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Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Fairfax schools crisis ()
Date: November 07, 2013 07:44AM

Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s

Sagging hallways. Stained carpeting. Musty locker rooms. Suffocating science labs. Restrooms evocative of truck stops.

Such are the highlights of a tour through Fairfax County’s five aptly named “legacy high schools,” also known as Falls Church, Herndon, Langley, Oakton and West Springfield, which were built between 1965 and 1968 but have yet to undergo a full renovation.

Continuing the tour through Fairfax County’s other schools will reveal row upon row of temporary classrooms — 990 in all — leading Fairfax facilities staff to joke that their office has become the largest trailer dealer on the East Coast. But it’s no laughing matter for students at Bailey’s Elementary School, which holds the ignominious title of housing the most trailers of any school in the county: 19.

These schools offer a view of the dark, dank underbelly of what is arguably the nation’s best performing large school district. They are the manifestation of years of failed leadership from Virginia’s elected officials who have forced school districts to economize until they burst at the seams; symbols of the biggest financial crisis facing Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) since the 1950s and 1960s, during which the student population exploded from 17,000 to 133,000.

Over the last five years, FCPS has faced an influx of 3,000 new students per year, a growth rate that will bring its student population to 200,000 by the end of the decade. Over that same five-year period, the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors has only been able to afford an annual school bond allocation averaging $150 million, well short of the $273 million that would be required annually to renovate the 196 schools on the recommended 25-year cycle.

Assuming passage of Fairfax’s biennial school bond measure on November 5, three of those dilapidated legacy high schools will begin to undergo their first full renovation since Fairfax’s mid-20th century population boom. But others may still have to wait another decade for relief.

Unfortunately, these long-deferred infrastructure needs portend even more troubling trends for local schools. Unless Fairfax and Virginia leaders can swiftly determine new ways to secure significant increases in education funding, the consequences will be stark: minority achievement gaps will widen; already large class sizes and high staffing ratios will increase; advanced academic, arts, world language and special education programs will face cuts; teacher pay will remain stagnant; and fees for tests and sports will become the norm.

Lacking taxing authority, the Fairfax County School Board—which cut administrative costs to the bone during the recession and, as a recent state efficiency review revealed, can save a mere $15 million in efficiencies in its $2.5 billion budget over the next five years—sees no relief in sight.

Beginning its fiscal year 2015 budgeting process, FCPS faces a $140 million shortfall prior to any salary increases. This shortfall is the result of a perfect storm of factors: unrelenting population growth dominated by economically disadvantaged and non-English speaking students, Virginia Retirement System changes, rising healthcare costs, and a plethora of unfunded state mandates for which Fairfax pays more than $100 million annually.

Fairfax is not alone—school systems throughout Virginia are also suffering. But as the state’s largest system that enrolls more new students each year than any other, Fairfax is suffering on an even greater scale. While Virginia has cut spending by $695 per student since 2008, all localities have been left to scrounge for funding.

In 1950, classes of Fairfax students were inhumanely squeezed into boiler rooms, closets, partitioned auditoriums and Quonset huts. At many elementary schools, water wells went dry before the end of the school day. Black high school students had to travel to Manassas because Fairfax could not afford to build its own black high school.

At that critical turning point, the School Board, with the support of the Board of Supervisors, made arguably the boldest financial move in Fairfax history by asking voters to approve the first-ever county school bond. To the surprise of those leaders, Fairfax voters passed that bond with 67 percent of the vote.

While Fairfax no longer confronts school segregation or dry school wells, today’s funding and capacity crisis is just as dire. We cannot continue to wait for our state and federal leaders to restore—much less increase—funding for public education.

Instead, we owe it to future generations of students to take action as bold as that taken by our predecessors in 1950 to save our prized public schools from an otherwise inevitable decline. It is time for our Board of Supervisors to finally heed the call of Supervisor Gerry Hyland (Mount Vernon) to support a 4 percent meals tax dedicated to funding our schools, a measure that could generate as much as $100 million annually.

Until our county leaders take this bold action, our legacy schools will remain standing as reminders of a bygone era when public officials understood the importance of building a better future for our country.

Ryan McElveen is an at-large member of the Fairfax County School Board.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: November 07, 2013 08:00AM

TLDR but the majority of the problems are the large salaries at the top and the invading locust.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Jess1 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 08:27AM

Hey, I know! Let's hire some more (insert ethnic/nationality here) support personnel, with their attendant salaries, benefits, and long term retirement payouts!

