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Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK ()
Date: September 03, 2006 11:37PM

Going northbound on 123, right after crossing the bridge from Prince William County, i was pulled over by Fairfax County Police for going 54 miles per hour. I expressed puzzlement and pointed to the "SPEED LIMIT 55 MPH" sign that was 10 feet in front of my car, and the officer informed me that i was actually in a 35mph zone...I accepted this as fact and took the ticket from him, and drove off down the road until i decided to make a U-Turn and go back into Prince William to find the Speed Limit Sign i had obviously missed.

This sign is cleverly hidden...i had to drive nearly 2000 yards into Prince William County to find the "SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH" sign, and even then it was partially concealed by trees.

Ive lived in Fairfax County for many years and have never received a ticket, nor have i been pulled over, and i am used to driving on 123 within the county at or around 50 MPH. So i was quite suprised to be ticketed.

Obviously this speed trap by fairfax county police is not in the interest of promoting safe driving...if it were, they would post a speed limit sign, actually inside of Fairfax County...NOT rely on the one in Prince william county that has leaves hanging over it. This seems to be a "ticket factory" to pay the bills...ive already begun looking into obtaining information regarding the Police Officer(s) who organized and planned this speed trap, and to find out the number of people who have been ticketed there over the past week.

I hope at this website i will be able to find at least several of the large number of people who also have been ticketed at this same place. and hopefully we will be able to work together to shed light on the questionable legality of such policing practices.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/03/2006 11:41PM by GallowayBK.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 04, 2006 04:41AM

"ive already begun looking into obtaining information regarding the Police Officer(s) who organized and planned this speed trap, and to find out the number of people who have been ticketed there over the past week."

You, sir, are a moron who needs to leave the cops alone and take his medicine like a man. Are you really dumb enough to think individual cops pick the speed trap locations? Further, it sounds like you are guilty of failing to pay proper attention to the posted signs, no matter what crap excuse you drum up. Good luck on the road to nowhere, lol.

Oh yes, forgot to mention there are virtually NO places the police pull people over around here for "promoting safety". Good luck incorporating that into your already lame argument.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/04/2006 04:42AM by RESton Peace.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 04, 2006 12:52PM

I think if the sign is in PW, then FCPD cannot pull you over b/c its not their jurisdiction. Im probably wrong.

NOw if the sign is obscured, then I think that is a fair argument in court. I was in NH pulled for going 50 on a 35 mph road. I said where was it posted. The cop didn't know. He said up the raod. I said I am just visiting and have never been here before. I can't know the speed limit if I haven't ever been on this road up to that sign, and it wasn't posted earlier on the road. The cop agreed and said I could probably win in court, but that would be a month later and I couldn't make it back to NH from VA at that time.

SO I would go to court and tell em you can't see the sign.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: bg10117 ()
Date: September 04, 2006 04:41PM

@ RESton Peace

first of all, you could really work on your reading comprehension.

....who do you think picks the places for speed traps if not police officers? god??

A Police officer's boss is still a police officer, but with a higer rank. and he probably is the guy that decides where to put speed traps. Furthermore you obviously are not aware of the circumstances of the speedtrap, so youre opinion on the matter is really irrelevant.

i also have been ticketed there and have been able to get into contact with several others; the speed trap is clearly taking advantage of an unclear traffic situation, where nearly everyone goes 55 because that is the only visible posted speed limit. If the police and county have the speed trap there to enforce safe driving, than why dont they just install a Speed Limit Sign?

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: September 04, 2006 06:19PM

Report the obscured speed limit sign to VDOT at 703-383-VDOT

They might do something about it.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 04, 2006 07:58PM

Whoa, Reston, as Meep would say, "you got pwned, LOL"

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: 345 ()
Date: September 04, 2006 08:46PM


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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 04, 2006 08:56PM

I travel 123 often and never saw that sign either.There are more than a few 55 mph signs on 123, does sound like a trap. If you have a cell phone camera or can go back with a digital one then take photos. You should go to court and see what happens. Most times the judge even if they find you guilty will reduce the amount because you took the time to contest it.
Regardless of what reston says good luck to you.

And yes the cops do pick the locations, it is called a fishing hole. Wait until the end of the month when quotas are due and watch for more aggresive ticket writing. It is what happens when the county turns law enforcement into a cash operation rather than a public safety one.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: gesoffen ()
Date: September 05, 2006 08:34AM

it is the counties reponsibility to clearly post speed limits and to post them at appropriate intervals if the speed limit doesn't clearly follow the 55mph (or 25mph residential, 35mph business) unless otherwise posted guidelines.

I travel over the bridge frequently enough and have noticed the lack of clear signage. Granted it is a construction zone but VDOT, FCDOT, and PWCDOT still have to mark the roads clearly.

