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FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: dutchboy ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:07PM


I'm going to describe to you why I have an EXTREME distaste for the FCPD. I posted the reason in one other post but it needs to be known that a lot of police in the centreville and westfields area abuse their powers.

My fiance and I were followed about 2 miles by an officer kitzero (sp?) and one other officer. They finally pulled us over saying they saw pot smoke billowing out the windows when we don't smoke pot. So they proceed to yank, and I do mean Yank us out of the car for no legitimate reason and proceed to tear it apart to only find what? NO POT.

I know a few other people whom the SAME THING and SAME OFFICER was involved.

Please we understand your trying to do your jobs, but this is a bit much.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: stfu ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:16PM

The police at the Sully station are all great, professional officers. I did a ride along with them a couple months ago. I'm sure there is more to your story that you are not telling.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: dutchboy ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:20PM

No there isn't.

They pulled us over because we were "Driving intoxicated". They were RIDING OUR ASSES for 2 miles.

Stfu, if your so professional what kind of name is that?

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: stfu ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:22PM

dutchboy Wrote:
> No there isn't.
> They pulled us over because we were "Driving
> intoxicated". They were RIDING OUR ASSES for 2
> miles.
> Stfu, if your so professional what kind of name is
> that?

When did I say I was professional? I'm not a police officer.

If they suspected you of driving while intoxicated then that's probably why they were following you dumbass!

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: dutchboy ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:24PM

But we weren't and we were completely fine and obeying the law at the time.

it was not really nescesary to tear my car apart 5 times in search of something thats not there, and treat us the way they did like we were some hardened criminals.

I've only gotten one speeding ticket for christs sake!

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: dutchboy ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:32PM

I figured you wouldn't have anything to say stfu

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:43PM

How can you tell pot smoke from cigarette smoke billowing out of a car? Unless they had their heads ouT the window sniffing like dogs. Something is missing to this story.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Haha ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:43PM

Know the laws regarding illegal search and siezure.

Then you could have told them to "step off, I'm doin' the Hump" and proceed to do the Humpty Dance back to your car. And if flattening the tires of thier personal vehicles doesn't suit your fancy, then a lawsuit is well within your legal rights, if they indeed, "found nothing". Also make a complaint to "I.A."(internal affairs) and let them know your grievance you have with thier officer.(this sucks way more than a trip to the tire shop, an they hate it the most).

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Warhawk ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:44PM

Edit: damn iPhone showed me it didn't post the first time.

That's not a ladybug, that's a cannapiller.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/25/2010 05:45PM by Warhawk.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: IDK ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:47PM

If they suspected these individuals of driving while intoxicated why did the police not pull them over immediately. They could have crashed into something while they were followed for two miles. My grandfather one time got followed like this on his way up 95 the cop/pig said that he was driving erratic and he replied maybe because you were following me for the past five miles and I kept looking back to see if you were still following me. After this they detained him in the back of the cops car and brought the drug sniffing dogs out and found nothing but dog treats.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: dutchboy ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:51PM

I'm being serious thats the story.

and the same thing has happened to a few people I know. I can't vouge for their stories, but I can for mine.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: 001 ()
Date: February 25, 2010 06:21PM

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Mr Captcha ()
Date: February 25, 2010 06:23PM


Instead of coming on here and whining about this, you could always file a complaint against the officer. If he's doing it to so many people as you said, you should have everyone file separate complaints. It will be difficult for the IA Department to ignore so many similar stories about the same officer..

Here's the link on the FCPD website about how to go about filing a complaint.

You can even fill out your complaint online!

Let us know how the process goes. It appears you're pretty upset about this so I'm sure you're going to jump at this opportunity to turn the tables on the officer. After all, the cop is obviously an asshole and you didn't do anything wrong.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: ihatestupidpeople ()
Date: February 25, 2010 06:25PM

you shouldn't have allowed the police to search your car.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: OBIWANTURD ()
Date: February 25, 2010 09:18PM

Kitzerow? I think it means Douche Bag in Polish. Sully

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: not a pothead ()
Date: February 25, 2010 09:47PM

> Kitzerow? I think it means Douche Bag in Polish.
> Sully

Oh thats hilarious and so clever! Just so you cry babies know, there are a ton of drug issues out in that area so if you are driving like a retard and blowing smoke out the window, then the officers were doing their job and following up on a suspicion. If you give attitude, officers are going to give you the same in return. I agree and think if you were wronged, you should file a complaint. This is not the place to do it as that officer probably cannot defend himself due to your own privacy.

And there was no illegal search if you gave consent.

I am not a cop but work in the legal field.

And IDK, sorry to hear your GRANDPA is a drunk. Maybe he should grow up and not be an alcoholic and watch the weather channel like most grandpas do.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: system ()
Date: February 25, 2010 10:00PM

OR how about the ones that follow you out of a restaurant/bar parking lot after "happy hour" is over. Follow you for a minute or two, then pull you over for no reason at all. When you ask them why you were pulled over, they reply,"you swerved over the yellow line".

So they give me the "test". I intentionally make them repeat everything they say several times. Then when 3 more showed up, I got a bit nervous even though I had just 1 beer and it was over an hour and a half before I left.

So after I "blow" it comes up with .002 and they told me that I was free and to be safe. Also threw in that I could be charged if in an accident if it was .004.

Little did they know that my girl friend, a fellow officer, was behind me and the police car when I pulled out of the lot. See saw it all. EVEN WITH HER ON THE INSIDE, nothing happened to the officer after she reported the incident to command and stated that there was no reason to pull me over. She was able to look at the notes from the computer system and he requested backup because he thought I was getting aggressive.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: nik79 ()
Date: February 25, 2010 10:08PM

wow...sounds like your 'girlfriend' is abusing her privileges as an officer to look things up for friends...kind of sounds like something a former terrorist/officer did at fcpd and was fired for....get a cab drunkie. I hope your 'girlfriend' isn't still with the police since she obviously doesn't believe in the department and you are bashing them in front of everyone...would kind of make you a fool for dating her too....

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Inform ()
Date: February 25, 2010 11:27PM

I think FCPD should post complaints like they post the arrest/ticket information. Could I get a answer to why not?

