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Obama & The Media
Posted by: Pancks(1) ()
Date: February 26, 2012 08:40AM

The life story of Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro/Abu Hussain can be seen as: The Biggest Lie ever told.

Who is the Media, anyway? How many of them are Democrat Operatives. (Like Alcoholics and Drug Addicts and Marines, there are no FORMER Democrat Operatives)

Ya got Georgie, at ABC. He was in the Impeached Rapist's Administration. He worked the "War Room", where he and Paul Begala and James Carville, pushed Mud and Hit Pieces from the White House to the Press Rooms.

Ya got your Chris Mathews, who worked for Tip O'Neil and Jimmy Carter, and has an uncontrollable discharge of Man Fluids, at the sound of his Leader's voice, regardless of whatever it is he's lying about that day.

Jay Carney. The Slimy little guy, holding the White House Press Conferences. He used to be in the Print News. Went to ABC for the Sunday Show. Works as Obama's Propaganda Minister. He looks right in to the Camera, and spins his little Webs. I imagine in a former life, he had a Black Hat with a pretty Swastika emblazoned of the front.

CNN didn't get the "Clinton News Network" label for nothing, and everyone at MSNBC would volunteer to be Obama's Human Urinal, if only he would ask.

The Fourth Estate has become a Fifth Column, in this Country. It's not even trying to PRETEND that it's "Fair" anymore. As far as I can tell, George Soros' Media Matters, hasn't denied writing NBC News Outlet's Scripts, and, quite frankly, sees no reason to.

Anybody see any OUTRAGE surrounding Fast and Furious? What about Solyndra? Global Crossing? What about his WAR OF CHOICE in Libya? The Economy?

Gasoline is $5.00 in California. It's the HIGHEST it's ever been, for this time of year, and going higher. 2011 was the WORST year in History for the Housing Market. The Muslim's Labour Department puts out Make Believe Numbers, whereby, 1,000,000 LESS JOBS in January, than there were in December, equals MORE JOBS, and a LOWER Unemployment Rate. Did I mention his Attorney General's LIES to Congress, and his continued OBSTRUCION OF JUSTICE tactics, in regards to Fast and Furious?

Every one of those would be a Media FEEDING FRENZY, if this was a Republican Administration. It would be as if a severely bleeding Chris Christie had fallen in to a Shark Tank at Sea World. Every Day, and Night, these stories would rage, with DEMANDS for Resignations, Special Prosecutors and IMPEACHMENT.

I have often wondered how the Great Empires met their fate. I wonder how they could be OMNIPOTENT one day, and GONE the next. ROME comes to mind.

Look out the window. FORECLOSED. For Sale. Going Out Of Business. Or, just Abandoned. I bought some Used Tires, yesterday. 4 of the 5 Tire Places I called, told me that their selection was not what it used to be. It seems that (as they told me) with things the way they are, everybody's looking for Used Tires. The DOLLAR STORES have overtaken Wal Mart. The MALL where I live, has more Vacant Stores, every time we go there. Apparently, the only people not affected by the World's latest foray in to MARX and ENGELS, is the Obamas, who are on their 16th Vacation, in 3 years. Aspen. The Winter home of the Rich and Famous. The Millionaires and Billionaires. All of the people that we are encouraged, by THE MUSLIM, to despise. How he must laugh to himself, as he gives another of his "HATE THE RICH" diatribes to the Barking Seals at his Campaign Stops, knowing that the only people that he does ANYTHING with are the Millionaires and Billionaires of which he speaks. What FOOLS he must think they are.

It's Show Time, people. Now or never. 2012 or Bust.

I wonder if that's what the ROMANS were thinking, just before the fall?

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Re: Obama & The Media
Date: February 26, 2012 08:48AM

Romney was born to a rich family in Michigan yet worried about getting pink slips and the only thing he knows about his home state is that the trees are the right size. Maybe his background needs to be investigated.


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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: Betty ()
Date: February 26, 2012 09:24AM

Why do wingnut screeds have so many words in all caps? Nobody reads these things beyond the third sentence.

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: sleepy ()
Date: February 26, 2012 09:46AM

Luckily for our nation, less than 20% of voters think like the OP.

The Exploding Party nominee will be either:

a) A moderate with policies and issue positions virtually indistinguishable from Obama's; or,

b) A far right-field ideologue deeply frightening independents & moderates.