Go back ASAP with your digicam and a google earth print (or map) and mark the locations of the signs on the map along with photos of the signs (better at the approximate time of day and similar weather conditions that you got your ticket). Also, make sure you get pics and location of the 55 mph signs so that you can cover your ass for going 54mph. Chances are you were going faster but the cops didn't want to write a reckless ticket because that means lawyers usually get involved. Eitherway, clocked at 54 mph goes in your favor showing due diligence in observing the 55mph speed limit that you thought was posted.

Bring this evidence with you along with the FC/VA statute that requires the county or state to clearly post speed limits. Also, research construction zone speed limit legislation (as there maybe some loopholes that favor the county) to keep in your back pocket (chances are the cop won't remember it was a CZ or even know any of the exceptions).

Make sure you get these pics and locations TODAY as the counties have been known to realize their "mistakes" within a few days of an aggressive enforcement campaign. This is especially true in a CZ where a sign could have been taken down, damaged, or obscurred during construction activities.

BTW - In court, if you did your homework and the facts support your case, plead NOT GUILTY. Don't plead guilty, guilty with explination or no contest - they'll all lead to a conviction.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: bpt3295 ()
Date: September 05, 2006 04:20PM

wait til' the end of the month for quotas.........LOL U sir, are very misinformed about that. There is definately no such thing as "Quotas" If you do not believe me, then just ask any cop about that.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 05, 2006 05:17PM

Aure any cop will tell you that, but there are bonuses for people who write the most.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 05, 2006 09:15PM

Call them what you want there are quotas. Tell me of some cop you know who works the street and never writes a single ticket. They can call them standards, goals or whatever but there are quotas.

You are the misinformed one if you think the county pays these cops to just sit around and not make money for the county.

You think the traffic court is filled because the cops like the extra work of writing tickets?

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: September 05, 2006 10:00PM

Call them what you will. I don't know what it's like for FFX cops, but a friend of mine from high school is a cop in PA, and they do have performance standards where he works. Not a quota, but their performance evaluations do address things like tickets. Granted, it's not a high-crime area, but if he works alot of shifts without writing tickets in the areas known for speeding, other cops on his force will, and he'll look like he's slacking off. If you write alot of tickets, you'll look like you are using your downtime time effectively, and it'll make your performance evaluation look that much better. Can't imagine it's any different here.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Long Arm of the Law ()
Date: September 06, 2006 09:19AM

Bad info. There are FOUR signs, clearly posted, the last of which is right on the bridge in Fairfax County. There are also 2 signs which mark it as a work zone, and a sign in ORANGE which clearly says that the maximum fine for speeding in a work zone is $500.

You ignore the road signs at your own peril. If the hundreds of orange barrels, cranes and GUYS WORKING aren't enough of a tip off that you are in a work zone, you are a safety risk on the road and DESERVE a ticket.

There are no quotas. We aren't directed to work there. We work there because you speed there. End of story.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 11:03AM

At the time i got the ticket there were no posted speed limit signs if you are coming from PRINCE WILLIAM county into FAIRFAX county. From FAIRFAX into PRINCE WILLIAM there are signs exactly as you described, but not so coming the oppostie direction. I have already taken several photographs of the area to use in court.

The area is no longer a work zone, there are no guys working there, and there are no cranes...the bridge is nearly completed with 2 lanes of northbound and 2 lanes of southbound traffic.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 11:04AM

i also will add that i was not ticketed or fined at all for anything involving a work zone, as i believe that area is no longer classified as one, i only received a normal speeding ticket.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 06, 2006 11:21AM

damn going all perry mason and shit

whatever happened to gathering like-minded individuals for some huge public outcry?

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 11:38AM

Heres a few photos and an overhead map ive scrounged together for the benefit of explaining what happened.

I have more pictures of the lack of signs on The prince william side and across the bridge in fairfax prior to the 55 sign, howeve most of them are still on my camera in fairfax, and ive gone back to college and wont be able to get them for a few weeks.

In the overhead google photo my route is in Green.

I will add that i was mistaken previously in stating there were no cranes presnt there. But they are rather hard to see as they are blocked by an embankment and trees. And i was paying more attention to driving than the scenery.

edit by Cary: Made thumbnails of (huge) originals. Click a picture for the original full-size version.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2007 04:36PM by Cary.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 06, 2006 02:13PM

got any pictures of actually going through the intersection and perhaps the first limit sign before it?

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2006 02:14PM by Gravis.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 04:38PM

i have a few yeah, but not on this computer. as i said earlier they are all on my home PC up in Fairfax. I attend college in Richmond.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Jester ()
Date: September 06, 2006 05:06PM

I'm playing Judge Judy here, but what if the Judge says:

"Since you were leaving an Apt complex that you had to of taken that opposite route to the Apt. Therefore you would of seen the THREE large posted signs for the area?"

