Go
> Bulldogs

Damn yo, this shit is fucked but it did just make me laugh pretty good

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Blam ()
Date: February 17, 2017 03:27PM



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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Ashy Larry ()
Date: February 17, 2017 03:31PM

Blam Wrote:

Fuck, your gifs are on point

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Re: high drug activity at Westfield HS
Posted by: Shit Gets Funnier ()
Date: February 17, 2017 03:36PM

Oh my! We mad bro?

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