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Paul VI High School
Posted by: Indentured Servant Tom ()
Date: January 30, 2011 03:20PM

I graduated from PVI in the 90's. I now have a step daughter whose about to start high school in the fall. I think she really wants to go to PVI. I'm a little reluctant because when I was there, the place was filled with spoiled rich kids, druggies and Nazi-like administrators. In particular, Fr. Lyle and assistant principal in charge of discipline (won't use her name) were real Gestapo types. There was also a super-tanned crossing guard/traffic director lady who was the biggest bitch in the world.

Anyway, what's the school reputation now? I don't think I want my daughter in that environment when we have a perfectly good public school down the road. Is it still filled with administrators on a power trip?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Janie M. ()
Date: January 30, 2011 04:46PM

I graduated after Fr. Lyle left. I heard all the stories. I loved PVI and still go back once in a while. I graduated from Mason and I think I've done OK in life. Your daughter will be fine. It's a great school!

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: jeez ()
Date: January 30, 2011 05:16PM

I imagine Paul VI admin has to be Nazi-like. The student body is mostly drug dealers expelled from FCPS.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Also an fcps parent ()
Date: January 30, 2011 06:36PM

jeez Wrote:
> I imagine Paul VI admin has to be Nazi-like. The
> student body is mostly drug dealers expelled from

Please, that's such an overstatement. No one should act like an authoritarian pig when dealing with teenagers. I remember when all that stuff with "Spielberg's nephew" duped the school and was having "relations" with students. Father Lyle showed himself to be to totally unfit to be a principal when all that happened.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Mr. Green ()
Date: January 31, 2011 12:01AM

I graduated from PVI a few years ago. Theres drug dealers in every high school nowadays and theres no getting away from it, its inevitable and all teens know that. However, being a student at Westfield prior to transferring to pVI, PVI doesnt even compare to the amount of "drug dealers" when talking about quantity. The downside is that there is a bit of a lack in hot chicks, as well as the fact that the school is like 50+ years old and is garbage. The upside is that the majority of students (VAST majority when comparing to public high schools in ffx county) are white. Also there arent that many douchebags.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: my my hey hey ()
Date: January 31, 2011 01:59AM

Boy that super tanned crossing guard was a sight weren't she. Think she moved away. I think lived in Old Post Estates or whatever its called nowadays and the family had a huge Xmas light display I think. Noticed the lights haven't been around for a couple of years and also haven't seen the super tanned crossing guard in a number of years

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the truth about PVI
Posted by: Engineering Major ()
Date: January 31, 2011 02:55AM

I graduated from PVI two years ago and if you put all the drug/nazi crap aside it's a really good school.
Overall their academic program is a lot better than the public schools near/in fairfax. The science and math depts. are pretty competetive with other schools. The honors and AP classes are a lot tougher than public schools' (ive been in both) and really prepare you for college. You get out what you put in.
As far as sports go, O'conell is some shit. (rival school)
PVI sports teams are unbeatable and the football/bball games get crazy!
All the sports teams though are pretty competetive and everyone supports them.

Also, I think they have a new priest, Fr. Jaffey. I've heard he's alright.

alumni advice:
-making friends is really easy, unless youre wierd... then its not...
-there are still Nazis. They're in the math hallway. Avoid it.Theyll try to write you up for stupid stuff like untucked shirt, no uniform belt, or big muscles, but just ignore them and walk past.
-ya there are druggies oh well, dont think theyll ever leave (they keep failing ha)
-not gonna lie the girls are sooo damn sexy, but you have a daughter...so...the guys are good lookin i guess?....
-youre gonna trip up the stairs some point while going there.
-the food isnt exactly an athletes pick so bagging is your best bet

all in all... O'conell sucks and PVI is a great school

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Indentured Servant Tom ()
Date: January 31, 2011 05:08AM

my my hey hey Wrote:
> Boy that super tanned crossing guard was a sight
> weren't she. Think she moved away. I think lived
> in Old Post Estates or whatever its called
> nowadays and the family had a huge Xmas light
> display I think. Noticed the lights haven't been
> around for a couple of years and also haven't
> seen the super tanned crossing guard in a number
> of years

She was terrible. Mean, ugly as all hell and used to drop tips on kids. Glad she's not there anymore.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: A Real Chinaman! ()
Date: January 31, 2011 06:20AM

How about Flint Hill? It is just a few miles up the road. Never hear much about that school.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: MamaMiaPapaPia ()
Date: January 31, 2011 08:08AM

A Real Chinaman! Wrote:
> How about Flint Hill? It is just a few miles up
> the road. Never hear much about that school.

Talk about spoiled brats who aren't that smart! FH takes the cake. P 6th is close behind.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: raah ()
Date: January 31, 2011 06:18PM

Off topic, but why does O'Connell suck? I also thought their sports teams were good?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Panthers ()
Date: January 31, 2011 06:33PM

Fr. Lyle was a corrupt piece of shit, but overall most of the teachers there really care. Most are there because they want to be, not because of the money.

PVI is a decent school. It cuts down on the amount of pieces of shit your kid will have to deal with growing up. While yes, there are some kids at PVI that are there because they got into trouble in FCPS, PVI doesn't put up with shit. PVI can expel someone much easier than FCPS.

Sports are mediocre. Nothing like they were back around 2000 when PVI won the WCAC football championship.

The percentage of kids that go on to real colleges after PVI is much higher than at FCPS and in turn, your kid will know a lot more professionals when they graduate college and be able to network better.

If you can afford it, send your kid.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: No religion ()
Date: January 31, 2011 06:40PM

So how much is religon emphasized at PVI. Do they teach real science or "intelligent design"? I would like to send my kids to a private school but can't stand the thought of them getting pressured to take all the indocrination.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Panthers ()
Date: January 31, 2011 07:09PM

It's a rather religious school. However, they take no offense to nonbelievers and are perfectly accepting of those who approach religion as just another thing to learn about.

If I recall correctly, you had to take 3 Catholic classes. They were taught in such a way that you could treat them as just a study of Catholicism. There were a few masses that you had to attend but it wasn't overly oppressive. There are crosses in almost every room.

I'm not Catholic nor am I particularly religious and I did just fine there.

No religion Wrote:
> So how much is religon emphasized at PVI. Do they
> teach real science or "intelligent design"? I
> would like to send my kids to a private school but
> can't stand the thought of them getting pressured
> to take all the indocrination.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Romney for Prez ()
Date: February 01, 2011 11:29AM

When I went there, it wasn't particularly religious either. The fathers who ran the place were basically low-IQ fascists and, ahem, "confused." They really didn't impose their religion too much, though. A class or two on religion, mostly how to be a good person crap, but we learned evolution, science, geology, the whole shmear. Catholics don't interpret the bible literally, as far as I know.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: ? Catholic School ()
Date: February 01, 2011 11:46AM

The question is, do you want a Catholic school or a private school? PVI is more a private school imho.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: FurfaxTownie ()
Date: February 02, 2011 11:04AM

My only knock on PVI is that its considered a college prep high school. The school seems to be more interested in becoming an elite institution such as Gonzaga or Georgetown prep. I see it with the little school buses they've purchased and decline in sports programs. Also, they also don't offer any trades classes such as shop, or auto. Which is a shame because not everyone wants to go to college and there are great careers in the service trades. Although you said you have a daughter so this probably doesn't concern you.

