Funny_Guy Wrote:
> Willard Scott lived in Alexandria (in Arlington
> County). He played Bozo, Ronald McDonald,
> Commander Retro, and was a weatherman for this
> area for years. Looks like he's an accomplished
> writer as well...
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Willard Scott does not live in Arlington or Alexandria. He lives in Delaplane VA. The house you are speaking about on McNair was sold to Willard Scott Jr in 2009. And McNair is in Fairfax County.
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Mis-information from an unregistered user alert !
Willard, the eldest, lives in Delaplane, VA.
Fairfaxunderground rules: Lilliputions, not ok. Midgettville ok. I got it now.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/25/2011 07:18PM by Radiophile.