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Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: breitbart 89 ()
Date: July 16, 2020 02:11PM


(note - Belarus is part of russia, but if you read propaganda spread by google and china, it appears it is not part of russia and fighting russian influence. like ukraine - russia built belarus up - local "state" belarus politicians want to "run with the money" and get "a new price from russia for their resources". russia, who invested in the area and has resoruces there, is of course frowning on those politicians. parts of russia are "rich enclaves" and wish to stay that way by splitting off from the "country" of russia that built industry there to serve russia)

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: TDCXU ()
Date: July 16, 2020 02:12PM


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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: gtbhn trewq ()
Date: July 16, 2020 02:12PM

Why Belarus is Missing in World War II History | BelarusDigestbelarusdigest.com › story › why-belarus-is-missing-in-...
May 8, 2012 - Belarusian history of the Second World War hides yet another skeleton in the closet – people who cooperated with the German administration


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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: sodifj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 02:30PM

barn yard terrorism. germans used "scorched earth" (destroy crops and farms) - and hung any jew or able bodied males they found (some were "sent to slave camps"). but in general that part of russia was defenseless: they were part of russia, small town (had one small farm city misk), no weapons to speak of.

the number of people in that region of russia, at that time during wwiii, might be getting continually inflated by Wikipedia History Wreckers
Screen Shot 2020-07-16 at 2.16.30 PM.png

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: gtbr tre ()
Date: July 16, 2020 02:32PM

TDCXU Wrote:
> .

Gerrymanderer2 (G2, the OP original poster or spammer just above, perhaps both) posts several lies on ffu daily - many think he's a fx co gov worker who is getting paid to do it for false DNC democrat "advertising". He floods ffu with useless posts to bump down major news, demoralize americans. G2 posts fecal matter, mutilated bodies, child porn, foreign drug ads and sneaker ads, tells people to kill themselves and government should seize them and put them on psych pills in prison without a trial - decided by DNC democrats gov workers, promotes kangaroo courthouse trials, gives anti-religious rants, gives satanic ritual rants, posts black males with large dicks on white young females, portends white low birth rate and fall of USA whites, suggestive of food tampering/poisoning to solve the white problem, and anything possible to demoralize any americans on ffu - all of which are fake news he never responds to proofs it is fake. (perhaps g2 is a chinese prisoner or isis member - but definitely knowledgeable of fx co gov from the inside at times). The website operator has told him "not to post or return" (in an existing post by the sysop): not because of a political leaning but for continual illegal and gross spam along with messages that are only to demoralize if not kill others. G2 plays at financial terrorism as well; continually reporting fake and false financial data. G2 fakes emergency pleas to deaden the real response to any real one - like a devil. G2 continually spams FFU - which all users complain of: it is a real DoS attack - the attacks are not just topic bumps but designed to inject key words to kill ffu and google search results. G2 continually promotes drug use, alcoholic experimentation, and tries to convince members to meet hookers using photos from the 1990's (i doubt any that did are not arrested or dead). G2 continually posts racist posts and gay posts egging others to comment - then attacks who does - AND RECORDS IT (likely for political extortion). G2 and dems MONITOR AND RECORD* "conservatives who blast out these democrat lies and illegal abuse of telephone privilege (sometimes in a raw manner, being so jaded by the job)" (users who object to G2's actions listed so far). One ffu member discovered a south american country recording FFU databasing all posts in a non-chat database format - and when questioned - another member quickly said it was all coincidence and that this was done everywhere in the world on all sites: WHICH IS A LIE. Not all countries record the every word of what fairfaxians say on blogs. Extortion is also mentioned by G2. And the idea he's fishing for comments he can use against anyone who'd run for office is "just assume he's in that business" - and i've warned others that is what he fishes for - excuses to attack conservatives and or to extort them.



G2 has now been wimpering that anti-G2 posts are "unfair" and that users who protest G2 should be blocked, SWATTED (see above), and forced on medications (see above), and that "someone else is G2". However - do not let the vicious foreign attacker fool you into your death our out of your community: G2 has been active since exactly the beginning of 2017 "hillary has already won the election" set of lies and has only DOUBLED spam recently - yes the suicide taunting of others, false information, and all else listed above. He is not wimpering for help he has doubled the spam and vicious attacks (or they, communist/facist using federal money. I pinned him correctly when I began this warning post.



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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: s89dffj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 02:49PM


wikipdedia google china are currently deleting past historic maps and keeping "surviving copies" (that they have, which they've altered) in libraries for prices no-one will pay to see them

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: frgtbrew ()
Date: July 16, 2020 02:54PM


wikipedia redirects "Prussia" to "Feudalism" (which i read about before wikipedia attacked the subject with fake news, thank you) - depicting prussia (per say, redirected) as being full of castles armies and wars. IT WAS NONE OF THOSE, it was the outlands, farms, very small farming towns (minks ,where farming trade happened).