In the plus side its about 1200 students. Small for a high school in the this area but large when compared nationally. Its nice being able to know most of the people in your class by name and able to recognize most faces in the school as a whole.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: p6? ()
Date: February 02, 2011 02:08PM

Assuming my kid doesn't get into TJ, the next choice is Oakton (too big); Flint Hill (expensive for what you get from what I hear), and Paul VI. Does anyone know what kind of colleges the P 6th grads get into? Is the list at all impressive? Gotta bet Flint Hill from what I hear.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Romney for Prez ()
Date: February 02, 2011 02:31PM

p6? Wrote:
> Assuming my kid doesn't get into TJ, the next
> choice is Oakton (too big); Flint Hill (expensive
> for what you get from what I hear), and Paul VI.
> Does anyone know what kind of colleges the P 6th
> grads get into? Is the list at all impressive?
> Gotta bet Flint Hill from what I hear.

Most kids go local. I think half my class went to GMU. Not a great school, but not bad. The top kids in my class went to UVa. I think one kid got into Princeton and a couple to Georgetown. I went to college with some TJ kids, and they were faaaaar more impressive than any PVI people I knew. Their friends all went to Harvard, Stanford and MIT. Bottom line, if your kid gets into TJ, he should go. If not, PVI's not a bad option.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: paul vi panther ()
Date: February 03, 2011 03:42PM

I transferred from westfield to PVI and it was the best decision i've ever made. the classes are smaller, everyone is nicer and not everyone is spoiled.there are loads of kids who are at pvi on academic, athletic, etc. scholarships, almost ever school has their fair share of rich preps but paul vi isn't any worse than anywhere else. i graduated 2 years ago and am now at my dream college so i HIGHLY recommend sending your children there

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Former Student ()
Date: March 06, 2011 02:07AM

I went there during the height of the Abercrombie fad (97-01) when everyone wanted to show off how much money their parents would spend on clothes. You had many down to earth kids mixed in with the Cruel Intentions type crowd who looked down on people that they weren't friends with. The school was bacially 99% white, with a few black athletes that the school recruited for football and basketball. I used to hear ethnic jokes all the time because nobody was afraid of being overheard by somebody of that group. There were some really cool people that I still keep in touch with almost a decade later. The school itself has been an old piece of crap for years. I remember the computer lab being about a decade behind the times in terms of the computers being used. They treated the place like it was a prison, you'd have somebody all over your ass if you were walking in the halls during class or if you got up from your table at lunch. When it comes to the religious stuff, most kids were either Catholic or some form of Protestant. The religious classes were easy and were more like a study of the stuff rather than a sermon. Most science teacher senior year did waste a bunch of time talking about abortions and her opposition to them. I did have some great teachers that I still remember to this day.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Anur Botchie ()
Date: March 16, 2011 07:54PM

Former Student Wrote:
> I went there during the height of the Abercrombie
> fad (97-01) when everyone wanted to show off how
> much money their parents would spend on clothes.
> You had many down to earth kids mixed in with the
> Cruel Intentions type crowd who looked down on
> people that they weren't friends with. The school
> was bacially 99% white, with a few black athletes
> that the school recruited for football and
> basketball. I used to hear ethnic jokes all the
> time because nobody was afraid of being overheard
> by somebody of that group. There were some really
> cool people that I still keep in touch with almost
> a decade later. The school itself has been an old
> piece of crap for years. I remember the computer
> lab being about a decade behind the times in terms
> of the computers being used. They treated the
> place like it was a prison, you'd have somebody
> all over your ass if you were walking in the halls
> during class or if you got up from your table at
> lunch. When it comes to the religious stuff, most
> kids were either Catholic or some form of
> Protestant. The religious classes were easy and
> were more like a study of the stuff rather than a
> sermon. Most science teacher senior year did waste
> a bunch of time talking about abortions and her
> opposition to them. I did have some great teachers
> that I still remember to this day.

What about the science teacher who slept with the student? I think he was a biology teacher.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: altar boy ()
Date: March 16, 2011 09:22PM

Father Lylle was a fagscist. He was a nazi and he put his wrinkled penis in my tight little anus.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: localyokel ()
Date: March 18, 2011 12:37PM

altar boy Wrote:
> Father Lylle was a fagscist. He was a nazi and he
> put his wrinkled penis in my tight little anus.

but that ws many yers ago.
Can't P6 get past this perception-wise, is that still the perception of the school in these parts?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Tanned ()
Date: March 18, 2011 01:20PM

I went to school with the daughter of the tann crossing guard. They lived in fairfax city and she was a bitch. Most of there cars were monster trucks.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: uhho ()
Date: March 18, 2011 06:53PM

Tanned Wrote:
> I went to school with the daughter of the tann
> crossing guard. They lived in fairfax city and she
> was a bitch. Most of there cars were monster
> trucks.

wasn't she a, how you say, whore?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: PQuinn ()
Date: March 19, 2011 03:18PM

My kid got into TJ, but the second school on our list was PVI.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: mmoore ()
Date: March 19, 2011 04:19PM

Yeah, so my friend's daughter got jumped by wanna-be-gangster girls at Pope Paul Vi a few years ago. Bullying at lockers/in hallways, etc was big. This little girl was meak as a mouse, not even 4ft. 10in. tall - gymnast i think. Very upsetting for her family.
The other feedback I've heard is there are problem-kids who were kicked out of other DC area county schools have a harder time getting into private schools even when parents can afford the option.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: No way ()
Date: March 31, 2011 07:34PM

Well when I went there, the students found pictures of the religion teacher, who later became dean, making out with other men in a leather competition. Oh, I forgot about the 27 year old who said he was 16 and the nephew of Spielberg. Yes, wonderful school.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: c'mon ()
Date: April 01, 2011 12:55PM

No way Wrote:
> Well when I went there, the students found
> pictures of the religion teacher, who later became
> dean, making out with other men in a leather
> competition. Oh, I forgot about the 27 year old
> who said he was 16 and the nephew of Spielberg.
> Yes, wonderful school.

this was a long time ago. I am interestested in its current reputation if anyone knows, or has it been irreparabaly sullied by these two events?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Teh King ()
Date: April 01, 2011 01:29PM

A plain and simple unsubjective question? to ask:

What percentage of it's students go onto college and graduate in four years? Are they accepted to their first choice colleges and what are those choices?

"The three enemies of the people are hegemony, monogamy, and monotony."-Terence McKenna

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Althea Morose ()
Date: April 01, 2011 01:38PM

c'mon Wrote:
> No way Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Well when I went there, the students found
> > pictures of the religion teacher, who later
> became
> > dean, making out with other men in a leather
> > competition. Oh, I forgot about the 27 year
> old
> > who said he was 16 and the nephew of Spielberg.
> > Yes, wonderful school.
> this was a long time ago. I am interestested in
> its current reputation if anyone knows, or has it
> been irreparabaly sullied by these two events?

What about Lyle? That guy was a travesty. I also personally know of two other events more recent where male teachers...uh, became very closely involved with their female students. In other words, yes, the place still has its scumbags.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: No way ()
Date: April 01, 2011 04:12PM

Okay, that was not THAT long ago. I am not that old...haven't even had my 10 year reunion.

