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The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Silus ()
Date: May 06, 2019 08:37PM

All of you.

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Oh good! ()
Date: May 06, 2019 09:39PM

Then the feeling is mutual!

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: May 06, 2019 09:44PM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Bob Malm, rector, Grace Episcopal Church

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Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Kdeck ()
Date: May 07, 2019 06:38AM

Cursing like that in defense of a priest is not a good thing to do.

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: May 07, 2019 08:22AM

And I would save my ire for clergy who don’t commit perjury and bully the dying.

In other words, Bob Malm is a hot mess and a fake. Or as one person put it, “We both know Bob Malm is not a real priest, as in someone who provides spiritual guidance and leadership.”

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Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: UHNT6 ()
Date: May 07, 2019 11:23AM

Pastor Bob Malm is a man of sterling character.

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: May 08, 2019 04:59AM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

Bob Malm, rector, Grace Episcopal Church

Visit www.gracealexwatch.org to learn more
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Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: My advice to Big Bobby M ()
Date: May 08, 2019 11:33AM

See you in hell!

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Bobby Malm ()
Date: May 09, 2019 06:03PM

Did you know that Bob Malm is special? Yup—he’s probably the first and only priest ever added to a hospice unwelcome list!

But in the unlikely event he does roll through a certain town in PA, he is officially unwelcome at hospice.

Even the dying don’t want Dysfunctional Bob.

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Does Bob Malm Know He’s a Liar?
Posted by: Eric_Bonetti ()
Date: May 11, 2019 01:04PM

Poet Criss Jami says, “Just because something isn't a lie does not mean that it isn't deceptive. A liar knows that he is a liar, but one who speaks mere portions of truth in order to deceive is a craftsman of destruction.” But does a liar always know he’s a liar? In Bob Malm’s case, I’m not so sure.

Granted, Bob likes to pick and choose. In that sense, he’s both a master manipulator and a liar. But obvious, verifiable lies, like his claim, made in front of +Johnston, that church trustees have to be vestry members, often pop out on the fly to suit Bob’s purpose. Others become part of Bob’s routine, like his claim, made over a period of years, that parishioners shouldn’t worry about the office staff, as they’d be retiring that year. In the latter situation, Bob seemingly thought that parishioners were too stupid to notice.

Then of course there are Bob’s lies under oath, like his claim that Mom, or someone purporting to be her, repeatedly made appointments with him and no-showed. The reality is that no one in my family has done so—that’s right, no one repeatedly made appointments with him and canceled. Yet he swore that this statement was true.

That fact pattern comports with narcissistic personality disorder, in which the narcissist makes up reality on the fly to suit his or her needs. It also may be an indicator of antisocial personality disorder, or a serial bully.

If this conduct on Bob’s part is indeed driven by mental illness, then Bob cannot have committed perjury, as by definition he’s not capable of recognizing reality. If that isn’t the cause, then Bob indeed committed perjury.

I don’t know which applies, but I have my strong suspicions, which I will not share here.

Of course, it’s also those thought processes that allow Bob to see no disconnect between his conduct and his facially false claims to be a Christian. Or to lie, yet get all bent out of shape when I point out that he’s a liar. It’s magical!

In the meantime, for the Christine Cheevers of the world who say that “this isn’t possible,” I say this: Just ask Bob for documentation. He has none.

Of course, because Christine’s view is faith-driven, she’ll never ask, because to do so would be to challenge her two-dimensional faith, which is not grounded in reality.

But for those of you who have the courage to do so, ask Bob for his proof. I dare you.

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Twelve steps are what Eric needs ()
Date: May 11, 2019 03:00PM

Eric, from your photo you look like you drink too much. Are you already drinking today?

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: VKPLC ()
Date: May 11, 2019 03:08PM

Pastor Bob Malm is a man of sterling character.

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Bible Thumper ()
Date: May 11, 2019 03:45PM

VKPLC Wrote:https://youtu.be/oQptpQt_4o8
> Pastor Bob Malm is a man of sterling character.

