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Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Confirmed ()
Date: July 29, 2012 09:41PM

Thanks to a very helpful tip it has been confirmed that Brian Haddock went to Univ. Of MD.

TheNorthman, are you going to start your fuckery and deny that you went to that college?

Or is it just another coinky-dinky?

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 29, 2012 09:42PM

Dude, you have anger problems.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: V37EP ()
Date: July 29, 2012 10:00PM

liz is still cunt-hurt northy played her like a fool

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Confirmed ()
Date: July 29, 2012 10:23PM

This has nothing to do with liz but TheNorthman can no longer deny it. Can he, dude?

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: oddities ()
Date: July 29, 2012 10:29PM

well....i was going to ask 'who would admit to who they were/not deny it' but even lizzie didnt deny who she was....which was odd to say the least...but rofl so northman got 2con committed????

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: eesh is... ()
Date: July 29, 2012 10:36PM

"Confirmed" posting one minute after the start of the thread.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Not so ()
Date: July 30, 2012 10:43AM

@ Confirmed: I happen to know that Brian Haddock did not even graduate high school so how the hell could he attend Univ of MD? Get your facts straight. Perhaps the Northman did attend Univ of MD but Brian Haddock did not! For once and for all Brian Haddock is NOT the Northman!! Get a life!!

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 12:33PM

I believe (uncertain) that Brian went back and got a GED, and followed it up with a two year degree.

I don't believe that he attended UM, though there was a time when he and I had a dozen mutual friends that did.

"so northman got 2con committed"

Not exactly... knowing that I was afraid of the Police at the time, and especially of Officer Horton, he showed up and convinced my Wife and I that he had gotten everything worked out, said that the Police had their eye on a neighbor, and that they needed me to answer some questions and possibly swear out a deposition.

He and Officer Horton had apparently pre-arranged my abduction. When I walked into the station, Horton was literally hiding around the corner waiting for her chance to "TDO" me. Brian watched smugly as I was loaded into her cruiser, and swore he'd pick up my Wife so that she could meet me at Woodburn.

Instead, he went back to my house, and only then did he tell her about the "Concerned Citizen" posts that he claimed were from "Magellan's Head Psychologist", and offered to help her with any computer problems. In addition, it appears that he contacted friends and told them about a non-existent "drug stash", and how he was trying to protect this supposed stash, my family, and my dogs from the SWAT team which was planning an incursion.

I guess it's a damned good thing that I wasn't on drugs -- if he believes his own claims, he had no way of knowing that I didn't have something on me, and that he wasn't setting me up for criminal charges.

There's still something going on here that I haven't been able to understand. You can tell when a friend or family member is doing something difficult for the sake of someone they care about; but Brian was nothing but smug as he watched me be handcuffed and loaded into Horton's cruiser, and continued lying to me until the last. The "Concerned Citizen" posts, and his attempt to have me evaluated by his Sister simply add to the list of questions.

Perhaps these fictitious "drugs" and our computers actually were his motivation -- I can only speculate.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 12:36PM

BTW, he DID worry my Wife enough that she did search for these drugs.

If there had been anything to find, it likely would've put my marriage at severe risk.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Not so ()
Date: July 30, 2012 12:59PM

okay 2con you can continue to believe whatever you want. Everyone knows that you were not in your right mind due to whatever you were going through. People do not become as paranoid as you did and act out the way you did if they were not in the middle of some psychological issue. And notice the way you have returned to "normalcy". That in and of itself is a good enough demonstration that you were indeed going through something at the time. And since you were under considerable psycological strain at the time of all of these incidents, your views and memories of things are clearly clouded. You have all of your facts wrong about his sister and Magellan as well. And Brian was never smug during any of this. As a matter of fact, he did what he did out of a concern for a friend that was going through a crisis that could have ended very badly for everyone involved. I am not Brian, not his sister, not anyone at Magellen but someone very close to this. I chose not to post my personal identity because I do not want the trolls and haters and people without lives to do what they have done to Brian. You can believe whatever you want to believe, but I can say with all of my heart that you have most of the story wrong and have a skewed perception of the facts, due to whatever crisis you were in. You can pursue whatever legal matter you happen to think this is, but in the end, you will be out of a lot of money and a lot of time. Just take a step back and go and enjoy your life without the venom and poison that is spewed on this forum. Please log out of this forum and find a hobby that involves your children and your wife, kids grow up way too fast and life it too short to get involved in the muck and mire on this forum. I wish you nothing but good wishes and luck in all your future endeavors.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 01:54PM

I'll certainly admit that I was overtired, and I'd been frightened for far too long.

The fact is, nobody took the time to talk to me or my Wife before they took decisions onto themselves recklessly. Had life and what was being written been separated, it was clear to anyone who talked to me that I posed no danger to myself, my family, or anybody else.

People who are having "issues" don't get through something like this without careless threats, libel, and slander. You'll find NONE of those -- I was in control, though I far underestimated the apparent risks of what I was I writing, and overestimated the threats that I was receiving. At one point, after the first encounter, I stopped for long enough to speak with a lawyer. I confirmed that I had not crossed any lines, and clarified a legal point or two before continuing.

Think what you will, but all of Brian's actions seem to be inspired more by some "Dawg" type of adrenaline rush than out of concern for what was right for my family. The one time he went through the motions of outwardly helping, he did nothing but agitate the situation further. He told my Wife that we had credible threats, he confirmed my fears, he assured me he'd look into facets of this that I couldn't, and then he promptly disappeared without another word until the abduction.

You would have had to have been here for his "cavalry rescue" to begin to understand. There was even a backstory about how it was helpful for Joe to have gotten into Brian's van, so that the neighbors couldn't track who was or wasn't here. Brian seemingly did everything he could to induce paranoia -- not just in me, but my Wife too.

Why would he shop random posts around for competing mis-diagnoses, instead of just having me speak with one of these doctors for a couple of minutes? Again, what he did was wrong, on every single level.

What was the motivation in contacting friends who weren't involved, and propagandizing them well in advance of what he pulled and not taking a few minutes to talk to my Wife?

No... there were MANY things he could've done that would have helped my situation. In every instance, he did the opposite. He insisted that my recollection of the events on the 24th were wrong, despite the fact that he couldn't even tell me how many officers were on the scene. Remember, this is EXACTLY why I'd gotten him involved, and getting the whole story is exactly what he'd promised to do when he left my entire family in a state of heightened alert.

You seem to understand part of "what's important" here... my family. And my family will never be whole again as long as my children and I know that this went unanswered, and that there's little or nothing to stop it from happening again, to me or to anyone else. If you're close to the story, you're going to truly detest what's coming... I hope you'll keep that one overwhelming motivator in mind as the only necessary explanation of my actions.

