Red lion Wrote:
> Donny Diss Funkshun Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If Meade wants to to post political
> misinformation
> > on Youtube, then he shouldn't delete comments
> that
> > challenge him on them, like he does.
> > Free speech works both ways.
> > Donald Trump has been the worst thing to ever
> > happen to the USA. He started all this. There
> will
> > NEVER be a United States again until he and his
> > swamp full of miscreants and terrorists are
> gone.
> You are absolutely correct, Sir. Freedom of
> speech is freedom of debate, not freedom to say
> whatever crap you want. If Meade actually did
> delete comments challenging his assertions, it was
> Meade who violated "the spirit" of the First
> Ammendment. For Meade to then claim he was the
> victim is disengenuous, at best.
This is exactly right.
It should be better known that 'freedom of speech' doesn't apply to things like YouTube, Twitter or even FFXU. The first amendment says government cannot impinge on the rights of Private citizens. That is not the same thing as a Private entity having standards of conduct for people who utilize their services or products.
That said, 'freedom of speech' is not 'freedom from consequences' for that speech. If a person says something stupid and is called out on it. That original speaker is not having their rights taken away, the other person is just exercising their free speech rights.
FFXU is as close to mimicking 'freedom of speech' as any site these days but still there is a 'sticky thread' on top which says certain things are verbotin.
We should all be grateful that FFXU allows as much as it does.
We can watch Meade's third chin grow and grow.