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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: I am still worried about karen. ()
Date: October 03, 2018 06:17PM

She's very liberal, and I worry the world will take advantage of her!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Who knows how to wipe> ()
Date: October 03, 2018 06:19PM

I am still worried about karen. Wrote:
> She's very liberal, and I worry the world will
> take advantage of her!

she doesn't let Republicans around her, so at least she is safe from being raped.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Page 7! Good work, Phil! ()
Date: October 03, 2018 10:24PM

you are featured in one of FFU's most popular threads!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: peep ()
Date: October 04, 2018 08:37AM

William promised to sue me and "take out warrants" for my arrest when I turned 18. Here we are two months later and I'm still waiting. It is amusing how some people get when I haven't posted in over 24 hours though.

Michael, I may be 18 now, but I am never having sex with you. Fucking faggot.

Good day.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Well...... ()
Date: October 04, 2018 11:55AM

peep Wrote:
> William promised to sue me and "take out warrants"
> for my arrest when I turned 18. Here we are two
> months later and I'm still waiting. It is amusing
> how some people get when I haven't posted in over
> 24 hours though.
> Michael, I may be 18 now, but I am never having
> sex with you. Fucking faggot.
> Good day.

There is only one law firm dumb enough to get caught up in the Morono mess, and we all see how that turned out.

He can threaten all he wants to, but Morono doesn't have the money to sue anyone. One would think that mommy might have learned something after throwing away over $100 grand to obtain a judgement on which nothing will ever be collected.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: is eesh still obsessed with peep ()
Date: October 04, 2018 12:10PM

peep Wrote:
> William promised to sue me and "take out warrants"
> for my arrest when I turned 18. Here we are two
> months later and I'm still waiting. It is amusing
> how some people get when I haven't posted in over
> 24 hours though.
> Michael, I may be 18 now, but I am never having
> sex with you. Fucking faggot.
> Good day.

That's funny

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Miz suing again, even funnier ()
Date: October 04, 2018 09:40PM

That would really be funny. Miz is famous now so another lawsuit would be national news. TJ can actually afford a real attorney so all the dirt about Miz would come flooding out.

Of course the faggot lawyer David Trinnes would show up trying to get into TJ's pants....

Maybe peep could subpoena Chris Tator from jail to testify about how he went stalking with Miz, used Sharon Moreno's Internet connection to download porn, etc. etc.
aids 1.jpg
david trinnes.png

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: gaydar ()
Date: October 05, 2018 09:35PM

Does David have full-blown aids or just the hiv virus? A gay friend of mine said he sees him at a gay club and he works the dark corners.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Meth mouth ()
Date: October 05, 2018 09:51PM

gaydar Wrote:
> Does David have full-blown aids or just the hiv
> virus? A gay friend of mine said he sees him at a
> gay club and he works the dark corners.

David Matthew Trinnes has AIDS and also uses meth.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: David fuck you too ()
Date: October 06, 2018 01:18AM

aids 1.jpg

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: I love beer ()
Date: October 06, 2018 07:40AM

Those beer chugging photos seem appropriate for the kavanaugh allegations.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: matchmaker ()
Date: October 06, 2018 02:19PM

Karen Leiser and Meade Skelton should hook up. Meade needs an agent and Karen needs a place to live and a father figure for her children. Meade will never cheat on her and join the Ashley Madison cheater site like her estranged husband Phillip Leiser did.
karen leiser likes meade.png

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Collaboration ()
Date: October 07, 2018 02:12PM

Even if they don't move in together, Karen Leiser and Meade Skelton owe it to the readers of Fairfax Underground to record an album together, or at least do some public performances together.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: working on a special act...... ()
Date: October 07, 2018 03:34PM

Meade will play a specially-arranged 'coffee shop country' rendition of the classic jazz tune 'night train', and perform it while karen does a strip tease on stage.

Phil's job is to go around with a bucket and collect tips.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Ribs ()
Date: October 07, 2018 09:01PM

In this photo Phil Leiser can be seen pondering the cryptic caption that his client, the pedophile William Moreno, associated with their adversary eesh, who eventually defeated them. The meaning of ribs remains a mystery.
phillip leiser lawyer attorney ribs.jpg

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Je pop ()
Date: October 07, 2018 11:33PM

Need dôme poon

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: is firm still in business? ()
Date: October 09, 2018 12:11AM

peep Wrote:

> Michael, I may be 18 now, but I am never having
> sex with you. Fucking faggot.

or have they gone under? Also, did david ever hook up with peep?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: I hope those aren’t Pork ()
Date: October 09, 2018 02:42AM

Ribs Wrote:
> In this photo Phil Leiser can be seen pondering
> the cryptic caption that his client, the pedophile
> William Moreno, associated with their adversary
> eesh, who eventually defeated them. The meaning
> of ribs remains a mystery.

