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Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Fairfax County School Board News ()
Date: May 14, 2013 06:41AM

Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses
Some school board members say "disconnect," mistrust still exists between principals, parents.

As the Fairfax County School Board prepares to vote on another round of changes in a years-long push for reform of its discipline policies, board members are struggling to find a common ground on when parents should be notified if their child could be suspended or expelled.

Fairfax County Public Schools staff returned to the school board Monday with a number of proposed changes to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook, some of them based on a list of 52 recommendations to overhaul discipline practices systemwide a community committee put forth earlier this spring.

See all proposed changes here.

But parental notification — an issue on which there has been little agreement since the push for reform began following the suicide of two Fairfax students two years ago— continued to be a sticking point Monday for staff, principals and community committee and board members.

The act of notifying parents isn't the problem, Westfield High School Principal Tim Thomas said Monday: It's a question of when in the process principals stop an investigation and loop parents in.

The 40-member Ad Hoc Community Committee on Student Rights and Responsibilities suggested earlier this year principals inform parents of offenses before students are questioned by principals or law enforcement, except for cases in which evidence might be destroyed or there is imminent danger.

Under the staff proposal, principals starting next year would use a uniform questionnaire to collect student statements during an investigation, with a clear disclaimer letting kids know they aren't obligated to provide information.

But while it holds principals to "reasonable efforts" to notify the student’s parents "as soon as possible as part of the on-going process," and asks them to document those attempts, principals would still be permitted to question students before making a call or sending an email home.

School board member Megan McLaughlin (Braddock), among others, worried about the ambiguity around when principals would notify parents and how the system would ensure consistency school to school.

Elizabeth Schultz (Springfield) wondered how the new language would prompt principals to act any differently than they already are.

Thomas and other school staff said the goal is always to make parents part of the process. But especially in cases in which multiple students are involved, or, accusations may be false, it takes some time to determine whether a student has actually committed an offense or identify victims versus offenders. Stopping that investigation to notify parents could hurt the final outcome, he said.

Thomas said the new language wouldn't change much about what principals are doing now.

While Kathy Smith (Sully) said she appreciated the work of the committee, "they do not represent the community," Smith said. "We have no way to know what the majority of citizens ... in the community believe."

Committee chair Steve Stuban said members from a broad range of expertise and backgrounds were appointed to the committee with the task of representing community views on the issue; no recommendations were put forward that didn't receive majority support.

Sandy Evans (Mason), whose amendment on parental notification failed at the board table last May, said she was frustrated the board was still seeing a disconnect on the issue.

"I hoped by now we wouldn't still be talking [about this]," she said.

Officials also discussed a second chance program, which would allow principals to consider circumstances and give students caught with marijuana or synthetic marijuana up to a 10-day suspension — including a five-day alcohol and drug seminar and a 30-day suspension from activities — instead of an automatic recommendation for expulsion.

The board voted 6-5 on Monday to add another work session on the issue bfore its June 6 vote. A final date has not been set.

"It is progress but I think we can do more," Schultz said.

Other proposals being considered ahead of the vote:

•Clarify that FCPS administrators take the lead in investigating most violations, and that when they take the lead, no police (School Resource Officers) are present in the room, except in the case of imminent risk of harm, felonies and violent misdemeanors or incidents requiring immediate report to the police.

•Include a section with state and federal guidelines for students with disabilities and students protected under section 504

Patch file photo: Dr. Kim Dockery assistant superintendent for special services and on the right in the blue, Mary Ann Panarelli, director of intervention and prevention services for the department of special services.Credit Sherell Williams

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Concerned Parents ()
Date: May 14, 2013 07:12AM

How many students in the county have committed suicide in the past few years?

I know there was Nick Stuban, Bryan Glenn, Josh Anderson, and I know there are others but can't remember their names.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: another one ()
Date: May 14, 2013 07:15AM

Ethan Griffith was one from this year.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: KH ()
Date: May 15, 2013 06:53AM

So incredibly disappointed in this process. Parental notification was ready to be voted on last June until a last-minute plea from the principal's group delayed this for almost a whole year. Then, with so many at the table - conceivably every voice represented, still nothing? Did FCPS ever produce the data on the disproportionate numbers of minorities going through this ordeal? It’s that group I worry about most. Most parents who have heard anything about this have already instructed their kids not to say a word or write anything down until they’ve been called. If you haven’t had this conversation with your child, I suggest you to do so.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: John Farrell ()
Date: May 15, 2013 07:51AM

Arrogant, dismissive intransigence is not anything like "collaboration,"Jack!

