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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 30, 2012 05:31PM

"I love how you ignore anything that pertains to you lying your ass off"

Show me a single lie, JenK.

You don't know what truth is... I think you've lived in your little fantasy world, where you're actually worth something, for so long that you've started to believe it.

You've found a little patch where a few cyber-thugs think that you're cool, and that's probably the most social acceptance you've ever had -- even if half of your support is you and your friends anonymously piling on behind you.

On the other hand, JenK, I don't believe that you're (still) married, or that you have any custody of children, or that you have a job that's even a tiny bit better than dog walking.

You do amuse me, though... I'll give you that.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: JenK ()
Date: June 30, 2012 09:17PM

Show you one lie-you said you'd meet and then said no. Besides, last time you said "show me one lie" I posted a few, go back and look thru my posts, you'll find it. Not that you'll retain it any better than you did before.

I am 10x more likely to be married than you are! Lol, that's the sign we've been waiting for....

Cinthy's gone. You can't bear the thought that any of us have a spouse who will truly support us out of love. I bet you derive all your support thru fear. Poor Cinthy, April and Jamie :( it's sad.

Considering all you've done, I don't give a rats ass what you claim to think about me. Shit a couple days ago you we're thinking of me tying you up and then my orgasms...your mind can't keep track of shit.

BTW, look back, my husband has a REAL job and supports his family, unlike you, Scottie. Soooo, I am a stay at home mom. No job, no worries. The little one is 12 so I have plenty of time to read and garden and laugh at you. (cause you amuse me too, funny thing is, I've never offered a bounty on someone just cause they amuse me, kinda crazy Scott)

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Puddin Taint ()
Date: June 30, 2012 09:49PM

Now, now, kids, behave!

Today was a very special day for Scottie!

Banana nut muffins for everyone!

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 30, 2012 10:58PM

"Show you one lie-you said you'd meet and then said no."

That was because you kept changing the deal. I'll still meet you, I just won't go and get cash and a newspaper so I can post a photo for you. No, you're the one being dishonest here, and that's already been documented.

I stopped reading after that. Next time, find an actual lie, if you can.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 30, 2012 10:58PM

Puddin' Taint: off by one, but thanks!

(Actually, I usually don't keep track of how old I am, anyway -- I wouldn't be surprised if I find myself saying "44" at some point.)

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: June 30, 2012 11:02PM

Okay, morbid curiosity got me:

"Cinthy's gone."

How stupid are you really? Even Sharon isn't saying that. Trolls across the world are facepalming your idiocy, Jen.

"Shit a couple days ago you we're thinking of me tying you up and then my orgasms...your mind can't keep track of shit."

No Jen... you said you and your husband think of me during sex. You're falling apart pretty badly, arent' you?

"Soooo, I am a stay at home mom."

And yesterday you were a Dancer, and ten minutes ago you were married... yeah, whatever, JenK. Gordon has the "adjustable reality" thing going on too. I have to admit, I'd be envious, except you two keep dreaming up some really scary stuff -- it can't be much fun living in constant paranoia.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Bitch ()
Date: June 30, 2012 11:16PM

I spoke to Scott's wife on the phone when I went to call him. She's still with him and so are the kids. Sorry to kill your hopes and dreams!

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 12:05AM

MW: Give me a call tomorrow, if you want. I really don't know how much I can provide you, except for a better way to collate and look at all this crap.

Unfortunately, I don't know what was deleted in Cary's purge. My understanding is that he has a history of ducking court orders, and actually, I'm not guessing there's much to be had by suing most of these guys, anyway.

I'm looking at exceptions because of the professional tie-ins -- I really believe that there was misconduct or incompetence displayed by key members of FCPS, FCPD, and whatever that racket is that Woodburn has going on.

I also believe I have a clear case about Sharon, though I'm doubtful that it would be lucrative financially. And I believe I have one against Brian. My Sister-in-Law, hopefully not. If she was told what she said she was, then she was acting under orders of Mike Ricker, and all I'll need is for her to tell the truth.

So, let your lawyer help you decide what you want.

People keep asking me: "what's your end-game"? I'm pretty sure that yours and mine are going to be a lot different, "Bitch".