Are those pork ribs? I thought Jews didn’t eat pork?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: I think they were free ()
Date: October 09, 2018 11:20PM

phil never turns down free food.

Karen is a committed vegetarian, and their dietary differences were a key factor in the breakup of their marriage.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Pinnacle ()
Date: October 09, 2018 11:50PM

How did this thread get 620 comments?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: because phil is well-known here ()
Date: October 10, 2018 12:04AM

He is a major FFU celebrity - sort of the legal profession's answer to Meade Skelton, and you know what a major topic of conversation meade is.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Leiser Law Firm LOLs ()
Date: October 10, 2018 12:04AM

Phillip Leiser really doesn’t like it when this thread gets bumped.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: that's the other thing ()
Date: October 10, 2018 12:13AM

Leiser Law Firm LOLs Wrote:
> Phillip Leiser really doesn’t like it when this
> thread gets bumped.

Folks here have a certain 'vengeful' attitude toward the firm, for joining team miz.

At least google searches for Phil don't turn up so many links to this forum as they used to.......

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: About that sex crazed alcoholic ()
Date: October 10, 2018 06:27AM

Those pics of David Trinnes sucking a cock, and licking the outline of a penis drawn on another man's chest.....what was he thinking?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: he wanted to seem hip ()
Date: October 10, 2018 11:09PM

Back during the Obama years, that sort of behavior was 'edgy'.

Then trump came inot office, and employers were allowed to fire people like david again.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Notta fan ()
Date: October 11, 2018 08:55PM

About that sex crazed alcoholic Wrote:
> Those pics of David Trinnes sucking a cock, and
> licking the outline of a penis drawn on another
> man's chest.....what was he thinking?

Wait til he’s nominated for the Supreme Court. Those drunken pics will haunt him forever.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Is phil still mad at this site? ()
Date: October 11, 2018 10:24PM

I would guess that by this point, he has accepted his eternal excoriation on the pages of FFU and is moving on with his life. New job, new career, new place to live, new girlfriend, maybe even some new hobbies. I've heard he's becoming a virtuoso ukelele player. He is at peace with FFU.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: karen's nudez..... ()
Date: October 14, 2018 03:24PM

does anyone have them?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: where is phil now? ()
Date: October 15, 2018 11:07PM

Is he still practicing law?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: where is David? ()
Date: October 21, 2018 02:19PM

Phil still has a law office, albeit without paying clients. He can always offer his services to the state as a court-appointed attorney.

David Trinnes appears to be no longer practicing law. His LinkedIn profile does not list a current employer. It also cites bar "admissions" while omitting disbarment. David is still on the run from creditors. He could eke out a living by supplying drugs and gay sex to the lower rungs of the bodybuilder circuit.
trinnes leiser faggots.JPG
trinnes lawyer (1).jpg

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: please - Phil hates this thread! ()
Date: October 21, 2018 02:39PM

He really doesn't like when this thread gets bumped!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Beefcake Bert ()
Date: October 21, 2018 04:25PM

where is David? Wrote:

> He could eke out a living by
> supplying drugs and gay sex to the lower rungs of
> the bodybuilder circuit.

Drugs yes, gay sex no.. Lots of 19 and 20 years olds will gladly take my money...A quick blow job from David wouldn't be bad if I didn't have to pay for it...

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: re: the law office ()
Date: October 21, 2018 05:48PM

where is David? Wrote:
> Phil still has a law office, albeit without paying
> clients. He can always offer his services to the
> state as a court-appointed attorney.

Does anyone 'work' there besides Phil? Is karen still associated with the place? I can't go by their website, which is at least two years out of date!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Ass fuck Baby ()
Date: October 21, 2018 06:07PM

Beefcake Bert Wrote:https://youtu.be/N4nwMDZYXTI
> where is David? Wrote:
> > He could eke out a living by
> > supplying drugs and gay sex to the lower rungs
> of
> > the bodybuilder circuit.
> Drugs yes, gay sex no.. Lots of 19 and 20 years
> olds will gladly take my money...A quick blow job
> from David wouldn't be bad if I didn't have to pay
> for it...

