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Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: 2,000 Heatwave Records ()
Date: July 02, 2012 09:03PM

(Reuters) - More than 2,000 temperature records have been matched or broken in the past week as a brutal heat wave baked much of the United States, and June saw more than 3,200 records topped, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said Monday.

From June 25 to July 1, some 2,171 record temperatures were either broken or matched, the NOAA said. For the 30 days of June, that number rose to 3,215.

Accuweather meteorologist Alex Sosnowski said the number of records broken was very unusual. He said that while some aspects of the heat wave are unknown, much of it is because of a lack of snow cover during the late winter on America's plains.

Instead of the sun's heat melting snow, it instead heated the ground, which in turn warmed the air. The increase in temperature even made crops grow ahead of schedule until now; Sosnowski said the lack of rainfall has stunted crops' growth.

Sosnowski added that while some areas are not unusually warm, namely New England and the Northwest, the center of the country will experience high temperatures for the next several weeks, possibly into August.

Five states had more than 100 record temperatures broken in June. Texas had 237 records broken, followed by Colorado (226), Kansas (164), Missouri (126), and Arkansas (115).

The NOAA data comes as a relentless heat grips much of the eastern United States for a fourth straight day. About 2.1 m

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: July 02, 2012 09:12PM

I don't think anyone, Republican or not ever said global warming wasn't real. In fact, they'd be idiots if they did considering there are no more woolly mammoths roaming around. Or snow and ice covering the planet.

But I'm pretty sure there are plenty of them including me that don't believe man is the cause of all the worlds weather problems.

Just curious.......a few years back did you post all the records broken during the longest snowiest winter on record? You remember that global warming don't ya? The part where the whole fucking state of Tennessee froze?

Nice cut and paste though.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: HAARP DARPA DERP ()
Date: July 02, 2012 09:16PM

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: rightttttttttt ()
Date: July 02, 2012 09:29PM

So by your logic the ice age was caused by cavemen?

It couldnt possibly be that the sun is getting hotter and doesnt hold a constant temp, or that the core of the earths temp varies definitely has to be man made, brilliant logic.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 02, 2012 10:21PM

I love it how every time the thermometer reads over 100 all the chicken littles pop out of the woodwork screaming "Global Warming!"

If there is extreme weather or an unusually heavy snowstorm, "Climate Change!"

Here's some climate facts for those who are new to climate science:

The temperatures during the middle ages were significantly higher than now. The Vikings lived year round on Greenland and there were vineyards in northern England.

During the Hunger Drayas period 8000 years ago, the temperatures were even warmer still.

For those old enough to remember, the same guy who coined the term Global Warming had a theory that predicted the exact opposite climate disaster during the 1970s after some extremely cold winters -- that a new Ice Age is coming because man is altering the climate. In fact, a new Ice age is probably coming in a few thousand years naturally, but he claimed back then that it was only 30-50 years away because of us.

We have, at best, 100+ years of accurate temperature readings and 50 years of satellite data. Before that we have tree rings and sediment data.

The general trend of temperatures does seem to be rising, but they would have to be rising because about 350 years ago we were in the Little Ice Age. This generally cold period coincided with a dip in the Sun's output known as the Maunder Minimum. As you might have seen in paintings of Christmas scenes from this period, the winters were long, cold and snowy. The river Thames in London would freeze solid every winter.

The Luddites who believe that man-made carbon emissions is the sole cause of global climate change already have a remedy in mind: get rid of all cars, shut down all power production, free the planet from dirty, planet-destroying industry.

On the other hand, to deny that man is poisoning the planet would be to turn a blind eye to wanton destruction of forests in Brazil, Indonesia and Madagascar. We are overfishing the oceans and discarded plastics are degrading into tiny pellets that are killing thousands of fish and invertebrates in the sea. Fertilizers used on nearby farms have destroyed the once vibrant and productive Chesepeake Bay.

