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Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: hmmmm ()
Date: March 27, 2012 07:42AM

for Marijuana. Where is the corrected outrage in the headline of the newpapaers?

"Hoodie wearing stoner on School Suspension shot while on a sugar high from a extra large bag of skittles"

Just sayin..

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: yep ()
Date: March 27, 2012 07:51AM

10-day suspension for weed is why he was out of school & there at his dad's girlfriend's place.

Why is this not national news?

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Priapus ()
Date: March 27, 2012 08:03AM

Why is that relevant? Rednecks seem desperate to make a victim an aggressor.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2012 08:04AM by Priapus.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: March 27, 2012 08:17AM

All we know at this point is that a white neighborhood watch member shot a black kid. It sounds just as bad on the surface as that Duke Lacross rape incident did, and that turned out to be less "racially-motivated gang rape" and more "bullshit story made up by a stripper."

If it was a black man who shot the kid, this story wouldn't have even made the news regardless of the circumstances. If the details come out and Zimmerman really did act in genuine self-defense, I doubt anyone would man up and apologize. Both sides are being equally racist.

Except for the Geraldo side. That side's just stupid.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: March 27, 2012 08:48AM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> All we know at this point is that a white
> neighborhood watch member shot a black kid. It
> sounds just as bad on the surface as that Duke
> Lacross rape incident did, and that turned out to
> be less "racially-motivated gang rape" and more
> "bullshit story made up by a stripper."
> If it was a black man who shot the kid, this story
> wouldn't have even made the news regardless of the
> circumstances. If the details come out and
> Zimmerman really did act in genuine self-defense,
> I doubt anyone would man up and apologize. Both
> sides are being equally racist.
> Except for the Geraldo side. That side's just
> stupid.

He isn't white, he's hispanic.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: TheMeeper ()
Date: March 27, 2012 09:15AM

Priapus Wrote:
> Why is that relevant?

Well obviously Mr. Zimmerman had foreknowledge that the kid was suspended from school, which made him a prime target, because we all know that smoking marijuana causes people to be dangerous and very violent.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: March 27, 2012 09:18AM

Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> MrMephisto Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > All we know at this point is that a white
> > neighborhood watch member shot a black kid. It
> > sounds just as bad on the surface as that Duke
> > Lacross rape incident did, and that turned out
> to
> > be less "racially-motivated gang rape" and more
> > "bullshit story made up by a stripper."
> >
> > If it was a black man who shot the kid, this
> story
> > wouldn't have even made the news regardless of
> the
> > circumstances. If the details come out and
> > Zimmerman really did act in genuine
> self-defense,
> > I doubt anyone would man up and apologize. Both
> > sides are being equally racist.
> >
> > Except for the Geraldo side. That side's just
> > stupid.
> He isn't white, he's hispanic.

Ok, so he's Hispanic. Doesn't change anything, really. Until the full details come out everyone is as clueless as the next person.

Typically, people don't call 911 before they commit a hate crime. I'll reserve judgment until I hear the whole story.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Ralph Pootawn ()
Date: March 27, 2012 10:11AM

It does change things, because people want to say it was a racial attack of white vs black and it wasn't

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Juan Epstein ()
Date: March 27, 2012 10:55AM

Zimmerman is white, you idiots. You think no one in Spain is white? How about Marco Rubio?

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: trevvytravon ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:23PM

He loved to steal womens jewelry as well.

Yeah he was heading down the wrong path anyway.

He never saw the light ever since he thought being thug was the manly way to live.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: lolufool ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:27PM

Juan Epstein Wrote:
> Zimmerman is white, you idiots. You think no one
> in Spain is white? How about Marco Rubio?

You fool!

The base DNa of all latino is asian DNA and not caucasian.
What a jackass for you to dream up a lovely dream to call everything is white.

But then even sotrmfronters even call pure asian lily white asian women also white as well.

Go educate yourself on what is white first. By your logic every mexican is white. you jackass.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: JBass ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:27PM

Juan Epstein Wrote:
> Zimmerman is white, you idiots. You think no one
> in Spain is white? How about Marco Rubio?

Well, he looks Mexican

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: BEH ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:40PM

"The base DNa of all latino is asian DNA and not caucasian"

Not entirely true.

Most Mexicans are a combination of American Indian (which accounts for the "Asian" DNA) and caucasian (either Spanish or Portugese).

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Vexxxed ()
Date: March 27, 2012 12:42PM

Juan Epstein Wrote:
> Zimmerman is white, you idiots. You think no one
> in Spain is white? How about Marco Rubio?

