Fairfax County General :
Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
My Take On Gun Control Proposals: And Yours? Let Fly.
I am not in favor of any more gun controls, There are thousands of gun laws many are weakly enforced and criminals receive watered down sentences when others are. The Same goes for many other issues like Illegal Immigration.
The Universal Background check that liberals want would not have stopped any of the gun crimes that have made the ne
Forum: Fairfax County General
>who rule as they please because they can get away with it
That's about the size of it. They would have been impeached 50 years ago.
But with the support of Democrats they can laugh in the American Peoples face today.
It is what it is...
Forum: Fairfax County General
Hey Kilton!
Nothing like a tasty HOT DOG . A Sabrett with Kraut and Mustard New York's Favorite!
When checking out a new gun show "Assault Score! Pistol Grip, Black Plastic hand guards, Bayonet lug. LOL! This baby would have been "off limits" during the Clinton Assault Weapons ban!! That's how Stupid Liberals are!!!
Course this sucker was made in 1938 and only has 5 rounds, more then enough
Forum: Fairfax County General
As its said in the movies.. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight.. #1 Rule.. have a gun.. Even if its a Jennings LOL.. Oak axe handle works pretty good too..Maybe a bit better then a hickory stick.. And Every One is Afraid of a
"Highly Pissed OFF White Man! Lol..
Forum: Fairfax County General
"I Got's To Know!" Yes Clint Eastwood in the Classic Dirty Harry scene with his Smith & Wesson Model 29 blue steel with a 6 inch barrel, .44 Remington Magnum
This film scene caused the sales of the M-29 to go..Out Of Sight Baby back in the early 1970's. In no time they were all gone and the prices went "Out of Sight Too"
DO You Feel Lucky Punk? LOL.. ! Note: Dirty Harry Has got a Hot Dog
Forum: Fairfax County General
That's all .. .38 Special.. 4 inch barrel Colt or Smith.. All you need , Easy to unload, load, check to make sure its empty..And used by police all over the USA for 80 + years.
Make good use of the comments here about the NRA range, training, safe keeping. And Do practice with it at least every 6 months..
Gun shows are cheaper.. But they don't h
Forum: Fairfax County General
>As I remember it was across the street from Logan Ford. I think it opened mid 70s. That picture is a village inn but I don't think it is the Springfield location. I could be wrong though.
I agree, The brick place on the hill throws me off. Wheres the hill today and that place? Probably a Pizza joint but not Springfield. That Village Inn building does have a high speed look to it like the M
Forum: Fairfax County General
George Washington Was born at Popes Creek In Westmoreland County on the Potomac River, He was raised as a boy at Ferry Farm about 1 mile from "Airgas" In Stafford County, Near "Earls hardware..On Rt 3 , along the banks of the Rappahannock River, there's a historic site but nothing left from his time.
Robert E Lee was born at Stratford Hall, just a couple miles away from Popes Creek on the Potoma
Forum: Fairfax County General
Roberts yes and the place in Newington.. Roberts?? .You do know you can use CO2 for most mig welding, good weld and cheaper. Plenty of places in Prince William too.. Probably named Roberts. I get my 75/25 from Airgas in Stafford Co. near Falmouth across from Earls Hardware and Mc Ds down here in Gods Country..Where 4 br houses with 3 baths a nice yard 2 car garage cost 210 K. There are other Airg
Forum: Fairfax County General
Loving That Obama Gas.. While It lasts.. But if they go to 15 % Ethanol E-15 Forget it.
It will screw up all kinds of engines from lawn mowers to outboards to cars and trucks , and the ethanol thing has raised grain prices putting billions of the worlds poor in a jam.. Where's Obama on that?? And who's got the money to fix all the damage E-15 will do. E-10's bad enough. And they need to keep a
Forum: Fairfax County General
WOW! Can you Imagine! The $$$ going to a pizza joint that could make "The BIG ONE"! Kids pizza parties, scouts, swim meets, bachelor parties. Political Meetings! Car Dealers Sat come see new cars...Family gatherings.. On And On!!
And Im sitting here with pockets empty! Check out the little delivery car
And the HUGE Box!