Fine, something more recent for you: This year the religion teacher became pregnant out of wedlock...that's real "christian" of her. Also, to piggyback on the last post. Yes, I believe it was 2 years ago or so the English teacher did become very "close" with the female students. He had to leave because of it. The place is still crappy!

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: April 01, 2011 06:59PM

I remember that story of the pedo who said he was Spielberg's cousin - It only came out in the light after some cop busted him doing a 3-some with a cpl of kids out in that park off of Walney Rd. Pretty weird......................

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Tyreese ()
Date: April 18, 2011 11:51PM

Wow, that's some misinformation right there.

First, it was Steven Spielberg's "nephew," not cousin.

Second, he was discovered when he stopped coming to school. The school called his "parents" and never reached anyone. Then they looked up contact information for DreamWorks SKG. The school called, hoping to reach Steven Speilberg and ultimately the immediate family of the "nephew."

A representative of Spielberg informed the school that Steven Spielberg didn't have a nephew or any other family in the Fairfax area. The school investigated and then went to police.

There never was a "3-some with a cpl of kids out in that park off Walney Rd."

Why are you talking things when you no nothing about them, Gordon?

Gordon Blvd Wrote:
> I remember that story of the pedo who said he was
> Spielberg's cousin - It only came out in the
> light after some cop busted him doing a 3-some
> with a cpl of kids out in that park off of Walney
> Rd. Pretty weird......................

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: oldstudent ()
Date: May 14, 2011 09:28PM

pvi was a pretty bad school. i wouldn't suggest you send your kids there if they're not religious, when i was there i thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head all the times i was rolling them. very pro life and homophobic. religion classes are required all throughout your time there - you don't get a break, always have to take one religion class per semester. there were very few likeable teachers there when i left. this school doesn't have much variety as far as students go...you were either a jock or an absolute freak. it wasn't hard work, even though it's a "college prep" school. the cafeteria is a joke, i'm pretty sure they didn't sell a single fruit or vegetable. the uniforms aren't bad either. they are extremely into their sports, though, and have literally nothing available for students who want to take an artsier route. they had theater and regular old "art class" but that's about it...i had to take photography and design classes on the side, when many other schools in the area offer them already. pvi had nothing like that.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: May 15, 2011 12:38PM

You have to take religion classes at a Catholic high school? Holy crap... what extremes that school goes to!!!1!!!1111!!!!!1111!1

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: oldstudent ()
Date: May 15, 2011 06:28PM

uh i was referring to the people that wanted to know how religious the school was/how many religion classes there were. calm your tits.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Current PVI Student ()
Date: February 18, 2012 12:28PM

PVI is a great school. Very safe. Very academic. Great sports. Only problems are they are a little too strict and bullying is a slight problem. I Highly recommend PVI. 97% of graduates go to college. BTW (to the person who said our sports suck): http://www.nbcwashington.com/video/#!/news/sports/Holloway-Revels-in-Buzzer-Beater/139100344

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Happy Parent ()
Date: February 18, 2012 03:23PM

We have a child who transferred from one of the elite fairfax county high schools to PVI. We have been so impressed with the academics and friendliness of all at PVI. If you cpompare the ratio of PVI students accepted to elite colleges(Ivy league, UVA W&M, MIT) you will find it to be the same or better than the fairfax schools. Classes are smaller. AP Calc 14 students vs 35. SAT/ACT scores are equal to or better than Fairfax elite schools, even though PVI puts their Options students into the calculation. Our child was a top student at the Fairfax school and continues to be at PVI. Some of these posts here are going on hear say or pre concieved notions and not facts from what we have seen up close and personal. Even their athletes have had a banner year from a college perspective, This year alone they have athletes going to the Naval Academny, W&M, Cornell, Hopkins, Duke.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Shamma ()
Date: February 18, 2012 05:38PM

Happy Parent Wrote:
> We have a child who transferred from one of the
> elite fairfax county high schools to PVI. We have
> been so impressed with the academics and
> friendliness of all at PVI. If you cpompare the
> ratio of PVI students accepted to elite
> colleges(Ivy league, UVA W&M, MIT) you will find
> it to be the same or better than the fairfax
> schools. Classes are smaller. AP Calc 14 students
> vs 35. SAT/ACT scores are equal to or better than
> Fairfax elite schools, even though PVI puts their
> Options students into the calculation. Our child
> was a top student at the Fairfax school and
> continues to be at PVI. Some of these posts here
> are going on hear say or pre concieved notions and
> not facts from what we have seen up close and
> personal. Even their athletes have had a banner
> year from a college perspective, This year alone
> they have athletes going to the Naval Academny,
> W&M, Cornell, Hopkins, Duke.

Where's your kid going?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: jello ()
Date: February 18, 2012 08:51PM

Going to Paul vi highschool was one of the worst experences of my life. There were a few amazing teachers that were there because they had a love for education. Those few teachers were always avaliable for extra help and support; Dr. Potter, Mr. pharo and Mr. Healy to name a few. Besides them I have nothing else good to say about that school. The so called "christian" teachers I had during my years there had a warped view on what it is to be a Christian. Most of my teaches were extremely offputting towards me becasue I carried different beliefs as they did and the fact that I am a proud lesbian did not help my case at all.

if you are thinking about sending your children there you need to do some research about all the scandals that they have so cleverly hidden over the years.

Last note, Mr. Opfer you are the biggest piece of shit alive. i have never in my life met someone so snarky and disguestingly proud of the way you treat people. By the way, everyone knows you are gay. Pull the stick outa your ass that I am sure you enjoyingly put up there yourself.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Dear jello ()
Date: February 18, 2012 08:59PM

Cry me a river. I am stuck in the FCPS. You have parents who can afford you a way out. Since you do not know the difffence you have nothing to compare it too. I know kids who go to your private school and it looks to be far superior. Plus you should have waited to come out till college. Who knows about ones true self in HS.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: fcps ()
Date: February 18, 2012 09:13PM

All the colleges mentioned above are the same schools that fcps kids go to. No difference. Hell, Oakton has a ton of kids going to top teir colleges. Even their football kids go to those schools. Citadel, hopkins, w&m, columbia, ect.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: jm sc ()
Date: February 19, 2012 03:28AM

Care to expand on these teachers, like mr. Opfer? I have a child attending in fall. Would like to know as much of the nitty gritty as possible. Yes I am nosy, no I don't care.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Jello ()
Date: February 19, 2012 08:39PM

Dear, Dear jello. your ignorance is astounding. I am so sorry that your family doesnt have the means for you to attend a private school but do not hate becasue mine can. Also I actually have attended FCPS so I do have somethings to compare to, and at least there, there wernt hatefull uptight religious assholes that made my highschool experence hell. On another point I know who I am and I am still living my life as a proud lesbian not that it is any of your buisness to comment on.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Pope Paul ()
Date: February 19, 2012 08:49PM

You could have made your life easier by staying in the closet in HS. Or you could have stayed in FCPS.

