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AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: breitbart tech ()
Date: March 09, 2020 01:43PM


Their new tech move hopes bridge the gap of loosing DirectTV Dish customers. They have revamped their offering to sell TV to the internet crowd.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: breitbart tech ()
Date: March 09, 2020 01:44PM

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 01:56PM


Wikipedia, that lying euro-democrat website, says the french developed fiber optic cable in 1840. chinese scientist are promoting photos and articles saying asians inveted it.

THE TRUTH IS AT&T DEVELOPED FIBER OPTIC INTO A MASSIVELY PROFITABLE PRODUCT AND INSTALLED IT NATION WIDE AND THEN UNDER SEA, and other american tech companies like Intel made surges in small end technology (network cards for smaller use)

take a 2nd look at the photo: it was taken before china even had a manufacturing boom in the 80's / 90's. it's at&t. usa had telephone before china had toilets.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 01:57PM

where fiber optic didn't come from: europe. cables came from usa to europe, not the other way around.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:01PM

the reason why CHINA has released tons of photos showing chinese labs using fiber - because they have refused to import fiber from usa (AS USUAL) and are marketing it to other countries (iran) and trying to force sales of chinese fiber to USA whole they stole it from

all the research photos are bunk. chinese never led the research on fiber and still don't.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:18PM

we can excuse europe for having lots of great research and (in the past) failing to make products from the ideas like USA did and "being sore about it" - after all USA doesn't say they didn't learn from them.

BUT THE CHINESE DELETING facts off the internet making it look like they are the real fiber optic creators and have been deep in innovation: THAT'S A LIE, and it involves deleting other people's history.

he got that fiber cable from the usa in 2000's: china made those photos in the 2000's

this fake photo released by china, on a china web site, says china, not Bell Labs, developed the first marketable Fiber Optic cable and research. IT'S A TOTAL FUCKING LIE and a fake photo

china was 2 story buildings in the 1980's: they didn't have large government research facilities in the 1960's. infact - when Japan attacked china they were loosing badly due to lack of military technology and needed USA's aid - though they outnumbered the japanese hugely.


In 1935, American Eastman Kodak introduced the first modern "integral tripack" color film and called it Kodachrome

If you GOOGLE (google is a traitor bastard) Bell Labs - Google doesn't show you a single photo. Instead google shows you mostly asian research photos which are ALL LIES


you have to go to AT&T website to find real Bell Lab photos

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:19PM

220px-Kodachrome_box.JPG since 1935 ...

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:21PM


what history really looked like

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:24PM


Guess what? TWITTER says this nigger created most of america's high tech: quote

"Shirley Ann Jackson became the first African-American woman to get a doctorate at MIT. The invention of the portable fax, touch-tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic cables, caller ID, and call-waiting stem from her research at Bell Labs."

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:30PM


Bell / AT&T launched this in 1962 - not to bomb the russians or weaponize space - to provide long distance telephone

and no matter what the asians tell you, millenials, it was DEFINITELY england and usa that developed radar and computers - the kind you use today

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: rtghtr ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:32PM


unfortunately very non-PC masculine looking men laid the most PC lines

ironic isn't it? (really they wern't considered very masculine in those times)

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: r4tgthtre ()
Date: March 09, 2020 02:32PM

That evening, Telstar 1 also relayed the first satellite telephone call, between U.S. vice-president Lyndon Johnson and the chairman of AT&T, Frederick Kappel.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 03:54PM

while color photos have been around since at least early 1800's - it was not until the 1960s when color truly started to dominate the world. more specifically people had old cameras and the "new stuff" (and processing fees) were "expensive" so not everyone had one

(einstien's famous 1950's photo is in b&w)

fiber optics were researched and put into action in the 1970's. no photographer (amsel adams besides?) used b&w. you might see b&w re-prints because news papers (never) went color.

(In 1981, General Electric produced fused quartz ingots that could be drawn into strands 25 miles (40 km) long - which is what brought mere lab fancy into action. G.E.)

btw every wikipedia article you read on fiber cites someone else "invented it" or different stories on how it developed. because it's MOSTLY FAKE.

