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Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: TrolI@AOL ()
Date: July 27, 2010 11:36PM

Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants

Hundreds of Afghan lives have been put at risk by the leaking of 90,000 intelligence documents to WikiLeaks because the files identify informants working with NATO forces.

In just two hours of searching the WikiLeaks archive, The Times of London found the names of dozens of Afghans credited with providing detailed intelligence to U.S. forces. Their villages are given for identification and also, in many cases, their fathers' names.

U.S. officers recorded detailed logs of the information fed to them by named local informants, particularly tribal elders.

Julian Assange, the Australian founder of WikiLeaks, claimed on Monday that all the documents released through his organisation had been checked for named informants and that 15,000 such documents had been held back.

The Afghan Government has reacted with horror to the volume of information contained in the files.

A senior official at the Afghan Foreign Ministry, who declined to be named, said: "The leaks certainly have put in real risk and danger the lives and integrity of many Afghans. The U.S. is both morally and legally responsible for any harm that the leaks might cause to the individuals, particularly those who have been named. It will further limit the U.S./international access to the uncensored views of Afghans."

The Pentagon claimed that a preliminary review of the thousands of secret reports released by WikiLeaks showed that they posed no immediate threat to U.S. forces. But experts warned that the Taliban and Al Qaeda would already be using the information to identify and target informers in the war zone.

This is bad. Assange needs to be hung and that site needs to be hacked and shut down.

"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stupid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 28, 2010 12:08AM


"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: since when ()
Date: July 28, 2010 01:08AM

since when did Afghans have integrity?

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: July 28, 2010 01:13AM

I looked into this....

Yes it would put some in risk if we were to leave. The situation is being amplified to attack Julian Assage, and what he is trying to do.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Gravis ()
Date: July 28, 2010 01:22AM

Firrat Wrote:
> I looked into this....
> Yes it would put some in risk if we were to leave.
> The situation is being amplified to attack Julian
> Assage, and what he is trying to do.

those some are in serious trouble. in part of afghanistan and pakistan, everyone and their mom has automatic weapons. it only takes one person and one gun to put these informants in the ground. we arent omnipotent, we cant protect them all the time.

"the wisdom of the wise will perish, the intelligence of the intelligent will vanish."095042938540

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: July 28, 2010 02:20AM

We can save more lives than the informants.....we can stop situations like this from happening.

"Before sunrise, a soldier stepped out on to Afghanistan's main highway and raised both hands in the air. When the bus failed t...o slow - travelers are often wary of being flagged down in Afghanistan's bandit lands - a trooper raked it with machine-gun fire. They killed four passengers and wounded 11 others." Afghanistan war logs: Secret CIA paramilitaries' role in civilian deaths.

We have killed too many civilians with "warning shots". We have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and we have not reported it. We have made false reports and covered a lot of things up to protect the war in Iraq+ Afghanistan. As it was reported....the civilian death toll has been significantly under-reported. We are causing more hate and civilian casualties than the taliban could cause trying to find and kill those informants.

Our method of cover up is wrong. Its as if a police officer who was the suspect himself was making the report on the case himself. WRONG....

The “war logs” also detail how US special forces arranged for six 2,000lb bombs to be dropped on a compound in Helmand Province in August 2007 in an incident in which up to 300 civilians were later claimed to have been killed.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: July 28, 2010 02:20AM

Assange rejected accusations that the leak had compromised America's national security. "We are familiar with groups whose abuse we expose attempting to criticise the messenger to distract from the power of the message."

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: July 28, 2010 02:52AM

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: ThePackLeader ()
Date: July 28, 2010 03:14AM

Before they said that these files were "only" Secret, and not TS. Well, if the OP's assertion is true, then that initial story is complete bullshit. Intelligence assets are most certainly TS.

I already hate that limey piece-of-shit Euro-trash whore though, and he needs to be eliminated. He's as big a threat as any.

Also, how the hell did any single person have access to these files to begin with? I don't know anyone dealing in classified work who would be able to obtain 90,000+ such files.

"And if any women or children get their legs torn off, or faces caved in, well, it's tough shit for them." -2LT. Bert Stiles, 505th, 339th (On Berlin Bombardier Mission, 1944).

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 28, 2010 08:33AM

ThePackLeader Wrote:

> Also, how the hell did any single person have
> access to these files to begin with? I don't know
> anyone dealing in classified work who would be
> able to obtain 90,000+ such files.

SIPRNET. If all these documents were just classified as secret and were routine intel reports, they can be found and printed off by anyone with a SIPR account.