Now grow up. Nobody has had the perfect HS experience. Life is what you make it. Gay or not.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: jello ()
Date: February 19, 2012 09:01PM

jm sc,
like I said before, some and only some of the teachers there are excelent. Mr. Opfer is part of pvi's administration so you will be meeting him. The only reason he has a job there is because his mother has been working there for a very long time. If you do not agree with his views, watch out becasuse he will make your childs time there very difficult. I personally was once called into his office because I had been trying to switch out of a class, he started screaming at me when i told him it was the fifth time i had tried to reach him and pulled all of the office staff into the room to point out who i had talked to. Very unprofessional in any situation. After my parents heard about that, they called a meeting with all of my teachers and demanded that he be there as well. his excuse for the screaming was "i was not feeling well that day." He also began to call out my social performance and said that all I do in class was "flirt" with the boys and cause extreme interference in the class room. I am a lesbian and have known that since before I began HS, so it in anyones eyes was a bold face lie to save his owe ass. To sum it all up he is an ignorant asshole who should not have a job dealing with kids. I hope your child finds a very, very different experence when they attend. feel free to message again if you have any more questions.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: jello ()
Date: February 19, 2012 09:04PM

Pope Paul,
It is people like you that make religious people look ignorant. it is 2012, I know who i am and i am proud of it. I will never hide who i am to satisfy those who surround me.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Flaunting gayness ()
Date: February 19, 2012 09:34PM

Why do some gays need to flaunt it so bad? Your gay, we get it. We don't care. It is 2012 now get over yourself.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: ick ()
Date: February 19, 2012 09:46PM

send your kid here only if you want them to be a close minded douchebag! i got out early enough to save myself.

I had a history teacher there several years ago, can't remember her name. she was a very tanned older woman with blonde/grey hair. she was always dressed well. total republican asshole but not a bad teacher.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Another Former Student ()
Date: February 19, 2012 09:58PM

A friend of mine just posted the 10 year"reunion" pics from over the summer. Lets just say that 90% of the few people that attended were the douchebag stuck up types that the rest of us hated. The rest of us stayed away just like we did the 5th year reunion.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Let's hear more! ()
Date: February 19, 2012 10:29PM

I want to hear more stuff about this high school. My kids are going to be looking at schools eventually and it sounds like there are a lot of scandals there.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: more ()
Date: February 20, 2012 02:29AM

this school boasts about their catholic morals but all of the students are into sex and drugs by sophomore year. when i was a wee freshman i remember being shocked hearing about X girl giving X boy blowjobs on campus. no surprise those same girls would end up pregnant or std ridden later on in their HS years.

the student government aka "popularity council" is a pile of crap that allows the same people to be nominated each year. all you have to do is be a popular jock, probably on the lacrosse team because all the bball and football players are black and are segregated (by their own choice i guess) 80% of the time. so yeah, be on LAX and say to the people "my name is popular douchebag, vote 4 me." president of his/her class for all four years.

the lunch food is deplorable, it was totally common for someone's meal to be a bag of chips and a cup of greasy french fries - regular or curly fries! they had two freaking types of french fries. if you care about nutrition, tell your kids to pack their lunch. the only good thing i will say is that they ordered in subway sandwiches, smoothie king, dominos pizza, and chik fil a. but still what the fuck? they could at least throw a salad out on the lunch line once in a while.

forget about going to this school if you're athiest or any other religion than catholic. the required theology classes are taxing and take up an elective slot for those who would rather be doing other things. they claim to be a college prep school but i sure as hell wasn't prepped for anything.

i don't know. what else do people want to know? you will succeed in this school if you're a sexually active jock. even some of the teachers don't give a fuck about you unless you're on a team. don't send your kids here if they want to have a career in ANYTHING "alternative" - art, mechanics, computers, etc. last i heard, they demolished the photography darkroom and converted it into a storage closet for sports gear. lovely.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: forgot ()
Date: February 20, 2012 02:45AM


this woman worked for PVI "De Sales" department for some time. this is kind of like a study hall for kids that have mild learning disabilities - ADD or whatever. i always thought some of the kids in it just got a bullshit doctors note to be in this department - they got extended test times and pretty much whatever else they asked for.

anyways, to the story. the boy she had relations with allegedly went to PVI, he was in this De Sales program...she was his teacher. he might even still be a student here, i don't know the timeline well enough. i'd already been out of the paul vi loop.

here's this:


don't know much about this story, like i said i was out of the loop. but it wouldn't surprise me.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: What a unique situation... ()
Date: February 20, 2012 09:35AM

So a lot of people in this thread had a bad high school experience at Paul VI?

Well of course that must be the school's fault, because nobody at public school ever has a rough time in high school. Its all wine and roses.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Cathy Catholic ()
Date: February 20, 2012 04:03PM


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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: derp ()
Date: February 20, 2012 04:07PM

What a unique situation... Wrote:
> So a lot of people in this thread had a bad high
> school experience at Paul VI?
> Well of course that must be the school's fault,
> because nobody at public school ever has a rough
> time in high school. Its all wine and roses.

nobody has a good experience in HS. however, each HS is different, i think it's good for people to know some of the shit that goes down when PVI is in session. they like to act like they're a pristine catholic school with no faults during admissions.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: concerned ffx station ()
Date: February 26, 2012 01:25PM

Please tell me more. I want to know what all these scurrilous stories are about.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: regularguy ()
Date: February 26, 2012 06:45PM

derp Wrote:
> i think it's good for people to
> know some of the shit that goes down when PVI is
> in session. they like to act like they're a
> pristine catholic school with no faults during
> admissions.

I can't speak for others but as a student there many years ago I was giving parents a tour and was asked in front of the group if there was drug use there. I told him I had seen stuff before at parties that had kids from many different schools and wherever you go you are bound to find something if you look hard enough. I had never seen any evidence of it on school property. But having said that none of my friends at PVI were into drugs, and I would not have friends who were.

Was that an act? Honesty is not an "act," and no school official or employee ever told me to lie or sugarcoat anything, just to show parents around and answer whatever questions they had.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Memories.... ()
Date: February 27, 2012 09:55AM

I went to PVI in the late 90's and there wasn't much of an obvious drug problem.

There were plenty of users but not much happening on school property. Smoking in the bathroom was a much bigger problem. Eventually they propped open all of the men's room doors to try and stop it. A bit sexist if you ask me.

But I was told that 4-5 years before I got there (late 80's, early 90's) the drug problem was out of control. You could buy from several people in the parking lot before/after school. The dealers could cut the stuff right on their dashboard and the admins/teachers turned a blind eye.

My sophomore year was when Father Lyle took over the place. He hired some scary looking fat guy to be head of security and the parking lot became a police state. I remember one period they kept everyone in the classrooms they searched the lockers with drug-sniffing dogs. Does anyone remember that guy's name?

I haven't been back since I graduated and have no idea what it's like nowadays. But I heard it went downhill after the Oblates (spelling?) left the place.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: ocobb ()
Date: February 27, 2012 07:18PM

What was fr. lyle like? I heard some not so nice things.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: BrandonG.M.U. ()
Date: February 27, 2012 11:55PM

He tried to act like a baled version of the drill sarg. from Full Metal Jacket. He favored athletes to no end and kisses that fake Speilberg's ass, which ultimately got him shitcanned. That'll happen when you let a child predator in his late 20's into your school, pretending to be a 15 year old with a car and a full beard. He left after my junior year in 2000, and he was not missed.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: dsafdafs ()
Date: February 28, 2012 12:23AM

the fatass is mark collier. no talent hack

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Good riddance ()
Date: February 28, 2012 08:43AM

ocobb Wrote:
> What was fr. lyle like? I heard some not so nice
> things.

Like someone else said, he gave all the athletes special treatment.