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Searched ()
Date: February 25, 2010 11:42PM

About searching the car... An officer once asked me if I would mind if he took a look in my trunk. I told him I would mind since I had done nothing wrong. He then gave me a choice: let him look in the trunk now, or wait for two hours right here on the curb where he sat me until he obtained a warrant. I opened the trunk. He found nothing of interest. Left with a verbal warning to drive carefully so late at night. I never did figure out what he was looking for, and have been told often that the warrant threat was a bluff. It sure didn't feel like he was bluffing at the time.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: February 25, 2010 11:50PM

He was bluffing. "Am I being detained then?" is the proper response.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Cam ()
Date: February 25, 2010 11:56PM

Officers can obtain a search warrant with probable cause. In all honesty, if you have nothing to hide, let them search. Like you said - he checked, found nothing, sent you on your way. If they smell drugs or have some sort of suspicion - they can obtain a warrant to search your car. They can also bring dogs out to sniff. I have just always found it easier to just cooperate - things have always gone quicker for me (then again, I don't have a drug problem like many people who do hate the police)

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: good stuff ()
Date: February 26, 2010 01:56AM

Come on people lets get the good stories flowing of how people got busted or how you got out of a bad situation with the FCPD!!!

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: JohnisJohn ()
Date: February 26, 2010 02:21AM

I once got followed by an Arlington cop in the shirlington area. Me and bunch of friends just left this bar and were headed to DC when lighted us. The guy was real jerk, and was very rude and short with us. He asked if I was drinking and I told him NO. He asked for driver license from everyone in the car and my friends refused cuz what does he need them for? Next thing we now, there were 10 cop cars and state troopers blocking us. They had us all out the car sitting outside in that cold with cuffs and like criminals. The fuckers lectured us for freakin 1hr before they let us loose.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: i dont get it ()
Date: February 26, 2010 08:26AM

i dont get it... if everyone here who has a gripe against the cops for stopping you and you were totally innocent... why not just cooperate and be done, obviously after being a-holes to the cops and taking the long way round stuff you were still let go, just think how much quicker it wuld have been if you had just done what they asked. I personally have had no issues with cops searching my car... wait for it.... CAUSE I HAD NOTHING TO HIDE!!!

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: slochcuom ()
Date: February 26, 2010 08:29AM

Johnny Chocron, as soon as the blue lights come on you are beong detained, just follow the rules.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: sheriff Burrel ()
Date: February 26, 2010 08:34AM

system Wrote:
> OR how about the ones that follow you out of a
> restaurant/bar parking lot after "happy hour" is
> over. Follow you for a minute or two, then pull
> you over for no reason at all. When you ask them
> why you were pulled over, they reply,"you swerved
> over the yellow line".
> So they give me the "test". I intentionally make
> them repeat everything they say several times.
> Then when 3 more showed up, I got a bit nervous
> even though I had just 1 beer and it was over an
> hour and a half before I left.
> So after I "blow" it comes up with .002 and they
> told me that I was free and to be safe. Also
> threw in that I could be charged if in an accident
> if it was .004.
> Little did they know that my girl friend, a fellow
> officer, was behind me and the police car when I
> pulled out of the lot. See saw it all. EVEN WITH
> HER ON THE INSIDE, nothing happened to the officer
> after she reported the incident to command and
> stated that there was no reason to pull me over.
> She was able to look at the notes from the
> computer system and he requested backup because he
> thought I was getting aggressive.

Sorry,Walmart security guards dont have any weight in complaining on real cops.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: i know ()
Date: February 26, 2010 08:41AM

The guy above is talking shit, if his girlfriend was a cop why did she not get out and identify herself?

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: You need proof ()
Date: February 26, 2010 08:43AM

Get a cell phone that you can load Qik onto. http://qik.com/

Supported phones: http://qik.com/phones

Make it easy to get to and start up. Record all traffic stops. Qik uses streaming video so the video is immediately uploaded to your password protected site (doesn't just sit on your cell phone so it can be 'accidentally' erased at the station. Next time, have proof of what happened.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Date: February 26, 2010 09:02AM

Hey asshole, blue lights do not mean "you are being detained" it means there is a traffic stop in progress. Also "am I being detained" is the proper response because he said you would have to sit on the curb for two hours and wait for him to obtain a warrant. Also THOSE WITHOUT DRUG ADDICTION DO NOT LIKE THIER CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS TRAMPLED ANYMORE THAN DRUG USERS. YOU DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO NOT BE ILLEGALLY SEARCHED! The fact that you COPS cannot find a better argument than "IF YOU WEREN't a drug addict or had something to hide you wouldn't care" O REALLY? Well

#1. I care because it is my constitutional RIGHT to care.

#2. Also Imagine for a second that COPS ARE NOT PERFECT LITTLE ANGELS.
Also lets imagine some dirty cop has the hots for your wife, if you let him illegally search your car he can SET YOU UP WITH PLANTED EVIDENCE, even a HOT GUN he just took up off of Reggie from da hood. He could now legally SHOT AND KILL YOU AND SAY YOU HAD A GUN!


So do like I said,
Excercise your RIGHTS!
And BE imformed.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Stitch ()
Date: February 26, 2010 09:12AM

Great Arguments PEE-brains Wrote:
> Hey asshole, blue lights do not mean "you are
> being detained" it means there is a traffic stop
> in progress. Also "am I being detained" is the
> proper response because he said you would have to
> sit on the curb for two hours and wait for him to
> obtain a warrant. Also THOSE WITHOUT DRUG
> you COPS cannot find a better argument than "IF
> YOU WEREN't a drug addict or had something to hide
> you wouldn't care" O REALLY? Well
> #1. I care because it is my constitutional RIGHT
> to care.
> #2. Also Imagine for a second that COPS ARE NOT
> Also lets imagine some dirty cop has the hots
> for your wife, if you let him
> illegally search your car he can SET YOU UP WITH
> PLANTED EVIDENCE, even a HOT GUN he just took up
> off of Reggie from da hood. He could now legally
> This is a great example why we will NOT ALLOW
> So do like I said,
> Excercise your RIGHTS!
> Do it PROUDLY.
> And BE imformed.

hahaha you have been watching too much TV....this is Fairfax, not LA.