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: question about the firm ()
Date: October 21, 2018 06:55PM

Who, besides (presumably) Phil, is still working there?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: hey miz! Does nobody care? ()
Date: October 26, 2018 01:01AM

Your poor attorneys! They did their best for you, and now not only are they ruined, but their names are being dragged through the mud on this site! You ruin everything!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: does phil care any more? ()
Date: October 28, 2018 09:03PM

I can understand that there was a time when Phil would have seethed with impotent rage at the (mostly) well-deserved excoriation he receives on thsi site. But at this point, with his career, finances, reputation, and marriage in tatters, does he care any more?

I would imagine that at this point his attention woudl be focussed on salvaging his personal life, and getting back at miz.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Vault ()
Date: October 28, 2018 09:09PM

Ass fuck Baby Wrote:
> Beefcake Bert Wrote:https://youtu.be/N4nwMDZYXTI
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > where is David? Wrote:
> >
> > > He could eke out a living by
> > > supplying drugs and gay sex to the lower
> rungs
> > of
> > > the bodybuilder circuit.
> >
> >
> > Drugs yes, gay sex no.. Lots of 19 and 20 years
> > olds will gladly take my money...A quick blow
> job
> > from David wouldn't be bad if I didn't have to
> pay
> > for it...

Phils kid is ripped. Maybe he can become a famous body builder when he gets older and take care of Phil financially.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: he'll get molested by David ()
Date: October 29, 2018 05:04PM

Then karen will stab him.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: who, pedophil? ()
Date: October 29, 2018 08:36PM

miz hates this thread!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Suffering Artist Miz ()
Date: October 29, 2018 08:45PM

who, pedophil? Wrote:
> miz hates this thread!
suffering artist.jpg

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Jennifer Lopez ()
Date: October 29, 2018 10:12PM

Maybe he'll practice drawing a fucking nose!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: face it, miz can not draw ()
Date: October 29, 2018 10:14PM

Jennifer Lopez Wrote:
> Maybe he'll practice drawing a fucking nose!

He is the Meade skelton of cartooning.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: anyone have any updates? ()
Date: November 05, 2018 08:47PM

I always enjoy reading about the latest (mis)adventures of Phil and karen.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: this thread has been archived ()
Date: November 10, 2018 04:57PM

Poor phil; he must despise miz at this point. He and karen were reduced to handing out business cards at tootguy's funeral.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: tootghost! ()
Date: November 15, 2018 11:40PM

Boo! The tootghost curse is upon them!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Conspiacy to obtain money under ()
Date: November 19, 2018 07:03AM

this thread has been archived Wrote:
> Poor phil; he must despise miz at this point. He
> and karen were reduced to handing out business
> cards at tootguy's funeral.

The Leisers conspired with Sharon Moreno to obtain money u set false pretenses from Lizzie.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: who is Phil Leaser? ()
Date: November 19, 2018 02:18PM

everyone on this forum seems to be talking about him

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Who is he? ()
Date: November 25, 2018 11:13AM

who is Phil Leaser? Wrote:
> everyone on this forum seems to be talking about
> him

Phil Leiser is a failed attorney who lost the biggest case of his career, in federal court, to an unemployed, penniless community college student who was representing himself pro se.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Leiser Law Firm LOLs ()
Date: November 25, 2018 11:49AM

Who is he? Wrote:
> who is Phil Leaser? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > everyone on this forum seems to be talking
> about
> > him
> Phil Leiser is a failed attorney who lost the
> biggest case of his career, in federal court, to
> an unemployed, penniless community college student
> who was representing himself pro se.

He hasn’t yet, technically. He can still file a motion to appeal. He just needs to wait for that retainer fee check to clear.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Too Late, Rule 8002 ()
Date: November 25, 2018 11:59AM

Leiser Law Firm LOLs Wrote:
> Who is he? Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > who is Phil Leaser? Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > > everyone on this forum seems to be talking
> > about
> > > him
> >
> > Phil Leiser is a failed attorney who lost the
> > biggest case of his career, in federal court,
> to
> > an unemployed, penniless community college
> student
> > who was representing himself pro se.
> He hasn’t yet, technically. He can still file a
> motion to appeal. He just needs to wait for that
> retainer fee check to clear.

