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what is so funny Wrote:
> about a guy helping out someone else? very
> unlikely she blocked him after that.
No one thinks it's funny except for the ones who pretend to have had sex with her and are pretending to be in contact with her now. They wish they didn't have to pretend.
She did not block Miz Wrote:
> No one thinks it's funny except for
the majority of people who know all of the physical and emotional pain lizzie has caused miz and the humiliation she brought on him and his family find it fucking hilarious! nobody in their right mind would ever speak to someone who smashed their head open...
speak for yourself hes pathetic Wrote:
> only moreno spent a few thousand bucks on lizzie
> for fines and her truck just to get blocked
I guess she is done using him for a spell. She is taking advantage of his insanity. No wonder he is manically trashing Eesh.
he's been kinda quiet today but don't blame lizzie. you can't take advantage of someone who willingly gives you money because he's so cripplingly lonely. he knows she has a girlfriend. there's plenty of fish in the sea.
speak for yourself hes pathetic Wrote:
> he's been kinda quiet today but don't blame
> lizzie. you can't take advantage of someone who
> willingly gives you money because he's so
> cripplingly lonely. he knows she has a girlfriend.
> there's plenty of fish in the sea.
She took monetary advantage of the fact that Miz is an easily manipulated emotional cripple. Of course, he willingly does dumbass things. Both of them need to be kept far away from real people. As long as they are hurting each other, things are as they should be.
still can't agree with that. he knows what she did to him in the past and still choose to give her money. he most likely did it out of guilt for putting her in jail then realizing he only hurt himself more. who the fuck else would ever deal with that guy? he has absolutely nobody now.
Starting to believe all of that was lies and trolling. Someone posted her SSDI deposit from Facebook, so she obviously has money of her own. She and her girlfriend live in an apartment and have to be paying for it someway.
The deposit was $1200. So if she gets $1200 a month, that's more than enough to pay off her own fines and buy a truck. Doubtful she has been in contact with him.
speak for yourself hes pathetic Wrote:
> still can't agree with that. he knows what she did
> to him in the past and still choose to give her
> money. he most likely did it out of guilt for
> putting her in jail then realizing he only hurt
> himself more. who the fuck else would ever deal
> with that guy? he has absolutely nobody now.
I'm not saying he isn't a fucker. I love watching his destruction. My only point is that Lizzie did take advantage of this gullible nut hut strutting retarded tampon. If she is going to play somebody that way, better Miz than anyone else. However, playing people like that is fucked up.
I get it sort of... Wrote:
> If she is going to play somebody
> that way, better Miz than anyone else. However,
> playing people like that is fucked up.
She isn't playing him. That was somebody playing us. He didn't pay for anything, lizzie has her own money.
1200 x 8 = 9,600 + 1,200 stim check from trump = 10800 + whatever backpay she got. She has had over 10 grand since getting out of prison. She doesn't need him.
Lizzie gets social secuirty too Wrote:
> I get it sort of... Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > If she is going to play somebody
> > that way, better Miz than anyone else. However,
> > playing people like that is fucked up.
> She isn't playing him. That was somebody playing
> us. He didn't pay for anything, lizzie has her own
> money.
Good to know...Those comments appeared while I was typing mine.
What were you going to say? Also, if she is getting unemployment too she'll end up with at least 20 or 30 grand by the end of the year. Miz is old news to her.