1 - I don't give a shit if a cop searches me because I have nothing to hide, thus if he wants to look in my purse, knock yourself out - he will just find a few tampons. Why would I care? If my boyfriend thinks I am cheating and wants to search my phone, he can if he wants! Got nothing to hide! You must not want the cops to find your stash of gay porn.

2 - Planting a gun? Seriously dude....there are hardly any homicides (and most are solved almost immediately anyways) so what hood are the cops stealing from? I am a republican, not a 'NEO-COMMUNIST LIBERAL DEMOCRAT' thus I support my police and my soldiers. Go back to Cali you Hippie!

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Hey A-Hole ()
Date: February 26, 2010 09:32AM

Hey Great Arguments PEE-brains legally speaking when you are pulled over by the police you are detained and it is an arrest. Every traffic ticket is an arrest, as in you sign it and are released. You are being detained when you get pulled over because...think about it moron...if see the blue lights behind you and dont stop then they chase your ass down.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: February 26, 2010 09:33AM

You have the right to remain silent, PEE-brains. Please exercise that right.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Duchess ()
Date: February 26, 2010 09:45AM

When I was younger, thinner and a lot hotter looking - I got stopped all the time. Now that I am old and gray - nada. I could probably drive like a bat out of hell while smoking and drinking and attract no FCPD attention.

But my kids have been stopped and searched several times, all for no reason - no ticket issed - nothing.

Someone I knew with a "successful" law enforcement career once told me when he was a patrolman, he stopped any car with a a minor violation - like a light out whatever. Chances were very high that he would find something substantial - like an outstanding warrant on the driver or drugs in the car.

This article copied below is from the Washington Times- and I totally agree with this excellant editorial.

DIAMOND: Demilitarizing local police
By Richard Diamond

Just over four years ago, Salvatore J. Culosi was gunned down by a Fairfax County, Va., SWAT team member who suspected the 37-year-old optometrist of wagering on football games. County officials insist that it was an accident when Officer Devall Bullock squeezed the trigger of his .45-caliber pistol, sending a bullet into the chest of the unarmed man. In 2007, the Culosi family sued Mr. Bullock and the county for financial and punitive damages related to the incident.

On Monday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 4th Circuit issued a technical decision that will allow the suit finally to go to trial, most likely in early summer. Lawyers on both sides had taken the gamble that appeals in the middle of lower court proceedings could resolve some of the weightier legal issues in advance. The three-judge federal appellate panel took a year to shoot down the idea, returning the matter to the lower court with the state of affairs essentially unchanged.

"Now it's going to move like lightning," said Bernard J. DiMuro, the Culosi family's lawyer. "This is one of the fastest courts in the country."

A decision, even a preliminary one, cannot come soon enough, as justice in this important case is long overdue. The thin blue line quickly closed ranks around Officer Bullock and shielded him from taking responsibility for his actions. Then-Commonwealth's Attorney Robert F. Horan Jr. refused to file involuntary-manslaughter charges. The punishment Mr. Bullock suffered for killing a non-threatening man with no criminal record was a three-week suspension without pay. While the Fairfax County police internal investigation admitted that the use of the SWAT team was "not necessary," the department can hardly succeed in its attempt to sweep fundamental problems under the rug with empty promises for "more oversight" and "enhanced training."

As former Cato Institute policy analyst Radley Balko meticulously documented in a 2006 paper, "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America," law enforcement agencies around the country have increased their use of military-style tactics to deal with low-risk situations. Mr. Balko mapped 43 specific examples in which use of the SWAT team led to the death of an innocent and 173 cases in which military-style tactics were used against people who, apparently unlike Dr. Culosi, had not broken any laws.

One of the highest-profile examples of this type of mistake was the 2008 raid on the home of Berwyn Heights, Md., Mayor Cheye Calvo. SWAT team officers gunned down Mr. Calvo's dogs, which were attempting to flee out of fear while Mr. Calvo and his family were held at gunpoint - even though they and the friendly black Labrador retrievers had done nothing wrong. The Prince George's County sheriff's department cleared itself, declaring the operation a success.

The choice to use overwhelming force in every situation - no matter the inherent risk level - is a tactic more appropriate to soldiers on an actual battlefield. The mentality has no place on public streets, where it places "officer safety" above the duty to protect the innocent. This impression is reinforced when the officers and officials behind the raids are not held to account when things go tragically wrong.

It would be unthinkable, were the situation reversed, for charges to be dropped against a driver who lost control of his vehicle and struck and killed a police officer on the side of the road. Such charges would be appropriate for a simple reason: The user of a potentially deadly implement has the responsibility to avoid situations in which control may be lost. As long as officers know they can do anything without facing strong consequences - neither Mr. Horan nor his successor has, as commonwealth's attorney, ever filed manslaughter charges against a police officer - responsibility is lost.

One sure-fire way to avoid the dangers of excess is for law enforcement to refocus its efforts on fighting real crime as opposed to soft targets like small-time gamblers. A state that runs lottery and liquor-store operations lacks the moral authority to criminalize a private bet on a sporting event. Surely Fairfax County Police would better serve the community by addressing the 834 burglaries that went unsolved last year than to play army and go after nonviolent persons whose only crime was to place their bets outside of the state's own lottery system.

A judgment in favor of the Culosi family could be the best thing for area law enforcement. It speaks the only language county bureaucrats understand. It hits them in the wallet. That could spur the needed adjustment in priorities away from the militarized attitudes and lack of accountability that fosters an "us versus them" divide between police and public. Such a change is needed for law enforcement to regain the trust and respect the profession once had in the community.

Richard Diamond is a senior editor for The Washington Times.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Okayyyyyy ()
Date: February 26, 2010 09:58AM

But what does that have anything in the world to do with this guy and his traffic stop. Something to think about Duchess. You dont like the police and thats a fine opinion to have, but when you post things that dont have anything to do with the topic or go way off the reservation your message is lost. All people will think about when they see your post is "here is another crazy post from Duchess again".

