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Search engine query reports
Posted by: Cary ()
Date: June 04, 2005 05:11PM

Welcome to Fairfax Underground! You probably found this page through google or some other search engine. Please click the "Home" button above to continue to Fairfax Underground, an anonymous forum for residents of Northern Virginia. This page simply lists recent search terms that brought visitors here, so it's probably not what you're looking for.

Also be sure to check out the other primary features such as the "Arrest/Ticket Search" available in the top menu bar.

The Arrest/Ticket search is a searchable database of all arrests and tickets issued by the Fairfax County Police Department in the past couple years. You can search for things such as a street name to see all the arrests on your street. Be sure to omit the suffix from your street name search as it is defined in a seperate field. For example if you live on "Nutley St" simply search for "nutley." Great tool to see what kind of trouble your neighbors have been getting into.

If you have any questions feel free to post them in the welcome thread and someone will get back to you.

*UPDATE 7/11/05:
If you came here from a search engine and are looking for information about the late Freda Wright-Sorce please click here for her thread, or click Fairfax Underground to get to the main Fairfax Underground page with all the pretty menus.

I just compiled some referrer statistics for May and thought you guys would be interested in the results. I've done this once before in this thread:

This list shows searches from google, msn, yahoo, etc. that brought people to this board. As of right now this site is ranked much higher on MSN search than on google. For example, a search of "fairfax county arrests" on MSN returns a result for this board on the first page, whereas on Google the match is many pages underneath. The reason for this is because MSN is tracking many more sites that link here than google is, boosting FU's ranking. For some reason Google still only shows a couple sites linking here so the rank is much lower. If you've got a website throw me a link to help fix that :) I don't really like the fact that this board is more likely to be found by dumb MSN users than intelligent Googlers. The majority (70%) of these searches, however, still come from Google.