Just like the abortion nuts who have dominated our politics, the lunatic fringe on both sides have hijacked the environmental movement with the idea of "Climate Change" as a catch all for all man-made problems. You are either a believer or a heretic.

The answer is somewhere near the middle. Real scientists will speak of certainties, but not absolutes. Those that will definitively speak for one side or another do so to guarantee funding from their sponsors.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: So Let It Be Written ()
Date: July 03, 2012 07:37AM

rightttttttttt Wrote:
> So by your logic the ice age was caused by
> cavemen?
> It couldnt possibly be that the sun is getting
> hotter and doesnt hold a constant temp, or that
> the core of the earths temp varies definitely has
> to be man made, brilliant logic.

Temperature on Mars was also increasing during the same time as it was on Earth. You'd think all the drooling scientists would see this, relate the two and realize it was probably a Solar phenomenon. But there was no money, nobel prizes (money) or research (money) to be derived from that. The lemming sheeple who follow science like a religion are the worst of all acolytes.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Al.Gore ()
Date: July 03, 2012 08:37AM

Hey, come on you guys. Look how much money I've invested in
green energy projects. You wouldn't want to see me go broke
would you? Lets all play a game called George Soros Says...

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Ronaldus Maximus ()
Date: July 03, 2012 10:02AM

Considering this is what the Earf use to look like, I'd say we're in pretty good shape stupid fuck.

Artwork showing the early Earth

Now go lick AlGores anus

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Rollin Coal ()
Date: July 03, 2012 10:32AM

2,000 Heatwave Records Wrote:
se to 3,215.
> Accuweather meteorologist Alex Sosnowski said the
> number of records broken was very unusual. He said
> that while some aspects of the heat wave are
> unknown, much of it is because of a lack of snow
> cover during the late winter on America's plains.

'Very unusual' compared to what? How many records were broken 85,000 years ago on this day, or 850,000 years ago, or 8,500,000 years ago? Does Alex have any data points further back than 0 AD? Probably not.

Since Alex wouldn't be able to tell us, within 3 degrees, what the temperature will be 4 days from now, I wouldn't necessarily rely on his dumb ass with regard to anything, let alone anything weather related.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: rightttttttttt ()
Date: July 03, 2012 02:19PM

So Let It Be Written Wrote:

> Temperature on Mars was also increasing during the
> same time as it was on Earth. You'd think all the
> drooling scientists would see this, relate the two
> and realize it was probably a Solar phenomenon.
> But there was no money, nobel prizes (money) or
> research (money) to be derived from that. The
> lemming sheeple who follow science like a religion
> are the worst of all acolytes.

Exactly. Real scientists and NASA know this. Man made global warming has never been an accepted scientific fact. Many scientists that origionally looked into it have stopped saying theres nothing there or data was being doctored and it was no longer science but an attempt to prove what they want to be true. Only the partisan hacks the left and enviromentalits put out front think its real, or scientists so desperate to make a name for themselves theyll do anything. Saying record tempatures is also a complete joke since we have data for what less than half a second of the earths life span and we just guess at some more of it.

The simple fact is the earth is far more destructive to its self than anything we could do. Volcanos, tornados, hurricanes, ect do far more damage then we have. We can make living more miserable for ourselves if we pollute our drinking water, but unless we make a nuke that will blow the earth into tiny pieces we could never destroy the planet. I love how people try and act like the planet is this fragile thing yet its been hit by quite a few astroids that wiped everything out and the planet was fine.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Date: July 03, 2012 02:44PM

I heard Chris Plante freaking out today because a meteorologist on MSNBC brought up Global Warming and said there's no denying that it's happening, only whether man-made CO2 is the cause. Plante started screaming..."What makes him an expert!? He's just a meteorologist!"

me·te·or·ol·o·gy (mt--rl-j)
The science that deals with the phenomena of the atmosphere, especially weather and weather conditions.