Fact checking:

Based on the long used "one drop rule", Zimmerman is Hispanic. Although his father is a German Jew, his mother is Peruvian.

Lots of people in Spain are white. However, none of them would be "Spanish". They would be "tourists".

Spain is not Peru. Peru is not Spain.

Marco Rubio is the son of Cuban immigrants.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Curseu ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:05PM

1. Unless you're the police, or someone's on your property, you don't approach someone at night in the rain. Trayvon RAN and Zimmerman followed him in a car. Only rapists, murderers, and robbers do that.
2. If Zimmerman was threatened, why would you approach a tall black kid in the dark? Who does that? Except a murderer.
3. Trayvon was found in the grass. He was walking on the street, then ran. This is significant because seeing Trayvon was in the grass, that means he ran off the street to get away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman followed him onto the grass.
4. If a person followed you in a car at night in the ran (Trayvon again ran, Zimmerman admitted this) and got out of the car, approached you, and you saw he had a GUN (Zimmerman said Trayvon reached for his gun) you would try to defend yourself. Trayvon at this point should have been able to stand his ground and shoot Zimmerman (if he had a gun). Trayvon was followed and out comes a man with a gun. WTF, I would fight like crazy to survive. A unknown man with a gun approached him. A UNKNOWN MAN WITH A GUN, 100 POUNDS HEAVIER THAN HIM, FOLLOWED HIM WHEN HE RAN, AND APPROACHED HIM WITH A GUN!!!.
5. But we should listen to Zimmerman, and take what he says as the truth. We should also listen to Trayvon's side of the story....o wait, he's dead. It's not like Zimmerman's lawyers would fabricate the story to protect him....
6. If a 200 pound man followed a 100 pound girl in a car, approached her, she started beating him, then he shot her, ALLL of you would say how tragic this would be. He would have been arrested, charged with attempted rape, kidnapping, etc. But nothing since he was a black male. Zimmerman said Trayvon reached for his gun-if the girl in the same situation got the gun and killed the man, she would be a hero for killing her attacker. If you follow someone who is running away from you, and approach them, YOU ARE AN ATTACKER. Trayvon was killed by his attacker.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Curseu ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:09PM

It was a racial attack. He followed him because he was black. He chased him in a car and went after him with a gun. That is an attacker. If Zimmeerman was arrested, and going to be tried, there WOULDN'T be this uproar in the media. Even if Trayvon was a black girl, Zimmerman would have been arrested. But since he was a black male, nothing has been done. Actually, if he was middle eastern or latino, the same might have happened. But not if he was white or asian.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: teana ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:45PM

I cant wait to see the criteria stipulated to make this a hate crime. If they base it on the gobboldegoo recording that you really cant clearly make out, then the FBI is going to be really busy invertigating hate crimes based solely on the fact the assailant and victim were of different ethnic backgrounds.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: vgnlinfxn ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:47PM

Didn't he call him a coon or something in the 911 call?

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: mixer ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:49PM

If you play it backwords a few times you might possibly convince yourself thats what you heard.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: vgnlinfxn ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:54PM

mixer Wrote:
> If you play it backwords a few times you might
> possibly convince yourself thats what you heard.

So he called him a nooc? Or maybe nook? Was he reading at the time? Now I'm confused.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: y.f. ()
Date: March 27, 2012 01:59PM

All crimes are really hate crimes. I don't even know why that is even added into the charges description. A black guy could target other blacks, but would that need to be called a hate crime? Just call it what is is, murder. Stop focusing on Shrpton, the media, Jackson, etc. No black people think about them. Get that through your heads. They happen to be high profile blacks who lived in a time when it was ok to spit on blacks, deny serving them, etc. Sadly, many people just see them as race baiters, when they were great members of the civil rights movement. Now essentially, all people in the U.S. over the age of 55 remember living in a time with open forms of segregation. I know many non-blacks don't realize this, but what happened to the older generation of blacks really messed them up. Since I know for a fact none of you talk to old black people, you wouldn't understand, but it's sad (ex. many are scared to sleep, or even be around whites). Sadly, the younger generation could change things, but have continued the ignorance. If you're over 10, and ever wonder "Do black people like this?" or "Why do black people do that?" You are part of the problem. In this day and age, it's amazing how stupid people are.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: doesn't matter though ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:00PM

mixer Wrote:
> If you play it backwords a few times you might
> possibly convince yourself thats what you heard.