281 fairfax underground
38 dungrats
26 fairfaxunderground.com
23 fairfaxunderground
22 midgetville
22 www.fairfaxunderground.com
13 dungrats restaurant
13 tim fudd
13 wegmans
11 wegmans fairfax
10 underground fairfax
10 hookahrama
10 fios fairfax
9 buffalo wing factory
9 dzk
9 ludacris centreville
8 wpa spk
8 fairfax county arrests
8 ned devines fairfax
7 cops and donuts
7 fios alexandria
6 don geronimo
6 bmw of fairfax
5 fairfax cops
5 fairfax county underground
5 midgetville vienna
5 ned divines
5 reston towne center
5 dungrats falls church
5 how to get into jmu
4 hookah bar chantilly
4 buffalo wing factory greenbriar
4 how to do donuts
4 midgetville vienna va
4 tits galore
4 ned divines herndon
4 nova underground
4 grandmart va
4 pho bistro centreville
4 verizon fios alexandria
4 ned divines fairfax
4 fios site:fairfaxunderground.com
4 underground rapping
4 alf laylah wa laylah chantilly
4 underground rappers: dzk
4 doing donuts
3 fairfax towne centre
3 ned devines in fairfax
3 chantilly auto body
3 bunnyman's bridge
3 fios annandale
3 fios deployment
3 fairfax ned divines
3 police donuts
3 fios centreville
3 pho bistro
3 greenbriar fairfax
3 pica deli
3 fairfax massage
3 midgetville va
3 waverly crossing chantilly
3 you know you're from northern virginia when
3 fairfax underground.com
3 ms 13 annandale
3 chris craddock
3 fairfax county jail
3 dungrats thai restaurant in va
3 grandmart
3 ned divines in fairfax city
3 novaunderground
3 buffalo wing factory fairfax
3 kevin klare
3 ethikz alive
3 fairfax bmw
2 goaltender66
2 the bunnyman
2 streetwalkers
2 whitestone fairfax
2 ct arrest records
2 efficient in fairfax
2 il lupo's chain bridge road fairfax va
2 amerigo's restaurant mclean va
2 markskatz
2 nolo contendere in fairfax
2 freda sorce
2 chantilly hookah bar
2 hookah bar fairfax
2 house partys
2 il lupo fairfax
2 tom rustici
2 fairfax county garbage
2 http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/
2 alf laylah wa laylah in chantilly
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2 dauphines steak house
2 frieda sorce
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2 patriots cafe fairfax
2 soundclick/dzk
2 waverly crossing
2 rapper dzk
2 ned divines in fairfax
2 fairfax corner movie theatre
2 chantilly alf laylah wa laylah
2 arrest records
2 hookah bars in falls church
2 ned divines old town fairfax
2 703 909
2 how to get admitted to jmu
2 dungrats leesburg pike
2 dungrats restaurant fairfax va
2 fairfax county
2 faggoths
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2 cops doing donuts
2 hookah bars in chantilly va
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2 fairfax county dump
2 1001 nights hookah bar in georgetown
2 burymoremcs
2 buffalo wing factory flatliners
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2 the buffalo wing factory in fairfax
2 centreville highschool
2 how to pronounce pho
2 waverly crossing chantilly va
2 the slowest link in the end to end path is a 10 mbps ethernet subnet
2 greenbriar buffalo wing factory
2 fios fairfax city
2 hookah bars in fairfax
2 the wing factory restaurant in fairfax
2 waverly crossing community
2 hooka chantilly va
2 fudd westfields
2 dungrats falls church va
2 sean taylor pictures
2 arrest/ticket search in va
2 poplar tree road curve
2 hookah bar tysons corner
2 rappahannock detention center
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2 potomacfalls
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2 dungrats thai restaurant
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2 dungrats thai food
2 reston towne centre
2 verizon fios reston
2 local arrest records
2 fios manassas
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2 buffalo wing university fairfax
2 southoftheboarder
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2 wegmans and fairfax
2 rtcpenguin
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1 police incident reports
1 da dominicos restaurant
1 fairfax county police report
1 dwi arrest records
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1 sa7ori
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1 bunnyman
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1 how does dzk write those rhymes?
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1 how to beat an hov violation ticket?
1 oakmar
1 shade tree
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1 fairfax arrest records query
1 mara salvatrucha ms 13
1 fairfax county police reports underground
1 westfield highschool va
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1 ffx county
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1 http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read.php?2 1137
1 ideas for where to eat prom dinner
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1 melinda fairfax
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1 www.fairfaxunderground/arrest
1 mrdoctor forum
1 fairfax police underground
1 daniel dawley
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1 fairfaxunderground irc
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1 forum signtures
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1 hookah bar in chantilly
1 profile site:fairfaxunderground.com
1 buffalo wing university in fairfax va
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1 fairfax county police log
1 hooka bars fairfax va
1 amolsch
1 chris amolsch
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1 underground northern
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1 ned devine fairfax
1 //fairfaxunderground.com
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1 oakmar recreation center
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1 jgumby
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1 baileys underground
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1 sean taylor redskins pictures
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1 westfields fairfax
1 kingcrimson
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1 pictures of underground impalas
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1 teh sux0r
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1 tony grizzle
1 dunkin donuts fairfax greenbriar
1 massage fairfax county
1 papa johns fairfax
1 buffalo wing fairfax virginia
1 mason55
1 fucking in centreville
1 dungrats restaurant 'falls church va'

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2006 08:15PM by Cary.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: LanEvo ()
Date: June 04, 2005 07:07PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2011 10:56PM by LanEvo.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 05, 2005 08:46PM

Funny... "tits galore" is a good one, didn't know we could find that here. "Fucking in centreville"... okay...

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: June 06, 2005 09:46AM

I'm in there twice. Is somebody looking for me?


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: LanEvo ()
Date: June 06, 2005 04:14PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2011 10:57PM by LanEvo.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 06, 2005 04:22PM

that's because hookahs kick ass

I'm in flavor country!!