They had fourteen days to appeal, per Rule 8002 of Title 11


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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Phi hates this thread! ()
Date: November 25, 2018 12:21PM

It represents the greatest humiliation in his once succesful life!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Phil on the move ()
Date: November 26, 2018 10:53PM

Saw Leiser on the road this weekend. Not sure if Phil was delivering pizza, or bringing dates home for his wife, or both?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: delivering pizza? ()
Date: November 26, 2018 11:29PM

He can work for eesh!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: karen tweets! ()
Date: November 28, 2018 01:35AM

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: #1 Jewess Princess Fan ()
Date: November 28, 2018 06:56AM

karen tweets! Wrote:
> https://twitter.com/kaleiser?lang=en

Followed. This is great!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: ejhlx ()
Date: November 28, 2018 08:49AM


do you see the stud? behind the good looking guy in black leather?

it has a 1.5" or 2" pipe through it: it's holed through more than 1/2 it's width - which is illegal.

it is not just a "holder" for the pipe because between the door (behind the woman with glasses) and up to the woman in red there needs to be 1 stud each 16" oc (there is a max up to 32, but that also is not hit)

((Also: the strange thing is they are using "fx co gov finished basement framing", which is very strange. it's framing coded for holding an upper floor but in a basement that doesn't need ANY structural framing - but fx co gov requires it - which also goes against the rule to never hold some joists from below but not others - when messing with joists there needs to be a plan))

Do you see the blue electrical box? In a basement heated with NG it'd be better if it were 18" off the floor - that's what's legal.

See the doorways? they are wrong - no lintels. that's by "non-structural code" but the walls are by structural code. what a jumble!

see the pvc? see all the purple? used too much purple - and the bad news is you can't get it off.

but here's the show stopper. see the floor? it's un-finished concrete meaning they didn't finish the floor laying then built on top before it was done. it's your ass, because it wasn't finished you'll continually need flooring.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: emxwl ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:00AM

if the top of those walls isn't fastened "just right", they will CREEK LIKE HALLOWEEN every time someone above walks over them, and the people in the rooms will suffer.

hope if they did it wrong they didn't forget the "noise dampening caulk"

to the left of the black coat: a space with no access? maybe a closet accessed from the room to left of red coat.

to be technical i will FLAG the outlet, FAIL IT

the hallway, if it's meant for two persons side by side (as seen in photo), assumably as office space with low hall usage.

in morning and evening (hall busy), a chord in that outlet would cause tripping and possibly damage or fire in the simple nail-in cheap outlet


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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: clnnt ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:07AM

let's discuss non-structural metal stud and why it has a better fire rating in an already finished (structurally so) basement (called "partitions"), and why fx co code doesn't allow partitions.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: vkk9t ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:22AM

while the opening to work on the FRONT of the furnace appears to be sufficient: the stick wood wall is too close to the furnace on all other sides

it's not yet finished meaning it will be wider when finished further encroach the SIDES and BACK (not the front), and screws and such will be in-accessible to those having to remove the side/back sheetmetal screws of the cabinet. also you don't want burnable sticks too close to a furnace just because it makes inspectors nervous.

but we forgot to address noise of the furnace. it's a noisy bitch and you'll need sound proofing - but to do that you might need a THICKER WALL unless your paying $$$ for special materials of course

i don't see the carbon monoxide alarm req in basement or any fire alarm. new code is they must be on a circuit (battery not allowed, code says). but we see the circuits - not there.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: feuhe ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:27AM

at the red coats feat is a mistake the inspector demanded be fixed: there is a metal plate in front of the pipe - which may as well be notched since it's right on the edge

the 14/2 wire they used is suff. for lighting and newer pc. but insuff. for space heaters or similar equip.

i don't see any heat registers and assume they're in the ceiling.

looking back? they walled the walls. a ask yourself why you need to erect a wall in front of a: wall.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: ukxpd ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:30AM

each of those walls consume several square feet of floor space

the remaining rooms are small and partitions are un-movable

a bit of architecture sense would say "don't do this if you don't have to"