Doesn't matter what he said. I guess it does to be considered a hate crime, but he still chased a kid and shot him.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: BUT ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:14PM

Curseu Wrote:
> 1. Unless you're the police, or someone's on your
> property, you don't approach someone at night in
> the rain. Trayvon RAN and Zimmerman followed him
> in a car. Only rapists, murderers, and robbers do
> that.
> 2. If Zimmerman was threatened, why would you
> approach a tall black kid in the dark? Who does
> that? Except a murderer.
> 3. Trayvon was found in the grass. He was walking
> on the street, then ran. This is significant
> because seeing Trayvon was in the grass, that
> means he ran off the street to get away from
> Zimmerman. Zimmerman followed him onto the grass.
> 4. If a person followed you in a car at night in
> the ran (Trayvon again ran, Zimmerman admitted
> this) and got out of the car, approached you, and
> you saw he had a GUN (Zimmerman said Trayvon
> reached for his gun) you would try to defend
> yourself. Trayvon at this point should have been
> able to stand his ground and shoot Zimmerman (if
> he had a gun). Trayvon was followed and out comes
> a man with a gun. WTF, I would fight like crazy to
> survive. A unknown man with a gun approached him.
> WITH A GUN!!!.
> 5. But we should listen to Zimmerman, and take
> what he says as the truth. We should also listen
> to Trayvon's side of the story....o wait, he's
> dead. It's not like Zimmerman's lawyers would
> fabricate the story to protect him....
> 6. If a 200 pound man followed a 100 pound girl in
> a car, approached her, she started beating him,
> then he shot her, ALLL of you would say how tragic
> this would be. He would have been arrested,
> charged with attempted rape, kidnapping, etc. But
> nothing since he was a black male. Zimmerman said
> Trayvon reached for his gun-if the girl in the
> same situation got the gun and killed the man, she
> would be a hero for killing her attacker. If you
> follow someone who is running away from you, and
> approach them, YOU ARE AN ATTACKER. Trayvon was
> killed by his attacker.

Your entire argument is based on something we don't know - that Zimmerman attacked Martin 1st. We do not know this for sure. Is it possible? Yes, but it is also entirely possible that Martin got violent 1st. The witness who came forward yesterday stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman pounding on him and Zimmerman was screaming for help. If you believe this witness then you know that at least some point Martin had the upper hand.

I too will not judge until all the facts come out. I believe that both parties probably acted incorrectly. Zimmerman should NOT have got out of his car, followed or approached Martin. I believe this probably set off a chain of events that led to the boy being shot.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: basicallyyhis ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:19PM


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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Curseu ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:34PM

BUT Wrote:
> Your entire argument is based on something we
> don't know - that Zimmerman attacked Martin 1st.
> We do not know this for sure. Is it possible?
> Yes, but it is also entirely possible that Martin
> got violent 1st. The witness who came forward
> yesterday stated that Martin was on top of
> Zimmerman pounding on him and Zimmerman was
> screaming for help. If you believe this witness
> then you know that at least some point Martin had
> the upper hand.
> I too will not judge until all the facts come out.
> I believe that both parties probably acted
> incorrectly. Zimmerman should NOT have got out of
> his car, followed or approached Martin. I believe
> this probably set off a chain of events that led
> to the boy being shot.

I don't think you understand, but I am not mad at you. Trayvon SHOULD have gone after him to save his own life!!! Trayvon RAN away, then a man in a car came after him. Trayvon went off the road on the grass to get away. Zimmerman got out of his car with a GUN and approached Trayvon. This is fact. If someone follows you in a car when you run away, and gets out with a gun, what would you do? I think an underlying racial prejudice in this case is that Trayvon should have complied to what Zimmerman wanted, and just let an UNKOWN man with a gun come up to him. That you are allowed to approach black males to see what they are doing. A man follows you while you run away, then gets out the car with a gun. I can't believe some consider his actions justifiable. Say Trayvon was 22, had a legal firearm, and some guy chased him in a car, mind you, in the South. Then the guy gets out the car. Zimmerman HAD to have been confrontational, seeing he ignored the dispatcher, and chased Trayvon, and had a gun on him. Zimmerman could have been a robber, serial killer, rapist, and Trayvon would have enough to feel threatened enough to kill Zimmerman. Just think about it. Who follows someone in a car when they are running away?

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: where? ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:41PM

Where are the pictures of Zimmerman right after he got beaten up? I'm sure the police took pictures right? Right? Or maybe..