Blessed are the murderous.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/28/2010 08:34AM by eesh.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Date: July 28, 2010 08:41AM

It is time to get the fuck out of Afghanistan. Why? Because the strategy we have used simply isn't working.

We need to use the method the Israelis do. Keep your head low. Wait. And when the fuckers show themselves, kill them. We need to keep drones in the region and give Al Qaeda enough breathing room to fuck up. Then kill them.


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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Gonads & Strife ()
Date: July 28, 2010 09:05AM

I agree...we need to get out of there and re-think our strategy. My suggestion:
But seriously, we've let our enemies walk all over us because of the rules of war which only we follow.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: WingNut ()
Date: July 28, 2010 09:14AM

I just saw that Aussie knob gobbler Julian Assange on TV. What a smug and self-righteous punk this guy is. He was justifying that somehow he felt qualified to know if what he was leaking was damaging to national security.

I hope some DOJ hard liner will find some charges to go after this nancyboy with, this fucker disgusts me on every level.


Edited 21 time(s). Last edit at 5/31/1967 05:57AM by WingNut.

Last edit at 11/30/2015 01:37PM Last edit at 5/14/2015 03:52PM Last edit at 1/28/2014 05:57AM Last edit at 11/29/2015 01:10PM Last edit at 3/14/2011 11:52PM Last edit at 7/20/2012 04:07AM
Last edit at 6/29/2013 11:18PM Last edit at 3/19/2011 01:02PM Last edit at 3/26/2012 09:07PM

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: July 28, 2010 10:18AM

WingNut Wrote:
> I just saw that Aussie knob gobbler Julian Assange
> on TV. What a smug and self-righteous punk this
> guy is. He was justifying that somehow he felt
> qualified to know if what he was leaking was
> damaging to national security.
> I hope some DOJ hard liner will find some charges
> to go after this nancyboy with, this fucker
> disgusts me on every level.

I saw him interviewed on the Colbert Report (I know, "lol credible"). He freely admitted to editing the helicopter attack video.

I don't like this guy or the smug and self-righteous way he goes about his shit. Where I'm conflicted, though, is that "reputable" media outlets don't report on this stuff like they should.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: justsayin ()
Date: July 28, 2010 10:56AM

Firrat Wrote:
> We can save more lives than the informants
> we can stop situations like this from happening.
> We have killed too many civilians with "warning shots".
> We have killed hundreds of thousands of civilians
> we have not reported it.
> We have made false reports
> We are causing more
> Our method of cover up is wrong.

We we we who the fuck are you, and what have you personally done to improve all of the above? So easy to sit at a computer, throw accusations around, and propose stupid naive solutions when you aren't getting YOUR body parts blown off. Fuck you.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Firrat ()
Date: July 28, 2010 11:34AM

Our governments actions are our responsibility as "the people" of the United States. When the constitution was written... it didn't say "the 40 of us" in the preamble...

"and what have you personally done to improve all of the above?"

To improve all of the above....it starts with a voice. Certain people are put into place in the government strategically to effectively resolve certain problems we currently have.

"So easy to sit at a computer, throw accusations around, and propose stupid naive solutions when you aren't getting YOUR body parts blown off. Fuck you"

It is a task to voice out the information and allow reality to get to people so they can see the ugly side of war. Especially to a strategy that isn't working so that our troops "body parts" are no longer being "blown off".

What "naive solutions" have I proposed?

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Troll@AOL ()
Date: July 29, 2010 01:28AM

What's 'naive' is that stupid idiot civilains with not even a minute of combat or strategical military service, 'voice' their idotic opinions and condemn the US government for going to war, and how long they are taking to attain their objectives.

Grow the fuck up, wisen the fuck up, and until you do, SHUT THE FUCK UP!

"Why don't you LOSERS just pack your flower print DOUCHE BAGS
and get your stoopid @$$#$ THE FUCK OFF MY INTERNETZ!"

- 'philscamms' (the YT Watchdog) ; internet & YouTube® extraordinaire.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Britdrnva~ ()
Date: July 29, 2010 09:07AM

I agree with Firrat - we need to GTFO of there.

Honestly, ask yourselves this - do you really care about Afghanistan or Iraq? Is it worth spending hundreds of billions we don't have to spend into a sinkhole that provides no discernible benefits to the US?

On top of that we're losing or seriously injuring our own soldiers everyday - for what? We continue forward and say we will win...but win what?

