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One Thousand Deaths from Swine Flue Really 1000 deaths from flue like symptoms which is why called pandemic
Posted by: Health Nut ()
Date: October 27, 2009 12:58PM

Here's a story based on a CBS report that has reclassified all deaths with flu like symptoms as H1N1. These are two doctors, I don't know if they are good ones or bad ones. One has previously apearedInterviewed on CNN, Today Show, ABC World News, Fox, CBS and a large variety of TV and radio shows. Two NY Times best sellers and articles in Time, Forbes, USA Today, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, LA Times, Chicago Tribune and many other periodicals

But the reclassification without forensic confirmation of actual swine flu and CBS has gone from state to state has according to this report only make it appear that there is a pandemic when there is not actual numbers but contrived numbers misleading

The shocking truth about why Obama announced a National Public Health

The CBS report found that H1N1 flu cases are NOT AT ALL as prevalent as feared. A CBS article even states:
"If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn't have H1N1 flu.

In fact, you probably didn't have the flu at all.
The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico."
In most states the percentages ranged from 83 to 98 percent NOT BEING H1N1 or influenza.
As you can see from this CBS News graphic, not only are most cases of suspected flu-like illnesses not H1N1 influenza, they're not influenza at all, but rather some type of cold or upper respiratory infection that looks like influenza but is caused by another type of virus or bacteria!

(Image from CBS News)

Given these facts, there is a HUGE question in my mind as to whether or not the 1,000 deaths attributed to the swine flu were in fact CONFIRMED to be the H1N1 virus.
We Were Winning the Misinformation Battle
If you read the LA Times link in the above reference you will see that their poll showed that 62% of the public were choosing to NOT vaccinate themselves or their family. Other polls showed different numbers but nearly all showed that the MAJORITY of Americans were panicking and accepting the government story.
So President Obama released this "emergency" declaration over the weekend – most likely because he trusted his federal health official advisors – and that declaration has the potential to create massive fear and panic in the population, Because he is the PRESIDENT and people are hearing their PRESIDENT tell them that 1000 Americans have died from swine flu and we are in the middle of a serious public health emergency and many people may be thinking "I probably should play it safe and get the vaccine for myself and my family."
I have had a number of people post on my Facebook Fan Page of this fear and concern and prior to the announcement they were not making these types of comments.
Most mainstream media has chosen to ignore the impact we are making and attempt to label us as clueless "fear mongers." This weekend the Boston Globe REFUSED to acknowledge this site by name in an article they posted Sunday.
"Some of the same government-haters who spread myths about "death panels'' for the elderly are now spouting misinformation about the swine flu vaccine, and they're getting support from holistic-medicine enthusiasts, some autism activists, and talk show host Bill Maher."
So let's CAREFULY examine the facts from President Obama's weekend announcement.
One Thousand Deaths from Swine Flu?!
Oh really?
Well I am from Chicago and I want to see the evidence. If you read Obama's declaration, you will find a complete absence of documentation to support his assertion that 1000 have died from H1N1 in the US. Nada, nothing no links, no references anywhere in the document to back up his assertion.
In fact, if you go to the definitive collector and holder of the US data, you will find that there is NO evidence to back this claim.
The CDC's own web site readily admits that since August 30, 2009 they are no longer testing for H1N1. They don't even recommend it any more. They are substituting a clinical definition for blood testing that will positively confirm that the "suspected" cases of H1N1 influenza are actually H1N1 influenza.
They've even coined what appears to be a whole new term: "ILI," which stands for "influenza-like illness."
The CDC H1N1 flu site reads:
"... tracking of 2009 H1N1 hospitalizations and deaths will not be the same after August 30, 2009.
In an effort to add additional structure to the national 2009 H1N1 reporting, new case definitions for influenza-associated hospitalizations and deaths were implemented on August 30, 2009.
The new definitions allow states to report to CDC hospitalizations and deaths (either confirmed OR probable) resulting from all types of influenza, not just those from 2009 H1N1 flu.
1.Influenza and pneumonia syndrome hospitalizations and deaths may be an overestimate of actual number of flu-related hospitalizations and deaths, but CDC believes influenza and pneumonia syndromic reports are likely to be a more sensitive measure of flu-associated hospitalizations and deaths than laboratory confirmed reports during this pandemic.

However, the syndromic reports of all hospitalizations and deaths recorded as either influenza or pneumonia will mean that the case counts are less specific than before and will include cases that are not related to influenza infection."


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Re: One Thousand Deaths from Swine Flue Really 1000 deaths from flue like symptoms which is why called pandemic
Posted by: Registered Voter ()
Date: October 27, 2009 01:03PM


Too bad even rudimentary cut and paste operations are beyond folks.

