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8 years ago
Stupid Is As Stupid Does Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Funny how his vile repulsive unacceptable behavior > that he chose to engage in has come back to bite > him on the ass. He loves to play the victim but > anyone with any sense knows that is total > bullshit. He convinces himself that the fiction > that he posts here is the truth when, i
Forum: Off-Topic
8 years ago
4goodvibeu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > If you > decide to be a better, kinder person with > CO.passion for others you do it because you want > to be a better person not because you expect > someone to thank you or you want to be seen as > some great person. Agreed --- I should have said unnoticed or something along those lines verse "thankl
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
4goodvibeu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Postpoppunk. I knew when I hit "post" I would be > setting myself up. I am a mother, a mother-in-law, > grandmother, sister, aunt and have been divorced. > I am not a man hater. My comments were not about > gender, other than feeling women are a little > weaker than men. I made no reference to victims. I
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Bullshit! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > It isn't even ABOUT her. It's about accountability > for ALL PARTIES if this public shaming is the game > people are going to play these days. Here is where your "point" is ignorant. What you consider "public shaming" is the PC response and a ridiculous one. A person relaying actual events on social media is h
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Cyberbullying Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Once again, do you have proof blah blah Proof of anything has become irrelevant. Proven by the same groups every time --- SJWs, White Knights and fake feminists. I am REACTING to the lack of any proof of anything and the jump on the PC bandwagon by MSM and the groups cited above. I post using "If" and "likely"
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
4goodvibeu Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Honor this young lady's life This is the problem --- no mention of helping or honoring the trials the HUSBAND has had to, and will forever, live with. I agree with reaching out to help any person in need. Trying to be a better human by nurturing others around you is noble and usually a thankless endeavor. What I h
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Never did get much feedback on this --- seems things have fallen apart for eesh and some justice is being served. From the mug shots I have seen of him I, momentarily, wonder if he is in need of some sort of mental health support. Then any sympathy I have for this ignorant fuck disappears completely when I recall how he interacted with others on this site.
Forum: Off-Topic
8 years ago
Bullshit! Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "(created by her.)" > > No, my friend. Not created by HER... created by > THEM. > > And it matters not one whit whether you name them > here or not. Fact is, again, NONE of them should > have been named here. But if the ultimate goal of > this thread being left here and perpetuated on and >
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Enough Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Let's make it happen. Talk is cheap. This > problem is endemic and is a poor representation of > our county. The Board of Supervisors should be > monitoring this carefully. Forget the lawyers and > just do it. > > In the average workplace people would be fired for > this conduct. Time for FFX to
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Thanks for the link, but I have seen that already. If anyone noticed? Cary was "speaking" quite a bit without the corresponding sound, which leads me to believe that we are getting the edited version --- I was hoping for a way to view the FULL interview.
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
I would prefer that we make shirts that read: "Hold the author accountable, do not destroy the chalkboard" or "No Deflection Zone" I do not agree with "BOYCOTT THE BOOT", as we do not need to punish the MDA for others failures. Also, I have nothing but respect for any "collar" worker, as each is doing what they can to get by in life.
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
ANY religion that asks for that human construct of evil called "Money", must be doing something wrong. Is their GOD not providing for them?
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Capt.20 Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > "GET YOUR FIRE HOUSE IN ORDER" needs to be a t-shirt > with fairfaxunderground.com on the back... Slight edit for you, feel free to use the change when printing the shirts.
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Black Students = No Charges Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Richard Culver as saying the students are black. > He declined to identify them, citing privacy > rules. Students would be immediately identified if they were white --- even if there were not enough evidence to prove them guilty at the time. > Culver says university police consulted with &
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8 years ago
What is interesting to me is this --- if a person did physically stop one of the women and hold them for the police, the helpful citizen would most likely be arrested for some sort of assault. Add to that, if the helpful citizen were WHITE, there would be a national outcry of racism --- they would be sued by the criminal and have their life ruined by the national media.
Forum: Off-Topic
8 years ago
Lets fix one of the Chief's statements: “we need to clean up this blog and people need to act right, I am appealing to person that hosts this site to take lewd comments down and turn the site off if people don't act right.” Should be: “we need to clean up this FD and people need to act right, I am appealing to person that is the CHIEF of this FD to take INFEDELITY down and SHUT the FD off if p
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
For the SJWs and White Knights --- the VA State Police said that the posts here on FFXU did NOT have anything to do with this Nicole's death. http://www.fox5dc.com/news/134747175-story
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Is there a place to watch the unedited interview with Cary?
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Chief Bowers is weak Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > He had the power and authority to protect Nicole > Mittendorf's workplace. I disagree with this statement unless there is some evidence that she needed protecting. I would argue, IF, she actually did cheat on her spouse with multiple co-workers --- then SHE caused the "workplace" to be dangerous. The
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
CWmme Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > i think rather WTOP was making a personal attack > on FFU - likely because it has free speech on it - > which very much unlike fx co gov's view of things > in many cases. I agree with this --- any accountability by the actual players of this situation have taken a backseat to attacking social media and the reali
Forum: Off-Topic
8 years ago
I read some of that sites threads, due to it being a topic here, and found the site childish and agenda driven on so many levels. The site is basically an echo-chamber for the thin skinned, short sighted and uneducated false feminists. Their leader (Admin) takes care of their "Safe Space" by defending the site from free thought and honest dialogue.
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8 years ago
Cary called the FD out on national news --- told them to not deflect their internal problems away from their actual source. I am proud to be a part of this cesspool known as FFXU. The FD wants to point the finger EVERYWHERE but at themselves. Such sensational news --- aimed at external things, such as FFXU or FBook? Why were the news questions not focused on the department where the problem
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Concerned FFX County resident Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You say it is CONFIRMED she was cheating on her > husband. Who confirmed that? The fellow > firefighters that claimed to be doing her? So that > makes her a "whore" or a "slut", but my question > is, what does that make them? "Men"? The double > standard here is outrageous. I feel sorr
Forum: Fairfax County General
8 years ago
Behind Cary 100% - do not let them deflect their problems away from the real source.
Forum: Fairfax County General
9 years ago
To get involved or not, that is the question. When I made this OP --- I do not believe eesh was outed yet, not sure. Now it is confirmed who "eesh" is and where he lives. I did what I thought any adult would and forwarded all the information to Cary. Before I consider giving all the information about eesh sending porn to a minor to the appropriate parties --- anyone have any opinions of why I
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
to catch a predator Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > You mean that MICHAEL JOSEF BASL sent that penis > picture (at the top of this topic)to who he > thought was a minor? And there is text with it > stating he thought the recipient was a minor? Yes I have not grown any fonder of the poster "Lizzie", in fact, I still think she is a cancer to anything,
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
A much simpler time at FFXU --- this place used to have personality and character.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
???? Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > What is this thread about? > > > PPP = eesh/other's catcha troll > > > ^ What does that mean? > > > thanks................ I believe the "PPP" is referring to myself --- not entirely sure, but I will respond anyway. Although I am enjoying the drama of the psychotic coward eesh, I could ca
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
DSL's Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > postpoppunk Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Interesting --- must have been in an odd mood > to > > post such a dark thread. > > > > I guess it is fitting someone bumped this > thread > > considering the current state of affairs on > FFXU.
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
PMS Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > postpoppunk Wrote: > -------------------------------------------------- > ----- > > Interesting --- must have been in an odd mood > to > > post such a dark thread. > > > > I guess it is fitting someone bumped this > thread > > considering the current state of affairs on > FFXU. &g
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