/smoking some apple shisha right now AAMOF

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: LanEvo ()
Date: June 06, 2005 04:43PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/2011 10:57PM by LanEvo.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: Mateo ()
Date: June 07, 2005 12:02AM

Oh this is awesome. I knew for a fact that there's demand for Midgetville information.

DZK fo' life.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: June 07, 2005 01:45PM

WTF is hookah? Sorry if I seem dumb, but I don't get out. Ever.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 07, 2005 02:17PM

A hookah is a pipe that uses a drawing principle similar to a bong, but consisting of different parts, to allow a person to smoke tobacco or other substances through a water filter. It is a traditional activity of some far eastern and middle eastern cultures.

You place tobacco (flavored usually) into a clay or metal bowl called a nargilum, and place a coal over the tobacco. The smoke is drawn through a long stem that usually has an ashtray attached to it. Then the water draws into the water chamber, at the bottom, and into the unfilled part of the chamber. It is then drawn to the user through a long hose with a mouthpiece.

The tobacco used, shisha, is delicious and comes in tons of flavors. It is flavored molasses-dipped tobacco, though i have used honey-dipped as well. I also found some cane sugar syrup-dipped tobacco, vanilla flavor. It was awesome but I can't find the site I got it at again.

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: June 08, 2005 10:20AM

So I take it it's something you have to be 18 to do, and it probably causes cancer or something.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 08, 2005 01:38PM

believe me, nik, you'll die of obesity long before cancer gets you, so you may as well try to start living it up.

I feel kinda bad for you, you've described a pretty drab existence to us so far.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: ben ()
Date: June 08, 2005 02:06PM

rstidman Wrote:
> believe me, nik, you'll die of obesity long before
> cancer gets you, so you may as well try to start
> living it up.
> I feel kinda bad for you, you've described a
> pretty drab existence to us so far.

Seriously. I won't touch cigarettes, cigars don't do anything for me, but damn do I love some shisha.

Call it a guilty pleasure.

"Well you know, Smoking takes ten years off your life." Well it's the ten worst years, isn't it folks? It's the ones at the end! It's the wheelchair kidney dialysis fucking years."

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: June 09, 2005 06:02AM

Not to be a cloud on your parade, though i do hate parades... hmm... oh, but it's not like you literally die 10 years early in the same state as you would be if you had not smoked. It's more like you compress your life into a smaller amount. So you still get those "...wheelchair kidney dialysis fucking years." I'm sure it was just a joke but... im very... A CLOUD! TAKE THAT PARADE!

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: ben ()
Date: June 09, 2005 08:03AM

Wow, okay. That was part of a famous diatribe by Dennis Leary. The point is, enjoy life.

Take it for what it is.

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: June 27, 2005 01:23AM

And wouldn't you know it, my existence IS pretty drab. At 17, I've never been to a concert or party, never smoked, never been drunk, never tried drugs, never had sex (and probably won't for quite a while), etc.

Most days I just waste time on my Xbox, PC, or DS. When I'm not gaming, I'm entering Fark PS contests.


Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: ben ()
Date: June 27, 2005 01:35AM

Nik Wrote:
> And wouldn't you know it, my existence IS pretty
> drab. At 17, I've never been to a concert or
> party, never smoked, never been drunk, never tried
> drugs, never had sex (and probably won't for quite
> a while), etc.
> Most days I just waste time on my Xbox, PC, or DS.
> When I'm not gaming, I'm entering Fark PS
> contests.
> Currently playing: Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition
> (Xbox), Polarium (Nintendo DS)

Please don't join a cult, Nik. Someone I know from high school did, and you just described him pretty damn well.

Actually, he's doing well for himself- he's the head of his sect.

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: Nik ()
Date: June 29, 2005 10:42PM

I don't plan to join a cult, but thanks for the advice.


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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: Matt tarp ()
Date: June 30, 2005 02:38PM

Nik, that's sick.
Are you EXTREMELY ugly? Cecause if you're even a half decent looking guy, you really owe it to yourself to get laid....

