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19 years ago
I was out of town my apologies But I have to agree, Fairfax County Public Schools should be closed and all the students sent to forced labor camps in the Catoctins. curt enough?
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
2005 Winnebago Minnie /in my dreams
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I see. You shop at Fry's. That says everything about your intelligence right there. I can only suggest the reason you had trouble at microcenter is because you're an asshole who is too impatient and unresourceful. The salespeople probably see you coming and just look for ways to keep helping someone else. Like I said, maybe if you got out more to other places, like everwhere else that's not
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
the place next to circuit city is crap. you ASK QUESTIONS of people working in retail? what do you fucking expect? The lowest drek in this country is forced to work in retail. Yeah newegg is so perfect. Try making a return to them sometime. Microcenter takes stuff back with zero hassle whatsoever. So see, neither entity is perfect. And as for newegg's service, if we are to actually comp
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
microcenter has great selection and you can pre-shop on the net. Unlike compusa, they put all store-available merch on the web. their prices aren't the worst, either. I mean, retail is all markup and loss leaders so not much to be done about that anyway.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
216. Re: Freda
Sero=iously now, I could care less what any of these assholes thinks. They don't give a shit about this board and won't be posting here as soon as they stop pretending to be so sensitive and caring over a person they don't know. Fuck all of you fair-weather friends, I saw all your posts on the net over the years as to how you wish she was dead and gone. Idiotpatrol, go fuck yourself. You so
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
217. Re: Freda
"STIDMAN ","ROBERT ","E","026"," 5810","ORCHARD HILL ","LA","CLIFTON ","VA","02/13/2005","FAIL OBEY HWY SIGN " "STIDMAN ","ROBERT ","E","026"," 5810","ORCHARD HILL ","LA","CLIFTON ","VA","02/17/2005","FAIL OBEY HWY SIGN " "STIDMAN ","ROBERT ","E","025"," 6237A","SUMMER POND ","DR","CENTREV
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
218. Re: Freda
well I think we can all see two things from these posts: -the people calling me a coward, etc, are not logged on. Anonymous cowards, as it were. -bhawes doesn't have a lot of braincells left, so when he gets some and can complete a thought coherently, let me know. and now seriously you all...who gives a fuck. And further you missed the point... people came here for info about here and I gave
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
thank you for making my point better than I could.
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
you guys need to get a room bring lotion
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
221. Re: Freda
Freda Sorce weas 50 and a mother of 1 son, Bart, who was named for Bart Starr of the Green Bay Packers. An act of tolerance like that should indicate the kind of woman she was. I can't get my girl to agree to name our first child "cal ripken stidman".
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
222. Re: Freda
She died in a car crash on rt 90 in OC. A car swerved to avoid an accident on the opposite side of the road she was on (90), and hit her head on. She was taken to shock trauma and died. She was 50 and was alone at the time of the accident.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Just some a--hole from around the way
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I did a lot fo searching and couldn't find any meaningful info, maybe if you contact your local Better Business Bureau, state Attorney General, or the DMV they might be able to get you the info.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
god why is it all pedo's, peepers and school burglers over on my side of the dish
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
"Knowing Kevin: A New Series This Fall on NBC"
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I was told one time they all have concurrent jurisdiction, meaning state can do county and local and county can do local. No idea if the guy was right or not.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
OK I just read the article, sorry, I forgot it was a murder no wonder he's so bitter
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
Mr Burkett? The bitter guy who lost some family member to a tragic accident? He was a bitter old man but his true niceness would shine through a lot. He was my 12th grade english teacher too. Fuck "wuthering heights"
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
nice work it's cop harassing time
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
hey at least that's better than assholes who type all lower case with no punctuation to break up complete and seperate thoughts like i think i'm gonna get me some chitlins that game halo is cool hey anyone wanna go hookah tomorrow you know shit like that?its confusing
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
a lot of CS people play this game that they have the total systems knowledge, but when confronted with problems not related to programming, they cannot solve them. Case in point being a programmer I worked with who could not use windows for shit and couldn't even install software in some cases, yet he was one of the top programmers they had. He knew around ten languages and was a master of orga
Forum: Off-Topic
19 years ago
I'd rather have a reckless than a DWI/DUI oh wait I do
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
well he has all the right answers and no doubts, so there's no point in fighting perfection.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
ha. not in my neighborhood. the renters are allowed to attend condo association meetings, and my own brother was a renter who was responsible for a patently unfair pet policy being put in place. I think the renters should not have as many rights. They have no equity, do not directly pay into the condo association, and they also have a proxy called the LANDLORD who can attend these meetings.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
my only lame retort is that you need to read what you write. Your #C there makes no sense in the English we speak. Don't be so pretentious, and write in normal speech. Nobody thinks you are brilliant for phrasing your responses like some greenwich village hippy newbeat writer.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
I repeat... how good could they be if they hide their music. under construction is no excuse. Construct the new site and leave the old elsewhere. This means they are ashamed of the content of the old. Because it sucks. Lottery records is a joke.
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
wow gravis, your posts have become not just too rambling, but now impossible to read due to your interlacing technique. Good work, I didn't want to read it anyway but now you made it impossible for me to read your comments even compulsively..
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
oh, and gotta protect those dvd's!!!! They're purrrrrrrrrecious
Forum: Fairfax County General
19 years ago
no gratuitous use of the new Taser 2? you know what the fairfax county police motto is? I learned this from a county cop the other day: "at least we're not prince george's county police" that's like saying: "I raped her, but I didn't KILL her!"
Forum: Fairfax County General
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