Ryan, here's a clue: my youngest's FCHS employed 70 (that's seventy) non teaching, non physical plant employees. Multiply that waste times the number of schools and calculate the long term benefit payouts (and don't lie that the funds are OK - no one is getting the assumed 8% return), then get back to us with reality.


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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 08:30AM


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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: old skool ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:48AM

The Clifton ES closing is a perfect example of the School boards wasteful ways. Here you had a School primarily built in the 1980's and in solid shape being closed. Most people in the area, and there is much evidence of this, believe the closing was done for purely political reasons.
I read very recently that Several new ES schools are needed in close proximity to CES because of overcrowding at other schools. Once again the taxpayer picks up the tab for the School Boards whims.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: imbiker ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:53AM

Just preparing the kiddies for when they graduate into a post 0bama "real world".

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Yawwwwn ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:57AM

The biggest problem here, is that the school board made little efforts in cutting back their budgets over the past 10 years. While the County has had to freeze pay increases, do away with positions, etc..., the school system has continued on as if money would never dry up. Now that they are faced with legit cuts, the sky is all of a sudden falling. Go to Gatehouse and Fairfax Ridge, start your cuts there.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Lemdora ()
Date: November 07, 2013 10:08AM

Time to repurpose the long ago closed elementary schools that are serving as area offices, maybe?

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: An honest translation ()
Date: November 07, 2013 11:07AM

Let's see if I can put it a little more honestly:

By pursuing growth policies without regard to the infrastructure needs that growth creates, and by failing to enforce their own existing housing and zoning laws, the Fairfax Board of Supervisors have saddled the Fairfax County School System with an unsustainable population of students, which is only getting worse. By pursuing policies that favor high profile programs and "favorite child" schools at the expense of everyday tasks of educating typical students and maintaining their physical plant across the board, the Fairfax County School Board has developed a bloated administration at the same time that the schools are physically deteriorating and becoming progressively more crowded. It has all come back to bite us in the ass.

We don't have the money to deal with the additional arriving students, much less deal with performing the maintenance we deferred for all those years.. We've gotten so used to having an overstaffed administration we don't know how to cut it down, and probably couldn't function if we did. And by recklessly borrowing money over the years to pay for projects which should have been handled on a pay as you go basis, we no longer have the option of going out in the market and raising the money through loans.

Since we don't know what else to do, we are going to hit up you the taxpayers for more money in the form of more taxes. We know that because of real estate price inflation and consumer inflation you are already paying more and more each year in taxes that are being used to support your schools. WE DON'T CARE. WE WANT MORE.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 11:19AM

Maybe what Virginia needs is another conservative republican governor who slashes education budgets to the bone for his crony pet projects while taking on lavish gifts for him and his family...Oh, wait a minute, we're already showing a couple of those turds to the door, see ya, Bobby and Kenny, Don't let the door hit you in the ass you worthless sacks of crap.

Blah, blah, blah, Clifton elementary is closed Elizabeth Schultz. Show up for a board meeting on time and making sense and perhaps you might be taken seriously. Bet you trolls were really pleased that the voters overwhelmingly approved the $250 million bond referendum for building new schools and renovating old ones, that's because most of the voters in this county have common sense and see the need to move forward as opposed to back to the 50's. Re-purpose closed elementary schools? Yeah, brilliant, did you know that many of those buildings are filled with asbestos, Elizabeth? No? No surprises there, you don't seem to know much.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: add it up ()
Date: November 07, 2013 12:38PM

County taxpayers owe $2.7 billion.

If we can't afford it now, then we need to go without it.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 12:43PM

interesting, we coudn't afford a 24 billion dollar government shutdown either but, we got it anyway, didn't we?

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Math is fun ()
Date: November 07, 2013 12:43PM

add it up Wrote:
> County taxpayers owe $2.7 billion.
> If we can't afford it now, then we need to go
> without it.

Spread over 30 years at record low interest rates. PS that entire debt < tax revenue in a single year dumb shit, let alone the Regional Domestic Product of Fairfax which is into the mid teen billions.

