hV7G6 Wrote:
> not even the same month Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Sorry but the photos of Lynn and Kankles
> leaving
> > court was in July. She went off the deep end
> in
> > August. Mo most likely took the photos.
> Yeah, she flipped out in August when she found out
> who court room reporter or whatever in fact was.
> Here's the thread where he actually came out and
> admitted to what he had done. You have to scroll
> a bit down to find his post quoted as he's since
> edited his original post.
> 03073/2303101.html#msg-2303101
> The truth is that Curly had been going to many of
> the legal proceedings and posting notes to the
> forum. He got away with it for a long time
> including when he posted pictured of Kankles and
> Lynn. Eventually he just got too brazen and was
> caught fucking around with his phone (probably
> trying to post to this site) in the actual court
> room when proceedings were taking place.
> Proceedings were held up and this guy had to get
> up and identify himself as this George guy. (I
> never would have. If the want to arrest me, fine
> but I ain't saying shit in the court room in front
> of those psychos)
> Lizzie deduced (IMO correctly) that this was the
> same guy who had posted pictures of Kankles.
> Lizzie, given a chance, would go after any and
> every person she feels has ever slighted her. And
> posting pictures of Kankles back in July was
> certainly enough of a wrong to send her off the
> deep end ONCE she found out who he was. She
> didn't find out until the August court date ,
> hence the timing of her flip out.
> That's my interpretation of the way events
> unfolded.
That was obviously a fake account made by Miz or Mo or someone. Moreover the whole story doesn't add up since the witnesses were excluded from the courtroom. You would think if some random old guy was going to all the trials he would have been noticed. Also there hasn't been anyone since the "court reporter" who actually posted any info about what transpires during their cases.
I think Mo posted the photos of Lynn and Kankles to get back at Miz for some disagreement. Then when she wanted to make up to him she blamed it on someone else.