(what is true is, as usual, there were many ideas and science in both usa and europe but COMMERCIAL INTERESTS is what got the ball rolling - all of the technology that counted ended up coming out of usa companies - who hired europeans for some deal of the work)

---------------- a non-wikipedia source

"The history of fiber optic cables actually dates back to the mid-1800s. While the cables themselves weren’t invented back then, the technology behind them was first researched when scientists and inventors like John Tyndall, Alexander Graham Bell, and William Wheeler started toying around with the idea of using the speed of light to transmit information. Over the next 100 years or so"

the article on KAO says "bell labs wasn't interested in fiber in 1965"

but any other article shows everyone around the globe was actively developing it - including usa


anyway - fiber optics were just "niche research" until the 80's - and NOT DIGITAL (with few exceptions - much of the work was for optics not data) - until G.E. began MANUFACTURING REAL USABLE CABLE for Bell.

that pretty much rules out b&w posterity photos of people holding digital fiber optics as "proof they had been integral inventing it before americans did"

it didn't happen that way

the science and history world is full of people claiming they did something first when they hadn't

ALSO - HISTORY on "fiber optics" is tainted by history of non-data "microscope use / purely optical theories" - which is absolutely different and not even related to what we are speaking about today (thin fiber digital data carrying lines put into use for "telephone" (it was data, data was used much earlier than people realize in "old telephones")).

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 03:56PM

do you see yet?

holding manufactured optic cable in a b&w photo?

if your not suspicious - your ... a millenial

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: optical couplers ()
Date: March 09, 2020 04:16PM

From November 17, 1947, to December 23, 1947, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain at AT&T's Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey (solid state transistor)

the first VLSI (pc) chip was patented in texas by a corporation named VLSI (note - companies are still getting sued for breach of patent or claiming they made it when they didn't)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Very_Large_Scale_Integration (this fake article names californias as the invetors of VLSI - but because the name of their coroporation isn't VLSI and they aren't from texas: THEY ARE LYING)

now you think i'm bullshitting you, californians would never hack wikipedia. https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/company/VLSI:US (they are still traded in the us stock market)

The value of optically coupling a solid state light emitter to a semiconductor detector for the purpose of electrical isolation was recognized in 1963 by Akmenkalns, et al. (US patent 3,417,249).

WHUT? well, back then they had Giga-Hertz speed scopes and were developing computers (first tubes, then solid state)

THEY NEEDED SOMETHING TO PROTECT SENSITIVE CIRCUITS from (power) "badly behaved ones". they used optics because all transistors (if not encased in black glass) emit light. the transistors ALSO TAKE LIGHT IN and develop voltage (it's a two way deal)



the beginning of today's DIGITAL

FIBER OPTICS - not meaning a bad microscope attempt but DIGITAL VLSI INTEGRATION, came from TEXAS - DEVEOPED FIRST FOR USE IN OPTICAL ISOLATION CIRCUITS (a slow digital circuit which was, like everything Texas Instruments does, becomes faster and better with time)



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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 04:30PM

optical computing was also studied - which still has gone almost nowheres

An opto-isolator (also called an optocoupler, photocoupler, or optical isolator) is an electronic component that transfers electrical signals between two isolated circuits by using light (WRONG - LED).[1] Opto-isolators prevent high voltages from affecting the system receiving the signal.[2] Commercially available opto-isolators withstand input-to-output voltages up to 10 kV[3] and voltage transients with speeds up to 25 kV/ s.[4]

Texas - 1963 or earlier

so what modern optical fiber data lines are optical couplers separated by "long glass lenses" (25 miles+ of before repeating?)

there are laser LED's and of course the race to devlope laser/receiver pairs led to use of "lasers" (perhaps just led) in fiber optic equipment

HOWEVER - LENSES WERE ALWAYS USED FOR OPTICAL COUPLERS - just not really long ones in consumer electronics

BUT WHAT ALSO IS A TOTAL WIKIPEDIA LIE, is that optical couplers weren't wildly popular in the 1960 1970 home electronics books and kits. idiots tried to get optical pairs to transmit over a mile successfully from home kits (printed in books at the time)

so ... all that crap about scientists who "had the idea first" and always knew fiber optic was the future?