Clearly, Jack, Kim and Rich neither trust nor respect Fairfax parents and have caved to the bullying of the mutinous FCPS high school principals.

These high school principals have no problem finding the student's parents once the principals have brow-beaten the kid into confessing to whatever transgression the principal dreams up so that Mom or Dad can come get their kid and take them home.

But call Mom or Dad before the brow-beating starts? Can't do that. Won't do that. Refuse to do that.

The FCPS principals will not surrender their power to the real parents.

Several School Board members, elected by those parents to represent those parents, immediately cave.

And the School Board members who speak up for those parents and kids get viciously attacked . . .

by other School Board members and the Superintendent!

We are on the far side of the looking glass where the subordinates (high school principals) boss around the bosses (the School Board) and the bosses take it and apologize for bothering their subordinates.


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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Julie Simpson ()
Date: May 15, 2013 08:25AM

We have first hand experience of the intimidation and bullying tactics employed by FCPS principals and security officers. Thank goodness our kid was strong enough to deny school officials even as a freshman while other students were too intimidated and lied in order to appease the officials. Subsequently we instructed our kids to not speak to any school officers until at least one parent was present.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: connie1 ()
Date: May 15, 2013 08:41AM

"The system needs to have a more concrete decision-making protocol to ensure consistency across the system, Dockery said, one that doesn’t treat those with drug violations differently than those who commit other offenses, like fighting or vandalism."


I guess these Dolts clump all folks who vlolate the rules into the same "Thug" category. Hey, Dolts, there is a difference between drug use, fighting and vandalism.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: doris ()
Date: May 15, 2013 08:59AM

Bullying is a major problem in many schools and even in the lower grades. In the current conversation there is too much focus on one or two infractions and not enough attention to the overall school environment. On the one hand we always hear that the "Parents should be involved." Then, when the parents try to be involved, no- they can't even be notified to be present when their child is facing serious charges. I'm not a parent of students in Fairfax County Schools but it seems to me that the whole discipline system needs some serious revisions.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Don Joy ()
Date: May 15, 2013 09:36AM

Parents, wake up. This is Marxist bullcrap, designed to increase punishment for white and asian kids simply because they are more likely behave well in school, so that the egregious lopsided rates of misbehaving blacks and hispanics are less obvious.

This is that "disparate impact" nonsense borne of "critical race theory" and critical legal theory" stuff that Joel Pollak and others have been trying to inform the public about, the Harvard law school communist indoctrination which people like Barack Obama and Thomas Perez received at the feet of Derrick Bell.

Newsflash, people: Disciplinary rules and hiring tests don't "impact" anyone; a person's own conduct and efforts (or lack thereof) are what lead to the outcomes they experience.

Disparate outcomes should not be blamed on the system, they should be attributed to whether the person has the good sense and character to perform, and whether culture the person comes from encourages/cultivates virtue, or instead, derelict pathologies such as illegitmacy and so forth.

This is the same "disparate impact" mentality that says when a civil service hiring or promotion test is given (despite hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on minority "diversity consultants" and even letting minority employess help write and vet the exam to eliminate any chance whatsoever about the test having any supposedly "biased" questions, etc.), when not enough black and hispanic applicants pass the test to satisfy the diversity hustlers, they claim that nonetheless, the test must be "racist" because the result is "disparate" proportions of hires, etc.

That's right, having standards is racist, so throw out the standards. You see, these innocent applicants were just minding their own business when these racist tests and rules just came out of nowhere and HIT them. No mention or accounting for differences in interest, or abilities, or effort, mind you. We can't have any objective assessment, we must always just assume that underachieving/misbehaving blacks and hispanics are victims of evil whitey's rules, and therefore give them the job, the promotion, excuse them from consequences for their behavior or lack of studying or whatever. Give me a break.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Mary S. ()
Date: May 15, 2013 09:43AM

I am a Federal HR specialist and have been for 40 years. What civil service hiring or promotion tests are you referring to? Tests went out a number of years ago! Probably a generation ago. What the H are you talking about? All we are getting from your comments is that you are a full blown racist.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Don Joy ()
Date: May 15, 2013 09:47AM

Mary S. Wrote:
> I am a Federal HR specialist and have been for 40
> years. What civil service hiring or promotion
> tests are you referring to? Tests went out a
> number of years ago! Probably a generation ago.
> What the H are you talking about? All we are
> getting from your comments is that you are a full
> blown racist.

