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One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: cw ()
Date: April 20, 2007 08:39PM

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: TrickiL ()
Date: April 21, 2007 01:52PM

I just posted on another web site for teachers about this. I got blasted. here is why. My mom used to say stuff like this to me all the time. Even worse. She was a WW2 vet with a fiery Irish temper and a mouth like the sailor she was! Did it scar me for life? heck no. I just did what she said and I dit it pronto before she kicked my a$$ over the border into Canada!!! However all these teachers are saying this kid will be scarred for life, it's emotional abuse, etc. Heck the nuns yelled at us worse than this in grade school!!!!


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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 23, 2007 04:14PM

Totally agree with you Tricki. The guy was even-toned and in control - it's called a tongue-lashing and ten to one the kid deserved it. Now Basinger has hired a bodyguard as a legal maneuver - to emphasize the sense of fear inflicted on she and her child by this madman... Now that's the kind of behavior that's gonna make that kid a complete piece of crap!

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: Herndon Cutie ()
Date: April 23, 2007 07:19PM

I hope to God that the two of you don't have kids. Just because adults spoke to us that way when we were kids doesn't make it right. He is taking his anger toward his ex-wife out on his kid. Threatening her saying how he is going to take a flight and blah blah blah. Parenting 101 lesson: Don't threaten your kids with what you are going to do; just do it. Betcha it's going to come out soon he is in AA or drug rehab.

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: FairF4x0r ()
Date: April 23, 2007 09:33PM

The only problem I had with the call was the part near the end where he said he was going to "straighten her out" when he saw her next, or whatever the wording was.

Everyone is a loser in a family situation like that, but I know enough divorced dads with teenage daughters to know exactly what's going on there... I'm sure the daughter has figured out how to play one parent off the other to her advantage and Baldwin finally blew up over it. Of course whenever I see that it rarely ends well at all for the kid... the conflict gets so deep and the anger so great among all parties that relationships are damaged permanently.

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: One of the Baldwin Boyz ()
Date: April 24, 2007 09:29AM

I commend the man for speaking his mind. He needs to take it a step further and give the cunt wife a good beating......

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: TrickiL ()
Date: April 24, 2007 10:15AM

Well Herndon Cutie, I do have a kid. He is 23 but I had to get his mind straight a few times when he was a preteen and a teenager. We certainly had some "come to Jesus moments" at our house!!!
And by the way, so what if Baldwin is in AA. At least people in AA recognize their problems and are doing something about it.
I agree with the above poster that Kim Basinger is a wacko. She is milking this for all it's worth. Baldwin is lucky to be rid of her.


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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 24, 2007 02:33PM

Was amazed at how young my kids were when they began to manipulate us, clumsily playing one off against the other... It's always been about rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior - and that latter part sometimes ain't pretty.

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: April 26, 2007 03:47PM

Ireland is a cool name for a kid

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2007 06:17PM by ferfux.

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: Herndon Cutie ()
Date: April 26, 2007 07:14PM

TrickiL Wrote:
> Well Herndon Cutie, I do have a kid. He is 23 but
> I had to get his mind straight a few times when he
> was a preteen and a teenager. We certainly had
> some "come to Jesus moments" at our house!!!
> And by the way, so what if Baldwin is in AA. At
> least people in AA recognize their problems and
> are doing something about it.
> I agree with the above poster that Kim Basinger is
> a wacko. She is milking this for all it's worth.
> Baldwin is lucky to be rid of her.
> Trickie

Wait a minute...first of all you if you are referring to the previous posting you support beating women? Maybe I am misinterpreting your comments but this man is abusive and you are supporting it. I agree with "come to Jesus" moments but that is totally different than calling your young daughter a pig. Maybe she is a brat but that is the parents fault. Why the hell does she have a cell phone at 10 years old anyway?

Also, there is nothing wrong with AA, my point was that he may have a drinking or drug problem and will use that as an excuse for his behavior.

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: TrickiL ()
Date: April 26, 2007 10:06PM


Could you please point out where I advocated beating women?? I do agree with you about the cell phone though. I also think the ex wife should also bear some of the criticism.

But I still contend his rant was not that bad. That was my opinion.


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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 27, 2007 05:33PM

Herdon Cutie is going to have kids one day and at least one of them is not going to be a little angel like all the members of the ferfux clan. By that time her dumbass ignorant statements made here will likely not be jumping to the fore...

(vets of various conflicts? what the fuck's that got to do with anything? irish tempers? were they potato-eating drunks too? Oh, I see: name calling - uncool, cultural stereotypes - cooooooooollllll...)

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: ferfux ()
Date: April 27, 2007 06:15PM

:burpgun: Wrote:
> Herdon Cutie is going to have kids one day and at
> least one of them is not going to be a little
> angel like all the members of the ferfux clan. By
> that time her dumbass ignorant statements made
> here will likely not be jumping to the fore...
> (vets of various conflicts? what the fuck's that
> got to do with anything? irish tempers? were
> they potato-eating drunks too? Oh, I see: name
> calling - uncool, cultural stereotypes -
> cooooooooollllll...)

no jack hole i was responding to Trickie's post.

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 28, 2007 06:09AM

Retraction by edit - that's a pretty punk-ass move...

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: Herndon Cutie ()
Date: April 28, 2007 05:15PM

The only punk ass here is you. Your children must be so proud.

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Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by: :burpgun: ()
Date: April 28, 2007 07:22PM

Depth AND eloquence, bet your phone rings off the hook...

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