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Ito ()
Date: July 01, 2012 12:17AM

Please read this post by Lawyer:

Lawyer Wrote:
> Scott -
> Let's get something straight. I am a lawyer. I
> have been practicing law in Virginia since you
> were in middle school. Neither I, nor any other
> lawyer worth the paper used to print his or her
> diploma, will take your "case." People like you
> are the reason we hire receptionists to screen our
> calls.
> A lawsuit depends on two elements: the facts and
> the law. You have neither. Evidence doesn't
> become admissible simply because you found it on
> the internet. And the claims you want to bring
> suffer from so many legal flaws that I can't even
> begin to enumerate them here. I would have to
> write a lengthy legal treatise, starting with
> jurisdiction and service of process and moving
> slowly forward.
> Some third-rate lawyers might be hungry and
> desparate enough to briefly consider taking your
> money to pursue a losing case on your behalf.
> Even that possibility, however, is out the window
> for you. Any lawyer with enough brains to pass
> the bar exam would have to think again after
> seeing the threads on this forum. You're just not
> worth the trouble. You have scared off school
> officials, multiple media outlets, and everyone
> else you've contacted with your obsessive rants.
> It is no coincidence that all these people have
> either brushed you off or ignored you entirely.
> Your contacts with lawyers will get the same
> uniform non-response.
> There are three other circumstances in which I can
> imagine you getting a lawyer: (1) someone to
> represent you in a divorce proceeding; (2) someone
> to defend you against criminal charges if your
> current behavior continues to escalate and
> ultimately reaches that level; or (3) someone
> appointed by the court to step in on your behalf
> as a guardian ad litem. You may want to research
> that last one. It could be in your future if you
> keep this up.
> It's been said many times before, but I'll say it
> again. Back away from the computer and get some
> help. Don't expect the legal system to rescue
> you. It won't.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/01/2012 12:22AM by Ito.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 12:58AM

Yeah, I read that... it seems believable from a paralegal, but no, not a lawyer, unless he's in some unrelated niche.

What I'd be suing over isn't just "what was found on the web". Trying to figure this out, and trying to prove it are two entirely different things.

PFC Horton's actions have nothing to do with this forum, or if they do, then they shouldn't. I'm allowed to right what I please, within rules. Could you imagine if everyone tried to judge every author's emotional state based on their creative works? Sandburg's action MIGHT have been inspired by this forum, but if so, then it was baseless.

Sure, someone can pull out what I've written here to try to discredit me, but again, there are no lies, there's no libel, and there's no slander. I'm not sure what the point would be, actually. They could pull out a creative writing assignment from College too, and it would have the same relevance.

What's written here has been creative. If someone is going to stand up and insist that I've posted enough to get an insight into my thought processes, they'll expose themselves as both ignorant and irrelevant.

But for someone to tell me that "I have no case", then they must have a fairly myopic view of the entire thing. I mean, I'm not seeing any attempt to even establish what the case might be.

No, I'm not planning to sue anyone over what's been written here, with the exception of Sharon, perhaps WAMU if they get behind her statements, and possibly "Concerned Citizen" who Brian claims is an employee of Magellan Health. Brian is another matter entirely, and I won't even speculate what direction I'm going to go with regard to him.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: u dumb bitch ()
Date: July 01, 2012 04:07AM

Go ply with your friends. No one but a psycho wants u around that not tell u something. U are a pathetic excuse for a human and ur boyfriend has batteries cause a man wouldnt touch u u disease ridden slut. go peddle ur lies to the people who bothr to listen or go fuck eli since ur gona end up hijacking this thread with pix of u too. n noone wants to see ur ugly ass.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 06:30AM


I got thinking about it... no lawyer without an agenda who's worth a damn would've written that.

This was from Magellan, wasn't it???

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 06:35AM

"someone to defend you against criminal charges if your current behavior continues to escalate and ultimately reaches that level"

Do you mean that "my writings continue to escalate"?

Or do you mean "if you smoke more and Sharon spends more time staring at you"?

This is some of the most inane crap I've ever seen passed off as the work of a lawyer with decades of experience. Lawyers are afraid of the law -- they don't run around doing crap like this. Hell, if one did, he'd probably want to bill me a few hundred dollars for the "service".

No... being able to write English properly isn't enough to offset the obvious idiocy here.