You are the dumbest type of moron shits, the kind that would rather stagnate this county into irrelevance than to continue the growth that has made it what it is.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead misses the point ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:17PM

Hammerhead - The federal government shut-down is wholly irrelevant to the issues FCPS faces. Why would you raise it? To indulge an emotive impulse?

FCPS is facing a huge demographic problem. There are just way too many coming into the system with immense demands on the system, including without limit the significan numbers of immigrants (legal and otherwise) who have children ill suited in terms of literacy (in any language) and computational skill and perhaps most significantly, the correct behavioral concepts and values. Our immigration policies are really, really expensive, and the return on investment in a knowledge based economy is really limited.

Don't get me wrong. I support the bulk of teachers and administrators who by and large do a good job with these kids. But the costs are huge and immense. And there are significant hidden costs. The whole notion of getting masses of low IQ kids to pass SOLS under an everyone can at least be average NCLB regime is absurd. It is doomed to failure, no matter how many resources are thrown at the challenge. And it is expensive, and frankly, even with decent people, invites cheating or corner cutting.

The non-educational costs are huge, too. Kids who cannot obtain a diploma stay in the system until age 22, with all of the free reduced lunch and social benefits and taxi vouchers, and so on. This isn't a statement to support a conservative rant. But at the same time, let's not be surprised why a budget shortfall exists. The schools are doing things way beyond what a K-12 school system was ever designed to do.

I have a friend with a bright 7 year old at an inside the Beltway school. There is no place for his seven year old. The behavior of the students, very few of them with any sort of stable home life or platform for education, really makes it impossible for the child to learn or to even have a meaningful social connection in school. (The hyper-sexualization of the boys, raised in a home without boundaries, only makes things worse). 15 of the 20 in her class are from Central America. The teacher is competent, honest and open about the problem - a good teacher, and not the source of the problem, So the system will lose this student to a private school, unless a real turnaround occurs in the GT program in 3rd grade (which is also on the chopping block). You can blame the parents for lacking social tolerance, but really, they are no different than the thousands upon thousands who eschew the DC school system once their kids hit age 5 - they leave.

Note I don't blame FCPS for this. They have to deal with reality. But we really need an open discussion about the immense social and educational costs behind our national immigration policies.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: we are not "dumb shits" ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:25PM

"PS that entire debt < tax revenue in a single year dumb shit,"

I would certainly hope that it is lower than tax revenue for a year or else we really are in trouble. Remember that the interest on that 2.7 billion (let's say the rate is a meager 5%) is around 135 million (per year). And I think that is a conservative figure---it's probably more than 200 million per year. That's just the cost of servicing the debt. Meanwhile we are arguing about a $140 million dollar deficit and what we will have to do to close it. The fact is that lots of cuts have already been made over the past 5 years (in summer school, in salaries, in the retirement plan, in maintenance, and on and on). The debt matters because money paid out as interest cannot be used for the things mentioned above. It only makes some investors richer and it makes us poorer. And people wonder why the "gaps" are getting wider and wider. We have to change our mentality completely. Years of the "public-private" partnerships have benefited one group.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: define growth pal ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:25PM

Math is fun Wrote:
> add it up Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > County taxpayers owe $2.7 billion.
> >
> > If we can't afford it now, then we need to go
> > without it.
> Spread over 30 years at record low interest rates.
> PS that entire debt < tax revenue in a single year
> dumb shit, let alone the Regional Domestic Product
> of Fairfax which is into the mid teen billions.
> You are the dumbest type of moron shits, the kind
> that would rather stagnate this county into
> irrelevance than to continue the growth that has
> made it what it is.

This irrelevant debt amounts to $11k per household. And don't forget all the debt Good ole VA had racked up and then of course the $17 trillion federal debt and the underfunding of social security, medicare and state pensions.

Keep living the lie, buddy.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: not quite ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:31PM

we are not "dumb shits" Wrote:
> "PS that entire debt < tax revenue in a single
> year dumb shit,"
> I would certainly hope that it is lower than tax
> revenue for a year or else we really are in
> trouble. Remember that the interest on that 2.7
> billion (let's say the rate is a meager 5%) is
> around 135 million (per year). And I think that
> is a conservative figure---it's probably more than
> 200 million per year. That's just the cost of
> servicing the debt. Meanwhile we are arguing
> about a $140 million dollar deficit and what we
> will have to do to close it. The fact is that
> lots of cuts have already been made over the past
> 5 years (in summer school, in salaries, in the
> retirement plan, in maintenance, and on and on).
> The debt matters because money paid out as
> interest cannot be used for the things mentioned
> above. It only makes some investors richer and it
> makes us poorer. And people wonder why the "gaps"
> are getting wider and wider. We have to change
> our mentality completely. Years of the
> "public-private" partnerships have benefited one
> group.

