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7 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Obviously, the Federal government can be away to go, if you can stick it out for the required years. Still, it's not difficult to save $1.5 million over the next 40 years in the private sector. Let's play around with a few numbers. Let's say you set up an IRA. In your case, make it a Roth IRA. You'd be contributing after-tax dollars, but then when you retire you'd be able to withdraw the money t
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7 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Thanks. That's exactly the sort of thing I was looking for.
Forum: Fairfax County General
7 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Are there any basic car maintenance classes in Fairfax County? Like "Car Maintenance for Dummies"? (Anything from a few hours to a couple of days.) I've got a family member who's totally clueless. And I mean totally.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
I have to agree. NOVEC restored our power within hours. And they actually seem to listen to customers. A few years ago, we had problems with the power cutting off--only for a few seconds--nearly every morning. Just enough to wipe out all our digital settings, etc. I called to report it, and they explained what they were trying to do. It took them a few weeks in total, with NOVEC trying a bunch of
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
tomahawk Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > 2concerned Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > What will a rebuild solve? > > > > The Mall, in any meaningful sense, is gone > > forever. > > You have to load it up with restaurants and stuff > that make people want to come and spend money >
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
A lot of them are just where they were before. Great app: Gas Buddy. (If you don't have it, get it.) Where I am right now (near Alexandria), it's showing the lowest prices as $3.27, $3.29, and $3.33. A few at the upper end do look like they might be trying to make a bit extra profit--one on W. Glebe for $3.59 and one on Jeff Davis Highway in Arlington for $3.65. Down in Woodbridge where it tends
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Savannah will be a lot easier on the eyes. And she's sharp, too. Agree completely about Curry's faux empathy. And Lauer just looks . . . odd.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Sounds like one of your friends took it. Either that, or you think you set it down but you shoved it in your pants when you went to get the charger. So, look thoroughly wherever you went to get the charger. Another idea: Have those friends back over for a "find the cell phone" party. Tell them you'll give the person who finds it $25 (or $50 or whatever). If it's legitimately still there and some
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
More Complete Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would welcome a politics forum as I avoid most > of those like the plague and they only serve to > clutter the board. Agree.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
I kinda feel sorry for the guy. And everyone's just goading him. It really can't end well. I posted on that thread once--just telling Scott that it looked like he had a really nice family and to focus his attention on them, not Fairfax Underground (or the school system). Of course it didn't do any good, but I felt I had to say it. At this point, I'm just hoping that his family emerges from this r
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Good point. Problem is: Too often they DON'T know the answer to the question. They just know--or think they know--that it's online. And if you get online, can't find the answer, but think you're in luck because a pop-up screen offers life chat . . . think again. I don't know why, but that's generally painfully slow. "Agent Typing." Forever. And the agent (always with a name like Bill or Sue . .
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
And here's what you'll end up with . . .
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Ugh! No way.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
The area reminds me of Logan Circle in the 1980s--a few blocks from Metro, lot of drug dealing, some older nicer properties, etc. But it looks like Alexandria is accomplishing in maybe 5 years what it took D.C. and the nearby residents 20 years to accomplish around Logan Circle. A few random thoughts: The area IS close to Metro. But it's terribly overpriced. There are some condos in a building n
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Problem is: The headline--"The Real Truth About Why Republicans Hate Obamacare"--isn't supported by the text. So, what is the truth? I suspect the truth lies in the concept that the individual mandate was proposed as "a counterpoint to the single-payer system and the employer mandate, which were favored in Democratic circles." It's not that the Republicans loved or even liked the individual ma
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
The thing that gets me about Best Buy (the one at Fair Lakes, at least) is that the place is CRAWLING with sales people. Can't move from one aisle to the next without someone coming up to you. That'd be fine except they don't know anything. "Do you sell any Bluetooth keyboards?" I ask. "Well, let me see," the salesperson says, carefully peering at each description. "I'm looking for an affordable
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
OP: "It seems that women are extreme control freaks and will mill around your space if you live together obsessing over everything that is unimportant. . . Early on in the dating process women will stay thin, wear sexy clothes, go to football games and bowling and insist that she is different from all the other pigs." And from wILBUR: "The fact is women change after the honeymoon phase of dating.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Gotta agree with saxon about knowing how the game's played. I don't know who might or might not be bought, but the "How government works" as taught in third grade leaves off a few critical points. Money DOES talk, and I'm astonished that the folks in Clifton--who've got the money and many of whom are pretty smart--totally missed the boat on political influence. But blow it they did. And you can'
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
I have the same questions as TheNorthman. But this thing's taken on a life of its own. It's a varient of Marshall McLuhan's "The medium is the message." The driving force is now this thread, not some objective that 2concerned might have had a few days or weeks ago. Here's another McLuhan quote that seems applicable to some here: "I wouldn't have seen it if I hadn't believed it." And another tha
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
2C: Looks like you have a really nice family. Your time would be much better spent with them than on Fairfax Underground. And your money would be much better spent on getting your new venture off the ground than on lawyers.It's not about giving up or betraying your principles . . . just about setting priorities.
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
>Honor is in the dollar. As a kid I would take a day off work to argue a $40 ticket, costing me an extra $60 in lost wages. OK. I can understand that. But you have to know what fights are worth fighting. And you have to understand the true value or benefits versus the true cost. In this case: 2concerned wanted Yarborough to do . . . what, exactly? I'm not even sure. Institute tougher policie
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Let's recap . . . 2concerned's issue was: >At a SACC event on Carl Sandburg Middle School, in Fairfax County, an event occurred. This event led me – a concerned and responsible parent – to begin asking very simple questions about the safety of our children in FCPS. >During the past week, I’ve tried every method I can think of to get answers. >I tried phone calls, I tried email, I
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Yup. Two stories. The escalator was near the middle. On the lower level, to the right of the escalator, was a shoe repair place. Then, further back, the restrooms. I don't remember the pizza place. Maybe that was after my time. I do remember The Varsity Shop, where my mom would take me to buy clothes, like a suit or other fancy clothes. I was a bit shorter and heavier than average, so buying cl
Forum: Fairfax County General
12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Not hot. Something slightly scary about her.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Cute now. But she's going to be cow-like in 10 years.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
I've got to imagine she's had worse there than a bit of cheese dust. If it concerns you, just continue your snacking. You've got a tongue, don't you?
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Doesn't matter. Most of us are familiar with "mastUrbation." Not sure what "mastErbation" is. Something in the drinking water? Something a slave does in a dom/slave relationship? ("Yes, master. Of course, master. How may I serve you, master? Please kick he hard in the balls, master.") Something having to do with sailing and sails and masts? Inquiring minds want to know.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Geez. Someone was probably giving you a gift. Maybe the card or note blew off. Bet that in a day or two someone you know will kind of hint--"Hey, how was your Easter?" Or "Did the Easter Bunny leave you something?" Sad world we live in today that you've got to be so paranoid.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Yup. That's about right.
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12 years ago
Two Feet In The Grave
Rabbi Rosen Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Damn Christians have stole the Jewish tradition of > turning holidays into big $$$$$ money-making > opportunities! Couldn't have said it better. Years ago, I belonged to a small synagogue trying to grow its membership. I suggested offering the High Holy Days services for free. You'd have thought I'd proposed t
Forum: Fairfax County General
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