William Robert Moreno
some children are very fuckable, let's face it
William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a baby in its tight little asshole. And he loved every minute of it.
William Robert Moreno
I'm about to fuck a baby in his soft spot.
William Robert Moreno
what, you don't wanna help me fuck this baby? we could do double penetration on this toddler bitch. one in each hole. lookit this little slut. she's just beggin' for it. watta fuckin whore.
suck mah dick bee-yotch.....
William Robert Moreno
one time, I was fucking this baby up the ass, it was crying so I started shaking it. It stopped crying, I came inside it, put it back in its crib, then climbed out the window. I wonder what ever happened to that baby.
William Robert Moreno
I ate out a toddler's asshole tonight.
William Robert Moreno
hamtaro, wanna help me fuck this baby?
William Robert Moreno
I raped a baby
William Robert Moreno
just got done fucking this was he sweet. I gave him a reach-around in his sweet little soft spot. It was soooooooooooooooo hot.
we watched Zooballee Zoo after I finished.
William Robert Moreno
I just fucked a was consensual
William Robert Moreno
I wish I could have a baby.
William Robert Moreno
by the way, I just got done getting a blowjob from a 3 month-old, so I'm all tuckered out........see you guise tomaorrow.
William Robert Moreno
I don't care if they are underage, I'll still fuck 'em. I'll rape all their highschool boy asses, one by one. I'll cum in each and every one of their gay boy asses, then we'll see who's gay. ... I'll tell ya that much, muchacho!!! I'LL BUTTFUCK EVERY ONE OF YA! 15, 16, 17, DOESN'T MATTER! I'LL ASS-RAPE YOU! I'M A FUCKING MAD MAN! I'LL FUCK ANYTHING THAT MOVES! ASK ANYONE ROUND HERE!
William Robert Moreno
like, can you get in trouble in any way for just buying a copy of Tiger Beat? If you were a grown man let's say, and you were slightly overweight and had a beard and large glasses and you look a little funny, and you just went into a Walgreens and bought nothing but a copy of Tiger Beat....and maybe also a box of condoms. Could you get arrested based solely on your purchase? Is that probable cause or something? Or if you bought a Kidz Bop CD. Anything like that. If a grown man bought something of that sort, and he looked a little ugly and odd maybe, could he hypothetically get arrested for that?
William Robert Moreno
is it illegal for a grown man to attempt to have a serious conversation with a kindergarten child about politics or religion, if they are not related and just happen to be sitting next to each other on a park bench or something? Is it really illegal?
William Robert Moreno
can a grown man and a little girl, unrelated and strangers to each other, have dinner together at a fancy restaurant? Legally? Let's say they meet outside the gym or something and decide to have dinner together, and that's it. That is the extent of the interaction. Is it illegal?