His daughter is a fat pig, the pictures of her are disgusting. She'll make some Black happy. #Brothers love fat white bitches

No skin in da game, fuck butt banger Bob and da people who got a problem with him https://youtu.be/p6tJPMv7nz4

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: May 11, 2019 06:43PM

So when do you think Sugarland Chiow is going to grow a pair and tell the parish it has a liar for a priest?

Smart money: Never. Like most former Marines, Sugarland has zero integrity.

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Lindsey Malm ()
Date: May 11, 2019 06:51PM

Twelve steps won’t help Lindsey. Just like her father, she can’t separate fact from fantasy. Those thighs are bigger than my car

Twelve steps are what Eric needs Wrote:
> Eric, from your photo you look like you drink too
> much. Are you already drinking today?

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Then there’s Big Mama Les ()
Date: May 11, 2019 06:53PM

The shadow of her ass weighs 40 pounds!

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Silus ()
Date: May 11, 2019 07:00PM

Bob, Leslie and Lindsey are all fat, disgusting, batshit crazy pigs and lying sacks of shit.

Hopefully they’ll pack their lazy, bloodsucking carcasses off to Jekyll Island soon, where they can tell each other how special they are while they sponge off people with real jobs.

Filthy bunch of clergy leeches!

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: 701$ ()
Date: May 11, 2019 08:27PM

Bible Thumper Wrote: https://youtu.be/p6tJPMv7nz4
> VKPLC Wrote:https://youtu.be/oQptpQt_4o8
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Pastor Bob Malm is a man of sterling character.
> https://youtu.be/0u8teXR8VE4
> His daughter is a fat pig, the pictures of her are
> disgusting. She'll make some Black happy.
> #Brothers love fat white bitches
> No skin in da game, fuck butt banger Bob and da
> people who got a problem with him
> https://youtu.be/p6tJPMv7nz4

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Love it ()
Date: May 11, 2019 11:31PM

The pic of Big Bobby’s salary is awesome. Hey, 1 out of every 5 dollars goes to the bloodsucking leech

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Bob Malm: Serial Liar? Mentally Ill? Both?
Posted by: gracealexwatch ()
Date: May 14, 2019 11:56AM

It’s been a while since we looked at the overall pattern of Bob Malm’s lies. So, with that in mind, this post gives an overview of Bob’s various lies, and explores the potential root causes.

As to the scope of Bob’s lies, these appear to go back years. For example, Bob allegedly told Phil Smith, who at the time was serving on the vestry and has a background in HR, “Don’t worry about it. They’ll be retiring this year,” when Phil brought up poor behavior by church office staff. Roughly six years later, Bob tried the same lie on me to induce me to serve as junior warden. I initially fell for it, but later called Bob on it. In response, Bob began volunteering that he didn’t know when they would retire — but without coming right out and admitting he’d been lying to vestry members for years.

Flash forward to our kerfuffle. In it, Bob lied to the courts, claiming that various phrases, taken out of context, were threats. Under oath,, during discovery, he also made the claim that two of my cousins, and my mom, “time and again” make meetings with him and canceled — the suggestion being that I am somehow the person making meetings with him. There’s just one little hitch — this simply never happened, and if you push Bob on it, he cannot provide any documentation of his claim. Guaran-friggin-teed.

Then we get into some of his other imaginary claims. Doubtless, Jeff Chiow had a hand in these, but at the end of the day, as one of Jeff’s clients, Bob had to sign off on any court filings. Thus, Bob told a series of lies in his pleadings, including:

His claim that there had been a church shooting in the fictional town of Sugarland Texas (hence Jeff Chiow’s moniker of “Sugarland Chiow”).

His weird interrogatories, in which he lies by implication, asking if, inter alia, I am the author of the Survivors Awaken the Church blog, since my story is there. Yet even a cursory glance at the site would make clear that I’m not the author, nor the publisher.

That I never served as a police officer.

That I never was licensed to practice law.

That I violated the existing court order.