Certainly, if you thought I was "having an issue" then, you're going to think the same again soon.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 02:10PM

I'll add something because I believe it'll explain a lot to anyone who stops to consider it:

In everything I've tried to do, I've tried rational approaches to getting information, first.

In the end, the only real information I've gotten has come as direct or indirect results of antagonism, in this forum.

That's how I found out about Sharon.

That's how I found out about him sending a link to his coworker at Magellan.

That's how I found out he had his Sister take a look.

That's how, in the end, I found out that I really didn't need to stay awake at night, worrying that the big bad Eesh was going to come and get me.

But it really started the first week. I'd come here with good intentions, made my post, realized my mistake, and I was immediately receiving threats for which I couldn't assess the danger.

My family was in Iowa.

If anyone was going to "come and get me", I needed it to happen before they came home. In actuality, I'd hoped a couple of people would come by, have a beer, look at the tape, and come back and say: "Yeah that Dancing Dude really was whacked on something."

It got deeper and deeper, and in the end, the ONLY option I've had is to move forward.

I tried hiring a PI, to get answers, instead.

It didn't work out well.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Not so ()
Date: July 30, 2012 02:22PM

@2concerned - I feel very sad for you and your wife and children. Continue to threaten and yes what you typed can be perceived as a threat ie "If you're close to the story, you're going to truly detest what's coming... I hope you'll keep that one overwhelming motivator in mind as the only necessary explanation of my actions." And everyone can clearly see that you are continuing to have delusions and issues by statements like that. And you were the one who started 2 groups on FB involving friends who were not directly involved, stop trying to blame other people for your actions. The people that he involved had already been invited to your FB group so he did nothing but find people who cared enough about you and the crisis you were having to try to help. But it does not matter what anyone says. You have your own story/theory/scandal so nothing that anyone says will make a bit of difference. Keep hanging out with the trolls and the scum that reside here on FFXU, it's really good company to keep. You can't see the light for the darkness shadowing your mind. Again, good luck and I hope that after all of this, you still have your wife, children and some semblence of a life. You have done alot to screw all of that up and poor Cinthy is so in the dark it is not even funny. She believe's every word that you say, poor thing, can't even manage her own FB page without you .... good luck!

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 30, 2012 02:44PM

2concerned Wrote:
> I believe (uncertain) that Brian went back and got
> a GED, and followed it up with a two year degree.
> I don't believe that he attended UM, though there
> was a time when he and I had a dozen mutual
> friends that did.
> "so northman got 2con committed"
> Not exactly... knowing that I was afraid of the
> Police at the time, and especially of Officer
> Horton, he showed up and convinced my Wife and I
> that he had gotten everything worked out, said
> that the Police had their eye on a neighbor, and
> that they needed me to answer some questions and
> possibly swear out a deposition.
> He and Officer Horton had apparently pre-arranged
> my abduction. When I walked into the station,
> Horton was literally hiding around the corner
> waiting for her chance to "TDO" me. Brian watched
> smugly as I was loaded into her cruiser, and swore
> he'd pick up my Wife so that she could meet me at
> Woodburn.
> Instead, he went back to my house, and only then
> did he tell her about the "Concerned Citizen"
> posts that he claimed were from "Magellan's Head
> Psychologist", and offered to help her with any
> computer problems. In addition, it appears that
> he contacted friends and told them about a
> non-existent "drug stash", and how he was trying
> to protect this supposed stash, my family, and my
> dogs from the SWAT team which was planning an
> incursion.
> I guess it's a damned good thing that I wasn't on
> drugs -- if he believes his own claims, he had no
> way of knowing that I didn't have something on me,
> and that he wasn't setting me up for criminal
> charges.
> There's still something going on here that I
> haven't been able to understand. You can tell
> when a friend or family member is doing something
> difficult for the sake of someone they care about;
> but Brian was nothing but smug as he watched me be
> handcuffed and loaded into Horton's cruiser, and
> continued lying to me until the last. The
> "Concerned Citizen" posts, and his attempt to have
> me evaluated by his Sister simply add to the list
> of questions.
> Perhaps these fictitious "drugs" and our computers
> actually were his motivation -- I can only
> speculate.

cool story. i haz question.... what reason would these people have for 2conspiring against you as you described in the above jibberish?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/30/2012 02:44PM by Z3R0.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 30, 2012 02:46PM

2concerned Wrote:
> I'll add something because I believe it'll explain
> a lot to anyone who stops to consider it:
> In everything I've tried to do, I've tried
> rational approaches to getting information,
> first.

wait wait wait.... no nevermind. this says enough funny.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 30, 2012 02:48PM

2concerned Wrote:
> > Certainly, if you thought I was "having an issue"
> then, you're going to think the same again soon.

hey donkey, no one ever stopped thinking that. well, cept for you, but you're a tard so it doesn't matter.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 30, 2012 02:49PM

fyi, i've been responding to all your threads since day numero uno.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Voice of reason ()
Date: July 30, 2012 10:22PM

Not so Wrote:
> okay 2con you can continue to believe whatever you
> want. Everyone knows that you were not in your
> right mind due to whatever you were going through.
> People do not become as paranoid as you did and
> act out the way you did if they were not in the
> middle of some psychological issue. And notice
> the way you have returned to "normalcy". That in
> and of itself is a good enough demonstration that
> you were indeed going through something at the
> time. And since you were under considerable
> psycological strain at the time of all of these
> incidents, your views and memories of things are
> clearly clouded. You have all of your facts wrong
> about his sister and Magellan as well. And Brian
> was never smug during any of this. As a matter of
> fact, he did what he did out of a concern for a
> friend that was going through a crisis that could
> have ended very badly for everyone involved. I am
> not Brian, not his sister, not anyone at Magellen
> but someone very close to this. I chose not to
> post my personal identity because I do not want
> the trolls and haters and people without lives to
> do what they have done to Brian. You can believe
> whatever you want to believe, but I can say with
> all of my heart that you have most of the story
> wrong and have a skewed perception of the facts,
> due to whatever crisis you were in. You can
> pursue whatever legal matter you happen to think
> this is, but in the end, you will be out of a lot
> of money and a lot of time. Just take a step back
> and go and enjoy your life without the venom and
> poison that is spewed on this forum. Please log
> out of this forum and find a hobby that involves
> your children and your wife, kids grow up way too
> fast and life it too short to get involved in the
> muck and mire on this forum. I wish you nothing
> but good wishes and luck in all your future
> endeavors.