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 06, 2006 06:23PM

The opposite route could have been coming from PW county/I-95

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 06:29PM

the road actually goes back alot farther, i was dropping off someone, its sort of a horseshoe shaped road with the other end of it also on 123 right near the I-95 exit.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 07:07PM

To the long arm of the law, tell me what would happen if for an entire year you did not write a ticket or make an arrest and you were assigned to a road unit.

The word quota is not used because it does not give a good image of police officers. Therefore they are called standards or goals. Different name same result.

Better yet an officer is assigned to a motorcycle traffic unit and conducts radar enforcement. He does not write a single ticket for months because he thinks it is better to just give out warnings. How long can that officer expect to be assigned to the radar patrol.

I am not a shill for speeding drivers but I know a quota when I see one.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: fd ()
Date: September 06, 2006 07:30PM

A quota implies a specific amount. Tim45, what line of work are you in? What would happen if you did nothing at work all day? Measuring performance and a quota are two very different things.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 10:25PM

maybe this will help you out, two honest cops get what is coming to them for in fact being honest

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 10:29PM

And before you point out that this is Falls Church if you think the same thing doesnt happen all over then you need to wake up.
I didnt say the cops did nothing all day, the point is tickets. You could answer calls all day but still not write a single ticket.
Meanwhile the rookie next to you trying to impress the supervisor by writing tickets all day.
Do you believe this will not be brought to the attention of the cop not writing tickets?

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: September 06, 2006 10:31PM

Most counties are not responsible for setting speed limits or anything else related to roads. It's all VDOT, except those few counties that maintain their own roads (there's only one or two that I can recall and neither Fairfax nor PW do).

Cities and towns maintain their own roads and set their own speed limits.

I take that back--apparently counties are responsible for street name signs.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 07, 2006 02:20AM

technically, if cops dont pull over EVERYONE that is going over the limit (even just a little), they are not enforcing the law. it's clear that they dont do this because it would piss off everyone back traffic up all the time then heads would roll and limits would be changed. the next thing you know, they loose their cash crop. i despise this "status quo" of bullshit. everyone knows it's crap but nobody can find a way to or be willing to change it. i know if everyone started going the limit, they would start ticketing for one over the limit.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: sqiqqy ()
Date: September 07, 2006 08:44PM

Yo GallowayBK1 - open your eyes, or at least spend more time paying attention to the road and less time on old maps - THERE IS A SPEED LIMIT 35 SIGN on the bridge itself! It is on the NB side of the road, just past the 1/2way point of the bridge - how can you miss it? what's a matter, signs look different in Richmond than they do in Fairfax? BTW, I was told to check out this site - you certainly do provide entertainment for the masses with your stupidity. Good luck in court!

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 07, 2006 10:00PM

sqiqqy Wrote:
> Yo GallowayBK1 - open your eyes, or at least spend
> more time paying attention to the road and less
> time on old maps - THERE IS A SPEED LIMIT 35 SIGN
> on the bridge itself! It is on the NB side of the
> road, just past the 1/2way point of the bridge -
> how can you miss it? what's a matter, signs look
> different in Richmond than they do in Fairfax?
> BTW, I was told to check out this site - you
> certainly do provide entertainment for the masses
> with your stupidity. Good luck in court!

Shut up you tard. Unless you have proof that there is a sign there, let me be the first to say Shut the fuck up.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Date: September 07, 2006 11:41PM

To all you who got a speeding ticket at this location north on 123 into ffx county. When I first passed by I was thinking all the same stuff you all were. Well I went back and took a look it turns out there are 4 speed limit signs from old bridge rd to where the tickets are issued. I am on this rd every day and see it each day I pass. After crossing the bridge 300yards there is a 55mph sign...but you dont go 55mph until you pass it. So telling the cop what you thought the speed limit is, or that you saw the 55 sign is no good. The 55 sign is a long way from center of bridge and around a slight bend which puts it out of sight from the bridge. The cops are sitting at the end of the 35mph zone which gives everyone time to slow down..You pass (4) 35mph signs and orange work zone signs warning you about a $500 max fine. At least they are not sitting right behind the 35 sign and stopping you as you pass it. The cops are all the way at the end of a very clearly posted 35mph work zone so if you got a ticket for speeding and not speeding in a work zone your lucky. if you go to court to fight it the judge may lay the speeding in the work zone fine one you which can be up to $500 max!!! as the sign says.
Oh and GallowayBK1 if you got up to 54mph from the light to end of bridge where you passed the last 35moh sign and got stopped you were probably stomping on the gas peddle and I thank the cops for stopping you before you got any faster,lost control crashed and killed someone.

