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Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
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15 years ago
Agreed. I haven't been on here in a while, but got really bored and decided why the hell not?
Forum: Vienna
15 years ago
It's a half-lie...it wasn't working properly, but kicked back in later on in the day. Agree with William...
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
heh :)
Forum: Vienna
15 years ago
See above about the OP being my brother...I think it's safe to say I know what car(s) my brother owns, drives.
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
And how does that make me a dipshit exactly?
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
I'm not going to pile on like everybody else because I like your jeep and I do wish I had one to tool around in, but my Navigator did just fine getting out of the driveway when I moved it yesterday thank you very much!!! I do have shitty tires on the front right now, but I haven't ever gotten stuck or lost control in the snow/ice. I did, however, have to bounce the shit out of the back of the Dod
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
The OP is my brother, dipshit...
Forum: Fairfax County General
15 years ago
XXX...really? I mean...really? You just felt like you absolutely had to write something down in response to this post and that's all you could come up with? Just because your hand-me-down honda civic hatch back couldn't get out of your parent's driveway doesn't mean that this particular poster (whom I know) couldn't get out and drive around. His Jeep did just fine in the snow as is evident by his
Forum: Fairfax County General
16 years ago
probably ICE doing a round-up with the aid of the local fuzz
Forum: Vienna
16 years ago
I'm not down with the high school crowd as my 10 year reunion is coming up, so I wouldn't know. Besides, I went to Madison and couldn't care less about the Oakton HS kids. You're right about one thing, though. The kids at south lakes would never get CAUGHT with drugs... **edit** I also agree with you that the hammer needs to be dropped on these morons, but also on their parents. If their parents
Forum: Vienna
16 years ago
Forum: Vienna
16 years ago
12. Oakton
There isn't a thread for Oakton, so I'm hoping that this can serve as a temporary place for those of us who live in this tiny, white bread town to post whatever. My first thought is who the fuck is tagging the bridge on Vale Rd between Stuart Mill and Hunter Mill? (I know that is a large in-between area, but there is only 1 bridge between the two roads)
Forum: Vienna
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