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: xjjkv ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:36AM

the yellow wire is likely 10/3. it's for a dryer and it's not 10/2 which is illegal. they might have done something right!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: ky6vm ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:40AM

to the left of ms. red coat is a hole in floor. (assume it's a toilet because it's 1' from the wall). but there's no VENT pipe visible anywhere: meaning as rough-in it's incomplete: and FAILS

(the pipe there is cpvc cold water only to feed the water - your doctor would say not to use cpvc except for grey water because it harbors bacteria better than copper does)

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: mj3yd ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:41AM

the women in the trench coat?

if that drink is alcoholic take a stiff swig of it!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: dr box ()
Date: November 28, 2018 09:42AM

hell of a Christmas party photo, what year was it from?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: she really is a groupie ()
Date: November 28, 2018 10:49AM

is that why phil got cheesed off and pursued a relationship on AM?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: utphm ()
Date: November 28, 2018 11:02AM

(off topic now, but i forgot. air admittance value in the basement instead of real vent? just because the code doesn't say it's illegal doesn't mean it's not stupid! anyway pipe is in concrete - i see no way possible of a vent without engineering exception)

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: vwtux ()
Date: November 28, 2018 11:04AM

she really is a groupie Wrote:
> is that why phil got cheesed off and pursued a
> relationship on AM?

everytime there's a power outage my radio is on AM


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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: j6bgm ()
Date: November 28, 2018 02:18PM

(off topic now, but i forgot to continue on that the pipe behind the black leather that has a hole that's too large: it weakens the stud and there's no supporting stud but there's another problem. dry-wallers might drive a screw into the pipe because it's not > 1&1/4" from the stud edge. the drywallers will be using the wrong fasteners (perhaps too long) and not speak english i assume)

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: karen's tweets ()
Date: November 28, 2018 11:42PM

karen tweets! Wrote:
> https://twitter.com/kaleiser?lang=en

She never tweets about her husband or about the law firm or about losing her house. In fact, all she tweets about is that freakin' band no one else has ever heard of. She seems to follow them around like a groupie. No wonder Phil fled to AM.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Matchmaker ()
Date: November 29, 2018 10:32AM

karen's tweets Wrote:
> karen tweets! Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > https://twitter.com/kaleiser?lang=en
> She never tweets about her husband or about the
> law firm or about losing her house. In fact, all
> she tweets about is that freakin' band no one else
> has ever heard of. She seems to follow them around
> like a groupie. No wonder Phil fled to AM.

She likes Meade, and Meade is finally now aware of her. Time to start planning the June wedding.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: but she never tweets about phil! ()
Date: November 30, 2018 12:22AM

In fact, there's only one pic of phil on her facebook page, and in that pic phil looks like a chipmunk!

All of her posts are either about this 'OAR' band, or occasionally her ultra left wing politics.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Karen's band ()
Date: December 01, 2018 12:07PM

Karen is a groupie of a local band from Rockville. They are Jews, which is to be expected given that they are from Rockville and Karen is a Jewess herself. "The four band members attended one semester at Alexander Muss High School in Israel, graduated from Wootton High School in Rockville, Maryland, then moved to Columbus, Ohio to attend The Ohio State University."

Since Karen already is a fan of Meade Skelton, Meade should capitalize on his Jewish DNA results to woo her to his side. This would potentially put a roof over the heads of Karen's children, and Karen could help instill a work ethic in Meade.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: and what has happened to Phil? ()
Date: December 02, 2018 01:31PM

We never hear anything about phil any more. Is he stil practicing law?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: meade-karen won't work ()
Date: December 02, 2018 05:01PM

Karen's band Wrote:
> Since Karen already is a fan of Meade Skelton,
> Meade should capitalize on his Jewish DNA results
> to woo her to his side. This would potentially
> put a roof over the heads of Karen's children, and
> Karen could help instill a work ethic in Meade.

Meade has made clear that one thing he expects out of his wife is housekeeping. Our princess is not a good housekeeper. This would result in fights.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Obvious by inspection... ()
Date: December 02, 2018 07:05PM

meade-karen won't work Wrote:

> Meade has made clear that one thing he expects out
> of his wife is housekeeping. Our princess is not a
> good housekeeper. This would result in fights.

What does Meade have to offer a woman?

There are still women who want nothing more than the marriage model as described in the Bible. However, they are going to find a man who is a good steady provider and won't settle for a guy who cannot even support himself.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: well, it's a fact o flife ()
Date: December 02, 2018 07:12PM

Should meade and karen get married, karen would have to be the breadwinner while meade did the cooking and housework and drove the kids to soccer practice.