He would have the star athletes transfer into his homeroom. At that point they were basically teflon. They didn't have to worry about things like detention, hall passes, getting to class on-time, parking tickets, or uniform violations.

Total BS.

To the rest of us he was basically a fascist dictator. I'm glad all that bad karma eventually caught up to the d-bag.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: public school few ()
Date: March 27, 2012 11:16PM

In response to Indentured Servant Tom,
I went to PVI 2007-2009, and I can honestly say it was not a great experience. First things first, you have to get used to the costs. When I went there tuition was around $1495 but I'm sure it has risen, although you do receive a slight discount if you have two or more children attending the school at the same time. The lunch choices are worse than public school, only Chik-Fil-A, Subway and Domino's, plus nachos, fries, and LOTS of sweets.

Second, the education definitely makes up for the cons. The college prep classes are really good, and you cannot even compare public school to PVI's work load. Another thing, the work load was INSANE. I took mainly all college prep courses and I never went to bed earlier than 1 AM. So just be prepared for a lot of work. The only down side with classes though is that there are no academy classes like auto mechanics, cosmetology, hvac, a REAL culinary program, animal science... The only "different" classes they had when I was there was photoshop and a measly home economics class where you made nachos in the microwave...

If your daughter was in public school for middle school, I recommend sending her to public school. I was in private school from kindergarden through sophomore year, and after that I switched out of PVI and transferred to a public school and it was the best decision I ever made.

A side note, the cliques are horrendous. Lunch time is the true time when you can observe all of the little cliques; asian, african american, popular, jocks, nerds, options, average kids...So just be prepared for that.

Just a few of the cons to be warned about: Mass once a month (as to be expected), religion teachers force you to go to confession, teachers are extremely anal if you're in the hallways during class time and if you do not have a hall way pass you are screwed. Also, skirt length. I used to hitch mine up but now they have random skirt checks which is ridiculous. Last thing, parking lot is ridiculous and people cannot drive!!! So be careful in there. To find a parking spot you have to get there at least at 7:20, or else you end up circling the lot like a hawk or making your own parking space.

I hope this helped with your daughter's decision about public vs private school; I hope she makes the right choice!

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: bump--- ()
Date: May 20, 2012 06:21PM


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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: PVI blows cock-ex student ()
Date: May 21, 2012 05:24PM

Paul VI was a horrible school. The social atmosphere was horrendous. I use to be an asshole and put wonderful kids down for no reason solely because i would look "cool"in front of the "popular" kids. I infiltrated the system and got head and had sex with some of the finest girls in all of Northern Virginia. Besides that, the school blew mad dick. Teachers were up your ass every second. I got detention too many times for "improper uniforms". It was cool tho because all my friends were rich and would buy an excessive amount of drugs and alcohol for us to entertain ourselves before and after school, during school events. We would sneak into dances and drown ourselves in alcohol. I will never go back to Paul VI ever again.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Ferris Bueller ()
Date: May 21, 2012 08:39PM

PVI blows cock-ex student Wrote:
> Paul VI was a horrible school. The social
> atmosphere was horrendous. I use to be an asshole
> and put wonderful kids down for no reason solely
> because i would look "cool"in front of the
> "popular" kids. I infiltrated the system and got
> head and had sex with some of the finest girls in
> all of Northern Virginia. Besides that, the school
> blew mad dick. Teachers were up your ass every
> second. I got detention too many times for
> "improper uniforms". It was cool tho because all
> my friends were rich and would buy an excessive
> amount of drugs and alcohol for us to entertain
> ourselves before and after school, during school
> events. We would sneak into dances and drown
> ourselves in alcohol. I will never go back to Paul
> VI ever again.

Thanks for chiming in, Spicoli!

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Mr. Buttonholer ()
Date: May 21, 2012 10:23PM

PVI blows cock-ex student Wrote:
> Paul VI was a horrible school. The social
> atmosphere was horrendous. I use to be an asshole
> and put wonderful kids down for no reason solely
> because i would look "cool"in front of the
> "popular" kids. I infiltrated the system and got
> head and had sex with some of the finest girls in
> all of Northern Virginia. Besides that, the school
> blew mad dick. Teachers were up your ass every
> second. I got detention too many times for
> "improper uniforms". It was cool tho because all
> my friends were rich and would buy an excessive
> amount of drugs and alcohol for us to entertain
> ourselves before and after school, during school
> events. We would sneak into dances and drown
> ourselves in alcohol. I will never go back to Paul
> VI ever again.

QFFT. Holy crap, it's like you and I were the same person.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: BB*X ()
Date: May 22, 2012 09:49AM

Did they look like this?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: pvi grad ()
Date: November 25, 2012 12:33AM

I love that I stumbled upon this. father lyle was the biggest asshole I have ever met, hands down. However, karma def caught up to him. He was busted several years ago impersonating a doctor in the military. Not sure what penalties he got for that, however, I can confirm that he left the priesthood and is now living as a openly gay man. He was such a piece of shit who got off embaressing students and making them feel worthless. He also would "page" (dating myself, we all had pagers then) good looking jocks at 11pm on a fri night...of course, we all now know why. His dogs name was "boy" too. Creepy much? hated that guy.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: lasshole ()
Date: November 25, 2012 12:25PM

hOly crap! I remember Father Lyle. Total closeted gay guy. Vindictive and weird. Had his jock crew and threw his weight around to take it out on students he didn't like. The other idiot teachers at the school were completely under his control. Spinelss freaks were too scared and too catholic to stand up to his abusive ways. I hope he rots, along with all those other pigs. other than that, the girls were pretty hot. hooked up alot and got fuckedup every weekend. pretty damn fun.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Lyle taught morality ()
Date: November 25, 2012 12:44PM

When I was there, Father Lyle taught morality. He also spent a lot of time in the weight room, even opening it up at night and on weekends for some of the football players and wrestlers.

Father Heet also seemed a little gay.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Apotheus ()
Date: November 25, 2012 03:11PM

I love PVI! The woman are great. The drugs are the finest. The black people, Ahh the black people are the best from all the land. Its a great place I must say.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: uh-huh ()
Date: November 25, 2012 06:38PM

It sounds like PVI can't hold a candle to our local public high schools... To answer your original question, I would recommend starting a thread on the other local schools as well. I would guess that the public school grads probably have a lot of positive comments about their HS experience. I just feel sorry for the parents of the above PVI students - paid so much tuition each month just for their kids to have such horridly bitter memories.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Uh, Huh? ()
Date: November 25, 2012 10:15PM

PVI academically is at least as good as the majority of FCPS schools. Hard to compare quantitatively, but if we went with Avg SAT score, PVI's is higher than 80-85% of HS in the county.

Evidently there was an issue with a previous principal - unfortunately you can run into that in any school/school system.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: pvigrad ()
Date: November 27, 2012 08:44AM

Funny that Tom Opfer is still there. He was a few years older than me in school and an enormous tool as a student. Doesn't suprise me at all that he's a power tripping administrator.