Mary S., you're wrong, but as far as what you said in the federal realm, that's my whole point--tests are increasingly being thrown out because not enough blacks and hispanics score well enough on them to be hired or promoted, etc. Besides, federal agencies are constantly braying about "diversity" when they are already packed with vastly disproportionate numbers of minorities, especially in Washington, D.C.

Furthermore, just because your focus has been on federal hiring and personnel matters doesn't mean the rest of the country stopped existing apart from your personal existence--do you not even know what Ricci v. DeStefano was about? Many municipalities and various other jurisdictions use exams in hiring and promotions, not to mention colleges and private industry, etc. What about the countless other federal "disparate impact" lawsuits that the Holder/Perez DoJ has waged against municipalities when not enough minorities pass their hiring/promotional exams? Are you that clueless? As someone who purports to be an expert on the matter based on experience, you diplay an incompetence so typical of federal bureaucrat Obama voters.

Also, Mary S., the fact that you represent the federal government indicates that you are part of the problem, completely ignorant of reality, and helping to perpetuate the hateful affirmative action racial/gender quotas and push white males out. The official vendetta by people like you has especially been waged against conservative white males; I've seen and experienced it firsthand. I've also seen firsthand how federal agencies spend endless amounts of money for entire HR departments to go on weekly pleasure junkets, paying for huge, expensive luxury buses to pull up outside of the federal buildings so the gaggle of obese, lumbering, dim-witted Obama-supporting female affirmative action hire HR bureaucrats can waddle out from their offices and climb aboard for a day touring the Virginia countryside and visiting historic sites for "team building" trips. I saw this EVERY week at one agency where I worked.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Kim McCoy ()
Date: May 15, 2013 10:03AM

Mary S. Wrote:
> I am a Federal HR specialist and have been for 40
> years. What civil service hiring or promotion
> tests are you referring to? Tests went out a
> number of years ago! Probably a generation ago.
> What the H are you talking about? All we are
> getting from your comments is that you are a full
> blown racist.

Mary S.
I would ask you to refrain from lumping me into your "we" comment. I don't get that Don is racist in anyway. If you think any opinion that differs from yours is racist, then that's your problem. You may be a Federal HR "specialist", but testing at many local and state levels still exists.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Don Joy ()
Date: May 15, 2013 10:09AM

Bingo, Kim. The real "racism" is on the part of the leftists who incessantly want to run interference for minorities so that minorities never have to be responsible and adhere to standards(conservatives, meanwhile, just want everyone to be subject to the same uniform consequences regardless of race, and let the chips fall where they may, so that content of character wins the day), and who invariably attack and disenfranshise white males (in the case of this story about schools, target white and asian students for increased discipline so as to even out the racial statistics on discipline, etc).

Perhaps Mary S. would like to become better informed:

It's as if the Supreme Court ruling in Ricci vs. DeStefano never even occurred!

This is delicious, now we have someone with 40 years of federal HR experience scrambling to Google Ricci v. DeStefano, scratching her head, wondering how and why someone is so easily able to call her out and school her on a topic on which she thought she was an authority...she's mumbling about how unfair and bigoted it is that anyone challenge her federal girth, after all, it's just so racist that facts are even allowed to be discussed on here!

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Concerned Teacher ()
Date: May 15, 2013 10:17AM

The selling or distribution of drug paraphanelia is unacceptable and there should not be a 2nd chance. By knowing that a 2nd chance exists, we are condoning this behavior. I am appauled that parents believe that the schools should warrant such behavior. A free education is a priveledge, not a right. If a student breaks the law, in school, the child must deal with the consequences, not make excuses. This is why students who want to learn at school cannot do so. We need to start teaching kids that behavior is a choice that has risks and they need to think BEFORE they partake in such behaviors. As someone who has worked with teenagers for a significant amount of time, I can say that teenagers are dying for guidance not 2nd chances. This juat saddens me that parents feel that lessening the consequences is the way to fix this problem.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Don Joy ()
Date: May 15, 2013 04:28PM

Bravo, concerned teacher! The dumbing-down and lowering of standards is all part of the Marxist, left-wing agenda. Mark my words, watch as white and asian kids are targeted for increased disciplinary measures so as to "level the playing field(a phrase which is nothing more than code for racial quotas)."