Dumb shit talking here.....the annual debt service is actually $300 million which is now about 10% of disbursements. No bigee.....according to our friend. Gee what "growth" could happen with this $300 million that is being pissed away on debt payments.

It is sooooooooo healthy that we are very close to the maximum ratios on debt which could jepordize our AAA rating. Again, no bigee, according to smarty pants.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:47PM

An open discussion is a great start. You believe the government shutdown point that I brought up is not related, it isn't directly related but, from a political mentality standpoint, it is. I think it's unfortunate that we have political factions that make up the school board and we have to work past political beliefs and notions first to get to solving the real issues, several of which, you pointed out very eloquently. My point is that this shouldn't be about politics, this should be about coming to grips with costs and working to make an investment in education for the future.

You are spot on with regard to the SOLs, teachers are handcuffed by no child left behind. They spend a majority of their time working to address regurgitation of facts that enable a child to pass a test. It's not hard to imagine what this does to a teacher's psyche, let alone a student's when creativity is entirely sucked out of the equation. We're headed for real problems as long as that piece of legislation stays in place.

Do you have any numbers on kids staying in the system until age 22? I haven't seen anything on that, nor have I heard of it. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. As far as your friend's 7 year old goes, the county does have an extensive GATP (Gifted and Talented Program) where children are evaluated via a young scholars model of behaviors that identify candidates for the program. Lots of things are on the chopping block, just because it's there doesn't mean it's going away and certainly, educational concerns have priority over administrative ones which is as it should be.

I'm afraid the genie is out of the bottle on the immigration issue, my friend. Unfortunately, Congress can't seem to talk about anything with all of the scandal mongering going on. Immigration reform is something they should be addressing but, they're not and I don't look for them to get to it anytime soon. Unfortunately, the time to act on this was years ago.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: here we go ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:57PM

You are spot on with regard to the SOLs, teachers are handcuffed by no child left behind. They spend a majority of their time working to address regurgitation of facts that enable a child to pass a test. It's not hard to imagine what this does to a teacher's psyche, let alone a student's when creativity is entirely sucked out of the equation. We're headed for real problems as long as that piece of legislation stays in place.

Sure, sure SOLs are worthless--like this question....

Which of the following shows “one hundred
thirty thousand, sixty-nine” in standard form?
A 100,369
B 130,069
C 130,690
D 1,003,069

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: or this one ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:58PM

Myra made 84 cupcakes for a bake sale. She put 3 chocolate
candies on top of each cupcake. What was the total number of
chocolate candies she used for the tops of the cupcakes?
A 252
B 261
C 272
D 2,412

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: positively useless test ()
Date: November 07, 2013 01:59PM

28÷7 = _?_

F 3
G 4
H 6
J 8

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: 7th grade math question-worthles ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:01PM

Sandy made 9 free throws out of 12 free-throw attempts in a basketball
game. What percentage of the free-throw attempts did Sandy make?
A 25%
B 33%
C 57%
D 75%

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: rote memorization is wasteful ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:02PM

Michael bought a stereo on sale for 20% off the regular price. The regular
price of the stereo was $180. What was the sale price of the stereo?

A $36
B $90
C $144
D $160

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:03PM

My dog could solve those.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: science is useless too ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:07PM

How is the modern model of an atom different from the Bohr atomic model?

F The masses of the atomic particles are different.
G The numbers of electrons are different.
H The shapes of the nuclei are different.
J The arrangements of the electrons are different.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: that's funny ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:09PM

hammerhead10 Wrote:
> My dog could solve those.

Too bad 25% of FCPS students can't.

Oh nevermind, we wouldn't know this fact would we if we eliminated these "easy tests".

so easy that 1 in 4 kids can't pass them.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: can Fido answer this? ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:11PM

Potassium (K) has a smaller atomic mass than argon (Ar) even though the
atomic number of potassium is larger than the atomic number of argon.
Which of the following best accounts for this observation?