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Dirty Harry ()
Date: March 27, 2012 02:51PM

I'm surprised with all the gun carrying freaks that we don't see more incidents like this.

A neighborhood watch yahoo with a gun, go figure something like this would happen.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: comment ()
Date: March 27, 2012 03:04PM

If any of you watch first 48, everytime someone claims self defense, they always say it doesn't matter, if the person didn't have a weapon, you're still going to jail. Trayvon should have thrown the first punch, the guy chased him/stalked him/ could have been murder or robber. Trayvon, if he even threw the first punch (doesn't matter, other than GZ story a lie) was defending himself, and could kill Zimmerman, since he was threatened. I think there needs to be a movement with all black males over 21 w/o felonies to legally carry a concealed weapon (get a permit). Need to stay safe.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: But ()
Date: March 27, 2012 04:24PM

Curseu Wrote:
> I don't think you understand, but I am not mad at
> you. Trayvon SHOULD have gone after him to save
> his own life!!! Trayvon RAN away, then a man in a
> car came after him. Trayvon went off the road on
> the grass to get away. Zimmerman got out of his
> car with a GUN and approached Trayvon. This is
> fact. If someone follows you in a car when you run
> away, and gets out with a gun, what would you do?
> I think an underlying racial prejudice in this
> case is that Trayvon should have complied to what
> Zimmerman wanted, and just let an UNKOWN man with
> a gun come up to him. That you are allowed to
> approach black males to see what they are doing. A
> man follows you while you run away, then gets out
> the car with a gun. I can't believe some consider
> his actions justifiable. Say Trayvon was 22, had a
> legal firearm, and some guy chased him in a car,
> mind you, in the South. Then the guy gets out the
> car. Zimmerman HAD to have been confrontational,
> seeing he ignored the dispatcher, and chased
> Trayvon, and had a gun on him. Zimmerman could
> have been a robber, serial killer, rapist, and
> Trayvon would have enough to feel threatened
> enough to kill Zimmerman. Just think about it. Who
> follows someone in a car when they are running
> away?

You are really hung up on the Zimmerman following and approaching Martin thing. I get that and because of that I assign some level of guilt already to Zimmerman (not sure to what degree). You seem to imply that it is obvious that Martin could see the gun in plain view. We don't know that for certain. We heard their initial exchange of words. But we don't know who attacked who first. If in fact this witness yesterday was accurate, then I'm going to say it is possible that Zimmerman was justified in self defense during the struggle.

We can't assign blame either way yet. I know whay you are going to say. Zimmerman was guilty the second he continued to pursue and confront Martin. I don't agree with that. Lets let more facts come forward.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Riddle Me This ()
Date: March 27, 2012 05:41PM

If Hispanic + White = White

Then Black + White = White


Hey, guess what? Obama's just another white guy president instead of the first nig president!

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Curseu ()
Date: March 27, 2012 05:53PM

If a grown man approached a blonde girl in the dark while it was raining, chased after her with his car, then got out with a gun, and killed her, the police would have his ass in holding. Nobody other than Zimmerman (because he killed Trayvon) apparently saw who hit who first. So Zimmerman can just lie. It seems as though you want to take Zimmerman's word no matter what to discredit Trayvon. Now we trust stalkers/murderers?

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Date: March 27, 2012 06:07PM

Who cares what race Zimmerman is? He targeted this kid for no reason, started a confrontation for no reason, and shot him. Sorry, black kid that you don't recognize who is wearing a hoodie is not a reason to confront someone. Whether Zimmerman is black, Hispanic, Haitian, Mongolian, etc; he still shot an unarmed kid for NO REASON.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Curseu ()
Date: March 27, 2012 06:10PM

It doesn't matter what race Zimmerman is, but the victim's race does matter. Mainly for the charging of whether or not it is a hate crime. But race is important in this case because racism and stereotypes is what hasn't led to Zimmerman's arrest, and what led to Trayvon's murder.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Date: March 27, 2012 06:11PM

Curseu Wrote:
> It doesn't matter what race Zimmerman is, but the
> victim's race does matter. Mainly for the charging
> of whether or not it is a hate crime. But race is
> important in this case because racism and
> stereotypes is what hasn't led to Zimmerman's
> arrest, and what led to Trayvon's murder.