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Date: February 26, 2010 10:00AM

Hey Gonads & Strife,

Thats the BEST you could come up with?


Also once the stop has been made, you have asked what you have been pulled over for and the cop doesn't write you a ticket or let you go, THEN HE HAS TO ILLEGAY DETAIN YOU ASSHOLE FROM that point FORWARD.



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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: See what I mean ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:08AM

See what I mean...the above message is lost...not to mention wrong

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:09AM

Since when did someone need to have an argument to tell a person to stfu?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2010 10:09AM by Gonads & Strife.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: O, I understand ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:15AM

Okay so your saying your just....


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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Haha ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:17AM

Don't worry I won't hold my breath waiting for an
intelligable response to my posts.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:20AM

And if you REALLY want an argument... If your movement is restricted in any way by the police (or anybody else) you are being detained and/or under arrest. Those blue lights requiring you to stop = an arrest.

My old name on here is "i > u" --- do not question that statement.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:20AM

O, I understand Wrote:
> Okay so your saying your just....
> GAY.

your retarded ;)

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Duchess ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:21AM

Okayyyyy - I think getting killed by the cops is probably falling under the "abuse of power" subset. In fact, I think they have been blessed by the Commonwealth's Attorney's office to have a "license to kill".

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: You win.... ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:21AM

I give up.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Whatever... ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:35AM

Duchess I couldnt disagree more. The shooting of the eye doctor guy is horrible, wrong, and the officer should be punished. While that is my opinion and probably the opinion of others we dont get to make the decisions in this case. So pound your fist, stomp your feet and make keep on making those arguments that make you sound alittle more crazy then you probably are....

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Piggy ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:54AM

Culosi was also dealing drugs and still running an illegal gambling racket. Getting killed for this is a shame, but his killing was unintentional. The family is suing for wrongful death. If Culosi had minor kids they would have standing to sue. His parents do not. It the law of the Commonwealth, and the Commonwealth will prevail. If you ever get stopped by the police, you do not have to say anything.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Date: February 26, 2010 10:54AM

That was a great article from Richard Diamond, a senior editor for The Washington Times.

And if you "couldn't disagree more with Dutches" then why NO ARGUMENT other than STATING THE OBVIOUS and an ATTACK ON HER MENTAL SANITY?

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Ha ()
Date: February 26, 2010 10:59AM


Remain silent until they cross the line and violate your rights.
Then let them know, you know they have violated your rights.

It is your right, or you could just be a pussy and let them continue to illegaly
search your car or be illegally detained sitting on a cold curb with cars wizzing by.

Suit yourself.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: because ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:02AM

because as was stated earlier her posting of the article from the Post has nothing to do with this kid/guys traffic stop. The traffic stop is not an abuse of power. If the officer thinks he smells weed then he is by law allowed to stop the car, remove its occupants and search them and their car. Its the law. He didnt find anything and was wrong but the does not make it illegal. And she could have posted the article in the other threads that are for Mr. Culosi.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: butters ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:15AM

Ha Wrote:
> Piggy,
> Remain silent until they cross the line and
> violate your rights.
> Then let them know, you know they have violated
> your rights.
> It is your right, or you could just be a pussy and
> let them continue to illegaly
> search your car or be illegally detained sitting
> on a cold curb with cars wizzing by.
> Suit yourself.

Hey stupid! Its not illegal if you grant them consent...and they can detain you without arresting you...its not illegal. You act like a dick to the cops, they will f*** with you. So grow up and cooperate and it will go much smoother since you clearly don't know law and understand how things work in the grown up world.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: VEIK ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:18AM

"I know a few other people whom the SAME THING and SAME OFFICER was involved."

Um hmm


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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Ha ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:23AM

Really butters?

Goes to show what you know, I don't "have any problems with pigs" because I demand the SAME RESPECT I give and DON'T let them get away with thier bullshit when those situations arise. (in otherwords been there done that asshole)

oh and I am "grown up" and I do cooperate, were talking about when THEY BREAK THE LAW WITH AN ILLEGAL STOP, VEHICLE SEARCH, OR DETAINMNET.

So STFU already dipshit.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Duchess(aka Insane) ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:29AM

I followed the Culosi case pretty closely and never heard that DRUGS were involved. That is new! Is it true? I thought the warrant was for gambling.

My problem with this case (before they accidentally shot him - and I am sane enough to believe it was accidental) was they entrapped him into gambling beyond the legal limit.

To me, that is abuse of power and is not beyond crazy to be in this thread.

My general abuse problem with FCPD is that I think there are enough crooks out there for them to investigate without creating crooks. Maybe Dr. Culosi knew the legal limits or maybe he did not. I know ignorance of the law is no excuse and the Duchess does not gamble (except when I drive on the Beltway/Hot Lanes). The Detective who nailed him started off betting $50 or so on sport events and led him on. To me, that is entrapment because the Detective is just as guilty of high stakes gambling. Couldn't he find a high stakes game without creating one?

Even if Dr. Culosi left no dependents or children, his family still has some rights to sue for his accidental death. If you ran over him in a car for instance, your insurance would have settled (or tried to settle) a long time ago. FCPD does owe this family more than a huge apology, which they probably never got.

And, if I accidentally killed a customer while at work, I would expect to be fired.

And if this case had gone to court, it probably would have ultimately been dismissed. If they can let those Indian gold/house breaker thieves go free, why not Dr. Culosi? Instead, his name is smeared forever as a gambler and now a drug dealer.

Over and Out. Back to my home planet.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Sheriff Burrel ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:30AM

Great Arguments PEE-brains Wrote:
> Hey asshole, blue lights do not mean "you are
> being detained" it means there is a traffic stop
> in progress. Also "am I being detained" is the
> proper response because he said you would have to
> sit on the curb for two hours and wait for him to
> obtain a warrant. Also THOSE WITHOUT DRUG
> you COPS cannot find a better argument than "IF
> YOU WEREN't a drug addict or had something to hide
> you wouldn't care" O REALLY? Well
> #1. I care because it is my constitutional RIGHT
> to care.
> #2. Also Imagine for a second that COPS ARE NOT
> Also lets imagine some dirty cop has the hots
> for your wife, if you let him
> illegally search your car he can SET YOU UP WITH
> PLANTED EVIDENCE, even a HOT GUN he just took up
> off of Reggie from da hood. He could now legally
> This is a great example why we will NOT ALLOW
> So do like I said,
> Excercise your RIGHTS!
> Do it PROUDLY.
> And BE imformed.