They never define what "win" means. If we're going to stay til they are a thriving democracy a la USA then we're going to be there for the rest of our lives. We've been in Afghanistan for 9 years...the Taliban is still there, Osama is still out there...we've lost. It's time to cut and run. Keep small special ops in the area taking out any potential threats but get all our major ops out. It's a complete waste of American lives, dollars and resources.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: July 29, 2010 09:27AM

Firrat Wrote:

Just a word of advise to all Democrats, Liberal or what ever. I would damn sure find someone other than Dennis Kucinich to champion your causes. The guy is not just insane, he is certifiably insane.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: July 29, 2010 09:50AM

I like how he uses the excuse, It's cool because Jimmy freeking Carter says he saw one too!" And who picks Shirley McClain to be their daughter's Godmother?

Don't get me wrong I love Dennis and the spice he brings to the political landscape. I disagree with virtually everything he say's but he's a cool cat and I'd love to see him continue his presence in politics.

He is definitely a spiritual man who has used the services of the same Guru who taught Shirley McClain to talk to trees. Here is Chris Griscom:

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Firratte ()
Date: July 29, 2010 10:49AM

mcsmack Wrote:
> Firrat Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> Just a word of advise to all Democrats, Liberal or
> what ever. I would damn sure find someone other
> than Dennis Kucinich to champion your causes. The
> guy is not just insane, he is certifiably insane.
That makes him insane??? Because he witnessed and sighted a UFO????

This does not discredit him in no way. Your attempt to discredit him is rediculas. Everyone in that room that was laughing at him are clueless and lack the intelligence about other livings in our universe.

This only brings me to question your intelligence and objective, and wonder why you would try to use such a method to discredit him. His words were used against him and he was given nearly no time to explain.

UFO's do exist and before you go off running judging people and laughing at them you should look far back into history and learn where the first language came from. Look up "Sumarian".

Again... be afraid of ignorant people who judge you for your beliefs. Not the guy who presents something that no one has ever heard of

Lawfully..... Our universe is infinate and infinate cannot be constant...It continues to grow or it cannot remain infiniate. we are proof of life within the universe/space.

Mathimatically.....You cannot have have ("1"(life)/infinate) ......because of the continuation and possibilities of life forming in space/universe in an infinate amount of chances. Our existance proves that life is possible infinate times because space is infinate itself.

So lawfully it has to be (infinate posibilities of life/infinate space/universe)

This proves that other life forms do exist. They may be more advanced than we are because they have evolved and grown way before the existance of man. They may be more intelligent as well.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: eesh ()
Date: July 29, 2010 10:52AM

Firratte Wrote:

> That makes him insane??? Because he witnessed and
> sighted a UFO????
> This does not discredit him in no way. Your
> attempt to discredit him is rediculas. Everyone in
> that room that was laughing at him are clueless
> and lack the intelligence about other livings in
> our universe.
> This only brings me to question your intelligence
> and objective, and wonder why you would try to use
> such a method to discredit him. His words were
> used against him and he was given nearly no time
> to explain.
> UFO's do exist and before you go off running
> judging people and laughing at them you should
> look far back into history and learn where the
> first language came from. Look up "Sumarian".
> Again... be afraid of ignorant people who judge
> you for your beliefs. Not the guy who presents
> something that no one has ever heard of
> Lawfully..... Our universe is infinate and
> infinate cannot be constant...It continues to grow
> or it cannot remain infiniate. we are proof of
> life within the universe/space.
> Mathimatically.....You cannot have have
> ("1"(life)/infinate) ......because of the
> continuation and possibilities of life forming in
> space/universe in an infinate amount of chances.
> Our existance proves that life is possible
> infinate times because space is infinate itself.
> So lawfully it has to be (infinate posibilities of
> life/infinate space/universe)
> This proves that other life forms do exist. They
> may be more advanced than we are because they have
> evolved and grown way before the existance of man.
> They may be more intelligent as well.

Is this really Firrat or an imposter?

Blessed are the murderous.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: mcsmack ()
Date: July 29, 2010 11:05AM

eesh Wrote:
> Firratte Wrote:
> Is this really Firrat or an imposter?

Almost certain an imposter. Thats why I'm not going to jump on it.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: MrMephisto ()
Date: July 29, 2010 11:11AM

Snitches get stitches. Just sayin'.

13 4826 0948 82695 25847. Yes.

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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: help! ()
Date: July 30, 2010 07:57PM

eesh's real address:

Willi@m Zumw@lt
6828 Corder Ln Lorton, VA 22079


1320 Braddock Place
Alexandria, VA 22314-1694


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Re: Leaked War Files Expose Identities of Afghan Informants
Posted by: Vince(1) ()
Date: July 30, 2010 08:05PM

I agree with Rep Kucinich...Wake Up America!

Registered Voter...a Big talking coward..big man on FFXU...little man in life.

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