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Concerned Teacher ()
Date: May 15, 2013 04:30PM

Sorry Don Joy but I don't agree with your view regarding the targeting of certain racial groups. I am strictly making an observation regarding disciplinary measures for all students. I believe that by offering a 2nd chance and extra help during suspensions, we are sending the message that these behaviors are not serious. Also, by not forcing students to step up and accept consequences, they will never learn. It is the parents job to guide their students through those consequences in a responsible manner, not the schools. We need to stop allowing excuses to be acceptable. That is why we have a generation of entitled teenagers.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Watch out ()
Date: May 15, 2013 09:58PM

Be careful what you ask for. It isn't too hard to imagine school administrators just turning over issues to the police. If your third grader steals someone's ipod, do you want it handled by the principal, or by police? If your sixth grader pushes a kid in the hallway, do you want the police to investigate it as an assault, or do you want the administrator to ask him to apologize, call home, and having him stay in from recess?
Please think this through and speak up, because this is exactly where it is headed. If an administrator calls home, and the parent says that she shouldn't speak to the child, the next step is either letting it go, or turning it over to the police. Is that really what we want for our kids?
What if your child is the victim? Doesn't this new policy open the door for bullies to get by with whatever they want to do, because the bully's parent can just tell him not to talk, and the principal can't do a thing.
Am I wrong? (I know the answer that will likely come on this site, but really, can't you see this happening?)

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: janet otersen ()
Date: May 16, 2013 07:08AM

Concerned Teacher Wrote:
> Sorry Don Joy but I don't agree with your view
> regarding the targeting of certain racial groups.
> I am strictly making an observation regarding
> disciplinary measures for all students. I believe
> that by offering a 2nd chance and extra help
> during suspensions, we are sending the message
> that these behaviors are not serious. Also, by not
> forcing students to step up and accept
> consequences, they will never learn. It is the
> parents job to guide their students through those
> consequences in a responsible manner, not the
> schools. We need to stop allowing excuses to be
> acceptable. That is why we have a generation of
> entitled teenagers.

I am a bit uncomfortable with a teacher of teenagers convinced that we have a generation of entitled teenagers--why don't you just call them spoiled brats and tell us how you honestly feel about the kids in your classroom?

The second chance program is designed for users--not dealers--big difference. Our county survey tells us that nearly 1/3 of high school kids experiment with alcohol and/or drugs--should we go hard on all of them?

Good Lord, our schools will be empty. The science backs a policy of education, compassion, and guidance--punishment has been used for decades and it has been devastating and ineffective. Time to listen to the experts and embrace best practices.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Tallo ()
Date: May 16, 2013 08:37AM

This debate still I thought was had.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Don Joy ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:09AM

janet otersen Wrote:
> Concerned Teacher Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sorry Don Joy but I don't agree with your view
> > regarding the targeting of certain racial
> groups.
> > I am strictly making an observation regarding
> > disciplinary measures for all students. I
> believe
> > that by offering a 2nd chance and extra help
> > during suspensions, we are sending the message
> > that these behaviors are not serious. Also, by
> not
> > forcing students to step up and accept
> > consequences, they will never learn. It is the
> > parents job to guide their students through
> those
> > consequences in a responsible manner, not the
> > schools. We need to stop allowing excuses to be
> > acceptable. That is why we have a generation of
> > entitled teenagers.
> I am a bit uncomfortable with a teacher of
> teenagers convinced that we have a generation of
> entitled teenagers--why don't you just call them
> spoiled brats and tell us how you honestly feel
> about the kids in your classroom?
> The second chance program is designed for
> users--not dealers--big difference. Our county
> survey tells us that nearly 1/3 of high school
> kids experiment with alcohol and/or drugs--should
> we go hard on all of them?
> Good Lord, our schools will be empty. The science
> backs a policy of education, compassion, and
> guidance--punishment has been used for decades and
> it has been devastating and ineffective. Time to
> listen to the experts and embrace best practices.