Prussia has zero to do with feudalism.

Feudalism was an outbreak of war throughout europe - noting england was part of it, where wars were between "white families" (tribes) because law had completely been set aside (there was no laws)

after 100 years of continual bloodshed, finally legal agreements were made to settle feudal disputes "IN COURTS" and feudalism itslef (war between families not ordained by the kings) WAS OUTLAWED

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: rfgtbrew ()
Date: July 16, 2020 03:02PM

The two decades after the unification of Germany were the peak of Prussia's fortunes, but the seeds for potential strife were built into the Prusso-German political system.

another fact about large farming areas with small towns is, like Luxembourgh (who's history is clearer on wikipedia and is as follows)

they were continually attacked by surrounding kings with military, their crops seized

"protestors" in those areas were simple: a king would send troops and kill every male protester

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: rfgtbrew ()
Date: July 16, 2020 03:03PM

now, germany claims it owned prussia, and so did russia, and in 2020 people who didn't even have descendants in the area in those time periods are claiming it had been an idependant state

that's wikipedia for you: 100% lies, and lies that china, spain, iran, muslims are pushing

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 098fkdd ()
Date: July 16, 2020 03:28PM

the fact is that "the kings" beat the hell out of small farming towns and claimed ownership of all lands

Donald Trump's Wife is from Slovenia, from a family still on a farm, a very small country that was probably attacked continually by neighbors

likely the only reason her family survived is they were "useful idiots" of the kings doing the raids and when certain kings claiming to own "all the land" were toppled in wars, her family, on that land, got ownership they had not previously had. probably many of her male ancestors were killed simply because they were able bodied males not needed for farming: and so were a threat - to invaders that is.

many people in the areas between germany and russian "own land" but how they got "actual ownership" was likely: WWI and WWII - the kings who held title on everything and killed and robbed farms at will ... "to some effect disappeared"

persons pre-WWI who claimed "they owned land", "had a right to the crops", and to sell the crops ... they were killed ... they were called "protesters"

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: osdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 03:38PM

the truth is slovenians don't have much literature on attacks made on farmers because it was all contraban, they'd be killed for having it in the library

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: s0df ()
Date: July 16, 2020 03:44PM

many new artworks are depicting slovenia


as a kind of utopia of the past


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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: they're breaking away fromRussia ()
Date: July 16, 2020 03:54PM

They were close to Russia for a long time, and are now saying 'fuck putin'.

Trump has finally done something right - this is a humiliation for putin

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: oisdfjf ()
Date: July 16, 2020 03:57PM

If you google melania's biography: you ONLY get hits for fake news: google, wikipdeia, NYTIMES, no biography


I would be totally shocked if I learned Melania never had farming duties/chores/imperatives as a child.

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: o8sdff ()
Date: July 16, 2020 07:23PM

An example of how un-truthful wikipdia is, is Scottland. The scottish king issued "daily wishes / demands" which were "law" (called "scott's law")

Scottland was ravaged by poverty (some very rich, others so poor as to make one tear)

people were pushed into hiding in Sewers (yes, fetid water and disease), and murdered there

SCOTTLAND WAS BADLY INFLICTED BY FEUDAL WARS. it's also geographically nowhere fucking near Prussia

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 98sdf ()
Date: July 16, 2020 07:25PM

video games "RPG" still depict bumbs in sewers

though Millenials are fucking clueless how the original imagery got in the games by D&D

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 08sdfk ()
Date: July 16, 2020 07:41PM


Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, extra levels for non-digitally played game

(AD&D also release all of the original RPG PC game titles, though many companies took the ideas and "ran with it")

why are there people in the sewers? it was not fantasy that began it: it was historical fact that turned to fantasy

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: o89sdf ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:00PM

(again, according to above wikipdedia article, "feudalism" )

"Feudalism was a combination of legal, economic, military and cultural customs that flourished in Medieval Europe between the 9th and 15th centuries" MY ASS

(there is no such thing as a feudal period in europe per say, as europe was ruled by kings from ancient times till around 500BC the 1500 or 1800 AD, it was all feudal rulers, meaning ruling families)

"the dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labor, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection."

the "good period" was the rennessaince just after the black plague. there were plenty of farms and jobs - because 1/2 of everybody died. good times, but bad memories of why things were so good.

there was no flourishing culture of rich militants. never happened. they killed the poor - any that protested. that did happen.

FEUDAL WAR - THE DARK AGES 566–1095 - Erenowerenow.net › postclassical › the-age-of-faith-a-history-o...
FEUDAL WAR - Feudalism and Chivalry 600–1200 - THE DARK AGES 566– 1095 - The Age of Faith: A History of Medieval Civilization (Christian, Islamic, and ...