Whichever is choice is put forward, President Obama will easily win re-election.


“When a corporation farts, I'll believe it's a human being.” – Dylan Ratigan

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: 4 more years, II ()
Date: February 26, 2012 10:55AM

sleepy Wrote:
> Whichever is choice is put forward, President
> Obama will easily win re-election.


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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: Pancks(1) ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:14AM

Obama wasn’t ready to be a US Senator and he wasn’t ready to be president either.
And because some Americans put stupid white guilt above common sense and thereby elected the most unready of candidates to the office of President of the United States, our economy is at a standstill.
But even more importantly, the country has, under Obama, once again lost a sense of its place and is questioning its historical mission of being the City on a Hill for the rest of the world.
Only 18 percent of Americans now believe that the country is on the right track. The number has never been above 47 percent since Obama took office. The country reached its feel good moment at the six-month mark of the Democrat takeover of Congress, and it’s been downhill for Obama ever since. He now faces an 18 precent gap between those who strongly approve of his performance versus those who strongly disapprove according to Rasmussen.

The last time the world was this demoralized, was the last time a Democrat president let things drift because he had no idea how to be president of the United States.
Obama has been lately reprising that president’s “malaise” speech, calling Americans "lazy" and generally bemoaning the country’s lack of direction.
The guy who couldn’t find his way to Congress even if a cruise missile was strapped to his backside recently sympathized with the one-tenth percent of Americans whom Occupy Wall Street think they represent, saying "A lot of the folks who’ve been down in New York and all across the country in the Occupy movement,” says Obama, “there is a profound sense of frustration, a profound sense of frustration about the fact that the essence of the American Dream… feels like it’s slipping away.”
Bravo, Mr. Obama. Terrific job acting like Occupy Wall Street has anything to do with the American Dream. Terrific job pretending like you even understand what the American Dream is about. Spoken like a true, leftist community organizer.
If the American Dream is slipping away, though, the only replacement Obama has offered the country is the lush verbiage from the book Dreams from My Father, a mish-mash of circular logic, an American Oblomov superfluous, inert and self-absorbed- the inverse actually of the American Dream.
“Congress needs to pass the rest of my American Jobs Act,” said Obama, after Dems and the GOP passed modest legislation aimed at making it easier to hire veterans, “so that we can create jobs and put money in the pockets of the middle class.”
But Obama’s words belie the real trouble with him: He doesn’t really have a Jobs Act. He doesn’t have a budget, a foreign policy, an energy policy, an immigration policy. Instead he only acts like he has some of these.
He’s the incomplete genesis of a community organizer.
But reading words on cue cards prepared by others isn’t a substitute for having a policy; it isn’t the same thing as being president of the United States.
Complicating things for Obama is the dilemma that is that he has never really decided in life who he really is.
Thomas Aquinas once raised the issue of choosing between a proud man and a pusillanimous one,” Take the proud one every time, he advised, because you will be sure that he will at least do something.”
Perhaps it’s time for someone to ask the relevant question: Does the life of a community organizer, which is necessarily a parochial endeavor, adequately prepare someone for the job of leading the nation?
At least in the case of Obama, one would have to say no; not because of policy, not because of ideology, not because of point of view, but rather on account of inadequate preparation. When the history of the Obama administration is written, I predict, Americans will be appalled by the pusillanimity of the man once anointed the One.
But that’s not all.
Because, he not only lacks the skills, but he also lacks the conviction to be president of the United States.
A man with conviction would be either for or against Occupy Wall Street- or banks or illegal immigrants, etc- not both for and against them at the same time.
That’s what happens when a community organizer wars with the president of the United States, wholly in the person of himself.
It makes for great drama, great acting.
But it makes for the poorest possible history.

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:20AM

Pancks(1) is the next Jared Loughner.

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: Pancks(1) ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:29AM

eesh is the next Larry Sinclair.

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: Poppin' Jay Fox ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:35AM

sleepy Wrote:
> Luckily for our nation, less than 20% of voters
> think like the OP.
> The Exploding Party nominee will be either:
> a) A moderate with policies and issue positions
> virtually indistinguishable from Obama's; or,
> b) A far right-field ideologue deeply frightening
> independents & moderates.
> Whichever is choice is put forward, President
> Obama will easily win re-election.