it all began in Texas (the practical digital use of) with the optical coupler, and it grew and grew in speed and distances and uses

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 04:30PM


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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 04:31PM

(i did omit optical endeavors with tube electronics - and for that i'm sorry)

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: gtgrewd ()
Date: March 09, 2020 04:58PM

Electrical-to-Optical Transducers
LED - Light Emitting Diode is inexpensive, reliable but can
LD Laser Diode provides high bandwidth and narrow spectrum.
Optical-to-Electrical Transducers
PIN Diode - Silicone or InGaAs based p-i-n Diode operates well
at low bandwidth.
Avalanche Diode Silicone or InGaAs Diode with internal gain can work with high data rate.

(avalanche diode technology actually goes "way back" into the "glass tube era" (1907) btw - and btw tubes are still used for radio transmission they are not "obsolete" despite news that they are obsolete. note mini glass avalanche tubes have been known to have been made. there are no end to invention patents to that end.)

today's "avalanche" are PC chip based apparently. but they are a remake of these ...


(now $2,000 a pop, they used to cost $2. they could do about anything. configured for avalanche they could sense very little light and amplify it as data)

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: gtgrewd ()
Date: March 09, 2020 05:05PM

Electrical-to-Optical Transducers

CAME COMPLETELY OUT OF OPTO-ISOLATORS AND projects using RF communications (using light instead of RF waves - popular science in the 1970's - home projects did this).

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: gtgrewd ()
Date: March 09, 2020 05:07PM

so you can see these people already had this "technology" on a project board and it was already being manufactured. there was a "huge push" to extend it: but Bell refused until THE COST MARGINS WERE EQUAL (when GE made fiber as cheap as copper)

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: gtgrewd ()
Date: March 09, 2020 05:10PM

it had zero to do with "developing lasers to transmitt data". all of that is false claims.

it had to do with THE DISCOVERY OF THE TRANSISTOR, TRANSISTOR COMPUTERS, the need for optical isolation LED, and the use of LED for transmitting data over distances through lenses

(transmitting data using other light (non-RF) was a separate science and it NEVER panned out really - only the optical LED survived - the ones used in project boards in the 1970's - the optical isolator (the transistor))

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: gtgrewd ()
Date: March 09, 2020 05:12PM

the 'need for speed', the ability to want it, by VLSI - the Texas forefathers of "squeezing a real computer on a little chip". with that: at&t et al could ask for data (without that, data would be relatively useless)

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 05:21PM


twitter approved us history - this black woman made fiber optic

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 07:30PM


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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: 98oisdfj ()
Date: March 09, 2020 08:16PM

it's fair to say the "LED laser" that eventually became used in optical separators as "long haul deliverers" / higher rate optical separators were co-developed in usa and japan SINCE THE 1950's and that many world sources developed thereafter

(after the first transistor in 1947, the whole world studied every aspect of transistors infact)

HOWEVER - these were never practical (who wants a very weak cheap led laser developed at horrifically high research cost, cats aside i mean)?? and many were just "sketchy write-ups" of and LED gone wild/bright (for funding, over-expressed).

turns out people making circuits wanted those LED - because they were making transmitter projects using "available components" and the "beefed up LED" was ... the better LED mouse trap. but they had no real application until the phone company bid GE to make 25 mile long fiber cables

it isn't fair to say it started fiber optics though. the laser LED were just one of countless "light - communication" projects - among the cheaper ones

what i will say again that started fiber optics is Texas Intruments for 25 years continually selling and improving optic couplers in it's regularly sold products in the real world.

why is because those "LED OPTIC / pairs" were in use in circuits manufactured improved over 25 years (and many used custom lenses and channels in projects) - and the cable - that was grab - it was just what they needed for "a long haul" and had already existed. and as i said - lazer led - those were used they were simply not called that.

the LED "lasers" were first just LED with lenses (and infact many still are just and only that). some began using the "micro chip" as part of the lense - all after decades of study and use though. but the improvements were SLIM until more recently. (the high powered LED lasers are still not very good. only the data rate - which Texas instruments promoted for 25 years otherwise - had improved)

today there are hand held led lasers "that work". hardly. expensive. and don't work for very long (they burn out very easily)


