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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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13 years ago
Citizens have no ability to resist when a tower is erected at a school rather than community property. And as a school does not have the same interests as a human being, a school does not require much compensation. Schools are not 'magically' located in all the best areas for cell phone reception, as some in this thread have argued. In fact many schools have multiple cell phone towers.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
He grabbed her from behind? That's all? Forget about it. The woman should learn to tolerate diversity.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
At least he didn't taser the kid.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
US would never even consider deporting him. Even if they did, he clearly has the means to come back. He should be jailed and put in a forced labor program until he has repaid what he stole from taxpayers, with interest. It's only fair to punish him to at least the same extent that US punishes citizens.
Forum: Off-Topic
13 years ago
Your offer would be more well received if you were offering to PAY rather than CHARGE for the privilege of driving to play at the far corners of this fair fax county.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
Is the American flag upside down? That's how La Raza does it.
Forum: Fairfax County General
13 years ago
I saw Beavis and Butthead painted on that shed once. That was cool. Other than that I only ever saw a bunch of advertisements for bad schools. If you all donate money, maybe CHS can erect another cell phone tower.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
A few questions for anyone with experience in FCPS: -Is 'Global Warming' taught? --Are students instructed to lower their 'carbon footprint'? --Is the movie, 'An Inconvenient Truth' shown? --Is geo-engineering described, mentioned in passing, etc...? -Is 'Intelligent Design' taught, described, mentioned in passing, etc...? -Is creationism taught, described, mentioned in passing, etc...? -Are ass
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
Seconded. And be sure to freeze your roadkill to cut down on parasites.
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
PM me if you're looking for a partner.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
If the kids are all on fluoride pills, what does it matter anyway? They never had a chance.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
What is the quality of well water in Fairfax County? How deep is the water table? How expensive is a permit? Are permits denied? Does the government hassle you for having a well? Can you have a secret well? How much does the sewer system cost per person? Please share any and all information concerning installing and maintaining a well in Fairfax County.
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
KeepOnTruckin Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > I would be happy to have a cell tower put up in my front yard. Your property value will plummet. If the Washington Post is reporting it, it's probably already a done deal. On the bright side, the towers are only ~60ft. Citizens might get lucky and not have all the regulation-exempt government/military equipment d
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
Post here If you do. I need some information. I'll ask in a PM. Thanks.
Forum: Chantilly
14 years ago
Mary Riley Styles in Falls Church (It's open to Fairfax County residents). Since it's not funded through the crooks at Fairfax County, it's less corrupt. Here are some pros and cons: Mary Riley Styles: -Thousands of commercial film DVDs -Educated staff -Community bulletin board -Hosts events, clubs, activities, etc... -Public use computers -Appeals for fines are considered FCPLs: -Zero or nea
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
The labels on the virus containers say, "Shake Well". This is because mercury and aluminum settle to the bottom. The workers at the grocery store or the drug store or the strip club (seriously) or wherever they're pimping the shots these days, do you think they can read English? Don't trust medical giants like Kaiser either. All their employees are foreigners from low hygiene countries like In
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
Hello everyone. I'm new here. I'm looking for unique health foods (not limited to what I listed in the subject line). Craigslist has several listings for raw milk. All are at least an hour away. I've seen organ meats at local farm markets, but the selection is limited and variable. Some grocery stores have liver. Glass bottled spring water is very expensive. http://www.shenspring.com/. $16 for 5
Forum: Fairfax County General
14 years ago
Grand Mart was a third world shithole and yet they had a better selection and better quality produce than Safeway/Shoppers/Giant/Food-Lion. I don't support foreigners, but they were pulling more weight than the competition. I wish they'd all get shut down. Though, the parking lot was always a death sentence for your car. I've seen these old Asian ladies ripping around in there like it's a drivin
Forum: Fairfax County General
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