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Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: September 15, 2010 09:31PM

Since when the fuck do Somali pirates have "Constitutional rights"? Also, what the hell is this judge doing in tossing out the piracy charges against the other group of pirates, who attacked another US Navy vessel (An LSD)?


Sailors Defend Pirate Suspects Treatment
September 10, 2010

NORFOLK -- A group of Somali nationals captured in an alleged pirate attack on the frigate Nicholas were held for days almost constantly in handcuffs, often blindfolded, made to wear Navy-issued "poopy suits" and forced to sleep outside, officers testified Thursday.

But the conditions of the five Somalis met the humane requirements under the Geneva Conventions, as well as Navy policy, Lt. j.g. Chad Hutchins and other junior officers testified in U.S. District Court at a hearing on pre-trial motions.

The five Somalis are charged with piracy and related counts in the April 1 attack on the Nicholas in the Indian Ocean off the Somalia coast.

Their attorneys are arguing before District Judge Mark S. Davis that the Navy violated the Somalis' Miranda and other constitutional rights after their capture. They are seeking to have incriminating statements thrown out before the start of their Nov. 9 trial.

The Somalis say the Sailors threatened to feed them to sharks, held them in painful positions, and physically and verbally abused them, all charges that Hutchins and several other Sailors denied on the stand Thursday.

The Somalis are also challenging the basis for the piracy charge itself, as well as the related counts. Another judge in the same court has already thrown out a piracy charge against a separate group of Somalis charged in the April 10 attack on the Ashland in the same region.

The Somalis in the Nicholas case were taken into custody after one of them fired several AK-47 rounds at the ship just after midnight on April 1. The government alleges that the group was trying to take control of the Navy vessel, thinking it was a merchant ship.

After being captured, defendant Abdi Mohammed Gurewardher seemed eager to talk and was proud of his actions, Hutchins testified. It took a day to get an interpreter on the phone but once they did, Gurewardher confessed, he said.

Gurewardher told them "they were pirates out there doing pirate things," Hutchins said. As a reward, he was given an orange and some juice, the officer said.

Hutchins said his job in those ensuing days was to "make sure while they were on board they were treated humanely."

The judge will have to decide whether the treatment met legal standards.

The defense attorneys made much of the conditions and treatment, eliciting testimony from the Sailors that the Somalis were initially strip-searched, almost continuously handcuffed, sometimes to a railing, blindfolded whenever they had to be moved, made to sleep outdoors under the weather deck, first on mats and then on cots, forced to urinate overboard and defecate in buckets, and were given a hose, a bar of soap and a rag to bathe with every other day.

Hutchins described the so-called "poopy suits" issued to the Somalis as white jumpsuits Sailors wear when cleaning up sewage.

The Sailors also testified that they went out of their way to make the Somalis as comfortable as they could. They recovered five prayer mats from one of the two boats the Somalis used and allowed them to pray five times a day, as their Muslim faith requires. They also made sure their meals met the requirements of their faith.

They gave them cigarettes whenever they wanted them, a constant supply of water, and allowed them to exercise, without handcuffs, three times a day, even teaching them how to do calisthenics, Hutchins said. They were given medical checkups and treated for any ailments that arose.

Rolando E. Roblesnavarro, a petty officer 1st class who supervised the detainees, said his main concern was the Somalis' comfort and safety.

"Did you ever witness any harsh treatment of any detainee?" Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph E. DePadilla asked him.

"No," Roblesnavarro replied.

The hearing continues today in U.S. District Court.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 15, 2010 10:50PM

Getting captured by the US is the best thing to ever happen to these assholes in their entire lives. So long as dirt bag lawyers exist these guys will have a life better than they could have ever dreamed of compared to the one they had back in that shit rag of a country they came from.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: tomahawk ()
Date: September 15, 2010 10:52PM

In the sailing ship days, they would've been brought before a drumhead court presided by the captain, tried, and if convicted immediately executed by hanging from the yard arm. No sense wasting time and ship's provisions taking them all the way back to the US. Makes you wonder if satellite communications and jet transport is always a plus.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: Somali Man ()
Date: September 15, 2010 10:56PM

As a Somali American I hate these pirates as much as anyone else, and they do nuthin but tarnish and dishonor our noble image. Havin said that, I think these piratetes do have constitutional rights if they are being tried here at state or federal courts (and not a military tribunal). Treat them just like any other common criminal, and if found guilty- sentence them just like a criminal. Nothin more, nothin less.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: itchy ()
Date: September 15, 2010 11:21PM

We need to quit capturing them and just kill them. Blackbeard's head was placed on a pole in front of in my hometown in the 1700's. If we dealt with pirates today the way we dealt with them back then, there would be much less piracy. Somalia needs to deal with the warlords causing all this shit.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:01AM

Somali Man Wrote:
> As a Somali American I hate these pirates as much
> as anyone else, and they do nuthin but tarnish
> and dishonor our noble image. Havin said that, I
> think these piratetes do have constitutional
> rights if they are being tried here at state or
> federal courts (and not a military tribunal).
> Treat them just like any other common criminal,
> and if found guilty- sentence them just like a
> criminal. Nothin more, nothin less.