Of course, these are the same idiots who wrap their arms around Intelligent Design, which is promoted by...a lawyer. Not a scientist. A fucking lawyer trying to argue "reasonable doubt." Well, there's plenty of reasonable doubt that God exists. Why doesn't he argue that?


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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Ronaldus Maximus ()
Date: July 03, 2012 03:44PM

WashingTone-Locian Wrote:
> I heard Chris Plante freaking out today because a
> meteorologist on MSNBC brought up Global Warming
> and said there's no denying that it's happening,
> only whether man-made CO2 is the cause. Plante
> started screaming..."What makes him an expert!?
> He's just a meteorologist!"
> me·te·or·ol·o·gy (mt--rl-j)
> n.
> The science that deals with the phenomena of the
> atmosphere, especially weather and weather
> conditions.

> Of course, these are the same idiots who wrap
> their arms around Intelligent Design, which is
> promoted by...a lawyer. Not a scientist. A fucking
> lawyer trying to argue "reasonable doubt." Well,
> there's plenty of reasonable doubt that God
> exists. Why doesn't he argue that?

And you are the same idiot today that you were yesterday and most likely will be tomorrow.

Milankovitch Cycles
Milankovitch Cycles: Changes in Earth-Sun Interaction:http://geography.about.com/od/learnabouttheearth/a/milankovitch.htm

"Astronomer Milutin Milankovitch developed the mathematical formulas upon which these orbital variations are based. He hypothesized that when some parts of the cyclic variations are combined and occur at the same time, they are responsible for major changes to the earth's climate (even ice ages). Milankovitch estimated climatic fluctuations over the last 450,000 years and described cold and warm periods. Though he did his work in the first half of the 20th century, Milankovich's results weren't proven until the 1970s."

"A 1976 study, published in the journal Science examined deep-sea sediment cores and found that Milankovich's theory corresponded to periods of climate change. Indeed, ice ages had occurred when the earth was going through different stages of orbital variation."

We are do for another ice age in the next few thousand years. It appears they coincide with the earths orbital cycle around the sun every 12K to 16K years. But don't worry my fine socialist friend. There are already idiots actually theorizing that anthropogenic global warming will be to blame for the next one.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Ronaldus Maximus ()
Date: July 03, 2012 04:03PM

Of course we aren't seeing Asia and Europe heating up this summer but since the jet stream is currently flowing upward into Canada I'm sure all man made global warming is just being concentrated in the US. You really need to pull your head out of your ass, learn some real science leaving your agenda driven ideologues behind you.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: haydar ()
Date: July 04, 2012 09:46PM

due to the lack of snow this winter we are having a hotter summer. most people thought we would have a mild summer because of that. the lack of snow caused the earth's core to become a little warmer

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 04, 2012 10:23PM

haydar Wrote:
> due to the lack of snow this winter we are having
> a hotter summer. most people thought we would have
> a mild summer because of that. the lack of snow
> caused the earth's core to become a little warmer



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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Gal Ore ()
Date: July 04, 2012 11:25PM

Interesting how the same people who say one Summer with hotter temps in the US is 'proof' of GW are the same ones who will say that you need to look at the 'bigger picture' whenever faced with similar short-term, localized data showing no warming or, in fact, cooling. lol

GW is a great scheme. It's whatever you want it to be at any given time and nobody can prove you wrong. Not that 99.9% of people have ever even looked at any real study data anyway. They just parrot whatever their ideologues tell them to think.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Bobby Collingsworth ()
Date: July 05, 2012 01:45AM

I don't deny that the climate is changing. But "global warming"/manmade global warming is a complete farce. Total bullshit.

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Re: Republicans? Do You Still Think Global Warming is a Myth?
Posted by: Bobby Man ()
Date: July 05, 2012 01:48AM

Bobby Collingsworth man, want to be friends? your the only one up. believe it or not, this place used to be hoppin' at this hour....... not anymore...... not anymore.

meat me in the bathroom in 5 min.

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