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Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Its me, Meade Skelton ()
Date: March 03, 2021 02:39PM

Hello everyone

By now, I am well aware that some people here have been watching some of my youtube channel content. I just wanted to let everyone know that I got a strike today on my Meade vlog channel and will not be able to upload any more content for at least 1 week.

I tried to appeal but to no avail. The video in question was "Why do i like Donald Trump" where I merely talked about his personality and why I relate to him . It was removed and youtube will not put it back up

Because of this, I do have an alternative channel on Bitchute where I will keep my "controversial" topics .

From now on, I will not be discussing any more politics on my channel, and no more "chinese thing". I'm sorry it has to be this way, but my hands are tied. This is a sad day for the 1A. Stay strong, and God Bless!

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: they treat you ()
Date: March 03, 2021 02:57PM

Like the media treats Trump. Liberals!!! You're hands are never tied,,,march on brave soldier of Truth.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Chinny, chin, chin ()
Date: March 03, 2021 03:03PM

It was this one.
download (39).gif

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Counter of chins ()
Date: March 03, 2021 03:06PM

Meade now has THREE chins?

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: we got your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ()
Date: March 03, 2021 03:31PM

Don't take this sitting down Meade. This is a violation of the 1st Amendment, give them what for!!!!! Remember your heroic charge up Monument Hill!!!!! They don;t call you Meade for nothing!!!!

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: As a matter of fact, he does ()
Date: March 03, 2021 03:32PM

Counter of chins Wrote:
> Meade now has THREE chins?
His burgeoning third chin was the main focus of the thread devoted to that vlog!


That and how much younger and better looking Meade is compared to Frank James!
IE Meade boasting about himself anonymously in the third person.

The content of the video was more of the same stuff. Like always, there was Meade's thinly veiled racism. But if it was pulled for that, YouTube could easily find a couple more instances and 'three strike' out his channel entirely.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: What are you talking about now? ()
Date: March 03, 2021 03:36PM

we got your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wrote:
> Don't take this sitting down Meade. This is a
> violation of the 1st Amendment, give them what
> for!!!!! Remember your heroic charge up Monument
> Hill!!!!! They don;t call you Meade for
> nothing!!!!

YouTube is a private company. It is THEIR rights for free speech which is protected by the first amendment. It is their discretion to what violates their 'Terms of Service' and subsequently remove.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Picking on the little guy ()
Date: March 03, 2021 03:53PM

What are you talking about now? Wrote:
> we got your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Don't take this sitting down Meade. This is a
> > violation of the 1st Amendment, give them what
> > for!!!!! Remember your heroic charge up
> Monument
> > Hill!!!!! They don;t call you Meade for
> > nothing!!!!
> YouTube is a private company. It is THEIR rights
> for free speech which is protected by the first
> amendment. It is their discretion to what violates
> their 'Terms of Service' and subsequently remove.

Why would they pick on a nobody like Meade who has less than 500 subs?

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Well dressed ()
Date: March 03, 2021 05:02PM

Picking on the little guy Wrote:
> What are you talking about now? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > we got your back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > Don't take this sitting down Meade. This is
> a
> > > violation of the 1st Amendment, give them
> what
> > > for!!!!! Remember your heroic charge up
> > Monument
> > > Hill!!!!! They don;t call you Meade for
> > > nothing!!!!
> >
> >
> > YouTube is a private company. It is THEIR
> rights
> > for free speech which is protected by the first
> > amendment. It is their discretion to what
> violates
> > their 'Terms of Service' and subsequently
> remove.
> Why would they pick on a nobody like Meade who has
> less than 500 subs?

Because, after the insurection, the social media platforms are cracking down on political misinformation.

Meade has posted that Trump is still the president, Trump won in 2020, there is a revolution coming to reinstall Trump as President, Biden and Harris should be thrown in jail, and Biden isn't really the president.

There are rumors of another attempted coop tomorrow at the White House and Capitol.

If you go, remember, it will be televised, so, don't embarrass yourself. Please wear a proper shirt, like Thomas Pink, or Tyrwhitt. If you want to go American, wear Vineyards and Vines or Brooks Bros.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Big Meade Fan ()
Date: March 03, 2021 07:01PM

What a fucking outrage. This is a violation of your constitutional rights Meade. Take it all the way to the Supreme Court if you have too, but don’t take this lying down! Meade forever.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Keep in mind... ()
Date: March 03, 2021 07:47PM

Big Meade Fan Wrote:
> What a fucking outrage. This is a violation of
> your constitutional rights Meade. Take it all the
> way to the Supreme Court if you have too, but
> don’t take this lying down! Meade forever.