If you can’t model the past, where you know the answer pretty well, how can you model the future? - William Happer Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Princeton University

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Re: One Thousand Deaths from Swine Flue Really 1000 deaths from flue like symptoms which is why called pandemic
Date: October 27, 2009 02:34PM

actually it is called a pandemic because it has spread throughout the world affecting a large geographic location. idiot

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Re: One Thousand Deaths from Swine Flue Really 1000 deaths from flue like symptoms which is why called pandemic
Date: October 27, 2009 02:38PM

This is a "flue"....


This is "the flu"...


Learn the difference, you sloppy fuck!


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Re: One Thousand Deaths from Swine Flue Really 1000 deaths from flue like symptoms which is why called pandemic
Date: October 27, 2009 02:42PM

and if you dont want to get vaccinated then dont get vaccinated. its not like anyones holding you down and sticking a fucking needle in your arm. but personally, i hope the op dies of the swine flu

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Re: One Thousand Deaths from Swine Flue Really 1000 deaths from flue like symptoms which is why called pandemic
Posted by: an Inquiring Mind ()
Date: October 27, 2009 03:09PM

Registered Voter Wrote:
> http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2009/10/21/cbsnews_
> investigates/main5404829.shtml
> Too bad even rudimentary cut and paste operations
> are beyond folks.
HomeCBS News Investigates .Oct. 21, 2009
Swine Flu Cases Overestimated?
CBS News Exclusive: Study Of State Results Finds H1N1 Not As Prevalent As Feared
Font size PrintE-mailShare180 Comments By Sharyl Attkisson .

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CDC Quiet On Swine Flu Stats

After repeated attempts made by CBS News asking the CDC to provide state-by-state data of swine flu testing before they halted individual testing and tracking, Dr. Thomas Frieden, CDC Director was asked directly at a recent news conference.




Swine Flu's Impact

The latest numbers, photos and information to keep you safe.

CDC: H1N1 Vaccine Behind Schedule
H1N1 Flu Still a "Young Person's Disease"
(CBS) If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn’t have H1N1 flu.

In fact, you probably didn’t have flu at all. That's according to state-by-state test results obtained in a three-month-long CBS News investigation.

The ramifications of this finding are important. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Britain's National Health Service, once you have H1N1 flu, you're immune from future outbreaks of the same virus. Those who think they've had H1N1 flu -- but haven't -- might mistakenly presume they're immune. As a result, they might skip taking a vaccine that could help them, and expose themselves to others with H1N1 flu under the mistaken belief they won't catch it. Parents might not keep sick children home from school, mistakenly believing they've already had H1N1 flu.

Why the uncertainty about who has and who hasn't had H1N1 flu?

CBSNews.com report on H1N1

In late July, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for H1N1 flu, and stopped counting individual cases. The rationale given for the CDC guidance to forego testing and tracking individual cases was: why waste resources testing for H1N1 flu when the government has already confirmed there's an epidemic?

Some public health officials privately disagreed with the decision to stop testing and counting, telling CBS News that continued tracking of this new and possibly changing virus was important because H1N1 has a different epidemiology, affects younger people more than seasonal flu and has been shown to have a higher case fatality rate than other flu virus strains.

CBS News learned that the decision to stop counting H1N1 flu cases was made so hastily that states weren't given the opportunity to provide input. Instead, on July 24, the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists, CSTE, issued the following notice to state public health officials on behalf of the CDC:

"Attached are the Q&As that will be posted on the CDC website tomorrow explaining why CDC is no longer reporting case counts for novel H1N1. CDC would have liked to have run these by you for input but unfortunately there was not enough time before these needed to be posted (emphasis added)."

When CDC did not provide us with the material, we filed a Freedom of Information request with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). More than two months later, the request has not been fulfilled. We also asked CDC for state-by-state test results prior to halting of testing and tracking, but CDC was again, initially, unresponsive.

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Video above: A CBS News producer asks the director of the CDC, Dr. Thomas Frieden, for this information at a press conference on Sept. 19.

While we waited for CDC to provide the data, which it eventually did, we asked all 50 states for their statistics on state lab-confirmed H1N1 prior to the halt of individual testing and counting in July. The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico.

It’s unknown what patients who tested negative for flu were actually afflicted with since the illness was not otherwise determined. Health experts say it’s assumed the patients had some sort of cold or upper respiratory infection that is just not influenza.

With most cases diagnosed solely on symptoms and risk factors, the H1N1 flu epidemic may seem worse than it is. For example, on Sept. 22, this alarming headline came from Georgetown University in Washington D.C.: "H1N1 Flu Infects Over 250 Georgetown Students."

H1N1 flu can be deadly and an outbreak of 250 students would be an especially troubling cluster. However, the number of sick students came not from lab-confirmed tests but from "estimates" made by counting "students who went to the Student Health Center with flu symptoms, students who called the H1N1 hotline or the Health Center's doctor-on-call, and students who went to the hospital's emergency room."

Without lab testing, it's impossible to know how many of the students actually had H1N1 flu. But the statistical trend indicates it was likely much fewer than 250.

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Posted by: Alias ()
Date: October 27, 2009 06:12PM


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2012 03:41AM by Alias.

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