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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: moose ()
Date: July 25, 2011 06:40PM

John Cor Wrote:
> Hi do you guys know any famous celebertys or like
> redskins/wizards players living around this
> area????

um sandra bullock is from arlington virginia

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: fat girl with big burrito ()
Date: July 25, 2011 06:57PM

The White Guy working in Chipoltle is pretty famous from what I can tell

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Radiophile ()
Date: July 25, 2011 07:15PM

Funny_Guy Wrote:
> Willard Scott lived in Alexandria (in Arlington
> County). He played Bozo, Ronald McDonald,
> Commander Retro, and was a weatherman for this
> area for years. Looks like he's an accomplished
> writer as well...
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willard_Scott

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Willard Scott does not live in Arlington or Alexandria. He lives in Delaplane VA. The house you are speaking about on McNair was sold to Willard Scott Jr in 2009. And McNair is in Fairfax County.

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Willard, the eldest, lives in Delaplane, VA.

Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2011 07:18PM by Radiophile.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Davis ()
Date: July 15, 2012 09:51PM

Brian Mitchell

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Jim Vance ()
Date: July 16, 2012 12:54AM

Doesn't Willard live down in Florida most of the time these days? Seems like his bit on the Today show"folks who turn a 100 or clebrating their 75th wedding anniversary" comes from Ft. Meyers a lot

I understand he rents Mike O'Meara's place in Ft. Meyers

Ed Walker is so lonely

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Rick E ()
Date: September 12, 2012 09:25AM

Skunk Baxter is a guitar player, not a drummer.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Rick E ()
Date: September 12, 2012 09:38AM

John Cor Wrote:
> Hi do you guys know any famous celebertys or like
> redskins/wizards players living around this
> area????

Robert Duvall and the girl who played Rudy Huxtable on the Cosby Show both live in Middleburg, VA. I saw Oliver North at Croson's Store on rt. 50 in Chantilly.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: flem ()
Date: September 12, 2012 10:09AM

Oliver North is a scumbag traitor.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: graymoose1 ()
Date: September 12, 2012 11:08AM

I was doing a job at Midtown in Reston town center and found out London Fletcher is living there

W.W.S.D. what would Scooby Doo

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: bball girl ()
Date: September 13, 2012 08:39PM

Jackie-O! Wrote:
> Caron Butler-Clifton

Caron works out at an indoor bball facility in Chantilly. Used to be called Hoop Magic... not sure what it's called now cuz they keep changing management.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Bill.N. ()
Date: September 14, 2012 12:03AM

Rick E Wrote:
> Robert Duvall and the girl who played Rudy
> Huxtable on the Cosby Show both live in
> Middleburg, VA.

I thought Robert Duvall lived right outside of The Plains, VA. Either that or he owned a business there.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Steve Goss ()
Date: December 20, 2012 01:31PM

Mike Portnoy from Dream Theater? Is Michael Portnoy a different guy.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: D ()
Date: December 20, 2012 03:04PM

Skunk plays guitar

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: its got to be ()
Date: December 20, 2012 03:14PM

MC THINKBOX is the most famous person around NOVA according to him

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: BoomBoom ()
Date: December 20, 2012 11:03PM

I saw Elvis Presley dumpster diving at the Jermantown Giant in Fairfax.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Mojo Dixon ()
Date: December 20, 2012 11:14PM


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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Sid ()
Date: December 23, 2012 02:29PM

Retired Secret Service agent Clint Hill (JFK, Dallas, 1963)lives in Alexandria.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: JRva ()
Date: December 23, 2012 03:02PM

Sonny Jurgenson - Mt V area.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Tough One ()
Date: December 23, 2012 04:55PM

Bleh, but then again he's from parts unknown.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: December 23, 2012 05:42PM

Blehs mother was of the sky
his father was of the earth
So Bleh is of the universe
and you know what thats worth

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Falls Church Guy ()
Date: December 23, 2012 09:35PM

Roger Mudd, if you consider him famous, which I think he is.

Big fellow ... reported for FFX jury duty last year.