The supreme court ruled differently in a similar lawsuit.


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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: SCOTUS are Meade Fans ()
Date: March 03, 2021 08:17PM

I’m sure they would look at things differently if Meade is involved. He is a national treasure

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Donny Diss Funkshun ()
Date: March 03, 2021 08:32PM

If Meade wants to to post political misinformation on Youtube, then he shouldn't delete comments that challenge him on them, like he does.
Free speech works both ways.
Donald Trump has been the worst thing to ever happen to the USA. He started all this. There will NEVER be a United States again until he and his swamp full of miscreants and terrorists are gone.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Political misinformation aside ()
Date: March 03, 2021 09:03PM

Donny Diss Funkshun Wrote:
> If Meade wants to to post political misinformation
> on Youtube, then he shouldn't delete comments that
> challenge him on them, like he does.
> Free speech works both ways.
> Donald Trump has been the worst thing to ever
> happen to the USA. He started all this. There will
> NEVER be a United States again until he and his
> swamp full of miscreants and terrorists are gone.

I wonder how much of his racist rhetoric had to do with the decision to delete his video. He tries not to say anything overtly racist and does use a lot of innuendo..."Those people"..."WHITE house"... but he does get his racist point across.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Behold the master race! ()
Date: March 03, 2021 10:36PM

Keep your chins up! Don't let them get to you, you talentless fat fuck

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Date: March 04, 2021 12:59AM

do it on bitchute

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Sniffers ()
Date: March 04, 2021 01:11AM

It was removed for spreading disinformation on the election results.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: peep ()
Date: March 04, 2021 01:34AM

Sniffers Wrote:
> It was removed for spreading disinformation on the
> election results.

Time for bed.

He who laughs last, laughs the longest

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Reginald Wentworth III ()
Date: March 04, 2021 09:08AM

SCOTUS are Meade Fans Wrote:
> I’m sure they would look at things differently
> if Meade is involved. He is a national treasure

And a virgin. Meade was an Intel before it was a thing.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Red lion ()
Date: March 04, 2021 09:43AM

Donny Diss Funkshun Wrote:
> If Meade wants to to post political misinformation
> on Youtube, then he shouldn't delete comments that
> challenge him on them, like he does.
> Free speech works both ways.
> Donald Trump has been the worst thing to ever
> happen to the USA. He started all this. There will
> NEVER be a United States again until he and his
> swamp full of miscreants and terrorists are gone.

You are absolutely correct, Sir. Freedom of speech is freedom of debate, not freedom to say whatever crap you want. If Meade actually did delete comments challenging his assertions, it was Meade who violated "the spirit" of the First Ammendment. For Meade to then claim he was the victim is disengenuous, at best.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Got that right ()
Date: March 04, 2021 12:17PM

Red lion Wrote:
> Donny Diss Funkshun Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If Meade wants to to post political
> misinformation
> > on Youtube, then he shouldn't delete comments
> that
> > challenge him on them, like he does.
> > Free speech works both ways.
> > Donald Trump has been the worst thing to ever
> > happen to the USA. He started all this. There
> will
> > NEVER be a United States again until he and his
> > swamp full of miscreants and terrorists are
> gone.
> You are absolutely correct, Sir. Freedom of
> speech is freedom of debate, not freedom to say
> whatever crap you want. If Meade actually did
> delete comments challenging his assertions, it was
> Meade who violated "the spirit" of the First
> Ammendment. For Meade to then claim he was the
> victim is disengenuous, at best.
This is exactly right.

It should be better known that 'freedom of speech' doesn't apply to things like YouTube, Twitter or even FFXU. The first amendment says government cannot impinge on the rights of Private citizens. That is not the same thing as a Private entity having standards of conduct for people who utilize their services or products.

That said, 'freedom of speech' is not 'freedom from consequences' for that speech. If a person says something stupid and is called out on it. That original speaker is not having their rights taken away, the other person is just exercising their free speech rights.

FFXU is as close to mimicking 'freedom of speech' as any site these days but still there is a 'sticky thread' on top which says certain things are verbotin.

We should all be grateful that FFXU allows as much as it does.