Ah... yes asshole, blue lights do mean being detained, unless you think you can drive off anytime during the ticket writing process when it suits you. Please review your facts before answering with the GED. If you want exercise your rights , at least know what they really are , not what you saw on an episode of COPS.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Johnny Walker ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:43AM

butters Wrote:
and they can detain you without
> arresting you...its not illegal.

The judge that threw out my case would like a word.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: dsndskf ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:59AM

Johnny Walker Wrote:
> butters Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> and they can detain you without
> > arresting you...its not illegal.
> The judge that threw out my case would like a
> word.

Judges aren't always right either. The judge should probably review Terry v. Ohio. It's called an investigative detention. You can indeed be detained without being arrested.

This is from Connecticut state, however the same would apply here:


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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Toofers ()
Date: February 26, 2010 12:14PM

"Sherriff Burrel"

you mentioned GED, but apparently you had problems either reading what I wrote, or comprehending what was written. In either case your still a FUCK-WEASEL WANNABE RENTACOP.

Why don't you go drink a nice tall glass of stale urine now.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Fan of that officer ()
Date: February 26, 2010 01:26PM

I'm sure that you spelled that name incorrectly. I'm positive that he was not the officer that stopped you that night.Perhaps you were stoned and still are to mention a person by name when you are 100% in the wrong. That officer has not worked the street in over two years. When he did work the street he was and still is a highly regarded officer and respected by the Sully District citizens.Before you shoot your mouth off about somebody make sure you have your facts straight. By the way, I was arrested by that officer and I still stop and talk to him when I see him. If what you are accusing him of doing actually happened, maybe you should look into who really stopped you because I am positive it was not him. Sincerely, Back on the right track thanks to that officer.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Police HATER ()
Date: February 26, 2010 04:03PM

Dear Cop Lovers,, maybe you should check out the attached article about the police that murdered citizens during Hurricane Katrina and then tried to cover it up...

Maybe this article will give you the reality check that you need so that you believe that the cops are the good guys... If this doesnt do the trick, then maybe the murder of a former US Special Forces soldier by FCPS in Alexandria several months ago will provide that reality check to you. News Flash: FCPD lies on the stand. FCPD steals from people. FCPD uses excessive force. FCPD will "game" the system and try to illegally detain you, especially if they think you are not aware of your rights. And, for the record, the cops DONT prevent crime.. when your house is burglarized or your property vandalized or you have been assaulted, they show up to take a report and then tell you that "its likely that the perp wont be caught." So HOW exactly do they benefit the community????

FCPD officers are generally pissed at the world because they have to work crappy hours, deal with nasty people, and get paid a pittance for doing so. I have my MBA and make 150k per year.. those meatheads should have went to college and/or studied harder while in school..and maybe they could have avoided such a crappy career. Dear Cop: dont be hating on me because you make 35k per year and live in stafford and I have a nice house in Fairfax and drive a BMW... accept the fact that you are just a LOSER with a gun and badge.

And if you think FCPD is bad, you should have an encounter with the Ffax Sherriff's department. One of those knuckle-draggers wrote me a ticket one time and he could barely enunciate what he was stopping me for.... I mean, really.. who would want to wear BROWN POLYESTER every day and hang out at a jail????? FCPD looks professional when you compare them with Sherriff's dept.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: HAHAHAHHA ()
Date: February 26, 2010 04:16PM

Police HATER Wrote:
> Dear Cop Lovers,, maybe you should check out the
> attached article about the police that murdered
> citizens during Hurricane Katrina and then tried
> to cover it up...
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,587351,00.html
> Maybe this article will give you the reality check
> that you need so that you believe that the cops
> are the good guys... If this doesnt do the trick,
> then maybe the murder of a former US Special
> Forces soldier by FCPS in Alexandria several
> months ago will provide that reality check to you.
> News Flash: FCPD lies on the stand. FCPD steals
> from people. FCPD uses excessive force. FCPD will
> "game" the system and try to illegally detain you,
> especially if they think you are not aware of your
> rights. And, for the record, the cops DONT
> prevent crime.. when your house is burglarized or
> your property vandalized or you have been
> assaulted, they show up to take a report and then
> tell you that "its likely that the perp wont be
> caught." So HOW exactly do they benefit the
> community????
> FCPD officers are generally pissed at the world
> because they have to work crappy hours, deal with
> nasty people, and get paid a pittance for doing
> so. I have my MBA and make 150k per year.. those
> meatheads should have went to college and/or
> studied harder while in school..and maybe they
> could have avoided such a crappy career. Dear
> Cop: dont be hating on me because you make 35k per
> year and live in stafford and I have a nice house
> in Fairfax and drive a BMW... accept the fact that
> you are just a LOSER with a gun and badge.
> And if you think FCPD is bad, you should have an
> encounter with the Ffax Sherriff's department.
> One of those knuckle-draggers wrote me a ticket
> one time and he could barely enunciate what he was
> stopping me for.... I mean, really.. who would
> want to wear BROWN POLYESTER every day and hang
> out at a jail????? FCPD looks professional when
> you compare them with Sherriff's dept.

OMFG hahahaha are u for real? I wasn't aware the "FCPS" school board murdered a special forces guy last year? and if ur refering to that r 1 shooting wasnt the officer cleared? the fbi hasnt brought him in for charges, so i guess things were on the up and up? no not possible right, cause ur opinion = truth

your making a $150k and you only drive a BMW... really, who is the loser here? I think you should take a non profit job and switch to a prius... its what obama would do!

instead of whining and complaining about which you know nothing why dont you go back to you $150k job, ur transvestite hookers, and ur... BMW hahah, and leave all this scary cop talk to the grown ups ok. i say that because obviously you want to condemn all the cops in the world and have offered nothing in the way to fix the system. No cops? no problem! Lets see how long ur BMW and nice house last w/o the piggys to back you up.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Police HATER ()
Date: February 26, 2010 04:31PM

Dear HAHAHAHA (etcetera).. what the fuck kinda name is that??? But, I digress...