Edit by Cary: Made thumbnails of huge pictures. Click a picture to display the full-size original.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/27/2007 04:44PM by Cary.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 07, 2006 11:55PM

Damn! Way to post huge pics. Learn how to reduce size.

Maybe our original poster would be man enough to give his court date and allow the other side of the story??? Clearly there is refuting evidence here.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 07, 2006 11:59PM

Oh and I now declare myself "un-Pnwed" lol.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 12:32AM

I wasnt shot with radar on the bridge, as i stated earlier i was ticketed about 10 yards in front of the 55 Signs on 123 (in fairfax county), so i wasnt going 54mph in the center of the bridge...i wish my car had that kind of power, but i dont think anything short of a 'vette could do that.

Also, the first 3 pictures you posted are all prior to the intersection i turned onto 123 from. The last one does appear to be in fairfax, however i was ticketed about a hundred yards beyond it, and as i said earlier i took quite a few photos of the area, and i do not recall seeing that sign in any of them...unless a truck was blocking it or its been recently installed..

also, for the LAST TIME, i was NOT ticketed in the work zone, i was ticketed north of it, just Prior to the 55 Limit sign...my ticket is just a plain speeding ticket.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: tc1000 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 12:42AM

i pass across this bridge everyday, and have noticed the speed traps as well. Honestly i do think its a bit of a trick the way they nab people that are accelerating to match the 55 sign they can see past the bridge in fairfax (which just about everyone does), once the street straightens out. However if what i see on these pictures is true theres no real way to get out of the ticket, just showing up to court and arguing a little may be enough to drop it down a bit....

and GHOSTASSASSIAN, i hardly think you should be criticizing the driving of GallowayBK1, because it sure looks to me like all those photos were taken from the drivers side of your vehicle...

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: September 08, 2006 12:44AM

4th Pic; Why do I always see construction workers eating lunch or taking a break? Mean while traffic is backed up in to the next County.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 12:49AM

THe 4th Pic is essentially the view i had of 123 upon making the turn at the occoquan intersection. Minus the fact that the far right lane was closed (it was a weekend when i was ticketed, so no workers were there and all the lanes were open) but still that 5th picture seems plenty valid to me, and unless there was a truck blocking it or a car in the lane as i crossed the bridge i really have no idea how i could have missed it. I am aware that speed limit signs do not take affect until after you pass them, so accelerating ahead of the 55 sign is really no defense..

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 08, 2006 01:02AM

Well, as a side note, glad to see the bridge is coming together. That backup just sucks, day in and day out.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: LongArmoftheLaw ()
Date: September 08, 2006 07:49AM

Galloway... didn't you also say that the construction is not apparent, and the cranes are hidden by trees? And that you had to go 2,0000 yards into PW county to find a single speed sign which was also hidden by a tree?

You, son, are simply a liar. If you're going to stir up this much trouble, you need to tell these people the truth. BTW, those pictures were taken for court.
I will be happy to post the outcome here if you choose not to.

For Tim45, what would happen if a cop went an entire year without writing a ticket? He/she would probably be counselled for not doing their job. We are expected to moderate traffic offenses by making traffic stops and writing tickets. I know a few who only write a couple a year, I know others who only write warnings. In N. VA, that IMO is ridiculous. We've all seen incredibly irresponsible drivers weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds, passing inches from your bumper, or tearing along on the shoulder of the road. They routinely kill people... over 500 in VA this year and rising; 10 over Labor Day weekend alone. I am proud to be able to serve the public by giving lawbreakers their well-earned tickets.

And after 2 weeks of working this construction zone, I can tell you that about 50% of drivers passing through it are now going the posted 35 MPH limit. The workers are very appreciative, and no doubt much safer. This was a successful effort, and well worth the many hours of sweltering in the sun.


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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: gesoffen ()
Date: September 08, 2006 08:03AM

Question for the masses (since VA statutes are SO easy to find/navigate online - NOT) - Aren't VIRGINIA's "workzone" fines enforceable only for active workzones?
In other words, if they post a bazillion "Workzone" signs with lower speed limit and higher fine warnings, aren't those signs only enforceable if there are actual construction workers present and/or traffic lanes impeded?

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Date: September 08, 2006 08:12AM


Quit hiding behind an alias and identify yourself. I just flat-out do not think you are a cop. Anyone can come online and say the same crap you just said. Everybody wants to rule the net.

And I AGREE with you, I just think you are a regular jerkoff like the rest of us.