We can watch Meade's third chin grow and grow.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Genuine criticism ()
Date: March 08, 2021 09:45AM

Meade I hope you read this because I want to give you a fair opinion as opposed to the general trolling extreme hatred and false praise. Your voice is fine, you generally tend to land pretty spot on with the pitch through out the melodies, but your overall style or "sound" is ridiculous. If you want to just do your own thing and do it for the sheer reward of doing it more power to you, but if you are really passionate about music learn more of other styles and how to incorporate aspects of it into your own music. Also, chill out with the vibrato, a little here and there is a nice surprise but you seem more likely to end a line with it than not. Stevie nicks wasnt that bad she gets lampooned as a goat. You seem to spend way too much time in a major key or possibly just in the ionian mode I didnt bother really analyzing it in depth enough to be sure which is more prevalent, most music on the radio is in a blues or minor key. Major songs often sound like their intended to get stuck in your head and terrorize you all day. Lastly, you want to put out relatable vibes both in your songs and your personality. It's fine to have an opinion on divisive topics but it's often best to not engage in discussion about it if you can avoid it, at the least try not to sound offputting with it. Just keeping a "we can disagree and still love each other" approach would really help you market yourself, you sometimes come off extremely smug sounding.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Meades Third Voice in his Head ()
Date: March 08, 2021 09:53AM

Genuine criticism Wrote:
> Meade I hope you read this because I want to give
> you a fair opinion as opposed to the general
> trolling extreme hatred and false praise. Your
> voice is fine, you generally tend to land pretty
> spot on with the pitch through out the melodies,
> but your overall style or "sound" is ridiculous.
> If you want to just do your own thing and do it
> for the sheer reward of doing it more power to
> you, but if you are really passionate about music
> learn more of other styles and how to incorporate
> aspects of it into your own music. Also, chill out
> with the vibrato, a little here and there is a
> nice surprise but you seem more likely to end a
> line with it than not. Stevie nicks wasnt that bad
> she gets lampooned as a goat. You seem to spend
> way too much time in a major key or possibly just
> in the ionian mode I didnt bother really analyzing
> it in depth enough to be sure which is more
> prevalent, most music on the radio is in a blues
> or minor key. Major songs often sound like their
> intended to get stuck in your head and terrorize
> you all day. Lastly, you want to put out relatable
> vibes both in your songs and your personality.
> It's fine to have an opinion on divisive topics
> but it's often best to not engage in discussion
> about it if you can avoid it, at the least try not
> to sound offputting with it. Just keeping a "we
> can disagree and still love each other" approach
> would really help you market yourself, you
> sometimes come off extremely smug sounding.

We do I get the feeling this another Meade Skelton "Personality" that is posting from.

I really do think there are some psychotic episodes going on with Meade.

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Re: Hello, this is Meade Skelton. My Youtube channel got a strike.
Posted by: Yeah....right ()
Date: March 08, 2021 01:28PM

Meades Third Voice in his Head Wrote:
> Genuine criticism Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Meade I hope you read this because I want to
> give
> > you a fair opinion as opposed to the general
> > trolling extreme hatred and false praise. Your
> > voice is fine, you generally tend to land
> pretty
> > spot on with the pitch through out the
> melodies,
> > but your overall style or "sound" is
> ridiculous.
> > If you want to just do your own thing and do it
> > for the sheer reward of doing it more power to
> > you, but if you are really passionate about
> music
> > learn more of other styles and how to
> incorporate
> > aspects of it into your own music. Also, chill
> out
> > with the vibrato, a little here and there is a
> > nice surprise but you seem more likely to end a
> > line with it than not. Stevie nicks wasnt that
> bad
> > she gets lampooned as a goat. You seem to spend
> > way too much time in a major key or possibly
> just
> > in the ionian mode I didnt bother really
> analyzing
> > it in depth enough to be sure which is more
> > prevalent, most music on the radio is in a
> blues
> > or minor key. Major songs often sound like
> their
> > intended to get stuck in your head and
> terrorize
> > you all day. Lastly, you want to put out
> relatable
> > vibes both in your songs and your personality.
> > It's fine to have an opinion on divisive topics
> > but it's often best to not engage in discussion
> > about it if you can avoid it, at the least try
> not
> > to sound offputting with it. Just keeping a "we
> > can disagree and still love each other"
> approach
> > would really help you market yourself, you
> > sometimes come off extremely smug sounding.
> We do I get the feeling this another Meade Skelton
> "Personality" that is posting from.
> I really do think there are some psychotic
> episodes going on with Meade.

Meade wouldn't say nice things about a girl singer like Stevie Nicks.

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