F At STP, potassium is in the solid phase, but argon is a gas.
G It is easier for a potassium atom to lose an electron than it is for an argon atom.
H The most common isotopes of argon have more protons than the most common
isotopes of potassium.
J The most common isotopes of potassium have fewer neutrons than the most
common isotopes of argon.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: such a waste ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:15PM

A compound has a mass of The number of significant
figures in this mass is —

F 2
G 4
H 5
J 7

I think we should eliminate ALL these mindless questions and let teachers tell us how the kids are doing.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: more stupid questions ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:22PM

Which document gave each state one vote, regardless of size or population?

A Treaty of Paris
B Articles of Confederation
C Declaration of Independence
D Bill of Rights

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: worthless questions ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:24PM

Which idea best expresses the beliefs of Thomas Hobbes?

A The government should include a separation of powers.
B Government must preserve the people’s rights.
C The state must have absolute power.
D Religious toleration should triumph over religious fanaticism

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: I am a horrible teacher ()
Date: November 07, 2013 02:26PM

I am one of the worst teachers in FCPS and I think we should eliminate the SOLs.

My kids are doing great because I am a great teacher.

Why would I say otherwise? Heck, I could get fired if they knew how incompetent I really was.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: worst teacher ()
Date: November 07, 2013 03:26PM

I am one of the worst teachers in FCPS and I love the SOLs. All of my kids are passing because I spend a month using flash cards and teaching them testing strategies (like eliminate the two anwers that are about the same length, then choose one of the others because you can pass the SOL with only 50% of the answers correct).

It's great to have this test out there because, as a bare minimum, I only have to teach to the minimum and just keep beating on that set of facts. I don't need to deal with being creative and helping kids learn what they are curious or interested in learning (what a bunch of overblown rot that is).

All of the materials that I need are prepared for me by the state and the county and I just have to read through them. The kids are probably bored shitless, but hey, it's mandatory to come to school.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 05:59PM

GW Bush couldn't solve most of them and it was his hair brained legislation centerpiece that put handcuffs on our teachers, that's about all that imbecile can claim for his legacy, that and 6 trillion dollars worth of unfunded war debt. Oh and 4,500 American war dead for a little bit of temporary security.

Easy to see how an imbecile could propose such bullshit.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: ufoit ()
Date: November 07, 2013 06:02PM

hammerhead10 Wrote:
> GW Bush couldn't solve most of them and it was his
> hair brained legislation centerpiece that put
> handcuffs on our teachers, that's about all that
> imbecile can claim for his legacy, that and 6
> trillion dollars worth of unfunded war debt. Oh
> and 4,500 American war dead for a little bit of
> temporary security.
> Easy to see how an imbecile could propose such
> bullshit.

That's bullshit.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead misses the point ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:08PM

Look, hammerhead, every thing cannot be reduced to a political left versus right statement.

Both Senator Kennedy and President Bush supported the NCLB legislation. It was misguided, but one of the reasons progress is tracked by race is that many school districts were in the 90's taking federal and state funds and using them for the more affluent schools, because, well, the parents at the schools were very vocal, as well off parents usually happen to be.

It does not matter now how much one wishes to ascribe the legislation to either Bush or Kennedy. It passed on a bi-partisan basis, and I think many naively thought that it was simple to make kids with 80-90 IQ's (and with the two major afflicted minority groups, that is the reality) meet standards suited for a college preparatory track. It is absurd to think that it ever would have worked. But we live and learn. Diane Ravitch certainly has.

Although off course a bit for a discussion about schools and the budget, permit me to explicate just how disastrous our immigration policies are to working people. Senator Warren of Massachusetts rightly points out that if working people ratably were to have shared in the rise of total GDP over the lst 25 years, the minimum wage should be over $14.00. Of course, she has a limited understanding of economics, so the conclusion she draws from this observation is that the minimum wage should be raised (which would reduce employment, unfortunately). But the real reason that the minimum wage is half of what it should be is due to immense global productivity gains, especially in Southern and Eastern Asia. Competition - and the productivity obtained from these countries, has depressed wages here. Perhaps we should have been more protectionist. But one thing is sure. If faced with global competition and immense productivity gains, the last thing, and I mean the last thing, anyone would ever want to do is to permit millions of poorly educated people to come hear illegally. They have depress the lower end of the labor market(a key step in making a lifetime of work). They also incur billions in social costs (there is a reason California alone has 1/3 of the nation's welfare recipients despite having 12% of the population). It is as if our political leaders, so anxious to gain votes (in the case of Democrats), or so desiring of cheap labor (Republicans and business interests), that our politicians have made war on working class citizens for the last three decades. Liberal, peaceful Switzerland knows darn well the costs of uncontrolled immigration. They enforce their stringent laws like crazy (ironically, so does Mexico - with low per capita GDP and high corruption, they cannot afford uncontrolled immigration).