Now, the vegetarian diet karen would impose on the household might be good for meade's health. No more singing about hot baloney sandwiches!

I would enjoy seeing phil's reaction on meeting his replacement.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Easy Solution ()
Date: December 02, 2018 09:31PM

meade-karen won't work Wrote:
> Karen's band Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Since Karen already is a fan of Meade Skelton,
> > Meade should capitalize on his Jewish DNA
> results
> > to woo her to his side. This would potentially
> > put a roof over the heads of Karen's children,
> and
> > Karen could help instill a work ethic in Meade.
> Meade has made clear that one thing he expects out
> of his wife is housekeeping. Our princess is not a
> good housekeeper. This would result in fights.

Meade and Karen would of course have to hire a housekeeper. Lucky for them, Karen knows someone who is looking for a job and would love to prance around in a french maid outfit all day.
David Trinnes disbarred gay attorney.png

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: david would be poor housekeeper ()
Date: December 04, 2018 10:51PM

he would get into the booze.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Happy Hanukkah! ()
Date: December 06, 2018 11:21PM

Is Phil spending it alone, or with one of his Ashley Madison conquests?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: what about his brethren? ()
Date: December 09, 2018 10:55PM

How do Phillip Leiser's fellow Jews feel about him? Are they embarrassed?
william moreno loves leiser.jpg

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: kicked out of synagogue ()
Date: December 10, 2018 12:29AM

for being defeated by uneducated goyim.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: vjdhx ()
Date: December 10, 2018 03:08PM

to the left of red jacket is nothing wrong but funny. the stud blocking are nearly parallel and someone had a hard time getting nails in. they don't have to be "exactly in the middle" and if too close are difficult to get a hammer into

i know, i've done it!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: leisers leisure leases ()
Date: December 10, 2018 03:35PM

Did the real estate development ever get finished?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: website still shows david there ()
Date: December 10, 2018 04:49PM

Didn't he quit like two years ago? Why doesn't karen update the site?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: any updates on Phil? ()
Date: December 16, 2018 02:33PM

is he still a lawyer? Does he still hate when we talk about him here?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: still in business, sort of ()
Date: December 16, 2018 03:16PM

Somehow it appears all these clowns still have law licenses. This serves as a reminder of the importance of checking references before hiring a lawyer.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: what about the law firm? ()
Date: December 16, 2018 07:28PM

Do karen and phil still work there? Do they work alternate days inorder to avoid one another? Are they still able to find business? Sometimes google searches on their name bring up FFU posts, and images throughtfully published by FFU denizens, which might deter potential clients.

They must loathe this forum........

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: lOL! Phil hates this thread ()
Date: December 23, 2018 10:36PM

Thus, we must relentlessly bump it.

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Meanwhile, at Karen's home ()
Date: December 26, 2018 09:59PM


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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Splooge Demon Karen ()
Date: December 27, 2018 11:58AM

Jewesses love it when black cocks squirt Jizz all over them..

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: 5-0 ()
Date: December 28, 2018 11:06PM


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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: web site still not updated ()
Date: December 30, 2018 05:38PM

Why does it STILL show david working there? That was two jobs ago for david (if we forget his second career as amateur gay body builder.)

Isn't it false advertising for them to claim they have four attorneys, when it is at most two, and has been for over two years?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Happy New Year, Phil and Karen! ()
Date: January 01, 2019 03:29PM

Time to bump this thread!

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Year of the Leiser ()
Date: January 01, 2019 04:40PM

Phillip Ben Zion Leiser Attorney Lawyer Karen Leiser David Trinnes.jpg
phillip leiser mclean vienna tysons fairfax lawyer attorney esquire.gif

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: will phil post revenge porn? ()
Date: January 01, 2019 06:25PM

That's what we're all looking forward to

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: where does phil stand? ()
Date: January 04, 2019 11:36PM

Is he still representing miz? Or does he now work for eesh? Or even chuck? Will have become involved in the megan-janine-josh debacle?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: website still not updated ()
Date: January 09, 2019 09:12PM

didn't david quit like two freakin years ago? why doesn't karen update the site?

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Re: Phillip Leiser really doesn't like it when we post about him, Karen or the law firm.
Posted by: Km ()
Date: January 14, 2019 07:18AM


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