Let em have it tell e
Forum: Fairfax County General
The "cost of living" in the DC metro are will be Sky Rocketing next year, when the Huge MGM Grand Casino opens on the banks of the Potomac next to National Harbor. This is a bigger deal then even the Donald can swing by himself, 1 billion dollars. It will be filled with one armed electronic bandits, blackjack tables, the works! A real Las Vegas joint.
And the poor on welfare will flock there wit
Forum: Fairfax County General
Im "Loaded Up" Ready for em. I buy stuff I like in case there's extra. I will give out to about 10 children tonight as I am a nice man. No lousy candy from me!
At 9pm that's it Lights out, and I will smile as I hear the sounds of the eggs hitting. Got the hose all ready to go and the power washer gassed up standing by.
The Pumpkin being smashed in the road that gives me a good laugh cause the
Forum: Fairfax County General
What with unemployment, Jobs gone Overseas or to Mexico. How many manufacturing plants are there in the USA.
What's the chance a person could "Bootstrap" and build a manufacturing plant today with out family help or a trust fund? With todays government regulations, the EPA, Democrat Liability Lawyers and much more?
During the "Great Depression of the 1930's there was no welfare. People had to
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Read and weep at this sick web page of Anti Americans
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Honest Joe Biden told it at a press conference yesterday . "The Republican party Is Not Our ENEMY " They are The opposition"
Ya Joe we know how Democrats think today in this country. Thanks for telling the truth. Half the country is the enemy now huh... Any body with a business, Anyone who works hard and is not on welfare.. We Are The Enemy. Those that don't support Abortion murder of children
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Pull some shit in English Hills on Halloween Night, You will get your Travon costume Free! Dark Scary Place that English Hills .. even way back in 71..
Or try the gated place on Clifton road, on the right going toward Clifton just before Maple Branch . The Estate with the sign by the gate.. "If you Can Read This You Are In Range" Can't say I blame um..A Bit..
Forum: Fairfax County General
You Know I think there's about 4 trolls posting positive for Hillary in all these threads.
Only the "Hairdresser Knows, And Cary" And their Mum as they should be..
"The Bottom Line" is Hillary is a very intelligent person. and very devious and the American people see that with Wide Eyes. As I have already said as lazy unsigned DAJAX..
The word within the Dems secret society, is that with Joe
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I Thought he may have been born in "A State of Intoxication" What with his Liberal Love..
That's mild compared to the curses Gerry has made about me.. Lord!
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Major candidates and potential major candidates :
Democrats : Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren ,Joe Biden
GOP: Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina
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But Of Course! After all he used a "gun" defending his country in Vietnam while he earned the Congressional Medal of Honor posthumously .
The disrespect of troll Liberals is amazing!
Forum: Fairfax County General
Adolf Hitler High School
Joseph Stalin High
Kim Jung Un High
All As Absurd as Changing the name of the Robert E Lee High School in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
I was going to say some shitty things about Libs, But it was really "Over the Top" and Un American.. too bad cry baby libs cant be so wise and STFU.
Forum: Fairfax County General
Patio Daddy O BBQ Steak with Baked tater and Broccoli Dig It! Squeeze O Lemon J
on the Green stuff = Low Fat Tasty Secret. Glob O Sour Cream on the Tater = Tasty!
Forum: Fairfax County General
O'Smelly ..The Former "Tax Em To Death Gun Grabbing" Gov of the "Free State's" "Main Man" LOL
If By a Quirk of "Bad Smelling Fate" would O'Smelly's Prez Cabinet look like with this bum as a example of his "Leadership" choices?
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Well..#1 You write as a Liberal, It may well be a Red Herring and you LYAO with the responses.
If you are a liberal , Oh well that's the way you see things.
As far as music. What is mainstream music? I like mainstream music too..From the 60's and early 70's.
I will say you don't get into cussing like many Libs do. And that's good. you also don't seem to lie and exaggerate that much as most
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This Am a fav Simple bacon and eggs with toast and a piece of sausage.
Last night Chicken Fried Cube Steak with Country Pepper Gravy Real Mashed Potatoes and "Mean Greens" Collards. Yesterdays lunch was a 7.00 $$ splurge Italian Sub from Mama Lucis (SIC I Know) at Fair City Mall. Their bread has that crispy exterior that a real Sub has to have! Everything except onions and Great! "Sub" "Grind
Forum: Fairfax County General