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Fairfax Underground
Welcome to Fairfax Underground, a project site designed to improve communication among residents of Fairfax County, VA. Feel free to post anything Northern Virginia residents would find interesting.
Hi carry Wrote:
> Cary can you please disable peep. He’s like a
> fly that just won’t go away. Oh And also might
> be going by this too
In order for an account to be disabled, the person behind that account would have had to break the rules of the site, which I have not.
peep Wrote:
> Hi carry Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Cary can you please disable peep. He’s like
> a
> > fly that just won’t go away. Oh And also
> might
> > be going by this too
> In order for an account to be disabled, the person
> behind that account would have had to break the
> rules of the site, which I have not.
He has broken the rules posting false slanderous remarks. Harassing individuals employment. As you even said Cary This individual has been banned from your website time and time again, A repeat offender.
peep Wrote:
> Cary can check the IP Address of that poster and
> see who it was. I never posted any libel about
> you.
> Just because you say I did doesn't mean it
> actually happened.
Oh we know exactly who you are and what you have done. And I’m telling you right now that when the evidence comes back your ass is going to be in court. The stuff you wrote about Sarah H and you just might want to think about which one is going to come first. You psychopath loser .