Take a non-profit job?? Drive a Prius??? I REALLY dont think so. I'll let you nigga-loving tree huggers fill that role.. I will continue to drive my BMW and live in my $1.5m home... and for the record, I dont need police protection as I have closed circuit cam capabilities.. My CCTV has you monitored as soon as you go past my mail box.. then I have my house wired out the wazoo with state of the art security equipment.. so ya cant get in a door or window without being detected... and if THAT doesnt work, i have 40 cal, 9mm, AR-15, and Mossberg 500 Rolling thunder shotgoun for those "up close and personal" situations..

And maybe when these fucking pigs stop you and illegally detain you one time, you will change your perspective, you fucking retard.. Enjoy your 40K per year non-profit job and your shitty car....

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Judge Stevens ()
Date: February 26, 2010 04:39PM

Maybe they didn't find any pot because you guys smoked all of it. Have a nice day.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Faggot Judges ()
Date: February 26, 2010 04:53PM

Hey "Judge" either that or you and your piglet flunkies smoked it after they stole it from a citizen during and illegal stop, search, and seizure.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Em22 ()
Date: February 26, 2010 06:03PM

Faggot Judges Wrote:
> Hey "Judge" either that or you and your piglet
> flunkies smoked it after they stole it from a
> citizen during and illegal stop, search, and
> seizure.

I wish you wouldn't be so jealous of those in a position of power. I know, you hate your life because you will never have authority, but do not take it out on those who do.

And not everyone is perfect, people make mistakes, but I will take the side of my government before any stupid high schooler that wants to cry on here about being popped for possession.

And, Officer Kitzerow was not the officer who stopped you as he is not even in patrol - it was a good attempt to drag his name through the mud, but you FAIL!

Keep disrespecting the police. I can't talk sense into any of you, likely because you are too drunk, but you will be the one who is f*cked in the ass in jail.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Date: February 26, 2010 06:12PM

Em22 wrote:
>Keep disrespecting the police. I can't talk sense into any of you, likely because you are too drunk, but you will be the one who is f*cked in the ass in jail.

That's why cops go into solitary confinement or "PC" because every motherfucker in that joint wants a piece of his ASS, including ME.



Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: reality checker ()
Date: February 26, 2010 06:18PM

Police HATER Wrote:
> Dear Cop Lovers,, maybe you should check out the
> attached article about the police that murdered
> citizens during Hurricane Katrina and then tried
> to cover it up...
> http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,587351,00.html
> Maybe this article will give you the reality check
> that you need so that you believe that the cops
> are the good guys... If this doesnt do the trick,
> then maybe the murder of a former US Special
> Forces soldier by FCPS in Alexandria several
> months ago will provide that reality check to you.
> News Flash: FCPD lies on the stand. FCPD steals
> from people. FCPD uses excessive force. FCPD will
> "game" the system and try to illegally detain you,
> especially if they think you are not aware of your
> rights. And, for the record, the cops DONT
> prevent crime.. when your house is burglarized or
> your property vandalized or you have been
> assaulted, they show up to take a report and then
> tell you that "its likely that the perp wont be
> caught." So HOW exactly do they benefit the
> community????
> FCPD officers are generally pissed at the world
> because they have to work crappy hours, deal with
> nasty people, and get paid a pittance for doing
> so. I have my MBA and make 150k per year.. those
> meatheads should have went to college and/or
> studied harder while in school..and maybe they
> could have avoided such a crappy career. Dear
> Cop: dont be hating on me because you make 35k per
> year and live in stafford and I have a nice house
> in Fairfax and drive a BMW... accept the fact that
> you are just a LOSER with a gun and badge.
> And if you think FCPD is bad, you should have an
> encounter with the Ffax Sherriff's department.
> One of those knuckle-draggers wrote me a ticket
> one time and he could barely enunciate what he was
> stopping me for.... I mean, really.. who would
> want to wear BROWN POLYESTER every day and hang
> out at a jail????? FCPD looks professional when
> you compare them with Sherriff's dept.

Wow, I really believe this was written by some pimple popper living in the parents basement, but ill play anyway, as a retired cop I never was pissed that I made whatever figure you quoted, I loved going to work every day, wish I could do it all over again, and got 100 thanks yous for every loser that complained about something.Most doing law enforcement are the same and dont chose it for the money, cause there aint none to be had. Like they said on Southland, its a front row seat to the best show in town.I doubt anybody would want to write a book about your lame ass life with your alledged BMW and $150,00 salary. My guess is your wife, friends, and family find you a boring pompous doucebag, next time your hiding in your big house because you hear a noise, call a crackhead, I would guess you would have more respect for them.Your mother has dinner ready, better run upstairs before it gets cold....

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Em ()
Date: February 26, 2010 06:25PM

Your such a fuckin' punkass bitch. Wrote:
> Em22 wrote:
> >Keep disrespecting the police. I can't talk sense
> into any of you, likely because you are too drunk,
> but you will be the one who is f*cked in the ass
> in jail.
> That's why cops go into solitary confinement or
> "PC" because every motherfucker in that joint
> wants a piece of his ASS, including ME.
> So don't talk shit to me and quote me when your

...nice name...clearly, you are uneducated due to you incorrect grammar. Your name should be 'you're such a fuckin punk ass bitch', not your. Your mother would be ashamed.

I promise you, I am no cop, however I just emailed a link to the police since you stated you want a piece of his ass, which is a direct quote, and a threat against a police officer's safety. They can easily obtain your personal information after a quick search warrant so I would not threaten anyone at all - police or not - because they can find out who you are and can charge you with threatening them and then you are in more trouble than before.

Never used drugs in my life either, but I appreciate you trying to sell them to me. That is also illegal.

Please, get an education and a job, like I did!

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Date: February 26, 2010 06:39PM

Your such a faggot, I only stated facts and a declaration " I would like a piece of his ass also(this hypothetical pig I was mentioning). No matter if it is true, which I asure you it is, NOT A THREAT.

