The Morenos are devious criminals. William Moreno is also the most violent of any of the Fairfax Underground characters with the possible exception of Megan.
A short list of some of the misdeeds committed by William Moreno, his family, accomplices, and lawyers. Moreno has attempted to portray himself as a "victim" while he himself is guilty of the same and much more.
- William Moreno was banned from Fairfax Underground because he refused to abide by the rules, but he continues to post in violation of state and federal law.
- The Morenos filed an invalid civil lawsuit in which William was not legally allowed to be a plaintiff because his assets were in an OBRA trust.
- The Morenos coerced and manipulated Megan, a young single mother, into pursuing a questionable revenge porn case at her own time and expense in order to advance their own civil suit. When her case failed, the Morenos kicked her to the curb with no compensation for her travel expenses or time lost from her family or work.
- The entire Moreno family stalked the defendant in Megan’s case (Basl) by making a 230 mile road trip with a newspaper reporter in tow to attend the trial. They sat as spectators in the courtroom intending that their presence would intimidate the defendant who was acting as his own defense attorney, causing him to lose focus and throw off his concentration.
- The Morenos introduced the same revenge porn image of the woman as evidence in their own civil case without her permission and against her direct request. Moreno had previously obtained access to the woman’s social media accounts with the promise he would not disseminate any nude images.
- When later confronted by the woman, the Morenos’ lawyers lied and told her they did not know who was depicted in the photo.
- William Moreno attacked his own father with a kitchen knife and was charged with Felony Assault. While in jail for the attack, William wrote in a letter that he “always thought it was kinda normal” to attack a parent.
- William Moreno made multiple graphic death threats against Basl and was arrested. Moreno identified Basl by name, and signed the graphic threats with his own acknowledged pen name “Frank Krow.”
- The Morenos violated the non-disclosure agreement they signed in order to obtain forensic evidence. They violated the confidentiality stipulation and posted the forensic report on Fairfax Underground.
- The Morenos violated the signed non-disclosure agreement by using parts of the report to make false allegations about child porn to the police.
- The Morenos conspired to obtain money by false pretenses by sending fraudulent legal bills someone who was under no obligation to pay. (Violation of Code of Virginia section 18.2-178).
- The Moreno’s attorneys violated Virginia State Bar Professional Guidelines Rule 1.8(f) which prohibit “accepting compensation for representing a client from one other than the client.”
- The Morenos stalked a young woman and lurked outside her house for over an hour, refusing to leave. They were caught in the act by security cameras.
- The Morenos called a probation officer and made false accusations of drug use against the woman who spurned William.
- The Morenos lied when making sworn statements on police reports about the identity of a prank phone caller.
- William Moreno harassed and posted a defamatory cartoon of a Magistrate, identifying him by name.
- The Morenos attempted to blackmail an underage boy into testifying on their behalf, threatening him and his mother with criminal prosecution if they did not cooperate in their civil suit.
- The Morenos’ attorney called the underage boy an attempt to elicit his witness testimony, and provided legal advice in violation of Virginia State Bar Rules of Professional Conduct.
- The Morenos stalked Basl on several occasions and trespassed on his property, even taking selfies in his backyard.
- William Moreno shared an apartment with fellow pedophile Christopher J. Tator, a twice-convicted felon sex offender and shielded the roommate from providing his address to the Sex Offender Registry as required by law.
- The Morenos intimidated multiple witnesses who testified in hearings by harassing and defaming them online. William then bragged about his success from his own registered username. This was in violation of Code of Virginia section18.2-460.
- During an altercation with his female roommate, William told the police she had a gun in an attempt to cause her to be shot by the SWAT team. Moreno was fully away she only had a BB gun.
- William Moreno’s roommate and accomplice Christopher J. Tator, a convicted sex offender, pled guilty to child pornography charge
- William Moreno illegally used Basl’s Social Security number in an attempt to obtain private financial data. (Violation of Code of Virginia section 18.2-186.3, 18.2-152.5, and/or 18.2-152.5:1, a Class 6 Felony). He then disseminated the illegally-obtained results in an attempt to harass. (Violations of Code of Virginia 18.2-152.7:1 and section 18.2-186.4.)
- The Morenos created harassing pornographic collages with other people's faces, including young girls and a baby. The Morenos have committed hundreds of violations against multiple individuals of Code of Virginia section 18.2-152.7:1 Harassment by Computer and section 18.2-186.4. Use of a person's identity with the intent to coerce, intimidate, or harass.
- William Moreno continues to harass and defame another female who refused to assist in his case and has continued to disseminate revenge porn hundreds of times from 2016 to the present. (Violations of Code of Virginia section 18.2-386.2)