You obviously do know Brian. Anyone who knows him knows this is bullshit. He never went to University of Maryland, he didn't grow up in Montgomery County, he's not a boxer or sports enthusiast, he doesn't work in the DC area, and many many more facts. But the truth is that these people don't care about real facts, they don't care or they would do the necessary research - not just tie together a couple coincidences which can ALL be explained away. I think even Scott knows that it's really not Brian, but probably wants to let people believe that so they carry out his revenge for him.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 10:41PM

"I think even Scott knows that it's really not Brian"

I think I've said that from the beginning... they don't line up.

But, I'm certain that TheNorthman knows Brian, and that Brian has been feeding him/her "information".

I looked at the IP captures, too... if TheNorthman does not live in Brian's house, then he/she is in very close physical proximity.

Patrick claims - and I believe him - that he had a telephone conversation with Brian in which Brian acknowledged knowing who TheNorthman is, but denying that it was him.

That's where things get interesting... all of these "Patrick is slamming on Brian" threads fail to mention that fact. They're almost certainly Eesh, or some other pointless troll.

I doubt I'm ever going to know the whole truth. The only place it exists is in Cary's logs, and he's not going to hand them over willingly, nor would I really want to try to get them against his will.

I have every reason to want Lizzie and Patrick to reveal TheNorthman's actual identity... I think they're close, but I suspect that his girlfriend is a more likely match.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 30, 2012 10:44PM

2concerned Wrote:

> Patrick claims - and I believe him - that he had a
> telephone conversation with Brian in which Brian
> acknowledged knowing who TheNorthman is, but
> denying that it was him.

Sort of like how he claimed to have called me, and I answered the phone "this is eesh."

Did you see Cary's edit tonight? Might want to reconsider your friendship with inkahootz, and that's friendly advice.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: July 30, 2012 10:47PM

Seriously, take a look at this 2con.


355 posts deleted...on top of the 195 Cary deleted a month ago.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: hello, eesh? ()
Date: July 30, 2012 10:56PM

eesh Wrote:
> Sort of like how he claimed to have called me, and
> I answered the phone "this is eesh."
hello this is eesh.jpg

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 10:57PM


I have to think about this.

Damnit, Patrick.

I was having a smoke when it hit me: I wonder if Brian provides VPN tunnels to others through his connection at home?

It would fit, anyway.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Voice of Reason ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:00PM

Now Northman is a woman??? Have any of you actually read his posts? The testosterone practically drips off of them.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:01PM

It sucks that Cary does stuff like that so arbitrarily.

I mean, is there a magical number that I could hit, where he'd delete all of my posts, too?

If so, sign me up.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: trufles ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:04PM

eesh Wrote:
> 2concerned Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Patrick claims - and I believe him - that he had
> a
> > telephone conversation with Brian in which
> Brian
> > acknowledged knowing who TheNorthman is, but
> > denying that it was him.
> Sort of like how he claimed to have called me, and
> I answered the phone "this is eesh."

TheNorthman never said he was TheNorthman. He initially denied knowing who TheNorthman was and about fairfaxunderground in general. Later, he changed his tune saying he was not the TheNorthman and only knew about fairfaxunderground because Scott was defaming him on there (after all he had done to try and help him).

eesh never said "this is eesh"

Instead he replied to "Hey, what's up, eesh?" with "Hey."

Draw your won conclusions.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: FU Truther ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:09PM

2concerned Wrote:
> "I think even Scott knows that it's really not
> Brian"
> I think I've said that from the beginning... they
> don't line up.
> But, I'm certain that TheNorthman knows Brian, and
> that Brian has been feeding him/her
> "information".
> I looked at the IP captures, too... if TheNorthman
> does not live in Brian's house, then he/she is in
> very close physical proximity.
> Patrick claims - and I believe him - that he had a
> telephone conversation with Brian in which Brian
> acknowledged knowing who TheNorthman is, but
> denying that it was him.
> That's where things get interesting... all of
> these "Patrick is slamming on Brian" threads fail
> to mention that fact. They're almost certainly
> Eesh, or some other pointless troll.
> I doubt I'm ever going to know the whole truth.
> The only place it exists is in Cary's logs, and
> he's not going to hand them over willingly, nor
> would I really want to try to get them against his
> will.
> I have every reason to want Lizzie and Patrick to
> reveal TheNorthman's actual identity... I think
> they're close, but I suspect that his girlfriend
> is a more likely match.

IP addresses don't mean shit. They don't give precise geographic information, they don't reveal names, nothing. If you are basing your assumptions on an IP address that you got from someone other than Cary then you are stupid.

Speaking of stupid, your new friend Patrick is a pathological liar and a sociopath. His type of person is good at being superficially genuine to get what they want out of people. He's using you just like he used you when you first showed up and he tried to get you to go after his 'enemies' on here. It's not a question of 'if' you will regret knowing him. It's a question of 'when' you will regret knowing him. Think about it. There has to be a reason why almost everyone on here can get along with everyone else but he is universally hated.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Do normal people do this? ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:13PM

FU Truther Wrote:
> Speaking of stupid, your new friend Patrick is a
> pathological liar and a sociopath.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: This is the reason ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:15PM

FU Truther Wrote:
> There has to
> be a reason why almost everyone on here can get
> along with everyone else
hello Eesh.jpg

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: no they don't ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:20PM

normal people spend hours trolling ffxu and stalking people like patrick. he is such a cool guy. especially when he drinks and drives.

Do normal people do this? Wrote:
> FU Truther Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > Speaking of stupid, your new friend Patrick is
> a
> > pathological liar and a sociopath.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: crazy eesh ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:22PM

no they don't Wrote:
> normal people spend hours trolling ffxu and
> stalking people like eesh. he is such a cool
> guy. especially when he sucks cocks

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:25PM

"Now Northman is a woman???"

I never said it was her... I was just certain that it was not Brian, and I hadn't really done any research on TheNorthman myself, so "not impossible" is more likely than "impossible". Again, they have ties....

Until today, I hadn't known that TheNorthman was attached to UofM, at all. I took a very brief look at his/her post history a month ago, or so, but pretty quickly decided that "outing" him/her wouldn't mean a ton to me, even if it was him, since Brian had made his claims directly to several people, including my Wife. If I could "out" one person right now, it would be "Concerned Citizen", who Brian presented as being on Magellan's staff.

Maybe I'll go back and look, as a curiosity. It really sucks that Patrick dead-ended like this.

But, when TheNorthman posted about "his/her Sister" looking at my posts, I think that was a pretty big slip... I'm guessing they never imagined that I'd make a call to confirm that the conversation actually took place. Again, these are endeavors that Brian had no reason or right to be pursuing - especially when he hadn't shown my Wife, who trusted him, the respect of hearing these concerns.

