meade-karen won't work Wrote:
> Karen's band Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> >
> > Since Karen already is a fan of Meade Skelton,
> > Meade should capitalize on his Jewish DNA
> results
> > to woo her to his side. This would potentially
> > put a roof over the heads of Karen's children,
> and
> > Karen could help instill a work ethic in Meade.
> Meade has made clear that one thing he expects out
> of his wife is housekeeping. Our princess is not a
> good housekeeper. This would result in fights.
Meade and Karen would of course have to hire a housekeeper. Lucky for them, Karen knows someone who is looking for a job and would love to prance around in a french maid outfit all day.