Janet, before you liberals screwed everything up, punishment worked for thousands and thousands of years.

Look at what nothing but 100% democrats running our inner cities has done. Your mindset has utterly destroyed Detroit and other once-great cities. Fairfax County is still in fairly good shape, but with more and more democrats gaining numbers and power here, it won't be long before we too are like the increasingly communist, failed 3rd world of Prince George's County...and no, our schools won't be empty, they will be full of mostly mindful, respectful students with misbehaving problem kids being the exception instead of the norm embraced by the likes of you.

That is, punishment AND reward, recognition, and praise. Now we have an honors night being cancelled at one school so as not to make underachievers feel bad! More sick communism:

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: can't wait ()
Date: May 16, 2013 09:56AM

Looking forward to Cary identifying the individual who is posting under other people's name.

I wonder if it has an FCPS email attached to it...

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Sandra ()
Date: May 16, 2013 03:34PM

Don Joy Wrote:
> janet otersen Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Concerned Teacher Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Sorry Don Joy but I don't agree with your
> view
> > > regarding the targeting of certain racial
> > groups.
> > > I am strictly making an observation regarding
> > > disciplinary measures for all students. I
> > believe
> > > that by offering a 2nd chance and extra help
> > > during suspensions, we are sending the
> message
> > > that these behaviors are not serious. Also,
> by
> > not
> > > forcing students to step up and accept
> > > consequences, they will never learn. It is
> the
> > > parents job to guide their students through
> > those
> > > consequences in a responsible manner, not the
> > > schools. We need to stop allowing excuses to
> be
> > > acceptable. That is why we have a generation
> of
> > > entitled teenagers.
> >
> >
> > I am a bit uncomfortable with a teacher of
> > teenagers convinced that we have a generation
> of
> > entitled teenagers--why don't you just call
> them
> > spoiled brats and tell us how you honestly feel
> > about the kids in your classroom?
> >
> > The second chance program is designed for
> > users--not dealers--big difference. Our county
> > survey tells us that nearly 1/3 of high school
> > kids experiment with alcohol and/or
> drugs--should
> > we go hard on all of them?
> >
> > Good Lord, our schools will be empty. The
> science
> > backs a policy of education, compassion, and
> > guidance--punishment has been used for decades
> and
> > it has been devastating and ineffective. Time
> to
> > listen to the experts and embrace best
> practices.
> Janet, before you liberals screwed everything up,
> punishment worked for thousands and thousands of
> years.
> Look at what nothing but 100% democrats running
> our inner cities has done. Your mindset has
> utterly destroyed Detroit and other once-great
> cities. Fairfax County is still in fairly good
> shape, but with more and more democrats gaining
> numbers and power here, it won't be long before we
> too are like the increasingly communist, failed
> 3rd world of Prince George's County...and no, our
> schools won't be empty, they will be full of
> mostly mindful, respectful students with
> misbehaving problem kids being the exception
> instead of the norm embraced by the likes of you.
> That is, punishment AND reward, recognition, and
> praise. Now we have an honors night being
> cancelled at one school so as not to make
> underachievers feel bad! More sick communism:
> http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/03/21/princip
> al-sparks-outrage-after-canceling-honors-night-for
> -more-inclusive-student-assembly/

Rather than quoting statistics, I think someone needs to do an in-depth analysis that goes further than ethnicity. I remember reading somewhere that rather than just race, economic disparities should also be examined, i.e. kids from poorer families often have more behavioral and performance issues because of things such as less parental supervision (sometimes due to parents working multiple jobs to make ends meet), etc. Rather than just assume that the higher proportion of blacks and hispanics that are disciplined are due to racial bias, perhaps the circumstances of the infractions need to be investigated more closely. I'm disturbed by Janet's automatic assumption that these statistics mean that the "schools need to be called out" on this. Has anyone checked to see what the infractions were, and if they were fair and legitimate, or is everyone just assuming that because the rate of suspensions for minorities are higher, there must be something wrong with the school? I also think that the offer of a second chance needs to be weighed against the circumstances. Honor roll student who takes an over-the-counter antihistamine or pain reliever, or someone who tries something for the first time, I can understand leniency. However, a hard core drug or alcohol abuser probably needs to be placed in a rehab program and maybe an alternative school.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: johnny c ()
Date: May 16, 2013 04:26PM

KH Wrote:
> So incredibly disappointed in this process.
> Parental notification was ready to be voted on
> last June until a last-minute plea from the
> principal's group delayed this for almost a whole
> year. Then, with so many at the table -
> conceivably every voice represented, still
> nothing? Did FCPS ever produce the data on the
> disproportionate numbers of minorities going
> through this ordeal? It’s that group I worry
> about most. Most parents who have heard anything
> about this have already instructed their kids not
> to say a word or write anything down until
> they’ve been called. If you haven’t had this
> conversation with your child, I suggest you to do
> so.