What IS meaningful to me is that Brian and TheNorthman have ties, and that TheNorthman predates my debut in this forsaken forum. It's not hard to wonder if any "motive" Brian had might lay in that direction, or at least why he never let on that he was aware of FFXU, or its denizens, and instead he actually encouraged my Wife and I to be alarmed.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:32PM

"If you are basing your assumptions on an IP address that you got from someone other than Cary then you are stupid."

No, I was given access to the logger when Inkahootz/Patrick/whatever first posted about the Westminster IP. I'm convinced that it was real, and accurate. I'm also convinced that the timing was conclusive.

But it really doesn't matter if you believe me, in the end.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: be vary wary ()
Date: July 30, 2012 11:37PM

2concerned Wrote:
> "If you are basing your assumptions on an IP
> address that you got from someone other than Cary
> then you are stupid."
> No, I was given access to the logger when
> Inkahootz/Patrick/whatever first posted about the
> Westminster IP. I'm convinced that it was real,
> and accurate. I'm also convinced that the timing
> was conclusive.
> But it really doesn't matter if you believe me, in
> the end.

Be careful 2concerned...

eesh has a stockpile of guns that he tries to intimidate people with and thinks this is normal behavior.

That Colorado shooter stockpiled guns and ammo...it's only a matter of time before eesh becomes unhinged.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 12:04AM

"it's only a matter of time before eesh becomes unhinged"

Yeah, there might be a good chance of that. There are folks here who already ARE unhinged, but I don't believe that any of them pose a threat, physically. In some cases, it's impossible to know the difference between what these guys are posting, and what they might really be like in real life -- I mean, how thick is that wall that separates the two worlds for them?

For now, I'm going to rest easy in the belief that HE doesn't have a genuine beef with me, but alert in the assumption that some asshole, some day, IS going to decide that I pose some kind of threat to somebody.

Really, I'm much more afraid of people who can set in motion a chain of events that leaves me unable to say goodbye to my children, or see them for a week, when I'd never broken a single law, or threatened anyone.

There appear to be a few significant people who took it upon themselves to step "out of bounds", morally and/or legally, in the mistaken belief - or claim - that they were trying to help me, and caused this to spiral into something much larger than it ever needed to be.

Perhaps it was some sort of "perfect storm", and what happened to me was "One in a Million" -- I'd certainly hope so. But even if that's the case, then there are hundreds of other Fathers out there who've been wrongfully ripped from their families at some point, and that's far too many.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: a wolf in sheep's clothing ()
Date: July 31, 2012 12:18AM

2concerned Wrote:
> There appear to be a few significant people who
> took it upon themselves to step "out of bounds",
> morally and/or legally, in the mistaken belief -
> or claim - that they were trying to help me, and
> caused this to spiral into something much larger
> than it ever needed to be.

The name Brian Haddock comes to mind.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: sheep sheep ()
Date: July 31, 2012 12:23AM

anon posting at 1218 ..eesh's last activity at 2020 but hasn't posted since yesterday.. ok

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 12:43AM

"The name Brian Haddock comes to mind."

Oh, he's absolutely at the top.

And the part that really sucks is that I still need a PI.

FCPS doesn't want to respond to my emails, Yarborough won't even return my Wife's phonecalls, and I'm not allowed on school grounds to get an answer, in person, as to why this "letter" was ever written, and why it hasn't been retracted.

Of course, even if I were allowed onto those school grounds "without written permission", I'd still prefer for someone else to go and ask the questions. I'm big, I have a deep voice, and everyone likes to call me "scary", including Yarborough, I guess.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: scaredy eesh ()
Date: July 31, 2012 12:50AM

2concerned Wrote:
> I'm big, I have a deep voice, and
> everyone likes to call me "scary", including
> Yarborough, I guess.

You better be careful and not scare eesh too much or he might declare you the next "most dangerous man on fairfaxunderground!" :)

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 12:55AM

scaredy eesh: "You better be careful and not scare eesh too much or he might declare you the next "most dangerous man on fairfaxunderground!""

With Patrick "banned", I already have that particular honor in the bag, don't I?

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: FU ain't Kansas, Dorothy! ()
Date: July 31, 2012 01:02AM

2concerned Wrote:
> scaredy eesh: "You better be careful and not scare
> eesh too much or he might declare you the next
> "most dangerous man on fairfaxunderground!""
> With Patrick "banned", I already have that
> particular honor in the bag, don't I?

No one is ever "banned" per se. Cary just wants to sound omnipotent, like the little wizard behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: lookit ()
Date: July 31, 2012 01:12AM

first you suck his dick in real life, now you suck his dick on ffxu. dick ridin' bitch.

scaredy eesh Wrote:
> 2concerned Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I'm big, I have a deep voice, and
> > everyone likes to call me "scary", including
> > Yarborough, I guess.
> You better be careful and not scare eesh too much
> or he might declare you the next "most dangerous
> man on fairfaxunderground!" :)

Options: ReplyQuote
Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: eesh sucks off cary ()
Date: July 31, 2012 01:22AM

lookit Wrote:
> first you suck his dick in real life, now you suck
> his dick on ffxu. dick ridin' bitch.

There is only one dick sucking, dick rider on ffxu. His name is eesh

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 31, 2012 07:40AM

A message from Brian to 2 concerned from a conversation we had last night.

"It has been amusing and has kept us all entertained on the slow days. We will continue until he really figures it all out, at which point we have to implement plan B."

Kid you not.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:31AM

"No one is ever "banned" per se."

Actually, I think even Cary kind of admits that. He bans "accounts".


One more question that I keep running over:

In all of these efforts to act as my friend, and help me out, why is it that Brian never encouraged me to, or offered to help me "clean things up?". He knew from intimate personal involvement that these things were being interpreted in a light that was a lot worse than I would've imagined...

Also, why couldn't Brian have just given me a call and said something like "it's certainly not C.E.... hold off on everything, and let me get back to you?" In retrospect, doesn't it seem like that actually would have been easy, and helpful, and could've been done without Brian even revealing his own involvement here?

Digressing, but on a similar note, the thing at my Sister-in-Law's house was a part of the problem.

I'd posted at 4:30 on the morning of the first "visit" that I was done with the approach that I was using.... I couldn't clean much up here - I don't think I even knew about editing, yet - but Facebook was another matter. But by the time I got back to a keyboard, three restless days later, I'd entirely forgotten the post to the Sandburg-related group. At that point, I still wasn't posting, because I hadn't met with my attorney yet, and I was just cleaning up what I could.


BTW, I thought - and I still do - that if parents who were present at that knew everything that transpired, they'd be unlikely to say "yes, that was handled appropriately", and I STILL think they have a right to know what happened, and get some sort of explanation of the county's response, be it SACC, FCPS, FCPD, or whatever.