I do believe you when you say you were working in the construction zone, I just think you were working with a shovel and a pile of asphalt.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: gesoffen ()
Date: September 08, 2006 08:15AM

BTW - for all of those that are velocity-averse, a little math problem for ya:

speed does not equal bad driving

Yes, many bad drivers speed. Those can usually be spotted by the lack of turn signal, lack of mirror usage, ignorance of lane markings, cell phone strapped to their head, book on the steering wheel, coffee in the left hand, donut in the right, etc.

However, there are plenty of good drivers with impecable road manners and driving record (save a few speeding tickets) that bend the limits. Especially since the limits are set redonkulously low on some of our roads - 65mph statewide maximum when EVERYONE is doing 75-80mph if traffic allows.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Long Arm of the Law ()
Date: September 08, 2006 08:30AM

By law, no. In practice, yes. Most cops won't write the construction zone unless workers are present.

A very good link: http://www.courts.state.va.us/library/library.htm

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Long Arm of the Law ()
Date: September 08, 2006 08:37AM

Better Red than Deadskin Wrote:
> Longarm,
> Quit hiding behind an alias and identify yourself.
> I just flat-out do not think you are a cop.
> Anyone can come online and say the same crap you
> just said. Everybody wants to rule the net.
> And I AGREE with you, I just think you are a
> regular jerkoff like the rest of us.
> I do believe you when you say you were working in
> the construction zone, I just think you were
> working with a shovel and a pile of asphalt.

Your parents named you "Better Red than Deadskin?" LOL

Not likely, but if you come by the "speed trap" at Rt 123/PW County Line today you can meet me. If you come through over 35... you most certainly will!

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Date: September 08, 2006 08:39AM

I figured you would pussy out. Big talk, small testicles.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Lurker ()
Date: September 08, 2006 09:12AM

Good point... What was this about "This sign is cleverly hidden...i had to drive nearly 2000 yards into Prince William County to find the "SPEED LIMIT 35 MPH" sign, and even then it was partially concealed by trees."


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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 09:20AM

That first PW county speed limit sign is pretty far into PW county...maybe not 1000 yards but im not a human measurement device. ANd if you bothered to read my posts, ive already admitted i was wrong in saying there were no cranes there, they were sort of hard to notice, and if you take a look at my posted photos, you will see there is only 1 single crane the day i got a ticket, and its on the east side of the bridge.

And once more, if youd bothered to read this thread the Construction isnt apparant. If you are traveling from 123 PW country into Fairfax on a weekend from the occoquan intersection as i did..its pretty damn hard to tell, aspecailly considering this is the first time ive been on that road in months.

Long Arm of the Law wrote:

> And after 2 weeks of working this construction zone, I can tell you that about >50% of drivers passing through it are now going the posted 35 MPH limit. The >workers are very appreciative, and no doubt much safer. This was a successful >effort, and well worth the many hours of sweltering in the sun"

dont you think the workers would be even more safe if VDOT (or whoever bothers with this) choose to put up an identical pair of speed limiit signs like those on the southbound fairfax side of the bridge on the northbound PW side of the bridge? rather than giving tickets, dont you think a clearly posted speed limit would work better..obviously the limit is not as clearly posted as you say, because if 50% of the people going through the intersection are going above 35, than they arent really aware of the speed limit.

Calling me a liar solves nothing, i have better things to do than try and convince 9 or 10 people on an online message board of my innocence. Perhaps i am mistaken and i am willing to admit that, but i am not a liar.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: GallowayBK1 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 09:24AM

Lurker, the sign i was talking about is first one in PW county...which no one has yet posted a photo of, you can barely see it in the 1st photo posted by ghostassasin, in the distance.

However the presence of speed limit signs in PW 123 still is irrelevant, as i did not pass them before driving over the bridge. I came from the occoquan intersection straight onto the bridge.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 08, 2006 09:27AM

I'm gonna back Galloway up on the math argument... if 50% of people are NOT obeying the sign, then clearly enforcement has failed. 50% on any test is a "F" grade.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: RESton Peace ()
Date: September 08, 2006 09:30AM

I was just ragging you for being so gung-ho about it... on a message board....trying to mobilize people and shit. People on Ffx Underground are eager to mobilize - mobilize to contradict you.

I can see you see what's what so I say we let it rest. Fuck the cops btw. I hope they all eat a bullet.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 03:35PM

Speed limits are supposed to be set according to the 80 percentile rule, so if 50% of drivers are exceeding the limit then the road is underposted and a probable speed trap.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: brianl703 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 03:37PM

"speed does not equal bad driving"

The collorary to that is:

"Driving the speed limit does not equal good driving"

(Even if Officer Friendly thinks that's the only traffic law he needs to enforce)

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Dan O. ()
Date: September 08, 2006 04:13PM

GallowayBK1 Wrote:
> However the presence of speed limit signs in PW
> 123 still is irrelevant, as i did not pass them
> before driving over the bridge. I came from the
> occoquan intersection straight onto the bridge.