The soccer coach who had an affair with the student was around my age too, graduated 99 I think then went back to teach. Pvi has a serious problem with some screwed up teachers/administrators. Al Santora, wasn't that the leather wearing gay principal?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Paul 6th ()
Date: November 27, 2012 09:04AM

Those chicks don't dress like Catholic School Girls

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: pvigrad ()
Date: November 27, 2012 10:43AM

To answer the original question: PVI has a lot of baggage and a lot of assholes but wasn't the worst school in the world. Bottom line, if you are in a shitty school district like I was (Herndon) and you can afford it, it's probably worth it. However if you are in a good district like Langley, Oakton etc, definitely save your money.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: pvihistory ()
Date: December 01, 2012 09:50PM

Went to PVI and def. remember the tan crossing guard. Also I believe the security guy that was hired that turned the parking lot into "a police state" back in the late 90s was Mr. Nern.

As stated by other posters, PVI academics blow most other places out of the water. During my first year of college half of my dorm hall failed out and I found my first 2 semesters easier than my senior year at PVI. PVI does a great job preparing you for college.

From when I was there in the early 2000's I can tell you it was very cliquey. You had your "popular kids" your "average group" and your "techie nerds"

PVI's had its fair share of bad press but overall I wouldn't say it is a horrible school.

Question for the one poster - Where did you hear Fr. Lyle is no longer a priest and is now openly gay?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Only Rumors ()
Date: December 01, 2012 10:04PM

pvihistory Wrote:
> Went to PVI and def. remember the tan crossing
> guard. Also I believe the security guy that was
> hired that turned the parking lot into "a police
> state" back in the late 90s was Mr. Nern.
> As stated by other posters, PVI academics blow
> most other places out of the water. During my
> first year of college half of my dorm hall failed
> out and I found my first 2 semesters easier than
> my senior year at PVI. PVI does a great job
> preparing you for college.
> From when I was there in the early 2000's I can
> tell you it was very cliquey. You had your
> "popular kids" your "average group" and your
> "techie nerds"
> PVI's had its fair share of bad press but overall
> I wouldn't say it is a horrible school.
> Question for the one poster - Where did you hear
> Fr. Lyle is no longer a priest and is now openly
> gay?

He celebrated his 25th year as an Oblate in 2010.


He was also involved in some corruption regarding becoming a flight surgeon in order to transfer from the Navy Reserves to Active Duty.


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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: mixed up the links ()
Date: December 01, 2012 10:06PM

Only Rumors Wrote:
> He celebrated his 25th year as an Oblate in 2010.
> http://www.beliefnet.com/News/2002/12/Lawsuit-Char
> ges-Navy-Favored-Catholic-Chaplain.aspx
> He was also involved in some corruption regarding
> becoming a flight surgeon in order to transfer
> from the Navy Reserves to Active Duty.
> http://www.oblates.org/development/newsletter_wint
> er2011.pdf

ooops. That should be...

He celebrated his 25th year as an Oblate in 2010.


He was also involved in some corruption regarding becoming a flight surgeon in order to transfer from the Navy Reserves to Active Duty.


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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Take Responsibility ()
Date: February 05, 2013 10:15AM

High school is what you make of it. You hated going to PVI...you probably would have hated high school regardless of what high school you went to. PVI is a challenging and strict school. Many friendships formed there are solid. It helps to get connected to a club,sport or activity to get acquainted and feel comfortable. You complain about the rules, teachers and bullies? You will get those wherever you go. My observation is that it is probably less of a problem at PVI. Drugs are probably being used by some of the students, but not noticeable on school grounds and not any worse than any other private school. All of these complaints are a given for any high school dating back decades, including the bad teachers and administrators. Quit blaming others for your misery, find constructive solutions or help if you are still in high school and some of you just need to get over yourselves. If you are a graduate or former student "hater", then I hope you found happiness elsewhere. PVI holds students accountable and some students just don't care for that environment. In that case, your better off somewhere else.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: gregst ()
Date: February 05, 2013 12:58PM

Went there in the mid 90s. Aside from the required religion classes, about half of the classes started daily with a prayer. Biology was taught w/intelligent design before that term came about. I was a techie/theatre/metalhead, and yes Lyle looked down on us. Mr. D was a great drama/art teacher and was flaming, so I'm not sure about the anti-gay policy. Forgot about the burning cross(ing) guard! That chick almost CAUSED accidents!

In a certain math class, if you got the teacher off on rant about abortion, it would effectively end the class for the rest of the period. She'd spout off about how sex is ONLY for pro-creation and sometimes claimed to start speaking in tounges.

Drugs were easily attained. The girls were fun, especially in theatre. Overall had a lot of fun, regardless of the SS that stood outside their doors in-between classes to check if your shirt was un-tucked. Not sure how that would interfere with the brainwashing. Glad it only took a few college classes of Earth & Space science to reach the age of reason.

You guessed it, jocks were total douchebags to others. They left me alone because I was tall. I was happy when I found out one had become a used car salesman later in life. :)

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: pvialumni ()
Date: February 07, 2013 01:15AM

I graduated from Paul VI just last year, and think I should contribute to this rat infested forum with some quality feedback and information about my experiences to those serious about the discussion.

I now attend a top 50 National University (for the sake of privacy - I won't name the school because everybody will know who I am), but for the record, Paul VI is a good place. Sure, there may be some interesting characters at the school (like all schools) but it is a place that truly cares about its students and their well being as they prepare them for college life.

I was on the dean's list my first semester of college, and of course, it wasn't easy. I had to bust my ass in the library and really put my nose into my books to do well, however, PVI definitely molded me into a successful student. The teachers are all retired and are they because they want to be. They are not stuck up public school teachers who have quotas and a salary to maintain. They are paid peanuts and want to help their students do well both inside and outside of the classroom.

The classes are small, and each student gets personal attention from their teachers. They have tremendous sports programs, and if the student works hard, has a great chance they can continue on with their atheletics at the college level. They take care of basketball students who would either end up in jail or dropping out of school from some of the worst neighborhoods in the metropolitan area.

There is much to say about my experiences at Fordham, and while some of them were tough, I have no regrets attending high school there. They molded me into a hardworking, moral, and successful person and I can't thank them enough for it. I would highly recommend a parent send their child there (if it is safe financially) given that their public school is shit. If there public school is a school say, Langley, or maybe even James Madison, then your family should sit down and have a chat about options.

With PVI, you really can't go wrong, and if something does go wrong, you can always transfer out. Give it a chance, and I promise you will love it. Disregard the common complaints - boo who its hard, we have to wear uniforms, attend mass, get over it. If you can't handle that you can't handle college. So many of my friends dropped out in the beginning of freshman year (especially uncommitted bratty athletes) that thought the school was to hard or a pain in the ass. Those people are now going to nova or god knows where else. It is a great place to spend your years.

As for the man who said Tom Opfer is a tool, power obsessed administration, I hope you get tarred and feathered. He is the nicest man I have ever met, and he makes his students his number one priority. He was my math teacher, and in class he would laugh and teach us life lessons as we drew penises and vaginas on the board. He is the nicest most down to earth teacher you will ever meet. So giving him a bad name on this forum you should literally just go fuck yourself because you will never be half the man he is - dedicating his time and resources (he could be out with a much higher paying job) to help his students succeed. I would NOT be at a top 50 school if it wasn't for him. He looks out for his students and he genuinely cares about them.

Those are just my thoughts on my 4 years of high school (strictly academic) and like I said, I would give it a 5 star rating. They help, and WANT, you to succeed and will do everything in their power to make that happen. They teach you down to earth life lessons and make college a breeze. I got a B and C+ in english there, and received my first A in college as an example. They breed you into a moral, hardworking, contributor to society and the workforce (GIVEN YOU PUT THE WORK AND DO YOUR PART). All else being equal, if you dedicate yourself, and want to succeed in life, Paul VI makes that so easy.

