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Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Grand Old Party ()
Date: June 15, 2021 05:31PM

Why Trump? Why not some other republican? Just curious why this is?

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: He's unique ()
Date: June 15, 2021 05:38PM

Even Putin says that Trump is an excellent negotiator.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: What is meant by that ()
Date: June 15, 2021 05:44PM

He's unique Wrote:
> Even Putin says that Trump is an excellent
> negotiator.

Putin likes the fact he played Trump like a fiddle.

It was a 'win' for Moscow to see shit like this.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Trump is America ()
Date: June 15, 2021 05:46PM

Trump isn't a republican, he's an American. If you need to ask, you're a communist.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Please, enter the code ()
Date: June 15, 2021 05:47PM

I don't care about the GOP. I will vote for anyone who puts Americans first and tells the globalists and identity politics lunatics to fuck themeselves.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Libs are Nazis ()
Date: June 15, 2021 05:51PM

This is how libs align with Nazis. They align with party, not morals, ethics or values. They do whatever they are told to do. Everyone else stands with the people. Libs are incapable of ever understanding that.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Joe abuses government ()
Date: June 15, 2021 05:56PM

Trump isn’t a conservative or a liberal
He’s a business man running a giant a nasty cunt who knows the in’s and outs of government

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: DeSantis Guy ()
Date: June 15, 2021 07:00PM

Kind of trending to DeSantis at this point. Trump was needed to open our eyes to the level of corruption that exists in the deepstate. But now we need someone who can take it to the next level and can beat DC. Trump was too much of an outsider to do that. He didn't know anyone and had to rely on Ryan and McConnell, who ended up fucking him in the ass. DeSantis was a congressman for a few terms and knows better who to trust and how to play the game in DC than Trump.

But like the dude above wrote, it's not about Trump. It's about saying fuck you to the globalists and race-baiters and putting America first. Trump was the first president in my lifetime that did that. Maybe JFK did, but I wasn't alive for his presidency.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Grand Old Party ()
Date: June 15, 2021 07:03PM

Please, enter the code Wrote:
> I don't care about the GOP. I will vote for
> anyone who puts Americans first and tells the
> globalists and identity politics lunatics to fuck
> themeselves.

Out of all the responses so far this make the most sense and goes a long way to explaining Trump's popularity.

Thanks for your candor.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Caller of BS ()
Date: June 16, 2021 12:05AM

I would ask the same thing of libtards. Why Xiden?
1 he’s old
2 he’s white
3 he’s senile as fuck
4 he’s been in Washington 50 years and hasn’t done shit
5 his son is a drug addict criminal who gave 10% to the big guy from his corrupt deals
6 he is a known pedophile
7 his running mate is a cretin and fucked her way into office
8 his wife has a fake degree
9 he answers only to China and is a liar
10 did I mention he is a PEDOPHILE????

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: That is easy ()
Date: June 16, 2021 12:09AM

Caller of BS Wrote:
> I would ask the same thing of libtards. Why
> Xiden?
> 1 he’s old
> 2 he’s white
> 3 he’s senile as fuck
> 4 he’s been in Washington 50 years and hasn’t
> done shit
> 5 his son is a drug addict criminal who gave 10%
> to the big guy from his corrupt deals
> 6 he is a known pedophile
> 7 his running mate is a cretin and fucked her way
> into office
> 8 his wife has a fake degree
> 9 he answers only to China and is a liar
> 10 did I mention he is a PEDOPHILE????

He isn't a New York City con man like Trump.

Trump was elected because people voted against Hillary.
Biden was elected because people voted against Trump.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Pc retardzzzzzzzz ()
Date: June 16, 2021 12:18AM

That is easy Wrote:
> Caller of BS Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > I would ask the same thing of libtards. Why
> > Xiden?
> > 1 he’s old
> > 2 he’s white
> > 3 he’s senile as fuck
> > 4 he’s been in Washington 50 years and
> hasn’t
> > done shit
> > 5 his son is a drug addict criminal who gave
> 10%
> > to the big guy from his corrupt deals
> > 6 he is a known pedophile
> > 7 his running mate is a cretin and fucked her
> way
> > into office
> > 8 his wife has a fake degree
> > 9 he answers only to China and is a liar
> > 10 did I mention he is a PEDOPHILE????
> He isn't a New York City con man like Trump.
> Trump was elected because people voted against
> Hillary.
> Biden was elected because people voted against
> Trump.