Because there has been no answer, no retraction, and my "PI" went rogue, I'm pretty much back at "square one", but there are questions that still have to be answered, and a libelous letter that still needs to be addressed.

Oh... a side-note that might be helpful to someone, some day: apparently, at least in Fairfax, there's normally a two year statute of limitation for civil suits. But in cases where the individual can claim "limited immunity", such as Social Workers, or Police, notice that a suit might be coming has to be given within six months.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:46AM

Still another (I mull things a lot):

WTF is going on with Magellan?

They've got an employee who has claimed in front of multiple witnesses to have had me evaluated, and that someone in their company is "Concerned Citizen". That one troubled me from the start, since he stood out as someone who - even though completely wrong - understood much of what he was talking about, unlike the cut-and-paste monkeys that were easy to spot.

Anyway, thinking it through, whether the diagnosis was good, or not, those became medical records subject to HIPAA law, correct? Magellan could've disavowed them in an instant, and chose not to... their stance, based on the phonecall I received, is that this is a matter that's between Brian and I, and what he does on his own time is his own business.

That seems like one hell of a loose approach when dealing with someone who's on their core security team.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:59AM

And NO, CARY, I'm not asking you to redact the posts, though by all rights, I think you should, immediately, if I wanted you to. I do have copies of them, but I'd prefer that if you're going to let my identity, and all the provably false accusations remain, that they should ALL remain, and not selectively.

I believe that too much of the context in all of this is irrevocably lost, already.

That was part of my feeling in response to the Inkahootz deletion... I mean, when half of the story disappears, what's left is further from the truth.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:01AM

...and I'm not saying that Inka's posts were "the truth".

I can't even say with certainty which posts were Inka.

But, even if he posted lies, then the fact that he made them is a necessary part of getting the full picture.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS The Northman
Posted by: From concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:36AM

2concerned Wrote:
> ...and I'm not saying that Inka's posts were "the
> truth".
> I can't even say with certainty which posts were
> Inka.
> But, even if he posted lies, then the fact that he
> made them is a necessary part of getting the full
> picture.

I'm just trolling here but I'm little concerned about you.
Please go out and get some air,take a walk, get laid,see a shrink.
I came here for a laugh but you have serious issues and need some real professional assistance.
I'm not going to say anything else to provoke you except maybe you are a drama queen.
Please seek help!!!

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Not so ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:48AM

@ 2concerned - you can continue with your "mulling" all you want. But I can say with 100% knowledge that Brian has NEVER, EVER, posted on FFXU. And all you are doing with your constant mulling over of the issues is continuing to complicate your "memories". Look, you were deemed a danger by your behavior at a school for a reason, people don't just get banned from a school or have a mobile crisis unit show up at their house for no reason. I hate to break it to you, but those things don't happen unless someone has a very valid reason to warrant that kind of action. Again, I am not Brian, I am not his sister, I am not someone at Magellan, but I choose to remain anonymous because I have seen what your attention/obsession has done and I choose not to be directly linked to the darkness on this site. I would suggest that you stop now and do positive things to get your ban lifted so that people at school will not stop and stare and point at you and your family when they see you. You threatened a neighbor, scared kids on bus stops, got yourself connected to a clearly dangerous person, the list is endless. You are not doing anything to redeem yourself, if anything you are making things worse for yourself and your family. There is no conspiracy theory and Brian did listen to all of the things that you told him. Apparently like everyone else who thought that you needed help, he did what he thought would help you. You were spiraling downwards into the "episode" you were having. Sorry that you would not accept the help and chose to sign yourself out without seeking the help that you so clearly need. You exhibited every sympton of someone having a mental health crisis. And you need to stop lying to yourself and accept the facts. Stop putting the onus of this on anyone else, you are the only one to blame for all of this. Stop now and go and enjoy your family before something happens that you can't walk away from. No that is not a threat, that is a statement based on your behavior of hanging out with people who are clearly dangerous based on past behavior. This has gone on for way too long and no one but you can stop it. So do the right thing and stop it now and go play with your kids. Life is too short to fill it with darkness, and you have filled your almost entire summer and your childrens entire summer with darkness and conspiracy theories. Please stop now.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Not so ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:04AM

@ 2concerned - oh and by the way, asking for advice on how to deal with someone who you think is having a mental health crisis, without revealing any personal details is not the same as having you evaluated. You were never identified by name and there would have been no way for you to be identified by Magellan until you took it upon yourself to send all of those emails to Magellan identifying yourself .... so you see, again, any damage that you perceive as being done to you was really done by you .... please try to take a look at your actions. Everything that has been "done to you" has been precipitated by some action on your part. When you started attacking people randomly and accusing them of being part of a libertarian pedophile ring, that is when the whole thing started spriraling downward. Take a step back and evaluate your own actions, they are the reason that you are in this position and no one else is to blame. You started this, now just stop it, you have the power to do so.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:05AM

You can ignore it all you want, Scottie.... But you can't escape it. Mwuhaha....

Never forget the ....'s are fucking watching you!

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:06AM

And here you are, claiming to get your "facts" from Brian, and making one false statement after another. I'll just go through the first few sentences...

"you were deemed a danger by your behavior at a school"

That's never been the case. The Police won't say that, and even Terrence's letter doesn't refer to me as "a danger".

"people don't just get banned from a school or have a mobile crisis unit show up at their house for no reason"

Yeah, THAT is what Brian was supposed to be looking into. The "highlights" that FCPD was responding to were far too cherry-picked to just be coincidentally wrong. Someone was fully aware of the context, and chose the parts that suited them. For example: my Wife had left me? Really?

"but those things don't happen unless someone has a very valid reason to warrant that kind of action"

And it's that sort of statement that leads me to realize that you're too emotionally invested to step back and even consider what was done to me, before or after Brian got involved.

You've said your piece, and provided even further confirmation that Brian is discussing what he believes to be my medical issues and other distorted facts with whomever he encounters. No, I'm done with you, except for:

"You threatened a neighbor": not true, at all.

"scared kids on bus stops": one little girl became nervous at the mention of guns. She's roughly my Daughter's age, and I hadn't expected her to be phased. Her Mother, again, said that I made her nervous -- Sharon Pettigrew came online with a distorted recalling of an encounter that she wasn't present for, fed it to JenK, and that's how it became "he scares children at bus stops".