Thanks to anybody who read this post with an open mind, and to those scum backs and losers who have nothing else but to write perverse and time wasting comments, I really have nothing to say but get a fucking life and take your shit somewhere else.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: jpvi ()
Date: February 08, 2013 02:31PM

I'm a grad from 1990... i couldn't tell you what's going on their today, because i lost touch with the last of the staff/students by the late 90's...

Believe me when i say this... there were drugs at PVI... but not as much as Robinson or Lake Braddock... and I never saw it in the halls or on campus (and I smoked pot from time to time back then).... Father Lyle was a miserable idiot... but he was held in check by Heath and he wasn't nearly as bad as people make him out to be.... at least I never heard of him doing anything.

My graduating class sent all but 3 people to a 4 year college (not all finished) but PVI gave everyone a great start. In fact several of my closet friends today are people i went to PVI with... go figure that out....

whether you send your kid there or not is totally up to you... i'd check the place out... but i know this... some of the public schools in my area are infested by gang activity and i'm pretty sure PVI is still immune from that...

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: grad123 ()
Date: February 08, 2013 04:32PM

For my friend the pagen! Lyle was a douche... and he definitely favored athletes... i always found it a little strange how much he dug the gym... i lost touch with all the weird politics of the school... why was Lyle kicked out?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Mr. Authority ()
Date: February 08, 2013 07:06PM

pvialumni Wrote:
> I graduated from Paul VI just last year, and think
> I should contribute to this rat infested forum
> with some quality feedback and information about
> my experiences to those serious about the
> discussion.
> I now attend a top 50 National University (for the
> sake of privacy - I won't name the school because
> everybody will know who I am), but for the record,
> Paul VI is a good place. Sure, there may be some
> interesting characters at the school (like all
> schools) but it is a place that truly cares about
> its students and their well being as they prepare
> them for college life.
> I was on the dean's list my first semester of
> college, and of course, it wasn't easy. I had to
> bust my ass in the library and really put my nose
> into my books to do well, however, PVI definitely
> molded me into a successful student. The teachers
> are all retired and are they because they want to
> be. They are not stuck up public school teachers
> who have quotas and a salary to maintain. They are
> paid peanuts and want to help their students do
> well both inside and outside of the classroom.
> The classes are small, and each student gets
> personal attention from their teachers. They have
> tremendous sports programs, and if the student
> works hard, has a great chance they can continue
> on with their atheletics at the college level.
> They take care of basketball students who would
> either end up in jail or dropping out of school
> from some of the worst neighborhoods in the
> metropolitan area.
> There is much to say about my experiences at
> Fordham, and while some of them were tough, I have
> no regrets attending high school there. They
> molded me into a hardworking, moral, and
> successful person and I can't thank them enough
> for it. I would highly recommend a parent send
> their child there (if it is safe financially)
> given that their public school is shit. If there
> public school is a school say, Langley, or maybe
> even James Madison, then your family should sit
> down and have a chat about options.
> With PVI, you really can't go wrong, and if
> something does go wrong, you can always transfer
> out. Give it a chance, and I promise you will love
> it. Disregard the common complaints - boo who its
> hard, we have to wear uniforms, attend mass, get
> over it. If you can't handle that you can't
> handle college. So many of my friends dropped out
> in the beginning of freshman year (especially
> uncommitted bratty athletes) that thought the
> school was to hard or a pain in the ass. Those
> people are now going to nova or god knows where
> else. It is a great place to spend your years.
> As for the man who said Tom Opfer is a tool, power
> obsessed administration, I hope you get tarred and
> feathered. He is the nicest man I have ever met,
> and he makes his students his number one priority.
> He was my math teacher, and in class he would
> laugh and teach us life lessons as we drew penises
> and vaginas on the board. He is the nicest most
> down to earth teacher you will ever meet. So
> giving him a bad name on this forum you should
> literally just go fuck yourself because you will
> never be half the man he is - dedicating his time
> and resources (he could be out with a much higher
> paying job) to help his students succeed. I would
> NOT be at a top 50 school if it wasn't for him. He
> looks out for his students and he genuinely cares
> about them.
> Those are just my thoughts on my 4 years of high
> school (strictly academic) and like I said, I
> would give it a 5 star rating. They help, and
> WANT, you to succeed and will do everything in
> their power to make that happen. They teach you
> down to earth life lessons and make college a
> breeze. I got a B and C+ in english there, and
> received my first A in college as an example. They
> breed you into a moral, hardworking, contributor
> to society and the workforce (GIVEN YOU PUT THE
> WORK AND DO YOUR PART). All else being equal, if
> you dedicate yourself, and want to succeed in
> life, Paul VI makes that so easy.
> Thanks to anybody who read this post with an open
> mind, and to those scum backs and losers who have
> nothing else but to write perverse and time
> wasting comments, I really have nothing to say but
> get a fucking life and take your shit somewhere
> else.

OK, you go to Fordham (as if anyone should be impressed with that), and you're a cake-eating, brown-nosing, weak little follower. Thank you for confirming that I will NEVER send my children there. Repeat after me: wahhhhhhaaaahhhhh, I'm a baby!

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: went tere for 2 yrs. ()
Date: February 10, 2013 10:38AM

gregst Wrote:
> Went there in the mid 90s. Aside from the required
> religion classes, about half of the classes
> started daily with a prayer. Biology was taught
> w/intelligent design before that term came about.
> I was a techie/theatre/metalhead, and yes Lyle
> looked down on us. Mr. D was a great drama/art
> teacher and was flaming, so I'm not sure about the
> anti-gay policy. Forgot about the burning
> cross(ing) guard! That chick almost CAUSED
> accidents!
> In a certain math class, if you got the teacher
> off on rant about abortion, it would effectively
> end the class for the rest of the period. She'd
> spout off about how sex is ONLY for pro-creation
> and sometimes claimed to start speaking in
> tounges.
> Drugs were easily attained. The girls were fun,
> especially in theatre. Overall had a lot of fun,
> regardless of the SS that stood outside their
> doors in-between classes to check if your shirt
> was un-tucked. Not sure how that would interfere
> with the brainwashing. Glad it only took a few
> college classes of Earth & Space science to reach
> the age of reason.
> You guessed it, jocks were total douchebags to
> others. They left me alone because I was tall. I
> was happy when I found out one had become a used
> car salesman later in life. :)

Do you ever know what happened to the head disciplinarian (won't use her name here)? I wasn't a fan at all. Very cold person.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: chopper i s a faggot ()
Date: February 11, 2013 01:00AM

Who was that date rapist Jew that was on the football team in the late 90s? He had some faggot nickname like "Chopper". What a faggot.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Spielbergo ()
Date: February 11, 2013 01:21AM

chopper i s a faggot Wrote:
> Who was that date rapist Jew that was on the
> football team in the late 90s? He had some faggot
> nickname like "Chopper". What a faggot.

haha, i remember him and that stupid boot he used to kick. He went on to become a roid raging asshole in college. Never heard the date rapist part of the story.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: dsf ()
Date: February 11, 2013 12:16PM

Wake Forest

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Class of 2001 ()
Date: February 11, 2013 04:44PM

Wasn't her name Brewer? She was pretty incompetent at her job.

