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11 years ago
True Blue
bump it Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > True Blue Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > No. > > > User Profile : Gerrymanderer2 > > > Email: Hidden > Posts: 1,983 > Registered: 05/11/2013 04:43PM > Last Activity: 11/24/2013 08:38PM > > > User Profile : True Blue &g
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
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11 years ago
True Blue
Vexxxed Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > .
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11 years ago
True Blue
True blue -Out of the Closet! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > But you will never convince me that a guy fucking > you in the ass is normal !! Why would I care what you think about homosexuality?
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
Ben Dover Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Sucks when that's the best you can do huh? Sucks even more that my response was all that the OP's post warranted.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue

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11 years ago
True Blue
William Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I think that ObamaCare is going to drive the > majority of doctors out of the medical business.I > also think that President Obama and his cronies > are going to make health care less affordable > under the revamped health care law.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue

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11 years ago
True Blue
G3UWw Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > No, he hasn't. > > And debt has continued to rise as a result. You understand, genius, that a deficit of $1 increases the nation debt, right?
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
From Da Hood -- The Original Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's quite apparent that the OP for this thread is > a Low Information Democrat, because he / she took > the time to start such a thread. However, that > the OP didn't indicate is that the suggestions for > reform were actually created back in the '90s when > Bill Clinton was in office
Forum: Fairfax County General
11 years ago
True Blue

Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
From Da Hood -- The Original Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > One acronym: STFU > > On the other hand, why isn't there a true plan in > place to transition from coal to alternatives? > Instead, agencies like the EPA are reaching far > above their power limitations to create new laws > to curb the use of coal. > > In short order, people
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
Darrell Issa = Lying Sack of Shit
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
nUGhP Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It's all Bush's fault. Really, it is. More than you could ever know.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You government worshipping queers disgust me so > much. Moron. You realize that increased tax revenues are the result of economic growth, right?
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
Stabitha Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > The X and Y kids (and the niggers) are responsible > for Obozo being elected POTUS twice! > > They thought it would be "cool" and "hip" to have > a black POTUS, never mind the fact that he is > supremely unqualified which is now clearly obvious > to anyone with a brain. > > We havent begun to s
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
Stabitha Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > She's just like the rest of the niggers trying to > make $$$ off the N word and the whole Trayvon > Martin thing. Seems she has a movie opening this > weekend about some nigger butler. > > What better way to get publicity for her movie > than to say she was racially profiled in a store > in Switzer
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
TrueSpew Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Your article says the exact same thing including > using some of the exact same quotes. lol But there are other quotes in that article, too, aren't there, Pinhead? The OP's story only quotes the complainers, not those who are glad that the president is vacationing on the Vineyard. "But a handful of West Tisbury bus
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
The OP is telling you less than half of the story. http://mvgazette.com/news/2013/08/13/obama-detour-signals-drop-island-business
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
The only thing Lush Dimbulb cares about is money and raking in as much of it as he can. That fat pig gets rich off of the wingnut rubes who hang on his every word. GOP-tards! LoLz!
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
Obamatimes Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What if a certain day were picked for every > working person to walk off the job and go on > welfare. No cops, no firefighters, no bus drivers, > no one at the grocery store, no military no > nothing. The quickest fall of a nation in the > history of the world. GOP-Tards! LoLz!
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
Thanks Obama! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Roadblocks around Obama's vacation mansion are > choking off business in Martha's Vineyard towns, > claim locals GOP-tards! LoLz!
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
(Reuters) - Surrounded by nearly 1,000 people in the marble rotunda of Minneapolis City Hall, Margaret Miles and Cathy ten Broeke were the first gay couple to tie the knot in Minnesota, one of two states where same-sex marriage became legal on Thursday. "By the power now finally invested in me," said Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak to boisterous cheers from family members and supporters of gay mar
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I am ferfux. eesh says that I'm ferfux.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > That some progressive pussy would create such a > graphic shows the attempts to simplify or cloud > the issue. > > SHulman was an ObamaFag/Democrat when appointed.. > Bush stupidly appointed a few ObamaFag/Democrat > judges also. Shulmans wife was a member of a left > wing PAC, Public Campaign.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
WingNut Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Audits before the 2012 election, accusations of > stonewalling and triple the questions of > conservative groups. This 'scandal' isn't getting any less dead, WingNut, no matter how hard you try to revive it.
Forum: Off-Topic
11 years ago
True Blue
http://gawker.com/video-of-violent-rioting-surfers-shows-white-culture-o-954939719 "You probably haven't heard much about the white riot in Huntington Beach," MSNBC's Chris Hayes began. "That's because the story of white criminal culture is not a story the mainstream media will tell you. But once you scratch the surface, these stories are everywhere you look." Hayes and Gawker columnist Cord Je
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