If you turned left out of Occoquan onto 123 then the last posted speed limit you would have seen before reaching the speed trap was 25 MPH. So you were well over what your last known speed limit would have been. What you assumed it to be is irrelevant.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: September 08, 2006 05:09PM

Dude just do what everyone else on this board ends up doing. Pay the damn ticket. Either that or use the marion barry defense, "Da bitch set me up" when you see the officer in Court. Then walk around town in african garb and run for mayor of FX

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Long Arm of the Law ()
Date: September 08, 2006 05:41PM

Last post...

I came on willingly to set the record straight, and help you out. If you don't want the help of a cop who's willing to listen, or don't like the answers, fine. Goodbye.

I'm not willing to continue to visit a site where posters wish me to "eat a bullet," or where in another thread someone revels in the fact that two of our officers were recently shot and killed. If this is a board for childish conspiracy theorists, then enjoy it.

Your loss.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Tim45 ()
Date: September 08, 2006 08:15PM

I have no beef with long arm in fact I appeciate the cops that write tickets on the fairfax county parkway. I just know that there is a quota, that was my only point. If a cop was counselled because he/she was not writing enough tickets then isnt that a quota? There must be a cut off point somewhere between not enough tickets and enough tickets. That cut off would be the quota.

I cant believe a cop would be counselled to write more tickets but not be told what the amount expected would be.

I did not see any personal attacks on you on this posting, but if there are you have to know there are some cowards hiding behind keyboards.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 08, 2006 09:26PM

GallowayBK1 Wrote:
> I came from the
> occoquan intersection straight onto the bridge.

post some fucking pics of where you did go instead of everything around it... though a small cellphone video would be way better.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Date: September 09, 2006 02:43AM

Long Arm, you are just full of shit, that's why you don't get any respect here. And since you are too much of a pussy to prove you are a cop, nobody believes you are anything but a bitch, which you are. I mean, who comes online and takes the persona of a ticket-writing bitch cop? Go back to your retirement activities, like watching MSNBC and Fox News (I do think you are some old retired guy who yells at kids to get off your lawn).

I think you will probably post again, too, since you feel the need to keep digging that hole deeper. I'm not sure why anyone would want to admit to being a glorified metermaid anyway.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Genevieve ()
Date: September 09, 2006 11:39AM

I think Better Red than Deadskin is just mad 'cause Long Arm called him out on the whole alias thing. Then again, maybe his parents DID name him Better Red than Deadskin. That would explain a lot - I'm sure that growing up as "Better Deadskin" would cause a lot of issues.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: cjbs2003 ()
Date: September 11, 2006 02:58AM

Anyone on this post actually a Fairfax County Police Officer? Maybe one... No one else is, so you have no idea whether there are or are not quotas. You have no idea what the mind set of the officer was who wrote the ticket that is in question. So it would seem to me, that most of you should take a second and think real hard. Think what the county would be like without police enforcing traffic laws. You think the roads are crazy in Fairfax County now, I cannot imagine what they would be like without police. Total choas!

Everyone speeds, well nearly everyone and no one likes getting a ticket. If you speed or break another traffic violation you take the risk of getting a ticket. That is part of the decision making process. Pretty simple concept!

Ask any cop whether they like writing tickets? Few Fairfax County cops will say yes. Most hate it and most don't write many tickets. It is part of their job, just like fighting fires is part of a fire fighter's job, traffic enforcement is part of a cop's job. Some may take to enforcing the traffic laws more than others. Fairfax County does not have a quota system. But as others have said, if part of your job is enforcing traffic laws and you never enforce them, most supervisors are going to ask you why you aren't doing your job? There is no quota set, the supervisor does not say, "I want X amount of tickets." They simply say, last year you were well below the average, you need to pick up the pace a bit. The money generated from ticket writing does not go to the police department. It goes to the county and every year the police department rarely gets squat in raises or other benefits like firefighters commonly do. So obviously their is no monetary incentive for the police to write more tickets.

If you don't like particular traffic laws write your government representative at the local level being your board of supervisor for Fairfax County or your State delegate or senator for the state level and tell them about your dislike. Cops don't make the laws, they just enforce them. Stop making the cops out to be the bad guys. They are not the ones who made the laws!

If you don't like where VDOT has placed the speed limit signs or how fast they chose to make the speed limit for a certain stretch of road, call or write VDOT and complain. The police department doesn't pick the speed limit or sign location to make speed traps. If you really think that, get some common sense! The police are always the ones who get blamed for everything because they are the front line of government. Get mad at the important people, the ones who make the laws and make the binding decisions.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: cjbs2003 ()
Date: September 11, 2006 03:29AM

GallowayBK took getting a ticket way too personally... Let me say this, YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL BECAUSE YOU GOT A TICKET! Get over throwing the hissy fit. Go dry your eyes and lift up your pouting lip. Be a man and have the balls to say, I was speeding and I knew I was speeding.

