Re: One mad guy Alec Baldwin
Posted by:
Herndon Cutie
Date: April 26, 2007 07:14PM
TrickiL Wrote:
> Well Herndon Cutie, I do have a kid. He is 23 but
> I had to get his mind straight a few times when he
> was a preteen and a teenager. We certainly had
> some "come to Jesus moments" at our house!!!
> And by the way, so what if Baldwin is in AA. At
> least people in AA recognize their problems and
> are doing something about it.
> I agree with the above poster that Kim Basinger is
> a wacko. She is milking this for all it's worth.
> Baldwin is lucky to be rid of her.
> Trickie
Wait a minute...first of all you if you are referring to the previous posting you support beating women? Maybe I am misinterpreting your comments but this man is abusive and you are supporting it. I agree with "come to Jesus" moments but that is totally different than calling your young daughter a pig. Maybe she is a brat but that is the parents fault. Why the hell does she have a cell phone at 10 years old anyway?
Also, there is nothing wrong with AA, my point was that he may have a drinking or drug problem and will use that as an excuse for his behavior.