We will see what you think about this when your kid is the victim of violence in a school and everybody lawyers up.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: kick these "bad" kids out ()
Date: May 16, 2013 07:20PM

We really need to get rid of this menace in Maryland!

WASHINGTON -- Round one is over, but the fight will continue.

A Maryland father says his son's controversial suspension is ridiculous, and he is not backing down.

"I just don't view that as a reasonable reaction to the situation that took place," says B.J. Welch.

Welch's second-grade son was removed from classes for two days earlier this year after he formed his breakfast pastry into the shape of a gun and reportedly aimed it at other students. Officials with Anne Arundel County Schools declined to expunge the punishment during a meeting this week.

"They offered to remove the gun references from the record, but they still insisted on keeping the suspension," Welch explains. "There's just no reason for that mark to be on his record."

A schools spokesman says the incident should not be used as an attorney's "publicity stunt," according to The Washington Post, and that the incident is between the child, his parents and the school.

Family members and their attorney will now ask Superintendent Kevin Maxwell to hear their arguments.

"If it has to be taken to other levels that's what we are going to do," Welch says.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Kermit ()
Date: May 16, 2013 07:21PM

And so it goes...

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Liberal Logic 103 ()
Date: May 17, 2013 02:19AM

janet otersen Wrote:

> I am a bit uncomfortable with a teacher of
> teenagers convinced that we have a generation of
> entitled teenagers--why don't you just call them
> spoiled brats and tell us how you honestly feel
> about the kids in your classroom?

Uncomfortable with what the truth?

> The second chance program is designed for
> users--not dealers--big difference. Our county
> survey tells us that nearly 1/3 of high school
> kids experiment with alcohol and/or drugs--should
> we go hard on all of them?

Every case should be handled on its own merits, one size fits all approaches just insure youll have a crappy approach to everything.

> Good Lord, our schools will be empty. The science
> backs a policy of education, compassion, and
> guidance--punishment has been used for decades and
> it has been devastating and ineffective. Time to
> listen to the experts and embrace best practices.

No the "science" doesnt support that. The touchy feely stuff is what has lead to a generation of entitlement and kids not being able to handle the real world or life. Kids are committing suicide at a greater rate than in past generations because they are being ill prepared for life with the everyone gets a trophy and there are no winners and losers in life. Guess what there are winners and losers and if you want a trophy you need to work for it. The culture shock the experience when the sheltered bubble is pops is too much for some of them to handle unfortunately. But when you tailor everything the way it has been and groom new generations to think every single thing is some problem worthy of therapy its not shocking.

If you really care about the kids you need to teach them right from wrong and teach them to have ticker skin. Is it the biggest deal in the world if they get caught high, no its not its called making a mistake that kids do. But its just as big of a mistake to then bring in that psycho babble bs science and over complicate everything or tailor policies to get desired racial demographic outcomes. All this crap about bullying is also a huge disservice, its called people a kid. Kids are mean and say mean things. Thats not something that just started recently and like all the other social experiments is now out of control where every single thing is considered bullying

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Insight ()
Date: May 30, 2013 07:11AM

After Sister's Ordeal, Family Fights for Those Suffering From Depression
Joanna Albert has battled severe depression since being injured while cheering for her high school - now, her family is rallying to advocate for resources that helped her get back on her feet.

About this sponsorship: In honor of the 60th anniversary of Sir Edmund Hillary’s historic ascent of Mount Everest, Patch and Grape-Nuts are teaming up to highlight those who inspire people around them to climb their own mountains.

Jaclyn Esguerra wants people to know depression is not something to be ashamed of.

Ever since her younger sister, Joanna Albert, suffered a severe concussion while cheering for Herndon High School, the teen has suffered from depression.