There are two things wrong here.

1. Somalia's image isn't noble...when anybody thinks of Somalia they think of a used wad of toilet paper.

2. I don't want my tax dollars being used to give these motherfuckers a free ride when they don't belong here in the first place (sounds an awful lot like another argument we've been having on this site for a while...hmmmmmm MEXICANS!) lol

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:32AM

The Somalis are living better in prison than they have ever lived before.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: Bill ()
Date: September 16, 2010 10:44AM

itchy Wrote:
> We need to quit capturing them and just kill them.
> Blackbeard's head was placed on a pole in front
> of in my hometown in the 1700's. If we dealt with
> pirates today the way we dealt with them back
> then, there would be much less piracy.

Actually this is pretty much how we dealt with them back then. Blackbeard was killed and his ead hacked off, but he was killed IN COMBAT. Several members of his crew surrendered and they were hauled back to Virginia. If memory serves they were all found guilty and executed, but there were other instances where pirates did manage to beat the charges.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 16, 2010 12:42PM

Why not set up an international court in Oman or Kenya -- or even Ethiopia -- to try folks captured on the high seas? Surely that'd be easier and more efficient than hauling folks back to (whatever country had its ships attacked).

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 16, 2010 12:43PM

formerhick76 Wrote:
> Why not set up an international court in Oman or
> Kenya -- or even Ethiopia -- to try folks captured
> on the high seas? Surely that'd be easier and more
> efficient than hauling folks back to (whatever
> country had its ships attacked).

How about we set up shop in Yemen? Would be a good excuse to be there...

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: Somali Man ()
Date: September 17, 2010 07:56AM

As a Somali man in the USA I am offended by how the media furthers ignorance and misconceptions about my native land. Sure we got problems with pirates, clanish wars and other things. But Somalia isn't anyworse than say Irag or Agghanistan. Infact we were ranked ahead of those nations and good number of other African nations. Northern Somalia is very peaceful with a booming economy. It's a damn shame the media doesn't report on the good things happening in my homeland.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: danger zone ()
Date: September 17, 2010 08:56AM

Put the lawyers in poopy suits and feed them to the sharks for a better world
Pirates 0

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Posted by: chuckhoffmann ()
Date: September 17, 2010 09:11AM


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 05/16/2014 12:59PM by chuckhoffmann.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: September 17, 2010 10:00AM

Somali Man Wrote:
> As a Somali man in the USA I am offended by how
> the media furthers ignorance and misconceptions
> about my native land. Sure we got problems with
> pirates, clanish wars and other things. But
> Somalia isn't anyworse than say Irag or
> Agghanistan. Infact we were ranked ahead of those
> nations and good number of other African nations.
> Northern Somalia is very peaceful with a booming
> economy. It's a damn shame the media doesn't
> report on the good things happening in my
> homeland.

Congratulations on being from a country which prides itself on being the equivilant of 4th place at the special olympics.

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Re: Somali Pirates Complain About Treatment (Waaah)
Posted by: formerhick76 ()
Date: September 17, 2010 02:55PM

Somali Man Wrote:
> As a Somali man in the USA I am offended by how
> the media furthers ignorance and misconceptions
> about my native land. Sure we got problems with
> pirates, clanish wars and other things. But
> Somalia isn't anyworse than say Irag or
> Agghanistan. Infact we were ranked ahead of those
> nations and good number of other African nations.
> Northern Somalia is very peaceful with a booming
> economy. It's a damn shame the media doesn't
> report on the good things happening in my
> homeland.

Northern Somalia (Somaliland) isn't that bad and would be better off if folks just recognized the reality. Hell it could even be the home to the East African Pirate Court. Set one up in Singapore for the piracy in that region, too.

However, in the "if you want to humiliate them" contest maybe the UN could set up the court in Addis Ababa.

But below the tip of the horn it is pirates, Islamists, and some sort of weak UN-recognized government.

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