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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Jazelle Lewis ()
Date: December 23, 2012 09:40PM

The man that created the oil to help boys w/the disease that led to dementia ... the movie was Lorenzo's Oil with Susan Sarandan ... lived off 236 in Fairfax. When Lorenzo died in maybe 2006 and his wife died of cancer several years ago, he moved back to Italy, I believe.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Edsterns ()
Date: January 31, 2015 01:53PM

Carl Tanner- Opera star used to Live in fairfax station...

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: stomper0202 ()
Date: February 26, 2015 09:52AM

cville Wrote:
> Brian Mitchell (c-lister?) in Centreville
> It's not Fairfax, but Pat Sajak lives in Potomac,
> MD.

Brian mitchells daughter is in my pe class lel

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Fairfax Famous ()
Date: February 26, 2015 05:13PM

I thought everyone in Fairfax was special...

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: ThatFella ()
Date: February 26, 2015 05:39PM

Robert Duvall lives out near the Plains but he comes to Fairfax Corner to eat sometimes. This girl I was banging who worked at Coastals served him a couple times

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Leroy ()
Date: February 26, 2015 06:10PM

ThatFella Wrote:
> Robert Duvall lives out near the Plains but he
> comes to Fairfax Corner to eat sometimes. This
> girl I was banging who worked at Coastals served
> him a couple times

Really? What a coincidence. Some white chick I was banging, a waitress at Coastal also, said the same thing. She loved my BBC.

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ass cheek split open by gorilla dick. dp ur mom and poo in her pants
Posted by: butt hole tits ()
Date: June 30, 2015 05:52PM

i had an extrodinary case of dieareeha. ripped right through my intestines and splattered all over your moms face

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Re: ass cheek split open by gorilla dick. dp ur mom and poo in her pants
Posted by: Dollymadison ()
Date: September 05, 2015 10:04PM

Dolly used to live here, they even have a road named after her

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Blowin chunks at the check point ()
Date: October 26, 2015 06:53AM

FairfaxDweller Wrote:
> Albert Haynesworth, he lives high atop the world
> in Reston Town Center, rumor has it he drinks a
> lot when he decides to grace the rest of the
> world, also usually in the Town Center.

Capt. sully lives in chantilly.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Blowin chunks at the check point ()
Date: October 28, 2015 10:12AM

wow a double rainbow!
She still works but now it's for my donkey blaster. Speaking of that which is untamable, I tested my cattle prod on both of your granny's bleached, hairless puckers while your parents watched.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: David Oshie ()
Date: March 23, 2018 08:59PM

A capitals hockey player lives in Del Ray Alexandria.
I don’t watch that bullshit sport but overheard it at evening star cafe

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Cranky ()
Date: March 25, 2018 10:13PM

Yul Brenner

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: VF9EX ()
Date: March 25, 2018 10:58PM

I live in Fairfax and that's all you need to know cupcake.

Why is it so important to live among celebrities?

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: We’re all born bald, baby ()
Date: March 25, 2018 11:27PM

Cranky Wrote:
> Yul Brenner

It was Telly Sevalas, the other bald dude. And he didn't actually live here, but often visited relatives who live in this area. He was often sighted driving around -- in a convertible, of course.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Mystery Machine ()
Date: March 26, 2018 03:10AM

Shaggy lives in Centreville.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Jeff215 ()
Date: March 26, 2018 05:01PM

Heard Sean Penn is considering buying a place that is on the market in Oakton.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: SlimShady1 ()
Date: March 26, 2018 09:47PM

Slim Shady has a place in Middleburg. TREX is in negotiations for a penthouse apartment in Tysons.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: DonorCyclist ()
Date: March 27, 2018 12:46PM

I saw Rodger Fucking Mudd on jury duty at the Fairfax Courthouse.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Cherry Pony Boy ()
Date: December 18, 2019 04:46PM

Zbigniew Brzezinski lived in McLean.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: PC retardzz ()
Date: December 18, 2019 11:18PM

Lynda Carter lives in Potomac
Dan Snyder/ Ted Leonsis in Potomac
Ted Lerner Chevy Chase
George Will Chevy Chase
G Gordon liddy ft Washington
Pat Sajak severna park

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Antiasshat. ()
Date: December 18, 2019 11:20PM

Tippy Taco lives in Fairfax

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: December 21, 2019 02:21PM

There are tons. I would say the majority of the long contract DC pro athletes are located in Fairfax. Alex Ovechkin lives right across from McLean Bible Church. Ryan Zimmerman, TJ Oshie, and Jayson Werth all live in Great Falls. Joe Beninati, the long time TV announcer for the Capitals (aka Joe B) has a townhouse in Tysons/Vienna.