When it comes to the Jewish kid,I know EXACTLY who you are talking about. His name is Josh (class of 2002) and he was in my home room. Guy always bitched and moaned about the smallest things. He'd then go on and on about how people didn't like him because he was a Jew, despite the fact that it was because he was so fucking annoying.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Take Responsibility ()
Date: February 12, 2013 12:09PM

pvialumni Wrote:
> I graduated from Paul VI just last year, and think
> I should contribute to this rat infested forum
> with some quality feedback and information about
> my experiences to those serious about the
> discussion.
> I now attend a top 50 National University (for the
> sake of privacy - I won't name the school because
> everybody will know who I am), but for the record,
> Paul VI is a good place. Sure, there may be some
> interesting characters at the school (like all
> schools) but it is a place that truly cares about
> its students and their well being as they prepare
> them for college life.
> I was on the dean's list my first semester of
> college, and of course, it wasn't easy. I had to
> bust my ass in the library and really put my nose
> into my books to do well, however, PVI definitely
> molded me into a successful student. The teachers
> are all retired and are they because they want to
> be. They are not stuck up public school teachers
> who have quotas and a salary to maintain. They are
> paid peanuts and want to help their students do
> well both inside and outside of the classroom.
> The classes are small, and each student gets
> personal attention from their teachers. They have
> tremendous sports programs, and if the student
> works hard, has a great chance they can continue
> on with their atheletics at the college level.
> They take care of basketball students who would
> either end up in jail or dropping out of school
> from some of the worst neighborhoods in the
> metropolitan area.
> There is much to say about my experiences at
> Fordham, and while some of them were tough, I have
> no regrets attending high school there. They
> molded me into a hardworking, moral, and
> successful person and I can't thank them enough
> for it. I would highly recommend a parent send
> their child there (if it is safe financially)
> given that their public school is shit. If there
> public school is a school say, Langley, or maybe
> even James Madison, then your family should sit
> down and have a chat about options.
> With PVI, you really can't go wrong, and if
> something does go wrong, you can always transfer
> out. Give it a chance, and I promise you will love
> it. Disregard the common complaints - boo who its
> hard, we have to wear uniforms, attend mass, get
> over it. If you can't handle that you can't
> handle college. So many of my friends dropped out
> in the beginning of freshman year (especially
> uncommitted bratty athletes) that thought the
> school was to hard or a pain in the ass. Those
> people are now going to nova or god knows where
> else. It is a great place to spend your years.
> As for the man who said Tom Opfer is a tool, power
> obsessed administration, I hope you get tarred and
> feathered. He is the nicest man I have ever met,
> and he makes his students his number one priority.
> He was my math teacher, and in class he would
> laugh and teach us life lessons as we drew penises
> and vaginas on the board. He is the nicest most
> down to earth teacher you will ever meet. So
> giving him a bad name on this forum you should
> literally just go fuck yourself because you will
> never be half the man he is - dedicating his time
> and resources (he could be out with a much higher
> paying job) to help his students succeed. I would
> NOT be at a top 50 school if it wasn't for him. He
> looks out for his students and he genuinely cares
> about them.
> Those are just my thoughts on my 4 years of high
> school (strictly academic) and like I said, I
> would give it a 5 star rating. They help, and
> WANT, you to succeed and will do everything in
> their power to make that happen. They teach you
> down to earth life lessons and make college a
> breeze. I got a B and C+ in english there, and
> received my first A in college as an example. They
> breed you into a moral, hardworking, contributor
> to society and the workforce (GIVEN YOU PUT THE
> WORK AND DO YOUR PART). All else being equal, if
> you dedicate yourself, and want to succeed in
> life, Paul VI makes that so easy.
> Thanks to anybody who read this post with an open
> mind, and to those scum backs and losers who have
> nothing else but to write perverse and time
> wasting comments, I really have nothing to say but
> get a fucking life and take your shit somewhere
> else.

Agree - Congratulations on your success and the success of your future.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Sam D. Eagle ()
Date: February 12, 2013 06:52PM

Take Responsibility, what should some people on this thread take responsibility for? I don't know anything about this school, but it seems to me that if it was staffed by awful people, the students shouldn't be "held responsbile" for that. How can they be? What teenager is able to take control of his/her life? Parents and teachers makea ll the decisions. You can't take responsibility if you have no control. I've been successful in life, but when vindictive a-holes took advantage of me in high school, I couldn't "take responsibility" for the results.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Sal ()
Date: February 13, 2013 02:43AM

Class of 2001 Wrote:
> Wasn't her name Brewer? She was pretty incompetent
> at her job.
> When it comes to the Jewish kid,I know EXACTLY who
> you are talking about. His name is Josh (class of
> 2002) and he was in my home room. Guy always
> bitched and moaned about the smallest things. He'd
> then go on and on about how people didn't like him
> because he was a Jew, despite the fact that it was
> because he was so fucking annoying.

I think you're referring to his little brother.

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: Best Drugs Worst School ()
Date: February 14, 2013 03:14PM

I went to PVI about 8 years ago for a year and what a clusterfuck that place was. McGroarty was the principal from hell who only cared about his football team and bussing drug dealers in from TC Williams to play for him and give them free tuition. At least that only increased the huge influx of drugs those rich kids could buy. and then theres all that drama with Father Specht being a child molester.... sweet baby moses

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: scared ()
Date: February 14, 2013 03:24PM

why wont you type her name? are you still scared?

Indentured Servant Tom Wrote:
> I graduated from PVI in the 90's. I now have a
> step daughter whose about to start high school in
> the fall. I think she really wants to go to PVI.
> I'm a little reluctant because when I was there,
> the place was filled with spoiled rich kids,
> druggies and Nazi-like administrators. In
> particular, Fr. Lyle and assistant principal in
> charge of discipline (won't use her name) were
> real Gestapo types. There was also a super-tanned
> crossing guard/traffic director lady who was the
> biggest bitch in the world.
> Anyway, what's the school reputation now? I don't
> think I want my daughter in that environment when
> we have a perfectly good public school down the
> road. Is it still filled with administrators on a
> power trip?

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Re: Paul VI High School
Posted by: sadtruth ()
Date: April 19, 2013 05:58PM

*Being Catholic and a Christian literally means nothing to this so called "Catholic School". They recruit athletes from whereever they can find them and no matter what their character may be (mostly non-catholics) and they bench very athletic catholic kids for non-catholic athletic kids on full scholarships that enjoy plenty of alcohol, drugs and special priviledges. These kids bring their "culture" with them and into the school while the so called caring admninistrators look the other way.
*By the end of first quarter of freshman year most of the kids are drinking and smoking weed and the administrators ignore it for the most part. Not many virgins to speak of in this school and the kids that are deemed popular are the kids drinking, smoking weed and having sex and multiple hook-ups on a regular basis. Many of the parents at the school actually openly serve minors alcohol.. and not all, but most at the whole school think they are untouchable. If you have your daugther go to this school, get prepared for enormous peer pressue to fit into this culture and a bunch of bullshit politics.
*A sad excuse for a Christian environment which is why my family left the school.
* Just google the recent "PVI sexting" story and you will have a good idea as to how your daughter will be treated and valued by this school.

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