Intel Corporation recently made "long haul high speed fiber" way faster and cheaper and better (excellent news for wire tied internet). (meaning - all the obove mentioned was not an end all - less was done that one would think). what that says is despite much propaganda LED lazers were discovered they were NOT MUCH DISCOVERED: they are still being discovered at length and the story isn't finished.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 08:40PM


a friend and me shopped around for a new network card(s) back in the 90's and were led to look at consumer grade fiber optic cards

he had a tip from a mathematics doctor: watch out for the cheaper cards - they don't have "real led lasers - they have plain straight up optical couplers" - they don't perform over distance like they advertise and can burn out

THAT WAS IN THE 90's, though

but it does show that optical couplers were in use in electronics transferring (data) before "led laser fiber optics" were - LONG BEFORE

the choice was obvious and still the same choice today: the "ethernet / copper" cards were cheaper faster. the laser cards were limited in speed and their reliability, being a new product, questionable - except at the high end (which we were no where near being in)

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 08:42PM


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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 08:48PM

among our "home use" concerns was not just laser quality v. plain led with lense

it was "how do we make our own cables" (news was at the time if you cut it with good scissors it'd work: but your data rate would be f'ed up maybe)

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 08:54PM


the old fiber cards had round connectors - i can't even find a picture of one today - just this $12 adapter

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: blimpee ()
Date: March 09, 2020 09:00PM

i'm waiting for the google blimp over my house giving me free wifi.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 09:04PM

"Can Market Place Science Be Trusted?"



think of what would have gone wrong if OBAMA decided who would own technology and what products would be made (he'd only have made bank thief tools as it turns out - not consumer products)

HELL YES - had fiber pushed forward before the 1990's it'd have totally fucked up the economy and not worked. the telephone company used MONEY TO DECIDE WHEN WAS THE RIGHT MOMENT TO LEAP - and it turned out to be exactly the right time

WE HAVE 5 CONCURRENT MISSIONS TO MARS - for each major country - that's no less that 25 concurrent miission to mars. not one customer has requested to live there - likely no one ever will. not one stone has ever made it back and been sold from there. THAT IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH GOVERNMENT DECIDING. they will only decide to produce the product of raising their pay rates.

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Date: March 09, 2020 09:08PM

stupid millenials don't realize teachers weren't paid $150,000, deans were not paid $1,000,000 just before Bill Clinton was president THEY WERE POOR


today's government researchers are rich even if they never fiind a damn thing

AND THAT MAKES ALLOT OF DIFFERENCE - THE "ME GENERATION" HAS ALLOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO, since they were the first "so privelaged" generation and took total advantage of it - to the extent of using police to attack anyone who threw the red flag in the direction of over-paid government

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Date: March 09, 2020 09:10PM

yes there was "government led research" and equipment was bought (big time) but the reasearchers and employees - they were treated no better than contruction workers - many were treated WORSE

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 09:50PM

one last justification for the optical coupler being the real beginning and history of fiber optic:

without the DRIVER (chip/circuit) from TI, the led "just sits there and does ZERO, NOTHING"

it's the chip connected to the "laser led" that is doing the REAL DEAL - and that's what TI developed for 25 years to such a point it "had the specs" it could be used in network cards (consumer class) "as-is" - just place a piece of fiber infront of it, and on a pc board

the "optical coupler" is the not a laser led: it's the chip that operates the led to do a useful thing that counts

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 09, 2020 10:06PM

back to wikipedia: if i'm not a keyed hacker and i dont' say "france german china" in the headlines, and if i post something that goes along the line of "a provably true story"


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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 10, 2020 06:37PM

G2 hacks ffu all day to get rid of news like this !

celebrate news that tears down fake democrat news

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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 11, 2020 11:13PM


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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 12, 2020 05:32PM


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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 13, 2020 07:34PM


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Re: AT&T Launches New "new internet-delivered TV service" at their stores - just released in stores
Posted by: k ()
Date: March 15, 2020 05:07PM


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