Based black brain surgeon and 2016 Republican presidential nominee hopeful, Ben Carson, bought a house over by Wolf Trap Theater when Trump appointed him to be HUD Secretary.

Also, I heard George Mason and George Washington have some nice houses in the southern part of the county.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: December 21, 2019 02:33PM

Braden Holtby (Caps star goalie) lives in Old Town. I remember reading some interview about how he loves living in that old shithole.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: December 21, 2019 03:16PM

Do youtube celebrities count? The Sharer brothers: Stephen Sharer (7.49 million subscribers) and Carter Sharer (5.89 million subscribers) live in and film their videos at their parents house in Oakton. You probably have never heard of them because their audience is all kids 12 and under.

There is also this Mormon guy named Luke Nichols that happened to I stumble upon a while ago with two channels: Catfish and Carp (638k Subscribers) and Outdoor Boys (415k Subscribers). Despite the super peppy, overly nice Mormon-ess, he has some pretty good videos about fishing and outdoors stuff. I binge watched him one night when I was bored and realized that I recognized all of the fishing spots he was filming in. I found out through interviews that he has his own law practice in Fairfax called Nichols & Green and does the youtube thing on the side for fun.

The most popular car reviewer on youtube, Doug DeMuro (3.24 million subscribers) does not live here, but a lot of his videos are filmed here. Pretty much any video review of a Bentley or Aston Martin is filmed in Fairfax because he has a close relationship with the owners of the Aston Martin, Bentley dealership in Tysons. Just look up his videos with Bentleys and you will recognize some of the roads he is driving on.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: ahclem ()
Date: December 21, 2019 03:17PM

Jim Morrison went to high school in Alexandria. The bass player for Jimmy Buffett's band grew up in Pimmitt Hills. How 'bout that!

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: jabberwocky ()
Date: December 21, 2019 03:33PM

Dave Chappelle revealed he is actually from Silver Spring in one of his more recent stand up specials. He jokes about how he always claimed to be from DC because saying your from a DC suburb like Silver Spring doesn't get you any respect around black people.

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Date: December 21, 2019 03:47PM

jabberwocky Wrote:
> Do youtube celebrities count? The Sharer brothers:
> Stephen Sharer (7.49 million subscribers) and
> Carter Sharer (5.89 million subscribers) live in
> and film their videos at their parents house in
> Oakton. You probably have never heard of them
> because their audience is all kids 12 and under.
> There is also this Mormon guy named Luke Nichols
> that happened to I stumble upon a while ago with
> two channels: Catfish and Carp (638k Subscribers)
> and Outdoor Boys (415k Subscribers). Despite the
> super peppy, overly nice Mormon-ess, he has some
> pretty good videos about fishing and outdoors
> stuff. I binge watched him one night when I was
> bored and realized that I recognized all of the
> fishing spots he was filming in. I found out
> through interviews that he has his own law
> practice in Fairfax called Nichols & Green and
> does the youtube thing on the side for fun.
> The most popular car reviewer on youtube, Doug
> DeMuro (3.24 million subscribers) does not live
> here, but a lot of his videos are filmed here.
> Pretty much any video review of a Bentley or Aston
> Martin is filmed in Fairfax because he has a close
> relationship with the owners of the Aston Martin,
> Bentley dealership in Tysons. Just look up his
> videos with Bentleys and you will recognize some
> of the roads he is driving on.

Outdoor boys is super retarded tacticool fag shit. I wanna hit him with a shovel so I thank you for this information about his location and whatnot

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Human Tripod ()
Date: December 21, 2019 09:55PM

Only legends in their own mind admit to living in Fairfax County...

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Re: Any famous people living in Fairfax VA??
Posted by: Mike Cutts douche ()
Date: December 21, 2019 10:02PM

Mike Cutts lives in Fairfax and hes like a waterboy for the capitols hockey team or something idek? yay famous Mike Cutts!!!

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