Insanity. Odumbo got 52.7% of the vote last time. Republicans picked up a historical number of House seats 18 months ago and took over enough state legislatures to control redistricting in 34 states. Right now Odumbo is tied with Romney and Santorum according to Gallup. Educate yourself.

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: sleepy ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:37AM

Pancks(1) Wrote:
> Obama wasn’t ready to be a US Senator and he
> wasn’t ready to be president either.

Sure he was.

> And because some Americans put stupid white guilt
> above common sense

Don't forget the impact of McSame as his opponent.

> But even more importantly, the country has, under
> Obama, once again lost a sense of its place and is
> questioning its historical mission of being the
> City on a Hill for the rest of the world.

Says who? I don't feel that way at all.

> Only 18 percent of Americans now believe that the
> country is on the right track. The number has
> never been above 47 percent since Obama took
> office.

Which has a great deal to do with the obstructionist GOP-controlled House.

> He now faces an 18 precent gap between
> those who strongly approve of his performance
> versus those who strongly disapprove according to
> Rasmussen.

That'll happen when you're constantly vilified, even while you are succeeding at your job.

> The last time the world was this demoralized

Oh, so now the US President is responsible for world morale? What a crock of shit!

> Obama has been lately reprising that president’s
> “malaise” speech, calling Americans "lazy" and
> generally bemoaning the country’s lack of
> direction.

Nice attempt at a re-write. Obama called US business leader s lazy in their dearth international business efforts. Got a quote where the President is; " generally bemoaning the country’s lack of direction"?

> "A lot of the folks who’ve been down in New York and all across the
> country in the Occupy movement,” says Obama, “there is a profound
> sense of frustration, a profound sense of frustration about the fact that
> the essence of the American Dream… feels like it’s slipping away.”

I absolutely agree!

> “Congress needs to pass the rest of my American
> Jobs Act,” said Obama, after Dems and the GOP
> passed modest legislation aimed at making it
> easier to hire veterans, “so that we can create
> jobs and put money in the pockets of the middle
> class.”

Bravo, Mr. President!

> [President Obama] doesn’t have a budget, a foreign policy, an
> energy policy, an immigration policy.

Lies, all lies. President Obama submitted his budget to Congress week-before-last; his foreign policy has been a resounding success and he's kept America safe; President Obama has made the US a net oil exporter; and more illegal immigrants have been deported under President Obama than any other US President in history.


“When a corporation farts, I'll believe it's a human being.” – Dylan Ratigan

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: Poppin' Jay Fox ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:41AM

The MSM is totally in the tank for Odumbo (and pretty much all democrats). They vote 87% democrat. The WP has been caught pimping for the democrats with Ezra Klein's JounNoList scandel. The WP's publisher was offering access to Odumbo adminitstration officals at his home for $25K a pop for lobbyists and influence peddlers. The WP's opinion writers have been shown to get their articles directly from Media Matters, which has weekly strategy sessions with the WH. The same is true for the NYT, MSNBC, Politico. And then the liberals scream that Fox News needs to be shut down because it doesn't tow the liberal party line. Incredible.

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: sleepy ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:47AM

Poppin' Jay Fox Wrote:
> Republicans picked up a historical number of
> House seats 18 months ago and took over enough
> state legislatures to control redistricting in 34
> states.

Yep, the 2010 mid-terms were the teabagger's high water mark. All of those GOP-controlled legislatures have overreached with an avalanche of reactionary social legislation and/or accomplished nothing that they were elected to do (stimulate the economy/created jobs). A huge backlash is coming. Oh, and state redistricting has zero impact on Presidential elections.


“When a corporation farts, I'll believe it's a human being.” – Dylan Ratigan

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: sleepy ()
Date: February 26, 2012 11:50AM

Poppin' Jay Fox Wrote:
> Incredible.

Agreed. Your screed is completely lacking in credibility.


“When a corporation farts, I'll believe it's a human being.” – Dylan Ratigan

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Re: Obama & The Media
Posted by: 4 more years, II ()
Date: February 26, 2012 12:00PM

sleepy Wrote:
> ...A huge backlash is coming...

I suspect Virginia is going to be a Poster Boy for that.

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