Apropos these issues, there is a distinction to be made between advocating for your client’s position, and misinforming the court. In other words, it’s one thing to say, “Plaintiff researched the matter extensively, and found no evidence that defendant ever served as a police officer,” and proferring the issue as a statement of fact. Having done the latter, Bob and Sugarland tried to pull a fast one on the courts.

Speaking of, Bob and Sugarland tried to pull a fast one on the Pennsylvania courts. As Jeff no doubt knows, one must have leave of court in order to issue a third-party subpoena in a protective order case in that state. Yet Jeff repeatedly tried to bypass that requirement and slide one by on the courts. Needless to say, word in the local bar association is that Sugarland has ethical issues, and in the unlikely event he ever again seeks admission pro hac vice in those courts, he may find he gets a very cold reception.

There’s also evidence that Sugarland and Bob have lied in other fora. For example, Bob’s wife Leslie claims I admitted in open court that Mom’s blog is really mine. So where did she come up with that notion? Not that Leslie herself doesn’t lie when she is in the midst of conflict, but anecdotal evidence suggests she may have gotten that lie from Sugarland.

So where does that leave us?

Clearly, Bob has been lying for many years, as evinced by his lie about the office staff. Not only that, but it apparently worked with Phil Smith, leading Bob to add it to his arsenal.

It’s interesting, too — members of Bob’s family, like him, lie when in conflict in order to try to get the upper hand. That suggests that lying in such situations is normative in the Malm household, which in itself is telling.

This view is bolstered by Bob’s claims about my serving as a police officer and being licensed to practice law. There, Bob’s lies appear to have their genesis in doubts about my veracity so like a lemming, he took the plunge and ran over the cliff. This, like his invention of the town of “Sugarland,” seemingly is less about telling a falsehood and more about a reckless indifference to the truth. The attitude seems to be, “I’m in court and trying to get the upper hand, so what does it matter?” In other words, these appear to be the hallmarks of someone who routinely plays fast and loose with the truth.

In other words, my belief is that Bob indeed is a serial liar.

Where does this come from? All factors suggest that Bob is way out there on the narcissism curve, probably to the point of having a personality disorder. On the one hand, Bob loudly asserts that he doesn’t need anyone. On the other, he appears to have a strong need for adulation and accolades, and seems to routinely manipulate others to meet those needs. In keeping with this, it is almost impossible for Bob to take responsibility for his actions; even an apology comes fully loaded with, “I’m sorry you were upset, but....”

In keeping with this, Bob appears to be big into image. He’s very focused on how he dresses, how he looks, etc. Even the various roles he’s played in life, from captain of his prep school lacrosse and football teams and yearbook editor, to priest, to marathoner, appear calculated to obtain recognition and ratification.

Besides playing roles that garner attention, narcissists also are famous for their ability to lie when needed, even when the assertion is facially ludicrous. Just like Trump arguing that his administration comprises the best and the brightest, Bob is more than willing to claim he’s not ignoring the requirements of his job, despite the utter dysfunction in the church office, the shoddy records, and more. One looks at his claims and laughs, yet Bob seemingly thinks his lies will work.

Narcissists also are well known for their lack of empathy. Here, one only has to look at Bob’s efforts to drag a dying woman into court to conclude that not only is he a narcissist, but he may well have concluded that Sugarland is a narcissist too, and have played to that attribute. The fact that between the two of them neither appears to have thought that this would be counterproductive suggests not only a serious lack of common sense, but an utter lack of empathy.

Of course, at some point lack of empathy crosses into anti-social behavior. Is Bob a sociopath? I don’t know, but I suspect so. Thus far, I see no sign that there is any compunction against almost any sort of behavior if he thinks he can get away with it.

In short, my conclusion is that Bob indeed is a serial liar. I also have concluded that he suffers from narcissistic personality disorder. As to whether he is a sociopath, I am not sure, but I lean strongly towards believing that he is. But no matter how you parse it, Bob is toxic. Charming, but toxic.

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Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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Re: The individuals who continuously sully the name of father Malm fucking disgust me.
Posted by: Bob Malm, perjuring priest ()
Date: May 18, 2019 10:12PM

Bob Malm, perjuring priest

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