The fact that you hung onto it, Ito, and had it ready for quick-reference really leaves me to wonder: you're dedicating a lot of energy to me, aren't you?

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 06:41AM

Actually, I CAN think of one "lawyer" (disbarred, I think) with 30 years of experience who might have the time and motivation to write something like this...

Clearly, someone who's been practicing Law for 30 years should be making a TON, if he had any clue what he was doing. Why would they dedicate hours to catching up with my thread, then risk so much to render a diagnosis?

This was either Magellan, or Don E., I'm sure.

I was actually going to leave Don alone unless something pointed me in that direction. I guess it did -- now, I REALLY want to find out why his career ended.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Puddin Taint ()
Date: July 01, 2012 07:55AM

> Puddin' Taint: off by one, but thanks!

> (Actually, I usually don't keep track of how old I am, anyway -- I wouldn't be
> surprised if I find myself saying "44" at some point.)

Hope you had a great birthday, Scottie boy!

I'm curious ... back in 2004 when you got this ticket, it said you were 35. Is my math rusty, did the cop make an error, or are you lying again?

"LEHMAN ","SCOTT ","M","035","4003 ","IVANHOE LANE "," ","ALEX ","VA","05/25/2004","60-64MPH/45MPH ZONE "

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 07:59AM

Okay, you REALLY feel a need to prove your stupidity, don't you?

I turned 43 yesterday.

2012 - 2004 = 8.

35 + 8 = 43.


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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 08:01AM

BTW, if the "one year off" thing is REALLY causing you to lose sleep: I'd guess they list the age on the "conviction" date (I pre-paid the fine) rather than the date of the offense.

I hope this helps you put your world back into order.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 08:07AM

That ticket was BS, BTW.

That stretch of road might be the only one I've ever seen where the speed limit is (or was) different from one side of the road to the other.

It was on that little stretch of Quaker Lane, going through Arlandria, or whatever they call the area between Rt. 7 and Shirlington. I sped up a touch to merge, and an Officer jumped out in front of me.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Gordon Blvd ()
Date: July 01, 2012 09:56AM

speed up a touch? You were doing at least 15 over the limit, jackass.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Puddin Taint ()
Date: July 01, 2012 10:34AM


I'm glad you studied the problem a bit further to discover that it isn't simply a matter of subtracting 2008 from 2012. I would have expected better from someone who almost completed the Mensa test!

I'm sorry I seemed to have touched a nerve... It does seem rude of me to have asked, but you were so coy last week -- I was really scared that I had sent you the wrong card. Turns out I was right after all. Happy Happy Happy belated Birthday!!!!! I hope it was swell!!! Here's another new card for you!

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Puddin Taint ()
Date: July 01, 2012 10:37AM

15 over does seem a bit excessive for someone who so freely criticizes others for their driving habits!

Of course I understand that it was a set up. As were the cocaine felony, the dancing black man, the near-death garage interrogation and the Temporary Detention Order.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 10:45AM

"speed up a touch? You were doing at least 15 over the limit, jackass."

Yes, and I was still coming up to the speed of the traffic in the left lane, dumbass.

People fly through there. I'd stopped for gas, and I was still coming up to speed.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 01, 2012 10:47AM

"I was really scared that I had sent you the wrong card."

Nope, you did fine. The thought was appreciated! Honestly, though, I haven't care about Birthdays (or my age) in many years. I play along for the kids' sake, but really, I wouldn't even keep track if it were just me.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Bitch ()
Date: July 01, 2012 01:18PM

This place is so boring now.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2012 01:55AM by Bitch.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Mr Grimm ()
Date: July 03, 2012 01:25AM

edit: as seen here: http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/read/2/913359/page-1.html

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/03/2012 01:27AM by Mr Grimm.

i just want to dance.jpg

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 07:16AM

+1 Internets!


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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2comcerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 07:33AM

2concerned Wrote:
> +1 Internets!
> LoLz!!!

+2 Internets!

Dahubble LoLz!!!

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: paige white ()
Date: July 03, 2012 07:57AM

Quoted from page 8:

Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: Fact Checker ()
Date: June 03, 2012 11:13AM

Then unfortunately, you leave me with no choice then...

The person originating these posts has identified himself as Scott Matthew Lehman. He is listed at the address below...