Imagine thinking Sloppy Joe is an honest guy.
Nobody in government for almost 50 years is a good.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Dementia Joe ()
Date: June 16, 2021 12:20AM

Biden, that old senile retard should be in a nursing home.
Putin gonna have fun with that moron tomorrow.


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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Too Many Weak Republicans ()
Date: June 16, 2021 12:48AM

That look out for themselves but there still not as weak as the weakest of all peoples on earth the Democrats , as long as they ride along on the Trump train and don't cause trouble they can stay, if their RINOS we have to tolerate them to get a majority but if they act up they get kicked off in disgrace

You have to understand its not about Trump its a movement he started to bring America back to the sanity that once was our country , sanity that has been wiped out by insanity of the Democrat's and their weak social pandering for votes their lies their deception's their acceptance of a few who want to move the USA toward communism thru socialisms door because of the masses of impoverished people that have been created by importing them as illegals or by immigrants who can not take care of themselves and need public assistance from the word go till death. , their unconstitutional acts and worst of all their looking out for foreign nationals not American citizens.

Obey the US constitution and don't cherry pick our rights, secure the southern border , get this economy moving , deport the illegals not reward them for their illegal entry thats cheating on every legal immigrant that wants to come here and is waiting to come legally , but only allow those immigrants with skills we need and the ability to take care of themselves and a family to come here . Our welfare rolls are filled to the brim with domestic welfare cases . get our budget under control and US govt stop gold plating and spending recklessly government must be more spartan and offer fewer luxuries . Get our medical care system working smoothly not wrecking it inventing a new socialist program. As far as student loans they should be stopped as too many wont pay and think they should get it free , if we had our economy and budget under control it could be free starting with the first two years then moving to the full four and more for certain scholars who qualify by merit not by race. In this nation we are all equal under the constitution , so act like it US and stop the pandering to race Democrats for votes

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Scranton Con Man ()
Date: June 16, 2021 12:49AM

> He isn't a New York City con man like Trump.
> Trump was elected because people voted against
> Hillary.
> Biden was elected because people voted against
> Trump.

Joe Biden is a much bigger con man than Trump and it's not even close. Biden had millions of dollars in foreign bribes funneled to his crackhead son while he was the sitting VP. That's 3rd world level corruption. That's what you morons voted for.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Not True ()
Date: June 16, 2021 01:02AM

>Trump was elected because people voted against Hillary.
>Biden was elected because people voted against Trump.

Trump was elected because the leftist medias lies were not as powerful as Trumps message because Hillary was horrible prospect to be president she did not respect the people and her liberal elitism showed also the leftist media had a year and some months to beat Trump down not 4 years

Trump lost by a small margin due to voting irregularities in red states as well as undiscovered vote fraud with mail in voting by individual people, plus more largely the lies of the leftist media that worked against Trump for the past 4 years he was in office simply wearing down the American people to believe JOE was the best man when he was the worst ,a mere shadow compared to Trump and were seeing than now since he got in as he's on his way to worst US president of all time , by the time he's been in 6 months it will be cemented as his legacy

Why ? JOE is a weak pandering political man desperate to please his leftist handlers , not strong enough to look out for the American people and get rid of the leftists surrounding him. He's destined to be early toast as a president and he's been the butt of jokes since his swearing in speech saying he will heal us.