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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: tired of racebaiting ()
Date: March 27, 2012 06:16PM

Curseu Wrote:
> It doesn't matter what race Zimmerman is, but the
> victim's race does matter. Mainly for the charging
> of whether or not it is a hate crime. But race is
> important in this case because racism and
> stereotypes is what hasn't led to Zimmerman's
> arrest, and what led to Trayvon's murder.

this is just obama shamelessly trying to score politcal points with libs, minorities and illegals. notice how he called him a 'whie hispanic' trying to make it seem like he was here legally.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Curseu ()
Date: March 27, 2012 06:32PM

tired of racebaiting Wrote:
> this is just obama shamelessly trying to score
> politcal points with libs, minorities and
> illegals. notice how he called him a 'whie
> hispanic' trying to make it seem like he was here
> legally.

This doesn't have to do with politics. Why is it when someone black is killed wrongfully or is convicted with no evidence, and there is a righteous uproar, conservatives bring up liberals this, liberals that. Grow up and think for yourself, the fact that Zimmerman could potentially get away with stalking, threatening, and killing someone is a serious issue. This case does have a racial aspect, which it SHOULDN'T. But because of people like you, this is perpetuated.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: Curseu ()
Date: March 27, 2012 06:46PM

The reason Zimmerman is being called a white hispanic is because of societies views on latinos. 1. I'm pretty sure the majority of Latinos do not liked being called "Hispanic" first off. 2. If a kid is born in America, and has a parent who is white, and another who is latino, they say they are half-white and half-latino (generally what country parent is from, Peruvian, Mexican,etc.). Most of the time the kid will exclude the white part (it is implied), and just say they are half whatever.This is because people who are half-latino generally look white, blend in, and could pass for being white. The difference with people who are half-black and half-white is:1. History of one drop rule 2. Society treats mixed black and white kids generally as just "black". If the kids white features really dominate the black ones (which is less likely) the kid will just say they are "mixed." Many mixed kids in the U.S. just say they are black, but will say if a parent is white. Also, there are many light-skinned blacks who are not mixed, so mixed kids generally are just considered black.

Also, where did Obama mention either Trayvon's or Zimmerman's race? I just watched the video of Obama speaking, and didn't hear any mention of race. I think you fail.

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: March 28, 2012 11:22PM

betterthanyoubitch Wrote:
> Who cares what race Zimmerman is? He targeted this
> kid for no reason, started a confrontation for no
> reason, and shot him. Sorry, black kid that you
> don't recognize who is wearing a hoodie is not a
> reason to confront someone. Whether Zimmerman is
> black, Hispanic, Haitian, Mongolian, etc; he still
> shot an unarmed kid for NO REASON.

Um, yeah it is. Anytime you don't recognize someone in your own neighborhood you have a right to confront them simply to see what they're up to, albeit you don't have a right to physically assault them for it. However, your statement that he shot him for no reason is pure BS conjecture. If the kid did in fact stomp him out on the ground as so far the facts indicate, then he was absolutely within his rights for self-defense.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Trayvon Martin was serving a suspension at time of death
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: March 28, 2012 11:27PM

MrMephisto Wrote:
> Ralph Pootawn Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > MrMephisto Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > All we know at this point is that a white
> > > neighborhood watch member shot a black kid.
> It
> > > sounds just as bad on the surface as that
> Duke
> > > Lacross rape incident did, and that turned
> out
> > to
> > > be less "racially-motivated gang rape" and
> more
> > > "bullshit story made up by a stripper."
> > >
> > > If it was a black man who shot the kid, this
> > story
> > > wouldn't have even made the news regardless
> of
> > the
> > > circumstances. If the details come out and
> > > Zimmerman really did act in genuine
> > self-defense,
> > > I doubt anyone would man up and apologize.
> Both
> > > sides are being equally racist.
> > >
> > > Except for the Geraldo side. That side's just
> > > stupid.
> >
> > He isn't white, he's hispanic.
> Ok, so he's Hispanic. Doesn't change anything,
> really. Until the full details come out everyone
> is as clueless as the next person.
> Typically, people don't call 911 before they
> commit a hate crime. I'll reserve judgment until I
> hear the whole story.

Seriously, people are getting bent the hell out of shape before the facts even started to come forth, and now that the evidence is increasingly painting a stronger picture for the self-defense claims, the conjecture is getting even dumber. I tried to tell someone today that Zimmerman is absolutely innocent until proven guilty, and he deserves a fair hearing, but I fear he'll never have the chance to get one since everyone is already cemented in their opinion due to the whacko agenda driven groups who've completely obscured the facts. In reply, my friend said: "What, a fair trial like the one we gave Osama and Saddam?" What the fuck, seriously!? I can't even make this bullshit up.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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