Your original post is a prime example of your hissy fit. "2000 yards into Prince William Co., partially concealed by trees, pulled over 10 feet infront of the 55 mph sign" These quotes show your hissy fit temper tantrum perfectly. They are also all LIES. Just like in the original post you never mentioned the fact that you were coming off of Occoquan Dr but later use that as part of your excuse. That is a LIE too. Trees don't grow on bridges, so the only sign you could be referring to is the one on land, before the bridge, the one you said you never saw because you were turning off Occoquan Dr. Guess what, you never were on Occoquan Dr. You made that up, just add that to your list of LIES. You had been on Rt 123 the whole time! Other people on this post caught you in lies too and pointed it out...

Later, after you calmed down you couldn't man up and admit you were wrong. Instead you went to Google Earth and took pictures(none of which showed any sign blocked by trees, shrubs, dump trucks, cranes, elephants or UFO's). Once you had time put different colors all over the Google Earth map like it was a coloring project and think up a LIE to go along with your fake map you decided to post it on here so everyone can see what a LIAR you are. Your official lie is that you were turning left off Occoquan Dr., so you never saw the first speed limit sign or the construction zone sign because they were before the Occoquan Dr. intersection on Rt 123. Your lie continues with you never seeing the sign that is posted on the bridge marked 35 mph(because it was not there or obstructed or maybe stolen by aliens) so you decided the speed limit should be 55. Face it, you are a LIAR and a bad one at that! If only you could put the effort you put into this LIE into something honorable and decent.

In the end you still will not man up and admit you were speeding. Instead, you will go to court and LIE to the judge and purjure yourself... Grow up! Admit you were speeding and either prepay the fine, a reduced one at that since the officer was nice, used his discretion and cut you a break by only charging you with a regular speeding charge. Or, if you really feel the need to go to court. Go in there be a man and say, "Your Honor, I was speeding, I appologize. I'm just asking that the court take into acount my honesty and my willingness to appear this morning when your Honor dicides on the fine." You won't do that though. You are probably like many of the young people in Fairfax County, an immature, over priviledged whinny baby. The truth hurts sometimes but you need to hear the truth since you can't seem to face it on your own.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: September 11, 2006 06:29AM

cjbs2003 Wrote:
> You are probably like many of the young people in
> Fairfax County, an immature, over priviledged
> whinny baby.

yeah and stay off cjbs2003's lawn!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: uhhcya ()
Date: September 11, 2006 03:04PM

just take a photo to court of the sign that you say is covered up.... obviously there will be no proof of the other pictures above. the cop sure wont have them. try it and see.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: September 11, 2006 06:10PM

cjbs2003 Wrote:
> ...Trees don't grow on
> bridges...

Yes they do.

Any how do you expect Google earth to show speed limit signs COVERED by trees if you can actually see the sign at all wich is very unlikely. Also the google earth image is from 2002 when work on the bridge had not started yet so how the FUCK do you expect it to show construction vehicles?

What a retard. How do you "know" all this stuff? Just shut up and crawl back into your cardboard box house.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: FaceWrecker ()
Date: June 24, 2007 03:13AM

RESton balls on your chin: You are a supreme asshole. End of story.

Better Red than horseshit: You're a real toolbag. I like how you call people out and want to show how tough you are here. I'm new, and you really pissed all over my early Sat morning with your tampon-in-your-mangina spout. I'll bet you've never really had your ass kicked have you? Not a fight, an ass kicking where you knew your ass was going to be handed to you. Not where you fear for you life, but you KNOW you're gonna hurt for a week and have a messed up face. Tell you what tough guy, let me know where you want to go, and I'll be happy to give you that ass kicking and then you'll think twice before you shoot worthless poop from your face pussy.

KeepOnTruckin: Wow, trees on bridges. Holy bat shit I've seen a new level of absolute fucktardidness. I'll be you've been caught by VSP at a rest stop sharing a stall "taking a piss" with both pairs of feet pointing the same direction. How does one piss with a condom on and a ragedy truck driver's ass in front of them anyways?

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: FaceWrecker ()
Date: June 24, 2007 03:29AM

I guess I did just realize what a fucking tool I look like calling people out under an assumed name. I guess I just never learned how to interact with others on a basic level, like children in kindergarten do. I also never learned to look at the date on things to make sure they are fresh. like this thread. I drink rotten milk and eat spoiled meat all the time due to this bad habit.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: June 24, 2007 04:37PM

Hmm way to not come up with an insulting name for me. I would have at least used KeepOnFuckin or somthing similar. Anyway im not sure why i was angry then, i dont see what there is to be angry about.