It goes on, and irresponsible assholes like yourself are the ones who created the problem, whether it was an intended conspiracy, or not.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Not so ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:15AM

@ 2concerned - actually you are the real irresponsible asshole here. And your continued rantings and ravings when everyone can go back and see what you posted since the very beginning is the proof. I feel very sorry for you and your family. I am not attacking you, I am asking you to get the help that you need. I will not respond to your attack in the way that you want me to. It is completely obvious that you refuse to look at your own actions and take any onus for them. I was just hoping that perhaps you would be able to take a moment and evaluate your actions thus far and see that you are continuing to make a horrible mistake. School starts soon, I am sure your kids are looking forward to it, but knowing how cruel kids can be, they are not going to have an easy time and it is all based on your behavior these last few months. But, you will not man up and take any of the blame, you will continue to blame everyone else and feed your wife and kids the same lies and conspiracy theories that have gotten to this place. Good luck, I hope things turn out for the best for you and your family, I really do.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:17AM

You've already re-posted provably "facts" about me which are provably wrong... you've anonymously slandered/libeled/whatevered me, and you're going to purport to take the "high road" now?

You're a worm.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:18AM

I wish I could edit.

You've already re-posted "facts" about me which are provably wrong... you've anonymously slandered/libeled/whatevered me, and you're going to purport to take the "high road" now?

You're a worm.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:19AM

And, you're a friend of Brian's.

Thank you for firming my interpretation of his actions, and my resolve.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: _Eyedea_ ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:19AM

i'll say this much, a whole fucking lot more helicopters fly over my treeline nowadays, specifically since i started going to this site. not just flying over, fuckin circling, several times have come to a stop and just hovered. i mean, give me a break. waste of taxpayer dollars and a prime example of what a money wasting shit train the fcpd is.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 10:38AM

"but knowing how cruel kids can be, they are not going to have an easy time and it is all based on your behavior these last few months"

The funny thing is: I guess I'm surrounded by semi-responsible parents. Nobody has mentioned a word of this to my children, though they are fully aware. When you've got friends and neighbors taking things out of context, distorting them, and trying to amass them as "evidence" against you, and people threatening even threatening your kids directly, you have no choice but to bring them into the loop.

My Wife has overheard a few comments, though, so yes, I'll probably be appearing at a lot more practices and such, in the future.

A lot of people seem to think that I should feel shame... the fact is, I don't.

I'll still look any one of you in the eye, and explain why I did what I did. Hell, the offer for a beer is still on, despite the fact that Woodburn called me "crazy" for that, too.

I do regret where some of my speculations took me, but the red herrings were coming not only from the normal trolls here, but from selected folks who were close enough to really have me looking for patterns that didn't exist.

And really, the reason I'm not writing a ton of retractions is that my speculations are pretty obvious. Yes, I'm sincerely sorry if the "accusation" of "being Gordon" caused damage to anyone, but it's easy enough to point to five others about whom I speculated, too. I suspect that mentioning names in retractions at this point would be the wrong thing to do, but I'll provide one for anyone who likes, if it's really requested by them.

Still, at no point did I slander, libel, or threaten ANYONE. Unlike you, and Brian's, I have the truth solidly in my corner.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 31, 2012 11:29AM

Corner of the padded white room maybe....

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 03:28PM

conspiracy - noun

1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.
4. Law . an agreement by two or more persons to commit a crime, fraud, or other wrongful act.
5. any concurrence in action; combination in bringing about a given result.

At what point WOULD you call something a "conspiracy"?

Beyond Brian speaking with multiple friends and people who didn't know me, and not my Wife, when I though he was talking to Police and School officials...

Beyond Sharon coming here and making accusations regarding my mental state, insinuations about danger to my family, and providing false witness to conversations she didn't hear...

How about my next-door neighbors? I'd had one "encounter" with them over this, early on. I went by, knocked on their door, and asked them directly: "Is there anything going on in the neighborhood that you'd be willing to let me in on?" A paraphrase, obviously... I didn't take notes. But he said "no", and the signals from his side of the fence became increasingly strained, after that.

Well, yesterday morning, Sharon Pettigrew sends me an email that includes the clip below. Remember, the Booths had not been mentioned at all in my conversation with Sharon... she offers this completely on her own. But the moment that things "changed" with the Booths is when I took a copy over to Gerald - I thought he had the right to know what she was saying, even if I didn't believe it - and he refused to take it. I'm not sure if that means that he's not interested in the truth, or that he already knows it.

Anyway, here it is... this is actually from a PM conversation that she started yesterday morning, after sending my Wife two emails, and not getting a response.


"I don't know who called the police the other times. Lots of people in the neighborhood were following your posts, Scott. I wasn't the only one who was frightened, or posted as a neighborhood resident - and I know for a fact it went beyond xxxx and the Booths. I don't know if John participated, but I don't think so."


I assume she's referring to John M., who's across the street from her, and not another John M. who was the only other adult who could've overheard the "bus stop" conversation. That particular facet was a pretty damaging red herring for me.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 03:43PM

I'm actually half-tempted to drop over and nominate the Booth's house on the "blight property" thread.

Being their neighbor hasn't always been the bed of roses that it is today.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:10PM

Other "conspiracies":

Eesh and Mephisto

Brian and TheNorthman

Gordon and JenK

Really, by definition, "conspiracies" are not hard to find here. The mistake is believing that they're necessarily linked. It appears that ignorance thrives best in "cells", like any self-respecting terrorist organization could tell you, I suppose.

And how about "The Government"?

Though I no longer believe that Woodburn gave the "orders" by which I was detained early on, just the act of getting information is a nightmare. In getting Police "reports", for example, you need to file paperwork to get "Incident Numbers", and then, those can only be used to access case information through a subpeona. So, I'm faced with an onerous and potentially expensive process, just to access the information that my tax dollars created, about me, and that the Police have at their fingertips, should they decide to use it "against me".

Really, it's not hard to make the case that "the system" is structured as a conspiracy from the start, largely to protect those who already have limited immunity. I'm not saying that it could work any other way, but when the information flow is so asymmetrical, doesn't it already meet the definition?

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: waitaminute ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:23PM

lol wut? how are these "conspiracies"?

2concerned Wrote:
> Other "conspiracies":
> Eesh and Mephisto
> Brian and TheNorthman
> Gordon and JenK

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: clown college ()
Date: July 31, 2012 04:48PM

Confirmed Wrote:
> Thanks to a very helpful tip it has been confirmed
> that Brian Haddock went to Univ. Of MD.
> TheNorthman, are you going to start your fuckery
> and deny that you went to that college?
> Or is it just another coinky-dinky?

Brian didn't go to UofM, didn't he go to Carleton College?

Carlton dance

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:35PM

"lol wut? how are these "conspiracies"?"

Again, it depends on what definition you use.

Putting the word "conspiracy" on it makes it sound "crazy", but as I said, the argument could be made.

Do I think most of these are relevant, now that I have a better picture of the actual players? No, but my opinion doesn't affect the labels that could be applied.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:36PM

"Brian didn't go to UofM, didn't he go to Carleton College?"

I'm certain that he did not.