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 30, 2005 02:56PM

If Nik hadn't explicitly stated he was a minor, I would have been all about dragging his ass to a WILD party (we're talking animal house meets house party 2 meets that party from the movie "uncle buck")

And at that wild party, even if I have to hire a hooker and hand him some protection, he'd get laid, but only after getting stoned, drunk, and god knows what else.

I'm thinking this party should be located near a trauma unit...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/30/2005 02:59PM by rstidman.

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: June 30, 2005 03:16PM

great and obscure reference to the "Uncle Buck" party. i was a younling when that came out, but since i first saw it i wanted to go to a party like that. except for the creepy fat man drilling through the door knob and kicking the door in while two people are going at it, that would be a buzz kill....

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: rstidman ()
Date: June 30, 2005 03:21PM

I felt the same way, and loved that film, so when 1996 rolled around and I found myself standing at the door of one of these parties (some house over off vale rd), I saw light shining through, I heard harp music, I stepped in and sampled the nector of the gods. Wall to wall people and not a parent in sight.

And the party proceeded to get busted by the po-po less than 30 minutes later.

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: kklare ()
Date: June 30, 2005 03:29PM

i miss being young and dumb. old and dumb isn't nearly as much fun

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Hookah Lounge at MK
Posted by: Merrifield Kabob ()
Date: June 07, 2006 05:39PM

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: pgens ()
Date: June 07, 2006 09:51PM

Thank the Lord this thread was bumped. It's like a birthday.

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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: ben ()
Date: June 08, 2006 05:46PM

Nik Wrote:
> And wouldn't you know it, my existence IS pretty
> drab. At 17, I've never been to a concert or
> party, never smoked, never been drunk, never tried
> drugs, never had sex (and probably won't for quite
> a while), etc.
> Most days I just waste time on my Xbox, PC, or DS.
> When I'm not gaming, I'm entering Fark PS
> contests.

Even though this witty reply is almost a year too late, I thought I'd note that if Nik would spend most days at the gym working out and getting into some kind of shape, then he'd have the possibility of going to concerts and parties, smoking, getting drunk, and bagging some ho's (of a decent quality) on a regular basis.

He's got to be 18 now. You don't need your parents permission anymore, kiddo!

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Fairfax underground breaking news
Posted by: ALF ()
Date: March 19, 2007 09:42AM

ALF was married in Mclean VA before a peace march 16th with out the requested presence for Newmans to attend. Pournaris in Mclean met with ALF outside his office as the documents were completed by Marshall.

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Re: Fairfax underground breaking news
Posted by: wtf? ()
Date: March 21, 2007 01:54PM

ALF Wrote:
> ALF was married in Mclean VA before a peace march
> 16th with out the requested presence for Newmans
> to attend. Pournaris in Mclean met with ALF
> outside his office as the documents were completed
> by Marshall.

The eagle has entered the hen house and is about to eat the stew.

WTF is this? Some kind of code?

And why were you married before a "peace march"

Seriously... The surfer goes under the waves to catch the red lobster. He resurfaced on the beach only to find his studabaker upside down.


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Re: Search engine query reports
Posted by: GaDcAn ()
Date: May 05, 2018 05:50PM

ben Wrote:
> Nik Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > And wouldn't you know it, my existence IS
> pretty
> > drab. At 17, I've never been to a concert or
> > party, never smoked, never been drunk, never
> tried
> > drugs, never had sex (and probably won't for
> quite
> > a while), etc.
> >
> > Most days I just waste time on my Xbox, PC, or
> DS.
> > When I'm not gaming, I'm entering Fark PS
> > contests.
> Even though this witty reply is almost a year too
> late, I thought I'd note that if Nik would spend
> most days at the gym working out and getting into
> some kind of shape, then he'd have the possibility
> of going to concerts and parties, smoking, getting
> drunk, and bagging some ho's (of a decent quality)
> on a regular basis.
> He's got to be 18 now. You don't need your
> parents permission anymore, kiddo!

What ever happened to Ben? He was Cary's assistant moderator.

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