Joanna's depression can get so serious, Esguerra said, she was hospitalized earlier this month.

But instead of hiding her sister's battle with one of the most common mental illnesses in the country, Esguerra wants to support her and others by spreading the word that help is available no matter how insurmontable the depression can seem.

This Saturday, June 1, she will be lacing up her walking shoes and heading into Washington, D.C. to participate in the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention’s Out of the Darkness Overnight event, a 16- to 18-mile walk from sunset to sunrise, that raises funds and awareness for suicide prevention.

According to AFSP, close to 1 million people across the country will make a suicide attempt this year, and more than 38,000 will die by suicide.

“These statistics are troubling; but it is important to know that suicide can be prevented," said Esguerra, a 1998 Herndon High School graduate. "That is why I am walking in The Overnight. I want to take action to prevent suicides."

Esguerra said at first it was difficult for her family, longtime Herndon residents, to talk about Joanna's struggle with suicide and how it affected them. Taking such a sensitive family ordeal public was not an easy decision to make.

"But, we realize that the whole point of this is to bring awareness to suicide, depression and other mental illnesses. To not be ashamed. To 'come out of the darkness,' like with the Overnight Walk," she said. "If we can save even just one life, it's all worth it."

"It's not something to be ashamed of," she said. "Bringing this issue to light will help so many people avoid losing loved ones. I want to bring awareness to depression and suicide and the other mental illnesses that so many people in our society are dealing with."

Joanna, a passionate member of the Herndon High cheerleading team, often served as the base of the team's pyramids and other formations, so "she was often fell on," Esguerra said, adding the extent of Joanna's injury wasn't evident at first.

"We didn't realize how bad her concussion was until after the season was already over," Esguerra said.

Once they got Joanna treatment, her doctors advised her not to do anything too "brain-stimulating" for some time, she said.

That's when Joanna's depression started to surface.

The whole experience has been an eye-opener for the family, and Esguerra is taking everything her family has learned about depression and putting it out there to try to help others like her sister.

AFSP representatives hope that by bringing this event to the nation’s capital, it will elevate a national conversation about suicide prevention, as well as motivate leaders to take more action regarding this serious public health problem, Esguerra explained.

Proceeds from the Out of the Darkness Overnight support research and a variety of prevention, education and advocacy programs, including distribution of the Foundation’s "More Than Sad" educational program on teen depression and suicide prevention to high schools across the country.

Joanna was just cleared to do 'normal' things again, Esguerra said — even cheer.

Slowly, Joanna is starting to find her voice about the whole experience as well. In a letter delivered to Patch through Esguerra, Joanna had the following to say about how it feels to be gradually getting back to her old routine again:

"It feels scary. Everything about this journey requires strength, endurance. Instead of swimming in the darkness, you surface from it. And then you fall in, over and over again. Breath, sunshine, choking, drowning, darkness again. So yeah, happiness exists again, but so does fear."

Esguerra will walk as part of "Team Joni" in the Overnight Walk this Saturday. Those who wish to support her team can do so online.

For more information about the Out of the Darkness Overnight walk, visit www.TheOvernight.org.

For more information about suicide, such as risk factors and warning signs, and what you can do if you think someone you know is at risk of suicide, visit www.AFSP.org.

The four sisters, enjoying the Herndon High School homecoming game together. (Left to right) Angeline, Joanna, Hayden and Jacki.Credit Courtesy Photo

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: PHOeniXvsPrisons ()
Date: May 30, 2013 07:58AM

I guess the this one is between the Prison Industry lobby and the online University Mill Lobby. If we could just get these kids out of high school and into prisons more $$$ for that industry. On the other hand pushing them through the system and getting them into expensive and worthless Phoenix University with non dischargeable debt is more $$$ for that industry.

tough call...

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: D for Doris ()
Date: June 04, 2013 12:43PM

Bullying is a major problem in many schools and even in the lower grades. In the current conversation there is too much focus on one or two infractions and not enough attention to the overall school environment. On the one hand we always hear that the "Parents should be involved." Then, when the parents try to be involved, no- they can't even be notified to be present when their child is facing serious charges. I'm not a parent of students in Fairfax County Schools but it seems to me that the whole discipline system needs some serious revisions.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Local Resident ()
Date: June 07, 2013 07:18AM

David Fallen,

Zero tolerance is the only logical and objective way to apply a policy.