This is what makes issues like the school budget crisis so painful. Underneath it all is yet another wealth transfer from the middle class to those here illegally. Yes, we all get it - children who are here are indeed better off to be in school and learning. But what do we get for all of our social investment? The results and outcomes by and large are lousy (and not for lack of effort by the schools, which in Fairfax are mostly competent and caring). And of course this cannot be openly discussed, because well, it is dangerous territory politically.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:17PM

I'm not reducing to a left versus right statement. You're blaming immigration policies and wishing we could do something about it. What don't you get about the fact that that ship has sailed? Where is the proactive movement on immigration reform now? The US House of representatives is controlling the shit and they just flushed 24 billion dollars down the toilet on a government shutdown, for what? Does that make you happy? Don't rail at me about the fact that we can't get any traction from internal terrorists on immigration reform they are not apt to take proactive action on ANYTHING.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2013 09:21PM by hammerhead10.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:20PM

hammertoe10 you probably look like this guy LOFL

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:22PM

And you probably look like a troll, doucher. No surprises there.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:34PM

Your Xenophobia is showing, sir, and, it's not very attractive. How do we deal with the situation in going forward? Regressive and punitive tactics will not work at this stage of the game.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2013 09:34PM by hammerhead10.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:36PM

Shut up faggot and go away. No one wants to hear your shit.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:39PM

I thought you were leaving the state after kookenelli's loss, doucher? Wtf? you're just another lying sack of shit like Rush? Yeah, I thought so.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:40PM

fucking blowhard.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:41PM


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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:43PM

You're still in the state Chicken shit? You said you were leaving.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2013 09:46PM by hammerhead10.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:45PM


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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:46PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM


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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:47PM

After Cuckoonelli got his shit handed to him. You said you couldn't exist in the commonwealth anymore unless a hater like Cuckoo was running the show.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:48PM

Show me bitch.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:49PM

You're a cheap ass coward just like most hard right wingers. Just STFU while we bask in the glory of kicking your ass. :)

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:50PM

Man you sound like a serious fucking badass, peace man.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:53PM

I'll give you the high road. Please leave the state as soon as your shit is packed, like you said you would.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:57PM



Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2013 10:06PM by WingNut.


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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: gothitwithahammerinthehead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:59PM

hammerhead misses the point Wrote:
> Look, hammerhead, every thing cannot be reduced to
> a political left versus right statement.

Whaaaa? That's not true! Think Progress tells me so!

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 10:07PM

see ya, WHINERS! :)

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Awww don't leave all butthurt ()
Date: November 07, 2013 10:12PM

hammerhead10 Wrote:
> see ya, WHINERS! :)

Just leave.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Again And Again Over and Over ()
Date: November 07, 2013 10:20PM

How many times do we have to go thru this.. Cut some of the fat at the top and middle..and live within your budget FCPS.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: yawns ()
Date: November 07, 2013 10:36PM

Yeah, what else is new.

They face a 'budget crisis' every year.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 10:40PM

LOL haha


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: L3YXC ()
Date: November 07, 2013 10:46PM

Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: November 07, 2013 09:57PM

Your father said he would stop blowing me if Cooch won. That fucking slut gives great snarlin's, even if he is just a punk.

So I guess I'm still getting my bone smoked.


***“WingNut does not like people speaking in third person."***

nice try editing it

we all now know you are gay

not to popular sexual orientation with your homophobic gop

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: hammerhead10 ()
Date: November 07, 2013 11:07PM

See ya, whiners!

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Jobs? Who needs 'em? ()
Date: November 08, 2013 08:14AM

You leaving? DLTDHY.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: November 08, 2013 10:39AM

This thread sure went to shit fast.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Crisis Busters ()
Date: November 08, 2013 11:13AM

We can thank the school board, in particular Ted Velkoff, Patti Reed, Ryan McElveen and Tammy Kaufax. Egotistical losers, every single one of them!