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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: JOES Corruption ()
Date: June 16, 2021 01:24AM

JOE is far more corrupt then Trump, all of JOES money has come from political office and books and speeches and his shady dealings with his son Hunter .JOE is a multi millionaire from all of this alone

Trump is a billionaire who took a million and turned it into 4000 times that as a New York City businessman, one of the tougher markets in the world to operate in . Forbes pegged Trumps wealth as about 4-5 billion when he first came on the political scene, he's lost considerably money as president and the current fiasco in New York is 100% politically inspired hate to get him which should be illegal . As a businessman who's holdings are international Trump can not possible know every detail of what is going on in his operations particular when he was running for president and in office as he has so much to deal with with politics , he must rely on managers to do things legally . There will probably be some issues that are not legal or right in the New York case but prove that Trump had knowledge and authorized the deals . The IRS has had Trumps taxes for years , they were under Obamas control and did not come up with anything during the campaign , also were are the legions of Trump employees telling stories of what a bad guy he is to work for , the leftist media eats that kind of stuff up lies or not and if there are some is sour grapes on the employees end the cause .Politics is lousy game where people go out of their way to harm candidates politically when the other political side is helping them to do it.

Those who bitch about Trumps business success ,sell your house or liquidate all you have and take 100k then turn it into 400 million lets see you do it

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Trump failed America ()
Date: June 16, 2021 07:34AM

Putin made dtrump drop to his knees and barck like a dog

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: not that easy it seems ()
Date: June 16, 2021 07:37AM

That is easy Wrote:

> He isn't a New York City con man like Trump.
> Trump was elected because people voted against
> Hillary.
> Biden was elected because people voted against
> Trump.

Trump lost $1 or 2 billion and didn't take a salary while president.
Xiden is worth tens of millions of $$$ on a 50-year government salary.
Trump was elected partly because people voted against Hillary.
Xiden wasn't elected at all and had to steal the presidency.

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: Brainwashed.... ()
Date: June 16, 2021 08:06AM

Not True Wrote:
> >Trump was elected because people voted against
> Hillary.
> >Biden was elected because people voted against
> Trump.
> Trump was elected because the leftist medias lies
> were not as powerful as Trumps message because
> Hillary was horrible prospect to be president she
> did not respect the people and her liberal elitism
> showed also the leftist media had a year and some
> months to beat Trump down not 4 years
> Trump lost by a small margin due to voting
> irregularities in red states as well as
> undiscovered vote fraud with mail in voting by
> individual people, plus more largely the lies of
> the leftist media that worked against Trump for
> the past 4 years he was in office simply wearing
> down the American people to believe JOE was the
> best man when he was the worst ,a mere shadow
> compared to Trump and were seeing than now since
> he got in as he's on his way to worst US president
> of all time , by the time he's been in 6 months it
> will be cemented as his legacy
> Why ? JOE is a weak pandering political man
> desperate to please his leftist handlers , not
> strong enough to look out for the American people
> and get rid of the leftists surrounding him. He's
> destined to be early toast as a president and he's
> been the butt of jokes since his swearing in
> speech saying he will heal us.

Imagine being this brain washed and believing this shit. Trump didn’t get rid of the swamp. He’s the most corrupt president in history and it’s not close. Are you bitches still beating up cops at the Capitol because waaaaah, you lost

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Re: Serious Question for Trump Supporters
Posted by: the way it is ()
Date: June 16, 2021 08:27AM

Brainwashed.... Wrote:
> Are you bitches still beating up cops
> at the Capitol because waaaaah, you lost

Image you are playing chess with someone.

You are winning the match, but everytime you take an opponents piece, he just pulls another piece from a bag and puts it back on the table.

And all during the match, the audience, all of whom were selected by your opponent, is yelling in your ear while you decide you next move.

Meanwhile, the rules of game are changed constantly by match officials to help your opponent make his moves while hindering you in your moves. And the enforcer of the rules is going out of his way to keep anyone from complaining.

Then, you take his king and win anyway. But instead of being given the winner's trophy, your opponent turns the board over and throws all the pieces away. And then the match's arbiter declares your opponent the winner.

The audience, all hand selected by your opponent, then declare him the winner as well. And anyone who says otherwise is attacked and dismissed as a kook.

Then, when anyone tries to find out what really happened, by looking at the match records of the moves each player made, they discover that the records are missing or changed or incomplete or not even in the legally mandated match record book.

And finally, the International Chess Federation rejects any appeals based on technicalities of how or who is making the appeal and finally says, "welp, the match is over and there's nothing we can do about it now."

Did you lose the chess match?

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