And they do in fact grow on bridges.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: JigSAW ()
Date: June 24, 2007 04:50PM

God that is FUCKED UP! Seriously, Fairfax County Police could care LESS about driving safet, their ONLY objective is to bring in revenue for this dumbass county. Where are the cops when idiot, impatient drivers pass me on the opposite side of the road and when aggressive drivers try to intimidate the lawful drivers on the road???? Fairfax County and Fairfax County Police is a fucking disgrace....

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: JigSAW ()
Date: June 24, 2007 04:54PM

Oh, and for the record, there is most defintly a quota system, but the police department would NEVER admit to that....

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: Observer ()
Date: June 24, 2007 05:18PM

JigSAW Wrote:
> God that is FUCKED UP! Seriously, Fairfax County
> Police could care LESS about driving safet, their
> ONLY objective is to bring in revenue for this
> dumbass county. Where are the cops when idiot,
> impatient drivers pass me on the opposite side of
> the road and when aggressive drivers try to
> intimidate the lawful drivers on the road????
> Fairfax County and Fairfax County Police is a
> fucking disgrace...

What is missing in your life moron? You lash out at the police because someone passes you? If you gave it one second of thought you might realize that most people obey the law when they see a police car. If you feel that strongly about it, get the owners info from MVA, ask for an investigation by the police, then go to the magistrate and get a summons for the driver of the car. But you don't have the guts to do any of these things.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: frugalbeer ()
Date: June 24, 2007 05:21PM

OH,don't forget the over-time!
Cha Ching
Cha Ching

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: trogdor! ()
Date: June 25, 2007 08:54AM

Holy crap this is an old thread come to life.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2007 08:59AM by trogdor!.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 25, 2007 10:16AM

KeepOnTruckin Wrote:
> Hmm way to not come up with an insulting name for
> me. I would have at least used KeepOnFuckin or
> somthing similar.

Like KeepOnSuckin. Or KeepOnFailin or KeepOnLosin . Not attacking you, just rising to the challenge.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: angelus42774 ()
Date: June 25, 2007 12:08PM

You sir, are obviously one of these guys who live @ home with their mom, never has been remotely intimiate with a member of the opposite sex. Take all of your sexual angst and find an output for it sir.

I love all of these people who hide on the internet and shout out insults and condem others as "morons" or "idiots". How about this, tell me where you live and you can say whatever you want to my face - come on tough guy!

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 25, 2007 12:21PM

I love when people get irate and start throwing "sir" in their posts... lol.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: ya ()
Date: June 25, 2007 12:22PM

pgens Wrote:
> I love when people get irate and start throwing
> "sir" in their posts... lol.



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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: JigSAW ()
Date: June 25, 2007 12:36PM

There are PLENTY of places for cops to hide and catch these idiots, where I live anyway. I been on several ride alongs with a friend of mine who is a FFX county cop at the W. Springfield station, thats wat we did the whole time when we were not going to any calls, NOT hanging out at 711 and dunkin donuts like most officers do. For the record I do not hate cops, I have lots of respect for them, that is actually what I want to do when I get out of college. And I defintly do not have time to go to the magistrate's office to track down these morons, who does? The point of my argument is that the MAJORITY of ffx officers could care less about catching the real bad drivers and only ticket people for revenue.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: KeepOnTruckin ()
Date: June 25, 2007 04:20PM

no worries pgens, i dont care. its just an online message board. I generally dont get angry at people over electronic messages. Flaming peopel is a waste of energy that could be better spent in other more plesureable ways. (The above being an exception, i probably was angry at somthing else) anyone can threaten to beat up anyone but since it is unlikely they'll ever meet nothing will ever come of it. If we ever have another forum meet up we should definantly have some kind of a contest as well.

Edit: changed "bean up people" to "beat up people". However, i'd stil like a picture or 2 of someone being beaned up.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/25/2007 04:22PM by KeepOnTruckin.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: FaceWrecker ()
Date: June 26, 2007 02:23AM

It had nothing to do with the date. It had everything to do with a liar shooting some drivel from his facegina followed up by some idiotic and not very well thought out posts.

By the way, nice picture of the shrubs on bridges. I can't help but notice they look more like walls than bridges.

Guess I'd better get back to that rotten milk.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: low rider ()
Date: July 16, 2012 09:13PM

They got me there twice. Once in each county.

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Re: Fairfax County/Prince William 123 Bridge Speed Trap
Posted by: ChaunceyAbignail III ()
Date: July 16, 2012 09:43PM

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