Scott Matthew Lehman
4003 Ivanhoe Lane
Alexandria, VA 22310

Scott was diagnosed as a child with being bi-polar and depression and prescribed Seroquel (Quetiapine) for this condition.
However, he is currently not on his medication at the present time and may or may not be using cocaine or methamphetamines.
He is currently banned from the Carl Sandburg Middle School located in Alexandria VA (Main Phone) 703.799.6100. (see letter below). Following a series of erratic comments and posts on forums following an incident at the
school where he came into conflict with the school's principal Terrence Yarborough regarding a misunderstanding of some
sort with another parent at the school. (Mr. Lehman reported a black parent "dancing" at the school and became concerned).
After which, Mr. Lehman was told by the principal and his staff that the black male "dancing" was in fact another parent, and
was NOT a security concern. Mr. Lehman then began posting comments online in an erratic manner criticizing that decision.
His comments were read by school faculty and as result of their quantity and content the school was put on lock down.
It's my opinion that this individual is a danger to himself and others (see links below to read for yourself).

Fort Hunt Patch Newspaper

Open Letter Detailing the Illegal And Dangerous Acts of Gordon Blvd

Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough

Incident at Carl Sandburg Middle School, 5/19/2012

Here are some numbers listed by the Fairfax County Public Schools regarding security. If any parents have kids going to the Carl Sandburg Middle School and are concerned for their safety, here are the numbers below to call...

Carl Sandburg Middle School
(Main Phone) 703.799.6100

Fairfax County Public Schools Security Services

24-Hour Dispatch/Call Center:

Confidential Tip Line

Security Services provides 24-hour emergency communications, security patrols, response to calls
for services, school inspections and central monitoring of the Security and Fire Alarm System (SAFAS) for all FCPS facilities.

The Security Planning Office provides training and assistance to all schools and centers in crisis management, facility assessments and other security related matters. Security specialists manage and provide expertise in emergency management, the training and certification of all central and school-based security personnel and technology based physical security initiatives and systems.

The school liaison commander provides for effective coordination between Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County Police on public safety matters.

Jim McLain, Security Coordinator

Lt. Kenneth Baine, Fairfax County Police/School Liaison Commander

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 09:09AM

Did you do this on all the threads?

Wow... some people have a LOT of time on their hands for malice.

Again, my reply follows.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 09:09AM

Re: Open Letter Regarding My Charges Of Incompetence- Principal Terrence Yarborough
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 08:05AM

Your "facts" are quite wrong. You can hide behind anonymity if you'd like, but there's only a few points where you even touched on the truth.

"Scott was diagnosed as a child with being bi-polar and depression"

Okay, when I was 12, I was either "bi-polar", or "depressed", depending on the shrink. Obviously, you can't be both, and in truth, I was neither.

"and prescribed Seroquel (Quetiapine) for this condition."

That's not remotely true. I got a two week supply of Seroquel once from a General Practitioner -- I was having some anxiety issues while I was trying to decide what to do about a boss who had previously been a friend, and had let his drug dependency get out of control, creating a hostile work environment. I took 1.5 pills over the course of two days. In the end, I decided to resign.

"may or may not be using cocaine or methamphetamines"

WTF? You're truly retarded, aren't you?

"misunderstanding of some sort with another parent at the school"

It has never been established that this was a parent. I was told that by someone who was told that by Yarborough, who was told that by someone else. When asked how that determination was made, there were no answers. To the best of my knowledge, they're only repeating the man's claims.

"It's my opinion that this individual is a danger to himself and others"

"Fact Checker" has already demonstrated the value of his opinion.

"Confidential Tip Line:"

This resolves to a Cox.net address. I'm not sure what "Fact Checker" is hoping to accomplish with this.

"If any parents have kids going to the Carl Sandburg Middle School and are concerned for their safety"

Again, you've proven yourself incapable of reading. This was a SACC event, and according to Christine Donohoe (Chief of Staff), FCPS has NO responsibility for safety at SACC events.

That is where the questions really began -- if FCPS isn't responsible, then why are they making determinations about what happened?

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: blockquoted ()
Date: July 03, 2012 09:16AM

2concerned Wrote:
> Did you do this on all the threads?
> Wow... some people have a LOT of time on their
> hands for malice.
> Again, my reply follows.

this was quoted text. only possible malice may have been on original posters part on June 3rd..