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Nova + taxes ()
Date: November 08, 2013 11:19AM

But hey, think of all of those nice new shiny turf fields!

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: ESL audit needed ()
Date: November 08, 2013 11:31AM

They need to audit the FRM application--so much fraud its not funny.

Time for folks to pay their way.

Don't tell me you live in Fairfax County in a $500k house and made less than $40k.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: cmcarthy ()
Date: November 08, 2013 03:10PM

"Suffocating science labs."

they just posted a news story they sent something into space (it's a lie, a navy developed rocket did)

my neighbor elementary has it's parking lot full of fukcing foriegners every day plus 10 cars parked outside since they all filled the lot.

all making over $30k / yr while poor white people are not even getting minimum wage.

burn in hell fucking foreigners

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Dagwood ()
Date: November 08, 2013 03:13PM

Shut down Dogwood.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Outspoken ()
Date: November 09, 2013 03:44AM

hammerhead10 Wrote:
> see ya, WHINERS! :)

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: put 'em to the test ()
Date: December 13, 2013 11:43AM

How many of those SOL questions could the members of the school board or the county supervisors answer correctly?

I suggest we find out. Failure to pass means removal from office and permanent ineligibility to seek office.

It would be so nice to see Ryan McElveen and Tammy Kaufax FAIL.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: garrett ()
Date: December 13, 2013 12:37PM


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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: stupidest county ()
Date: December 13, 2013 07:23PM

Deport the motherfucking wetbacks. Problem solved, Fairfax.

And you morons have been resting on the educational laurels you earned in the 1980s, all the while yelling that, "Fairfax County public schools are great," while ignoring the absolute mouthbreathing morons your schools have been producing since the 1990s. And the wetbacks made it even worse.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: bulov of it ()
Date: December 13, 2013 07:27PM

Everything in this county is a crisis. Its just a word to use to justify raising taxes, growing government and keeping do nothing jobs secure. While the real crisis the cost of housing, feeding and educating illegals is no big deal.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Inquisitive One ()
Date: December 13, 2013 09:31PM

Everything is in crisis because nothing gets done in this country unless there is a crisis whether it is actual or perceived. The key is determining the difference between the two.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/13/2013 09:32PM by Inquisitive One.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: tax player ()
Date: May 06, 2014 09:14AM

good good good

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: whs ()
Date: May 06, 2014 12:44PM

he Clifton ES closing is a perfect example of the School boards wasteful ways. Here you had a School primarily built in the 1980's and in solid shape being closed. Most people in the area, and there is much evidence of this, believe the closing was done for purely political reasons.
I read very recently that Several new ES schools are needed in close proximity to CES because of overcrowding at other schools. Once again the taxpayer picks up the tab for the School Boards whims.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Curmudgeon ()
Date: May 06, 2014 12:49PM


which cut administrative costs to the bone during the recession and, as a recent state efficiency review revealed, can save a mere $15 million in efficiencies in its $2.5 billion budget over the next five years—sees no relief in sight.

that's absurd. find any parent, give them a detailed copy of the budget and a red pen. problem solved.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: snowdenscold ()
Date: May 08, 2014 11:41AM

B, A, G, D, C, J, J, missing info, B, C

Granted school was a long time ago, but I think those are correct...

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: Hate this diversity shit ()
Date: May 08, 2014 12:35PM

"minority achievement gaps will widen"

Not my fucking problem if Jose and Maria can't speak English and suffer because of it. Pumping more dollars into diversity when we are already broke and owe China trillions is not a path to prosperity.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: G2 ()
Date: May 08, 2014 01:03PM

Hammerhead10 is just a new sock puppet of Gerrymanderer2. They typically start off kind of moderate then eventually dive off the deep end by going into the "racist redneck right wingers are satan" spew.

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: SPEAR CHUKR PHIL ()
Date: May 08, 2014 01:06PM

AHHH memory's of hallways that smelled of ASS how could I forget!

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Re: Fairfax schools face greatest crisis since 1950s
Posted by: SteveOReeno ()
Date: May 08, 2014 01:37PM

Just tour the multiple School Board-related buildings! You'll see where the $ goes.

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