There's a photo of him with what appears to be a Carleton sign in the background, but I have no idea where that was taken.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: no job and no possible chance for future clearance ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:38PM

2concerned Wrote:
> "lol wut? how are these "conspiracies"?"
> Again, it depends on what definition you use.
> Putting the word "conspiracy" on it makes it sound
> "crazy", but as I said, the argument could be
> made.
> Do I think most of these are relevant, now that I
> have a better picture of the actual players? No,
> but my opinion doesn't affect the labels that
> could be applied.


You should just take TheNorthman/ Brian Haddock to court or have him arrested for unlawful detention. Let him sit in the slammer for a few with a Felony on his record. I wonder how Magellan will take that? lol

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:40PM

no job and no possible chance for future clearance Wrote:
> 2concerned Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > "lol wut? how are these "conspiracies"?"
> >
> > Again, it depends on what definition you use.
> >
> > Putting the word "conspiracy" on it makes it
> sound
> > "crazy", but as I said, the argument could be
> > made.
> >
> > Do I think most of these are relevant, now that
> I
> > have a better picture of the actual players?
> No,
> > but my opinion doesn't affect the labels that
> > could be applied.
> 2concerned,
> You should just take TheNorthman/ Brian Haddock to
> court or have him arrested for unlawful detention.
> Let him sit in the slammer for a few with a Felony
> on his record. I wonder how Magellan will take
> that? lol


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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Chris Werner ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:46PM

eesh pussy.jpg

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:50PM

"You should just take TheNorthman/ Brian Haddock to court or have him arrested for unlawful detention."

Working toward the first, and actually tried the second.

The Police took an odd stance... according to a phonecall from Sgt. Humanick (sp?), the Police did not condone his actions, and he was not acting on their behalf, yet they find no "wrongdoing". Humanick jumped ahead of himself, and said that a signed order would've been executed, whether I "surrendered willingly", or not. He never claimed that there was a signed order -- the whole "due process" thing seems to have been glossed-over pretty well.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:51PM

So 2concerned, is Pat the bottom in the relationship? I bet he's not even a power bottom, he just bends over and takes it.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Chris Werner = eesh fag ()
Date: July 31, 2012 06:54PM

eesh Wrote:
> So 2concerned, is Pat the bottom in the
> relationship? I bet he's not even a power bottom,
> he just bends over and takes it.

I think eesh is a little jealous that you met his love obsession, 2concerned! lol

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: waitaminute ()
Date: July 31, 2012 07:06PM

so how are they conspiracies? you arguing that there are conspiracies and then not saying what those conspiracies are is what sounds crazy.

2concerned Wrote:
> "lol wut? how are these "conspiracies"?"
> Again, it depends on what definition you use.
> Putting the word "conspiracy" on it makes it sound
> "crazy", but as I said, the argument could be
> made.
> Do I think most of these are relevant, now that I
> have a better picture of the actual players? No,
> but my opinion doesn't affect the labels that
> could be applied.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 07:31PM

waitaminute: "No, spending a significant amount of energy replying to you would be crazy, in my mind."

BTW, I got a call from my next-door neighbor about an hour ago... she asked to talk to my Wife, but then settled for talking to me briefly.

She called again within minutes of my Wife returning home, though I promised that I'd ask her to return the call....

Anyway, it's amazing to me how "frightening" I am to everyone until I know who they are. Suddenly, my next-door neighbor is willing to scream at me, and Sharon is willing to "have a beer" with me. I don't know how anyone can make the a remotely credible argument that they didn't approach me out of fear.

But, for what it's worth: The Booths have directly denied involvement with this affair, in any way. I still don't regret the post -- I'd tried, in person, to make the aware of what Sharon had written, and I still believe that they needed to know.

For my part, I have no reason not to believe them. I wish that Gerald had been willing to look at Sharon's letter yesterday. I only posted a clipping, and of course, that's a tiny part of the "dialog" that Sharon and I have had over the past two months -- she appears to have done several things to deflect the blame from herself to other households directly around me.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: waitaminute ()
Date: July 31, 2012 07:46PM

i mean i get your whole fixation on brian/northman but i don't understand why you are saying there is a gordon/jenk and mephisto/eesh conspiracy. what conspiracies are you seeing?

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:03PM

Mephisto and Eesh seem mostly dedicated to the Inkahootz pursuit. There's pretty solid reason to think that they communicate about it outside of the forum. Yes, in a sense, that would be "conspiracy".

As for JenK/Gordon, I'd point to a month ago when they worked together to convince me that Gordon was calling from a payphone... around 5:00AM. Either that, I placed the voice incorrectly (I still don't think that's the case), or Rhonda just decided to "jump in", since she'd already been obsessed with me, and my phone number was available. If I'm right about Gordon's identity, then it was irrelevant from the start, due to a lack of ability to form "mens rea". Of course, if this line of speculation is right, then someone has also been covering a lot of Gordon's "posting duties". I'd also point to the "C.E." thing... it's my theory that the two worked together to try to impersonate the guy, which would be "conspiring", too.

"Conspiracy" doesn't really imply significance, it's just a description that fits the behavior.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: so happy together? ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:09PM

2concerned Wrote:
> There's pretty solid reason to
> think that they communicate about it outside of
> the forum.
u complete me.jpg

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: waitaminute ()
Date: July 31, 2012 08:15PM

oh so it's just more crazy talk. good to know.

2concerned Wrote:
> Mephisto and Eesh seem mostly dedicated to the
> Inkahootz pursuit. There's pretty solid reason to
> think that they communicate about it outside of
> the forum. Yes, in a sense, that would be
> "conspiracy".
> As for JenK/Gordon, I'd point to a month ago when
> they worked together to convince me that Gordon
> was calling from a payphone... around 5:00AM.
> Either that, I placed the voice incorrectly (I
> still don't think that's the case), or Rhonda just
> decided to "jump in", since she'd already been
> obsessed with me, and my phone number was
> available. If I'm right about Gordon's identity,
> then it was irrelevant from the start, due to a
> lack of ability to form "mens rea". Of course, if
> this line of speculation is right, then someone
> has also been covering a lot of Gordon's "posting
> duties". I'd also point to the "C.E." thing...
> it's my theory that the two worked together to try
> to impersonate the guy, which would be
> "conspiring", too.
> "Conspiracy" doesn't really imply significance,
> it's just a description that fits the behavior.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 12:55PM

2concerned: "I'm actually half-tempted to drop over and nominate the xxxxx's house on the "blight property" thread."

Yes, I wrote that, and I knew it was unfair when I was doing it. As I've said before, the only way anyone has ever answered my questions, it seems, is when I've finally antagonized them enough.