The tone of Michele Menapace's letter makes it clear that she disagrees with zero tolerance. But, what is the solution? It sounds like Michele Menapace is advocating for a subjective disciplinary policy rather than a unifom, objective policy.

What would be the result in the examples cited by Michele Menapace above with a subjective disciplinary policy? Weapons are prohibited on school grounds EXCEPT that bullied middle school boys are permitted to bring tomato knives to school. Students are prohibited from hitting other students EXCEPT elementary school girls are allowed to punch boys in the arm if they have been kicked.

The examples cited clearly show that there was more than one guilty party. However, when I was in school, I was taught that two wrongs don't make a right. Is this not taught any longer?

There is a life lesson for the students involved in these examples. You are responsible for your own actions regardless of how others might act. If bullied students don't have to follow the rules, how long do you think it would take before every student would say that he is the victim of bullying.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Michele Menapace ()
Date: June 07, 2013 07:33AM

I haven't seen anyone suggest that bullied students don't have to follow the rules. I didn't suggest that rules should be changed so a bullied kid can fight back. The point I made was that discipline is NOT being administered objectively--from student to student within one school, from school to school. IF zero tolerance is being practiced by FCPS--and school leaders have denied it is--then EVERY student who gets caught with drugs will be recommended for expulsion. But we know that it isn't. I heard from a student whose classmates were caught on a spring trip with drugs and alcohol in their hotel room. One student denied he used them; he was "just there." His parent was a teacher at the school. He wasn't transferred/expelled; his 3 roommates were. Objectively, that shouldn't have happened.

The school board, however, does favor more subjective decision-making. Didn't they recently give principals more authority in making disciplinary referrals? Just like a judge considering mitigating factors...

No students should feel that violence or drugs or self-mutilation is a way out. When schools focus on prevention, intervention, rehabilitation and restoration processes, outcomes are better and students are safer. There's a lot of research proving zero tolerance doesn't work. Seems subjective IS better.

For this review process to be honest and objective all these implications should be considered before recommendations are made.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Virginia Colin ()
Date: June 07, 2013 07:48AM

I hope the Ad Hoc Community Committee on Student Rights & Responsibilities will include someone from Northern Virginia Mediation Service (NVMS) or at least consult with people from NVMS. NVMS has been offering restorative justice programs in some schools and may be willing to offer a lot of expertise and guidance.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Realistic ()
Date: June 07, 2013 08:54AM

There is so much stupid in this response it's hard to figure out how to respond!
Zero tolerance doesn't exist! Principals and teachers pick and choose and ruin kids lives at will! Get a reality check!

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: unbelievable ()
Date: July 07, 2013 11:25AM

Jack Dale's legacy?

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: my little darling never........ ()
Date: July 07, 2013 12:03PM

Realistic Wrote:
> There is so much stupid in this response it's hard
> to figure out how to respond!
> Zero tolerance doesn't exist! Principals and
> teachers pick and choose and ruin kids lives at
> will! Get a reality check!

Yes, they randomly pick kids to target and put up on charges, the kids actions have absolutely nothing to with the whole picture. Yes, somebody does need a reality check.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Not Kim Dockery ()
Date: July 07, 2013 04:30PM

my little darling never........ Wrote:
> Realistic Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > There is so much stupid in this response it's
> hard
> > to figure out how to respond!
> > Zero tolerance doesn't exist! Principals and
> > teachers pick and choose and ruin kids lives at
> > will! Get a reality check!
> Yes, they randomly pick kids to target and put up
> on charges, the kids actions have absolutely
> nothing to with the whole picture. Yes, somebody
> does need a reality check.

Glad to see you understand how FCPS works, especially for minority and special ed boys

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Fair and balanced ()
Date: July 07, 2013 08:23PM

We need to have a separate board made up of retired principals, parents and psychologist to deal with discipline related issues. This takes it out of the hands of the individual schools.

Expelling a child or moving them from their base school is nothing to be taken lightly.

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Re: Fairfax School Board Debates When To Notify Parents of Student Offenses Following FFX County Student Suicides
Posted by: Concerned Parents ()
Date: July 08, 2013 04:51AM

Some school board members say "disconnect," mistrust still exists between principals, parents.

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