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 09:33AM

Okay... it IS possible that Paige is just that dumb, I guess.

This "hiding behind anonymity" crap is really getting old.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: nonanymity ()
Date: July 03, 2012 09:36AM

2concerned Wrote:

> This "hiding behind anonymity" crap is really
> getting old.

This hiding behind nonanymity is the new!

nonanymity lol

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Z3R0 ()
Date: July 03, 2012 09:54AM

You're still here???

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 10:44PM

You mean me?

No, I know when I'm beaten.

I left a while ago.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2comcerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 10:49PM

2concerned Wrote:

> I left a while ago.

Actually, I never really left. My name is 2concerned and I am a troll to the community.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 10:59PM


Are you serious?

Man, I can't believe Cary is putting up with your injections.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: VtmmE ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:00PM

Bitch Wrote:
> This place is so boring now.

jealous cunt

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2comcerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:05PM

2concerned Wrote:
> "community"?
> Are you serious?

Stop trolling the community. Stop trolling the Police. Stop trolling the Fairfax County Public School System. Stop trolling the black man's Make-A-Wish to become a dancer. Stop trolling Radio Personalities...I like Don & Mike. Stop trolling YouTube comments sections. Stop trolling the telephone lines. Stop trolling the community.

The Injections were done for the greater good.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:10PM

Heheh... okay, as long as you're the self-appointed protector of the community. I wasn't clear on that at first.

Carry on.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2comcerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:14PM


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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:16PM

Yeah, sure....

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2comcerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:20PM

edit by Cary: Multiple CSS hacks, second offense, user banned, account disabled.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2012 08:14AM by 2comcerned.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2concerned ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:22PM

Dancing Hitler Approves This Thread.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: eel eye ()
Date: July 03, 2012 11:23PM


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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: 2comcerned ()
Date: August 11, 2012 01:16AM

edit by Cary: Multiple CSS hacks, second offense, user banned, account disabled.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2012 08:14AM by 2comcerned.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Scooting ()
Date: August 11, 2012 07:44AM

"2comcerned" is awake again, and shows almost as much dedication as JenK.

Can't blame either, I guess. I think Nurse Susan likes him, too....

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: JenK is right on ()
Date: August 11, 2012 10:57PM

Let's see how many people Scott Lehman sees inviting his children over to play with their children once school starts. My guess is that nobody will want anything to do with Scott (or his family by extension) because of what he has done on this site.

I want his wife to speak up here....

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Sad ()
Date: August 12, 2012 01:27PM

Sad. Feel sorry for his kids.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Crocodile Oil ()
Date: December 29, 2012 10:47PM

Ito Wrote:
> 2concerned Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > It's part of being an engineer, actually.
> >
> > Part of being an Inventor.
> Let's establish some facts here:
> You are not an inventor. Inventors actually invent
> things....you have never invented anything.
> You are also not an engineer. I personally doubt
> you ever were, but now you certainly are not.
> Right now you are an unemployed loser who spends
> his day making wild accusations against others
> over the Internet. You don't deserve any special
> titles at this time because you do nothing
> productive with your days and nights besides
> create a nuisance for others.
> The least you could do is mow your lawn.

It is obvious that this man is depressed. The neighbors talk about "concern" for this man but it is only concern out of fear. Why not have concern for your neighbor out of love? To love is to give freely without expecting anything in return. You are all capable of that.

@Scott it is clear you are fearful. whether it was brought on by events that occurred in our space-time or whether they are connections you are able to discern inside your mind, it doesn't matter. What does matter is that you understand that there are different versions of reality and all are correct. So what you think is not incorrect but incomplete as much as your neighbors thoughts on this matter are incomplete. we are all correct but incomplete. Like puzzle pieces.

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: afdsdfasdfafasdfs ()
Date: January 21, 2014 09:30AM

What ever happened to Scott Lehman?

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Re: Scott Lehman of Alexandria, VA claims maybe to be "Seeing Things"
Posted by: Contest Entry. ()
Date: January 21, 2014 09:55AM

afdsdfasdfafasdfs Wrote:
> What ever happened to Scott Lehman?

He decided that fighting with trolling idiots online was an unproductive use of his time?

Let me know if my contest entry wins.

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