Based on discussions last night, I now understand that my neighbor wouldn't talk to me the other morning because he thought I was trying to pull him into the affair between Sharon and myself. Given what's tranpsired over the last two months, and whatever Sharon had been telling everyone - while she actively aggravated the situation - they just wanted to be "left out".

As the result of my postings here, my neighbors are now aware that Sharon, in fact, has implicated them. She did so out of the blue. In all of this - any facet - the "truth" has been in my favor, and I felt they needed to know, in any circumstance.

But, the comment about the house, and some other earlier comments, really sucked.

The truth is: they got hosed by a contractor. I tried to point out the problems I was seeing early in construction, but I didn't press the issue because I knew they'd be caught during the inspections. Unfortunately, it seems their contractor actually skipped those inspections, and I'm not entirely sure what they're left with right now.

I know my advice hasn't been sought, but since they'll probably read this: "Hire an architect." Let him look at the approved drawings, versus what was actually built, and the hour or two that he spends could save you a fortune by finding minimal changes that might bring it into compliance. You'll probably need one, anyway, to update the drawings for re-approval.

It's a nightmare that they've been living through for a long time, and one that I can relate to, myself. Again, my comment was unfair, and insensitive, and I wanted to address any implication that they're "bad neighbors", or don't care about how their house appears.

In the meantime, there's a number of things that should be done - some free - that could prevent a lot of other problems from getting worse. Frankly, any contractor who's been there and hasn't thrown that pile of debris off of your roof is unlikely to have your best interests in mind. It certainly has caused, or will cause, additional damage.

I've offered before, but if we can help, just let us know.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: August 01, 2012 01:10PM

but what's troubling you is the nature of my game....

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 03:16PM

"Not so": I keep coming back to you. You demonstrate that Brian has been discussing me with whoever will listen, telling whatever must obviously have been personal confidances, and you defend his honor?

The drug allegations seem to be his, and based on the lies and misinterpretations that even you felt obligated to post here, I don't have any reason to believe that Brian has felt constrained by the truth, in any way, or at any step along the way.

Imagine, if instead of my "PI" running off to have me evaluated, he'd come back and said:

"Yeah, it looks like your detainment was illegal, but the county didn't do it. Mike's instructions were actually 'xxx'. Yarborough did/didn't actually write that letter, and the folks of FFXU don't seem to pose a credible threat, but in any event, it doesn't look like C.E. is the right guy."

I mean, REALLY, is it that hard to imagine that everything else would've gone a bit differently???

And that's how it could've been if he'd done ANY of what he was invited into my family's lives to do.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: August 01, 2012 04:14PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/01/2012 04:28PM by TheNorthman.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 06:04PM

The Northman edited to remove a "slip".

I'm paraphrasing, but it was something like:

"Don't you have a family to support, Brian?"

And yes, it included "Brian".

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 06:06PM

I'd been thinking about it, and only just noticed TheNorthman's edit...

My interpretation:

IF this was a genuine slip, then "Brian" is probably the least likely name for TheNorthman. That's actually good to know... "Brian" brought another "Brian" along for that first day's drama.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Who the f#%k gives a f#%k ()
Date: August 01, 2012 06:07PM

Get a life.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 06:29PM

I have one.

It's with my family.

And I will devote myself to being certain that nobody tries to take that from me, ever again.

I refuse to tell my Children that I was driven away one afternoon, without a goodbye, and that it went unanswered. "These things happen" is not acceptable to me, nor has it been since the first incident, when laws were breached "for my own good".

And at every point, the "truth" would've made things better, but it was withheld from my Wife & I by those who felt they knew what was best, breached laws to that end, and aggravated the situation instead. I refuse to live my life in fear that I'm going to say the "wrong thing", and be carted away, when I haven't broken a single law, and am well within my first amendment rights.

Yes... I have a life. I have my priorities, and, despite what Brian suggested early on, I will not "keep my head down and just be thankful that my dogs weren't shot".

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: August 01, 2012 06:29PM

2concerned Wrote:
> The Northman edited to remove a "slip".
> I'm paraphrasing, but it was something like:
> "Don't you have a family to support, Brian?"
> And yes, it included "Brian".

Yes I did edit it. And no it wasn't a slip. It posted something along the lines of "dont you have a family to support, 2con?" or something like that. I just felt bad and decided there was no need to put somebody down so I deleted it.

Wait...I actually just read your post. Did I really use the name 'Brian'? If I did that's funny. Truth is I really don't give 2 shits about either you or Brian Haddock so THAT part was a genuine slip.

And I don't want to stroke your ego too much Scott but, surprisinly enough, you actually have something right for once...my real name is NOT Brian!!!

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 06:41PM

"my real name is NOT Brian!"

I think I've been saying that all along.

Learn to take a "yes", dude.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 06:42PM

Did you really photo-shop that up just for me?

Or was it dug out of your pron stash?

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: TheNorthman ()
Date: August 01, 2012 07:07PM

2concerned Wrote:
> Did you really photo-shop that up just for me?
> Or was it dug out of your pron stash?


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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: August 01, 2012 07:11PM

But, I'd be curious to hear your explanation of the "Sister the shrink" comment...

Does she spend an hour reviewing random strangers on the internet, often?

I mean... it's creepy. Is that how she gets dates?

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: August 01, 2012 08:51PM

LOL at "keeping it feel."

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: busted! ()
Date: August 02, 2012 09:00PM

2concerned Wrote:
> The Northman edited to remove a "slip".
> I'm paraphrasing, but it was something like:
> "Don't you have a family to support, Brian?"
> And yes, it included "Brian".

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: dude ranch ()
Date: August 02, 2012 10:08PM

hi ho patricia, away!!!!!!!!


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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Chris Werner ()
Date: August 02, 2012 10:11PM


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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Once again! ()
Date: August 02, 2012 10:16PM

dude ranch Wrote:
> hi ho patricia, away!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Eesh refuses to capitalize.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Scott Lehman ()
Date: August 02, 2012 10:50PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2012 04:46PM by Scott Lehman.

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Blue Suicide ()
Date: August 02, 2012 10:57PM

Scott Lehman Wrote:
> I think Inka was convinced a while ago, though
> I'll admit, I don't really care who kept posting
> Brian's name... I think that SHOULD be out there.
> But, I'm really curious about why Inka gets
> spanked for harassing Eesh, and Eesh doesn't get
> touched for harassing everyone.
> Oh well, it's not my playground, nor my rules....
> There's an awful lot of broken glass laying
> around, though.

inkahootz is the underdog vehemently fighting against Eesh's troll warfare. The good guys never win. smh

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Re: Brian Haddock IS TheNorthman
Posted by: Scott Lehman ()
Date: August 02, 2012 11:28PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2012 04:46PM by Scott Lehman.

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