FEUDAL MEANS, archaic, family. it refers to family wars. it was war between families.


were not just war between kings of the past - the feudal wars had spread between the every day families - that's how far bad things had gone and why a european national solution was "about required". almost every farm had blood wars with every other farm in places

wikipedia says 9th and 15th centuries. in the 15th century THEY WERE HANGING KINGS, NOT FLOURISHING UNDER THEM, and europeans were already setting foot in the USA

those fucking lying sacks of shit

another misfact is wiki has labeled the "black plague" period as part of the successful feudal period. you think?

and then also credicaed feudalism (killing pesants) with succss up the 1500's, when there was a world war (english, french, germans, hispanics atttack all the above) and they were killing kings. you think?

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: o89sdf ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:01PM

there were quiet times of respite in history under kings, not many, they were mostly AFTER THE TIME OF CHRIST and can likely be attributed to Christianity lawfulness and successful farming logging and cultural exchange

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: o89sdf ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:06PM

another lie is that these feudal lords were "the ruling government"


small towns hated them and tried to keep them out - and had their own quiet systems of rules and really, only feared "outsiders"

feudal warriors would come in rape and pillage with troupes of small towns

the small towns wanted nothing to do with these total assholes: saying, historically, these small towns were part of a feudal government?????

government??? they weren't governments they were armed town killers with no plans but to raid markets and towns

feudal governments my ass. no such thing.

they were not "governments" at all

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: o9sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:12PM


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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 897sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:14PM

ok. now how many farm irrigation systems were built using tax money from feudal taxation, assuming feudalism was a "government" - as opposed to irrigation built by farmers themselves without government aid who had crops taken by "feudalists and feudal war"

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 897sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:21PM

the Greek then Roman systems began democracy, greece died in an explosion, rome slipped into poverty due also to natural disasters - but in europe things were still firmly feudal

europe had university law from rome but really didn't pay it much creedence except as how to better insist the poor do things to benefit the rich

europe, simply put, they sent out troops to kill farmers who protested or who weren't successful or were in an area that a feudal lord had new offspring who wished to occupy the land

feudal lords didn't build fishing ships for food supply - but individuals did. feudal kings built war ships mostly.

did feudal kings build aquaducts? in rome yes tbut rome WAS NOT FEUDAL, at the time. to serve the king and crew in their own cities yes. did feudal kings bring water to the burbs? hell no. water wheels and windmills NOT built by feudal lords did.

you can say feudal lords brought education - but actualLY they ATTACKED EDUCATION - MOST KINGS BELIEVED EDUCATION EMPOWERED AND ENDANGERED THE RICH, and simply forbid the poor to have anything liek (an almanac, a book of manufacturing methods, anything practical). one could and would be killed for having such practical books

spain - they killed anyone not in the spanish la familia for having any seeds of any crops that were "controlled by the spanish king"

feudalism was a government?

pull the other one

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 897sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:33PM

did the kings make forges to make farming goods? well no, local blacksmiths did, and they had to collect the wood and barter for food. government had nothing to do with life back then hardly, EXCEPT THAT YOU HAD TO PAY or bet attacked

now where did feudalism come in? probably and only in the form of the famous SHIPPING COMPANIES (that mostly only the rich could endeavor in) which were actually part of what wars were about, the success of the shipping companies. you were forced to buy anything they were selling, and they took anything they pleased to sell abroad.

socrates visited egypt to learn the ropes, and was a school teacher ... but that was a democracy, not a feudal, economy

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 897sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:37PM

there was a famous culture in the med, on an island, who thrived on shipping and trade and also were not "feudal" - but they were blown off the map in a natural disaster (the minotians were they?). they were all the rage greeks and romans traded with them through them with other cultures

but not via feudalism

china and india tried to export feudalism into italy via the trade route, but italians killed them and said "price per pound, were selling for profit, and your troops aren't coming down this road"

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 897sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:38PM

one also cannot argue that feudalism brought trade. that would just be a huge lie

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: osidfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:43PM


while feudal kings were involved, great trade routes and wealth were not, in general, created or maintained by feudal families. more the case is traders would attempt to buy (say, garlic) without the indian government ever knowing where the farm was selling it to them

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 09sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:49PM


hindus were feudal and treated their population terribly

but surviving that (if you did), their religion has a section of feeding well for healthiness, and as a result india had developed excellent farming - enough to generate exports, and italians traveled far to trade with them

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Re: Belarus - that was mostly crops burned by germans and small defenseless towns who the Russians saved during WWII - now claiming "Russia took over their country after WWII"
Posted by: 09sdfj ()
Date: July 16, 2020 08:52PM

(the silk road). in china the rumor is trade began (before the silk road) when a local ruler decided for business sake he had to unify trade, and began marking boxes as to which region they would come from and go to, so he was the first to make use of a "postal system" for the purpose of increasing trade

he was not a government leader however - it was not by taxation and feudal leadership he began the practice. infact they reported he was trying to increase his own business success as well as correct the wrongs of "random deliveries" that went to waste

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