But please continue to moonlight as the wanna-be pig you are, and sucking @ the tit of the Government and craddling the balls of the local police dept. while sucking thier imaginary internet dicks. Why don't you forward a copy of your cock while your at it, they are into acting like 12 and thirteen yearolds just like you like.

Stay GAY motherfucker and thanks for the Grammer lesson bitch.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Em ()
Date: February 26, 2010 07:11PM

Too late...already sent the email...good try though. It was a definite threat (and you sound gay...I can't believe you want a piece of his ass...). I have a serious problem when anyone threatens anyone else. Hate all you want, but you can't threaten people.

Cock? I am a female....and you're welcome for the GRAMMAR (not grammer) lesson...and spelling lesson. Stay in school kid!

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Sparky5 ()
Date: February 26, 2010 07:15PM

stfu Wrote:
> The police at the Sully station are all great,
> professional officers. I did a ride along with
> them a couple months ago. I'm sure there is more
> to your story that you are not telling.

How are you sure? You don't know. Stop trying to sound as if you know what everyone is thinking. Obvious troll is obvious.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: C' omon BITCH! ()
Date: February 26, 2010 07:24PM

Again thanx for the Grammer lesson bitch. I made made NO spelling MISTAKES WHORE (notice I even capitalized it knowing you WITH NO VALID POINT TO MAKE But if you did send(t) an email, I hope they are having as good a laugh at YOU as I am you filthy cunt. Because sadly, even NONE of those douchebags are as STUPID AS YOU.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: JayC ()
Date: February 26, 2010 07:41PM

hahaha you spelled grammar wrong dude - shes right - and you said you made no spelling mistakes, right after spelling grammar wrong.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: U Moran ()
Date: February 26, 2010 11:35PM

Re-read idiot, I said I even capitalized the word to show I was concious of my spelling, as in I MISSPELLED THE WERD ON PORPUSS ASSWIPE, to give the moron something to respond about because I knew the bitch had NOTHING INTELLIGABLE TO SAY REGARDING THE TOPIC. So I set her up. It seems you were just too dumb to understand this the first time I said it.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: who? ()
Date: February 27, 2010 12:15AM

I love it when cops say they get 100 thank you's in a day for every asshole. Only reason people say thank you is to suck up to the fluke speeding ticket they got that day.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: lawl ()
Date: February 27, 2010 03:11AM

That poor wife of the piggy probably felt like shit after getting flamed so hard :{

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: DB Central ()
Date: February 27, 2010 07:27AM

who? Wrote:
> I love it when cops say they get 100 thank you's
> in a day for every asshole. Only reason people
> say thank you is to suck up to the fluke speeding
> ticket they got that day.

Guess youve never had to save their choking child child or pull them out of a burning car to see what they say, But you probably can you say "do you want fries with that Big Mac?"

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: suggestion to dutchboy ()
Date: March 01, 2010 03:41PM

Hey dutchboy, Do you really want to find out who stopped you? Why don't you and your fiancee go to the Sully Station and ask to speak to Detective Kitzerow? Not only will you find that he was not the one that stopped you, he will probably assist you in finding out who did stop you. He is that kind of person. You are putting blame on someone that I am positive did not treat you that way. When and where did this supposedly happen? I have known that officer for many years and I know he would help you. You can call or go to that station any time during the day hours. Go and try it, Im positive you will be apologizing to him after you meet him. It sounds like you have both been wronged and he will work with you on fixing it.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Where do I put the ()
Date: March 01, 2010 05:22PM


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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: mr. Bear Says ()
Date: March 01, 2010 07:38PM

Just be glad they didn't shoot you both in the head. Officer Devall Bullock shot and killed my eye doctor, he was unarmed. Recently they shot and killed yet another UNARMED man that drove off after being suspected of stealing flowers. Both of the wrongful death cases will cost Fairfax County taxpayers millions to settle, yet both of these scumbag officers are still on our payroll. We still have the same incompetent asshole for a police chief that has refused to fire the shooters.

Dutchboy: I'm just glad I'm not reading about you & your fiance in the obituary section. With these shoot happy pricks you never know.

P.S. Buy a gun, carry it. You may need it to defend yourself against thugs.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Stitch ()
Date: March 01, 2010 08:11PM

mr. Bear Says Wrote:
> Just be glad they didn't shoot you both in the
> head. Officer Devall Bullock shot and killed my
> eye doctor, he was unarmed. Recently they shot and
> killed yet another UNARMED man that drove off
> after being suspected of stealing flowers. Both of
> the wrongful death cases will cost Fairfax County
> taxpayers millions to settle, yet both of these
> scumbag officers are still on our payroll. We
> still have the same incompetent asshole for a
> police chief that has refused to fire the
> shooters.
> Dutchboy: I'm just glad I'm not reading about you
> & your fiance in the obituary section. With these
> shoot happy pricks you never know.
> P.S. Buy a gun, carry it. You may need it to
> defend yourself against thugs.

If you only know rumors about what happened, you shouldn't run your mouth, because you obviously have no clue what happened.

Do you also talk shit about the military? Its so sad that police officers, firefighters, and soldiers put their lives on the line to protect people like you who want to cry about being stopped for pot. You have no clue what these officers go through - cleaning up puke from you dumbass drunks, being assaulted, carrying in a druggie who pissed and shit himself...seriously...I appreciate these officers. They were there during the snowstorm, they work holidays....I think that stupid punks should thank them.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: ebm ()
Date: March 01, 2010 08:13PM


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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: word ()
Date: March 01, 2010 09:26PM

I respect pigs, firefighters, and baby killers but never people who harm the innocent.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: no show ()
Date: March 02, 2010 09:41AM

Just found out that dutchboy never showed up at the station. I guess he knows he is wrong after all.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: sdfsdfsf ()
Date: March 02, 2010 11:01AM

Stitch Wrote:
.I appreciate these officers.
> They were there during the snowstorm, they work
> holidays....I think that stupid punks should thank
> them.

True, they "were there" during the snow, but it wasn't to help us, it was to write parking tickets.

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FUCK Chile
Posted by: The REAL Hater ()
Date: March 03, 2010 03:29PM

who gives a fuck about chile? let 'em rot, i say.. what the fuck did they do for the US? we should invade 'em and make them the 51st state.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: FUCK Chile
Posted by: Highlander ()
Date: March 03, 2010 03:56PM

The REAL Hater Wrote:
> who gives a fuck about chile? let 'em rot, i
> say.. what the fuck did they do for the US? we
> should invade 'em and make them the 51st state.

You fucking retard.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: March 03, 2010 04:58PM

what time of day was this?

Which station?

Can you give us a hint of who the officer was?

FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: dutchboy ()
Date: February 25, 2010 05:07PM


I'm going to describe to you why I have an EXTREME distaste for the FCPD. I posted the reason in one other post but it needs to be known that a lot of police in the centreville and westfields area abuse their powers.

My fiance and I were followed about 2 miles by an officer kitzero (sp?) and one other officer. They finally pulled us over saying they saw pot smoke billowing out the windows when we don't smoke pot. So they proceed to yank, and I do mean Yank us out of the car for no legitimate reason and proceed to tear it apart to only find what? NO POT.

I know a few other people whom the SAME THING and SAME OFFICER was involved.

Please we understand your trying to do your jobs, but this is a bit much.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: GMU Hokie ()
Date: March 03, 2010 05:01PM

I have been dealing with cops for a long time.

About 70% are hard working and honest.

The other 30% are like those you describe.

They make the general public hate the men and women of law enforcement.

They make things difficult for the hard working 70%.

Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Stitch ()
Date: March 01, 2010 08:11PM

mr. Bear Says Wrote:
> Just be glad they didn't shoot you both in the
> head. Officer Devall Bullock shot and killed my
> eye doctor, he was unarmed. Recently they shot and
> killed yet another UNARMED man that drove off
> after being suspected of stealing flowers. Both of
> the wrongful death cases will cost Fairfax County
> taxpayers millions to settle, yet both of these
> scumbag officers are still on our payroll. We
> still have the same incompetent asshole for a
> police chief that has refused to fire the
> shooters.
> Dutchboy: I'm just glad I'm not reading about you
> & your fiance in the obituary section. With these
> shoot happy pricks you never know.
> P.S. Buy a gun, carry it. You may need it to
> defend yourself against thugs.

If you only know rumors about what happened, you shouldn't run your mouth, because you obviously have no clue what happened.

Do you also talk shit about the military? Its so sad that police officers, firefighters, and soldiers put their lives on the line to protect people like you who want to cry about being stopped for pot. You have no clue what these officers go through - cleaning up puke from you dumbass drunks, being assaulted, carrying in a druggie who pissed and shit himself...seriously...I appreciate these officers. They were there during the snowstorm, they work holidays....I think that stupid punks should thank them.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: hmmmmm ()
Date: May 20, 2010 05:55PM

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Pulled Over ()
Date: May 20, 2010 08:20PM


This is a good series to watch.

Identify yourself when asked.
You always have the right to say nothing.
You always have the right to request the supervisor on duty.
Do not consent to car searches although police can look through windows and think they see something suspicious.
Once you ask for your lawyer the police must stop asking you questions.

on the other hand you can always sign up for the Fairfax County Citizens Police Academy: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/police/services/citizens-police-academy.htm
At least you'll see things from their perspective.

Always stick up for the constitution. Use it or lose it.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Reason ()
Date: May 24, 2010 06:50AM

Everyone here either loves or hates the police. There is very little middle-ground. Allow me to widen that gap by saying anyone who loves the police here is retarded. Anyone who hates the police here isn't retarded. Not to say that those who hate the police are intellectuals, but at the very least they're not retarded.

So a good fifty percent of you are retarded.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Duchess ()
Date: May 24, 2010 08:25AM

Pulled Over just gave everyone EXCELLANT legal advice.

If the cop tells you they have "probable cause" to search your car, tell them to get a warrant. That is a search stopper, because they DO have to have some albeit lame reason to ask for a warrant. They also have to have a 2nd cop present to do a search.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Wrong ()
Date: May 24, 2010 09:11AM

Duchess you are wrong. First off the officer doesnt need to get a warrant if they already have probable cause. There are 1000 reasons why they can search your car without a warrant. And second they do not need another officer to be present to do a search. They only do that for officer safety.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Right ()
Date: May 24, 2010 03:52PM

Every heard of Mapp Vs. Ohio Wrong? Any evidence illegally obtained will be ignored and neglected in the court of law. If some pig says they have probable cause for searching your car because you're looking sketch and they find your stash, that shit will be thrown out the window in court.

Fuck the 5-0. You get the Fourth Amendment before you roll in my car piggies.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: ZipIt ()
Date: May 25, 2010 04:46PM

Shut up fatty.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: bdimag ()
Date: May 25, 2010 04:52PM

dutchboy Wrote:
> it was not really nescesary to tear my car apart 5
> times in search of something thats not there

they can only tear your car apart once... everything else is just progress.

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Juxtaposition ()
Date: May 27, 2010 12:04PM

everybody act stupid and we'll call it a police academy

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: wright ()
Date: May 27, 2010 12:30PM

map vs ohio is for illegally obtained evidence, but a probable cause search IS legal, thats why the whole police search culture is built around consent and PC searches, once you give them the ok to search they can search til their hearts content or you tell them to stop. But if they can tell whomever, judge, supervisor, whoever, their PC and their reasoning behind it and search ur car based on that PC, the only way it'll be thrown out is if the judge finds their logic or reasoning behind that PC to be faulty, there is such a thing as the good faith rule in regards to PC searches that protects cops, look it up

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Student ()
Date: January 21, 2011 11:50PM

I'm writing a paper on the legitimacy of FCPD and would love to interview you and get your perspective. If you're interested please e-mail me. traeorx@hotmail.com

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Re: FCPD abuses their power.
Posted by: Penis ()
Date: January 22, 2011 12:20AM

The Police here suck ass. Its weird how in other areas Ive lived at the cops are not as douchy as FCPD.

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